Laws automatic system of the Russian Federation justice. State automated system of the Russian Federation "justice"

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  • Introduction
  • 1. GAS "Justice"
  • 2. Functions of the GAS “Justice” system
  • 3. GAS "Justice" "Judicial records management and statistics"
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature


A characteristic feature of our time is the intensive developing processes informatization in almost all spheres of human activity. They led to the formation of a new information infrastructure, which is associated with a new type of social relations, with new reality, with new information technologies various types activities.

Information technologies are becoming the most important tool for the scientific, technical and socio-economic development of society, playing a significant role in accelerating the processes of obtaining, disseminating and using new knowledge. By influencing the quality of intellectual resources of society, information technologies increase the level and quality of life itself.

Management is difficult process, including the selection and implementation of a certain set of management influences in the current time periods in order to solve the strategic task of ensuring its sustainable financial and socio-economic development. Information technology greatly expands the possibilities for effective management because it provides latest methods processing and analysis of information necessary for decision making.

Carrying out this work effectively and at the proper level is impossible without the use of modern information technologies.

Within the framework of this abstract it is assumed:

1. Expand the concept - GAS "Justice"

2. consider the functions of the system

3. study - GAS "Justice" "Judicial record keeping and statistics"

1. GAS "Justice"

In the federal target program “Development judicial system Russia" for 2006-2015, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 20, 2006 No. 805, tasks were set such as the formation of a single information space, the implementation of constitutional principles of independence judiciary and independence of judges, ensuring the unity of the judicial system of the Russian Federation, increasing the efficiency of the courts, as well as realizing the rights of citizens and legal entities to judicial and legal information.

As part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program, it is envisaged to create the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice” (hereinafter referred to as the State Automated System “Justice”) in the interests of federal courts general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system.

When creating the State Automated System "Justice", the continuity of software and information systems for automating the activities of judicial officials, the existing property complex in courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department was preserved, and the continuity of its functioning in daily activities was ensured.

In accordance with the federal target program “Development of the Judicial System of Russia” for 2007-20011, starting from 2007, large-scale work has been launched to introduce information, software and technical solutions of the State Automated System “Justice” in courts of general jurisdiction and regional bodies of the Judicial Department, supply modern equipment.

In the process of implementation and further development GAS "Justice" great attention is devoted to the creation of a unified information space of the judicial system of the Russian Federation on the basis of Automated information technologies in economics and management: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY, 2008. :

· ensuring information interaction between judicial bodies at various levels, as well as various software products deployed at automation facilities;

· connecting automation objects to high-speed data transmission channels;

· equipping the judiciary modern means automation and data transfer.

Much attention is paid to the processes of training users to work with GAS Justice software products. The following forms of work are organized:

· distance learning;

· full-time education;

· conducting seminars;

· delivery of electronic training courses to automation facilities.

Further development of the State Automated System “Justice” should ensure increased efficiency of the entire judicial system of the Russian Federation, including district-level facilities and world justice.

2 Functions of the GAS “Justice” system

GAS "Justice" provides automation of the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, issuing to display devices and transmitting via communication channels the following data Introduction to Legal Informatics / Under the general editorship. D.B. Novikov and V.L. Kamynina. M., 2008:

On the judicial authorities operating in the territory;

On the timing and status of the consideration of criminal and civil cases of administrative offenses in courts at various levels;

On the registration of judicial documents of criminal cases in the process of registration, familiarization, preparation, consideration of cases, sentencing, rulings, suspension of proceedings in the case, referral of the case to jurisdiction, termination of the case, transfer to the archive and presentation of materials of the court session at the level of the phonogram archive and formalized minutes of the meeting;

On the preparation of documents during the work of the board on civil, criminal cases and administrative offenses (registration of complaints and appeals, work with materials, acceptance of the case for proceedings and its registration, consideration of the case with the issuance of a ruling or resolution, transfer of cases to the office and the archive, storage of the file in the archive);

On the results of processing judicial statistics to ensure an objective analysis of law enforcement practice and the structure of offenses;

On the state of cassation criminal and civil cases and cases of administrative offenses;

About unexamined criminal and civil complaints, complaints regarding administrative offenses, requested cases and protests considered in a supervisory manner;

On the composition of criminal and civil boards;

On the workload of judges of criminal and civil boards;

About legal information current legislation Russian Federation from automated legal databases;

On the administrative management of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system (information on the use of financial, material, technical, human and other types of resources; analytical information on situations, identified trends; planning materials, decisions made, monitoring the progress of decisions);

On organizational support (information on the unified classification and coding system adopted by the State Automated System “Justice”, regulatory and reference information, organizational and administrative information regulating office work and the activities of court employees, information on territorial control; cataloged and library information);

On plans and projects for financing courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system, on the formation of budgetary allocations, on the execution of the federal budget expenditures;

On the organization of the financial control system and the results of control and audit activities;

On staffing the activities of courts and bodies of the Judicial Department, including needs, personnel certification, selection and vocational training, reserve formation, questions social security, personal accounting;

ABOUT judicial practice, including a database (DB) of court decisions, information and analytical support for judicial records management;

On office work and document flow, including issues of monitoring the execution of documents and orders, organizing operational and archival storage;

On material and technical resources (MTR);

About questions vocational education judicial personnel;

About materials on interaction with federal authorities management and power;

On coordination and development of international relations in the interests of ensuring the activities of the judicial system;

On the generalization and dissemination of the experience of the activities of the bodies of the judicial community;

On organizing media coverage of materials from the judicial system and media monitoring materials on key issues

On appeals from citizens regarding the forms and methods of operation of the judicial system;

On the interaction between central national authorities ensuring the activities of courts (primarily within the CIS) with leading international legal and judicial organizations (International Court of Justice, Council of Europe and other foreign organizations).

At the same time, the functions of Legal Informatics are automated: Tutorial/ Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Yurist, 2007:

Document management (collective development of documents, document search, document exchange, execution control);

Legal support for the activities of courts;

Ensuring operation and maintenance of the system;

Management and control of the functioning of the system;

Training of users and system specialists;

Information and reference services for system users;

Conducting court hearings using video conferencing;

Presentation of information about courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system on the Internet and on public display media;

Formation of a protocol of the court hearing based on phonograms;

Ensuring information security.

System structure and purpose components“Justice” includes the following subsystems:

Subsystem "Administrative Management";

Subsystem “Organizational support”;

Subsystem "Law";

Subsystem "Finance";

Subsystem “Financial control”;

Subsystem "Personnel";

Subsystem “Judicial records management and statistics”;

Subsystem “Bank of court decisions (judicial practice)”;

Subsystem "Video conferencing";

Subsystem “Forensic Expertise”;

Subsystem "Document flow";

Subsystem “Departmental statistics of the Judicial Department”;

Subsystem "Training";

Subsystem “Public Relations”;

Subsystem “Material and technical resources”;

Subsystem “Citizens' Appeals”;

Subsystem “International Legal Cooperation”;

Subsystem "Real Estate";

Subsystem "Judicial Community".

Information and reference subsystem;

Subsystem “Internet portal of State Automated System “Justice”;

Subsystem “Display of collective information


Subsystem “Ensuring information security”;

Subsystem “Communication and data transfer”;

Subsystem “Management and control of functioning”;

Subsystem “Ensuring operation and service


Subsystem "Training".

GAS “Justice has a multi-level hierarchical structure corresponding to the levels of the hierarchy of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system.

Complexes of automation tools of the State Automated System "Justice" are built on the basis of structured local computer networks (LAN), which allow dynamically and quickly increasing computing and information resources, the number of network users, including taking into account the territorial distribution, the logical unification of users into segments, the distribution of user access to network resources, organization of technological communication rooms, rack placement of technical equipment.

Each level of court automation and the hierarchical structure of the Judicial Department corresponds to its own set of automation tools, single for individually designated objects and replicable for repeated ones. The structure of each automated control system implements standard technical solutions for the same type of LAN functional nodes.

Typical functional units include:

Server equipment;

Automated workstations (AWS) of users;

AWS of administrative and dispatch personnel;

Information Security System Tools (SOBI);

Means of the subsystem “Communication and data transmission” (CSPD);

Information display means (video projectors, plasma panels, televisions, information kiosks);

Active network equipment.

The composition and characteristics of the technical means included in typical functional units, depending on the purpose of the automated control system, may differ to some extent (quantitatively and in terms of performance) while maintaining the main functional purpose.

Based on the conditions for providing access to banks and databases, three document flow circuits can be used in KSA: departmental, public and secure (in KSA OVS and KSA GVS).

Requirements for the protection of information in the KSA and the security of the corporate network of the State Automated System “Justice”, including through technical communication channels (CC), have imposed corresponding restrictions on the organization of interaction between subscribers of the Intranet network. To ensure guaranteed protection of the Intranet network from unauthorized actions (UNA) and virus attacks, including from the Internet, hardware solutions for KSA telecommunications equipment provide for physical decoupling of the means of storing and processing information from the Intranet and Internet networks Kudinov A.T., Elkin V. D. Legal informatization in the information society // Black holes in Russian legislation. N 4. 2009.

automated software information justice

3. GAS "Justice" "Judicial record keeping and statistics"

The system has developed means of information retrieval and practically no disabilities preparation of analytical information. Does not require additional technical resources.

Requirements: a computer with the Win98 operating system (or higher) with MSWord and MSExcel installed.

Statistics are calculated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for maintaining judicial statistics. The system allows you to automatically generate standard statistical report forms in electronic form (Excel matrices).

The main advantage of this technology is that the system automates most routine functions, allowing not only to reduce the labor costs of court staff, but also to minimize the percentage of errors that occur when performing such functions.

The automated system includes modules for working with card files Nikitov V.A. etc. Information support government controlled. M., 2007:

· Supervisory authority

Registration of information about applicants supervisory complaints in criminal cases;

Criminal cases considered under supervisory procedures;

Registration of information about incoming supervisory complaints in civil cases;

Civil cases considered under supervisory procedures;

Registration of information about incoming complaints in cases of administrative offenses;

Cases of administrative offenses considered in a supervisory manner;

· Cassation instance

Criminal cases heard by federal judges;

Civil cases heard by federal judges;

Criminal cases heard by magistrates;

Civil cases heard by magistrates;

· Appellate instance

Criminal proceedings;

Civil cases;

Cases of administrative offenses

· First instance

Administrative Affairs;

Criminal proceedings;

Private prosecution cases;

Order proceedings;

Claim proceedings;

Cases arising from public legal relations;

Special production.

· Statistical reporting of ships

Operational reporting form No. 01, statistical report on form No. 1, statistical report on form No. 1AP, statistical report on form No. 2, statistical report on form No. 4, statistical report on form No. 6-bms,

statistical report on form No. 7-bms, statistical report on form No. 6,

statistical report on form No. 7, statistical report on form No. 8, statistical report on form No. 9

· Module "User Request Generator"

A tool that allows you to provide the user with information in any form convenient for him. Does not require deep knowledge of SQL language to use. Designed for use by court database administrators.

· Module for working with documents

A tool that allows you to generate various court documents according to templates developed by users, using previously entered data on cases at the time of registration Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Manuscript, 2011


State automated system RF "Justice" is a territorially distributed automated information system designed to create a unified information space for courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system under Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SD), providing information and technological support for legal proceedings on the principles of maintaining the required balance between the need of citizens, society and the state for the free exchange of information and the necessary restrictions on the dissemination of information.

The functions of the GAS "Justice" subsystems are implemented by software and technical means sets of automation equipment (AS) of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system, sets of software and hardware (PTS) of interregional system support centers (MSC).

The automated system "Judicial Records Management and Statistics" is extremely easy to use and intuitive for users thanks to the tools developed by CASE for creating automated systems for judicial and enforcement proceedings. The uniformity of interfaces in all areas of court proceedings has the same structure and a similar set of functions, which makes it possible to train users to work with the system in the shortest possible time.

The system has developed means of searching for information and practically unlimited possibilities for preparing analytical information. Does not require additional technical resources. Requirements: a computer with the Win98 operating system (or higher) with MSWord and MSExcel installed.

List of used literature

1. Automated information technologies in economics and management: Textbook / Ed. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: UNITY, 2008.

2. Andreev B.V. Legal informatics. Tutorial. M.: IMP, 2008.

3. Introduction to legal informatics / Under the general editorship. D.B. Novikov and V.L. Kamynina. M., 2008.

4. Introduction to legal informatics / Under the general editorship of D.B. Novikova, V.L. Kamynina. M., 2007.

5. Kudinov A.T., Elkin V.D. Legal informatization in the information society // Black holes in Russian legislation. N 4. 2009.

6. Prosecutor's Handbook, 2010.

7. Nikitov V.A. and others. Information support for public administration. M., 2007.

8. Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Manuscript, 2011.

9. Legal informatics: Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Yurist, 2007

10. Chubukova S.G., Elkin V.D. Fundamentals of legal informatics (legal and mathematical issues of informatics). Textbook / Ed. MM. Rassolova. M.: Contract, 2010.

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2. Reliability of legal information. One of the main qualities of legal information, as we noted above, is its reliability. As a rule, this quality can always be verified using comparative data that can be found on the websites of the main providers of legal information sources and the main collective users (government authorities, the judiciary, large corporations, etc.). The existing system of permanent contractual relations with a source of replenishment of legal information is one of the signs of the reliability of the ATP.

3. Updating legal information. By updating it is necessary to understand not only the frequency and speed of updating normative legal information, but also the opportunity to find in the legal base comments from scientists and specialists on the most pressing legal issues and problems.

4. Mobility and efficiency of the legal system. Of great importance for legal work is the speed (efficiency) of decision-making at all levels

5. High level of accessibility and ease of use (manufacturability). The presence of convenient navigation, selection, filtering of the necessary legal information, as well as its rapid translation into the environment of traditional operating systems of a personal computer with the possibility of adaptation in the user’s file structure are additional criteria for selecting ATP.

Price criteria for choosing ATP. Users often focus on the cost indicators of a particular help system. This especially applies to the mass audience of individual users (students, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc.), among whom, as a rule, there are few wealthy people who have the opportunity to purchase a full-text licensed ATP.

66 General provisions for informatization of law-making activities

Lawmaking– this is the activity of the competent state bodies to develop and adopt normative legal acts, as well as their further improvement and modification.

1. A process consisting of several stages:

1. development of the draft regulatory legal acts. Increased information support is required: the history of those legal relations that developed before is studied; application practice is studied; foreign legislation. Development of the text of the bill.

2. discussion and adoption of legal acts. High technologies of text analysis of collective work are used. Parliamentary hearings of the bill, collective work technologies are used here.

3. approval by the President of the Russian Federation. The debated bill goes to committees to be presented for adoption. It begins with adoption in the first reading (plenary session, the bill is adopted conceptually, the main provisions of a particular law). After the first reading, you can only make corrections; the content itself does not change. Information and legal resources and technologies are used. Repeated examination at the stage of approval of the law.

The basis of informatization– information technology infrastructure:

    Automated workplaces for deputies, specialists and experts.

    Information and telecommunication networks (local network of the State Duma, Federation Council, President of the Russian Federation).

    Numerous databases are a collection of arrays of various information.

    Technologies for searching, processing, analysis and collective use of information.

67 Features of informatization of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Features of informatization of the State Duma.

    Realization of information interests of deputies, experts and specialists.

    Automated control over the passage procedure legal documents containing legal information is provided by electronic document management.

    Ensuring the work of the plenary meeting (distribution of documents, electronic shorthand recording)


    Mandatory computer monitoring, automated surveillance systems.

    Electronic systems for supporting plenary sessions, unified network

    Automated system for supporting legislative activities (ASOSD)

    Reference information retrieval system "Law"

Informatization of legislative activities of the Federation Council.

    The information fund of the Federation Council includes arrays of legal information, reference information, archival, socio-economic, regional, and international. Multiple levels: upper (federal information), middle (level of federal subjects), lower (working with those arrays that are not included in the 1st and 2nd, all employees of the apparatus)

    Automated information system (AIS) for document flow. All electronic documents. This system uses special interfaces. The procedure for organizing electronic document management is the order of the Chairman of the Federation Council of May 6, 2005: rules for documentation, rules for creating text files, rules for creating an electronic signature, rules for the movement of documents, including transfer to the archive.

    Situation center. Peculiarities:

    Provides continuous monitoring of information on all current socio-economic and socio-political issues at both the federal and regional levels.

    Provides analysis of the legal, political, socio-economic situation in the country, analysis of the necessary resources (everything and everything)

    Provides analysis of the legal situation in the country.

    The consequences are analyzed.

69 General principles of informatization of judicial activities

Informatization of judicial activities is an organized process of creating favorable conditions for access to information used in legal proceedings, its storage, processing and transmission to electronic form based on the resources and services of judicial information systems to improve the efficiency of justice.

Judicial information systems are a collection of databases that provide processing of technologies and software and hardware used in judicial activities.

Due to the presence of three independent branches of the judiciary, judicial information systems are developing in three directions:

1) informatization of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, constitutional (statutory) courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) informatization of the system of federal courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, as well as magistrates of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

3) informatization of the system of arbitration courts of the Russian Federation.

The main provisions of state policy in the field of informatization of judicial activities are formulated in the concepts of informatization higher courts Russia (157), in the Concept of informatization of courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, State Automated System “Justice”, approved by the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation in April 2002 (second edition).

The goals of informatization of the judicial system are:

Availability of the entire volume of information about the legislation of the Russian Federation and judicial practice for judges and court staff;

Completeness and reliability of information about the activities of courts;

Increasing the efficiency of collecting and processing relevant statistical data and ensuring an objective analysis of law enforcement practice;

Increasing the efficiency of personnel, organizational, material, technical and resource support for the activities of courts;

High-quality information and analytical support for decision-making in all areas of judicial activity.

Achieving these goals is carried out by solving the following tasks:

1) organizing the development of projects for judicial information systems, including projects for automation and informatization of the main objects of courts and the Judicial Department system and their interaction with law enforcement agencies, government bodies and citizens using computer and telecommunications means;

2) formation of the necessary regulatory framework for the use of judicial information and communication technologies, based on legal acts direct action;

3) organizing financing of work on the development of complexes of information technology, maintaining them in working condition and effective use;

4) creation of an organizational and staffing structure to ensure the functioning of the State Automated System “Justice” and large-scale training and retraining of personnel in new information technologies by modernizing forms of education in the judicial system, in particular, introducing methods and means of distance learning.

The priority areas for creating information systems to support judicial activities for all branches of the judiciary are:

Formation of judicial information resources and coordination of their structure;

Organization of electronic document management (ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of electronic documents of legal proceedings);

Development and implementation of information technologies to ensure and support the adoption of managerial and procedural decisions in the judicial system;

Organization of the use of means of maintaining electronic recordings of court hearings (using video recording technologies, as well as video servers, mixers, amplifiers and other equipment that allows the implementation of flexible programmable interfaces for remote control of the listed equipment);

Ensuring the use of means of exchanging open and confidential judicial information (based on unified transport and communication environments), including the use of video conferencing tools to organize remote participation of the parties in the trial;

Ensuring archival storage of electronic documents according to uniform rules for systematization, storage, search and use in federal courts, the offices of justices of the peace and the Judicial Department system;

Automated collection and processing of judicial statistics;

Monitoring the execution of directive documents.

The Federal Target Program “Development of the Judicial System of Russia” for 2007-2011”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 2006 No. 583, stipulates that, within the framework of the problem of ensuring openness and transparency of justice, the priority area of ​​informatization of courts is:

Formation of an information and communication system of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, an electronic archive and an electronic specialized public library of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of the project of electronic provision of justice in the system of arbitration courts;

Development and implementation of the State Automated System “Justice” in federal courts of general jurisdiction;

Creation of an information and communication system for the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, integrated with the State Automated System “Pravosudie”;

Formation of the necessary telecommunications infrastructure to ensure effective interaction between arbitration courts, courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

70 General characteristics of GAS “Justice”

GAS "Justice" is a territorially distributed automated information system designed to form a unified information space for courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

State Automated System “Justice” has a multi-level hierarchical structure corresponding to the levels of the hierarchy of courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system. The objects of automation are the central apparatus and departments (departments) of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, republican, regional, regional and equal courts, district (naval) military courts, district (city) courts and garrison military courts . The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Justice, being objects of the system, are equipped with the means of the State Automated System “Justice” under a separate agreement.

The State Automated System “Justice” has created three information circuits for document flow (protected, departmental and public), which ensures a balance between the requirements of information openness and its protection.

The protected circuit is designed to perform the following functions:

Protection of electronic document flow and office work using means of protecting information from unauthorized access;

Protection of electronic document flow when exchanging data between objects of the State Automated System “Justice” in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Official prompt informing of the courts about the activities of public authorities with the submission of relevant regulatory documents to the courts and the system of the Judicial Department;

Official prompt information to the courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system on socio-political and socio-economic issues based on reports from news agencies, the media and press services of authorities;

Information and analytical support for courts of general jurisdiction and the Judicial Department system from sources of relevant government agencies that provide services online and off-line and provide information in the form of electronic documents.

The departmental circuit must be provided by a departmental communication system, which, together with the Internet, is presented in the technical requirements for the operation of the GAS “Justice” as a communication and data transmission subsystem.

The public circuit is provided by the Internet and e-mail.

71 Structure of State Automated System “Justice”

The most important subsystems of the State Automated System Justice

The “Administrative Management” subsystem is designed to collect, process, store and issue data and documents necessary to perform functional duties and information support for the activities of officials of the Judicial Department, as well as departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the subjects RF, increasing the efficiency of their information and reference services.

The subsystem “Bank of court decisions (judicial practice)” ensures the organization of automated collection of court decisions, the formation of a unified bank of court decisions, a mechanism for systematizing information on these court decisions and ensuring authorized access to information from various categories of users.

The subsystem “Departmental Statistics of the Judicial Department” is intended for the collection and compilation of statistical data of departmental reporting, obtained from the relevant functional subsystems of the State Automated System “Justice”, for the purpose of subsequent analysis of the accumulated data.

The “Videoconferencing” subsystem provides the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, regional and equal courts of general jurisdiction with videoconferencing services and ensures the conduct of court hearings in the mode of remote participation of convicts and witnesses.

The “Document Flow” subsystem is designed to automate information processes of document flow and office work.

“The Internet portal of the State Automated System “Justice”” is intended to provide access to citizens, legal entities, and government bodies to information about the activities of the judicial system of the Russian Federation.

“Information and reference system” is intended for information and reference services in operational mode (on-line mode) of courts of general jurisdiction and the system of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, as well as interacting government bodies based on the information contained in the information GAS "Justice" Foundation.

The “Personnel” subsystem is designed for comprehensive automation of the main areas of activity of the personnel bodies of the Judicial Department and court apparatus: accounting, storage and analysis of data on the organizational structure and personnel composition of courts at different levels and bodies of the Judicial Department system.

The subsystem “Material and technical resources” is intended to automate the planning and accounting of the provision of material and technical means to the system of the Judicial Department and courts of general jurisdiction (including military courts), to create an integrated database on data coming from the regions, characterizing objects of material and technical accounting.

The subsystem “International Legal Cooperation” provides the ability to access and search necessary information in the environment of information resources of international legal organizations, state and other bodies, judicial institutions abroad for the purpose of preparing analytical reports, as well as maintaining electronic libraries of international legal acts and foreign legislative acts on justice issues.

The “Ensuring Information Security” subsystem is designed to increase the level of data reliability and information security, protect information resources when solving problems of integration with other automated systems of government bodies and introducing secure technology for processing confidential information, as well as to create a comprehensive anti-virus system protection.

The “Personnel Training” subsystem is designed to automate the processes of organizing and conducting training for judges, civil servants of the courts and the Judicial Department system (hereinafter referred to as judges and civil servants) using distance learning technology.

The “Law” subsystem is intended for input, storage and circular distribution of normative acts, organizing access to the reference database of normative acts and to the reference databases of legal acts located in the legal systems of federal and local legislation.

The “Communication and Data Transfer” subsystem ensures the provision of a modern telecommunications environment to ensure reliable, reliable and prompt data transmission between automation systems of the State Automated System “Justice” of all levels, as well as the exchange of various types of information (voice, fax, video) between subscribers of the subsystem.

The “Forensic Expertise” subsystem is designed to increase the efficiency of information interaction between users of the State Automated System “Justice” of all its levels when automating the forensic activities of courts of general jurisdiction in terms of satisfying the relevant information requests of judges, their assistants, court staff and other users of the subsystem -stems.

The “Judicial Records Management and Statistics” subsystem was created to provide users with the means of generating, analyzing and integrating information data sets arising in the process of legal proceedings in courts of general jurisdiction, including military courts, generating and analyzing data sets of judicial statistics, recording the progress of the trial, as well as automation of the processes of registration, collection and storage of information about persons brought to criminal liability and in respect of whom court decisions have been made that have entered into legal force.

The “Judicial Community” subsystem is intended for use by the secretariats of the council of judges and qualification boards of judges in terms of providing information about various events reflecting the activities of these organizations, publishing articles and materials devoted to judicial practice in appealing decisions of qualification boards, decisions of the Council judges, providing contact information on the composition of regional qualification boards and councils of judges. The purpose of creating the “Judicial Community” subsystem is to implement the principles of openness of the judicial system by:

Providing the general public and specialists working in the judicial system with information about the main events occurring in the judicial community;

Notifying employees of the judicial system with information of an operational nature;

Publication of articles and materials of interest to the judicial community and citizens.

The objects of automation of the “Judicial Community” subsystem are the bodies of the judicial community:

All-Russian Congress of Judges;

Council of Judges of the Russian Federation;

Higher Qualification Board of Judges of the Russian Federation;

Bodies of the judicial community in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Judicial Community subsystem provides the opportunity to access published information of the general population via the Internet.

72 Information systems of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

The automated system of judicial records management remains the basic element of information support for the activities of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. To carry out the collection and processing of statistical data, the Agora-Soft company was chosen, which has extensive experience in the development of automated technologies in the judicial records management system. This company deals with the automation of the activities of not only the Supreme Court, but also courts of general jurisdiction and justice of the peace, which meets the requirements of a unified information space.

The automated system of judicial records management in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was developed taking into account the requirements providing for strict compliance with the rules of procedural law, the requirements of instructions and governing documents and includes the following subsystems:

Department for verification of court decisions in the order of supervision;

Judicial panels in criminal, civil and administrative cases;

Cassation Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

Presidium of the Supreme Court;

“Electronic bank of court documents”;

"Reference system of the Supreme Court";

Judicial practice, analysis of court activities, statistical data.

The automated system “Electronic Data Bank of Judicial Documents of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation” provides storage and prompt search of judicial documents, using a morphological search specially developed for documents on judicial topics. The organization of the search was based on user requirements, primarily the ease of use of search attributes.

This system solves the issue of increasing openness and publicity of the activities of the judicial system in our society, which today can only be solved through the use of advanced technologies.

The automated system for recording court hearings is a certified software and hardware complex IS Mechanics SRS Femida produced by the Enforcer group of companies (Moscow). The first versions of the system in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation were installed in 2002, and by the beginning of 2007 the said complex was installed and is now in use in all courtrooms of the Supreme Court. Currently, the IS Mechanics SRS Femida complex is an organizational hardware and software technology fully integrated with office work, providing:

1) high-quality registration and digital sound recording of all events in the courtroom with reference to the chronology of events and with the possibility of further playback in various modes, complete and accurate recording of court hearings with saving to the network or DVD/CD disks;

2) providing the secretary with a convenient tool for compiling a text protocol of court hearings in digital form in real time (based on templates built into the system, or created by secretaries independently using information obtained during the trial, as well as information exported bathrooms from the office management system used);

3) protection of recorded information from changes and falsification both in recording mode and in storage mode;

4) the ability to listen and view the protocol on any multimedia computer;

5) ensuring the storage of electronic archives of meetings, transmission of information over a local computer network and recording of meetings on various media with their subsequent inclusion in the case materials, etc.

73 Information systems in arbitration courts

In order to provide access to judicial information, the following information systems are presented on the official website of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation:

“Arbitration Case File” is an information system that provides comprehensive information about the movement of cases in the arbitration system. With the ability to search for specific cases and documents;

“Meetings calendar” is an information system that processes information about the time and place of all meetings of arbitration courts;

“Bank of Arbitration Court Decisions” is an interactive information system that performs a full-text search of judicial acts of arbitration courts;

“Electronic Guardian” is an information system that allows you to track changes in cases, as well as notifying participants about registered cases;

“Schedule of breaks in court sessions” is an information system that allows you to track in real time all breaks in sessions of arbitration courts.

The electronic document management system is designed to automate the processes of general office work and the transition to paperless technologies in the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

The system automates activities related to registration, processing, preparation, approval, storage and accounting of documents, control of performance discipline, and ensures the maintenance of a telephone directory. The structure of the electronic document management system was developed using multi-link client-server technology, which made it possible to implement:

Centralized storage and processing of data on the server;

Data integrity;

Collaboration of users with shared data without violating the integrity of the database;

Minimizing the amount of information transmitted over the network from the database server to users;

Reducing the computing load on client computers, which allows you to increase system performance by simply increasing server power.

On August 3, 2015, an interview took place with the head of the Federal State budgetary institution"Information and analytical center for support of the State Automated System "Justice" by Leonid Aleksandrovich Yukhnevich, who answered questions from a correspondent of the ConsultantPlus company about the prospects for the development and further improvement of various e-justice services and information resources of the judicial system in our country.

ConsultantPlus: Leonid Aleksandrovich, almost 10 years ago the implementation of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation "Justice" (GAS "Justice") began in the activities of judicial authorities. Large-scale work was carried out to inform the system of federal courts of general jurisdiction, justices of the peace and bodies of the judicial community. Currently, work has begun on a technical project for the modernization and further development of the GAS "Justice". Please tell us what new functionality of the system is planned to be implemented and in what time frame?

Yukhnevich Leonid Alexandrovich: The need to modernize the State Automated System "Justice" is associated with new requirements that are placed on the judicial system in connection with the rapid development of information technology and the information society in our country. And first of all, this applies to electronic justice.

Initially created to automate the work of judges, court staff and the work of official Internet sites, the system did not provide for the functioning of electronic services on its platform for citizens and organizations, as well as for departments requiring information from the judicial system. Although even then the level of development of information technology allowed us to assume a future expansion of the functionality of the State Automated System "Justice". The list of works was so large that the range of tasks was deliberately narrowed.

The constant development of the system has not stopped since its introduction into operation. However, the expansion of the purpose of the system, including the inclusion of citizens, organizations, authorities and the professional community of lawyers among its future users, determined that the transformation of the State Automated System "Justice" goes beyond the scope of current development and must be carried out as part of a large-scale modernization project. Judicial reform, which united the structures of federal courts of general jurisdiction and federal arbitration courts, also had a huge impact on the further development plans of the State Automated System "Justice".

At the moment, the main document defining the strategy for introducing information technologies into the activities of courts and their interaction with society is the Concept for the development of informatization of courts until 2020, approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 2015 N 439. The Concept defines the main provisions for planning activities and work on the implementation of electronic justice in a single information space of courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts and district judges of the peace within the framework of the development of the State Automated System "Justice".

The introduction of e-justice services is the main practical direction of implementation of the Concept.

At the same time, the concept of “electronic justice” is not enshrined in law, which is why it is often used ambiguously in the media and society. For example, it is unfairly narrowed down to the possibility of filing documents in court or issuing judicial acts in the form of an electronic document, that is, to one of its elements. It is not surprising that given this approach, there is a popular opinion that in Russia there are not even the rudiments of electronic justice.

In the matter of interpreting the concept of electronic justice, we rely on the Concept for the Development of Informatization of Courts and understand by it the methods and forms of courts carrying out procedural actions using information technologies, including their interaction with physical and legal entities electronic.

By the way, one of the provisions of the Concept is aimed precisely at legislating the concept of “electronic justice”, as well as legal status State Automated System "Justice" and the e-justice services it implements.

Although individual services can be and are already being introduced without a complete modernization of the State Automated System "Justice", the introduction of an exhaustive list of them is possible only on the basis of a modernized system. But already today, certain elements of electronic justice function in federal arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. SMS notification of participants in the process is functioning in most courts of the country, archives are gradually being converted into electronic form, courts, by decision of the chairman, use video conferencing and audio and video recording.

The phased implementation of all other e-justice services that require modernization of the State Automated System "Justice" will begin in 2017.

ConsultantPlus: Among the priority tasks facing your institution, a special place is occupied by the need to combine automated systems of arbitration courts and the State Automated System "Justice" into a single information space. What services that combine information resources of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction will be among the first to become available to citizens?

Leonid Alexandrovich: It should be noted that work on the formation of a unified information space for courts of general jurisdiction and district judges of the peace started back in 2008 with the introduction of a software product to automate the work of justices of the peace and the websites of district judges of the peace.

As you know, changes in legislation have led to the need to adjust measures for informatization of courts in terms of creating a unified information space for federal courts and magistrates, taking into account the integration of automated systems of arbitration courts into the State Automated System of the Russian Federation "Justice". The concept for the development of informatization of courts until 2020, approved on February 19, 2015, provides for the formation of a unified information space for federal courts of general jurisdiction, federal arbitration courts and magistrates.

The formation of a unified information space implies a set of measures to ensure information interaction between the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, federal courts of general jurisdiction, federal arbitration courts, magistrates and bodies of the Judicial Department to create a set of databases and data banks, create information systems and use information and telecommunication systems, operating on the basis common principles and general rules.

The greatest public interest is generated by one of the most popular services related to the work of the judicial system - a unified file of court cases. The concept of informatization of courts until 2020 provides for taking into account the existing experience of federal arbitration courts in using the Card File of Arbitration Cases when introducing e-justice services in courts of general jurisdiction. The file of arbitration cases was created on the instructions of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation acquired a license to use the Arbitration Case Files services for five years from its developer in 2012. At the beginning of 2015, work began on merging the Card Index of Arbitration Cases and the Bank of Court Decisions of General Jurisdiction Courts, which will result in a unified file of court cases.

In the future, it is planned to launch other services that will use the information resources of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction.

ConsultantPlus: May 14, 2015 from the Belgorodsky Hall regional court The first test Internet broadcast of a court hearing for courts of general jurisdiction took place. What are the future plans to provide courts with the necessary technical means to conduct such broadcasts and conduct them everywhere?

Leonid Alexandrovich: The technical solution for organizing Internet broadcasts of court hearings is ready. But today there are no legislative norms regulating this area of ​​activity of courts.

At the moment, two courts of general jurisdiction (Belgorod Regional Court and Oktyabrsky District Court of Belgorod) and twenty-one arbitration courts of appeal (including ten district arbitration courts) are equipped with special equipment for broadcasts.

The equipment supplied to the experimental zone is being used: court hearings are regularly broadcast on the official website of the Belgorod Regional Court.

The state task for 2015 provides for the purchase and installation of 180 sets of equipment for Internet broadcasting court hearings to federal arbitration courts with funds included in the budget of the Federal Target Program for the Development of the Judicial System for 2013-2020 for the informatization of arbitration courts. Further equipping of courts with complexes for Internet broadcasting will take place in accordance with the State assignment regulating the activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution IAC of the Judicial Department, and for the funds allocated for this work budget resources.

ConsultantPlus: Leonid Aleksandrovich, to what extent is the telecommunications infrastructure of courts, primarily in the regions, ready to increase the load on existing data networks? To what extent are you planning to develop additional broadband communication channels? How will the risks associated with the possibility of leakage of confidential information transmitted via TCS be prevented?

Leonid Alexandrovich: Currently, all federal courts of general jurisdiction and federal arbitration courts are united into a single closed telecommunications network State Automated System "Justice" (IP VPN) with an "everyone-to-everyone" data transmission network topology. This is more than 3,000 automation objects.

At the same time, taking into account the full-scale equipment of federal courts of general jurisdiction with video-conferencing kits and, accordingly, the conduct of video-conferencing sessions, the formation and constant updating of unified databases on criminal records (anonymized and non-impersonalized), a unified bank of court decisions (subjected to and not subject to the depersonification procedure), in 2015 the total capacity of the departmental network of the State Automated System "Justice" was increased by 2.25 times and amounted to 10.1 Gbit/s. For most district (city) and garrison military courts, the speed has been increased to a guaranteed 2 Mbit/s. This increase in speed made it possible not only to solve the above problems, but also to modernize the network by switching, in many cases, to fiber-optic communication lines.

The development of the departmental network of the State Automated System "Justice" will be aimed at fulfilling the tasks of the Federal Target Program "Development of the Judicial System of Russia for 2013-2020", Federal Law N 262-FZ of December 22, 2008 “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”, as well as the tasks of collecting and consolidating unified databases.

The modernization project of the State Automated System "Justice" also affects security systems. Information security systems will be modernized and brought into line with modern requirements Federal service security and the Federal Service for Technical and Expert Control of the Russian Federation.

ConsultantPlus: Currently, changes are being prepared to the legislation regarding the use of electronic documents in the activities of the judiciary. Thanks to these changes, a petition, application, complaint, presentation and written evidence can be sent to the court in the form of an electronic document through the public services portal. Why was the e-government platform chosen to introduce this element of e-justice?

Leonid Alexandrovich: The Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Federal State Budgetary Institution IAC of the Judicial Department considered it possible to use already existing solutions of the information and telecommunication infrastructure of e-government to implement this element of e-justice.

Using the Unified Portal public services makes it easier to submit documents to the court. Citizens will have the opportunity to go to court via the Internet by identifying themselves only at the EPGU - without registering on the State Automated System "Justice" portal.

A unified identification and authentication system with the ability to verify the authenticity of participants in legal proceedings, existing on the government services portal, significantly simplifies the technical implementation of the ability to submit documents to the court.

It is also planned to use the information and payment gateway service to implement the possibility of paying state fees through electronic payment systems and the state electronic mail system to remotely track the stages of the consideration of the case and automatically notify the parties about changes in the status of the consideration of the court case.

The use of ready-made solutions of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, implemented on the Unified Portal of State Services, will significantly reduce costs and shorten the time frame for implementing e-justice services. Activities to implement this project will be carried out in stages starting in 2016.

ConsultantPlus: Leonid Aleksandrovich, we thank you for your interesting and informative answers.

The interview was prepared by A. Epifanova, a correspondent for the ConsultantPlus company.
Photo - A. Galetsky