Vitamin pp functions in the body. Application in various fields. Indications for use of nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP has a huge amount medicinal properties, therefore medicine believes this drug not just a vitamin supplement, but a complete one medicine. Nicotinic acid, as this vitamin is also called, became known back in the nineteenth century, but people learned that it was vitamin PP only in 1937, when all efforts were directed toward combating terrible disease- pellagra.

Pellagra is a disease that is accompanied by confusion, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. If left untreated, you can die. Vitamin PP has been recognized as a means that protects a person from of this disease. Today, pellagra can only be found in third world countries, as well as among poor people who do not have the opportunity to eat normally.


The main function of vitamin PP is active participation in redox processes. That is, it promotes tissue growth, converts fat into energy, and lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, it protects a person from cardiovascular diseases and is a preventive measure for migraines.

Vitamin PP is also responsible for normal work gastrointestinal tract: he is responsible for the production gastric juice, stimulates the liver, and also facilitates the movement of processed food in the intestines.

It should also be noted that vitamin PP is involved in the production of hormones, and also helps to synthesize hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Vitamin PP is also called vitamin B3. You can also find the name quite often a nicotinic acid and niacin. It's all the same component.

Lack of vitamin PP is manifested by many symptoms: nausea, headaches, diarrhea, weakness, fatigue, apathy, peeling, dermatitis, dry skin. If there is severe shortage vitamin, the disease pellagra appears.


Vitamin PP is found in foods we are familiar with, and when balanced diet It is very difficult to reach a state of vitamin deficiency. A lot of vitamin PP can be found in milk, cheese, liver, fish, pork, tomatoes, potatoes, buckwheat, wheat and other cereals. It should be noted that this vitamin perfectly retains its properties during cooking, frying, freezing and other culinary processes. Note that during cooking, 38% of vitamin PP goes into water, so experts advise using broth to prepare any dishes.

The daily requirement of vitamin B3 is 20 mg. During pregnancy, stress, and physical activity, the norm increases to 25 mg.

Vitamin PP helps convert carbohydrates and fats into energy and also helps speed up metabolism.


Doctors advise getting vitamin PP from food. In particular, with a balanced and varied diet There won't be any problems with him for long. Reception as food additives can be done as part of complex vitamin during the period of vitamin deficiency. It is best to take this drug on your own after consulting a doctor.

Vitamin PP should not be taken in the form of tablets or injections for people with stomach ulcers, kidney problems, diabetes or heart disease.

Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP) is a vitamin necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

With insufficient intake of nicotinic acid, disorders of neurological, cardiological, and dermatological origin develop in the body.

Function of nicotinic acid and its structure

Niacin is a white, crystalline, odorless powder. Nicotinic acid has an unexpressed taste with a sour tint. Vitamin PP is a water-soluble, thermophilic vitamin.

Niacin has pronounced hypolipidemic activity. In the body, nicotinic acid molecules are metabolized to nicotinamide. Niacin is characterized by high biological activity, it is involved in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, trace elements and carbohydrate bases.

Also, nicotinic acid molecules take part in many regenerative processes, glucose metabolism, as well as in the processes of oxygen enrichment of tissues. Niacin suppresses the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, which prevents the development of an allergic reaction.

After niacin enters the digestive tract, the substance passes through a lot of complex biochemical reactions. The value of vitamin PP is great: it takes part in the energy supply of cells, protein synthesis, and metabolism. In addition, the vitamin has the following beneficial influences on the body:

  • regulates the level of atherogenic fractions of lipoproteins;
  • regulates general level cholesterol;
  • promotes the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • provides energy supply processes;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves tissue oxygenation;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • maintains the health of the skin and its appendages;
  • improves trophism of nervous tissue;
  • improves rheological properties blood by improving its fluidity;
  • normalizes glucose;
  • utilizes toxic metabolic products, thereby reducing afterload on the liver.

Niacin is highly vasoactive. When it penetrates, everything expands sharply small vessels and the activity of local metabolism increases. Thanks to this feature of the product, niacin has found its use in trichology and cosmetology. It is mandatory component drugs to combat alopecia and other non-inflammatory diseases of the skin and appendages. The use of niacin internally is effective, since hydrophilic elements do not pass through the lipid barrier of the skin and follicles.

Nicotinic acid molecules have a positive effect directly on the hair follicle, as well as on the saturation of the hair structure with melanin.

Deficiency of nicotinic acid in food

A deficiency of nicotinic acid in the diet is quite common.

Often, a person’s diet does not contain foods rich in nicotinic acid.

Niacin deficiency is often difficult to diagnose due to the early nonspecificity of the process.

The main signs of nicotinic acid deficiency include:

  1. Impaired performance due to asthenia of the body.
  2. Drowsiness, fatigue, weakness.
  3. Hypersensitivity reactions.
  4. Mental and cognitive disorders.
  5. Recurrent inflammatory diseases mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, etc.
  6. Hair loss, brittle nails.

Vitamin deficiency should be as low as possible short time eliminated by using drug therapy. It is important to correctly select the dosage and treatment regimen to avoid an overdose of the substance.

Vitamin PP can accumulate in the body. In this regard, variants of overdose of the substance are possible. A similar phenomenon is referred to as nicotinic acid hypervitaminosis, due to overdoses of niacin preparations.

Excessive intake of nicotinic acid leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • myalgia;
  • headache;
  • dyspepsia and indigestion;
  • exacerbation;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • sharp redness of the skin due to sudden vasodilation;
  • paresthesia of the legs and arms;
  • skin maceration;
  • swelling;
  • ulceration of the mucous membranes, up to gastric and duodenal ulcers%

In addition, severe hypotension can develop.

Foods rich in niacin

Niacin is a vitamin that is found in certain amounts in many foods.

Deficiency develops when the patient does not know which products contain nicotinic acid.

In this regard, the diet often does not include foods with high content niacin.

Collateral good health and complete intake of vitamins is daily use fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits.

High concentrations of nicotinic acid in the following products:

  1. Fruit juices are the richest source of niacin in its pure form.
  2. Peanuts and other legumes are high in niacin and other micronutrients.
  3. Veal.
  4. Parsley, dill, basil. These plants contain a huge list of essential nutrients.
  5. Some types of mushrooms.
  6. Buckwheat.
  7. Chicken meat. IN chicken fillet be greatest number amino acids and nutrients maximally adapted to the human body.
  8. Carrot.
  9. Some varieties of marine fish.
  10. Avocado contains niacin and folic acid, which makes this product very useful for pregnant women.

The daily requirement of niacin is about 30 mg.

With increased consumption (pregnancy, heavy physical activity), the need for niacin increases.

If nutrition is impaired and niacin deficiency already exists, additional administration of nicotinic acid preparations is recommended.

Medical use of nicotinic acid

On the territory of Russia it is produced in dosage form tablets, as well as infusion solutions. Vitamin PP is used to correct vitamin deficiency, photodermatosis, persistent ulcers, recurrent wounds, urticaria, acne. Nicotinic acid preparations suppress sebaceous glands which help cure acne.

The average duration of therapy is about two weeks.

Usage injection forms indicated only for severe pathologies. Before use, the contents of the ampoule must be warmed in the palm of your hand, and the patient must be warned about the pain of such an injection.

The drug is prescribed with caution to an elderly cohort of patients, due to high risk hypotension followed by reactive hypertension.

The most rational prevention of hypovitaminosis is the correct preparation daily menu, taking into account each food product, its biological and nutritional value.

It is important to coordinate your diet with your doctor. To select the optimal calorie content, a table of calories per 100 grams of product is used. The percentage of vitamins and microelements is indicated on the product packaging.

Niacin is discussed in the video in this article.

Vitamin PP means antipellagric vitamin. Also called nicotinic acid and niacin (nicotinamide), the substances differ in chemical composition, but have the same value.

The role of vitamin PP in the body

Vitamin PP is a source of energy and beauty. It is not synthesized in our body. Nicotinic acid entering the human body is converted into nicotinamide, the latter in the composition of NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is involved in all vital important processes. No cell can live without NAD. It normalizes carbohydrate and protein metabolism, it participates in the process of burning carbohydrates and fats, releasing energy.

Niacin plays an important role

  • in providing our cells with oxygen,
  • reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels;
  • provides vasodilator effect, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • prescribed to people who have had a heart attack and to prevent possible new heart attacks.

Especially important function niacin in the body:

  • cleansing cells of harmful things,
  • helping the liver function;
  • ensures normal operation nervous system,
  • has a calming effect and restores sleep.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.
  • Participates in the synthesis of hormones: testosterone, estrogens, insulin.

Nicotinic acid has a vasodilator, and therefore anticoagulant effect. Improves blood microcirculation in the brain.

What foods contain vitamin PP?

To the leaders in content of this vitamin can be attributed:

  • liver,
  • peanut,
  • pistachios,
  • turkey meat,
  • a rabbit,
  • Chicken.

For fish lovers we can recommend:

  • tuna,
  • mackerel,
  • mackerel;

Vegetables worth noting:

  • potato,
  • wheat,
  • broccoli.

From medicinal plants It is best to give preference to alfalfa, sorrel, rose hips, dandelion, etc.

Milk and eggs are leaders in niacin content, which can compensate for the lack of niacin.

Daily intake of vitamin PP

A person’s daily need for vitamin PP depends on age, gender, physical and mental stress, and the presence of chronic diseases should also be taken into account.

So for our infants this figure is 5-6 mg/day;

for children from 1 year to 10 years – 7-12 mg/day,

for adolescent males and adult men – 15-20 mg/day;

and for girls and women – 13-15 mg/day.

It should be especially noted that the need of pregnant women is 1.5 times greater than daily norm for women.

Signs of vitamin PP deficiency

The first signs of vitamin PP deficiency, the so-called “Three Ds”: dermatitis, dementia and diarrhea.

Associated signs and stages of manifestation of symptoms of the disease:

  • bright red, painful tongue with cracks, stomatitis;
  • digestive disorders: loss of appetite and, as a consequence, general weakness body, diarrhea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance, depression:
  • loss of concentration;
  • mental retardation, neuroses, hallucinations.

In what doses should I take vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)?

Vitamin PP is a water-soluble vitamin; it does not accumulate in the body and is excreted from the body in the urine. With excessive consumption of sweets and sugary drinks, the body loses vitamin PP.

As a vitamin, it is used starting in small doses, gradually increasing to required quantity. Take after meals; do not drink the vitamin with hot drinks.

The relationship of vitamin PP with other substances in the body

Since vitamin PP thins the blood, it should not be taken along with drugs that reduce arterial pressure and anticoagulants. The absorption of this vitamin decreases with simultaneous use iron, magnesium, ascorbic acid, copper The opposite effect is observed with the simultaneous use of vitamins of class F (unsaturated fatty acid: linoleic and linolenic) with vitamin PP. B6, B12, B9, B1 – vitamins that improve the absorption of vitamin PP.

Vitamin PP as a medicine

Vitamin PP due to its role in human body, can be used as medicine. For heart diseases, atherosclerosis, it is the best medicine. Women use it for weight loss, improving hair growth and for rejuvenation. It is most often used for pellagra, chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, cancer, arthritis, diabetes mellitus. The medications should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and not exceeding the recommended dose.

Video acute lack of vitamin PP

Nicotinic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, also known as niacin or vitamin B3. Present in many foods, including meat, fish, dairy products and grains.

Consuming sufficient amounts of niacin has a positive effect on cholesterol and blood glucose levels and speeds up metabolism. This is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. You can of course use vitamin supplements, containing niacin, but it is much healthier and smarter to get it from food.

Before we start making a list natural sources niacin, the recommended average daily doses of this vitamin should be indicated:

  • infants 6-12 months: 4 mg;
  • children 1-3 years old: 6 mg;
  • children 4-8 years old: 8 mg;
  • boys and girls 9-13 years old: 12 mg;
  • men: 16 mg;
  • women: 14 mg;
  • pregnant women: 18 mg;
  • nursing: 17 mg.

Pork and beef liver are excellent sources of niacin. Pork offal contains the highest concentration: 29.8 mg per 100 g, while in beef liver 22.7 mg/100 g. back side medals - high doses of vitamin A, the excess of which “gets stuck” in the body for a long time and is harmful to health. This is why consumption of liver and other organ meats should be limited to once a week.


According to the University of North Carolina, peanuts are high in B vitamins, including niacin. Groundnuts together with thin skin (husk) contain 17.2 mg/100 g of niacin, without skin - up to 15.8 mg/100 g. In addition, peanuts are rich folic acid, reducing the risk of fetal nervous disorders(in the fetus), and is useful during pregnancy.

Vegetables, fruits and mushrooms

Boiled or baked potatoes are one of the most accessible vegetable sources of niacin. One medium-sized tuber with skin contains 3.3 mg of niacin, without skin – up to 2.2 mg. Other vegetable sources: carrots (1.25 mg), kale (0.67 mg) and broccoli (0.58 mg), tomatoes (up to 8 mg), asparagus and celery.

There are not many fruits with a high content of niacin: raspberries (1.1 mg per 1 cup), mango (1.5 mg), melon (0.7 mg), avocado (2.5 mg) and banana (0.8 mg).

Some mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins. 1 cup of raw sliced ​​champignons contains 2.8 mg of niacin, while canned mushrooms contain only 2.5 mg. Boiled or roasted will offer 2.2 mg of niacin.

Wild rice

Wild rice contains significantly more niacin than brown rice. The concentration of this vitamin reaches 6.2 mg/100 g. This rice is also a good dietary source of calcium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates.

Sea fish

According to American scientists, swordfish, unusual for the Russian stomach, is an excellent source of nicotinic acid: 10.2 mg/100 g. Also halibut, salmon and tuna. Yellow tuna contains niacin up to 20 mg/100 g. Unfortunately, these species sea ​​fish also known high concentration mercury, so you don’t need to eat them often.

Vitamin PP is necessary for normal height tissues, the beneficial substance has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. This vitamin is mainly involved in redox processes, PP prevents the occurrence of diseases such as pellagra, migraine, diabetes, thrombosis, heart disease and digestive tract, hypertension.

Foods rich in vitamin PP

A person needs PP in the amount of 20 mg per day, determined according to age. Daily dose, chest, strong nervous, physical activity increases to 25 mg. Vitamin deficiency can result in insomnia, fatigue, irritability, dry skin, weakened immunity and other symptoms.

Most vitamin PP is found in meat - beef, rabbit meat, lamb, chicken, liver. Champion in numbers useful substance is buckwheat. There is a lot of nicotinic acid in fish, liver and kidneys.

Vitamin medicine is also included in vegetables. Tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, and carrots are rich in it. There are RR and cereal crops, for example, wheat, corn. Dates, cheese, peanuts, legumes, artichokes, semolina, green pea and beans. Vitamin PP should also be found in yeast, oats, and some seasonings.

Where else is there a lot of vitamin PP?

Surprisingly, vitamin PP can be found in many. This is the usual dandelion, clover, parsley, sage, sorrel, rose hips, burdock root. Nicotinic acid is present in raspberry leaves, chamomile, peppermint, horsetail, and ginseng. Also, a certain amount of the vitamin is found in nettles, fennel seeds, hops, and alfalfa.

The healing vitamin is also synthesized by the human body, but only if there is enough animal protein in the diet. The value of products containing vitamin PP varies; it directly depends on the ease of absorption of the substance. Thus, it is difficult for the body to extract the necessary component from cereals.

Vitamin PP tolerates cooking without problems, it is practically not lost when frozen, long-term storage, drying, canning and frying. In particular, the substance is preserved even in water in which foods rich in vitamin PP have been boiled. Therefore, it is recommended to reuse it for cooking.

Video on the topic

The harm of nicotine is not in doubt. Doctors strongly do not recommend taking tobacco in any form, since the nicotine it contains causes users strong addiction. However, few people know that nicotine is found not only in tobacco and tobacco products, but also in foods and even drinks.

Conventional products containing nicotine

It’s hard to imagine, but harmless tomatoes contain quite a significant amount of nicotine. This is especially true for unripe, green tomatoes. Ripe fruits contain breakdown products of nicotine - this is a substance that is named after these fruits - tomatine.

The no less harmless one contains a nicotine alkaloid; its other name is “solanine”. It is mainly found in the peel. The young one contains ten times more than the ripe one. Regular use such young potatoes can negatively affect the condition. So prefer proven ripe potatoes to young ones.

The absolute record holder among vegetables for pure nicotine content is eggplant. However, to take the same amount of nicotine as contained in one, you need to eat about ten kilograms.

The “lethal” number of cigarettes that a person should smoke is approximately one hundred to one hundred and twenty pieces.

In Bulgarian and capsicums contains nicotine alkaloids - solanadine and solanine. Their concentration is not too high, so peppers definitely should not be excluded from the diet.

Cauliflower, known for its beneficial properties, nevertheless contains quite a large number of nicotine True, this amount is seven times less than that contained in eggplants, so the effect of one cigarette can be obtained by eating seventy kilograms of this vegetable.

Half a cigar, if eaten rather than smoked, is quite capable of killing a person.

Nicotine in tea

Tea contains more than just caffeine. It contains quite a lot of nicotine. This is especially true for tea bags. Decaffeinated black or green tea contains three to four times less nicotine than instant, bagged tea. Of course, for nicotine from tea to begin to have some effect negative impact, you need to drink tens of liters of freshly brewed tea every day.

Of course, all this information does not support giving up vegetables. Indirectly, this only applies to completely new potatoes. When smoking, the body takes in tens and hundreds of times more nicotine, and this also applies to passive smoking. However, it may be worth reviewing your menu if you have any concerns about your health.