Birth control pills that don't make you fat - a list of the best non-hormonal drugs for women. Do you get better from birth control pills? We answer in detail

It seems that nothing has changed in the diet, but jeans say the opposite? Don't rush to panic. You may already be able to identify the cause of your weight gain and be able to get rid of it.

It seems that nothing has changed in the diet, but jeans say the opposite? Don't rush to panic. You may already be able to identify the cause of your weight gain and be able to get rid of it.

Possible causes of excess weight: Top 8

Taking medications

Regular use of large amounts of antibiotics and immunomodulators can lead to a decrease in detoxification functions, to fermentopathy, to a decrease in the absorption of food, which inevitably contributes to weight gain. Also, drugs such as oral contraceptives, hormonal agents, steroids, beta blockers for heart disease and hypertension, antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If you notice weight gain while taking medications, consult your doctor immediately. In no case should serious medications be “cancelled” or “prescribed” on your own - this can cause serious damage to health, since many medications must be taken in courses, decreasing or increasing the dosage.

Remember: the medicine for poison differs only in dose. And only a good doctor can choose this dose correctly.

Eating salty foods

As a rule, if a person abuses products containing high amount of salt(especially if he takes such food in the evening), then one day the scales may scare him with a sudden gain of several kilograms. First of all, this may be noticed by those who have impaired water-salt metabolism, there is a tendency to swelling and pastiness of the lower extremities.

The fact is that excess salt retains water in the body (one extra sodium ion “pulls” 16-18 water molecules onto itself!).

And excess water in the body means edema, increased arterial pressure, risk of heart attacks and strokes, delayed elimination of toxins, slowed fat metabolism.

To avoid this, it is enough to limit your salt intake to 2 g per day, which is our physiological norm. After 15 hours it is better to generally be on a salt-free diet, because in the products that we consume per day, with balanced diet enough salt and so on.

Sensitivity to the milk protein casein

There is a category of people who have casein intolerance. It can be expressed not only in the presence allergic reactions, manifested when consuming casein-containing foods (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), but also in a tendency to fluid retention. This is observed in 8-12% of the population.

Using a step-by-step influence study method various products on the body, you can exclude products containing casein, which clearly contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Casein intolerance can be determined using immunoglobilin G4 testing (a diagnostic method food intolerance by the presence of specific antibodies in a person’s blood, which makes it possible to diagnose even hidden forms of food allergies).

Having identified products that this moment are insufficiently or completely not perceived by the body, and by eliminating them from the diet, you can solve the problem excess weight.

Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle

Oscillations menstrual cycle most directly influence weight fluctuations. In the first half of the cycle, body weight, as a rule, “goes away”. On the 5-7th day of the cycle there is a period of ideal weight.

And after ovulation, from the 13th to the 15th day, weight begins to increase and reaches its apogee by the 26-28th day.

Weight gain occurs due to fluid accumulated in the luteal phase, as well as due to fat and mineral salts. And if pregnancy does not take place, then along with the beginning of the cycle, excess weight begins to go away.

To ensure minimal weight gain in the second half of the cycle, first of all, do not give in to increased appetite.

If you have a passion for sweets, limit yourself.

For example, you can “protect yourself” with chromium preparations or replace “aggressive” sweets with products that have sweet taste(cake - for dried fruits, sugar - for honey).

And do not eat fruits after 16.00 (before this time the pancreas is active and can adequately respond by releasing insulin to rapid rise blood sugar level). After 16.00, only 30 g of dark chocolate is allowed from sweets.

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in the seeds of cereal plants: wheat, rye, oats. Like flour, gluten is a provocateur of uncontrolled weight gain - for those who have gluten intolerance.

To determine individual sensitivity to gluten, it is necessary, as in the case of the milk protein casein, to be tested using the immunoglobulin G4 method.

The duration of the study is 5-7 days.

If the results of the analysis exclude a large group of gluten-containing products, it is recommended to conduct a control study after 4 months.

As usual, a follow-up study is carried out after 6 months. It is recommended to repeat the analysis during the first two years, every six months or year.

Lack of proper sleep

Scientific studies have shown that if a person does not get 2-3 hours of sleep every night for a week, then the level of insulin in his blood turns out to be consistently higher than normal - and the sugar level, naturally, is constantly lower.

This creates conditions for development insulin resistance(decreased sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin), and in the future can lead to diabetes mellitus Type II.

If you fall asleep after midnight or have poor, intermittent sleep due to chronic stress, then from 23.00 to 02.00 the phase of active fat breakdown is shortened. As a result, the lack of recovery process during sleep reduces metabolic processes. And this not only prevents weight normalization, but also contributes to the acquisition of extra pounds.

Insufficient fluid intake

Water is the main thing vehicle, involved in the process of removing toxins and fat breakdown products from the body. And a lot of it is required. To the human body 30 grams of clean (well, spring, bottled artesian) water per kilogram of body weight per day is necessary and sufficient. You need to drink water regularly throughout the day and never forget about it.

If the water is in intercellular space is not enough, then the release of waste products from fat cells becomes difficult. Metabolic processes slow down, fat breakdown is blocked.

This means that weight loss becomes impossible - on the contrary, the weight can “creep” up. Please note that clean natural water cannot replace any drink.

Tea, coffee and other drinks contain calories, and therefore are not liquid, but food for us. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that by drinking, say, a liter of fruit drink a day and a liter clean water, you are drinking enough fluid.

State of stress

Stressful situation can lead to hormonal disorders and lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is important to maintain not only physical, but also mental health. After all, the reason for acquiring overweight in the overwhelming majority of cases - discord in the soul.

Internal conflict creates tension and anxiety in cellular level, traps kilograms of excess fat, toxins, and breakdown products in adipose tissue, causing chronic stress to “eat up.”

Therefore, it is important to identify psychological reason weight gain (this could be dissatisfaction with your environment, relationships with family, friends and colleagues; dissatisfaction with work; a sudden problem that needs to be solved) and try to get rid of this reason.Remember - everything is in your hands! published

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Birth control pills are a colloquial term for hormonal contraception.

In addition to them there are:

  • transdermal patches;
  • injections;
  • intrauterine devices;
  • implants.

All these ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy release certain hormones. After reading reviews about contraceptives hormonal pills, many people don’t know whether they can be afraid of gaining excess weight after using them?

Contraceptive effectiveness

The effectiveness of oral contraception depends on the type of drug (one- or two-component), regularity of use, use of other drugs and individual characteristics specific woman.

Hormonal contraception is highly effective compared to other methods of birth control.

Simultaneously, list side effects contraceptive pills are very long. Among them is weight gain, which, according to research, occurs when using any type of hormonal contraception.

Despite this, many patients talk about gaining weight precisely after taking the pills.

Birth control pills are oral hormonal contraception. common name, which includes a range of drugs. They are varied in composition and proportion of hormones - progestins and estrogens.

There are 2 types:

  1. single-component tablets containing only estrogens (for example, ethinyl estradiol)
  2. two-component - include both ethinyl estradiol and gestagen.

Moreover, from the point of view of similarity endocrine system in a relationship natural cycle women, one, two and three-phase drugs are released.

Is it possible to gain weight after taking the pill?

Ladies taking birth control are afraid of weight gain, which can be caused by water retention in the body, increased appetite and decreased metabolism of fat tissue. This fear of large doses of hormones that can provoke obesity is completely justified.

Experts say that the use of oral hormonal contraception does not significantly affect weight gain. Some studies found that such weight gain occurred at the very beginning of drug use.

This applies to both one- and two-component drugs and is due to the fact that new generation drugs contain less and less hormones. This also reduces the number of side effects.

The same effect is observed when using other hormonal contraceptives such as patches or implants.

The only exception to this group of drugs are gestagens administered intravenously, which lead to weight gain.

Birth control pills and weight gain

Cause of weight gain when using birth control pills can be:

  1. Incorrect eating habits+ increased appetite. Perhaps before taking oral contraceptives, the woman’s diet was high in saturated fat, simple sugars and overly processed foods, and it had no effect on her figure. With the use of birth control pills, appetite increases, but the habit of monitoring the amount of food does not. This situation can surprise you with weight gain. To control the amount of food you eat, start counting your calorie intake and intake, and if you do not exceed your norm, a slim body will remain with you.
  2. Retention of a significant amount of water in the body, which directly affects weight gain. This factor is facilitated by an analogue of the hormone progesterone, which is often found in birth control pills. Excess salt in the diet has an additional effect. Swelling can look like weight gain and add 1 to 4 kg to your body weight. Before an important event, you can take diuretics, and excess water will go away quickly. However, this method should not be abused, as it negatively affects electrolyte and water balance body and can cause heart problems.
  3. Irregularities at work hormonal system . If all previous options are absolutely excluded, you should pay attention to the condition thyroid gland. If its function is disrupted, in addition to weight gain, hair falls out, mental activity decreases and drowsiness appears, which also affects low mobility and contributes to excess weight gain. While taking OK, this problem may become more pronounced and the weight gain will accelerate. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor.
  4. The drug is not suitable for individual hormonal levels. But even with this development of events, the weight should not increase by more than 3-4 kg.

Contraceptives that do not affect weight

Before starting a course of oral contraceptives, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who will carry out all necessary research and tests and, based on the results and the state of the hormonal system, will prescribe you OCs that are suitable specific woman and absolutely will not affect her weight.

Possible list of drugs:

  1. Low dosage– Yarina, Janine, Triziston. Not suitable for teenagers.
  2. Microdosed- Lindenet, Mercilon, Logest. Designed for young people nulliparous women who have regular sex life.
  3. Mini-pill– Charozetta, Exluton. Contraception is suitable for those who do not have regular sex life.

These and other OCs should be used only according to the instructions and prescription of a doctor.

Are there any contraceptives that make you lose weight?

There are also contraceptives that, in addition to their main function, normalize hormonal background in case it is violated.

There are the following birth control pills for weight loss:

  1. Regulon - suitable only for those who have undergone pregnancy;
  2. Novinet - tablets are prescribed if a woman has never been pregnant;
  3. Regividon is prescribed only if a woman has diseases of the genitourinary system.

Does a woman have hormonal problems, can only be determined by a doctor after examining the tests. Under no circumstances should you take birth control pills on your own to lose weight, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

Some diseases can only be cured with the help of hormonal drugs, but as soon as you hear this word from the doctor, you immediately imagine how your body weight increases and your mood drops. This scares many and, as a result, they refuse to take the drug, and all because of false information that is disseminated in the media.

Myths or truth?

  1. Hormones only cause harm to the body. This information is not true, hormones act on the body like other conventional drugs and also have their own side effects.
  2. You need to take hormones that your sister or friend has already tested. Another myth. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, this also applies to birth control pills. Before your appointment, you must undergo an examination and pass all tests.
  3. If you take hormones, you will definitely get better. Only part of this statement is true, since hormones affect appetite, but for some it decreases and overweight they are not afraid. Initially, it is impossible to find out exactly how the drug will affect you; all you need to do is try it.
  4. Hormonal drugs are not excreted from the body. This is not true, since once the drug enters the body, it disintegrates almost instantly and is eliminated from the body after some time. For example, birth control pills are eliminated from the body after a day, which is why they must be taken daily.
  5. Alternatives to hormones can be found among conventional drugs. It is a myth. There are such serious illnesses, in which it is necessary to use only hormones.

Why are hormones prescribed?

Many people believe that the only hormones that are prescribed are, but this is not so. Problems that hormones can help cope with:

  • irregular periods;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • premature menopause;
  • diseases of the ovaries and uterus;
  • severely painful periods;
  • problems after childbirth;
  • problematic skin, For example, severe rash;
  • a lot of body hair, etc.

Justified fear

Modern medicine is so developed that the risk of gaining extra pounds is minimal. When using hormonal drugs, you need to monitor the condition of your body and even if there is the slightest change from the norm, you need to consult a doctor. Maybe the drug you are taking is not suitable for your body and needs to be changed. A properly selected drug should not cause any such phenomena.

Rules that must be followed in order not to gain weight from hormones

  1. Your weight must be monitored daily.
  2. Watch what you eat.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. If you want to eat, this does not mean you need to eat cake, replace it with an apple.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of extra pounds is excess water in the body. Therefore, after you consult with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas.

During the use of hormonal drugs, it is recommended to limit consumption of:

Now you have everything necessary information, which will allow you to maintain your weight and not gain extra pounds while using hormonal drugs.

Birth control pills are one of the effective means contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, they normalize hormonal levels and improve ovarian function. Under their influence, the cycle stabilizes, and menstruation becomes painless.

Many women, before starting to take it, ask: is it possible to gain weight from birth control? Certain types of pills can actually provoke an increase of 2–5 kg. But if the drug is chosen correctly, by balancing your diet, you can get rid of these kilograms in a few months, when the body adapts to taking the medicine.

Action OK

By taking pills, a woman receives substances that are analogues of her hormones. At the same time, the brain signals that the concentration of hormones in the body is sufficient and the ovaries are not given the command to produce their own.

Substances entering the blood, depending on their type, trigger several processes that interfere with pregnancy.

Estrogen (it is what provokes weight gain) has the following effect:

  1. It prevents the maturation of the egg, resulting in ovulation not occurring.
  2. Disturbs secretory processes in the uterus. As a result, the mucous membrane swells and implantation of the embryo becomes impossible.
  3. Reverse development starts corpus luteum, which after ovulation produces a hormone that prepares the body for pregnancy - progesterone.


  1. Prevents the growth of the endometrium lining the uterine cavity, making it impossible for the embryo to implant.
  2. Reduces the activity of substances that promote egg fertilization.
  3. Changes composition cervical mucus, which closes the cervix, making it impermeable to sperm.
  4. Blocks the secretion of hormones responsible for ovulation.
  5. Reduces uterine contractions and fallopian tubes, preventing the egg from moving along them.

Thus, birth control pills are highly effective. And even if ovulation occurs, pregnancy will not occur.

Why do I gain weight?

At first it was OK increased content estrogen – 50 mcg. And due to metabolic disorders, after a few months of taking the pills, the woman discovered that she had gained weight. Most often, fat accumulated on the stomach.

In modern drugs, the amount of the hormone is reduced by more than 2 times. This allows you to avoid severe side effects. But even now there are complaints that after starting to take birth control pills, weight begins to increase. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • Edema. Estrogen slows down the removal of fluid from the body, causing it to accumulate. If your weight has increased by 1–2 kg, start drinking diuretic teas.
  • Incorrectly selected pills. You cannot make a decision about taking OCs on your own based on the advice of your sister or friend. Everyone has their own body and what suits one may harm another. Can cause health problems and disorders hormonal balance. Only a gynecologist can prescribe a contraceptive after an examination.
  • Increased appetite is a side effect of all contraceptives. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you burn no less calories than you eat. active image life. Beneficial influence will provide sports activities. A woman is advised to follow a diet and limit carbohydrates and fats.
  • Health problems. Do you take medications prescribed by your doctor, exercise enough, eat in moderation, there is no swelling, but your weight continues to increase? Visit an endocrinologist to have your thyroid gland checked. One of characteristic symptoms its dysfunction – increased body weight for no apparent reason.

A sharp increase in body weight of more than 5 kg is a reason to consult a doctor. He will assess your condition and prescribe other medications.

Even if everything is fine, when taking birth control you need to visit a gynecologist once every 3 months.

Popular OK

Depending on the substances that make up birth control pills, they are divided into two groups:

  1. Combination drugs containing both progestogens and estrogens.
  2. Monocomponent or otherwise mini-pills. These are contraceptives in which one active substance– progestins. They are well tolerated by the body and can be drunk even during lactation. OCs do not affect metabolic processes and do not lead to weight gain. Wherein high efficiency combined with fast recovery reproductive function after the end of the reception. Mini-pills include: Charozetta, Microlut, Exluton.

Combination drugs have three types:

  1. Monophasic. Each tablet in the pack contains the same amount of hormones. In addition to preventing pregnancy, they are used to reduce pain during menstruation, stabilize the cycle, and for endometriosis. If you forget to take OK, to maintain effectiveness it is enough to take it the next day double dose medications. These include drugs such as Lindinet-20, Non-Ovlon, Yarina, Novinet, Zhanine.
  2. Two-phase. The concentration of estrogen in each tablet is the same. And the dose of progestin depends on the day of the cycle. As a rule, they are prescribed if the body produces increased amount male hormones. The most popular are Anteovin, Divina, Klimen.
  3. Three-phase. The composition of the tablets varies in the amount of progestogen and estrogen. The change in the concentration of substances coincides as closely as possible with the natural change in the level of hormones in female body throughout the cycle. These drugs include Tri-mercy, Triziston, Tri-regol.

Contraceptives differ in the concentration of hormonal substances:

  • Microdosed. They contain estrogen in the range of 15–20 mcg, and up to 150 mcg of progestogen. Allowed for girls and teenagers. These are birth control pills that don't make you fat. These include Novinet, Logest, Jess.
  • Low-dose with estrogen concentrations up to 30 mcg. These are drugs such as Diane-35, Yarina, Janine, Tri-Mercy.
  • High-dose (Anteovin, Non-Ovlon). They contain increased concentration hormones, which is harder for the body to tolerate and can affect weight gain.

If a woman or girl has not previously taken oral contraceptives, the doctor will most likely prescribe microdosed monophasic drugs. If ovulation is not blocked, low-dose OCs are prescribed.

Other side effects

Most frequently asked question, which worries women: do birth control pills make you fat? But, besides weight gain, there are other unpleasant reactions to taking medications. Multiple studies have found that in most cases they are associated with high amounts of estrogen.

The most commonly observed side effects are:

  • Swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands. Does not require special treatment, lasts up to six months. In case of severe adaptation to the drug, the doctor prescribes a breast gel.
  • Bloody vaginal discharge is normal for the first 3 months. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if bleeding occurs.
  • Sudden mood swings, aggression, despondency, depression. To eliminate it, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin B6.
  • Headaches for 4 months. If they become stronger over time, it is necessary to replace the OK.
  • Nausea and vomiting. To reduce the severity of symptoms in the first 4 weeks, take the tablets in the evening after meals.
  • Pain in the legs, in the veins.
  • Decreased or increased libido.
  • Stool disorder.

The progestins included in the composition are more easily tolerated by the body, so in some cases the doctor may prescribe mini-pills containing only one hormone. But side effects cannot be completely excluded. You can expect:

  • Missing or longer periods.
  • The appearance of an ovarian cyst. Neoplasms usually resolve after discontinuation of OCs.
  • Thrush, difficult to treat.
  • Increased oiliness of hair, skin, acne, acne. Within 3 months the body gets used to it and returns to normal.
  • The skin's tendency to pigmentation increases. In this case, try to avoid sunbathing.
  • Swelling of the legs.

The appearance of pronounced negative consequences prima OK, which do not decrease over time, means that the drug is not suitable for you. It needs to be replaced with another.

How to choose?

The severity of side effects directly depends on the correct selection of oral contraceptives. If the pills are prescribed correctly, you will not get better from them. But buying the product yourself is highly not recommended. After all, not only do you get better from an incorrectly chosen OC, but also other health problems arise.

Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor analyzes the results of such examinations:

  • Examination by a gynecologist.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Breast examination.
  • Blood biochemistry.
  • Smear for cytology.

In addition, the doctor takes into account the woman’s age, the characteristics of her figure, and whether she has had a previous pregnancy or abortion. This is the only way to choose a contraceptive that is right for you.

“Will I gain weight by taking birth control pills?” Similar questions are asked every day by thousands of girls and women planning to start hormonal contraception for the first time.

The most “terrible” and inevitable side effect of taking oral contraceptives is considered to be weight gain. After all, every woman among her friends will probably have a vivid example of how, after taking OK, a slender young lady turned into a “terrible fat woman.” Let's, together with Evgenia Konkova, a consultant on modern hormonal contraception, look into this important issue.

We will no longer know who and when began to weave a tangle of horror stories about the inevitability of obesity when taking oral contraceptives, but we can make a guess. The very first birth control pills contained a very high dose of estrogen - 50 mcg (which is twice as much as in modern drugs). Therefore, side effects such as metabolic disorders arose, which were almost impossible to avoid. In women, metabolism was disrupted, which led to the accumulation of fat (mainly of the abdominal type - a fat pocket around the abdomen) and, accordingly, to weight gain.

Time passed, the action that contraceptives had an effect on women’s bodies and continued to be studied. Synthetic estrogens, particularly ethinyl estradiol (EE), have been shown to induce several metabolic changes that are dose-dependent. In other words: the lower the dose of estrogen, the fewer estrogen-dependent side effects. When the dose of ethinyl estradiol in the drug is reduced, the frequency of complications decreases sharply, and health indicators practically do not differ from the average indicators in the population.

Subsequently, with the advent of new birth control pills with a lower dose of hormones, it was possible to minimize their effect on metabolism. Research recent years it has been proven that when using highly selective 3rd generation progestogens in combination with low and ultra-low (20 and 15 μg EE) doses of estrogens, no clinically detected significant changes parameters carbohydrate metabolism, and consequently modern drugs do not provoke weight gain, which is so undesirable for the fair half of humanity.

So for what reasons can modern microdosed birth control pills, containing absolutely no calories, upset us the next time we weigh ourselves with unwanted kilograms?

1. Delay excess liquid in organism
An analogue of the hormone progesterone, found in any oral contraceptive, promotes slight fluid retention in the body. It is progesterone, for example, that is associated with the appearance of edema during pregnancy. A weight gain of no more than 1-4 kg while taking OCs is most likely excess fluid. There are modern drugs that have a mild diuretic effect and help avoid the accumulation of excess fluid in the body (Yarina and Jess).

2. Increased appetite
Unfortunately, any birth control pill increases appetite, which is the main reason for weight gain. If this is adequately understood and a balance is maintained between calorie intake and expenditure, then they are easily converted into heat; and when leading a passive lifestyle, they are deposited in the form of additional kilograms. Women taking OCs are recommended to follow a diet limited in fats and partially carbohydrates, which is sufficient to control excess weight. So, dear ladies, remember that you take the spoon into your own hands!

3. Endocrinological disorders
And now about the most important thing... If you move enough while taking OK, your eating behavior without deviations in one direction or another (you don’t starve yourself and don’t eat with the appetite of a “sumo wrestler”), you don’t have edema due to fluid retention in the body, and the numbers on the scales are still increasing, then this is a good reason to turn to endocrinologist! You may want to examine your thyroid function*, a decline in which is often accompanied by an increase in body mass index.

    * Hypothyroidism is a complex of symptoms caused by decreased thyroid function. Risk factors: elderly age, pregnancy, iodine deficiency in food, autoimmune thyroiditis. Manifestations of the disease vary significantly depending on the degree hormonal deficiency. With a slight decrease in hormone levels, there is increased fatigue, susceptibility to infections, weight gain. With progressive hypothyroidism, symptoms increase, drowsiness appears, skin deteriorates, hair falls out, swelling appears, intellectual activity decreases, and memory is impaired. Due to violation (slowdown) metabolic processes the risk of atherosclerosis increases, cardiac disorders appear.

From all of the above we can draw the following conclusion: healthy woman, who eats rationally and leads an active lifestyle, can safely take birth control pills without fear of ruining her figure. The main thing before you start using it for the first time in your life hormonal contraception, you must definitely contact a gynecologist for a face-to-face consultation and undergo all the necessary studies (detailed family and personal history, blood pressure measurement, laboratory research) And gynecological examination(including examination of the mammary glands, pelvic organs, cytological analysis of a cervical smear).

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