Symptoms and treatment of coronavirus infection in cats. How to identify coronavirus gastroenteritis in cats

In this article I will talk about the disease corona virus infection in cats. I will list the causes of development and describe the main symptoms. I’ll tell you how coronavirus infection and gastroenteritis are diagnosed and treated. I will give the rules of prevention and vaccines.

There are several different strains of coronaviruses around the world, but only two are found in cats:

  1. CCVC or enteric coronavirus (FECV) does not cause significant harm to the animal’s body.
  2. VIPK or coronavirus peritonitis(FIPV) – can lead to the death of the pet and causes severe pain.

The pathogen enters the pet’s body through the respiratory system. It is found in feces, saliva, and on objects used. In almost 100% of cases, small kittens become infected during childbirth from a sick mother.

The causes and factors for the development of the disease include reduced immunity of the animal, stressful situations, age (kittens and old cats are most susceptible), heredity.

One of the causes of animal illness is stress.

Symptoms of coronavirus in a cat

Symptoms of the disease directly depend on what strain has entered the cat’s body and how long the disease lasts.

CCVC or enteritis manifests itself severe diarrhea, which does not stop until 4 days. The cat is vomiting and refusing to eat. Pets suffering from this form of the disease recover 4-5 days after the first symptoms appear.

FIPV or infectious peritonitis, caused by a strain of the VIPK group, can occur in two forms: dry and wet.

They manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • fever up to 41-41.2 degrees;
  • severe diarrhea and vomiting;
  • conjunctivitis and nasal discharge;
  • anemia (anemia).

The wet form is characterized by the development of ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal or pleural cavity). In dry FIP there is no such symptom.

A cat sick with coronavirus refuses to eat and its temperature rises

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of a dangerous disease

Most effective method detection of coronavirus infection - the latest and new test, which is called VetExpert. With its help, you can identify not only sick animals, but also latent carriers.

The second method is PCR, which stands for polymerase chain reaction. This method, like the VetExpert test, requires fresh pet feces.

Most in an exact way diagnostics is considered to be a blood test using the ELISA method.

Coronavirus infection caused by a strain of the VIPK group cannot be treated and always ends in death. All actions are aimed at alleviating the pet’s condition. In wet form abdominal cavity pump out the accumulated liquid. Corticosteroids are also used to suppress symptoms.

How to care for a sick animal

A sick pet must be isolated from other animals. Care consists of providing the animal with comfortable conditions content. Since the digestive organs are affected by coronavirus infection, it is better to switch the cat to a highly digestible diet. It is preferable to feed your pet wet food Hills A/D.

Prevention and vaccine

The only one effective measure prevention of coronavirus infection - vaccination with a drug called Primucell FIP according to the scheme. It is instilled into the animal's nose.

Here are other preventive measures that will reduce the risk of your pet becoming infected with coronavirus:

  • If cats live crowded (this applies to nurseries or shelters), all premises and objects of use are regularly treated with a solution ammonia(ratio of drug and water 1 to 32).
  • All adult breeders are periodically tested for virus carriage using the VetExpert test.
  • The animal's diet must be completely balanced.
  • It is worth excluding your pet from walking on the street, especially for residents of megacities (many infected animals live in the courtyards of residential buildings and spread the coronavirus virus).

Even the owner can carry the FIP pathogen into the house on his shoes or clothes.

Pets with strong immunity are able to cope with the virus on their own. If the cat is weakened by another disease, the likelihood of active reproduction of the pathogen in its body increases significantly.

To prevent your pet from getting sick, you need to vaccinate it on time.

Can the disease be transmitted to humans?

Coronavirus is not transmitted to humans or to dogs or other pets.

This disease is only dangerous for cats. Therefore, if your pet is sick, you can communicate with him without fear and carry out all the necessary manipulations.

Coronavirus infection is deadly dangerous disease. It can be asymptomatic, but the cat is still a source of infection. Keeping your pet in clean rooms and avoiding contact with stray animals will slightly reduce the risk of infection, but you should remember that the virus is dangerous even for those cats that do not go outside.

Both diseases are caused by coronaviruses, which are widespread among cats worldwide and belong to the Alphacoronavirus genus of the Coronaviridae family.

Statistics and spread of coronavirus infection and peritonitis

As a rule, the virus is transmitted through infected feces, less often through saliva (horizontal; oral-fecal route), as well as some cats become infected from mothers in early age or from other sick animals upon contact in the first weeks of life. Coronaviruses begin to be released into the external environment with saliva and fecal matter long before the clinical manifestation of the disease. Consequently, infected cats become a source of infection for healthy animals even before they show clinical signs.

According to several studies, the virus is believed to be present in 90% of cats, but clinical manifestations occur in less than 10% of cases.

Only 13% of cats become lifelong shemiters of the virus. 95% of cats stop shedding the virus within 9 months. 58% will stop doing this within a month.

Feline coronaviruses are divided into two groups:

Strains not hazardous to health - causing lungs gastrointestinal disorders intestinal tract(gastroenteritis) or generally passing unnoticed - intestinal coronaviruses of cats.

Highly pathogenic strains– feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIP). Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a severe illness similar to AIDS in humans.

When studying these two viruses, it turned out that they are almost identical to each other genetically, but have different biological characteristics. At coronavirus enteritis epithelial cells of the small intestine are affected. Main clinical symptom is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, etc. (And it can be one-time and therefore regarded by the owner as “she ate something wrong”). The IPC virus infects cells of the immune system (macrophages) and spreads throughout the body, affecting almost all organs, which leads the animal to fatal outcome in 100% of cases. It is most likely that the IPC virus appeared as a result of a natural mutation of the enteritis virus and its occurrence is associated with a certain genetic defect.

If your cat is sick with coronavirus enteritis

That is, if the cat is sick coronavirus enteritis, this means that a virus has begun to live and develop in her intestines, which seeks to multiply and expand its habitat. If the virus is of low pathogenicity or in a cat strong immunity, the virus can be removed from the body, or its spread can be suppressed. In this case there may not even be any visible signs diseases. But since the main goal of the virus is reproduction, one of the methods to achieve this goal is mutation. Moreover, it is in a form that can reproduce in the very cells designed to fight it. Once this is achieved, the infected macrophages (blood cells, in in good condition, killing the virus), traveling throughout the body, spreading the virus to all organs. The body senses danger, produces even more macrophages - and this is all the virus needs - these are no longer enemies for it, but “food”. This is how a terrible disease begins - feline viral peritonitis.

Wet and dry peritonitis

What kind of peritonitis an animal will develop – wet or dry – directly depends on cellular immunity animal. If your immune system is strong or medium degree and the body struggles, it develops slowly, according to the dry type. If the immune system is weak, wet (effusion) peritonitis develops very quickly.

Diagnosis of coronavirus infection and viral peritonitis.

Direct methods for detecting the virus include immunochromatography (IC) and PCR. These methods directly detect the presence of the virus in the animal's body.

Most common PCR method- he has more high sensitivity and allows you to detect coronavirus at the most early stages infection when the virus is just beginning to develop, that is, even with a very low concentration of the virus in the body.

Detection of antibodies is an indirect detection of the pathogen. The presence of antibodies in the animal’s body is determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunochromatography (IC). Their detection does not yet indicate that the clinical signs are associated with coronavirus infection. Antibodies can be produced in the body in response to vaccination. In addition, antibodies may not be detected during the so-called “vaccination window”, when they have not yet had time to form in the body. And still very important point- since coronavirus infection is accompanied by suppression of the immune system, antibodies may not be detected. In this regard, it is important to directly identify the causative agent of the disease - IK and PCR.

However, detection of a virus in an animal’s body does not always indicate a disease. This may be due to chronicity or carriage. Some cats that still have the virus in their bodies stop spreading it within a few weeks. But there is a possibility of prolonged viral carriage, with repeated periods of virus release into the external environment through saliva and feces.

Clinical signs of coronavirus enteritis (with dry and wet IPC)

IN natural conditions There are several clinical syndromes of feline coronavirus infection, but in most cases no clinical symptoms of the disease are observed.

Crown viral enteritis- is a transient disease of the lungs and moderate severity. It is more common in kittens, especially during weaning. The first symptoms appear 2-7 days after infection, usually diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. It is easy to treat and can go away on its own. May be asymptomatic.

Initial symptoms dry forms of IPC are nonspecific, i.e. similar to other diseases. Most often this is lethargy, apathy, photophobia, weight loss, yellowing of mucous membranes and inside ears, diarrhea, elevated temperature, respiratory diseases, cough, anemia (white gums). The animal is less active, refusal of food and rare vomiting are possible.

For dry IPC granulomatous lesions develop in many organs pathological changes, and clinical symptoms reflect dysfunction of those organs that have pathology. When the central nervous system is affected, neurological symptoms can be different, for example, ataxia, paresis or paralysis of the limbs, behavioral changes, nystagmus, seizures, etc. Less common eye lesions are iridocyclitis and retinitis. Paralysis is sometimes noted before death hind limbs, then - to whom.

At wet (exudate) IPC Ascites (edema of the abdominal cavity) develops rapidly, accompanied by an enlarged abdomen, depression, weight loss and anemia. 20% of cats also have pleural effusion. In this case, respiratory failure (dyspnea) is the main clinical symptom. On late stages jaundice is often observed in the disease, the disease quickly ends in death.

Wet and dry forms of peritonitis often transform into one another. Approximately 10% of cats with the wet form have pathologies of the eyes and central nervous system. There are also cases when the wet form turned into dry, against the background of remission.

Differential diagnosis of peritonitis

Unfortunately, viral peritonitis in cats is suspected too late, on the basis of an enlarged abdomen - i.e. large quantity ascites fluid. It is the free fluid in the abdominal and pleural cavities that is the main differential diagnosis. Without its presence, it is difficult to diagnose, especially the dry form (eye damage may be the only symptom confirming the presence of the dry form of IPC). Therefore, all animal owners who have noticed some of the above symptoms in their cat are advised to clarify the diagnosis so as not to treat the animal for unknown reasons. Let us repeat: the disease often has symptoms similar to other diseases (toxoplasmosis, viral leukemia cats, viral immunodeficiency cats, etc.), therefore, in the case of any disease, diagnosis is not carried out “by eye”, but only based on test results.


Your doctor may suggest the following types of tests:

Diagnostics PCR, IC (AT):

Material: feces, rectal swab, blood with EDTA - if suspected coronavirus gastroenteritis;

Material: blood with EDTA, serum, effusion fluids - if feline viral peritonitis is suspected.

Blood tests - general and biochemical.
- analysis of protein fractions (albumin, globulins and A/G ratio), (serological protein test) - done on blood plasma.

Important! Carriage of coronavirus does not mean the presence of a mutated virus in the body and means a diagnosis of infectious peritonitis.

Treatment of peritonitis.

There are no specific anti-coronavirus drugs. Specific serums are not yet available.

The dry form is much more treatable, but is much more difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms are often very similar to those of other diseases. Treatment is often aimed at regulating the immune response to the virus. Immunosuppressive therapy is usually used using glucocorticoid drugs. Large doses of corticoids provide short-term relief. But expressed immunosuppressive effect with prolonged use, in most cases it causes stable deterioration general condition patient, which is associated with suppression of cellular immunity.

If gastroenteritis occurs, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

During development secondary infection use antibiotics.

According to some data, a scheme that combined injections of fosprenil in parallel with symptomatic treatment: sulphocamphocaine, antibiotics, gamavit, herbal medicine “Protection against infections”.

Peritonitis in cats

Wet form of coronavirus peritonitis:

It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, subject to the feeding regime and hygiene of the sick animal. In this case, it is impossible to use immunostimulants at this moment, especially interferons; the use of recombinant interleukins (roncoleukin, betaleukin) is allowed, but in initial stage diseases and this is undesirable.

The presence of a large amount of fluid in the abdominal (or chest) cavity threatens the animal with suffocation. To alleviate the general condition of the animals, punctures are performed and accumulated exudate is removed. Unfortunately, this manipulation brings only a temporary effect - the effusion accumulates again quite quickly. At the same time, diuretics are used in therapeutic doses, but very carefully, since their use can dehydrate the body, but does not in any way affect the ascites fluid. Drips or subcutaneous infusions are also not recommended; only a very small amount of subcutaneous fluid is allowed when severe dehydration. To suppress pathogenic microflora, antibiotics are prescribed under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is advisable to use prednisolone and other glucocorticoids in therapeutic doses.

Symptomatic treatment should include various vitamins, especially groups B and C, and multivitamin preparations. The dose and course of treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Unfortunately, not every body responds to treatment and begins to resist, developing its own defense.

At chronic course or carrier specific treatment not prescribed. The animal is monitored. In group housing conditions, it is advisable to isolate an animal that has been diagnosed with coronavirus and not use it for breeding.

IPK: pathology in animals

When opening animals with effusive IPC- the presence in the abdominal cavity of a large amount of yellow or dirty-gray fluid, clear or with fibrin flakes. Similar fluid in the pleural cavity. The surface of the serous membranes often has greyish-white deposits of fibrin, and the omentum is dark, thickened and granular. Granulomatous changes in the form of white foci are clearly visible on sections of internal organs.

At dry IPC- ascites fluid in the abdominal cavity is either absent or its amount is extremely insignificant, but granulomatous changes in the organs are identical to effusion IPC, however, often of a much larger diameter, especially in the liver and kidneys.

Prevention of IPC.

An American vaccine has been developed and is being administered intranasally. Unfortunately, its efficiency is low, which cannot be said about the cost, although work in this direction has been carried out since the early 90s.

In Russia it is still rarely used.

Infectious peritonitis is most dangerous in group keeping cats, in cat hotels and nurseries. Quarantine for new animals is ineffective due to long period latent carriage.

Serological surveys of nurseries make it possible to identify all seropositive animals without differentiating strains. They may not have clinical manifestations and may simply be carriers. Seropositive animals should be isolated from healthy, seronegative animals. Kittens born from infected mothers should also be isolated from them no later than 6 weeks of age, followed by serological study. Currently, only these measures can give catteries the opportunity to protect healthy livestock and prevent the spread of this dangerous disease among purebred breeding animals.

The health of a pet is one of the most important things that the owner must carefully monitor. It is easier to prevent a disease or detect it in the initial stages than to wait for a protracted form and take a long time to treat. Coronavirus gastroenteritis in cats is a common disease. Under this name lies spicy inflammatory process affecting the stomach and small intestine animal.

If you do not contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, viral enteritis can lead to dehydration, disruption of rhythmic contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases, to peritonitis and death.

Transmission of disease between individuals

Coronavirus gastroenteritis in cats is a highly virulent disease(infectivity). Special risk animals are exposed to this when they are kept in large groups - in nurseries, shelters, animal hotels. Under these conditions, the pathogen is most easily transmitted between individuals.

The coronavirus enters the body through the oral-fecal or nasal-fecal route - by eating feces or inhaling particles from the litter tray of an infected animal. Enough to transmit the virus the smallest particle filler. The situation is complicated by the fact that feline coronavirus is stable during external environment for quite a while long period– up to 7 days.

Coronavirus infection in kittens

There is no transmission of the virus through the placenta during pregnancy. Moreover, while antibodies are in mother's milk affect the kitten’s immunity - it is safe.

But later, when the influence of antibodies fades away and the young animals develop their own the immune system, the pathogen enters the body. At the age of 5-7 weeks, the kitten is in danger; to avoid illness, it is worth isolating it earlier. 15-25 days is a sufficient period for the development of reflexes, but at this time the kitten’s immunity is still developing and is under the influence of the mother’s antibodies.

Transmission by other means

The owner's risk of infecting the animal after contact with other cats is low. This is only possible if clothing or hands are directly contaminated with feces from coronavirus-infected individuals. The same applies to infection through contact with owners of other animals.

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61 years old

Despite high level infectivity between representatives of the cat family and the possibility of getting infection from dogs and pigs (which is unlikely in the city), coronavirus is not scary for humans.

Natural cure

If the animal has good immunity, is completely healthy and is in excellent physical fitness– natural removal of the virus from the body (elimination) is possible.

The process takes from 2-3 weeks to several months. But coronavirus can remain in the body without external manifestations, and the pathogen will be regularly released from feces. This does not harm the pet, but serves as an opportunity for infection of other animals.

Dangerous strain of coronavirus – FIPV

Neglecting treatment for coronavirus infection can lead to complications. There are two types of the virus and the relatively harmless (with proper treatment) FCoV virus can mutate to dangerous strain- the causative agent of viral peritonitis.

Most often this occurs under the influence of stress, which occurs in a state of depression when symptoms of viral gastroenteritis appear.

Do not risk your pet’s health and at the first signs of coronavirus gastroenteritis, contact a specialist! The mutated virus is extremely dangerous - the probability of death with viral peritonitis is up to 100%.

Unfortunately, effective way the fight against peritonitis has not been identified to date, so it is best to monitor the health of your pet. Some veterinarians try to save the situation with antibiotics and the introduction of antibacterial solutions into the abdominal cavity, but this treatment rarely bears fruit.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis of coronavirus origin

In order to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, you need to monitor the condition of your pet. Signs of gastroenteritis viral origin Most often they are clearly expressed and difficult to miss:

  • little or no appetite;
  • vomiting and/or diarrhea occurs;
  • feces have a liquid consistency, vomit often consists of yellowish foamy bile;
  • the animal is in a state of apathy, the look is dull, the temperature is elevated;
  • after trying to take food or water, “dry spasms” occur - the urge without vomiting.

If you have one or more symptoms, you should contact veterinary clinic . Signs may also indicate the onset of other serious illnesses. After examination and tests, a specialist will be able to diagnose coronavirus gastroenteritis in a cat and prescribe treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus gastroenteritis in cats

Although the disease is widespread, specific treatment for it is under development. Immunomodulators and stimulants rarely give significant results, attempts antibacterial therapy lead to temporary improvement.

If by laboratory research coronavirus prolonged gastroenteritis was diagnosed in one or more cats in the population, Treatment is prescribed mainly to relieve symptoms.

Antiemetic, antidiarrhea and IV drips saline solution will help alleviate the condition as the body fights the virus. After improvement, the animal is prescribed a light diet - specially selected food for sensitive intestines in small portions 5-7 times a day.

Prevention of infection

Domestic apartment cats that do not have contact with the outside world are almost not susceptible to the disease - infection occurs in only 5-7% of cases. In order to reduce this already small percentage, it is enough to prevent your pet from coming into contact with outdoor shoes and wash your hands if you have had contact with strangers or stray animals. If there are several individuals in the house, place the trays as far as possible from the feeding area.

To prevent diseases in places where cats are kept in large numbers, you must follow the rules listed below.

  • Each incoming animal should first be quarantined; contacts should only be made after testing and the spread of the virus has been ruled out.
  • If a nursing cat is a carrier of the disease, the kittens are weaned in the first weeks of life, before infection occurs.
  • Food and water should be kept as far away from trays as possible.
  • As a filler, it is worth using clumping mixtures (based on clays and minerals).
  • The group of carriers of the infection and those who have not had contact with the coronavirus should be separated.

Coronavirus infection in cats is a dangerous disease, the nature of which is not fully understood. Yard cats and cats kept in nurseries are more susceptible to it, however pet this trouble may strike. Coronavirus is practically incurable, and even if an animal manages to defeat the disease, it may remain its carrier forever.

This disease in cats is caused by microorganisms of the Coronaviridae family. Their structure is very complex. The genome of the virus is an RNA macromolecule surrounded by a protein membrane, from the shell of which multiple spine-like processes extend, resembling a crown. For this feature, the coronavirus got its name.

The feline virus is represented by 2 strains: FCoV and FIPV. The first affects the intestinal mucous membranes, causing coronavirus gastroenteritis, which in cats manifests itself as diarrhea. TO serious complications it rarely leads, and in pets with good immunity may be asymptomatic. The FIPV (infectious peritonitis) strain occurs unexpectedly and after a short time may be fatal. It is worth noting that under the influence of some factors ( weak immunity, incorrect therapy) one strain of the virus can mutate into another.

The disease usually occurs in 3 stages: asymptomatic infection (can last up to 3 months), intestinal disorder(diarrhea) and an acute form called peritonitis. At this stage, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity (ascites), which almost always leads to the death of the animal. Adults tolerate the infection more easily, while kittens aged 6-12 weeks die in 90% of cases.

Since it is impossible to detect a sign of the virus immediately after infection, diagnosing the disease is difficult. To make a diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests are performed: analysis of stool, blood and serum to detect antibodies, as well as abdominal fluid.

Causes of infection

The main reason for contracting the virus is contact of an animal with a potential carrier of the disease. It can be transmitted through mating or sharing a bowl or litter box. Since the virus is excreted in feces, it can be brought into the house accidentally from the street. Despite the fact that the activity of the virus is quite high, animals with good immunity may not become infected or suffer a mild form of the disease.

The following factors increase the likelihood of contracting the virus:

  • age - old individuals and kittens under 12 weeks of age are at risk;
  • low immunity;
  • stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • keeping in a nursery.


At the initial stage, the coronavirus practically does not manifest itself. Later his symptoms become similar to intestinal infection with a characteristic clinical picture:

  • fatigue, apathy - the cat is looking for a secluded place, avoiding contact with household members;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • single bouts of vomiting;
  • increased temperature;
  • inflammation of the gums, pallor of the mucous membranes, formation of granulomas (growths of connective tissue cells);
  • blurred vision, loss of coordination;
  • with peritonitis, ascites (fluid accumulation) forms - this symptom is considered the most dangerous, since it is almost impossible to cure a cat at this stage.

Also, with the FIPV strain virus, damage to the nervous system, kidneys and liver can occur.

Is it transmitted to humans?

The Coronaviridae family includes more than 3 dozen viruses that infect people, birds, dogs, cats and other animals.

In each case, these are strains of different viruses that survive on the culture of certain tissues. That is, the virus represented by the FCoV and FIPV strains affects only cats, and a person cannot become infected with it even against the background of very weak immunity.

However, as already mentioned, the infection can be brought into the house on shoes, clothes or hands, so you should not touch strangers and yard cats if you have a furry pet in the house.


There is no therapy that can completely cure an animal by targeting the virus. Recovery depends on the immune system, so first of all, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed that can increase the body's resistance in a short time. Further treatment should be aimed at preventing complications and removing acute symptoms to alleviate your pet's condition as much as possible.

Measures to prevent coronavirus in cats include compliance with recommended housing conditions, feeding, and immunization. The vaccine does not provide a 100% guarantee that the pet will not catch the virus, however, vaccinated animals suffer from the infection less often, and this is already a lot.

When kept in a group, each animal must have its own tray, bowl and bed. If this is a nursery, then the premises must be regularly disinfected, and newly arrived and sick animals must be quarantined.

A pet should not be allowed to communicate with other people's cats, especially barn cats. When purchasing a kitten, always ask for test results for coronavirus. The same should be done when choosing a mating partner.

Video “Coronavirus in cats”

From this video you will learn what coronavirus is in cats.

Enteritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane thin section intestines, in which the excretory, motor and secretory systems fail. At neglected form defeat occurs serous membrane and muscle layer. Most often, coronavirus gastroenteritis affects animals kept in large groups. They become infected through the fecal-oral route; in kittens, their mother becomes the source of infection.

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    Causes of the disease

    There are many reasons for the appearance coronavirus enteritis, the most common of them:

    1. 1. Stagnant or untreated water.
    2. 2. In case of poisoning with chemical or toxic substances and mushroom intoxication begins, which is very dangerous.
    3. 3. Feeding your pet tubular bones- intestinal walls can be damaged by their sharp edges.
    4. 4. Dysbacteriosis causes a catarrhal form of pathology.
    5. 5. An abrupt change from one type of food to another has an unfavorable effect on the animal’s body.
    6. 6. Violation of diet, incorrectly selected food or vitamin supplements and an incorrectly balanced diet.
    7. 7. Worms produce dangerous toxins and injure the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
    8. 8. Cheap, low-quality cat food can become a source of fungal infection or have other defects.

    Gastroenteritis can begin due to pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract - atherosclerosis, ischemia, valve insufficiency. Stress is a common cause for the development of the disease.

    Symptoms of coronavirus gastroenteritis

    Coronavirus occurs without complaints or symptoms appear moderately:

    • temperature;
    • poor appetite and weight gain;
    • soft or loose stool, mixed with mucus or blood, or without impurities.

    These symptoms do not worsen the general condition and do not require treatment if there is no connection concomitant diseases or secondary infection.

    The veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis by finding out when the disease began, what vaccinations are available, and how often bowel movements occur:

    1. 1. The veterinarian must know what is included in the animal’s menu, how often feeding occurs and what its volume is.
    2. 2. Then he examines the pet, takes samples and conducts laboratory tests.
    3. 3. X-ray or ultrasonography carried out to exclude the presence of foreign objects in the intestines.
    4. 4. Diarrhea in a pet is the first sign of the disease; it may contain undigested remains food, mucus or blood. The stool may vary in consistency and color.
    5. 5. The cat will have symptoms: lethargy, sunken eyes, dull eyes.
    6. 6. The coat will change: the coat will become shaggy, lose its shine and become dull.
    7. 7. The pet’s abdominal cavity will feel painful upon palpation. The animal will begin to make plaintive sounds, get nervous and not give in to your hands.
    8. 8. Body temperature will increase and bloating will occur, because of this, acid catarrh will worsen painful spasms, the intestines will begin to rumble and the feces will foam.
    9. 9. Apathy, depression, lack of appetite, lethargy are observed with alkaline catarrhs.
    10. 10. The pet’s belly is swollen and painful, and comes from the mouth. bad smell, there is a white coating on the tongue.
    11. 11. At some stage, vomiting begins.

    Coronavirus infection in cats often changes heartbeat, an ECG is required.

    Peritonitis in cats

    Viral and infectious peritonitis is caused by coronavirus, transmitted by oral or airborne routes, and can be transmitted to the kitten from the mother's placenta in her womb. The disease progresses in a chronic or acute form. Chronic form divided into types: wet and dry. At wet- fluid accumulates abundantly in the peritoneum; if it is dry, nodules or granulomas are formed.

    Peritonitis affects kittens or young animals under two years of age, as well as pets over ten years of age. This dangerous disease affects all organs and often leads to death.

    Treatment of coronavirus infection

    This disease cannot be treated, and there is no 100% vaccine to protect an animal from the disease. Eat effective drugs- Pfizer and Primucell.

    Drug therapy

    You can use immunocorrectors and anti-inflammatory medications in treatment:

    1. 1. Glycopene. Active substance, available in tablet form, is obtained from bacterial cells. Used to oppress pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
    2. 2. Canine Globcan-5 - alleviates the course of the disease, contains antibodies against the causative agent of coronovirus infection.
    3. 3. Likopid - tablets with a bactericidal effect.
    4. 4. Roncoleukin - a drug produced from baker's yeast. Designed for hypodermal and intravenous infections. The medicine is immunostimulating, protects against viruses, pathogenic bacteria and fungi, relieves stress.
    5. 5. Polyferrin-A is an iron-containing glycoprotein that is isolated from colostrum. Increases immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, fungi. Available in the form of injections.