Fatty fish from which you are going. Low-fat fish varieties: list, recipes, selection tips

Very often we are surrounded fish products both sea and river or lake. They all have their own diet and structure.

But fish is not always healthy. This is influenced by who she is, a hunter or a scavenger, what she eats, as well as in what waters she lives, clean sea or sewage river, because water plays an important role, since all elements are absorbed into the meat.

This also plays into the fatty factor of the fish; there is a lot of fatty fish, and, on the contrary, there are many varieties of non-fatty fish. oily fish who doesn't eat anything harmful.

The benefits of fish

Fish fillet- this is pure protein, a mass of macro- and microelements. The main fish product is fish oil. In its composition a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 And omega-6.

The usefulness of the fish itself depends on the habitat: sea/ocean or river/lake. In river water, the amount of fats and proteins is lower, and there is no iodine and bromine in the composition, which are found in sea and ocean water. Therefore, sea fish is much healthier than river fish.

In addition to high saturation with iodine and bromine, together with them you can get in the required quantities:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;

In addition to microelements, the body receives a number of vitamins:

Fish for dietary nutrition

Since there are many things you are not allowed to eat on a diet, fish is not only a salvation, but also an assistant to the body.

Allowed to eat:

These varieties are low in calories, but at the same time tasty and nutritious. They will help diversify a narrow diet. Fish can be combined with many side dishes, which can dilute the tastelessness of unsalted buckwheat or rice.

Non-diet fish

Fat fish are most often found in cold waters; fat helps them survive.

There are a lot of such fish in the world, but not all of them are healthy and suitable for eating; the following types can be distinguished from the “healthy” varieties:

They contain large amounts of EPA and DHA. Many types of these fish require a special cooking process, so before cooking it is necessary to refresh your memory with the characteristics of the variety.

Moderate fat fish

Some marine fish with moderate fat content include:

The river inhabitants compiled the following list:

  • trout;
  • carp;
  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • salmon.

Such fish gives the human body high quality. This product useful to everyone without exception, and athletes simply need it. Some varieties are included because they provide the body with many important nutrients. This fish is not contraindicated for children; they can eat carp, salmon, perch, and trout.

What kind of fish can you eat while losing weight?

To understand the fat content, you can look at the meat. Light indicates a lean variety. The logic is simple, the darker the meat, the higher calorie product. Of course, fish is rich in fat useful elements, but when losing weight you should avoid it or minimize your consumption to no more than 1 piece per week.

Low-fat lacks the carbohydrate part. These varieties are very popular in low-carbohydrate diets. Using low-fat fish in your diet will allow you not to reduce carbohydrate consumption.

Types of lean fish for baby food

These types of fish are no less healthy, but it is important to remember that they are very bony, and before serving you need to make sure that there are a minimum of bones in it.

The cod family has many benefits:

  • pollock;
  • pollock;
  • blue whiting

The white meat of these fish contains at least 25% protein and a minimum of fat.

The river assortment of cyprinids includes:

  • silver carp;
  • carp;
  • vobla;
  • carp.

It is important for a child's body to get a lot of nutrients. Children need to cook low-fat or non-fat high content products, since fatty varieties can overload the fragile digestive system of children.

Low-fat varieties

Sea fish

Pollock, hake, cod are the best representatives marine family. Cod is rich healthy protein, and the fat content is less than a percent. It can be eaten daily. You are allowed to eat no more than 200 grams at a time.

White fish

  1. round (halibut, flounder);
  2. flatfish (saithe, pollock, hake, haddock, cod, perch, monkfish).

And with maximum minimum content fat:

river fish

They are less useful due to the fact that they lack some elements found in marine.

These varieties include:

  • perch;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • cancer family;

red fish

Unfortunately, red fish is almost all fatty. In their main segment, all types of fish with red meat have a high fat content, so it is worth highlighting varieties with medium fat content, which can be consumed when losing weight and special diet. The meat of such fish is highly beneficial for the body.

To the least fatty types can be attributed:

  • chum salmon;
  • salmon;
  • pink salmon

The remaining representatives of red meat fish have a large amount of fat in them, so they cannot be recommended for a healthy diet.


There are not many fish with a small number of bones, the basis of this list is made up of marine fish, representatives of which are rarely found river habitat. Sea fish It has only a backbone and no rib bones.

TO lean fish with a minimum of bones include:

  • flounder;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • zander;
  • mullet.


Cod steak with potatoes


  • cod fillet;
  • potato;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • rye;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

Recipe preparation steps:

Pollock stewed with lemon


  • pollock;
  • vegetable broth;
  • carrot;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill, salt, pepper.

Preparation progress:

Royal perch on skewers


  • fillet;
  • seaweed;
  • orange;
  • radish;
  • olive oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • spices.

Preparation progress:

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, due to excess weight health problems may begin! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Is it possible to eat on a diet?

Fried fish

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then under no circumstances should you eat it in any form, be it cooked in batter or breadcrumbs.

The exception is fish cooked on a grill pan with minimal addition of olive oil. But immediately after cooking, the fish pieces must be blotted with a dry cloth to remove excess fat.

Salted fish

There is no specific ban on eating salted fish. It is not recommended to eat ram or herring. You can make lightly salted fish yourself at home.

And you can eat such fish only in the first half of the day, in otherwise you can see a couple of extra kilos on the scales. It is also worth drinking more water.

Smoked fish

The answer here is simple - no and only no! There was a lot of talk and discussion about the harmfulness of smoked meats, which this question may not even occur.

Carcinogens that are used in smoking can cause the development of cancer.

Such products are harmful to the stomach and particularly the liver. It's all due to the increased salt content, high calorie content due to the minimal water content during the cooking process.

In addition, low-quality products may be used, since during the smoking process all flaws are masked, and it will be possible to understand that the product is spoiled after the first signs of toxin poisoning appear.

Low-fat fish

For pancreatitis

If you have a disease such as pancreatitis, then you need to carefully choose the fish to eat. Attention should be paid to fat content. Although such fish are beneficial to the body, they place a heavy load on the pancreas, which will lead to the development of the disease and unpleasant sensations. During exacerbations, you need to completely forget about it.

During exacerbation chronic pancreatitis By the end of the first week, you can add skinny varieties to your diet. During remission, you should carefully introduce new foods.

List of fish that can be eaten for pancreatitis:

For diabetes

For diabetes, fish is used as prophylactic cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of fish for diabetes include: great content protein and microelements.

For improvement general condition to maintain your body, you should include the following types of fish in your diet:

  • salmon;
  • tilapia;
  • cod;
  • trout;
  • shrimps;
  • crustaceans;
  • sardine.

For gastritis

Fish contains easily digestible protein, which is why people suffering from gastritis are strongly recommended to consume fish in their diet. Component composition product starts regeneration processes, activates protective functions gastric mucus, starts digestion.

It is worth saying that smoked, fatty and fried fish are prohibited for gastritis.

The best option for a diet for gastritis would be fish such as:

The famous philosopher Socrates once said: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing!” You need to take care of your health comprehensively, including eating right. Healthy food˗ a broad concept, but first of all, it includes fish, rich in vitamins And . This article will talk about the beneficial properties of lean fish, a list of different varieties and methods of preparing it.

Beneficial properties of low-fat fish

Fish is full of various minerals and trace elements that are very beneficial for the human body. Fish is of greatest value due to high content iodine and phosphorus. In addition to these elements, fish meat contains manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Fish is also rich in vitamins B, A, D, E, PP.

Unlike meat, fish has almost no connective tissue, making it easily digestible by even the most delicate stomach. By the way, it takes much less time to cook. Low-fat fish, such as perch or pike perch, are quickly digested and do not cause any inconvenience to the liver.

Fish protein is not inferior to meat protein: it contains all the amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. But fish protein is absorbed much better than meat protein. For comparison: the digestibility of fish protein by the human body is 98%, and the digestibility of meat protein is only 87%.

Among other things, low-fat contains polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-5, which are vital for a person who takes proper care of his health.

In addition to the listed advantages, lean fish It is considered a dietary food, since the fat component in it is only 4%. No one has ever gained weight from properly cooked fish and vegetables. About 15% of fish meat is pure protein.

The fat content of fish is determined by its variety. It also changes depending on the time of year: during spawning, fat content usually increases. By this indicator fish are divided into three types:

  • skinny variety. It contains up to 4%.
  • moderately fatty variety. 4-8% fat.
  • fatty variety. The fat component exceeds 8%.

Let's summarize beneficial features lean fish:

  • Due to its very low fat content, fish can be consumed in large quantities without fear of gaining excess weight.
  • Whatever diet you follow, low-fat fish is never excluded from your menu.
  • Omega acids mentioned earlier lower cholesterol levels, reducing the likelihood of disease of cardio-vascular system. They also have a beneficial effect on brain function.
  • Phosphorus, which is so rich in low-fat fish, has positive influence to work central nervous system, fights lethargy, keeps you in good shape and in a cheerful mood.
  • Correct functioning thyroid gland And endocrine system provided by the high iodine content in lean fish. Selenium is good at removing toxins from the body.
  • Vitamin D strengthens your bones and promotes normal growth young body.
  • Calcium is responsible for strengthening hair and nails in our body. good condition skin and healthy teeth- B vitamins. By eating lean fish, there is no doubt about the lack of these components in your body.

Thus, regular consumption of lean fish provides a person with a supply of essential vitamins and minerals without affecting body weight.

Types of lean fish for baby food

The ease of digestibility and softness of the passage of fish through the digestive organs makes it suitable for consumption by everyone - from young to old. Therefore, doctors advise mothers to feed their children low-fat fish at least once a week, as this will ensure healthy growth child, strong skeleton and teeth, energy and good brain function.

Despite its value, fish has one drawback - it allergenic product, so it is better to refrain from feeding fish to babies who are not yet one year old. Don't forget to check this issue with your pediatrician. Children's doctor will better tell you exactly when is the most favorable age for a little person to meet a fish, based on medical card child.

Start feeding fish in the first half of the day, just like any other complementary food. It is best to give it for lunch, half a teaspoon. After feeding, monitor the body's reaction (rash, etc.).

If everything went well, and no allergic reactions is not observed, gradually increase the amount of fish to the norm, which is:

  • 60-70 g per dose at the age of 1 year.
  • 85-90 g when the baby is 1.5 years old.
  • 100 g when the child turns 2.

At first, feed fish no more than once a week. Then increase it up to two times. When a child is only one year old, you should not give him both fish and meat on the same day, even on different techniques food.

You should start with varieties such as silver carp, hake, cod, flounder, pike perch, and pollock. This list applies to varieties of low-fat fish, and they are also the least allergenic.

When the child gets a little older, you can give him a taste of moderately fatty and fatty varieties: mackerel, salmon, salmon.

Do not forget about the “bonyness” of the fish. Carefully inspect fish meat before giving it to your child.

The method of preparing fish for a child is to steam or boil. Then grind it with a blender, first checking it for the presence of bones. You can simply crush it with a fork if the child is already good at chewing.

Later, when the baby gets used to the taste of fish, you can safely prepare fish cutlets, meatballs, fish soup and other fish dishes.

Be sure to accustom your child to fish, because this is the key to a strong and healthy body your child.

List of different varieties of lean fish for diets

As mentioned earlier, low-fat fish is quickly absorbed by the body and speeds up the process. Therefore, nutritionists advise people who are overweight to eat dishes made from lean fish. It can also be eaten when a person suffers from illness. digestive system. Moreover, under these circumstances it is even necessary.

Here is a list of some varieties of low-fat fish that you can eat if you decide to lose a couple of extra pounds and generally improve your health.

Low-fat fish comes in two types: sea and river.

The least fatty among the skinny varieties of sea fish are flounder, silver hake, blue whiting, cod and sea bass, as well as roach, pollock and pollock. The listed types are easy to prepare, easily digested and almost completely absorbed.

  • The most popular among those listed is flounder. It is very low in calories: 100 g of its meat accounts for 85 kcal.
  • Cod is also low in calories: per 100 g of this fish there are only 78 kcal, about 18 g of protein and 0.4 g of fat.
  • The kilocalorie content in 100 g of silver hake is 82, 17 g of protein and 1.7 g of fat.
  • Another one low calorie fish- blue whiting. Its kilocalorie content per 100 g of product is 72, about 16 g of protein and 0.8 g of fat for the same weight.
  • Sea bass has also become famous among low-fat fish. 100 g of sea bass contains only 98 kcal, 18 g of protein and 3 g of fat.
  • Pollock is an excellent solution for those who are on a diet. The calorie content of this variety ranges from 91 kcal per 100 g, 19 g of protein and 0.9 g of fat.
  • For weight loss, roach is suitable, 100 g of which contains 96 kcal, 18 g of protein and approximately 2.9 g of fat.
  • If we talk about low-fat river fish, then it is worth highlighting perch, pike perch, bream and pike.
  • When trying to lose weight, it is worth cooking river perch more often, since per 100 g of perch fillet there are 82 kcal, 18.2 g of protein and about 1 g of fat.
  • If you have long dreamed of getting rid of excess weight, then pike perch will come to the rescue. Its meat weighing 100 g contains 96 kcal, 21.2 g of protein and 1.2 fat.
  • Bream, a popular fish, will also help with excess body weight. This low-calorie river fish contains 100 kcal, 17.1 g of protein and 1.2 g of fat per 100 g of its meat.
  • Widely known not only from Russian tales, another low-fat river fish is pike. 100 g of its meat contains only 85 kcal, 18.6 g of protein and 1.1 g of fat.

Use this list of low-fat fish with data on its calorie content for your health, feel free to prepare culinary delights and lose weight to your heart’s content.

Lean fish recipes for a healthy diet

Here are some recipes from the above list of low-fat fish that are easy to eat and useful for any diet.

Stewed lean fish. To prepare this dish you will need any skinny fish (cod or hake), large leaves green salad, one lemon, sesame seeds, soy sauce and olive oil. Extinguish the fish in the usual way, let it cool and get rid of the bones. Garnish the plate with lettuce leaves. Carefully place pieces of processed fish on them. Drizzle the fish with oil and soy sauce to taste. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and add lemon wedges.

Fish in foil. Another low-calorie dietary dish that is quite easy to prepare. For cooking, you need low-fat fish, for example, pike perch or perch. Make a cut along the ridge. For a piquant taste, you can place the fish in soy sauce. At this time, peel the garlic and onions.

Cut the latter into rings, cut the garlic cloves in half. Remove the fish from the sauce and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place one half of the fish on foil, add onion, garlic, and sprinkle with herbs. Cover all this with the other half, moisten with olive oil, but lightly. Wrap the foil tightly and place the resulting “sandwich” in the oven for 30 minutes at 1800C. The fish is ready. It should be served with a side dish.

Here are more difficult to prepare recipes. Pay attention to the spice content in these dishes.

Hake in “green” batter. To cook fish according to this original recipe you will need hake fillet, tomatoes, garlic, lemon, olive oil, a bunch of parsley, breadcrumbs, seasoning, salt and pepper. Grind the peeled, washed garlic using a special garlic press.

Wash the hake thoroughly, cut it into portions and brush with salt, seasoning, pepper and garlic. Leave the fish for 10 minutes, then place in a baking dish. Wash the parsley well and chop finely. Toss the greens with breadcrumbs, lemon juice and olive oil. Dip each piece of prepared fish into the resulting sauce and place the fish in an oven preheated to 1800C for 20˗25 minutes. Place the finished fish on plates, garnish with chopped washed tomatoes and parsley sprigs. The dish is ready.

Fish "Royal". The ingredients that make up the dish with this royal name are the following: king perch fillet, orange, lemon, rare, canned seaweed, Apple vinegar, salt and spices for fish. Wash the fish fillet, cut it lengthwise to make long, narrow pieces. Mix lemon juice, olive oil, seasoning, salt and place the perch in the resulting marinade for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, season the canned seaweed with vinegar. Peel the radishes and cut them into flower-shaped decorations and set the cabbage and radishes aside for now.

Cut the orange into rings. Place strips of fish and orange rings in a baking dish so that a row of fish alternates with a row of orange rings.

Place the stacked products in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Serve the dish on the table, garnishing it with radish. Sea kale must be submitted separately.

While watching the video you will learn how to cook lean fish.

Fish - valuable product nutrition that should be included in the diet of both adults and children. For ease of digestion and numerous nutrients In its composition, low-fat fish has earned approval among people. Many doctors recommend eating fish at least once a week, while others even believe that it should be consumed more often than meat. In addition, low-fat, the list of which is presented in the article, is simply tasty and easy to prepare. Be healthy and bon appetit!

The fattest fish is not always the healthiest. It contains 8% lipids, which is not the limit. For healthy eating Moderately fatty varieties are more suitable. They contain an optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which is the key healthy heart, minimum cholesterol and maximum life expectancy.

Almost 15% of fish meat is high-quality protein. It contains all the amino acids important for the body. This protein is easily digestible digestive tract and gives the right amount of energy. In addition, fish fillet is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the smooth functioning of our body systems.

Fish is a source of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. All varieties can be divided into three groups: low-fat fish (up to 4% lipids), moderately fatty (4-8%) and fatty (more than 8%). But even the same type of fish has a different percentage of fat content depending on the time of year.

Even the most advanced scientists claim that fish is one of the most healthy products for good health. Regular use Omega-3 reduces triglyceride levels by almost a third of the original amount. This substance reduces the risk of heart disease and coronary artery disease.

Are you wondering which fish has the highest fat percentage? Pacific Euchalon contains about 45%. A relative of the euchalon lives in Lake Baikal - the Baikal golomyanka. Almost 40% of its weight is represented by lipids. There is very little meat in it. For comparison, the next on the list is eel with a score of 30%.

Leaders in fat content

We indicated the first three representatives above, but the rating does not end there. The calorie content of this group is about 180-250 kcal per 100 g.

So, the fattest sea and river fish that people are happy to include in their diet:

  • herring (14-19%);
  • mackerel (13-18%);
  • toothfish (16%);
  • Caspian sprat (13%).

This list also includes beluga, ivashi, saury, stellate sturgeon, silver carp, representatives of sturgeon, halibut and catfish. Just 300 g of fish of these varieties will provide a weekly requirement of Omega-3. For dietary nutrition they don't fit. For these purposes, it is better to choose skinny and moderately fatty types.

Other types of fish

Lean fish have low energy value– 70-100 kcal/100 g. The leaders in this category are cod, haddock, silver hake, and navaga. Also pay attention to pollock, roach, sea bass, river perch, pike perch, bream and pike. These varieties cook very quickly, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and are almost completely digestible. Pregnant women and children are strongly recommended to include these types of fish in their diet.

The calorie content of moderately fatty meat is 90-140 kcal/100 g. This group includes pink salmon, catfish, tuna, sea bream, herring, crucian carp, salmon, carp and trout. Medium-fat fish is perfect for salting and smoking. But it’s still better to bake or steam it.

The American Nutrition Association recommends eating more salmon, trout, tuna, lean herring, mackerel and sardines. They will saturate the body with the optimal amount of Omega-3. However, the method of preparation greatly influences the potential benefits. Meat fried on vegetable oil, loses almost all valuable properties.

The best dietary product is cod. It is low-fat (only 0.3-0.4% lipids) and rich in protein. Almost a fifth of the weight comes from high-quality protein. But her liver is very fatty, but “in a good way.” The amount of lipids in it reaches 70%. Another advantage of fish is the absence of small bones. Immediately behind this species are pollock, pollock and blue whiting.

Any low-fat fish proper diet used both as a delicacy, and for variety in the menu, and to fill the deficit essential minerals, vitamins, microelements. The fairly serious popularity of seafood has become the reason that many people losing weight do not think at all about what kind of fish they can eat while losing weight, considering all types and varieties acceptable for consumption.

In fact, not every fish is considered as a basic ingredient for creating a balanced but low-calorie menu. It is also necessary to understand that dietary dishes fish prepared using different technologies differ in calorie content.

For example, you can compare boiled fillet river fish and smoked sturgeon. These are two radically opposite products in terms of benefits for the human body.

The benefits of fish

It is safe to say that all seafood (provided that it is fresh and properly prepared) is beneficial for the human body. Low-fat varieties fish are ideal for dietary ration, and also retain nutritional and beneficial properties.

Fish is a source of high quality protein. It is quickly absorbed by the body, which cannot be said about meat products saturated with proteins. If to digest these dishes to the human body It will take up to 3-4 hours, then the gastrointestinal tract will completely process the low-fat fish snack in no longer than two.

Since these products are considered quite filling, even while on a strict diet, a person will not experience obsessive feeling hunger. A high-quality fish diet does not allow the body of a losing weight person to be in a state of stress. A full stomach will allow the body to function as usual, without storing lipid cells “in reserve.”

Secrets of centenarians

Japan is a country of long-livers. Indeed, they feel good and look young. Many experts attribute this fact to the fact that the inhabitants of the country constantly consume seafood. Fish for weight loss and not only will help maintain the health of the thyroid gland, provide yourself sharp vision for a long time, brag healthy skin, strong nails and shiny hair.

Most varieties contain seafood products includes the following valuable components:

  • fatty acid;
  • vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine.

Fish varieties

Fish diet requires a competent selection of delicacies with a minimum calorie content.

I conditionally divide all varieties into three global categories:

Fat Level above 7%. Some delicacies are even fattier than pork (halibut, mackerel, eel, herring, stellate sturgeon, sardines, sturgeon).
Medium fat Typically the level fluctuates between 5–7%. Such fish for weight loss can only be used in limited quantities (trout, tuna, pink salmon, some types of herring, catfish, sea ​​bass, bluefish, catfish, capelin, carp, salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, chum salmon).
Low-fat varieties Typically, such fish can be eaten on any diet. All species do not have a high fat content - no more than 5% (cod, blue whiting, pollock, navaga, river perch, pike, burbot, carp, asp, tilapia, halibut, hake, scallops, flounder, haddock).

Low-fat fish for the diet, the list of which can be continued, is convenient for cooking in different modes. We recommend creating a menu with at least 3–4 fish dishes for a week. If you have any doubts about a particular variety, you can always consult with a specialist about what kind of fish is best to eat on your diet.

The secret to recognizing fat content

A fish diet for weight loss, the menu of which should be tasty and varied, should also include seafood. Mussels, oysters, lobsters, shrimp, and crayfish are considered suitable.

Experts advise distinguishing products by their degree of fat content and color. The lighter the fillet, the lighter it is. The richer and darker the color, the more fat there is in the product. For example, herring, mackerel and salmon are distinguished by a special noble tone, indicating a rich composition of fatty elements.

Considering the fact that the healthiest fish is non-dietary varieties, it is allowed to include in the menu small portions. When on a diet, completely eliminating fats from the diet is also undesirable, so it is better to use fish as a source of fatty acids than products of animal or plant origin.

Minimum carbohydrates

The lower the percentage, the lower the carbohydrate level. When choosing which fish is best to cook, you should pay attention to this indicator.

According to the degree of calorie content, all varieties can also be divided into three categories:

Maximum protein

A fish diet allows you to fully saturate your body with protein. Largest quantity proteins contain tuna, perch, flounder, horse mackerel. Slightly less of these elements are found in fillets of blue whiting, pike, pike perch, and roach. Quite a small protein content in flounder, bream, hake, and pollock.

Gastronomic secrets

Even the most low-calorie and low-fat fish fast weight loss will not give the beneficial effect that was expected if it is prepared incorrectly. It is unlikely that the most ordinary cod, deliciously fried in a frying pan, can claim the title of a low-calorie dish.

If you have questions about what kind of fish you can eat on a diet and how best to cook it, you should Once again seek advice from a specialist. An expert will be able to advise such combinations of products and processing techniques that will bring invaluable benefits figure, as well as human health in general. For a fish diet to be truly effective, it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

About the Dukan system

Very eloquently reveals useful qualities seafood one of the most famous dietary practices is the Dukan system. At the first stage, the founder of the method focuses on what should be consumed protein food, neglecting carbohydrates and fats. A fish diet is ideal for the first phase. In the following stages, the Dukan system allows you to virtually freely use fish delicacies. The prerogative of marine and river inhabitants.

Is it worth boiling the fillet?

Perhaps the simplest method of processing seafood, which is acceptable for proper nutrition- cook the fillet. A fish diet allows you to introduce tuna, flounder, haddock, and cod into the menu.

And you can also treat yourself to shrimp or crabs from time to time. Anyone who has ever been to large fish markets, where they offer fresh goods, will not have any difficulty filling the menu with delicious dishes.

Fillet can be either boiled in water or steamed. Such fish, even under dietary restrictions of even the highest severity, will retain its taste, benefits, and also dietary qualities. Products may be baked, cooked in a slow cooker, and occasionally grilled. Smoked and fried dishes in vegetable oil are strictly prohibited.

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Fatty fish varieties are chinook salmon, nelma, halibut, sturgeon, beluga, sardine, saury, stellate sturgeon, ivasi, Atlantic herring, salmon, whitefish, nanothenia, omul, Caspian sprat, toothfish, eel, catfish, burbot, silver carp, and sabrefish. These types of fish contain in their meat a large (from 8 to 30%) amount of fish oil, which is beneficial for human health.

Fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n-3 group. Fats of the n-3 group are also known as “Omega-3 fats” or “Omega-3 acids.”

Fatty fish are rich in the two most important n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (decosahexaenoic acid).

The human body itself can produce some of these acids (EPA and DHA) from the original fats of the n-3 alpha-linolenic acid group. Rich sources of alpha-linolenic acid are cereal oils, e.g. linseed oil, rapeseed or mustard, as well as some nuts, especially walnuts. But this amount produced by the body is not enough for a person.

EPA and DHA acids are found in large quantities in fish oil and in fillets of fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, trout, salmon and sardines and in fish liver.

Number of n-3 fatty acids. (per 100g. raw portion product)

Type of seafood

Total amount of lipids

Polyunsaturated fats

n-3 fatty acids

Lobsters (boiled)

Crabs (boiled)


Tuna (canned)

Trout (rainbow)

Cod liver oil

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce blood concentrations bad cholesterol, thereby having a beneficial effect on the condition of the brain, heart, blood vessels and eyes. Proven beneficial influence Omega 3 acids on the condition of patients with coronary disease heart - after all, cholesterol plays a leading role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that clog blood vessels.

In addition, Omega-3 acids improve the condition and mobility of joints. Prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis. Protect nerve cells brain, reducing the risk of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Omega 3 acids reduce painful sensations, related premenstrual syndrome and menstruation.

Vitamin A is found in fairly large quantities in fatty fish such as herring and mackerel, as well as in crustaceans. A 100-gram serving of these seafood contains 10 to 15% of the daily recommended intake of retinol, an easily absorbed form of vitamin A.

Vitamin D

Fatty fish are an excellent source of vitamin D and D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D is responsible for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the human body, and also regulates the level of calcium in the blood. Without vitamin D, no more than 10-15% of the calcium entering the body with food is absorbed in the intestines. Vitamin D is very important for maintaining healthy condition bones. Vitamin D plays preventive role in the fight against certain types of cancer.

Vitamin B

Fatty fish is a good source of B vitamins, especially thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine. A 100-gram serving of almost any fish will provide about 10% daily value these vitamins. Fish is especially rich in vitamin B12. The average portion provides more than 100% adult norm of this vitamin. Vitamin B12 is especially important for the functioning of blood cells.

Fish usually contains very little vitamin C.

Table 2* Content of vitamins in fish.

Type of seafood


Trout (rainbow)

Lobsters (boiled)

Crabs (boiled)


Fish contains more iodine than anyone else natural product. The presence of fish in the diet twice a week is equivalent to 100 to 200 micrograms of iodine per day, which corresponds to the daily value of an adult (130 micrograms of iodine). Sea fish called sole contains the largest amount of iodine necessary for normal operation thyroid gland.


Fish is good source selenium, although the content of this mineral varies depending on the species. Recommended daily norm selenium for an adult -55 mcg. 100 grams of fish typically provides between 20 and 60 micrograms of selenium. For comparison, grain products and meat contain from 10 to 12 micrograms of selenium per 100 grams.

Selenium plays key role in activities immune system humans, in thyroid metabolism and in sexual activity. Baldness of the head is a direct consequence of a regular lack of selenium in the body.


Most fish contain a small amount of calcium, although exceptions include sardines, oysters and shrimp, which can provide 10 to 20% of an adult's recommended daily value per 100 grams of food.


All crustaceans, especially fresh oysters and mussels, are a rich source of zinc. The popularity of the stimulating effect of oysters is attributed to the high zinc content, since normal content zinc in the body is directly related to male potency and sperm motility. The daily recommended intake of zinc for an adult is 9.5 mg.

Table 3*Mineral content of fish and crustaceans(per 100 g of raw product portion)

Type of seafood





Calcium, mg

Iron, mg





Selenium, mcg


Trout (rainbow)

Crabs (boiled)


* sources:

· B. Holland, J. Brown and D. Bass, 1993, Fish and fish products;

· English Food Standards Agency, 2002, Third Supplement to Food Ingredients (5th edition);

· McCankey and Widowson's Components of Food (6th Final Edition) Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.


Regular consumption of fatty fish is very beneficial for human health.

Scientists have calculated the maximum harmless amount of fatty fish. Thus, according to the British agency FSA (Food Standard Agency), men, young men, boys, as well as postmenopausal women can eat up to 4 servings of fatty fish per week without harm to their health (each serving is 140 g of fish).