Regulations on the rehabilitation department for disabled children and children with limited health capabilities. On approval of approximate regulations on a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities

Valid Editorial from 14.12.1994

Name of documentORDER of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 1994 N 249 "ON APPROVAL OF SAMPLE REGULATIONS ON THE REHABILITATION CENTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH LIMITED ABILITIES"
Document typeorder, position
Receiving authorityMinistry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Document Number249
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date14.12.1994
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published



1.14. Admission of children and adolescents for service at the Center, incl. to the day care department and inpatient department, transfer from department to department, as well as removal from service is issued by order from the Center.

1.15. Treatment, preventive and anti-epidemic work at the Center is organized and carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.16. Educational work with children and adolescents at the Center is organized in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and taking into account the time they spend in the institution, the form and degree of disability, age, and level of educational training. If necessary, a decision on the form of education is made in agreement with the relevant medical and pedagogical commission.

1.17. The Center develops and maintains contacts with other institutions of the social protection system, healthcare, education and other bodies and institutions that work with children with mental or physical disabilities, interacts with public associations, religious organizations, charitable foundations and citizens in the interests of effective social rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents with disabilities.

1.18. A board of trustees may be created at the Center to solve various problems in ensuring its activities, including the organization of social patronage for children and adolescents.

2. The purpose and main objectives of the Center’s activities, service procedures

2.1. The purpose of the Center is to provide children and adolescents with disabilities in physical or mental development with qualified medical, social, psychological, social and socio-pedagogical assistance, ensuring their most complete and timely social adaptation to life in society, family, education and work .

2.2. The main objectives of the Center are:

Identification of all children and adolescents with disabilities living in families in a city or region, creation of a computerized database about such children and adolescents;

Studying, together with advisory and diagnostic services of health care and education, the causes and timing of the onset of disability of a child or adolescent, determining the initial level of health and psyche of the child, predicting the restoration of impaired functions (rehabilitation potential);

Development, based on standard basic programs, of an individual rehabilitation program for children and adolescents with disabilities;

Ensuring the implementation of these programs and coordinating for these purposes joint actions of medical, educational, social, physical education, health, sports and other institutions that contribute to the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities;

Providing assistance to families raising children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in their social rehabilitation, carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;

Social rehabilitation work with parents of children with disabilities in mental or physical development;

Further training of employees of social service institutions for the population, families and children on issues of child and adolescent rehabilitation.

2.3. The center provides social services to children and adolescents in accordance with medical and social indications in the following areas:

Bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, incl. territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

Bodies and institutions of education, healthcare;

At the request of parents (guardians and trustees);

According to the staff of the Center.

2.4. When registering children and adolescents for services at the Center, documents confirming their state of health must be submitted: a history of the child’s development (form N 112/u) or an outpatient card of the teenager (form N 025/u).

Contraindications for referral to the day care department and inpatient department of the Center are: all diseases in the acute stage and chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation; malignant neoplasms in the active phase; cachexia of any origin, acute infectious diseases.

2.5. Admission of children and adolescents to the Center, incl. to the day care department and inpatient department, transfer from department to department, as well as completion of the rehabilitation stage is carried out in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the child or adolescent with the preparation of a transfer or discharge summary indicating a detailed diagnosis and relevant recommendations.

2.6. Social services are provided by the Center, as a rule, free of charge. In the manner and under the conditions established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the relevant local government bodies, a decision may be made to provide social services (services) for a fee. Payments for social services provided are credited to the Center's account and directed towards its development and improvement of social services for children in excess of the allocations allocated from the budget.

3. Structural divisions of the Center

3.1. Department of diagnostics and development of social rehabilitation programs (hereinafter referred to as the department).

The department is intended to provide:

Identification of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental or physical development, brought up in families living in a city or region;

Collecting information about the medical history, main diagnosis, initial state of health of the child or adolescent, his rehabilitation potential, as well as information about his family;

Development, together with other institutions of social protection of the population, institutions of healthcare, education, culture, sports and other departments of an individual program for the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of a child or adolescent with developmental disabilities, aimed at achieving the optimal level of his health and integration into society;

Coordinating the implementation of individual programs and monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing activities, timely making the necessary adjustments;

Creation of a computerized database about children and adolescents with disabilities in the city and region, their families, implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of these children.

3.2. Department of medical and social rehabilitation.

3.2.1. The department is designed to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in terms of medical, social and medical advisory activities.

3.2.2. Branch:

Coordinates and coordinates its work with medical institutions of the city and region, without duplicating their activities;

Masters and uses both traditional and new effective methods and technologies, as well as non-traditional methods of rehabilitation;

If necessary, in agreement with health authorities, refers children and adolescents to medical institutions to receive highly specialized medical care;

Provides medical and social patronage to families with children and adolescents with physical or mental disabilities;

Ensures the interaction of department specialists with parents to achieve continuity of rehabilitation measures and social adaptation of the child and family, trains them in the basics of medical, psychological and medical - social knowledge, skills and abilities for carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;

Promotes the provision of disabled children with the necessary auxiliary technical means;

Carries out therapeutic physical education and recreational activities.

3.2.3. The specialists of the department carry out their activities to implement individual rehabilitation programs both in the Center itself (in this and other departments) and in families raising children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.2.4. The department provides premises for therapeutic massage, physical therapy and other medical and rehabilitation activities.

3.2.5. Within the department, an orthotic and prosthetic service, a therapeutic physical education and health complex and other medical and social units can be created.

3.3. Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance.

3.3.1. The department is designed to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in terms of psychological, social and socio-pedagogical activities.

3.3.2. Branch:

Together with educational authorities, determines forms of education for children with disabilities raised at home, depending on their age and health status, provides practical assistance in organizing education;

Conducts psychological and correctional work with children and adolescents with disabilities, as well as consulting their parents on psychological and pedagogical issues of family education and personality development of such children;

Prepares and conducts activities to organize leisure time for children and adolescents with disabilities, incl. together with their parents, opens appropriate clubs and clubs, summer health camps;

Conducts timely career guidance and occupational therapy for children and adolescents, organizes their vocational training when necessary, deals with issues of their employment in specialized enterprises for disabled people or uses existing quotas of jobs for disabled minors in other enterprises, provides assistance in organizing their work and the work of their family members at home, provision of raw materials and sales of finished products;

Teaches children with disabilities skills of self-care, behavior in everyday life and public places, self-control, as well as communication skills and other methods of everyday adaptation;

Organizes play therapy for children and adolescents with disabilities;

Provides patronage to families raising children with disabilities in matters of their family education and development.

3.3.3. The specialists of the department carry out their activities to implement individual rehabilitation programs both in the Center itself (in this and other departments) and in families raising children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.3.4. The department is allocated premises for educational classes, a therapeutic play library, club and circle classes, career guidance, psycho-correctional work and psycho-training and other premises necessary for the implementation of the content and forms of the department’s activities.

3.3.5. Within the department, a “helpline” service for children and adolescents with disabilities and their parents, a lecture hall (school) for mothers and fathers of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental or physical development, and other psychological and pedagogical units can be created.

3.4. Day care department.

3.4.1. The department is designed to implement individual programs of medical - social, psychological - social, socio - pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities every day during the working week during the daytime in the Center, during the period established by the rehabilitation program.

3.4.2. The department creates rehabilitation groups that unite children with disabilities due to health conditions and age. The number of children and adolescents in a rehabilitation group is set from 5 to 10 people.

3.4.3. Children and adolescents studying in secondary schools attend the department in their free time from school for the period of time necessary for their rehabilitation in accordance with individual programs.

For children and adolescents studying at home, training sessions can be organized at the Center.

3.4.4. Taking into account the family circumstances and interests of children and adolescents, their stay in the department in the evening can be arranged.

3.4.5. The department provides premises for meals, educational activities, sleep, leisure, play therapy, occupational therapy and other premises necessary for carrying out rehabilitation activities.

3.5. Inpatient department.

3.5.1. The department is intended to implement medical and social rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents with disabilities in a 24-hour, five-day stay at the Center.

3.5.2. The department creates rehabilitation groups that unite children and adolescents with disabilities due to health conditions, age and gender. The number of children and adolescents in a rehabilitation group should not exceed 7 people.

The activities of rehabilitation groups are carried out on the basis of group programs that take into account individual rehabilitation programs.

No more than 5 rehabilitation groups can be formed in one department.

3.5.3. Children and adolescents of school age who are in the department are required to attend an educational institution or study in the Center.

3.5.4. Employees of this and other departments of the Center provide educational, treatment and rehabilitation, cognitive, occupational and play therapy, leisure and other activities for children and adolescents, as well as the process of possible self-care.

3.5.5. When children and adolescents are admitted to the department, they undergo a medical examination.

3.5.6. Employees of this and other departments of the Center carry out various forms of patronage over children and adolescents, maintain contact with them and their families after they are discharged from the department in order to ensure the continuity of rehabilitation activities and social adaptation of the child and family.

3.5.7. The department creates conditions close to home, promoting social rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.5.8. The department provides rooms for sleeping, nutrition, training, play and occupational therapy, provision of medical and psychological correction work and other rooms necessary for carrying out rehabilitation measures and organizing the life activities of children and adolescents, taking into account their health status.

Employees of the Center whose official duties involve the use of public transport are issued travel tickets.

The costs of providing employees with travel tickets are included in the estimate for the maintenance of the corresponding department of the Center.

The Director of the Center, based on production needs, may, within the established planned salary fund, introduce positions into the staff of the Center and its structural divisions that are not provided for by the attached standards.

Remuneration for employees of the Center, which is financed from the budget, is made in accordance with the current remuneration system.


1.1. The state budgetary institution of the Moscow region “Mytishchi Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled People “Dream” (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is a social service institution that provides social rehabilitation of disabled children with disabilities in mental and physical development, disabled people, as well as families in which disabled people live.

1.2. The Center is created, reorganized and liquidated by the Ministry of Social Development of the Population of the Moscow Region, which is the Founder of the Center.

The operational management of the Center is carried out by the territorial governing body - the Mytishchi Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region.

1.3. The Center carries out its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, other regulations of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, orders and regulations of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region, the Mytishchi Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region, the Charter of the Center and these Regulations.

1.4. The Center is departmentally subordinate to the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region, which exercises the powers of the Founder (hereinafter referred to as the Founder) on behalf of the Moscow Region in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region.

The owner of the Center's property is the Moscow Region.

The powers of the owner on behalf of the Moscow Region are exercised by the Ministry of Property Relations of the Moscow Region.

1.5. The center is a legal entity from the date of its state registration, has an independent balance sheet and budget, separate property, personal accounts in the Budget Execution Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Moscow Region and the Federal Treasury Branch for the Moscow Region, including an off-budget account for receiving funds from state enterprises and organizations, charitable contributions and donations from public associations and citizens, other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, forms, stamps, a standard seal with its name, location, as well as other means of individualization.

1.6. To achieve its statutory goals, the Center has the right to carry out income-generating activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region:

  • provision of additional services for a fee, approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Moscow Region.

1.7.The activities of the Center are carried out on the basis of a state assignment.

The state assignment for the Center in accordance with the main activities is formed and approved by the Founder.

1.8. The state task is mandatory for fulfillment; the Center does not have the right to refuse to fulfill the state task.

1.9. Financial support for the implementation of the Center's state assignment is provided in the form of subsidies from the regional budget, as well as in the form of budget investments and subsidies for other purposes.

Financial support for the implementation of the state task is carried out taking into account the costs of maintaining real estate and especially valuable movable property assigned to the Center or acquired by the Center at the expense of funds allocated to it by the Founder for the acquisition of such property, expenses for paying taxes, for which the corresponding property, including land plots, taking into account activities aimed at the development of the Center, the list of which is determined by the Founder.

1.10. A decrease in the volume of the subsidy provided for the implementation of a state task during the period of its implementation is carried out only with a corresponding change in the state task.

1.11. The Center has the right, in addition to the state assignment approved by the Founder, as well as in cases determined by federal laws, within the limits of the state assignment, to perform work and provide services related to its main activities for citizens and legal entities for a fee and at the same price when providing the same services conditions. The procedure for determining the specified fee is established in agreement with the Founder of the Center, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

1.12. The Center’s right to carry out activities for which, in accordance with current legislation, requires a special permit - a license, arises from the moment of its receipt or within the period specified therein and terminates upon expiration of its validity, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.13. The Center has no right to carry out activities not provided for by the current Charter and these Regulations.

1.14. To accommodate the Center and its structural divisions, special premises are allocated in the prescribed manner, which must correspond to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the institution and have all types of utilities (heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas, radio, telephone), meet sanitary and hygienic standards, fire and safety requirements.

1.15. The center is headed by a director, who is appointed and dismissed by the Founder.

The Director acts on the basis of an employment contract concluded with him by the Founder.

1.16. Director of the Center:

  • organizes the work of the Center to fulfill the state task established by the Founder;
  • without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the Center, represents its interests in relations with government bodies, local governments, legal entities and individuals;
  • manages the activities of the Center on the basis of unity of command;
  • manages the property and funds of the Center, makes transactions;
  • issues powers of attorney;
  • determines the management structure of the Center’s activities, internal regulations, draws up and submits for approval the Center’s staffing table and other internal documents;
  • provides logistics and equipment of premises in accordance with the requirements and standards established by law, including by attracting extra-budgetary funds;
  • ensures targeted and rational spending of funds;
  • attracts additional sources of financing and material resources, including funds from sponsors, for the implementation of statutory activities;
  • within the limits of his competence, issues orders and gives instructions that are mandatory for all employees;
  • appoints and dismisses his deputies, chief accountant, heads of structural divisions of the Center and other employees in accordance with current legislation;
  • has the right to redistribute job responsibilities between Center employees or, if necessary, entrust them with new duties;
  • determines the job responsibilities of all Center employees;
  • ensures compliance with labor legislation, selects, hires workers under an employment contract, improves their qualifications and dismisses them in accordance with labor legislation;
  • ensures the submission of reports and other necessary information on the activities of the Center in the prescribed manner;

1.17. The Director of the Center is responsible for the activities of the Center in accordance with current legislation.

1.18. In order to ensure the fulfillment of the state task, the director staffs the Center with employees and specialists in the core areas of the Center’s activities.

1.19. All employees of the Center are hired under an employment contract.

1.20. Relations between employees and the administration of the Center are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.21. The rights and responsibilities of the Center's employees are determined by employment contracts, and the labor functions of employees are specified in job descriptions.

1.22. General rules of employee conduct are regulated by the Internal Labor Regulations

1.23. The staffing level and wages of employees are established in accordance with the staffing schedule approved by the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region on the proposal of the Director of the Center, depending on the qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed.

1.24. Compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of an incentive nature, bonuses and other incentive payments) are paid within the limits of the wage fund established by the Founder in accordance with current regulations and current legislation.

1.25. In order to attract additional sources of financing for the activities of the Center, expand opportunities for the implementation of rehabilitation processes based on developed programs and projects, based on the decision of the general meeting of the workforce, in agreement with the Mytishchi Department of Social Protection of the Population, a Board of Trustees, a Supervisory Board, Labor Council and other management bodies in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. The purpose of the Center is to provide disabled children, children with disabilities in physical or mental development, as well as families in which these children are raised, disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, qualified social, social, psychological, social and labor, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic, socio-legal assistance, assistance in the most complete and timely social adaptation to life in society, family, education and work.

2.2. To achieve the goals provided for in paragraph 2. 1. of these Regulations, the Center carries out the following main activities:

  • identification of disabled children in a city or region, disabled people living in the territory of an urban settlement and municipal district, maintaining a computerized database about such disabled children and disabled people;
  • studying, together with the advisory and diagnostic services of health care and education, the causes and timing of the onset of disability in children, determining the initial level of health and psyche of the child, predicting the restoration of impaired functions (rehabilitation potential);
  • development, based on standard basic programs, of a program for social habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children and children with limited health capabilities, disabled people and persons with disabilities;
  • ensuring the implementation of these programs and coordinating for these purposes joint actions of medical, educational, social, physical education, health, sports and other institutions that contribute to the rehabilitation of disabled children, children with disabilities and people with disabilities;
  • provision of advisory services;
  • providing assistance to families raising disabled children and children with limited health capabilities in their social rehabilitation, carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;
  • social rehabilitation work with parents of children with disabilities in mental or physical development;
  • carrying out rehabilitation work, including social-environmental orientation and social and everyday adaptation of disabled people; provision of medical and social services; providing pedagogical, psychological and legal assistance to people with disabilities, including disabled children and members of their families;
  • carrying out socio-cultural work to restore the personal and social status of disabled children, disabled people and members of their families;
  • organization of classes, clubs, sections, creative groups, clubs in various areas, organization of leisure for people with disabilities and members of their families;
  • advanced training of institution staff, families and children on issues of children's rehabilitation.

2.3. The center provides social services to persons recognized as needing social services on the basis of an individual program for the provision of social services (IPSSU), issued by the department of social protection of the population of the Moscow region.

2.4. When registering disabled children and people with disabilities for services, the Center must submit documents confirming their health status:

  • an extract from the development history of a disabled child or an outpatient card of a disabled person;
  • certificate from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise;
  • individual rehabilitation program (IPR);
  • certificate from a psycho-neurological dispensary;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificates about family composition and income of family members of a disabled person.

Enrollment in the Center is carried out on the basis of the IPPSU issued by the department of social protection of the population of the Moscow region, and the client’s personal application.

2.5. Contraindications for referral to the Center are:

  • all diseases in the acute stage and chronic diseases in the decompensation stage;
  • malignant neoplasms in the active phase;
  • any paroxysmal and progressively ongoing mental illnesses with a tendency to frequent exacerbations and relapses, diseases with frequent decompensations requiring treatment in a hospital;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • active forms of tuberculosis;
  • profound mental retardation (idiocy);
  • venereal diseases;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction

2.6. Admission of disabled and disabled children to the Center, incl. to the day care department, transfer from department to department, as well as completion of the rehabilitation stage is carried out in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person with the preparation of a transfer or discharge summary indicating a detailed diagnosis, relevant recommendations and is issued by order of the director of the Center.

2.7. The Center, based on the conclusions of medical and social examination bodies, in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, independently determines the mode of work with various categories of disabled people. The types and quantity of rehabilitation services provided to disabled people are determined on the basis of the recommendations of specialists who are part of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council and the agreement concluded with the recipient of social services (or his legal representative).

2.8. Disabled persons may be expelled in the following cases:

  • upon expiration of the period of stay at the Institution;
  • for medical reasons;
  • at the request of parents (persons replacing them);
  • for violation of the terms of the contract.

2.9. Treatment, preventive and anti-epidemic work at the Center is organized and carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.10. In the process of carrying out its statutory activities, the Center interacts with institutions of the social protection system, the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (hereinafter referred to as the MSE Bureau), health authorities, employment services, public organizations: the All-Russian Society of the Disabled, the All-Russian Society of the Blind, veterans' societies, other public and religious organizations, charitable foundations and citizens in the interests of effective medical and social rehabilitation and adaptation of people with disabilities.


3.1. The structural divisions of the Center are:

— administrative and managerial apparatus;

  • department of social and labor rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical assistance (for persons under 18 years of age);
  • department of social and labor rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical assistance (for persons over 18 years old);
  • department of social rehabilitation;
  • rehabilitation department for disabled children and children with limited health capabilities.

3.1.1. The department of social and labor rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical assistance (for persons under 18 years of age) is intended to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children, children with disabilities, people with disabilities in terms of socio-psychological and social - pedagogical events and socio-cultural events.

3.1.2. The department of social and labor rehabilitation and psychological and pedagogical assistance (for persons over 18 years of age) is intended to organize the phased implementation of individual programs of social habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled people over 18 years of age, as well as parents of disabled children in terms of socio-psychological, social — household, social and labor, social, pedagogical and socio-cultural events.

3.1.3. The department of social rehabilitation is intended to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of disabled people and elderly people in terms of social - everyday, social - environmental, socio-psychological and socio-cultural activities.

3.1.3. The rehabilitation department for disabled children and children with limited health capabilities is intended to develop, on the basis of standard basic programs, an individual program for social habilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children, children with limited health capabilities, as well as the implementation of these programs in terms of socio-psychological, socio- pedagogical, social, everyday and socio-cultural events.

3.2. Structural divisions carry out their activities in accordance with the Regulations on departments, approved by the director of the Center.

3.3. In the Center, in agreement with the Founder, additional departments, services, and structural units may be opened, the activities of which do not contradict the statutory activities of the Center.

3.4. All structural divisions in their activities report to the director of the Center.

The government of Moscow

On the organization of social rehabilitation departments
disabled people in social service centers

In order to implement the Comprehensive Target Program "Medical and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled people in Moscow" for 1995-1997, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of June 27, 1995 N 577,

I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. Temporary standard regulations on the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Center for Social Services (Appendix No. 1);

1.2. Approximate staffing schedule of the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Center for Social Services (Appendix No. 2).

2. Allow the opening of social rehabilitation departments for disabled people in social service centers from July 1996:

- "Solnechny" (Zelenograd Autonomous District, Zelenograd, building 814a);

- "Mitino" (North-Western Autonomous District, Mitinskaya St., 44 and 55);

- "Yaroslavsky" (North-Eastern Autonomous District, Yaroslavskoe highway, no. 18 and 22).

3. Department of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (Shipulina V.S.) and Department of Organization of Social Services (Kochetov V.D.) of the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population, Departments of Social Protection of the Population of Zelenograd (Tyufaeva G.P.), North-Eastern (Kururshin V. V.) and North-Western (Kabanova L.P.) administrative districts of Moscow to carry out the necessary organizational work to create social rehabilitation departments specified in paragraph 1.1 of this order, develop and strengthen their material and technical base, and recruit personnel.

4. Department of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (V.S. Shipulina):

4.1. Together with the department of the organization of social assistance (Kochetov V.D.) and the departments of social protection of the population of administrative districts, by September 1996, determine the timing of the creation of departments for social rehabilitation of the disabled on the basis of social service centers and in accordance with clause 3.1 of the Comprehensive Target Program "Medical and Social Rehabilitation and employment of disabled people in Moscow" for 1995-1997;

4.2. Together with the Moscow Central City VTEK (Zhmotova E.A.), before September of this year, prepare and submit for approval forms of cards for the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled and other accounting documents for use in the departments of social rehabilitation of the disabled, as well as recommendations for organizing the work of these departments in accordance with the adopted Regulations.

5. The Department of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Committee (V.S. Shipulina), the Department of Social Service Organizations (V.D. Kochetov), ​​the Departments of Social Protection of the Population of the Administrative Districts of Moscow, provide organizational, methodological and practical assistance to social service centers in the creation and organization of activities departments of social rehabilitation of disabled people, development and strengthening of their material and technical base, selection, placement and advanced training of personnel of the named departments; generalize and disseminate positive experience in organizing the rehabilitation of disabled people.

6. When creating departments for social rehabilitation of people with disabilities, directors of social service centers should be guided by the Regulations approved by this order.

7. The Economic Planning Department (Khromova L.V.) shall finance the costs of maintaining social service centers taking into account the organization of departments for social rehabilitation of disabled people.

Establish that the cost estimate for the maintenance of departments for social rehabilitation of disabled people is submitted to the director of the relevant Social Service Center for approval by the Department of Rehabilitation of Disabled People, the Economic Planning Department of the Committee and the department of social protection of the population of the corresponding administrative district.

8. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, V.S. Shipulina.

Appendix No. 1. Temporary standard regulations on the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Center for Social Services

Appendix No. 1
to the order of the Social
protection of the population of Moscow
dated June 26, 1996 N 162

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People* is a structural subdivision of the Center for Social Services (hereinafter referred to as the Center) and is intended for the practical implementation of measures for the social rehabilitation of disabled people in the territory of the administrative district of Moscow.

1.2. The department is created, reorganized, liquidated by the decision of the director of the Center in agreement with the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of Moscow and the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the corresponding administrative district.

The decision to create a Department is made if the Center has the necessary set of premises for carrying out rehabilitation activities that meet sanitary and fire safety requirements, labor protection and safety regulations, as well as taking into account the convenience of transport links for the movement of disabled people and other factors that ensure access for disabled people to receive qualified rehabilitation services help.

1.3. The department in its activities is subordinate to the director of the Center and is guided by current legislative acts on the rehabilitation of disabled people, the Regulations on the Center for Social Services and these Regulations.

1.4. The structure of the department and the types of rehabilitation activities in it are determined by the director of the Center in agreement with the Department of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population and the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the corresponding administrative district.

1.5. The staffing schedule of the Department is developed and approved by the Director of the Center within the established salary fund.

1.6. The department is headed by the head, who is appointed and dismissed by the director of the Center in agreement with the Rehabilitation Department of the Moscow Social Protection Committee and the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the corresponding administrative district.

1.7. The department is maintained at the expense of funds provided for in the budget for the maintenance of the Social Service Center.

1.8. The department carries out its activities for the rehabilitation of disabled people in cooperation with institutions involved in the rehabilitation of disabled people - healthcare, education, social protection of the population, employment and others; develops and maintains contacts with public associations, charitable foundations, non-governmental, religious organizations and citizens in the interests of effective rehabilitation of disabled people.

1.9. Organizational, methodological and practical assistance to the Department in its work is provided by the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population and the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the relevant administrative districts of the city.

2. Goals and main tasks of the Department’s activities

2.1. The purpose of the Department is to provide disabled people with qualified assistance in social rehabilitation, aimed at eliminating or compensating for limitations in their life caused by health problems with persistent impairment of body functions, restoring the social status of the disabled person, and achieving financial independence.

2.2. The main objectives of the Department are:

2.2.1. Implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people in terms of measures for social-environmental orientation and social and everyday adaptation, vocational guidance.

2.2.2. Providing advisory and legal assistance to disabled people undergoing rehabilitation, as well as members of their families, on issues of social protection of disabled people.

2.2.3. Identification and registration of disabled people in need of rehabilitation.

3. Structure of the Department

3.1. To ensure the goals and objectives of the Department, the following offices are created within its composition:

organization of rehabilitation of disabled people and analysis;

social and everyday adaptation;

social-environmental orientation;

professional guidance.

A rehabilitation commission is created in the Department on a functional basis.

3.2. Depending on the population of those being rehabilitated and as the Center’s material base develops, the following departments may include a prosthetic and orthotic care office, a physical education and health complex, and other social services, the activities of which will improve the quality of the rehabilitation process.

Medical and industrial (labor) workshops can be created at the Center.

In order to promote the employment of disabled people, specialized workshops and work areas for disabled people can also be created on the basis of the Center.

4. Functions of the Department

4.1. Functions of the office for organizing rehabilitation of disabled people and analysis:

4.1.1. Identification and registration of persons sent for rehabilitation based on the conclusion of medical and labor expert commissions, invitation of disabled people to the Department within the established time frame;

4.1.2. Reception of documents and preparation of materials for meetings of the rehabilitation commission;

4.1.3. Coordination and coordination of the work of the Department with medical and educational institutions;

4.1.4. Ensuring interaction between Department specialists and the family of a disabled person;

4.1.5. Studying the effectiveness of the rehabilitation measures carried out, analyzing the activities of the Department and preparing relevant information and proposals on its basis.

4.2. Functions of the social adaptation office:

4.2.1. Training in self-service, use of household appliances, organization of everyday life, housekeeping;

4.2.2. Development of practical skills for an independent lifestyle;

4.2.3. Development of personal interests and motivations for a healthy lifestyle;

4.2.4. Restoring health through the organization of recreation, entertainment, sports games and activities;

4.2.5. Training family members of a disabled person to care for, help, and communicate with him;

4.2.6. Assistance in adaptation to society after discharge from the Department; determining the need for types of social assistance and assistance in obtaining it; delivery of wheelchairs to disabled people.

4.3. Functions of the social-environmental orientation office:

4.3.1. Conducting psychodiagnostics of a disabled person at the stage of his admission to the Department and psychological observation during the rehabilitation process;

4.3.2. Implementation of psychotherapeutic measures, psychological correction, provision of psychological assistance to the family of a disabled person;

4.3.3. Implementation of psychological training of social skills;

4.3.4. After completion of rehabilitation in the Department, monitoring the psychological status of the disabled person, the level of his socio-psychological adaptation and, if necessary, providing him with psychological assistance.

4.4. Functions of the vocational guidance and adaptation office:

4.4.1. Determining the professional suitability of a disabled person using various psychological tests and other techniques;

4.4.2. Carrying out vocational guidance for people with disabilities;

4.4.3. Carrying out professional and industrial adaptation in the presence of medical and industrial (labor) workshops;

4.4.4. Interaction with educational institutions of the social protection system, as well as with other educational institutions and the labor and employment service on issues of vocational training for disabled people undergoing rehabilitation;

4.4.5. Establishing contacts with enterprises, institutions, organizations in order to obtain information about job vacancies for people with disabilities and facilitate their employment.

4.5. Medical production (labor) workshops for the work of disabled people.

Medical-industrial (labor) workshops (hereinafter - TTM) are intended to carry out measures of professional rehabilitation of disabled people - career guidance, vocational selection, vocational adaptation, as well as occupational therapy. LTMs have a set of necessary and technically equipped premises, they are on the estimate of special funds, approved in the prescribed manner by the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population.

Providing goods and materials with raw materials and materials, marketing of finished products can be carried out by enterprises, institutions, organizations of any form of ownership in accordance with agreements concluded with the Center and at negotiated prices.

Certain types of products can be sold directly by LTM.

Costings must be prepared for manufactured products. In accordance with current legislation, LTMs are exempt from income tax.

The resulting profits and 50% of deductions for the work of disabled people in LTM are spent on the development of the material base of the Center (Department).

The duration of work for disabled people in LTM is determined by the specialists of the Department, but should not exceed 4 hours. The LTM does not establish mandatory production standards for people with disabilities.

The general management of LTM and the determination of types of work are carried out by the Director of the Center.

To ensure the production activities of the LTM, the director appoints a head of workshops or these functions are assigned to a senior foreman, foreman (labor instructor). Disabled persons participating in LTM work are paid a remuneration in the amount of 75% of the cost of work performed. The remaining 25% is credited to the Center's account and is used to improve material, living, social and medical services for people with disabilities and for other needs.

Accounting, reporting, control and audit of LTM activities are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

4.6. In order to promote the employment of disabled people, if appropriate conditions exist at the Center, specialized workshops or work areas for disabled people and pensioners can be created on its basis.

The basis for the creation of these structures on the basis of the Center are agreements on joint activities with enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership, which must be concluded on mutually beneficial terms, guided by Decree of the Moscow Government of September 16, 1993 N 868 (order of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of Moscow of June 14, 1994 N 138 “On the procedure for managing real estate (buildings, structures, non-residential premises) in Moscow”).

When drawing up an agreement, the experience of the partner enterprise in effectively organizing the work of people with disabilities, providing them with working conditions that are not contraindicated for health, and creating a favorable moral and psychological environment in the workforce is taken into account.

The agreement provides for agreement with the Center on the share of jobs for disabled people from their total number, the work schedule for disabled people, the determination of the types of goods and services produced, and the selection of disabled people (parents of disabled children) for employment.

5. The procedure for referring and admitting disabled people to the Department and organizing their rehabilitation

5.1. Rehabilitation of disabled people is carried out only if they wish.

5.2. The referral of a disabled person to the Department is carried out by medical and labor expert commissions (VTEK). When sending, the following documentation is submitted: referral of the VTEC to the Department of the established form with an application of the disabled person about his consent to undergo a rehabilitation course, a card of the individual rehabilitation program of the established form.

5.3. General contraindications to sending disabled people to the Department are:

all diseases in the acute stage and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation and decompensation;

malignant neoplasms in the active phase;

cachexia of any origin;

extensive trophic ulcers and bedsores;

purulent-necrotic diseases;

acute infectious and sexually transmitted diseases until the end of the isolation period.

5.4. The selection of disabled people for rehabilitation is carried out by a rehabilitation commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the composition and operating procedures of which are established by the director of the Center.

5.5. For each disabled person undergoing rehabilitation in the Department, a personal file is opened in which the documents received upon referral to the Department, the individual rehabilitation card of the disabled person and the conclusion of the rehabilitation commission are stored, in the case of submission by the disabled person himself - extracts from the medical history of the hospital, clinic, as well as data dynamic observation by specialists in the Department and the conclusion of the rehabilitation commission based on the results of the implementation of the individual rehabilitation program.

5.6. The terms of rehabilitation of disabled people in the Department are established individually by the rehabilitation commission.

5.7. Admission of disabled people for rehabilitation and its completion are formalized by order of the director of the Center.

6. Rights and responsibilities of disabled people undergoing rehabilitation

6.1. A disabled person has the right to refuse one or another type, form, volume, timing of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the rehabilitation program as a whole. The refusal of a disabled person must be formally registered and is the basis for termination of rehabilitation in the Department.

6.2. Disabled people undergoing rehabilitation at the Department use the services of the Center, as well as those receiving social services from the Center.

6.3. If a disabled person agrees to undergo rehabilitation, he is obliged to provide the specialists of the Department with reliable and comprehensive information (within his capabilities) necessary for the development, organization and implementation of rehabilitation, as well as carry out the actions prescribed by the rehabilitation program, observe the regime in the Department and in the Center.

Appendix No. 2. Approximate staffing schedule of the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of the Center for Social Services

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Social
protection of the population of Moscow
dated June 26, 1996 N 162

Job title

Number of staff units

Head of the Department of Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People

Doctor (including psychotherapist)

Social work specialist


Labor instructor


1. The position of labor instructor is introduced in the presence of labor and labor protection;

2. Legal assistance is provided by a CSO lawyer or, in his absence in the CSO, on a contractual basis with legal advice.

The text of the document is verified according to:
"Collection of normative documents
on the activities of the centers
social services",
Moscow, 1997


In pursuance of the resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 1993 “On measures for the development of social service institutions for families and children” and in order to create a system of social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities, social support for families raising children with disabilities development.

I order:

1. Approve the Model Regulations on the Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities (Appendix No. 1).

2. Recommend to the ministers of social protection of the population, heads of main departments (departments), chairmen of committees, directors of departments of social protection of the population of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

2.1. Bring into conformity with the approved Model Regulations on the Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities the existing provisions of existing rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities.

2.2. Implement the necessary measures to develop rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, their rational placement, taking into account the rights and interests of children and the needs of the population.

2.3. To make expenses for these institutions at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

L.F. Bezlepkina

Appendix No. 1. Approximate regulations on the Rehabilitation Center for children and adolescents with disabilities

Appendix No. 1
to the order of the Ministry of Social Protection
population of the Russian Federation
dated December 14, 1994 N 249

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is an institution of the state social protection system that provides social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental and physical development aged from birth to 18 years in the territory of a city or region, as well as families raising them.

1.2. The Center is created, reorganized and liquidated by local executive authorities in agreement with the relevant territorial authorities of social protection of the population, and its structural divisions are created, reorganized by the decision of the director of the Center in agreement with the territorial authorities of social protection of the population.

1.3. The Center builds its activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, other regulations of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decisions of local governments, and are also guided by these Model Regulations.

1.4. The Center and its structural divisions are organized and maintained at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as at the expense of income from the economic activities of the Center and other extra-budgetary revenues.

1.5. The center is created at the rate of one institution per 1 thousand children with disabilities living in a city or region. If there are less than 1 thousand children with disabilities in a city or region, 1 center is created.

1.6. The Center carries out its activities under the guidance of the relevant social protection bodies and executive authorities within their competence.

The social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation coordinate the activities of the Centers located on their territory and provide them with organizational, methodological and practical assistance.

1.7. To accommodate the Center and its structural divisions, special premises are allocated in the prescribed manner, which must correspond to the implementation of the goals and objectives of this institution and have all types of utilities (heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas, radio, telephone), and meet sanitary and hygienic standards , fire safety requirements.

1.8. The center is a legal entity, has its own property, independent balance sheet, seal, stamps and forms with its name, opens bank accounts, including an off-budget account for receiving funds from state enterprises and organizations, public associations and citizens.

1.9. The director of the Center is responsible for their lives, health and safety while children and adolescents are there.

1.10. The center may have in its structure various social service units, incl. departments for diagnostics and development of social rehabilitation programs, medical and social rehabilitation, psychological and pedagogical assistance, day care department, inpatient department, as well as others created taking into account the need and available opportunities, the activities of which do not contradict the objectives of the Center.

All structural divisions of the Center are subordinate to the Director of the Center in their activities.

1.11. The Center's staffing schedule is approved by the director within the established wage fund.

1.12. The internal labor regulations of the Center and its structural divisions are approved by the general meeting (conference) of their employees upon the proposal of the Center administration, and the rules of conduct for clients of the Center and its structural divisions are approved by the director of the Center.

1.13. Children and adolescents in the day care department and inpatient department of the Center are provided with food and bedding according to the standards determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1992 N 409 “On urgent measures for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care."

1.14. Admission of children and teenagers to the Center, incl. to the day care department and inpatient department, transfer from department to department, as well as removal from service is formalized by order.

1.15. Treatment, preventive and anti-epidemic work at the Center is organized and carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.16. Educational work with children and adolescents at the Center is organized in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and taking into account the time of their stay in the institution, the form and degree of disability, age, and level of educational training. If necessary, a decision on the form of education is made in agreement with the relevant medical and pedagogical commission.

1.17. The Center develops and maintains contact with other institutions of the system of social protection of the population, healthcare, education and other bodies and institutions that work with children with disabilities in mental or physical development, interacts with public associations, religious organizations, charitable foundations and citizens in the interests of effective social rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents with disabilities.

1.18. A board of trustees may be created at the Center to solve various problems in ensuring its activities, including the organization of social patronage for children and adolescents.

2. The purpose and main objectives of the Center’s activities, service procedures

2.1. The purpose of the Center is to provide children and adolescents with disabilities in physical or mental development with qualified medical, social, psychological, social and socio-pedagogical assistance, ensuring their most complete and timely social adaptation to life in society, family, education and work .

2.2. The main objectives of the Center are:

- Identification of all children and adolescents with disabilities living in families in a city or region, creation of a computerized database about such children and adolescents;

- Study, together with advisory and diagnostic services of health care and education, the causes and timing of the onset of disability of a child or adolescent, determining the initial level of health and psyche of the child, predicting the restoration of impaired functions (rehabilitation potential);

- Development, based on standard basic programs, of an individual habilitation and rehabilitation program for children and adolescents with disabilities;

- Ensuring the implementation of these programs and coordinating for these purposes joint actions of medical, educational, social, physical education, sports and other institutions that contribute to the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities;

- Providing assistance to families raising children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in their social rehabilitation, carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;

- Social rehabilitation work with parents of children with disabilities in mental or physical development;

- Improving the qualifications of employees of social service institutions for the population, families and children on issues of child and adolescent rehabilitation.

2.3. The center provides social services to children and adolescents in accordance with medical and social indications in the following areas:

- Bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, incl. territorial centers for social assistance to families and children;

- Bodies and institutions of education, healthcare;

- At the request of parents (guardians and trustees);

- According to the presentation of the Center staff.

2.4. When registering children and adolescents for services at the Center, documents confirming their state of health must be provided: a history of the child’s development (form N 112/u) or an outpatient card of the teenager (form N 025/u).

Contraindications for referral to the day care department and inpatient department of the Center are: all diseases in the acute stage and chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation; malignant neoplasms in the active phase; cachexia of any origin, acute infectious diseases.

2.5. Admission of children and adolescents to the Center, incl. to the day care department and inpatient department, transfer from department to department, as well as completion of the rehabilitation stage of a child or adolescent with the preparation of a transfer or discharge summary indicating a detailed diagnosis and relevant recommendations.

2 6. Social services are provided, as a rule, free of charge. In accordance with the established procedure, a decision may be made to provide social services for a fee. The funds collected for the provision of such social services are credited to the Center’s account and directed towards its development and improvement of social services for the population in excess of the allocated budget allocations.

3. Structural divisions of the Center

3.1.Department of diagnostics and development of social rehabilitation programs (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

The department is intended to provide:

- Identification of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental or physical development, brought up in families living in a city or region;

- Collecting the necessary data on the medical history, main diagnosis, initial state of health of the child or adolescent, his rehabilitation potential, as well as information about his family;

- Development, together with other institutions of social protection of the population, institutions of healthcare, education, culture, sports and other departments of an individual program for habilitation and rehabilitation of a child or adolescent with developmental disabilities, aimed at achieving the optimal level of his health and integration into society;

- Coordinating the implementation of individual programs and monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing activities, timely making the necessary adjustments;

- Creation of a computerized database about children and adolescents with disabilities in a city or region, their families, implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of these children.

3.2. Department of medical and social rehabilitation.

3.2.1. The department is designed to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in terms of medical, social and medical advisory activities.

3.2.2. Branch:

- Coordinates and coordinates its work with medical institutions of the city and region, without duplicating their activities;

- Masters and uses both traditional and new effective methods and technologies, as well as non-traditional methods of rehabilitation;

- If necessary, in agreement with health authorities, refers children and adolescents to medical institutions to receive highly specialized medical care;

- Provides medical and social patronage to families with children and adolescents with disabilities;

- Ensures the interaction of department specialists with parents to achieve continuity of rehabilitation activities and social adaptation of the child and family, trains them in the basics of medical-psychological and medical-social knowledge, skills and abilities for carrying out rehabilitation activities at home;

- Helps provide disabled children with the necessary auxiliary technical means;

- Carries out therapeutic physical education and health activities;

3.2.3. The specialists of the department carry out their activities to implement individual rehabilitation programs both in the Center itself (in this and other departments) and in families raising children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.2.4. The department provides premises for therapeutic massage, physical therapy and other medical and rehabilitation activities.

3.2.5. An orthotic and prosthetic service, a therapeutic physical education and health complex and other medical and social units can be created within the department.

3.3. Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance.

3.3.1. The department is designed to organize the phased implementation of individual programs for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in terms of psychological, social and socio-pedagogical activities.

3.3.2. Branch:

- Together with educational authorities, determines forms of education for children with disabilities raised at home, depending on their age and health status, provides practical assistance in organizing education;

- Conducts psychological and correctional work with children and adolescents with disabilities, as well as consulting their parents on psychological and pedagogical issues of family education and personality development of such children;

- Prepares and conducts activities to organize leisure time for children and adolescents with disabilities, incl. together with their parents, opens appropriate clubs and clubs, summer health camps;

- Conducts timely career guidance and occupational therapy for children and adolescents, organizes their vocational training when necessary, deals with issues of their employment in specialized enterprises for the disabled or uses existing job quotas for disabled minors at other enterprises, assists in organizing their work and the work of their family members at home, providing raw materials and selling finished products;

- Teaches children with disabilities self-care skills, behavior in everyday life and public places, self-control, as well as communication skills and other methods of everyday adaptation;

- Organizes play therapy for children and adolescents with disabilities;

- Provides patronage to families raising children with disabilities in matters of their family education and development.

3.3.3. The specialists of the department carry out their activities to implement individual rehabilitation programs both in the Center itself (in this and other departments) and in families raising children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.3.4. The department is allocated premises for educational classes, a therapeutic play library, club and circle classes, career guidance, psycho-correctional work and psycho-training and other premises necessary for the implementation of the content and forms of the department’s activities.

3.3.5. Within the department, a “helpline” service for children and adolescents with disabilities and their parents, a lecture hall (school) for mothers and fathers of children and adolescents with disabilities in mental or physical development, and other psychological and pedagogical units can be created.

3.4. Day care department.

3.4.1. The department is designed to implement individual programs of medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities every weekday during the daytime in the Center, during the period established by the rehabilitation program;

3.4.2. The department creates rehabilitation groups that unite children with disabilities due to health conditions and age. Number of children and adolescents in the rehabilitation group set from 5 to 10 people.

3.4.3. Children and adolescents studying in secondary schools attend the department in their free time from school for the period necessary for their rehabilitation in accordance with individual programs.

3.4.4. Taking into account the family circumstances and interests of children and adolescents, their stay in the department in the evening can be arranged.

3.4.5. The department provides premises for meals, educational activities, sleep, leisure, play therapy, occupational therapy and other premises necessary for carrying out rehabilitation activities.

3.5. Inpatient department

3.5.1. The department is intended to implement medical and social rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents with disabilities in a 24-hour, five-day stay at the Center.

3.5.2. The department creates rehabilitation groups that unite children and adolescents with disabilities due to health conditions, age and gender. The number of children and adolescents in a rehabilitation group should not exceed 7 people.

The activities of rehabilitation groups are carried out on the basis of group programs that take into account individual rehabilitation programs.

No more than 5 rehabilitation groups can be formed in one department.

3.5.3. Children and adolescents of school age who are in the department are required to attend an educational institution or study in the Center.

3.5.4. Employees of this and other departments of the Center provide educational, treatment and rehabilitation, cognitive, occupational and play therapy, leisure and other activities for children and adolescents, as well as the process of possible self-care.

3.5.5. When children and adolescents are admitted to the department, they undergo a medical examination.

3.5.6. Employees of this and other departments of the Center carry out various forms of patronage over children and adolescents, maintain contact with them and their families after they are discharged from the department in order to ensure the continuity of rehabilitation activities and social adaptation of the child and family.

3.5.7. The department creates conditions close to home, promoting social rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.5.8. The department provides rooms for sleeping, nutrition, training, play and occupational therapy, provision of medical and psychological correctional work, and other rooms necessary for carrying out rehabilitation measures and organizing the life activities of children and adolescents, taking into account their health status.

Employees of the Center whose official duties involve the use of public transport are issued travel tickets.

The costs of providing employees with travel tickets are included in the estimate for the maintenance of the corresponding department of the Center.

The Director of the Center, based on production needs, may, within the established planned salary fund, introduce positions into the staff of the Center and its structural divisions that are not provided for by the attached standards.

Remuneration for employees of the Center, which is financed from the budget, is made in accordance with the current remuneration system.

Application. Approximate staffing schedule for a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities


Job title

Number of staff units

1. Administrative and economic part

Director of the Center

Deputy Director

Chief Accountant




Head of the household





Helper worker

Worker washing and repairing workwear


Car driver


Electrician repairing electrical equipment



Office cleaner


Chief nurse

2. Department of diagnostics and development of social rehabilitation programs

Head of department








Medical receptionist


Computer's operator

3. Department of Social Rehabilitation

Head of department


Physiotherapy doctor

Social work specialist

Physical therapy instructor


Procedure nurse

Massage nurse

Nurse sterilizing

Medical statistician


4. Department of psychological and pedagogical assistance

Head of department

Social work specialist



Social teacher

5. Day care department

Head of department

Social work specialist

Social teacher




Physical therapy instructor

Labor instructor


Head of the circle

Massage nurse


6. Inpatient department

Head of department

Social work specialist


Social teacher



Physical therapy instructor

Labor instructor


Massage nurse


rate for 200 children with disabilities in a city or region. If there are less than 200 children with disabilities in a city or region, the rate remains the same. If there are more than 200 but less than 400 children, two rates are introduced; more than 400, but less than 600 - three rates, etc.

Implements various activities of individual programs of a social nature

rate for 200 children with disabilities in a city, region

rate for 200 children with disabilities in a city or region.

rate for each subject taught in the department. If there is a smaller teaching load, 0.75 is entered accordingly; 0.5 or 0.25 teacher rate for each subject.

rates for each rehabilitation group

rate for each rehabilitation group

rate for each subject taught in the department. If there is a smaller teaching load, 0.75 is entered accordingly; 0.5 or 0.25 teacher rate for each subject

The rate is introduced subject to the availability of workshops

Serves as a night watchman

The text of the document is verified according to:

"Legal basis of social
protection of the population in the Russian Federation",
Eagle, 1999


Director of GKUSO MO

"Serpukhov GSRTsN"

S.V. Lovchikova

« » 2017

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Department of Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities and Children with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the State Treasury Institution of the Moscow Region "Serpukhov City Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors" (hereinafter referred to as the Center), created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Moscow Region "Serpukhov SRC » in agreement with the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region.

1.2. The department is headed by a head, appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the Center, and directly subordinate to him.

1.3.Employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed by order of the Director of the Center, upon the proposal of the head of the Department.

1.4. Persons are hired to work in the department on the basis of current legislation and with appropriate education.

1.5. In its activities, the Department is guided by federal laws, orders and directives of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region, the Charter of the Center and these regulations.

1.6. The department carries out its activities in cooperation with other structural divisions of the Center, as well as with bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, internal affairs, public and other organizations.

1.7. Admission of children and adolescents for service, as well as removal from service, is issued by order from the Center.

1.8. Staffing of the department is carried out in accordance with the staffing schedule.

2.Goals and objectives of the department.

2.1. The purpose of the department is to provide children and adolescents with disabilities in mental and physical development with qualified medical-social, psychological-social and socio-pedagogical assistance, ensuring their most complete and timely adaptation to life in society, family, education and work, allowing overcome their social exclusion and promote full integration into society.

2.2. The main objectives of the Department are:

2.2.1 creating a comfortable and friendly environment accessible to children, ensuring the physical and mental health of minors.

2.2.2 ensuring respect for children’s rights and protection of their interests.

2.2.3. Development of an individual program for habilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities

2.2.4. Use of innovative technologies in work that increase the effectiveness of health and rehabilitation measures

2.2.5. Organization of leisure and additional education for minors with mental and physical disabilities depending on age and health status.

2.2.6. Training in self-care skills, behavior, self-control, communication.

2.2.7. Providing assistance to families raising children and adolescents with developmental disabilities in their social rehabilitation and carrying out rehabilitation activities at home

2.2.8. Working with parents of this category of minors in order to implement the continuity of rehabilitation measures and adaptation of minors in the family.

2.2.9. Providing advisory assistance to families raising children and adolescents with disabilities

2.2.10. Prevention of childhood disability

3. Operating procedure of the department

3.1 The Head of the Department is personally responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Department, distributes responsibilities and tasks among the employees of the Department.

3.2. In the absence of the head of the Department (vacation, business trip, temporary disability, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee of the Department, appointed by order of the Director of the Center.

3.3. The activities of the department are organized in accordance with long-term and calendar work plans.

3.4. Control over the implementation of the activities provided for in the work plans is carried out by the head of the department.

3.5. An individual and/or group rehabilitation program for a child with disabilities enrolled in social services at the Department is developed by the Council taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician, and for a disabled child - on the basis of an individual rehabilitation program issued by a medical and social examination institution. The initial consultation is held within 14 days from the date of admission of the minor to the Center. Subsequent consultations are held monthly.

3.6. Services for disabled children and children with limited physical and mental capabilities are provided in the following forms:

— being in day care conditions;

— completing a rehabilitation course on a one-time basis without registration in groups (massage course, physical therapy, psychological assistance, etc.).

3.7. Children with mental and physical disabilities are admitted to the department for a certain period of time from 1 hour to 4 hours for the period of classes and procedures.

3.8. The department, within its competence, carries out:

3.8.1. Diagnosis of the level of mental, physical development and behavioral deviations in children.

3.8.2. Development of individual rehabilitation programs for children with disabilities

3.8.3. Organization of correctional, developmental and compensatory training in order to restore impaired body functions.

3.8.4. Psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children.

3.8.5. Carrying out a complex of treatment and preventive measures.

3.8.6. Interaction of the Department’s specialists with the children’s parents to achieve continuity of rehabilitation measures for the social adaptation of the child and family, teaching them the basics of medical-psychological and medical-social knowledge, skills and abilities for carrying out rehabilitation measures at home.

3.8.7. Training minors with disabilities in self-care skills, behavior in everyday life and public places, self-control, as well as communication skills and other social rehabilitation techniques.

3.8.8. Creation of a database on minors with disabilities.

3.8.9. The use of innovative methods of rehabilitation (psychological-pedagogical, medical-social, sociocultural) with children and adolescents aged 3 to 18 years with physical and mental disabilities.

3.8.10. Conducted jointly with other departments of the Occupational Therapy Center for minors with mental and physical disabilities.

3.8.11 The creation of a unified rehabilitation space, a comprehensive analysis of the problems of a minor and his family, the development of an individual rehabilitation program for a minor and his family is carried out at a social medical-psychological-pedagogical consultation.

3.8.12. Carries out its activities in cooperation with health authorities, education, social protection institutions, internal affairs, public associations, religious organizations, charitable foundations and citizens in the interests of effective social rehabilitation and adaptation of children and adolescents with disabilities.

3.9. Social services in the rehabilitation department for minors with mental and physical disabilities are provided in semi-stationary conditions. The duration of the visit must correspond to the time of the rehabilitation period determined by individual social rehabilitation programs.

3.10. While minors are in the department, it is possible to provide them with hot meals for social reasons.

3.11. Information about those admitted to the rehabilitation group is entered into the register of persons in the Department.

4. Conditions for minors in day care groups

4.1. The center provides social services to children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years of age in accordance with medical and social indications and an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child.

4.2. When registering children and adolescents for service at the department, documents confirming their state of health must be submitted: a certificate from a doctor from the health care facility at the place of residence about the health status of the minor at the time of admission to the institution

4.3. Department staff provide rehabilitation, educational, occupational and game therapy, leisure, animation and other activities for children and adolescents, and also, if necessary, organize training in self-care skills and communication with others.

4.4. Enrollment (expulsion) into the Department is carried out by order of the director of the GKUSO MO “Serpukhov SRCN”, on the basis of a service agreement concluded with one of the parents (legal representatives).

4.5. When applying for services to minors with limited health or disabilities, a personal file is opened for each family, which includes the following documents:

  • application for the provision of social services;
  • agreement on the provision of social services;
  • individual program for the provision of social services;
  • birth certificate/passport of the child (copy);
  • passport of the parents of the minor, legal representative (copy);
  • a copy of a certificate from a medical and social examination institution establishing disability (for disabled children);
  • a copy of the individual rehabilitation program issued by federal government institutions for medical and social examination (if available);
  • a certificate from a pediatrician confirming the presence of disabilities;
  • consent to the processing of personal data (Appendix No. 1).
  • as well as documents reflecting the individual and/or group rehabilitation program, the stages of its implementation, assessment of the effectiveness of the individual rehabilitation program, recommendations for the management of the child after completion of the course.

4.6. All social services for minors are provided free of charge.

4.7. The grounds for expulsion from the Department are:

  • statement from parents (legal representatives);
  • the end of the child’s stay in the Department specified in the agreement between the Institution and the “Parent” (legal representative);
  • transfer of the child to another institution of social services, education, health care;
  • identification of medical contraindications for staying in the Department in a child during the process of receiving services;
  • violation of the internal regulations of the department (Appendix No. 2)

4.8. The decision to expel from the Department is formalized by order of the director of the Institution.

4.9. Contraindications for admission to the Department are:

Acute infectious diseases;

— chronic diseases in the acute stage;

— quarantine skin diseases;

— active forms of tuberculosis;

— other serious diseases requiring treatment in specialized healthcare institutions.

4.10. Repeated (within one year) service for a child is carried out subject to availability of indications and free places in the Department in the order of priority.

4.11. In the event that there are no available places in the Department, the application submitted by the parent (legal representative) is registered in the application register and assigned a serial number. Enrollment of children is carried out in the order of applications submitted

5. Rights of Branch

5.1. The department has the right:

5.1.1. Request and receive from the structural divisions of the GKUSO MO “Serpukhov SRCN” information, reference and other materials necessary for the activities of the Branch;

5.1.2. On issues within the competence of the Department, submit proposals for improvement of the activities of the Institution and improvement of working methods for consideration by the management of the GKUSO MO "Serpukhov SRCN"; comments on the activities of the Institution’s employees; propose options for eliminating existing shortcomings in the activities of the Institution;

5.1.3. Involve specialists from structural units in solving the tasks assigned to the Department.

5.1.4. Represent, in the prescribed manner, the GKUSO MO "Serpukhov SRCN" in government bodies, other institutions and organizations on issues within the competence of the Department.

5.1.5. Take measures when violations of the law are detected in the State Educational Inspectorate of the Moscow Region “Serpukhovsky SRTSN” and report these violations to the director of the Institution to bring the perpetrators to justice.

5.2. Employees of the Department enjoy the rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations of the State Public Institution SO MO "Serpukhov SRCN".


6.1. Responsibility for improper and untimely performance by the Department of the functions and tasks provided for by these regulations lies with the head of the Department, in accordance with labor, civil and administrative legislation.

6.2. The responsibility of the Department's employees is established by their job descriptions.