Moisturizing the scalp at home. Here are just a few of them. Oil mask with honey and egg

When sebaceous glands begin to work incorrectly, and the cells cannot retain precious moisture molecules inside themselves, the scalp begins to flake, dandruff, itching, a feeling of tightness and dryness appear, the hair becomes brittle and splits. If nothing is done about all these manifestations, they will only get worse, which can lead to serious problems - neglected form seborrhea, alopecia (baldness), hyperkeratosis and other diseases. Very dry skin requires special approach: firstly, regular and careful care, and secondly, comprehensive treatment must be carried out. But first, it is advisable to understand exactly what factors led to this state of the epidermis and try to eliminate them.

Styling hair with curling irons, flat irons, and hair dryers greatly affects the condition of the scalp.


The scalp becomes dry for two reasons: the sebaceous glands do not produce enough oil and the cells do not have enough moisture. Why is this happening? The following factors can lead to this:

  • frequent use of a hairdryer, straightener, curling iron, tongs;
  • using too hot water when washing your hair;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • incorrect, disturbed metabolism in the body;
  • serious internal diseases;
  • If long time body temperature does not drop;
  • poor nutrition;
  • non-compliance with drinking regime;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lactation;
  • smoking and alcoholism.

Try to objectively assess your lifestyle and the state of your health in order to identify the factors that cause your dry scalp, and along with it a lot of unpleasant accompanying symptoms. They also need to be able to recognize and distinguish them from ordinary dry hair or dandruff. This will allow you to choose the right treatment and tell you what to do with this scourge.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Itching, a feeling of tightness and discomfort, deterioration of hair condition - signs of dry scalp


Typically, dry scalp is accompanied by characteristic symptoms - even a whole set of signs that can be used to distinguish it from other troubles. If only 1-2 symptoms are observed, this does not mean that you need urgent treatment from dry epidermis. However, the presence of 4–5 signs is already a sure sign that it’s time to take action and start own health close. Dry scalp is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • skin irritation;
  • constant feeling of tightness;
  • a very strong desire to scratch the skin;
  • dandruff;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle, split, dry hair;
  • If you apply a cosmetic napkin to the roots, there will be no greasy or greasy stains left on it: only dandruff will settle.

If most of the listed signs are already present, you need to do something and take appropriate measures to moisturize the epidermis. Otherwise, very soon the hair will begin to fall out rapidly, and the scalp may become covered with scabs of exfoliated dead cells, which will lead to all sorts of diseases. In parallel with eliminating the root causes of dryness, you need to provide your scalp with complete, thorough and regular care.

An air humidifier will help normalize the microclimate in your apartment, which will benefit skin suffering from lack of moisture.

Rules of care

Many women take the rules of care too literally: the use of external products, combing, etc. In fact, they include a whole range of measures that sometimes force you to reconsider your lifestyle and change a lot in it so that your hair and scalp are no longer dry. . So, what needs to be done first of all to provide the cells with the necessary level of moisture and make the sebaceous glands work in the correct mode?

  1. Normalize nutrition. Daily diet must be balanced and varied. It is advisable to consume more foods with high content fats: avocado, sesame, olives, fatty varieties fish, as well as sea buckthorn berries.
  2. Set up drinking regime. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of plain water per day.
  3. Avoid thermal hair styling tools: the scalp should take a break from hair dryers, curling irons, curling irons and flat irons.
  4. Wash dry hair only warm water.
  5. During the treatment period, it is better to refuse store-bought shampoos, conditioners and other delights of the modern beauty industry. It's better to wash your hair regular egg, rinse with a decoction of herbs.
  6. Regularly make homemade moisturizing masks for dry hair.
  7. Take a course of multivitamins.
  8. Get tested for internal diseases and treat them.
  9. Quit smoking.
  10. Do not drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks.
  11. Comb dry hair as often as possible using essential oils.
  12. Make sure that the air in the room you are in is constantly humidified. To do this, you need to open the window more often for ventilation, put a cup of water on the radiator in winter, or even easier - purchase a special humidifier.
  13. Use herbs to wash your hair and rinse your hair: nettle, horsetail– as well as oak bark.

Very often, eliminating the root cause of dry scalp and care rules overlap, which increases the chances of successful treatment this misfortune. If your hair and skin are very dry and your symptoms have changed from... cosmetic defects V real problem, it’s time to either contact a trichologist or start home treatment using herbs, masks, cosmetic and vegetable oils and other folk remedies.

Onion juice is very effective remedy against dry scalp, but getting rid of the smell will not be easy


If you turn to a trichologist for help, he can prescribe ozone therapy, mesotherapy, laser treatment dry scalp and other procedures aimed at intense and rapid hydration. However, they can be no less effective folk remedies, which you can try to use at home in order to get rid of itching and peeling of the epidermis. The most popular in this matter is a moisturizing mask for dry scalp, which can solve all these problems and tidy up the hair - make it lively, radiant, shiny, strong, voluminous and thick.

  • Onion mask

Peel a medium onion, grate it, or pass it through a meat grinder, or puree it using a blender. All means will be good, but take care of your eyes. To prevent chopping onions from irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes, pre-soak the peeled onions in the refrigerator on the top shelf for 30–40 minutes. After the chopping process, fold clean gauze into several layers and wrap the resulting onion pulp in it. Gently rub the juice released through the gauze into the scalp until the entire scalp has been treated in this way. Wrap yourself in cellophane and a towel, leave for an hour and rinse onion mask using shampoo. Add a few drops of any of the following to the rinse water. essential oil: this will prevent your hair from smelling like onions after such a specific mask.

  • Yolk mask

Yolk is an excellent natural moisturizer, so it should quickly cope with even the driest skin and the most brittle and split strands. Mix warm filtered or mineral water still (50 ml), vodka (20 ml), raw yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly whisked and rubbed into the scalp for half an hour (don’t forget to apply insulation). Wash off with shampoo and herbal decoctions.

Cosmetic oils are known for their moisturizing properties. These are ideal products for dry hair and scalp. If you use them regularly and correctly, you can get rid of the problem that is tormenting you quickly and efficiently. Heat unrefined vegetable oil in a water bath and rub into the roots for an hour. When the time comes to wash off the mask, you first need to apply shampoo to your head (without wetting) and try to whip it up to a foam along with the oil remaining on the hair. And then rinse the product. Vegetable oil in this recipe can be replaced with olive, burdock, castor, jojoba, almond, coconut, and grape seed.

  • Honey-oil mask

This remedy is good because the oil moisturizes, and the honey heals. With its help, you can quickly get rid of itching and dandruff, heal split ends and brittle hair. Mix unrefined warm olive oil (50 ml) and liquid, also warm honey (25 ml). 20 minutes for such a mask will be quite enough. Rinse off using the same technology as in the previous recipe.

Now you know what to do if you have very dry scalp: eliminate the cause, provide hair additional care, carry out a course of treatment. Only A complex approach eliminating this scourge will allow you to get rid of its manifestations and improve the condition of the epidermis, as well as appearance curls. For their effective humidification at home you will need time, patience and proper scalp care. Quick results no one promises, but if there is an incentive and desire to get rid of dryness, itching and constant feeling tightness, comprehensive treatment guarantees complete elimination of all these symptoms.

1 year ago

Trichologist Tamara Berechikidze ( @dr.tamaraberechikidze) told what should be included in moisturizers, and recommended masks and lotions for vacation.

Tamara Berechikidze trichologist, specialist at the Romanov Beauty and Health Center

In summer, be sure to use moisturizing hair products. Firstly, it is protection from ultraviolet radiation (leave-in sprays and lotions most often contain UV filters), and secondly, they save dry, hard, porous hair (the scales do not fit tightly to each other, breaks in the bonds between keratinocytes are formed, which causes leads to “dehydration”). When choosing a moisturizer, look at the ingredients. It should contain glycerin, aloe (binds water thanks to a complex polysaccharide), sugars, panthenol, inositol, hyaluronic acid (one molecule hyaluronic acid capable of holding 200 - 500 water molecules), natural amino acids, Sodium PCA (water-retaining agent).

Moisturizing mask for dry and damaged hair Bed Head Urban Anti+Dotes Recovery, TIGI

The mask is suitable for those who are afraid of the “dirty hair” effect after using such products. It does not create a film on the strands and scalp. Use it once a week instead of conditioner. Moreover, the product is suitable for maintaining hair in good condition and for recovery - the mask moisturizes dry strands well. A big plus: the products from the Bed Head line (there is also shampoo and conditioner) have a cumulative effect. It contains glycerin, which retains water in the hair, preventing it from evaporating.

Damage Repairing & Rehydrating Leave-In Treatment, Kiehl's

The product can be used daily, applied to towel-dried or dry hair. Contains moringa tree oil, ceramide and hyaluronic acid derivative to retain moisture in the hair. Moringa tree oil contains proteins, calcium, and amino acids. The cream does not weigh down the hair, but it removes frizz. The product is very economical - 75 ml. enough for a long time!

Sun and sea water protection cream Swimcap Cream, Philip Kingsley

Philip Kingsley is a famous English trichologist who not only founded his own cosmetics brand and opened a trichological clinic in London, but also wrote three encyclopedia books. Among his clients are Kate Winslet, Cher, Madonna.

I highly recommend taking this product with you on vacation. The cream protects hair from ultraviolet rays, chlorinated and sea ​​water. Apply it before going to the sea or to the pool wet hair and refresh after swimming. At the end of the day, rinse with shampoo. Swimcap perfectly moisturizes hair!

Moisturizing mask for dry hair Mending Masque, Bumble and Bumble

Use to moisturize very dry hair and scalp. Apply once a week for 10-15 minutes and take it with you on vacation. After using Mending Masque, the hair will be very easy to comb (at sea - this is whole problem). Linoleic acid, barley, wheat extract and phospholipids moisturize and soften hair, panthenol provides moisture balance, and phytantriol protects against heat damage.

Instant Amino Energizer Lotion No. 5.5.1, DSD de Luxe

Colorists add it to hair dye to protect hair. But the amino energizer was created primarily for home use as a sos remedy. The package contains 10 ampoules of 10 ml each. Before use, shake the ampoule and distribute its contents throughout the hair and scalp. The composition contains panthenol, biotin, phospholipids, algae extract - constant components of moisturizers.

Similar materials from the category

Masks for dry scalp can be a real salvation for xerosis. Their use helps to avoid dandruff, itching and restore the beautiful shine of curls. Depending on the components, masks have different effects. For flaking scalp, you can use either a store-bought product or a homemade mask.

Dry scalp causes significant discomfort - a feeling of tightness appears, hair loses its shine, and dandruff appears. Prolonged dryness can cause hair loss and increased fragility. This condition is accompanied constant itching and other inconveniences.

The dermis of the head differs from the rest in that the hair on it creates another protective layer. The sebaceous glands in this area work as actively as on the face, and therefore sebum accumulates at the roots. If hygiene measures are not followed, this can cause reproduction. pathogenic microorganisms.

The sebum produced also performs a protective function - it protects the surface of the epidermis of the head from moisture loss and drying out. This is necessary so that it maintains its integrity and is resistant to the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Sebum protects and nourishes the hair shaft, moisturizing its base and roots, preventing fragility and maintaining elasticity.

There can be several main reasons for poor hydration:

  • the use of excessively aggressive cleaning agents;
  • deficit nutrients, provoked by a violation of the diet;
  • increased levels of stress and anxiety, which affect the body's hormonal regulation;
  • changing the composition of the water used for washing;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • change water-salt balance body;
  • fungal infection.

If the epidermis of the scalp is severely dry, you need to analyze the last few days to see if there was a change in diet or care products. If there are no changes in Lately was not carried out, but the disorder manifested itself and persists for a long time, it is worth contacting a dermatologist.

Important: If you have a large amount of dandruff and severe itching, you should use any products only after consulting your doctor. Self-medication can make the situation worse.

The use of oils helps achieve noticeable restoration of curls:

  • forms a thin protective film that prevents liquid evaporation;
  • nourishes and saturates the epidermis with useful components;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • moisturizes the hair shaft;
  • adds shine to hair.

This ingredient can be used either independently or as part of masks and mixtures.

A mask for moisturizing the scalp is often prepared on the basis of some kind of oil. The most popular ingredient is burdock - it regulates the activity sebaceous glands, strengthens hair, nourishes it and prevents hair loss. It can be used both for excess oil content and insufficient sebum production.


Coconut oil can be produced in refined and unrefined forms. Refined has a higher degree of purification, it is liquid and is easier to wash off. Nourishing mask for the scalp, which contains coconut oil, will help restore even the most damaged curls in a short period of time.


A solid oil that has amazing nutritional properties. If you want to make your hair smooth, soft and elastic, and also reduce hair loss, shea butter will the best solution. It can be used both in pure form, and enrich mixtures based on egg yolk with it.


Jojoba oil has a liquid structure. It has a high content polyunsaturated acids, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is used both to stimulate growth and to reduce dandruff, dryness and itching.


Avocado oil is used to treat dandruff and helps eliminate unpleasant itching. The use of avocado oil nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair and restores shine. It is used for excessive dryness and helps restore the epidermis.

A hair mask can be prepared independently at home. This product is effective and will not contain preservatives or harmful impurities which can cause allergies.

In case you are not inclined to allergic manifestations, you can choose a product from those presented in the store.

Among the purchased masks for moisturizing the scalp are the following:

  • Philip Kingsley Scalp Mask. Moisturizes the epidermis, prevents dandruff and itching. Helps cleanse and exfoliate the area of ​​application.
  • Farmavita Amethyste Purify Peeling Mask. It is more likely to eliminate itching and flaking. Its use helps stimulate renewal processes and strengthen hair, making it more vibrant.
  • Goldwell DualSenses Scalp Specialist Sensitive 60sec Treatment. Ideal for sensitive skin heads. Eliminates everything unpleasant signs that accompany dryness.
  • Revlon Professional Intragen S.O.S. Calm Concentrate Treatment. Gently cleanses and soothes the surface of the dermis. Widely used by people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Optima Maschera Cute Sensibile. Restores the surface of the dermis. Promotes hydration and healing. Restores hydration levels.
  • Sea Of Spa Hair Care Hair Mud Mask. This product strengthens, restores and nourishes hair and scalp. Regular use helps accelerate hair growth and stop hair loss, reduce fragility.

Since in case of xerosis the dermis is sensitive to the components in the products, it is worth giving preference to homemade masks.

Oil mixtures

A hair mask against flaking of the scalp, which contains oils, is quite difficult to wash off. Its action allows you to transform the appearance of your hair, but difficulties with rinsing may cause you to refuse to use it.

To make the oil dissolve in shampoo more easily, it is advisable to use predominantly liquid oils– they are better absorbed and easier to break down. Insufficient rinsing may cause itching and irritation.

Important: To rinse oil mixtures from your hair, you can use soda - it will enhance the effect of the alkaline component in the shampoo. To do this, you need to mix soda with shampoo in a ratio of 1:3. The product will also be an excellent antiseptic.

Sour cream

It is better to prepare the mask using homemade fatty sour cream. 1 tbsp. you need to mix with the same amount of lemon juice and add a whole raw egg. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth.

The hair is divided into partings, and the mixture is applied over them. You can do a little massage to increase blood flow. This helps to enhance nutrition.

Then the curls need to be wrapped in plastic bag and insulate. It is recommended to rinse the mixture from your hair after 30-40 minutes using regular shampoo. To consolidate the effect, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle or oak bark.

Egg yolk

The use of this ingredient helps nourish the dermis and prevents dryness and irritation. Egg yolk is used in large quantities masks - it softens the aggressive effect active ingredients, protecting the epidermis and nourishing it.

To prepare the mixture, beat the yolk until smooth with 1 tbsp. l. water. Then add the same amount of vodka to the mixture. The use of vodka helps stimulate blood flow in the area of ​​application, which means increasing the nutritional and moisturizing qualities of the egg yolk.

Apply a mask for dry scalp against dandruff to the surface of the epidermis. The duration of exposure is 20 minutes. It is better to rinse off with warm water.


Fresh milk cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the surface of the scalp. They contain fatty acids, which help restore moisture levels and increase protective functions epidermis. The cream must be mixed with wheat flour until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained. Rye flour It won’t work in this situation - it contains a smaller amount of gluten, and therefore it will require much more to achieve the desired thickness.

The resulting mass is applied to cleansed scalp and hair lengths. The duration of exposure is 30 minutes. Using an insulating cap helps to significantly increase the effectiveness of the product.

Anti-flaking scalp masks are easy to prepare at home. Their fast action And healing effect superior to store-bought mixtures. You can prepare such products yourself, which helps you enjoy the process and save money.

How to moisturize your scalp? Dry scalp is no less unpleasant than dry skin on the face or body. The main cause of dryness is dehydration, and to eliminate the cause, naturally, hydration is necessary.

If everything is more or less clear with the body and face, I bought a good moisturizer and almost solved the problem, then what about the head? No, the guillotine is not our method! We will find more humane ways, and no less effective.

Causes of the problem

First, let's figure out why the skin actually dries out, and what are the main signs of this scourge?

So, you have dry scalp if:

All the signs are there, or rather, right on top. But why is this happening? There is only one problem - dryness skin, and there are a great many reasons.

Here are just a few of them:

  • All cosmetic products, including shampoos and conditioners, contain groups of parabens that have antifungal and bactericidal properties. That’s great, the naive reader will say. But "wonderful" there is little here, because they still tend to accumulate in the skin and lead to dryness and irritation;
  • Lauryl sulfate is a constant companion of all medium-sized shampoos. price category, also does not help moisturize the epidermis, but dries it out, especially with frequent hair washing;
  • Hair dyes with ammonia are generally a time bomb.

Folk remedies that can be used at home and bring remarkable results will help you cope with this problem. Dry scalp needs to be dealt with regularly. Moisturizing masks should be done 2-3 times a week during the treatment period and 1 time a week thereafter, in order to prevent relapse.

Below we offer you recipes for moisturizing mixtures, the main component of which is kefir. It not only moisturizes the skin and hair, but also perfectly nourishes them due to the natural animal fat contained in its composition, and also improves the structure of the hair, making it strong and shiny.

Egg-kefir mask

  • ½ cup of fresh kefir;
  • Yolk of one egg;
  • Tea spoon vegetable oil(you can use any oil - olive, flaxseed, corn, sunflower);
  • A teaspoon of honey.

Cooking method:

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, you can use a blender. The mass should be homogeneous.

Features of application:

It is necessary, dividing the hair into strands, first rub the composition into the scalp, and then distribute it over the entire length. Wrap your hair in cling film and put on a scarf or warm cap. Leave the product on for 1-1.5 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water without shampoo.

Result of use:

The effect of using homemade cosmetics will be obvious after the first procedure. Itching and dandruff will disappear. Regular use The proposed mixture will improve the appearance of hair and relieve dry scalp;

Banana-kefir mask

  • ½ cup of kefir;
  • ½ banana;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of strong nettle decoction;
  • Yolk of 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon burdock oil.

Cooking method:

Prepare the nettle decoction as follows: pour 2-3 tablespoons of dry nettle with 1 cup of boiling water and put on very low heat so that there is no bubbling boil. The nettle should simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes. Then, removing it from the heat, wrap the pan with the broth and let it brew. Strain and store the broth in the refrigerator, use as needed.

Mash the banana thoroughly into a homogeneous paste and combine all the ingredients of the mask. Beat the mixture in a blender or whisk until fluffy and homogeneous.

Features of application:

The cosmetic product is applied in the same way as in the previous recipe for a moisturizing mask.

Result of use:

Mixture is saturated fatty acids, contained in both kefir and banana. They nourish the scalp and structure the hair. Nettle, which is part of the decoction, helps eliminate dandruff and dry scalp;

Honey-kefir mask

  • ½ cup kefir;
  • 50 grams of onion juice;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • A few drops of any essential oil (the smell of the essential oil will overpower the smell of onion).

Cooking method:

All ingredients are mixed and whipped in a blender or whisk. This is necessary in order to saturate the mask with oxygen, which promotes better absorption of all the beneficial substances contained in it.

Features of application:

The mask is applied in the same way as the previous two, left for about 2 hours and then washed off with warm water, or with shampoo. This product is suitable for all hair types. And you can use it as often as possible.

Result of use:

Thanks to onion juice, included in the mask, the scalp is saturated with vitamins and minerals contained in this useful plant. Cosmetical tools containing onions is an excellent treatment for dandruff, hair grows quickly, acquiring fullness and thickness.

Honey moisturizes and nourishes the scalp and also nourishes the hair. useful substances, making them strong and obedient.

Bread-kefir mask

  • ½ cup natural yogurt;
  • 150 g rye bread;
  • Yolk of 1 egg.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in warm water and combine all the ingredients. Beat the mixture thoroughly.

Features of application:

Thoroughly rub the mixture into scalp head, then wrap with film and a warm scarf. Leave for 1.5 hours and rinse with warm water without shampoo.

Results of use:

Remarkably nourishes and moisturizes the scalp.

Features of the preparation of cosmetics

Dry epidermis is a consequence of improper hair care (overheating hair with irons, hair dryers, curling irons, frequent washing hair with aggressive shampoos).

For achievement best results from using homemade cosmetics, during its preparation it is advisable to take into account the following points:


Homemade masks have virtually no contraindications for use, since they do not contain synthetic dyes or preservatives. But at the same time, cosmetologists do not recommend using products that contain ingredients that causing allergies. If the dermis is hypersensitive, you should avoid using mixtures containing honey. Castor oil or onion.

Dry scalp is a dermatological problem that occurs against the background of a violation of the hydrolipid balance in the epidermis. To intensively moisturize the skin and restore metabolic processes, cosmetologists recommend using homemade kefir-based masks.

Brittle and dull hair that cannot be styled constant desire Scratching your head is the first symptom of dry scalp. Insufficient attention to the problem can lead to hair loss.

Causes of dry scalp

Overdrying of the skin is usually caused by a violation of its water-lipid balance as a result of exposure to various factors. Because of this, the skin intensively loses moisture and the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. Main causes of dryness:

  • Frequent hair coloring. The dyes contain aggressive substances that not only change the structure of the hair, but also irritate the skin. Drying of the skin occurs especially often when dyeing your hair yourself, when women want to save on hairdresser services.
  • Unbalanced diet. The lack of foods containing vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), B vitamins in the menu, abuse of coffee, spicy and salty foods leads to malnutrition of the epidermis. Insufficient fluid intake also contributes to dehydration of the skin.
  • Wrong choice of shampoo. If you have dry hair and scalp, you don’t need to buy products “for all hair types,” much less use shampoos for oily and normal hair.
  • Temperature effect. High and low temperatures negatively affect the condition of the skin, so in winter you cannot be in the cold without a hat; in summer you must wear Panama hats. Hats should be made only from natural materials to allow the skin to “breathe.” Drying your hair with a hot hairdryer is also harmful.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, nervous and endocrine systems cause metabolic disorders in the body, which leads to dehydration of the skin.
  • Washing your hair with tap water. Tap water contains chlorine, calcium and magnesium salts, which intensively “dry” the skin and hair. Chlorinated water in swimming pools is also harmful, so you should wear a cap when swimming.
  • Allergies, skin diseases. Allergens and pathogens of skin diseases (fungi, bacteria) cause disturbances in nutrition and metabolic processes in tissues, the response of the epidermis to the introduction of foreign agents is dryness, allergic reactions.
  • Smoking and alcohol. Bad habits negatively affect the condition blood vessels, blood supply to the skin deteriorates, it loses moisture.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Hormonal changes occurring in the body can cause dry skin.


  • Constant feeling of discomfort: itching, tightness of the scalp, desire to scratch it.
  • The appearance of dandruff - flakes of exfoliating epidermis.
  • Thinning, dulling of hair, brittleness and hair loss, split ends.
  • When combing, the hair becomes highly electrified.
  • After washing your hair, the feeling of skin tightness quickly returns.

When these symptoms appear, we can confidently talk about dehydration of the scalp, but sometimes itching, dandruff and deterioration of hair condition are accompanying diseases that require treatment by a dermatologist.

How to distinguish dry scalp from skin diseases

Diseases that are accompanied by dry scalp:

  • Dry seborrhea (a type of seborrheic dermatitis)– significant reduction secretory function sebaceous glands with changes quality composition sebum. Dandruff flakes appear on the skin, their number is constantly increasing. The hair begins to break and looks powdery due to seborrheic plaque. The disease is accompanied by itching and dryness not only of the scalp, but also of the face.
    Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by certain types of yeast-like fungus Malassezia, which affects the sebaceous glands. Provoke fungal activity hormonal changes in the body, diseases internal organs(colitis, liver and biliary tract diseases). There is also a high probability of seborrheic dermatitis if it was identified in close relatives ( hereditary predisposition).
    Seborrheic dermatitis can be dry and greasy. Oily seborrhea accompanied by hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, oily dandruff flakes, yellow color, layer on top of each other, inflammation of the sebaceous glands occurs. Dry seborrhea is less common, not everyone is familiar with its symptoms, so when it appears, patients do not seek help from a doctor, but try to get rid of dandruff in the usual ways.
  • Psoriasisnon-communicable disease with completely unknown causes of occurrence, a genetic factor plays a large role in its occurrence. It starts with dry skin, followed by pink bumps covered with white scales (psoriatic plaques). Characteristic symptoms psoriasis - the appearance of tiny droplets of blood when scales are removed and the formation of new elements at the site of scratches or scratches. In addition to the head, the disease often affects the skin on the elbows, knees, and lumbar region.
  • Atopic dermatitischronic illness, the reasons for which are hereditary factors, disorders of the nervous and immune systems, pathologies of internal organs, intoxication. Manifested by dry skin and severe itching. When scratched, the skin becomes rougher, red spots appear on it, which later turn into weeping wounds.

If you notice symptoms similar to listed diseases, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.

Dry scalp treatment

Treating dry scalp starts with changing your lifestyle and habits. Need to:

Masks for dry scalp

Homemade masks can not only eliminate dry skin, but also restore hair structure, restore shine, volume, and color. Masks are made 1-2 times a week.

  • Onion mask. A fresh onion is crushed in a blender or meat grinder and placed in gauze folded in several layers. The released juice is rubbed into the skin, the head is wrapped in a towel, and washed off after half an hour.
  • Yolk mask. Mix raw chicken egg yolk, 20 ml of vodka and 50 ml boiled water. The mixture is rubbed into the skin and hair, wrapped in a towel, and washed off after half an hour.
  • Oil-honey mask. Add 25 ml of liquid honey to 50 ml of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp for 20 minutes.
  • Burdock. Warm burdock oil in its pure form is applied to the skin and hair for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Smetannaya. Mix a tablespoon of fat sour cream with raw egg and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix and apply the mixture for half an hour.

The masks are washed off with warm water, then washed with shampoo for dry hair, and rinsed with herbal decoctions.

Washing hair for dry skin

Following proper hair washing routines is also important for maintaining healthy skin:

  • First of all, you need to choose a shampoo: it must contain moisturizing and nutritional additives (glycerin, soybean and aloe extract, shea butter, almond oil, panthenol, herbal infusions), strengthening components (keratin, silk, wheat or rice proteins), silicones to protect against external influence. The label should contain the inscription “For dry hair type”, you should avoid universal remedies for all hair types.
  • It is recommended to wash dry hair once every 5-7 days.
  • The water must be hot because hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Hair is thoroughly combed before washing. At this stage, you can apply a mask you prepared yourself to your skin.
  • The shampoo is first applied to the palms, slightly diluted with water, whipping into foam, then applied to the hair and distributed over the head.
  • While washing your hair, you can do a massage: the shampoo is distributed in arbitrary circular movements, while the pressure on the skin with your fingers should be slightly stronger than with regular washing. Massage improves blood circulation, restores the function of the sebaceous glands, and stimulates hair growth.
  • After washing, the shampoo is thoroughly washed off, the head is rinsed with a decoction of nettle or calendula (2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of water, boiled for about 3 minutes, filtered after cooling).
  • Apply balm or conditioner to the hair.
  • Dry your hair carefully; it is better to wrap your head in a towel and wait for the fabric to absorb the moisture.
  • Do not comb wet hair; it is better to dry it naturally, without using a hair dryer.

Video about the causes and treatments for dry scalp

Following the rules of care helps restore health to the scalp and hair. If you cannot eliminate dandruff, dryness, itching and flaking of the skin on your own, then you need to seek help from a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary drug treatment.