Modern Russian aviation. Russian Air Force

Air Force (AF) - view Armed Forces, designed to protect higher state and military authorities, strategic nuclear forces, troop groups, important administrative and industrial centers and regions of the country from reconnaissance and air strikes, to gain air superiority, fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy from the air, increase mobility and ensuring the actions of the formations different types Armed Forces, conducting comprehensive reconnaissance and performing special tasks.

The Russian Air Force consists of associations, formations and military units and include types of aviation: long-range, military transport; front-line (it includes bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance aircraft), army, as well as types of anti-aircraft troops: anti-aircraft missile forces, radio engineering troops.

Long-range aviation- the main strike force of the Air Force, capable of effectively hitting important targets of aviation groups, carrier ships of sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs), energy facilities and higher military and military facilities government controlled, nodes of railway, road and sea communications.

Military transport aviation- the main means of landing troops and military equipment in the interests of operations in continental and ocean theaters of war, it is the most mobile means of delivery to specified areas material resources, military equipment, food, units and units.

Front-line bomber and attack aircraft designed primarily to provide air support to the Ground Forces in all types of military operations.

Frontline reconnaissance aircraft designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of all types and branches of troops.

Frontline fighter aviation designed to destroy enemy air attack weapons when solving problems of covering groups, economic regions, administrative and political centers, military and other objects.

Army aviation designed for fire support of the Ground Forces. It is also entrusted with combat and logistics support tasks. During the battle, army aviation strikes at enemy troops, destroys his airborne assault forces, raiding, forward and outflanking detachments, provides landing and air support for its landing forces, fights enemy helicopters, destroys its nuclear missiles, tanks and other armored vehicles. .

Anti-aircraft missile forces designed to cover troops and facilities from enemy air attacks.

Radio technical troops are designed to detect enemy air attack weapons in the air, identify them, escort them, notify the command, troops and civil defense authorities about them, to monitor the flights of their aircraft.

Armament and military equipment of the Air Force

Strategic supersonic bomber with variable wing geometry Tu-160- designed to destroy the most important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical areas and deep behind the continental theaters of military operations.

Strategic missile carrier Tu-95MS- designed to solve strike missions to hit the most important targets in remote military-geographical areas and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations.

Heavy military transport aircraft An-22 (“Antey”)- designed for transporting heavy and large-sized military equipment and troops over long distances, as well as for parachute and landing methods.

Heavy long-range military transport aircraft An-124 (“Ruslan”)- intended for the delivery of troops with standard military equipment and weapons from the deep rear of the country to theaters of military operations (theatres of war), transportation of troops between theaters of operations and inside rear zones, reinforcement of airborne assaults with heavy military equipment, delivery of cargo to fleet forces in ocean theaters, transportation of heavy and large-sized national economic cargo.

Front-line bomber with variable wing geometry Su-24M- Designed to destroy ground and surface targets in any weather conditions, day and night, in the tactical and immediate operational depths of enemy territory.

Su-25 attack aircraft- designed to destroy small-sized moving and stationary ground objects in conditions of visual visibility day and night, as well as low-speed air targets at the forefront in tactical and immediate operational depth.


  1. The Air Force consists of long-range and military transport aviation, front-line bomber and attack aviation, front-line reconnaissance aviation, front-line fighter aviation, army aviation, anti-aircraft missile and radio-technical troops.
  2. The air force is designed to carry out air strikes against enemy groups, their rear and transport.
  3. The Air Force conducts aerial reconnaissance and organizes air transport.
  4. Military transport aviation of the Air Force is capable of landing and airborne troops, transporting troops and military equipment long distances.


  1. What types of aviation are included in the Air Force?
  2. What types of anti-aircraft troops are part of the Air Force?
  3. What are the main aircraft in service with long-range aviation?
  4. What type of frontline aviation did you serve in? legendary heroes Great Patriotic War Alexander Pokryshkin and Ivan Kozhedub?


  1. Prepare short message about the purpose of anti-aircraft troops and their weapons and military equipment.
  2. Prepare a report about the heroic exploits and records of the famous Russian pilot of the First World War, Pyotr Nesterov.
  3. Using historical literature, write an essay on the topic “Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov - Commander of the Air Force during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”
  4. Using special materials and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the modern military pilots.

The creation of this article was provoked by regular disputes and measurements of various “organs” in topics about our aviation. In general, the audience for these discussions can be divided into those who believe that we are hopelessly behind, and those who, on the contrary, are subject to unprecedented enthusiasm and firmly believe that everything is wonderful. The argument basically boils down to the fact that “nothing flies with us, but everything is cool with them.” And vice versa. I decided to highlight several theses around which frequent debates flare up, and give them my assessment.

For those who value their time, I give conclusions at the very beginning:

1) The US Air Force and the Russian Air Force are approximately equal in both quantitative and qualitative terms, with the US having a slight advantage;

2) The trend for the next 5-7 years is to achieve almost complete parity;

3) PR, advertising and psychological warfare - favorite and effective method conduct of US military operations. An enemy who is psychologically defeated (by lack of faith in the power of his weapon, hands, etc.) is already half defeated.

So, let's begin.

The US Air Force/Navy/Guard is the most powerful in the world.

Yes this is true. The strength of the US Air Force as of May 2013 was 934 fighters, 96 bombers, 138 attack aircraft, 329 transport aircraft, 216 tankers, 938 training aircraft and 921 other aircraft.

For comparison, the strength of the Russian Air Force as of May 2013 was 738 fighters, 163 bombers, 153 attack aircraft, 372 transport aircraft, 18 tankers, 200 training equipment and 500 other aircraft. As you can see, there is no “monstrous” quantitative superiority.

However, there are nuances, the main one of which is that US aviation is aging, and there is no replacement for it.


In operation (total quantity)

Percentage of exploited

Average age (as of 2013)


F-22A 85 (141) 9,1% 5-6 years
Su-35S 18 (18) 2,4% 0.5 years
F-15C 55 (157) 5.9% 28 years
Su-27SM 307 (406) 41,6% 3-4 years
F-15D 13 (28) 1,4% 28 years
MiG-29SMT 255 (555) 34,6% 12-13 years old
F-16C 318 (619) 34% 21 years old
MiG-31BM 158 (358) 21,4% 13-15 years old
F-16D 6 (117) 0,6% 21 years old
F/A-18 (all mods) 457 (753) 48,9% 12-14 years old
F-35 (all mods) n/a (71) n/a 0.5-1 year
Total USA 934 (1886) ~ 17.1 years
Total RF 738 (1337) ~ 10.2 years


B-52H 44 (53) 45,8% 50 years
Tu-95MS 32 (92) 19,6% 50 years
B-2A 16 (16) 16,7% 17 years
Tu-22M3 115 (213) 70,6% 25-26 years old
B-1B 36 (54) 37,5% 25 years old
Tu-160 16 (16) 9,8% 20-21 years old
Total USA 96 (123) ~ 34.2 years
Total RF 163 (321) ~ 31.9 years


A-10A 38 (65) 34,5% 28 years
A-10C 72 (129) 65,5% 6-7 years
Su-25SM 200 (300) 100% 10-11 years
Total USA 110 (194) ~ 13.4 years
Total RF 200 (300) ~ 10-11 years

Attack aircraft

F-15E 138 (223) 100% 20 years
Su-24M 124 (300) 81% 29-30 years old
F-111/FB-111 0 (84) 0% Over 40 years
Su-34 29 (29) 19% 0.5-1 year
Total USA 138 (307) ~ 20 years
Total RF 153 (329) ~24.4 years


E-3 24 (33) 100% 32 years
A-50 27 (27) 100% 27-28 years old

I also want to highlight next moment. Our country 20 years ago entered into “democracy” with the Su-27 and MiG-29, which, thanks to a competent export policy, were able to survive and then increase their potential to the Su-35S and MiG-35. The United States entered a crisis with the F-22, out of production, and with the unfinished F-35, as well as a massive fleet of good, but already outdated F-15/16. I lead my rhetoric to the fact that this moment The United States does not have a relatively cheap reserve that would allow it to maintain a quantitative (and in some ways qualitative) superiority over the Russian Federation without multibillion-dollar investments in new developments.

At the same time, the Russian aviation fleet will be actively modernized over the next 5-7 years. Including through the creation of completely new aircraft. At the moment, until 2017, contracts have been concluded for the production/modernization of MiG-31BM - 100 units; Su-27SM - 96 units; Su-27SM3 – 12 units; Su-35S – 95 units; Su-30SM – 60 units; Su-30M2 – 4 units; MiG-29SMT – 34 units; MiG-29K – 24 units; Su-34 – 124 units; MiG-35 – 24 units; PAK FA – 60 units; IL-476 – 100 units; An-124-100M – 42 units; A-50U – 20 units; Tu-95MSM – 20 units; Yak-130 – 65 units. By 2020, more than 750 new machines will be put into operation.

To be fair, I note that in 2001 the United States planned to purchase more than 2,400 F-35s by 2020. However, at the moment, all deadlines have been missed, and the entry into service of the aircraft has been postponed until mid-2015.

We have only a few 4++ aircraft and no 5th generation, but the USA already has hundreds of them.

Yes, that's right, the United States has 141 F-22As in service. We have 18 Su-35S. PAK FA - undergoing flight tests. But you need to consider:

a) F-22 aircraft have been discontinued due to 1) high cost ($280-300 units versus 85-95 for the Su-35); 2) they overlooked the issue of the tail unit (it fell apart when overloaded); 3) glitches with the fire control system (fire control system).

b) The F-35, with all its PR, is very far from the 5th generation. And there are plenty of shortcomings: either the EMDS will fail, or the airframe will not work as it should, or the control system will malfunction.

c) Until 2017, the troops will receive: Su-35S - 95 units, PAK FA - 60 units.

d) Comparing individual aircraft outside the context of their combat use is not correct. Fighting– this is a high-intensity and multimodal mutual destruction, where much depends on the specific topography, weather conditions, luck, training, coherence, morale, etc. Individual combat units do not solve anything. On paper, a conventional ATGM will destroy any modern tank, but in battle conditions everything is much more prosaic.

Their 5th generation is many times superior to our PAK FA and Su-35S.

This is a very bold statement.

a) If the F-22 and F-35 are so cool, why are they: 1) So carefully hidden? 2) Why don’t they allow EPR measurements to be taken? 3) Why aren’t there demonstration dogfights or at least simple comparative maneuvering, like at air shows?

b) If we compare the performance characteristics of our and American aircraft, we can find a lag in our aircraft only in terms of ESR (for the Su-35S) and detection range (20-30 km). 20-30 km in range is bullshit for the simple reason that the missiles that we have exceed the US AIM-54, AIM-152AAAM in range by 80-120 km. I'm talking about RVV BD, KS-172, R-37. So, if the F-35 or F-22 radars have a better range against stealth targets, then how will they shoot down this target? And where is the guarantee that the “contact” will not fly “low”?

c) There is nothing universal in military affairs. An attempt to create a universal aircraft capable of performing the functions of an interceptor, bomber, fighter and attack aircraft leads to the fact that universal becomes synonymous with the word mediocre. War recognizes only the best models in their class, tailored to solve specific problems. Therefore, if it’s an attack aircraft, then it’s a Su-25SM; if it’s a front-line bomber, it’s a Su-34; if it’s an interceptor, it’s a MiG-31BM; if it’s a fighter, it’s a Su-35S.

d) “America spent $400 billion in R&D to create the F-35, and $70 billion for the F-22. Russia spent only $8 billion to create the T-50. Doesn’t anyone realize that if Russia would spend $400 billion on a research project, they would probably produce an aircraft capable of conquer the world in a second…” (c) War is not a comparison of who has X longer. What is more important is who will have the best X in terms of price/quality ratio.

The United States has significant superiority in strategic aviation forces.

This is wrong. The US Air Force operates 96 strategic bombers: 44 B-52N, 36 B-1B and 16 B-2A. The B-2 is exclusively subsonic and carries only free-falling bombs from nuclear weapons. B-52N – subsonic and old, like a mammoth. B-1B is currently not a carrier of nuclear weapons (START-3). Compared to the B-1, the Tu-160 has a 1.5 times greater take-off weight, 1.3 times greater combat radius, 1.6 times greater speed and a greater load in the internal compartments. By 2025, we plan to commission a new strategic bomber (PAK DA), which will replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160. The United States has extended the service life of its aircraft until 2035.

If you compare their ALCMs (cruise missiles) with ours, then everything turns out quite interesting. AGM-86 ALCM has a range of 1200-1400 km. Our X-55 is 3000-3500 km, and X-101 is 5000-5500 km. That is, the Tu-160 can shoot at enemy territory or AUG without entering the affected area, and then calmly escape at supersonic speed (for comparison, the maximum operating time at full thrust with afterburner for the F/A-18 is 10 minutes , the 160th has 45 minutes). It also raises deep doubts about their ability to overcome a normal (non-Arab-Yugoslav) air defense system.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that modern air warfare is not about individual battles in the air, but about the work of detection, target designation and suppression systems. And look at the plane (be it F-22 or PAK FA ) like a proud, lonely “wolf” in the sky – no need. There are a lot of all sorts of nuances around in the form of air defense, electronic warfare, ground-based RiRTR, weather conditions, flares, LTC and other joys that will not allow the pilot to even reach the target. Therefore, there is no need to compose sagas and sing hymns to single fantastic winged ships that will bring laurels of victory to the feet of those who created them and destroy everyone who dares to “raise a hand” against their creators.





Maximum take-off weight, kg

37 000

37 600

31 750

34 500





Maximum speed, km/h





Cruising speed, km/h





Range without PTB, with combat load, km





Joint traction, kgf

2 at 17,600

2 to 15,810

1 in 19,500

2 per 14,000

Rate of climb, m/s





Maximum operational overload

10-11 G





from 0.005 to 0.3m²

from 0.0001 (?!) to 0.3-0.4 m²

0.005 m²

0.5-2 m²

Working ceiling, m

20 000

20 000

20 000

18 000

up to 10,000


up to 7 700

up to 8,000

Rainbow Unicorn 1977, blogger, c especially for the Telegraphist

It is well known throughout the world that Russian army- one of the most powerful on our planet. And she is considered as such by right. Air Force Russian Federation are part of and are one of the key links in our army. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the Air Force in more detail.

A little history

The history of the air force in the modern sense begins in 1998. It was then that the Air Force we know today was formed. And they were formed as a result of the merger of the so-called troops air defense and the Air Force. True, even now they no longer exist as such. Since last year, 2015, there has been the Aerospace Forces (VKS). By combining units of the space and air forces, it was possible to consolidate potential and resources, as well as concentrate command in one hand - due to which the effectiveness of the forces increased. In any case, this is exactly how the need to form the VKS was justified.

These troops perform many tasks. They repel aggression in the air and space spheres, protect the land, people, country and important objects from attacks coming from the same place, and provide air support for the combat operations of other Russian military units.


The Air Force of the Russian Federation (after all, many people are more accustomed to calling them by the old name than the Aerospace Forces) includes many units. This is aviation, as well as radio engineering and anti-aircraft in the first place. These are the branches of the Air Force. The structure also includes special troops. These include intelligence and communications automated systems control and radio engineering support. Without this, the Russian Air Force cannot exist.

Special troops also include meteorological, topogeodetic, engineering, NBC protection, aeronautical, and also engineering. But this is not yet full list. It is also complemented by support, search and rescue, and meteorological services. But, in addition to the above, there are units whose main task is to protect military command and control bodies.

Other structure features

It should be noted that the structure that distinguishes the Air Force of the Russian Federation also has divisions. The first one is (YES). The second is military transport (VTA). The third is operational tactical (OTA) and, finally, the fourth is army (AA). But that's not all. Units can include special, transport, reconnaissance, fighter aircraft, as well as attack and bomber aircraft. And each has its own tasks, which the Air Force obliges them to carry out.

The composition still has a certain foundation on which the entire structure rests. Naturally, these are air bases and brigades belonging to the Aerospace Defense Forces.

The situation in the 21st century

Every person who understands this topic at least a little knows perfectly well that in the 90s the air force of the Russian Federation was actively degrading. And all due to the fact that the number of troops and their level of training was very small. Plus, the technology was not particularly new, and there were not enough airfields. In addition, the structure was not funded, and therefore there were practically no flights. But in the 2000s the situation began to improve. To be more precise, everything began to progress in 2009. It was then that fruitful and capital work began regarding the repair and modernization of the entire fleet of the Russian Air Force.

Perhaps the impetus for this was the statement of the commander-in-chief of the troops, A. N. Zelin. In 2008, he said that the aerospace defense of our state was in a catastrophic state. Therefore, they began to purchase modern, new ones and improve the entire system as a whole.


The Air Force flag is very bright and noticeable. This is a cloth blue color, in the center of which there is an image of two silver propellers. They seem to intersect with each other. An anti-aircraft gun is also depicted with them. And the background is made up of silvery wings. In general, it’s quite original and symbolic. Golden rays seem to emanate from the center of the cloth (there are 14 of them). By the way, their location is strictly regulated - this is not a chaotic choice. If you turn on your fantasy and imagination, it begins to seem as if this emblem is in the middle of the sun, blocking it - that’s why the rays.

And if you look into history, you can understand that this is so. Because in Soviet time the flag was a blue banner with a golden sun, in the middle of which was a red star with a hammer and sickle in the center. And just below are silver wings that seem to be attached to a black propeller ring.

It is worth noting that the Air Force of the Russian Federation, together with the US Air Force, planned to conduct joint anti-terrorism exercises in 2008. This was supposed to happen in the Far East. The scenario was planned as follows: terrorists hijack a plane at the airport, and troops prevent the consequences. The Russian side had to bring into action four fighters, search rescue services and an early warning aircraft. The US Air Force required the participation of a civilian airliner and fighter aircraft. Plus the notorious plane. However, shortly before the planned event, literally a week, it was announced that it had been decided to celebrate the exercise. Many believe that the reason was the strained relations between NATO and Russia.

The creation of this article was provoked by regular disputes and measurements of various “organs” in topics about our aviation. In general, the audience for these discussions can be divided into those who believe that we are hopelessly behind, and those who, on the contrary, are subject to unprecedented enthusiasm and firmly believe that everything is wonderful. The argument basically boils down to the fact that “nothing flies with us, but everything is cool with them.” And vice versa. I decided to highlight several theses around which frequent debates flare up, and give them my assessment.

For those who value their time, I give conclusions at the very beginning:

1) The US Air Force and the Russian Air Force are approximately equal in both quantitative and qualitative terms, with the US having a slight advantage;

2) The trend for the next 5-7 years is to achieve almost complete parity;

3) PR, advertising and psychological warfare are the favorite and effective method of conducting US military operations. An enemy who is psychologically defeated (by lack of faith in the power of his weapon, hands, etc.) is already half defeated.

So, let's begin.

The US Air Force/Navy/Guard is the most powerful in the world.


Yes this is true. The strength of the US Air Force as of May 2013 was 934 fighters, 96 bombers, 138 attack aircraft, 329 transport aircraft, 216 tankers, 938 training aircraft and 921 other aircraft.

For comparison, the strength of the Russian Air Force as of May 2013 was 738 fighters, 163 bombers, 153 attack aircraft, 372 transport aircraft, 18 tankers, 200 training equipment and 500 other aircraft. As you can see, there is no “monstrous” quantitative superiority.

However, there are nuances, the main one of which is that US aviation is aging, and there is no replacement for it.


In operation (total quantity)

Percentage of exploited

Average age (as of 2013)


F-22A85 (141) 9,1% 5-6 years
Su-35S18 (18) 2,4% 0.5 years
F-15C55 (157) 5.9% 28 years
Su-27SM307 (406) 41,6% 3-4 years
F-15D13 (28) 1,4% 28 years
MiG-29SMT255 (555) 34,6% 12-13 years old
F-16C318 (619) 34% 21 years old
MiG-31BM158 (358) 21,4% 13-15 years old
F-16D6 (117) 0,6% 21 years old
F/A-18 (all mods)457 (753) 48,9% 12-14 years old
F-35 (all mods)n/a (71)n/a0.5-1 year
Total USA 934 (1886) ~ 17.1 years
Total RF 738 (1337) ~ 10.2 years


B-52H44 (53) 45,8% 50 years
Tu-95MS32 (92) 19,6% 50 years
B-2A16 (16) 16,7% 17 years
Tu-22M3115 (213) 70,6% 25-26 years old
B-1B36 (54) 37,5% 25 years old
16 (16) 9,8% 20-21 years old
Total USA 96 (123) ~ 34.2 years
Total RF 163 (321) ~ 31,9 year


A-10A38 (65) 34,5% 28 years
A-10C72 (129) 65,5% 6-7 years
Su-25SM200 (300) 100% 10-11 years
Total USA 110 (194) ~ 13.4 years
Total RF 200 (300) ~ 10-11 years

Attack aircraft

F-15E138 (223) 100% 20 years
Su-24M124 (300) 81% 29-30 years old
F-111/FB-1110 (84) 0% Over 40 years
Su-3429 (29) 19% 0.5-1 year
Total USA 138 (307) ~ 20 years
Total RF 153 (329) ~ 24.4 years


E-324 (33) 100% 32 years
A-5027 (27) 100% 27-28 years old

I also want to highlight the following point. Our country 20 years ago entered into a “democracy” with and, which, thanks to a competent export policy, were able to survive, and then increase their potential to the Su-35S and MiG-35. The United States entered a crisis with the F-22, out of production, and with the unfinished F-35, as well as a massive fleet of good, but already outdated F-15/16. I am leading my rhetoric to the fact that at the moment the United States does not have a relatively cheap foundation that would allow it to maintain a quantitative (and in some ways qualitative) superiority over the Russian Federation without multi-billion dollar investments in new developments.

At the same time, the Russian aviation fleet will be actively modernized over the next 5-7 years. Including through the creation of completely new aircraft. At the moment, until 2017, contracts have been concluded for the production/modernization of the MiG-31BM - 100 units; Su-27SM - 96 units; Su-27SM3 – 12 units; Su-35S – 95 units; Su-30SM – 60 units; Su-30M2 – 4 units; MiG-29SMT – 34 units; MiG-29K – 24 units; Su-34 – 124 units; MiG-35 – 24 units; PAK FA – 60 units; IL-476 – 100 units; An-124-100M – 42 units; A-50U – 20 units; Tu-95MSM – 20 units; Yak-130 – 65 units. By 2020, more than 750 new machines will be put into operation.

To be fair, I note that in 2001 the United States planned to purchase more than 2,400 F-35s by 2020. However, at the moment, all deadlines have been missed, and the entry into service of the aircraft has been postponed until mid-2015.

We have only a few 4++ aircraft and no 5th generation, but the USA already has hundreds of them.

Yes, that's right, the United States has 141 F-22As in service. We have 18 Su-35S. - undergoing flight tests. But you need to consider:

a) F-22 aircraft have been discontinued due to 1) high cost ($280-300 units versus 85-95 for the Su-35); 2) they overlooked the issue of the tail unit (it fell apart when overloaded); 3) glitches with the fire control system (fire control system).

b) The F-35, with all its PR, is very far from the 5th generation. And there are plenty of shortcomings: either the EMDS will fail, or the airframe will not work as it should, or the control system will malfunction.

c) Until 2017, the troops will receive: Su-35S - 95 units, PAK FA - 60 units.

d) Comparing individual aircraft outside the context of their combat use is not correct. Combat is high-intensity and multi-modal mutual destruction, where much depends on specific topography, weather conditions, luck, training, coordination, morale, etc. Individual combat units do not solve anything. On paper, a conventional ATGM will destroy any modern tank, but in battle conditions everything is much more prosaic.

Their 5th generation is many times superior to our PAK FA and Su-35S.


This is a very bold statement.

a) If the F-22 and F-35 are so cool, why are they: 1) So carefully hidden? 2) Why don’t they allow EPR measurements to be taken? 3) Why aren’t there demonstration dogfights or at least simple comparative maneuvering, like at air shows?

b) If we compare the performance characteristics of our and American aircraft, we can find a lag in our aircraft only in terms of ESR (for the Su-35S) and detection range (20-30 km). 20-30 km in range is bullshit for the simple reason that the missiles that we have exceed the US AIM-54, AIM-152AAAM in range by 80-120 km. I'm talking about RVV BD, KS-172, R-37. So, if the F-35 or F-22 radars have a better range against stealth targets, then how will they shoot down this target? And where is the guarantee that the “contact” will not fly “low”?

c) There is nothing universal in military affairs. An attempt to create a universal aircraft capable of performing the functions of an interceptor, bomber, fighter and attack aircraft leads to the fact that universal becomes synonymous with the word mediocre. War recognizes only the best models in their class, tailored to solve specific problems. Therefore, if it’s an attack aircraft, then it’s a Su-25SM, if it’s a front-line bomber, it’s a Su-34, if it’s an interceptor, it’s a MiG-31BM, if it’s a fighter, it’s a Su-35S.

d) "America spent $400 billion in R&D to create the F-35 and $70 billion for the F-22. Russia spent only $8 billion to create the T-50. Those who understand that if Russia spends $400 billion within research project, perhaps they would have an airplane capable of conquering the world in a second...” (c) War is not a comparison of who has longer X. What is more important is who will have these X better in terms of price/quality.


The United States has significant superiority in strategic aviation forces.

This is wrong. The US Air Force operates 96 strategic bombers: 44 B-52N, 36 B-1B and 16 B-2A. The B-2 is exclusively subsonic and carries only free-falling bombs from nuclear weapons. B-52N – subsonic and old, like a mammoth. B-1B is currently not a carrier of nuclear weapons (START-3). Compared to the B-1, the Tu-160 has a 1.5 times greater take-off weight, 1.3 times greater combat radius, 1.6 times greater speed and a greater load in the internal compartments. By 2025, we plan to commission a new strategic bomber (PAK DA), which will replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160. The United States has extended the service life of its aircraft until 2035.

If you compare their ALCMs (cruise missiles) with ours, then everything turns out quite interesting. AGM-86 ALCM has a range of 1200-1400 km. Our X-55 is 3000-3500 km, and X-101 is 5000-5500 km. That is, the Tu-160 can shoot at enemy territory or AUG without entering the affected area, and then calmly escape at supersonic speed (for comparison, the maximum operating time at full thrust with afterburner for the F/A-18 is 10 minutes , the 160th has 45 minutes). It also raises deep doubts about their ability to overcome a normal (non-Arab-Yugoslav) air defense system.

To summarize, I would like to note once again that modern air warfare is not about individual battles in the air, but about the work of detection, target designation and suppression systems. And there is no need to consider an aircraft (be it an F-22 or a PAK FA) as a proud, lonely “wolf” in the sky. There are a lot of all sorts of nuances around in the form of air defense, electronic warfare, ground-based RiRTR, weather conditions, flares, LTC and other joys that will not allow the pilot to even reach the target. Therefore, there is no need to write sagas and sing hymns to single fantastic winged ships that will bring laurels of victory to the feet of those who created them and destroy everyone who dares to “raise a hand” against their creators.

Comparative characteristics


Maximum take-off weight, kg
Maximum speed, km/h
Cruising speed, km/h
Range without PTB, with combat load, km
Joint traction, kgf
Rate of climb, m/s
Maximum operational overload

from 0.005 to 0.3 m²

from 0.0001 (?!) to 0.3-0.4 m²

Working ceiling, m

Rainbow Unicorn 1977, blogger

Social development

Home Structure Russian Armed Forces Air Force Structure Aviation


Air Force Aviation (AVVS) according to its purpose and tasks to be solved, it is divided into long-range, military transport, operational-tactical and army aviation, which include: bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation.

Organizationally, Air Force aviation consists of air bases that are part of Air Force formations, as well as other units and organizations directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Long-Range Aviation (YES) is a means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to solve strategic (operational-strategic) and operational tasks in theaters of military operations (strategic directions).

The DA formations and units are armed with strategic and long-range bombers, tanker aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. Operating primarily in strategic depth, DA formations and units perform the following main tasks: defeating air bases (airfields), ground-based missile systems, aircraft carriers and other surface ships, targets from enemy reserves, military-industrial facilities, administrative and political centers, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, naval bases and ports, command posts of armed forces and air defense operational control centers in the theater of military operations, land communications facilities, landing detachments and convoys; mining from the air. Some of the DA forces may be involved in conducting aerial reconnaissance and performing special tasks.

Long-range aviation is a component of strategic nuclear forces.

DA formations and units are based taking into account its operational-strategic purpose and tasks from Novgorod in the west of the country to Anadyr and Ussuriysk in the east, from Tiksi in the north and to Blagoveshchensk in the south of the country.

The basis of the aircraft fleet is the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers, Tu-22M3 long-range missile carrier-bombers, Il-78 tanker aircraft and Tu-22MR reconnaissance aircraft.

The main armament of the aircraft: long-range aircraft cruise missiles and operational-tactical missiles in nuclear and conventional configuration, as well as aircraft bombs of various purposes and calibers.

A practical demonstration of the spatial indicators of the combat capabilities of the DA command are air patrol flights of Tu-95MS and Tu-160 aircraft in the area of ​​​​the island of Iceland and the Norwegian Sea; on North Pole and to the Aleutian Islands region; along the east coast of South America.

Regardless of the organizational structure in which long-range aviation exists and will exist, its combat strength, the characteristics of the aircraft and weapons in service, the main task of long-range aviation on the scale of the Air Force should be considered both nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence of potential adversaries. In the event of the outbreak of war, the DA will carry out tasks to reduce the military-economic potential of the enemy, destroy important military installations, and disrupt state and military control.

Analysis modern views the purpose of the aircraft, the tasks assigned to it, and the predicted conditions for their implementation show that at present and in the future, long-range aviation continues to be the main striking force of the Air Force.

Main directions of development of long-range aviation:

  • maintaining and increasing operational capabilities to carry out assigned tasks as part of the strategic deterrence forces and forces general purpose through modernization of Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22MZ bombers with service life extension;
  • creation of a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA).

Military transport aviation (MTA) is a means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to solve strategic (operational-strategic), operational and operational-tactical tasks in theaters of military operations (strategic directions).

The military transport aircraft Il-76MD, An-26, An-22, An-124, An-12PP, and Mi-8MTV transport helicopters are in service with the formations and units of the Military Aviation Administration. The main tasks of military aviation formations and units are: landing of units (units) of the Airborne Forces from operational (operational-tactical) airborne assault forces; delivery of weapons, ammunition and materiel to troops operating behind enemy lines; ensuring maneuver of aviation formations and units; transportation of troops, weapons, ammunition and materiel; evacuation of the wounded and sick, participation in peacekeeping operations. Includes air bases, units and units of special forces.

Part of the BTA forces may be involved in performing special tasks.

The main directions of development of military transport aviation: maintaining and increasing the capabilities to ensure the deployment of the Armed Forces in various theaters of operations, airborne landings, transportation of troops and materiel by air through the purchase of new Il-76MD-90A and An-70, Il-112V aircraft and modernization of Il-76 MD and An-124 aircraft.

Operational-tactical aviation designed to solve operational (operational-tactical) and tactical tasks in operations (combat actions) of groupings of troops (forces) in theaters of military operations (strategic directions).

Army Aviation (AA) designed to solve operational-tactical and tactical tasks during army operations (combat operations).

Bomber Aviation (BA), armed with strategic, long-range and operational-tactical bombers, is the main strike weapon of the Air Force and is designed to destroy enemy troop groups, aviation, naval forces, destroy its important military, military-industrial, energy facilities, communications centers, conduct air reconnaissance and mining from the air, mainly in strategic and operational depth.

Assault Aviation (AS), armed with attack aircraft, is a means of air support for troops (forces) and is intended to destroy troops, ground (sea) objects, as well as enemy aircraft (helicopters) at home airfields (sites), conduct aerial reconnaissance and mine mining from the air primarily at the forefront, in tactical and operational-tactical depth.

Fighter Aviation (IA), armed with fighter aircraft, is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles in the air and ground (sea) targets.

Reconnaissance aviation (RzA), armed with reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles aircrafts, is intended for conducting aerial reconnaissance of objects, the enemy, terrain, weather, air and ground radiation and chemical conditions.

Transport aviation (TrA), armed with transport aircraft, is intended for airborne landings, transportation of troops, weapons, military and special equipment and other materiel by air, ensuring maneuver and combat operations of troops (forces), and performing special tasks.

Formations, units, subunits of bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance and transport aviation can also be involved in solving other tasks.

Special Aviation (SPA), armed with airplanes and helicopters, is designed to perform special tasks. Units and subunits of special aviation are directly or operationally subordinate to the commander of the Air Force formation and are involved in: conducting radar reconnaissance and targeting air and ground (sea) targets; installation of electronic interference and aerosol curtains; search and rescue of flight crews and passengers; in-flight refueling of aircraft; evacuation of the wounded and sick; providing control and communications; conducting aerial radiation, chemical, biological, engineering reconnaissance and performing other tasks.