Principles of ensuring national security. Purpose, objectives and principles of support

Formation, provision and development of bodies, forces and means of ensuring national security;

Restoration of national security facilities damaged as a result of emergency situations.

Structure of the national-state security system

The structure of the above system is:

Security agencies and forces;

State, public and civil organizations and associations operating in accordance with federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, etc.

Individual citizens involved in legally authorized government bodies to implement measures to ensure national security.

Bodies and forces of national state security

Organs external security Russian Federation: Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Service foreign intelligence;

Organs internal security: Ministry of Internal Affairs - department of civil security; FSB is the agency for the protection of the constitution and state institutions; FPS (Federal Border Service), Prosecutor's Office, Main Directorate of Security (Presidential Security Service);

Economic security bodies of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Tax Service and Tax Police, Customs Service, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations;

Bodies of environmental and technosphere safety of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Ecology, technical supervision bodies - Gostekhnadzor, Gospozhnadzor;

Bodies of demographic security of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science, committees Federal Assembly by demographics;

Information and computer security bodies: FAPSI under the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly committees on information policy, CSB, State Technical Commission of Russia, Roskominform, Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets.

Measures and means to ensure national security

Ensuring national security is achieved by measures and means of an economic, informational and propaganda, legal, organizational, technical and other nature.

Measures to ensure national security include:

State protection of national interests;

National diplomatic policy;

Searching for and supporting strategic geopolitical allies;

Quick and mobile response to threats to national interests using optimal means;

Readiness to instantly retaliate, as well as to use certain means of ensuring national security in order to protect the interests of Russia.

Functioning of the Russian national security system

The national security system of the Russian Federation operates in four modes operating on a national, regional or sectoral scale: peacetime; high alert; state of emergency; wartime.

A peacetime regime is the normal functioning of the national security system in the absence of threats to Russia's national interests or their practical neutralization.

The high alert regime is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats that require their suppression.

A state of emergency is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require localization and elimination.

During a state of emergency, media censorship is introduced to protect national interests.

The wartime regime is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require repulsion and destruction.

Object and subject of economic security

The realization of Russia's national interests is possible only with sustainable economic development.

The primary role in ensuring Russia's national security is played by the protection of the country's national interests in the economic sphere. Ultimately, ensuring all elements of national security - defense, environmental, information, foreign policy, etc. - depends on the economic capabilities of the country.

Economic security implies preserving and ensuring the vital interests of the main sections of the country's population. The provisions and principles of economic security acquire the necessary clarity when the main trends in the development of the socio-economic structure and the fundamental interests of the country's population are determined.

An effective economic security system is a matter of life for any country. This is all the more important for today’s Russia, which is striving to take its rightful place in the global geopolitical and economic space.

To understand the essence of economic security, it is important to understand its connection with the concepts of “development” and “sustainability”.

Development is one of the components of economic security. If an economy does not develop, then its ability to survive, resistance and adaptability to internal and external threats is sharply reduced. Stability and safety - the most important characteristics economy as a single system. The stability of the economy reflects the strength and reliability of its elements, vertical, horizontal and other connections within the system, the ability to withstand internal and external loads. Security is the state of an object in the system of its connections in terms of the ability to survive and develop in conditions of internal and external threats, as well as the action of unpredictable and difficult to predict factors.

The essence of economic security is realized in a system of criteria and indicators. The criterion of economic security is an assessment of the state of the economy from the point of view of the most important processes that reflect the essence of economic security. The criteria-based safety assessment includes assessments of: resource potential and opportunities for its development; the level of efficiency in the use of resources, the competitiveness of the economy; integrity of territory and economic space; social stability, etc.

In the system of indicators of economic security, it is necessary to highlight: the level and quality of life; inflation rates; unemployment rate, economic growth; budget deficit; state debt; integration into the global economy; the state of gold and foreign exchange reserves; activities of the shadow economy.

The main elements of economic security in general view are as follows:

1) the country’s ability to have economic potential sufficient for independent, sustainable, progressive development of all spheres of public life;

2) the country’s ability to self-sufficiently reproduce and provide its population with vital goods according to recognized international standards and ensure the well-being of all segments of the population;

3) the country’s ability to withstand and maintain a high level of stability under external and internal economic, political, social, natural and man-made destabilizing influences.

The measure of ensuring economic security is determined by the following circumstances:

The degree of openness of the economy and its integration into world economic relations;

M.S. Alyoshenkov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Rector of the Academy of the Moscow Academy of Integrated Security
OBZh No. 11, 2005 (Continuation of the series of lectures. For the beginning, see No. 10 - 2005. The entire lecture was published in the journal)

Lecture objectives:
1. Consider the modern scientific and practical foundations of Russia’s national security.
2. Formulate the goals and objectives of the national security system.
3. Understand the main directions of ensuring national security.
4. Consider the composition and structure of national security bodies.
5. Outline scientific basis national security concepts.
Time: 2 academic hours.

The problem of Russia's national security has become particularly acute and relevant since the early 1990s as a result of the collapse of the USSR and Russia's transition to a market economy. Since this period, the state of national security began to rapidly deteriorate in all respects. Russia has reached a dangerous point, beyond which the destruction of the state may become inevitable. Based on this, today it can be argued that no matter what path Russia takes, its main strategic goal will be to recreate a renewed great power, a powerful Russian state, based on social democracy and an economy focused on ensuring the well-being of the absolute majority of the population.

National security
Today, no one questions the concept of “national security.” It has become quite firmly entrenched in the lexicon and life. modern society and states in many countries of the world.
National security of the RussianFederations are the security and provision of its national interests guaranteed by constitutional, legislative and practical measures. A more detailed presentation of the concept of national security is given in the draft law of the Russian Federation “On National Security”.
The basic principles of ensuring Russia's national security are as follows.
1. Priority of national interests.
2. Legality.
3. Responsibility of national security bodies and forces for its provision in the person of their leading officials before the law.
4. Public awareness with strict adherence to state, official and commercial secrets.
5. Unity public policy in the field of national security.
6. Efficiency and optimality of measures to ensure national security.

Main elements of the Russian national security concept
The concept of Russia's national security is the official system of views on its national interests, principles, means and methods of their implementation and protection from internal and external threats.
The national interests of Russia at the stage of transition to market relations are:
1. Prevention of threats across their entire spectrum.
2. Territorial integrity of the country.
3. Preservation of civil peace, freedom and rights.
4. Russia's interests in the political and geopolitical sphere.
5. Economic interests.
The main objects of national security include:
. personality, its rights and freedoms;
. the state, its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Sources of threats to national security
There are three main sources of threats to Russia's national security:
1) geopolitical opponents;
2) a comprador-oriented part of the Russian elite;
3) organized crime.
The greatest danger is the intervention of external forces in the internal affairs of Russia in order to impose a development path in a direction beneficial to certain forces abroad:
. preventing the functioning of the manufacturing industry and agricultural complex in the mode of expanded reproduction;
. Russia's focus on exporting raw materials and importing equipment, consumer goods, and food;
. strangulation of industry, science, Agriculture;
. capital flight;
. preventing Russia from entering world markets;
. transfer of resources, etc.

National Security Areas
In terms of content, national security is differentiated into a number of independent areas, such as: geopolitical, defense, political, social, economic, food, demographic, environmental, informational, psychological (human consciousness as an object of national security).

Russian national security system
The protection of the national interests of the state is carried out by the national security system, which is created and operates on the basis of the concept of national security.
The national security system is a set of governing bodies, forces and means, and legislative acts aimed at ensuring security and protecting the vital interests of the state and society from external and internal threats.
The vital interests of the Russian Federation mean:
. its territorial integrity;
. population reproduction;
. the level of state-economic self-awareness of the people;
. economic and social well-being;
. mental and physical health;
. rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens.
The objectives of the national state security system are:
. development and implementation of operational plans and other measures to protect national interests;
. formation, provision and development of bodies, forces and means of ensuring national security;
. restoration of national security facilities damaged as a result of emergency situations.

Structure of the national-state security system
The structure of the above system is:
. security agencies and forces;
. state, public and civil organizations and associations operating in accordance with federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, short-term federal programs for ensuring national security;
. individual citizens legally involved by authorized government bodies in the implementation of measures to ensure national security.

Bodies and forces of national state security
National security agencies include:
. external security bodies of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Intelligence Service;
. internal security bodies: Ministry of Internal Affairs - civil security department; FSB - the agency for the protection of the constitution and state institutions; FPS (Federal Border Service), Prosecutor's Office, Main Directorate of Security (Presidential Security Service);
. economic security bodies of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Tax Service and Tax Police, Customs Service, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations;
. environmental and technosphere safety authorities of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Ecology, technical supervision authorities - Gostekhnadzor, Gospozhnadzor;
. demographic security bodies of the Russian Federation: Ministry of Health and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Science, Federal Assembly committees on demography;
. information and computer security bodies: FAPSI under the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly committees on information policy, Central Statistical Office, State Technical Commission of Russia, Roskominform, Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets.
The national security forces of the Russian Federation include:
. external national security forces of the Russian Federation: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and all legal formations conducting operational work abroad in defense of the national interests of the Russian Federation;
. internal national security forces of the Russian Federation: Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs vested with executive functions and implementing them; FPS troops; operational and crisis units of ministries, and all other legal armed formations within the country. Internal national security forces include public security forces (DND, DPD, people's militias, rescue squads, etc.), created to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation in crisis situations.

Measures and means to ensure national security
Ensuring national security is achieved by measures and means of an economic, informational and propaganda, legal, organizational, technical and other nature.
Measures to ensure national security include:
. state protection of national interests;
. national diplomatic policy;
. searching for and supporting strategic geopolitical allies;
. rapid and mobile response to threats to national interests using optimal means;
. readiness for an instant retaliatory strike, as well as the use of certain means of ensuring national security in order to protect the interests of Russia.

Functioning of the Russian national security system
The national security system of the Russian Federation operates in four modes operating on a national, regional or sectoral scale:
. peacetime;
. high alert;
. state of emergency;
. wartime.
A peacetime regime is the normal functioning of the national security system in the absence of threats to Russia's national interests or their practical neutralization.
The high alert regime is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats that require their suppression.
A state of emergency is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require localization and elimination.
During a state of emergency, media censorship is introduced to protect national interests.
The wartime regime is the functioning of the national security system in the presence of threats to the national interests of Russia that require repulsion and destruction. This regime is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Martial Law”. At the same time, all activities of the high-alert regimes and the state of emergency are complemented by the introduction of martial law and the creation of a Security Council State Committee on defense.

Control questions:
1. What is national security?
2. What are the principles of ensuring national security?
3. Define threats to national security.
4. Objects and sources of national security.
5. Name the areas of national security.
6. What is the national security system?
7. What is included in the national security system?
8. Name the tasks of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.



45. Ensuring national security is the activity of subjects of ensuring national security to protect individuals, society and the state from internal and external threats, realize national interests, and create the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus. The subjects of ensuring national security are: the state, exercising its powers in this area through the legislative, executive and judiciary; public and other organizations; citizens. The objects of national security are: the individual - his constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests; society – its material and spiritual values, the system of social relations protected by legal norms; the state – its independence, territorial integrity, sovereignty, constitutional order. 46. ​​The goal of ensuring national security is to achieve and maintain such a level of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats that guarantees the sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus and the realization of its national interests. 47. The main tasks of ensuring national security are: development and implementation of state policy to ensure national security; determining and maintaining the necessary balance of interests of the individual, society and the state; neutralization of sources of internal threats and protection from external threats to national security; ensuring the implementation of national interests and sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus; creation of a national security system and organization of its effective functioning. 48. The principles of ensuring national security are: legality, respect for constitutional rights and human freedoms; humanism and social justice; publicity; maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state,
their mutual responsibility; A complex approach to solve problems of ensuring national security; unity and interconnection of types and directions of ensuring national security; participation in international and regional collective security systems; delimitation of spheres of responsibility and powers of state bodies in solving problems of ensuring national security; priority of legal, political, economic and information measures to ensure national security; efficiency, timeliness, preventiveness and proportionality of measures to neutralize sources of internal threats and protect against external threats. Ensuring national security is carried out in areas identified in accordance with the main spheres of life of the individual, society and the state.



49. In the political sphere, the neutralization of internal sources of threats to national security is ensured by taking timely and effective measures to eliminate the conditions and prerequisites for the formation of political and socio-economic tension in society, the practical implementation of the principles of a democratic social legal state, the mutual responsibility of the individual, society and the state to ensure national security. The determining factor on long term perspective advocates comprehensive improvement of mechanisms for the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, legitimate interests of the individual, society and the state, openness of all spheres of state activity for society. The most important areas are maintaining the role of the state as a guarantor of personal security, comprehensively improving the processes of preventing and combating crime, primarily corruption, terrorism and extremism in all their manifestations, separatism, racial and religious intolerance. Constant increase efficiency of all branches of government and the system government controlled is aimed at maximizing public interests and respecting individual rights. Further de-bureaucratization of public relations, expansion of practice and improvement of public-private partnership mechanisms are intended to ensure a constructive direction of activity public associations, increasing the creative activity of the population and act as the basis for the formation and development of Belarusian civil society. Measures to protect against external threats to national security focus on the following areas: carrying out a consistent and balanced multi-vector foreign policy based on the principles of mutual respect, equality
and partnership, non-interference in the affairs of sovereign states; timely identification, prevention and suppression by political and diplomatic methods of attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus by foreign states and their intelligence services, international organizations, as well as other forces that are not recognized entities international relations; opposition to use in international practice economic, political and other coercive measures aimed at infringing on the sovereign rights of states, or encouraging such measures; resolute defense of national interests within the framework of international organizations and unions, including those of a regional nature, assistance in strengthening the authority of the Republic of Belarus
and the positions of these structures in the system of international relations; maintaining the global role of the UN and the UN Security Council in ensuring international stability and security; continuation of a consistent course in the field of nuclear disarmament, participation in non-proliferation regimes, in performing mediation functions in conflict resolution, peacekeeping activities under the auspices of the UN; development of international cooperation in matters of struggle
with all types of transnational organized crime,
primarily related to terrorism, illegal migration, human trafficking, and drug trafficking; active participation of the Republic of Belarus in the activities of the OSCE, assistance in eliminating imbalances in its functioning, consistent strengthening of the institutional foundations of this organization; formation of a full-fledged, without artificial exceptions and restrictions, effective and mutually beneficial customs union and the Common Economic Space within the EurAsEC; intensifying the activities of the Republic of Belarus to expand participation in mutually beneficial initiatives and projects within the framework of key subregional organizations: the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Central European Initiative, the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Council of the Baltic Sea States and others; development along the perimeter of the external borders of the Republic of Belarus of a belt of good neighborliness in all its dimensions: military, political, cultural, informational, social and economic; effective implementation of state border policy, providing an integrated approach to border management, the optimal combination barrier functions with the creation of favorable conditions for active development economic ties, increasing the tourist and business attractiveness of the country; preserving and strengthening the foundations of the Union State, realizing the existing constructive potential of strategic partnership
With Russian Federation; developing full-fledged relations with the states of the European Union, maintaining an active dialogue with the EU on the entire range of issues of mutual interest, with the prospect of concluding a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, as well as the abolition of discriminatory measures against the Belarusian state; consistent increase in the involvement of the Republic of Belarus
into pan-European unification processes, primarily involving active participation in international projects related
with the production and transportation of energy resources, operation of transport corridors; consistent deepening of strategic partnership relations with China, Venezuela, development of comprehensive cooperation with other Asian states, Latin America and Africa, primarily with India, Vietnam, Brazil, bringing the scale of economic interaction with them in line with the level of political relations; development of dialogue with the United States on the principles of equality, mutual respect and partnership based on coinciding interests, primarily in the context of ensuring international security; bringing to wide circles the world community of objective information about Belarus and its position on major international problems, foreign policy initiatives, achievements of national culture and science; increasing the effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Belarusian citizens and compatriots abroad. 50. A necessary condition neutralizing internal sources of threats to national security in the economic sphere is to maintain long-term macroeconomic stability through structural restructuring of the economy of the Republic of Belarus based on foreign direct investment and increased labor productivity
and innovative activity of all business entities, reducing the negative balance of foreign trade, reducing import intensity, material intensity, cost and improving the quality of products. Structural restructuring of the country's economy is achieved through accelerated development high-tech competitive sectors with high added value, production using local resources, advanced development of the service sector, primarily information, communications and business, implementation of the transit potential of the Republic of Belarus. Enterprises with traditional and low technologies, high import intensity and material intensity are subject to restructuring, including through the sale of assets to private investors, redistribution and flow of labor, financial
and material resources into new and promising sectors of the economy. The formation of forecast indicators for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus should be based on the long-term structure of the economy. Performance indicators should be used as the main evaluation criteria for work at all levels of management.
and created added cost. Important will have a consistent stimulation of business activity aimed at overcoming monopolism and developing competition in economic relations, encouraging entrepreneurial initiative, as well as the formation of public-private partnerships. It is advisable to attract external resources to the economy of the Republic of Belarus in the form of foreign direct investment
into currency-repaying projects that do not entail the accumulation of external obligations of the state and ensure the transfer of foreign knowledge
and technologies, entering new export markets with competitive products. To achieve this, a favorable investment climate will be created, the regulatory framework for doing business will be simplified as much as possible, and international standards accounting and financial reporting. In general, it is necessary to form an internally consistent, complete, harmonized developed countries institutional socially oriented market environment with the goal of becoming one of the first 30 countries in the world in terms of doing business. The main factors for the growth of labor productivity will be an increase in its capital-to-labor ratio and the quality of the workforce, and an increase in the innovative activity of business entities.
This is achieved by improving the qualitative characteristics of the investment process, forming a stock market, increasing the efficiency of sectors that ensure the reproduction of human capital (education, science, healthcare, culture), implementing large-scale infrastructure projects (energy, transport, roads, communications) through public-private funding, development of competition and implementation of effective antimonopoly regulation. Balanced economic development is ensured in the following main areas: matching the pace of economic growth with the possibility of expanding external and internal demand; transition to a deficit-free balance of foreign trade, and during the transition period - covering the foreign trade deficit without increasing external public debt; increasing the money supply (emission) taking into account compliance with target parameters of the inflation rate and a given currency corridor; maintaining strict budget restrictions in the activities of business entities, ensuring timely fulfillment of financial obligations (payment discipline); formation and maintenance of gold and foreign exchange reserves at a sufficient level. In the context of globalization of international relations, an important factor in ensuring the sustainable development of the state is ensuring the successful integration of the Republic of Belarus into the global economic space. Protection against external threats to national security in the economic sphere is also ensured by a multi-vector foreign economic policy, expansion of the product range and geography of exports, diversification of imports of raw materials and energy resources. Improving the conditions for the creation and functioning of joint and foreign commercial organizations, transnational corporations (hereinafter referred to as TNCs), financial and industrial groups will ensure the development of commodity distribution networks, the inclusion of domestic enterprises in the chains of TNCs, the creation of domestic TNCs with the location of service centers and assembly plants abroad, and also minimize the possibility of discrimination against Belarusian business entities. An important area is increasing the efficiency of managing the external debt of the Republic of Belarus, reducing the cost
and the risks of its maintenance. The formation of a positive image of the country abroad will be facilitated by the development of cooperation with international financial, economic and trade organizations, integration associations, participation in international treaties aimed at eliminating discrimination and developing foreign trade, stabilizing the position of domestic producers in foreign markets. 51. The most important direction in neutralizing internal sources of threats to national security in the scientific and technological sphere is the completion of the formation of an effective national innovation system and the implementation of a new technological strategy for the development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. Institutional “completion” of the national innovation system includes the creation of a modern regulatory legal framework that consolidates the most favorable conditions for innovation activities, development of the market for scientific and technical products and its infrastructure, widespread use of venture and insurance funds, introduction into economic circulation and expansion of exports of intellectual property, systematic updating of the material and technical base of science, organization of world-class technology parks capable of implementing large-scale innovative projects, attract foreign direct investment, provide conditions for the creation and development of high-tech industries. Annual increase in the knowledge intensity of GDP and the approach
its value and structure to the indicators of the EU countries will increase the innovative activity and susceptibility of the Belarusian economy, ensure the strengthening of industry (proprietary) science, and improve the age structure of highly qualified scientific personnel capable of working in a competitive knowledge-intensive economy. Creation effective system incentives for the development of high-tech industries and a mechanism for the flow of financial, labor and material resources from declining to promising sectors of the economy, comprehensive informatization of the economy and society will ensure the formation of a qualitatively new technological structure in the Republic of Belarus, expanding the export of high-tech products, attracting foreign investment and integrating the national innovation system into global innovation system of the world. To protect against external threats to national security in the scientific and technological sphere, scientific research and development in the field of priority technologies for the Republic of Belarus and their expanded reproduction in the structure of the national economy must be ensured. The development of the industry for designing the component base for production of higher technological structures will provide the material and technical basis for the safe operation of critical objects, systems and infrastructures. The development of the access system is a strategic factor
to international electronic databases of scientific and technical information, creation of a system of international scientific laboratories
and centers, as well as ensuring the most favorable economic
and image conditions for conducting research in Belarus and attracting investment in its scientific and innovation sphere, creating new innovative enterprises. The key should be the formation of an expert system of technological foresight, constant monitoring of the market for scientific ideas and legal protection of intellectual property. The production sector should be focused on creating joint companies to produce high-tech and complex technical products and developing the knowledge-intensive services sector. An effective factor in solving these problems should be the export of capital (technology) to third world countries, the creation
assembly plants abroad Belarusian technologies. 52. In the social sphere, the Republic of Belarus intends to enter
among the first 50 countries in the world with high level development of human potential. At the same time, the state’s actions will be aimed at ensuring a decent level and quality of life for the population, including through the growth of real wages and other income, improving the pension system and targeted social assistance, development of a system of state social standards. The most important areas are creating conditions for effective full employment of the population, more rational use of labor resources, and improving the quality and competitiveness of the workforce. The main objectives of the development of the sphere of labor relations are to ensure a balance of demand and supply of jobs in the labor market, territorial mobility of labor resources, motivation for highly effective work, and increasing social responsibility for the results of one’s work. Work will continue to integrate persons with disabilities into society and the economy. The priorities remain the development of affordable and high-quality housing construction, increasing the level and culture of life safety of the population. The Republic of Belarus will continue to increase government spending on healthcare, improve the prevention of epidemic morbidity, expand accessibility and improve the quality of healthcare services, including by providing the population with effective and safe medicines, contribute to the formation healthy image life. Will continue governmental support education systems,
including by improving quality higher education and the importance of professional secondary special education. Great importance will be attached to the spiritual and moral education of citizens, including through the development of the ideology of the Belarusian state, based on the traditional values ​​of our society. The state's efforts will be aimed at preserving and enhancing the spiritual, historical and cultural potential of the country, improving the material and technical base of social facilities, implementing a long-term strategy to promote the development of the Belarusian diaspora. Improving state policy in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations will consist of providing conditions for strengthening the single community “Belarusian people”, instilling respect for other nationalities and religions
and cultures, suppression of any attempts to incite national
and religious strife. Significant role in ensuring security in the social sphere
are designed to implement programs for employment, average
and vocational education, prevention and treatment of social significant diseases, crime prevention (primarily among minors), housing construction, preservation of historical and cultural heritage and others. 53. In the demographic sphere, the main priority of state policy is the comprehensive stimulation of the birth rate, ensuring expanded reproduction of the population. Increasing the prestige of a strong family and improving the support system for families with three or more children are fundamentally important areas for ensuring demographic security. Important tasks will remain reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy of the population, protecting the health of mothers and children, preserving reproductive and general health population. The necessary attention will be paid to optimizing migration processes, creating conditions to reduce emigration, preserving the intellectual and labor potential of the republic, as well as attracting highly qualified personnel from abroad. Active counteraction to illegal migration will continue. 54. In the information sphere, in order to neutralize internal sources of threats to national security, mechanisms for realizing the rights of citizens to receive, store, use
and management of information, including using modern information and communication technologies. The state guarantees provision established by law procedure for access to state information resources, including remote access,
and opportunities for obtaining information services. A significant stage will be the development and implementation of a development-oriented comprehensive informatization strategy electronic system implementation of administrative procedures provided to citizens
and business by government agencies and other organizations, and the transition of the government apparatus to work on the principle of information interaction. The information and telecommunications technology industry will develop at an accelerated pace. Special attention will be devoted to consistent improvement of quality, volume
and the competitiveness of national content, which is designed to occupy a dominant position within the country, and its promotion into the external information space. The priority direction is to improve the regulatory framework for ensuring information security and completing the formation of an integrated state system for ensuring information security, including by optimizing mechanisms government regulation activities in this area. At the same time, great importance is given to increasing activities law enforcement on prevention, detection
and suppression of crimes against information security,
as well as reliable security of information protected
in accordance with the law. Development will continue actively
and implementation modern methods and information security measures in information systems, used in infrastructure that is vital to the country, the failure or destruction of which could have a significant adverse impact on national security. The neutralization of a number of internal sources of threats to national security is facilitated by the information support of state policy, which consists of providing citizens of the Republic of Belarus and external audiences with objective information about the state course in all spheres of society, official position on socially significant events within the country and abroad,
on the activities of government bodies. An important task in this regard is to expand channels and improve the quality of information to the foreign public. An integral part information support of state policy is information confrontation, which is complex use information, technical and other methods, methods and means for influencing the information sphere in order to achieve political, economic and other goals or protect one’s own information space. Protection against external threats to national security in the information sphere is carried out through the participation of the Republic of Belarus in international treaties regulating global information exchange on an equal basis, in the creation and use of interstate, international global information networks and systems. To prevent technological dependence, the state will retain the role of a regulator in the introduction of foreign information technologies. 55. The Republic of Belarus ensures its military security based on the principles of defense sufficiency and strategic deterrence of potential aggression, giving priority to non-military means. The most important task solved by the state in the interests of ensuring military security is preparing the country for defense. Primary attention will be paid to the development of patriotism in society, instilling in citizens a sense of responsibility for protecting the Fatherland, and increasing motivation military service, strengthening the personnel potential of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations
and paramilitary organizations. Further development will receive improvement questions social protection military personnel. The progressive development of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and paramilitary organizations will continue to be ensured. An indispensable condition for solving this problem is timely
and full funding government programs in the field of defense, a change in the structure of defense expenditures with an increase in the total volume of funds allocated for the re-equipment of the Armed Forces in accordance with modern requirements. At the same time, the infrastructure of the Armed Forces will be modernized. To maintain the required level of military potential, work is being intensified aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the defense sector of the economy and its capabilities to create modern and promising weapons, military and special equipment to equip the Armed Forces and develop military-technical cooperation. The priority area of ​​activity for protecting the Republic of Belarus from external sources of threats to the security of the Republic of Belarus in the military sphere is the implementation of state policy aimed at strengthening the system of pan-European security, mutual trust, as well as refusal to resolve controversial issues by applying military force. Carrying out joint military construction with the Russian Federation and developing military-technical cooperation aimed at increasing the defense potential of the Union State in the East European region of collective security, the Republic of Belarus also participates in achieving new agreements in the field of disarmament and arms control, strengthening confidence-building measures, solving issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The Republic of Belarus stands for cooperation on an equal basis with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the EU in the interests of strengthening European security and stability. Consistent support for initiatives to form a Euro-Atlantic system of collective security on a clear contractual and legal basis will be carried out simultaneously with activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the CSTO, giving it the role of the main instrument of collective security in the post-Soviet space, expanding military and military-technical cooperation with the CSTO member states . 56. Neutralization of internal sources of threats to national security in the environmental sphere will be facilitated by ensuring economic growth within the economic capacity of the biosphere
and improving the environmental situation in the Republic of Belarus through the introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies, modern systems protection of environmentally hazardous facilities, development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, renewable energy sources. Will continue comprehensive rehabilitation and the revival of the territories of the Republic of Belarus affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Further improvement State system prevention and response to emergency situations is designed to ensure effective protection population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. During the construction and operation of the national nuclear power plant, all international rules and regulations in the field of radiation, industrial and environmental safety will be strictly observed. Development will be important national system monitoring environment, formation of a market for environmental services, introduction of environmental audit and insurance, an effective regulatory framework for environmental safety, including a system of payments for use natural resources and adequate compensation for damage caused to the natural environment. Development of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection and legal resolution of environmental problems of a transnational nature, increasing the reliability of assessments
and state forecasts natural environment, climate change, hazardous weather and climatic events, adaptation of economic sectors
to environmental changes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere will ensure protection from external threats to national security in the environmental sphere.



57. The system for ensuring national security is a set of interacting subjects of ensuring national security and the means used by them to carry out activities to protect and realize the national interests of the Republic of Belarus and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state. The legal basis for the system of ensuring national security is the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the laws of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, other acts of legislation regulating public relations
in the field of ensuring national security, including international treaties of the Republic of Belarus. 58. Subjects of ensuring national security carry out coordinated activities to achieve the goal and solve problems of ensuring national security in accordance with their legal status determined by law. At the same time: the President of the Republic of Belarus exercises general management of the system of ensuring national security by exercising his powers in this area through the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus and its working body - the State Secretariat of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, as well as through the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus; The National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus adopts laws
in the field of national security; The Security Council of the Republic of Belarus considers issues of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus that affect the interests of national security, makes decisions on them, including determining the state bodies responsible for ensuring national security in the main spheres of life of the individual, society and the state, and the threshold values ​​of indicators ( indicators) of the state of national security, organizes the effective functioning of the system for ensuring national security; The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, within its competence, develops specific measures to ensure national security, organizes and controls their implementation; state bodies subordinate (accountable) to the President of the Republic of Belarus, and republican government bodies subordinate to the Government, in accordance with their competence, implement measures aimed at solving problems of ensuring national security, maintain available forces and means in a state of readiness for use; courts administer justice in cases involving issues of national security; Local government and self-government bodies provide solutions to problems in the field of ensuring national security, which are within their competence by law. 59. Citizens participate in ensuring national security through the implementation of their rights and responsibilities (including the fulfillment of the sacred duty to protect the Republic of Belarus), provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, laws of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory legal acts President of the Republic of Belarus. They realize their vision of national interests, ways and means of protecting them through participation in elections, referendums and other forms of direct democracy, as well as through state bodies and local governments. The participation of citizens, public and other organizations in ensuring national security can also be carried out by: informing government bodies about the presence (emergence) of sources and factors creating threats to national security; direct protection by legal means and means of rights
and freedoms of citizens, interests of society; development and submission of proposals to government bodies
to improve normative legal acts regulating public relations in various fields ensuring national security; participation in the formation of public opinion on issues of ensuring national security; increasing political culture and responsibility of citizens, civic consciousness, and instilling patriotism; assistance in legal ways and means to government agencies in ensuring national security, achieving public consent and stability. 60. To solve problems of ensuring national security
in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the laws of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Republic of Belarus, national security forces are created, which include: the Armed Forces, state security agencies, border service agencies, internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus, internal affairs bodies, authorities and units for emergency situations, financial investigation bodies, customs authorities, financial monitoring body, divisions (services) of other government bodies that ensure safe work in industry, energy, transport, security of communications and information, as well as environmental protection, and others. 61. The main functions of the national security system are: improvement of conceptual organizational and legal framework ensuring national security; clarification in accordance with the current situation of the interests of the individual, society and the state, the formation and maintenance of their necessary balance; development and timely adjustment of indicators (indicators) of the state of national security, criteria for the effectiveness of the activities of the subjects of its provision; organizing and conducting monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of national security; identifying priority areas and tasks for ensuring national security in the main spheres of life of the individual, society and the state; forecasting, timely identification of increasing danger levels, assessment of internal and external risks, challenges and threats to national security; development and practical implementation of a set of operational
and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize risks, challenges and threats to national security, to prevent damage to the national interests and development of the Republic of Belarus; management of available forces and means, maintenance
they are in constant readiness on the basis of organizational, personnel, financial, material, technical, information and other resource support; organizing interaction and coordinating the actions of all subjects of ensuring national security, assessing the effectiveness of their activities; informing citizens on issues of the state and ensuring national security. 62. Interaction between subjects ensuring national security is carried out taking into account their legal status, competence and nature of the tasks to be solved with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus and its working body. The national security system is being organized
and develops on the basis of further improvement of existing subsystems and mechanisms that ensure reliability and stability
its functioning, as well as taking into account real financial
and material capabilities of the state. Solving the problems of ensuring national security is carried out on the basis of the systematic implementation of a complex of interrelated political, diplomatic, economic, legal, military, information and other means aimed at identifying, preventing and neutralizing internal and external risks, challenges and threats to the security of the individual, society and the state, and also to prevent or minimize the extent of damage to the national interests of the Republic of Belarus. The degree of concentration and volume of use of available resources are determined based on the likelihood and degree of impact of specific threats on the Republic of Belarus, as well as the real capabilities of the state and society. 63. The effectiveness of ensuring national security is achieved by the ability of the national security system to timely identify changes in the internal and external environment that create challenges and threats to national security, timely prevention or minimization of consequences crisis situations in combination with targeted activities to protect and implement national interests. State bodies included in the national security system, within their competence and in interaction, an anti-crisis response to risks, challenges and threats to national security is organized, which involves: collecting, processing and analyzing information (monitoring) on ​​the development of the situation (environment) in the relevant areas of ensuring national security ; assessment of the situation, forecasting its development and possible negative consequences; development of proposals to improve rapid response to challenges and threats to national security. In case of increasing danger, formation of risks, challenges
and aggravation of threats to national security, as part of the anti-crisis response, appropriate management decisions are developed, adopted and implemented, including measures of an operational, medium-term and long-term nature. If an immediate threat(s) to national security arises, proposals are prepared to the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus
upon adoption urgent measures aimed at protecting against a given threat (threats), preventing crisis situations or minimizing
their possible negative consequences, implementation is organized decisions taken, control over their implementation and regulation of the national security system. 64. In the interests of ensuring national security, a comprehensive strategic planning system is being created. Strategic planning documents, the basis of which are this Concept and programs for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus, are formed, reviewed and approved in the manner prescribed by law. 65. The main indicators (indicators) of the state of national security are: the share of investments in fixed capital in GDP; level of innovative activity of industrial enterprises; internal costs for Scientific research and development; payments for servicing public debt to republican budget revenues; human development index; decile coefficient; total fertility rate; depopulation rate; level of provision with health care and education resources; level of development of information technology and telecommunications; provision of military personnel; equipping the Armed Forces with modern weapons, military and special equipment; coefficient of elasticity of emissions, pollutant discharges, waste generation and GDP growth.



66. The implementation of this Concept is carried out under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of consolidating the efforts and resources of the state, civil society institutions and citizens to protect and realize the national interests of the Republic of Belarus. 67. Monitoring the progress of implementation of this Concept is carried out by the State Secretariat of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, including as part of the preparation of the annual report of the State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus to the President of the Republic of Belarus on the state of national security and measures to strengthen it.

  1. The methodological basis for improving legislation in various areas of national security, developing strategic planning documents (1)


    CONCEPT OF NATIONAL SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS SECTION I BASIC PROVISIONS 1. This Concept consolidates the set of official views on the essence and content of the activities of the Republic of Belarus to ensure balance

  2. The methodological basis for improving legislation in various areas of national security, developing strategic planning documents (2)

  3. The methodological basis for improving legislation in various areas of national security, developing strategic planning documents (3)


    1. This Concept consolidates a set of official views on the essence and content of the activities of the Republic of Belarus to ensure a balance of interests of the individual, society, state and their protection from internal and external threats.

  4. The methodological basis for improving legislation in various areas of national security, developing strategic planning documents (4)


    1. This Concept consolidates a set of official views on the essence and content of the activities of the Republic of Belarus to ensure a balance of interests of the individual, society, state and their protection from internal and external threats.