Blood test color indicator is below normal. Blood color indicator - normal, causes of deviations and treatment. The video explains what hemoglobin is

The color indicator of blood is an important characteristic that is used during the study of blood cells, red blood cells and other components. It is he who indicates the qualitative composition of the red liquid. Thanks to special tests in laboratory conditions, it is possible to determine the color index (CIC), calculate its norm and possible deviations. A special formula is used to measure the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the serum. This information is intended for further diagnosis of various diseases. What is the color indicator of blood and how it is calculated, we will consider below.

CPC is determined during a laboratory test of the patient’s general blood test. The value is calculated using the following formula:

Colored Blood Index = (3 × Hb/A)/100%

Where, Hb denotes the amount of hemoglobin, A – the number of red blood cells in 1 μl.

((3 x 135) / 4.28) / 100 = 0.95

The normal blood color index for an adult ranges from 0.85 to 1.05 units. The example shows that the CPC value of the subject is within acceptable limits. This means that the patient does not have a disease such as anemia. To identify other diseases, it is important to consider the size of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin in each blood cell. If the color indicator is normal, but at the same time the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin fluctuates, then calculations make it possible to assume that a person has some pathology.

In newborn infants, the norm of the color index differs from that of adults and is characterized by a large range. From birth to the 1st month of life, the color index of blood in children normally reaches 1.2. This is due to the fact that newborns still have cells with fetal hemoglobin in their circulatory system. Already from one year to 5 years, the CPU decreases to the level of 0.8. In the blood of a child from 5 to 10 years old, a value is established that normally corresponds to an adult.

If the color index is determined to be within normal limits, then this condition is called normochromia.

Exceeding the norm of hemoglobin

An important component of blood is hemoglobin. Its notation plays a key role in CPU calculations. It is he who gives it its red color and carries out protein transport. Hemoglobin helps oxygenate the blood from the lungs. When a person's bone marrow stops producing enough red blood cells, a disease called anemia (anemia) develops. This pathology can be identified only by conducting a clinical blood test, the color indicator of which will differ significantly from the permissible norm.

All over the world, scientists are studying the causes that provoke various pathologies of the circulatory system. Medical research shows that more than a quarter of the world's population suffers from anemia. World statistics show that anemia is fatal in about 200,000 cases. This blood pathology most often occurs in women, especially during pregnancy. Children and older people also suffer from anemia.

Anemia occurs due to oxygen starvation of cells. Without oxygen, their basic functions are disrupted, which leads to their mass death. The lack of oxygen negatively affects all organs and tissues in the human body. An analysis in such a situation will show a low color index of the blood.

In some cases, an anomaly occurs when the amount of hemoglobin increases sharply in the blood serum, despite the fact that the number of red cells themselves is small. In such cases, the indicator in the blood test exceeds 1.1 units. Hyperchromic anemia occurs. The following disorders may be the causes of this disorder:

  • Lack of vitamin B12;
  • Development of a malignant tumor;
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Hyperchromic anemia is often characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Paleness of the skin, especially lips and eyelids;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Dizziness, migraine;
  • Brittle nails and hair;
  • Tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Chest pain;
  • Cold extremities.

If the disease is at the very beginning of its development, it can be practically asymptomatic. The only warning sign may be a temporary loss of appetite. Only calculating the color blood index in this situation can confirm the onset of the disorder leading to anemia.

Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood

If the blood color index during a general analysis is revealed to be less than 0.8 units, this indicates that the level of red cells is reduced. There is a deficiency of such a microelement in the blood as iron. It is this that takes an active part in the formation of new red blood cells. The level of hemoglobin sharply decreases, and pathologically altered and defective cells are detected. In this case, microcytic anemia is diagnosed, which is confirmed by the calculation of CP.

Among the most common causes of blood diseases associated with iron deficiency, doctors name the following:

  • Lack of iron in the body;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Too painful and heavy menstruation;
  • Internal bleeding.

The blood color index is low in a child who suffers from renal failure. This disease is often the cause of anemia in children. In such a situation, an additional analysis of the child’s urine and an ultrasound examination of the kidneys are performed.

If the degree of anemia is mild and the disease is at an early stage of development, then most often it can be accompanied simply by increased fatigue and a mild headache. But when the pathology reaches a more severe stage, the patient experiences the following dangerous symptoms:

  • Breathing becomes difficult and rapid;
  • Heart beats strongly;
  • The face and skin of the hands become noticeably pale;
  • The child may experience frequent relapses of conjunctivitis.

Anemia caused by a lack of iron in the blood is treated by replenishing the deficiency of this trace element. Medicines containing iron are easily absorbed by the body, so they are prescribed at the first signs of anemia. After the course of treatment is completed, it is important to calculate the color index of the blood again. This will provide an opportunity to see how effective the treatment was.

A mild form of the disease involves adjusting the patient’s lifestyle and following a special diet rich in vitamins and microelements. All this helps restore the required level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. Restored internal balance restores health and fills you with energy. The adjustments will gradually increase the color index, the calculation in the blood test will confirm this.

If the disease becomes too severe, the patient can only be helped by a blood transfusion procedure performed in a special hospital setting.

A study of the clinical manifestations of anemia shows that most often it is women who lose iron in the blood. Men suffer from low hemoglobin levels much less frequently.

To avoid the risk of any type of anemia, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity, which is dosed and regular, as well as a balanced diet will keep the hematopoietic function in the body under control. In any case, it is important to conduct a medical examination at least 2 times a year, donate blood for analysis even if minor signs of illness appear. Calculating the color index of the blood will help to detect the onset of the disease in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate the disease.

  • 3. Thermoregulation in the elderly
  • 4. Letunov's test.
  • 1. Static and statokinetic reflexes (Magnus river). Self-regulatory mechanisms for maintaining body balance.
  • 2. The concept of blood, its properties and functions. Blood composition. Characteristics of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), their role in the body.
  • 3. Methods for studying the secretory and motor functions of the human stomach.
  • 4. Spirography method
  • 25% - Damage to large bronchi. 50%-Average. 75% are small.
  • 1. Assimilation, dissimilation. The concept of basal metabolism.
  • 2. Reflex
  • 3. Rheobase. Chronaxia.
  • 4. Breathing at rest during exercise and hyperventilation.
  • 1. Structure and functions of the membrane, ion channels and their functions, ion gradients.
  • 2. Electrolyte composition of blood plasma. Osmotic pressure.
  • 3. Changes in the effect of hormones on tissue with age.
  • 4. Calculation of nitrogen balance (not in practice)
  • 1. Membrane potential and action potential and its phases. Difference between phases of excitation.
  • 2. Heart. Valves. Cardiocycle. Pressure, minute and systolic blood volume.
  • 3. Physiology of blood aging. Its liquefaction.
  • 4. Wahlund Sjöstrand test.
  • 1. Motor units, classification. Tetanus
  • 2. Myocardium, properties. Automation. Automatic gradient
  • 3. The liver as a multifunctional organ, its importance in hormonal regulation, homeostasis, etc.
  • 4. Methods for studying memory types
  • Test 9. “Logical and mechanical memory”
  • 1. Theory of muscle contraction and relaxation. Single contraction and its phases. Tetanus. Optimum and pessimum. Lability.
  • 2. Coagulation, anticoagulation, fibrinolytic blood systems.
  • 3. Reflection of pain, phantom pain, causalgia.
  • 4. Harvard-Steptest Index
  • 1 Question Neuron
  • 2 Question physiology of breathing
  • 3 Question
  • 4Question Determining the amount of hemoglobin
  • 1. Integrating activity of the central nervous system.
  • 2. Oxygen transport by blood, cake, hemoglobin dissociation curve.
  • 3. Sss in an aging person.
  • 4. Soe according to Panchenkov.
  • 1. Saliva. Salivation, regulation.
  • 2. PD in cardiomycytes. Extrasystoles.
  • 3. Opiate receptors and their ligands. Physiological basis of anesthesia.
  • Ligands Endogenous
  • Exogenous
  • 4. Determination of air and bone conduction.
  • 1. Taste analyzer.
  • 2. Pressure in the pleural cavity, its origin, participation in breathing.
  • 3. Cortico-visceral theory, suggestion and self-hypnosis.
  • 4. Practice changing heart function, breathing and sweating after exercise.
  • 1. Digestion, its meaning. Functions of the digestive tract. Types of digestion depending on the origin and location of hydrolysis. Digestive conveyor belt, its function.
  • 2. Teaching and. P. Pavlova about the types of higher nervous activity, their classification and characteristics.
  • 3. Age-related changes in the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems.
  • 4.Electrocardiography method
  • 1 Physiology of the adrenal glands the role of hormones
  • 2 Leukocytes types of function leukocyte formula
  • 3 Functions of VND in aging memory.
  • 4 Kerdo index.
  • 2. Regulation of cardiac activity.
  • 3. Impaired motor functions due to damage to the cerebellum.
  • 1. Comparison of sympathetic and parasamtic, their antagonism and synergism.
  • 2. Respiratory center structure, localization, breathing automaticity.
  • 3. Endocrine activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • 4. Color index.
  • 1. Nephron.
  • 2. Functional classification of vessels
  • 3. Salivary glands
  • 4. Types of hemolysis.
  • 1.Human body temperature and its daily fluctuations. Temperature of various areas of the skin and internal organs. Nervous and humoral mechanisms of thermoregulation.
  • 2. Blood pressure in various parts of the circulatory system. Factors determining its value. Types of blood pressure.
  • 3. Basic physiological mechanisms of changes in breathing when rising to altitude.
  • 4. Calculation of the leukocyte formula.
  • 1.Visual analyzer, photochemical processes.
  • 2. Mechanisms for regulating vascular tone.
  • 3. Sleep and wakefulness of an aging body.
  • 4. Determination of blood groups, Rh factor.
  • 1. Tactile analyzer
  • 2. Regulation of kidney activity. The role of nervous and humoral factors.
  • 3. The question is not written
  • 4. Modern rules of blood transfusion
  • 1. Hearing analyzer. (in the orange textbook p. 90)
  • 2. Modern ideas about the mechanisms of blood pressure regulation.
  • 3. Physical inactivity and monotony. (in the orange textbook p. 432)
  • Why is physical inactivity dangerous?
  • Prevention of physical inactivity
  • Rehabilitation
  • 4. Rules for blood transfusion
  • 1. Hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • Structure
  • Hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system
  • Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland Somatotropin
  • Thyrotropin
  • 3. Immunity during aging.
  • 4. Spirogram.
  • 1. Transmission of neuromuscular contraction, features, mediators.
  • 2. Lymph, properties, regulation.
  • 3. Changes in lung reserve volumes in old age, breathing patterns.
  • 4. Orthostatic test.
  • 1. Pairedness in the activity of the cerebral cortex. Functional asymmetry, hemispheric dominance and its role in the implementation of higher mental functions.
  • 2. Something about lymphocytes.
  • 3. Features of coronary circulation.
  • 4. Danini-Aschner reflex.
  • 1. Heat production
  • 2. Unconditioned reflexes
  • 3. Bile formation
  • 4. Pressure measurement method
  • 1. Stress, its physiological significance.
  • 2. Gas exchange in the lungs, partial pressure and gas tension,
  • 3. A functional system that maintains nutrients in the blood, its central and peripheral components
  • 4. Listening to tones
  • 1. Receptors: concepts, classification, basic properties and features, excitation mechanism, functional mobility.
  • 2. Gas exchange in tissues. Partial tension of oxygen and carbon dioxide in tissue fluid and cells.
  • 3. Changes in lung volumes, maximum ventilation and respiratory reserve in old age.
  • 4. Determination of cardiac impulse.
  • 1. The medulla oblongata and the pons, their centers, role in self-regulation.
  • 2. Digestion in the duodenum. Pancreatic juice, its composition, regulation of pancreatic juice secretion.
  • 3. Change in breathing when ascending to a height.
  • 4. Calculation of the leukocyte formula.
  • 1. Cerebellum
  • 2. Heat dissipation
  • 3. Urinary excretion, processes in old age
  • 4. Kerdo Vegetative Index
  • 1. Reticular formation.
  • 2. Formation of white blood.
  • 3. Circulatory system during aging.
  • 4. Measuring body temperature.
  • 1. Limbic system
  • 2. Mediators of the immune system.
  • 3. Motility and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract in old age
  • 4. ECG - see Ticket 49 No. 4
  • 1. Thymus
  • 2. Humoral regulation of erythropoiesis
  • 3. Speech
  • 4. Diets
  • 1. Bark goal. Brain. Its plasticity.
  • 2. Breathing something...
  • 3. Aging of the liver. Bile formation.
  • 4.Spirogram
  • 1. Structural and functional features of somatic and autonomic nervous system
  • 2. A functional system that maintains the constancy of the blood gas composition. Analysis of its central and peripheral components.
  • 3.Kidney function during aging, artificial kidney.
  • 4.Calculation of color index.
  • 1 Transfer of excitation to the autonomic ganglion. Postsynaptic mediators.
  • 2. Pavlov's teaching about 1 and 2 signal systems.
  • 3 Loss of kidney function with aging. Artificial kidney
  • 4. Electrocardiogram analysis
  • 1. The importance of the autonomic nervous system in the activity of the body. Adaptive-trophic significance of the autonomic nervous system of the body.
  • 2. Digestion in the duodenum, etc.
  • 3. Humoral regulation of calcium in the body
  • 4.Rh factor
  • 1. Conditioned reflexes - their role, conditions of occurrence.
  • 2. Functions of the liver in digestion. The flow of bile into the duodenum and its role.
  • 3. Artificial hypothermia, the essence of application.
  • 4. Method for determining the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes.
  • 1. Temperature analyzer.
  • 2. Red blood cells. Hemoglobin. Kinds. Forms.
  • 3. Eeg. The meaning of sleep. Shallow and deep sleep.
  • 4. Stange and Genchi test
  • 1. Hormones, secretion, movement through the blood, endocrine self-regulation, para- and transpituitary system.
  • 2. Leukocytes, types of leukocytes. Leukocyte formula. The role of different types of leukocytes.
  • 3. Basilar or vascular tone, role in the body. Determination methods.
  • 4. Orthostatic test.
  • 2. Blood circulation, role in homeostasis.
  • 3. Physiological basis of hypnotic states.
  • 4. Determination of the Rh factor.
  • 1 question. Swallowing
  • 2 Question. Heart, chambers, cardiocycle.
  • 3 Question. Changes in blood circulation in the elderly.
  • 4 Question. Tendon reflexes in humans.
  • 1 question. Physiological basis of nutrition. Power modes
  • 2 Question. Regulation of the heart (myogenic, humoral, nervous). Coronary, cortical and cerebral circulation.
  • 3 Question. Blood depot. Physiological significance.
  • 4 Question: Determination of visual acuity.
  • 1. Digestion in the stomach
  • 3. Age-related changes in the contractile function of the heart, arterial and venous pressure.
  • 4. Determination of ESR according to Panchenkov.
  • 1. Thyroid and parathyroid gland
  • 2. Stages, mechanism of external respiration.
  • 3. The role of the cerebral cortex for the activity of internal organs
  • 4. Rules for blood transfusion.
  • 1. Regulation of kidney activity, humoral and nervous effects.
  • 2. Taste bud, modern theory of the origin of taste sensation.
  • 3. Immunoglobulins, types, participation in immune reactions.
  • 4. Listening to heart sounds.
  • 4.Calculation of color index.

    The color index is the relationship between the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and the number of red blood cells. The color index allows you to determine the degree of saturation of red blood cells with hemoglobin.

    1 μl of blood normally contains 166 * 10 -6 g of hemoglobin and 5.00 * 10 6 erythrocytes, therefore the hemoglobin content in 1 erythrocyte is normally equal to:

    The value of 33 pg, which is the norm for the hemoglobin content in 1 red blood cell, is taken as 1 (unit) and is designated as the Color Index.

    In practice, the calculation of the Color Index (CI) is carried out by dividing the amount of hemoglobin (Hb) in 1 μl (in g/l) by a number consisting of the first 3 digits of the number of red blood cells, followed by multiplying the result by a factor of 3.

    For example, Hb = 167 g/l, Number of red blood cells - 4.8·10 12 (or 4.80·10 12). The first three digits of the red blood cell count are 480.

    CPU=167 / 480 3 = 1.04

    Normally, the color index is in the range of 0.86-1.05 (Menshikov V.V., 1987); 0.82-1.05 (Vorobiev A.I., 1985); 0.86-1.1 (Kozlovskaya L.V., 1975).

    In practical work, it is convenient to use conversion tables and nomograms to calculate the color index. Based on the color index, it is customary to divide anemia into hypochromic (below 0.8); normochromic (0.8-1.1) and hyperchromic (above 1.1).

    Clinical significance. Hypochromic anemia is most often iron deficiency anemia caused by prolonged chronic blood loss. In this case, hypochromia of erythrocytes is caused by iron deficiency. Hypochromia of erythrocytes occurs with anemia of pregnant women, infections, and tumors. In thalassemia and lead poisoning, hypochromic anemia is caused not by iron deficiency, but by impaired hemoglobin synthesis.

    The most common cause of hyperchromic anemia is a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

    Normochromic anemia is observed more often with hemolytic anemia, acute blood loss, and aplastic anemia.

    However, the color index depends not only on the saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin, but also on the size of erythrocytes. Therefore, morphological concepts of hypo-, normo- and hyperchromic coloring of erythrocytes do not always coincide with the color indicator data. Macrocytic anemia with normo- and hypochromic red blood cells may have a color index higher than one, and vice versa, normochromic microcytic anemia always gives a color index lower.

    Therefore, for various anemias, it is important to know, on the one hand, how the total hemoglobin content in red blood cells has changed, and on the other hand, their volume and saturation with hemoglobin.

    1 Transfer of excitation to the autonomic ganglion. Postsynaptic mediators.

    In vertebrates, the autonomic nervous system has three types of synaptic transmission: electrical, chemical and mixed. An organ with typical electrical synapses is the avian ciliary ganglion, which lies deep in the orbit at the base of the eyeball. The transfer of excitation here is carried out practically without delay in both directions. Transmission through mixed synapses, in which the structures of electrical and chemical synapses are simultaneously adjacent, can also be considered rare. This appearance is also characteristic of the ciliary ganglion of birds. The main method of transmission of excitation in the autonomic nervous system is chemical. It is carried out according to certain patterns, among which two principles are distinguished. The first (Dale's principle) is that a neuron with all its processes releases one transmitter. As it has now become known, along with the main one, this neuron may also contain other transmitters and substances involved in their synthesis. According to the second principle, the effect of each transmitter on a neuron or effector depends on the nature of the receptor on the postsynaptic membrane.

    In the autonomic nervous system there are more than ten types of nerve cells, which produce various primary mediators: acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin and other biogenic amines, amino acids, ATP. Depending on what main transmitter is released by the axon endings of autonomic neurons, these cells are usually called cholinergic, adrenergic, serotonergic, purinergic, etc. neurons.

    Each of the mediators performs a transfer function, as a rule, in certain parts of the autonomic reflex arc. Thus, acetylcholine is released in the endings of all preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons, as well as most postganglionic parasympathetic endings. In addition, some of the postganglionic sympathetic fibers that innervate the sweat glands and, apparently, vasodilators of skeletal muscles, also transmit via acetylcholine. In turn, norepinephrine is a mediator in postganglionic sympathetic endings (with the exception of the nerves of the sweat glands and sympathetic vasodilators) - the vessels of the heart, liver, and spleen.

    The mediator, released in the presynaptic terminals under the influence of incoming nerve impulses, interacts with a specific receptor protein of the postsynaptic membrane and forms a complex compound with it. The protein with which acetylcholine interacts is called the cholinergic receptor, adrenaline or norepinephrine - the adrenergic receptor, etc. The location of the receptors for various mediators is not only the postsynaptic membrane. The existence of special presynaptic receptors has also been discovered, which are involved in the feedback mechanism of regulation of the mediator process in the synapse.

    In addition to cholinergic, adrenergic, and purinoceptors, the peripheral part of the autonomic nervous system contains receptors for peptides, dopamine, and prostaglandins. All types of receptors, initially discovered in the peripheral part of the autonomic nervous system, were then found in the pre- and postsynaptic membranes of the nuclear structures of the central nervous system.

    A characteristic reaction of the autonomic nervous system is a sharp increase in its sensitivity to mediators after organ denervation. For example, after vagotomy, the organ has increased sensitivity to acetylcholine, respectively, after sympathectomy - to norepinephrine. It is believed that this phenomenon is based on a sharp increase in the number of corresponding receptors of the postsynaptic membrane, as well as a decrease in the content or activity of enzymes that break down the mediator (acetylcholine esterase, monoamine oxidase, etc.).

    In the autonomic nervous system, in addition to the usual effector neurons, there are also special cells that correspond to postganglionic structures and perform their function. The transfer of excitation to them is carried out in the usual chemical way, and they respond in an endocrine way. These cells are called transducers. Their axons do not form synaptic contacts with effector organs, but end freely around the vessels, with which they form the so-called hemal organs. The transducers include the following cells: 1) chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, which respond to the cholinergic transmitter of the preganglionic sympathetic ending by releasing adrenaline and norepinephrine; 2) juxta-glomerular cells of the kidney, which respond to the adrenergic transmitter of the postganglionic sympathetic fiber by releasing renin into the bloodstream; 3) neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, responding to synaptic influx of various natures by releasing vasopressin and oxytocin; 4) neurons of the hypothalamic nuclei.

    The effect of the main classical mediators can be reproduced using pharmacological drugs. For example, nicotine causes an effect similar to that of acetylcholine when acting on the postsynaptic membrane of the postganglionic neuron, while choline esters and the fly agaric toxin muscarine act on the postsynaptic membrane of the effector cell of the visceral organ. Consequently, nicotine interferes with interneuronal transmission in the autonomic ganglion, muscarine interferes with neuro-effector transmission in the executive organ. On this basis, it is believed that there are respectively two types of cholinergic receptors: nicotinic (N-cholinergic receptors) and muscarinic (M-cholinergic receptors). Depending on their sensitivity to various catecholamines, adrenergic receptors are divided into α-adrenergic receptors and β-adrenergic receptors. Their existence has been established through pharmacological drugs that selectively act on a certain type of adrenergic receptors.

    In a number of visceral organs that respond to catecholamines, there are both types of adrenergic receptors, but the results of their excitation are usually opposite. For example, the blood vessels of skeletal muscles contain α- and β-adrenergic receptors. Excitation of α-adrenergic receptors leads to constriction, and β-adrenergic receptors - to dilation of arterioles. Both types of adrenergic receptors are also found in the intestinal wall, however, the reaction of the organ upon stimulation of each type will be uniquely characterized by inhibition of the activity of smooth muscle cells. There are no α-adrenergic receptors in the heart and bronchi and the mediator interacts only with β-adrenergic receptors, which is accompanied by increased heart contractions and dilation of the bronchi. Due to the fact that norepinephrine causes the greatest excitation of β-adrenergic receptors of the heart muscle and a weak reaction of the bronchi, trachea, and blood vessels, the former began to be called β1-adrenergic receptors, the latter - β2-adrenergic receptors.

    When acting on the membrane of a smooth muscle cell, adrenaline and norepinephrine activate adenylate cyclase located in the cell membrane. In the presence of Mg2+ ions, this enzyme catalyzes the formation of cAMP (cyclic 3",5"-adenosine monophosphate) from ATP in the cell. The latter product, in turn, causes a number of physiological effects, activating energy metabolism and stimulating cardiac activity.

    A feature of the adrenergic neuron is that it has extremely long thin axons that branch in organs and form dense plexuses. The total length of such axon terminals can reach 30 cm. Along the terminals there are numerous extensions - varicosities, in which the mediator is synthesized, stored and released. With the arrival of the impulse, norepinephrine is simultaneously released from numerous expansions, acting immediately on a large area of ​​​​smooth muscle tissue. Thus, depolarization of muscle cells is accompanied by simultaneous contraction of the entire organ.

    Various drugs that have an effect on the effector organ similar to the action of the postganglionic fiber (sympathetic, parasympathetic, etc.) are called mimetics (adrenergic, cholinomimetics). Along with this, there are also substances that selectively block the function of receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. They are called ganglion blockers. For example, ammonium compounds selectively turn off H-cholinergic receptors, and atropine and scopolamine - M-cholinergic receptors.

    Classical mediators perform not only the function of excitation transmitters, but also have a general biological effect. The cardiovascular system is most sensitive to acetylcholine; it causes increased motility of the digestive tract, simultaneously activating the activity of the digestive glands, contracts the muscles of the bronchi and reduces bronchial secretion. Under the influence of norepinephrine, systolic and diastolic pressure increases without changing the heart rate, heart contractions increase, secretion of the stomach and intestines decreases, the smooth muscles of the intestine relax, etc. Adrenaline is characterized by a more diverse range of actions. By simultaneously stimulating the ino-, chrono-, and dromotropic functions, adrenaline increases cardiac output. Adrenaline has a dilating and antispasmodic effect on the muscles of the bronchi, inhibits the motility of the digestive tract, relaxes the walls of organs, but inhibits the activity of the sphincters and the secretion of the glands of the digestive tract.

    Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) has been found in the tissues of all animal species. In the brain it is contained mainly in structures related to the regulation of visceral functions; in the periphery it is produced by enterochromaffin cells of the intestine. Serotonin is one of the main mediators of the metasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, participating primarily in neuroeffector transmission, and also performs a mediator function in the central formations. There are three types of serotonergic receptors - D, M, T. D-type receptors are localized mainly in smooth muscles and are blocked by lysergic acid diethylamide. The interaction of serotonin with these receptors is accompanied by muscle contraction. M-type receptors are characteristic of most autonomic ganglia; blocked by morphine. By binding to these receptors, the transmitter causes a ganglion-stimulating effect. T-type receptors found in the cardiac and pulmonary reflexogenic zones are blocked by thiopendole. By acting on these receptors, serotonin participates in the implementation of coronary and pulmonary chemoreflexes. Serotonin is able to have a direct effect on smooth muscle. In the vascular system it manifests itself in the form of constrictor or dilator reactions. With direct action, the muscles of the bronchi contract, while with reflex action, the respiratory rhythm and pulmonary ventilation change. The digestive system is especially sensitive to serotonin. It reacts to the introduction of serotonin with an initial spastic reaction, which turns into rhythmic contractions with increased tone and ends with inhibition of activity.

    Many visceral organs are characterized by purinergic transmission, so named due to the fact that upon stimulation of presynaptic terminals, adenosine and inosine, purine breakdown products, are released. The mediator in this case is A T F. The place of its localization is the presynaptic terminals of effector neurons of the metasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system.

    ATP released into the synaptic cleft interacts with two types of purinoceptors of the postsynaptic membrane. Purinoreceptors of the first type are more sensitive to adenosine, the second - to ATP. The action of the mediator is directed primarily at smooth muscles and manifests itself in the form of its relaxation. In the mechanism of intestinal propulsion, purinergic neurons are the main antagonistic inhibitory system in relation to the excitatory cholinergic system. Purinergic neurons are involved in the implementation of descending inhibition, in the mechanism of receptive relaxin of the stomach, relaxation of the esophageal and anal sphincters. Intestinal contractions following purinergically induced relaxation provide an appropriate mechanism for bolus passage.

    Among the mediators may be histamine. It is widely distributed in various organs and tissues, especially in the digestive tract, lungs, and skin. Among the structures of the autonomic nervous system, the largest amount of histamine is contained in postganglionic sympathetic fibers. Based on the responses, specific histamine (H-receptors) receptors were also found in some tissues: H1- and H2-receptors. The classic action of histamine is to increase capillary permeability and contract smooth muscle. In a free state, histamine lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate, and stimulates the sympathetic ganglia.

    GABA has an inhibitory effect on the interneuron transmission of excitation in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. As a mediator, it can take part in the occurrence of presynaptic inhibition.

    Large concentrations of various peptides, especially substance P, in the tissues of the digestive tract, hypothalamus, dorsal roots of the spinal cord, as well as the effects of stimulation of the latter and other indicators served as the basis for considering substance P a mediator of sensitive nerve cells.

    In addition to classical mediators and “candidates” for mediators, a large number of biologically active substances - local hormones - are involved in the regulation of the activity of executive organs. They regulate tone, have a corrective effect on the activity of the autonomic nervous system, they play a significant role in the coordination of neurohumoral transmission, in the mechanisms of release and action of mediators.

    In the complex of active factors, a prominent place is occupied by prostaglandins, which are abundant in the fibers of the vagus nerve. From here they are released spontaneously or under the influence of stimulation. There are several classes of prostaglandins: E, G, A, B. Their main action is stimulation of smooth muscles, inhibition of gastric secretion, relaxation of bronchial muscles. They have a multidirectional effect on the cardiovascular system: class A and E prostaglandins cause vasodilation and hypotension, class G prostaglandins cause vasoconstriction and hypertension.

    Synapses of the ANS have generally the same structure as the central ones. However, there is a significant diversity of chemoreceptors of postsynaptic membranes. The transmission of nerve impulses from preganglionic fibers to neurons of all autonomic ganglia is carried out by N-cholinergic synapses, i.e. synapses on the postsynaptic membrane of which nicotine-sensitive cholinergic receptors are located. Postganglionic cholinergic fibers form M-cholinergic synapses on the cells of the executive organs (glands, SMCs of the digestive organs, blood vessels, etc.). Their postsynaptic membrane contains muscarine-sensitive receptors (atropine blocker). In both synapses, the transmission of excitation is carried out by acetylcholine. M-cholinergic synapses have an exciting effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive canal, urinary system (except sphincters), and gastrointestinal glands. However, they reduce the excitability, conductivity and contractility of the heart muscle and cause relaxation of some vessels of the head and pelvis.

    Postganglionic sympathetic fibers form 2 types of adrenergic synapses on effectors - a-adrenergic and b-adrenergic. The postsynaptic membrane of the former contains a1 and a2 adrenergic receptors. When NA acts on a1-adrenergic receptors, there is a narrowing of the arteries and arterioles of internal organs and skin, contraction of the muscles of the uterus, gastrointestinal sphincters, but at the same time relaxation of other smooth muscles of the digestive canal. Postsynaptic b-adrenergic receptors are also divided into b1 and b2 types. b1-adrenergic receptors are located in cardiac muscle cells. When NA acts on them, the excitability, conductivity and contractility of cardiomyocytes increases. Activation of b2-adrenergic receptors leads to dilation of the blood vessels of the lungs, heart and skeletal muscles, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, bladder, and inhibition of the motility of the digestive organs.

    In addition, postganglionic fibers were discovered that form histaminergic, serotonergic, purinergic (ATP) synapses on the cells of internal organs.

    Color indicator is a parameter included in the general blood test. It serves as a starting point for diagnosing red lineage diseases with serious consequences. Let's figure out what a color indicator is, to identify what pathology it is needed and how it is determined.

    The red color of red blood cells is given by hemoglobin, a combination of protein (globin) with iron ions.

    This complex acts as a carrier of dissolved gases: it delivers oxygen into the tissues and removes carbon dioxide from them back into the blood.

    The color indicator reflects the level of hemoglobin in the blood cell and the degree of its saturation with iron. The more hemoglobin and carrier metal ions a blood cell can hold, the higher the color of the red blood cell and the more efficient the delivery of oxygen to the tissues.

    What else can you get from the indicator?

    The digital value of the color blood indicator indirectly allows us to judge the indices.

    Calculated by analytical instruments:

    • MCH (average hemoglobin content in the blood), the normal value of which is 27-33.3 pg;
    • The average concentration of the oxygen carrier in the blood cell (the norm is 30-38%).

    Thus, a color parameter of 0.86 corresponds to the lower limit of normal MCH and the average hemoglobin concentration of 30%.

    Result of automatic analyzers

    When automatically calculated, the color indicator can be replaced by the MCH index (mean corpuscular hemoglobin), an abbreviation from English that translates as “average hemoglobin content in one red blood cell.”

    The MCH index is more informative: it displays the level of hemoglobin combined with oxygen and transferred to tissues.

    The doctor matters for both parameters:

    1. Calculated by hand;
    2. Determined by the device.

    How to calculate?

    The formula used to calculate the parameter:

    Hemoglobin level*3/the first 3 digits of the red blood cell level, inserted into the formula without a comma.

    If the analyzes indicate two numbers separated by a comma, you need to remove the comma and add 0. The number 3 in the formula is unchanged. Calculation example for a hemoglobin level of 160 g/l and RBC=4.5 g/l:

    160*3/450=1.06. The resulting figure corresponds to the color indicator (not measured in conventional units).


    The color indicator in a healthy person is within the following values:

    Gender, ageNorm
    Women who are not pregnant0,86-1,05
    Newborn babies0,9-1,3
    1-3 years0,85-0,96
    3-12 years0,85-1,05
    Over 120,86-1,05

    The condition in which the red blood cell contains the optimal amount of hemoglobin and iron and has a normal red color is called normochromia (normo + chromos - color). The deviation of the color parameter can be towards hypo- (decrease, decrease) or hyperchromia (increase).

    The result is evaluated as follows:

    • Hypochromia (CP 0.85 or less);
    • Normochromia (0.86-1.05);
    • Hyperchromia (over 1.06).

    The color index norm is the same for men and women of all ages. Pregnancy is the only condition that is not a disease in which the color index is reduced in an adult. The low rate is explained by physiological anemia characteristic of the 3rd trimester.

    Interesting. A higher norm is typical for a child of the first year of life. It is explained by the presence in infants of fetal red blood cells with a high concentration of hemoglobin. By adolescence, the rate becomes the same as in adults.

    An altered (above or below normal) color indicator goes hand in hand with decreased red blood cells and indicates anemia.

    Relationship between color indicator and red blood cell size

    Cells overflowing with hemoglobin have an increased size and are called megalocytes. Their diameter exceeds 8 microns.

    The higher the color index, the larger the size of the blood cell. The diameter of red blood cells with a normal color value is in the range of 7-8 microns.

    If during maturation the red blood cell is not saturated with a sufficient amount of red pigment, its diameter remains reduced - 6.9 microns or less.

    Such a cell is called a “microcyte,” and anemia, for which a microcyte is characteristic, is called microcytic.

    What does a lower level mean?

    About disruption of hemoglobin synthesis.

    A low value indicates hypochromic microcytic anemia (with low hemoglobin and red blood cell count).

    Blood cell anemia

    This type of anemia includes:

    • Iron deficiency;
    • Chronic posthemorrhagic;
    • Sideroachrestic;
    • Hypoplastic.

    All of them are a consequence of low hemoglobin; they are united by a violation of the incorporation of iron ions into the erythrocyte.

    Iron-deficiency anemia

    Iron deficiency is the most common cause of hypochromic anemia.

    The disease occurs due to:

    • Insufficient consumption of animal products;
    • Inflammatory process of the small intestine, leading to decreased absorption of microelements through the mucous membrane;
    • Pregnancy, lactation, intensive growth in children.

    Anemia in pregnant women not only worsens the woman’s condition, but also negatively affects the hematopoiesis of the fetus. It responds well to treatment with iron supplements, which are safe for the unborn child.

    To make a diagnosis, you need to know the level of iron in the plasma and the total iron-binding capacity of the serum (TIBC).

    Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia

    The reason is constant bleeding, in which the loss of iron exceeds its intake from food.

    Anemia develops with the following diseases:

    • Erosive gastritis;
    • Peptic ulcer;
    • Hemorrhoids;
    • Heavy, prolonged menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding due to hormonal imbalances.


    The disease is caused by a hereditary disorder of hemoglobin synthesis in the bone marrow. The body does not lack iron, it is simply unable to incorporate it into hemoglobin.


    It can be determined by bone marrow puncture. In the analysis of punctate, there are damaged stem cells that are unable to absorb a sufficient amount of hemoglobin.

    What does an increased value mean?

    Lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid. As a result, red blood cells with large sizes and a high concentration of hemoglobin are formed. Blood cells with such parameters die prematurely.

    Hyperchromic anemia (with a high color index) is caused by the following reasons:

    Important! Anemia does not always occur with a change in color parameter. In some conditions, normochromia (reduced number of red blood cells, but normal hemoglobin levels) is observed. It is characteristic of kidney disease and acute blood loss.

    Who should I contact to check the color indicator?

    To a therapist. The reasons for visiting a doctor are usually pale skin, drowsiness, and lethargy.

    What tests are needed?

    General blood analysis. It will give a complete picture of the state of the hematopoietic system.


    Increased hemoglobin

    High hemoglobin is a sign:

    • Hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
    • Dehydration;
    • Chronic infection.

    It indicates the body is working under stress and is a harbinger of depletion of health resources.

    In addition to a general blood test, a biochemical test, which is also prescribed by a therapist, is informative.

    He will indicate what is needed to prevent high hemoglobin:

    • Rationalization of physical activity;
    • Rejection of bad habits;
    • Sanitation of foci of chronic infection;
    • Healthy diet.

    Products that lower hemoglobin:

    • Identify and treat diseases of the digestive organs (gastritis, enteritis), dysbacteriosis, hormonal disorders;
    • Include foods high in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 in your diet;
    • To refuse from bad habits;
    • Take multivitamins as preventive courses.

    Mild to moderate anemia is treated by a physician. It is not advisable to take any medications without his consent.

    The doctor will prescribe a course of iron-containing medication for hypochromic anemia, cyanocobalamin or folic acid for hyperchromic anemia.

    Nutrition for anemia includes:

    • Pork, beef liver, kidneys;
    • Nuts, dried fruits;
    • Spinach;
    • Buckwheat;
    • Legumes.

    With compensated chronic diseases and a rational lifestyle, the iron consumed by the body is completely replenished through food.

    Along with determining the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, the color index is calculated in the laboratory. Hemoglobin gives the red blood cell its characteristic color. a combination of protein and iron, which is red in color.

    The color indicator shows how high is the concentration of hemoglobin in a blood cell. The intensity of the color of blood cells is directly proportional to the concentration of iron they contain. Iron in hemoglobin binds oxygen, so the color indicator of the blood helps to judge the effectiveness of the gas exchange function of the red blood cell.

    Calculation formula

    The color index can be calculated independently, knowing the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells (rbc).

    Calculation produced according to the formula: hemoglobin level (g/l)*3/first 3 digits of red blood cell count.

    The number of red blood cells without a comma is substituted into the denominator of the formula, for example, if rbc = 4.7 * 10 12 / l, then the first 3 digits will be 470. With a hemoglobin level of 140 g / l, the calculation of the color indicator looks like this: 140 * 3/470 = 0 ,89.

    Norm and interpretation of the result

    The color index is a stable parameter; normally it is the same in women and men, elderly people and adolescents. In the first days of life, fetal red blood cells with a high hemoglobin content circulate in the blood of a child, which determines such a high value of the indicator. After 15 years, in a child it becomes the same as in an adult. The change in the parameter can be upward or downward. Assessing it is integral to identifying the type and cause of anemia.

    Ask your question to a clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor

    Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and Residency in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (2014-2016).

    The blood color index is a clinical analysis during which the degree of hemoglobin concentration in one cell is determined in a calculated and conditional manner. The number of RBCs (erythrocytes) is taken into account, since these cells give the red color to the biological fluid, contain iron and hemoglobin, which is vital for humans.

    The blood color index is calculated using a special formula if the analysis is performed manually, or using a hematology analyzer by calculating a similar erythrocyte index.

    If the color index of the blood is low or high, this will indicate the development of certain pathological processes in the body of a child or an adult. Quite often this is iron deficiency anemia.

    Determination of the color indicator of blood is carried out through laboratory tests. Only a general blood test is used, but without an analytical system. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the tests, after which a decision will be made on further diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

    The prognosis for a decreased or increased indicator will be of a purely individual nature, since everything depends on the severity of the violation and the underlying factor.


    The blood color index has the same standards for both children and adults. However, children under three years of age are excluded, since their number of red blood cells will in any case be higher. The optimal blood color value is as follows:

    • the normal blood color index for men and women is 0.86–1.05 units;
    • in newborns and up to five days - 0.9–1.3 units;
    • from five days to 15 years - 0.85–1.0 units.

    This index is relatively stable and does not differ significantly by age. It should be noted that the parameter may be slightly increased or decreased, which may be a symptomatic sign and not indicate the development of any pathological process.

    Carrying out analysis and calculations

    To determine whether the index is elevated or a low color index is present, blood is drawn for a general clinical examination. The procedure is very simple, but for correct results you should follow some rules:

    • tests are carried out on an empty stomach;
    • the day before blood sampling, alcohol and medications should be avoided (if possible);
    • If the patient takes any medications, you need to notify the referring doctor or laboratory technician.

    Blood collection is carried out by puncturing the thumb and collecting the required amount of blood.

    The following may affect the distortion of test results:

    • violation of blood sampling technique;
    • failure to comply with preparation rules on the part of the patient.

    If during the study the indicator is critically reduced or too high, a repeat study may be prescribed to eliminate the error.

    Calculating the color index is quite simple - you need to know the amount of hemoglobin and the total content of red blood cells. The formula for calculation is as follows: the mass of hemoglobin in g/l must be multiplied by 3 and the resulting amount divided by the first three digits of the number of red blood cells in the blood.

    For example: 125 g/l of hemoglobin and 4.10 million/μl of red blood cells were determined. Therefore, 125*3/410=0.91. Knowing the parameters, you can calculate the blood color index yourself.


    Depending on the amount of CCT and hemoglobin in the blood test, the result may be as follows:

    • hyperchromic - 1.05;
    • normochromic - 0.85–1.05;
    • hypochromic - less than 0.85 units.

    The type of anemia can be determined by the color indicator and the presence of other pathological processes.

    Reasons for deviation from the norm

    Deviation from the norm may have the following reasons:

    • oncological processes or benign formations;
    • pernicious anemia;
    • Iron-deficiency anemia;
    • lack of folic acid and other microelements, vitamins and minerals in the body;
    • acute or chronic blood loss;
    • poisoning with toxic substances;
    • anemia, which is common during pregnancy;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • effect of penetrating radiation.

    Only a doctor can establish the exact reasons that led to a deviation from the norm by carrying out all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

    It should be noted that the analysis when determining the diagnosis is never considered as a separate unit. In combination with other laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures, the test makes it possible to determine the type and severity of the pathological process.

    As for the clinical picture, the nature of the disease will completely depend on the underlying factor. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor, and not self-diagnose and start treatment based on a pseudodiagnosis. A timely visit to a doctor significantly increases the chances of a full recovery.