Green hazelnuts beneficial properties. The benefits of hazelnuts for men and women - the composition and beneficial properties of the nut. A 100-gram serving of raw nuts contains

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Hazelnut is such an unusual word for the Russian ear. It contains echoes of oriental bazaars. The scorching sun, colorful fabrics, the shouts of traders praising their goods, oriental sweets, halva, nuts in honey. But in fact, hazelnuts are a common hazelnut in Russia, which is also called “hazel.” Only hazel is a wild plant, and hazelnut is its domesticated, cultivated version.

In Rus', hazel was considered a tree that was blessed by the gods. According to legend, hazel has never been struck by lightning, so its nuts were used as protective talismans.

Nuts have always been a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And this can be explained by their rich content of microelements, vitamins, and nutrients. Moreover, the nuts do not lose their beneficial features for years thanks to its strong shell.

The properties of hazelnuts to accumulate, preserve and transmit beneficial properties to us make it the “king of nuts”.

We invite you to evaluate hazelnuts, their beneficial properties and contraindications before you start using them in your diet.

Biochemical composition

Hazelnut kernels are a natural storehouse of microelements beneficial to our body. What does it contain?

  1. A fifth of the nut consists of proteins, proteins and amino acids.
  2. More than half, i.e. the massive part, is retained by fats consisting of such valuable unsaturated fatty acids as stearic, palmitic, and oleic.
  3. Loading dose of rare and useful vitamins E, K, group B, as well as A, C and PP.
  4. Minerals - potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and also in less significant quantities zinc, selenium and calcium.

However, it is difficult for a person who has not studied chemistry and biology to understand the benefits that all of the listed substances bring to our body. Let us examine step by step whether hazelnuts and the microelements in their composition are useful using the example of several main “pictures”.

Protein is a muscle builder

It is known that the famous Spartan warriors ate very modestly; once a day they received rations in their outstretched palms. What kind of food was it that gave them strength and made them the best warriors of Greece? – Rye, lentils and nuts. Such food helped them form strong muscles, saturated them with all useful substances and did not burden the body with toxins. The high nutritional value of nuts allows you to replace meat with this product.

Amino acids are the creators of protein

In addition to the fact that the formation of proteins is not possible without amino acids, they perform many more important functions. Stearic acid is included in breast milk, her in mandatory added to mixtures baby food. Without this amino acid, the full development of the body is impossible; it contributes to the formation nervous system, as well as brain cells.

Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid. This is the healthiest source of fat. Reduces general level cholesterol, and is also prophylactic against heart disease and helps our body produce antioxidants.

Vitamins in nuts

Tocopherol or vitamin E is a source of youth for women. It fights oxidative processes in the body and prevents cells from aging. This vitamin allows you to delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, and also improves blood circulation and cleanses blood vessels.

Phylloquinone, vitamin K – participates in the synthesis bone tissue and in the processes of blood clotting.

Choline, vitamin B4 prevents depression from developing, activates the central nervous system, and stimulates brain cells. It also normalizes metabolism and helps cope with fat deposits.

Retinol, vitamin A - helps the body fight viruses and bacteria, accelerates wound healing, and is necessary for the growth of new cells.

Beneficial features

So, hazelnuts are able to resist many diseases due to their rich and balanced composition. Hazelnut is a real natural pharmacy.

A small handful of nucleoli several times a week will strengthen your heart muscle and help avoid the formation cholesterol plaques, will add elasticity to the vessels.

Hazelnuts help stabilize the nervous system. Nuts boiled in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon will become an excellent remedy against depression, relieve insomnia and feelings of irritability. You now know wonderful properties hazelnuts are a cure chronic fatigue and giving vitality to our body.

Eating hazelnuts strengthens the immune system, helps fight infections, and prevents colds. The effectiveness of hazelnuts in the fight against cancer has been scientifically proven. It prevents decomposition processes and perfectly cleanses the liver. In addition, due to its low glycemic index, it can be eaten by diabetics.

Restrictions on use

Nuts are a very high-calorie product. Therefore, it is recommended to consume them in small doses in the first half of the day. You can eat no more than 50 grams per day.

A clear contraindication for use would be a tendency to allergic reactions or individual intolerance. For diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, the use of this nut in food is only with the permission of a doctor.

If consumed in moderation, hazelnuts will not cause harm. But you will definitely feel the benefits of the “king of nuts”, feeling a surge of strength, energy and a joyful mood. Good luck!

It is known that hazelnuts, also called hazelnuts, are a cultivated species of wild hazel. Our ancestors used it for food, as well as for treatment and prevention of many diseases. There is nothing surprising, because the tasty fruit contains a lot useful components.

Hazelnut calories

Many people are interested in the benefits of hazelnuts, what they can give to the body? Let's start with the fact that hazelnut is very high-calorie product, which is significantly more nutritious compared to fish or meat. For this reason, you should not get carried away with such a delicacy too much. The composition of cultivated hazel is as follows: fats – 60-70%, proteins – 20-25%. How many calories are in hazelnuts? The energy value of the nut is 678 kcal/100 grams. If a person is on a diet, then this is not a reason to refuse tasty, useful fruits, because hazelnuts contain almost no carbohydrates.

Benefits of hazelnuts

Since ancient times, hazelnuts have enjoyed success: in the form of food, for therapeutic measures. This is all explained by the fact that the hazel fruit has a large number of benefits. The beneficial substances in hazelnuts are presented wide range. The composition of the nut includes the following nutritional components:

  • vitamin B, which normalizes muscle function, of cardio-vascular system;
  • a substance called pacletaxel - inhibits the development of pathologies and cancerous tumors;
  • vitamin E is considered natural antioxidant, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function;
  • fatty acid– increase elasticity vascular walls, slow down their aging, prevent the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc) strengthen bones.

Below is a table with information about the main advantages of hazelnut and its “derivatives”. Find out why you need to eat hazel, how hazelnut husks and oil are useful.


Raw and roasted hazelnuts (Both types are healthy, but it is recommended to eat raw hazelnuts more often as roasted hazelnuts lose some of their useful substances because of heat treatment and contains significantly more calories).

  1. Freeing the body from toxins and waste.
  2. Strengthening the human immune system.
  3. Increased growth, muscle development.
  4. Hazelnuts with honey (or raisins) increase hemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Effective fight with insomnia, depression, headaches.
  6. Stabilization of the central nervous system.
  7. Elimination and prevention of vitamin deficiency.

Hazelnut shell and husk

Crushed shells, husks and leaves of the nut are often used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions help with high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, dizziness.

Peanut butter

Harm of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts can not only benefit the body. Sometimes it can harm your health. This occurs if the product is absorbed into large quantities, instead of following the normal, safe daily intake. You are allowed to eat a maximum of 50-60 grams of hazelnuts in one day. Otherwise, you can severely damage your liver, get stomach problems, or develop severe headache(substances contained in hazelnuts can cause vascular spasms). You should be very careful when consuming hazelnuts if you have diabetes mellitus, allergies.

What are the health benefits of hazelnuts?

Hazelnuts are equally beneficial for children and adults. All nutrients contained in the product have an effect on the body positive influence. Hazelnuts are recommended for consumption by both men and women. During the period of bearing a child, this product brings exceptional benefits to the expectant mother and the baby.

During pregnancy

The beneficial properties of nuts during pregnancy have been experienced by a large number of expectant mothers for several years now. The main advantages of hazelnuts for a pregnant woman are:

  1. Hazel included in daily menu, gives you a chance to more easily regulate your diet and weight.
  2. Hazelnuts are no less beneficial for the fetus: they have a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s skeleton and nervous system.
  3. On top of that, hazelnut allows you to practically eliminate the use medical supplies during pregnancy. Hazelnuts effectively strengthen immune system women successfully fight fatigue.

For men

Hazel contains in its composition a lot of “benefits” that the body of any representative of the stronger sex needs. Any specialist will confirm that hazelnuts must be present in every man’s diet. Hazelnut renders men's health the following “services”:

  1. Contains phytosterol, a component that effectively reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and is an ideal remedy for the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Hazelnuts also promote the production of male sex hormones and strengthen the body well after physical effort.
  3. Hazelnuts are good for potency. They have a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse and increase reproductive function.
  4. The protein contained in hazel helps build and improve muscles.

For women

How are hazelnuts beneficial for women? This product has only a beneficial effect on the body of every representative of the fair sex. Positive properties hazel:

  1. Stimulation of milk production during lactation. It becomes more satisfying, nutritious, and beneficial for babies. The main thing is to adhere to a reasonable daily intake of the product.
  2. Hair enrichment essential vitamins and minerals for healthy shine, thickness and fullness (masks of nut butter and yolk chicken egg).
  3. Cleansing the skin from different inflammatory processes(blackheads, abscesses, boils, acne, etc.).
  4. The nut can often cure infertility.

Video about the beneficial properties and contraindications of hazelnuts

The benefits of nuts for the body are beyond doubt. Plays a special role here hazelnut. Our ancestors knew about the amazing healing properties of hazelnuts thousands of years ago.

Hazelnuts grow wild in the south-eastern part of Europe and Asia Minor, and are bred mainly in the Balkans, in North America, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Sweden and the south of France.

From hazel, which is found in deciduous and mixed forests middle zone, a cultural form of the plant was obtained. About 60 years ago, Academician Yablokov, having crossed southern hazelnuts and wild hazel, obtained hybrid seedlings, from which the largest-fruited and winter-hardy specimens were then selected.

Composition and beneficial properties

The nut contains about 60% fat and 20% protein, energy value per 100 g of product is 667 kcal. Despite high calorie content, it is impossible to gain weight from such nuts, since they contain practically no carbohydrates. This allows you to use this product V dietary nutrition. It is useful for children, adults, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women.

Part hazelnuts includes vitamins B1, B2 and B6, which ensure the full functioning of the muscular and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin E is a good preventative oncological diseases and has a positive effect on reproductive system. Its fruits also contain a special substance - pacletaxel, which prevents the random division of tumor cells and slows down the development of pathological processes.

The presence of macro- and microelements such as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and zinc contributes to the formation of the skeleton. In addition, these substances strengthen teeth, stabilize the activity of the nervous system and improve hormonal background. Glycerides polyunsaturated acids prevent aging blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels.

Hazelnuts are widely used in vegetarian diets, since the plant proteins they contain perfectly replace animal proteins and are of great benefit.

Information about the benefits of hazelnuts has been accumulated and transmitted over many centuries. Our ancestors used it to treat many ailments. Regular consumption of mashed nuts with milk relieves severe cough and shortness of breath, helps increase milk production in nursing mothers, and prevents gas formation in infants. Hazelnuts ground with honey strengthen protective function the body, helps restore strength after a serious illness and weakens attacks of rheumatism. At regular use Eating hazelnuts even reduces epilepsy.

In addition, the nut has the ability to stabilize the activity of the nervous system, and is also effective against insomnia, headaches and irritability. Thanks to the presence of minerals and vitamins in it, the winter period of vitamin deficiency is much easier to bear and the likelihood of stress is reduced.

Hazelnuts, beneficial properties which is difficult to overestimate, is an important component proper nutrition. The habit of eating a handful of nuts (about 20 kernels) in the morning will not only be a great start to the day, but will also give the body a boost of vigor and health for 24 hours. Vitamin E contained in hazelnut, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Application and contraindications

Properties of hazelnuts are aimed at improving the functioning of the heart muscle, reducing cholesterol levels and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases, anemia, arterial hypertension, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Men suffering from prostatitis need to consume 40–50 g of this product every day. It’s not for nothing that hazelnuts are called “men’s food.” Also, the inclusion of this product in daily diet will help delay the onset of old age and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Due to the content in hazelnuts large quantity fats, oil is obtained from it, which is released medicinal properties and high nutritional value. It is suitable for both outdoor and internal use. In addition, it is often used in cooking to flavor meat and fish dishes spicy nutty aroma, as well as for making sauces. True gourmets add it to vegetable dishes, pasta, flour products and salads.

Hazelnut, like any product that has strong medicinal properties, must be used with caution and not get carried away with it too much. 30-50 g of nuts is maximum amount which benefits the body. Exceeding this norm leads to cerebral vascular spasm and headaches.

Hazelnut is contraindicated children suffering from severe diabetes and people with pathologies of the pancreas and liver. In addition, individual intolerance to the product may occur, which is expressed by allergic reactions.

Did you know that...

  • IN Ancient Greece hazel was a symbol of prosperity and family happiness, and in Ancient Rome– health and strength. In Rus' it was considered a blessed tree that does not get struck by lightning. The Slavs believed that the double kernel in a hazelnut would bring wealth and happiness.
  • Due to high nutritional value and beneficial properties, supernatural properties were attributed to hazelnuts. On Christmastide it was scattered in the corners of the house to appease the souls of deceased relatives.
  • Many peoples associated nuts with fertility. They were especially recommended for nursing mothers to improve lactation and for women who could not become pregnant.
  • The authorities of Ancient Babylon prohibited ordinary people eat hazelnuts because they were thought to stimulate mental activity. But this only brings harm to the working people.
  • In ancient times, newlyweds in England planted hazel under the window so that a son would be born.

Hazelnuts are a hazelnut, which, like most other nuts, on the one hand, is rich in vitamins, and on the other hand, in large quantities it is considered a heavy food that is not easy for the body to cope with. Many people very often wonder what the benefits of hazelnuts are, and this is exactly what we will find out below.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Before analyzing the basic properties of hazelnuts, it is necessary to understand what they consist of and get an answer to two questions that interest many people regarding how much protein there is in hazelnuts, and in general, what their energy and nutritional value is.

The composition of this nut includes (based on 100 g):

  • proteins – 16.2 g;
  • fats – 66.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.1 g.

Among the useful properties, the most basic ones can be highlighted. Hazelnut hazelnut:

  1. Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. Potassium and calcium, which are found in hazelnuts, are the main macroelements for the heart. Minerals strengthen the heart muscle and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, calcium, together with sodium, takes part in hematopoiesis.
  2. Nuts are very good for muscles. It's no secret to anyone that muscle fibers protein is needed. And in hazelnuts it combines well with vitamin E, which has a good effect on muscle growth and strengthening.
  3. Strengthens immunity. Due to the fact that hazelnuts contain many vitamins E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and sodium.
  4. Hazelnuts are effective in combating anemia, as well as for recovery after various illnesses, injuries and operations. These nuts are eight times more nutritious than milk. The iron it contains is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Potassium promotes the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.
  5. Cancer Prevention. Hazelnuts contain paclitaxel, a substance that is directly involved in the prevention of cancer. The drug of the same name is used in chemotherapy to suppress the division of cancer cells.
  6. Hazelnuts do not contain many carbohydrates, which is why they are safe (but small quantities) can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes.

Benefits of hazelnuts for women

For the fair sex, hazelnuts - a real find, because thanks to him:

  • hair becomes shiny and voluminous, especially if you make masks from nut oil and egg yolk;
  • activate the production of breast milk, they make it the most healthy and nutritious, which is why young mothers are simply obliged to eat hazelnuts;
  • Walnut oil contains excellent cleansing properties. It can be used when acne, abscesses and various skin abscesses.
  • hazelnuts help in the treatment of infertility.
  • Such nuts help get rid of extra pounds if you use them as snacks or replacing them with the main meal.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts

First, let's look at the useful qualities:

The harmful effects of eating hazelnuts include:

  1. Headache, which is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels.
  2. Allergies and diathesis in children.
  3. Weight gain (people with any degree of diagnosis do not need to eat it);
  4. Bloating, difficulty passing stool.
  5. Daily norm hazelnut consumption no more than 30 grams.