Watchdogs. Watch dogs. Description, names and characteristics of guard dogs. German Shepherd dog

The task of a guard dog is to protect the territory entrusted to it. Such dogs are also called guard dogs. The best watchmen can be immediately noticed by their walking style. Such a dog is constantly exploring and marking its territory, and in its “own zone” it will be aggressive even towards those dog friends with whom it nicely communicates on neutral territory.

The guard qualities of a dog are determined by two important factors: the characteristics of the breed and the training program. Caucasian, Asian and South Russian shepherd dogs and the Moscow watchdog are considered unsurpassed watchdogs.

– one of the most popular and best breeds of guard dogs. Their height ranges from 74 to 88 cm, average weight is about 65 kg, but there are specimens exceeding 100 kg. This dog feels great living outside or in an enclosure and easily adapts to different climates. The breed's temperament is quite ferocious when guarding territory, so the dogs need socialization and special training.

Central asian shepherd dog

- a hardy, fearless and self-confident dog with a strong guard instinct. Aggressive towards strange dogs and strangers. Average height – 70 cm, weight – 60 kg.

It is less aggressive than the Caucasian Shepherd, but also requires socialization and early training.

South Russian Shepherd

Photo: South Russian Shepherd Dog - guard breed

– an unpretentious and reliable watchman, tireless, fearless and the fastest among shepherd dogs. Submits only to a strict and dominant owner, who will become the dog’s leader.

Moscow watchdog

Photo: Moscow guard dog breed

She inherited the genes of three quite different breeds - St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Pinto Hound. It weighs on average about 55 kg. This breed perfectly combines the ferocity of the Caucasian and the diligence of the St. Bernard with the endurance of the hound.

German Shepherd

– the most popular breed in the post-Soviet space, it also performs excellent guard functions. The average height of these dogs is 40 kg with an average height of 60 cm.

The main character traits of this breed are fearlessness and versatility. From a “German” you can raise a dog for a wide variety of purposes: a human protector, a policeman, a bloodhound, a companion, a worker and, of course, an excellent watchman. It is especially suitable for families with children. A calm and balanced dog in a family can be very aggressive when threatened by outsiders.

– a breed of large (62 cm) ferocious dogs that fearlessly guard their territory. Always dominates, therefore he is kept with other dogs only as a leader. An aggressive character requires socialization and special training.

is a dangerous aggressive dog that, with the help of training, becomes a responsible and reliable watchdog. The main characteristic of Rottweilers is self-confidence and incorruptibility.

Photo: Doberman is a good guard and watchman

– an excellent guard dog, often used to guard apartments. Their main qualities are alertness, devotion, dexterity and intelligence. They are able to prevent an unwanted person from entering the territory without causing him physical harm.

Photo: Dog breeds for guarding a private home. Guard breed

- a mastiff-like breed, specially bred as a watchman and guard. Its main qualities are the desire to defend its territory, fearlessness, strong instinct, and the desire to dominate. But due to their natural aggressiveness, it is better not to let children near these dogs. In the 19th century, bullmastiffs protected game from poachers. They are considered the best family watchdogs due to their strong instinctive abilities that help them distinguish friends from enemies.

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Guard dogs are perfect for people who want to protect their home and acquire a new family member. First of all, pet protectors are called upon to notify the inhabitants of the house about an intrusion into the territory, have the ability to instantly concentrate and react correctly to a possible danger. But you need to take into account that such dogs are more suitable for experienced owners, because they require special training and care. However, there are also breeds that would be suitable for inexperienced breeders. Each pet must undergo a serious training course from professionals in order to ensure maximum protection for the home and owners, as well as to respond correctly to various irritants. A guard dog is not only safety, but also a great responsibility.

First of all, future owners should think about several things:

  1. Where are you planning to keep the animal? Not all dogs tolerate cold and heat equally well while in an enclosure. The size of the pet also plays a role. Large animals are not suitable for keeping in a small apartment.
  2. Are there children in the house? Certain breeds of dogs have complex personalities and do not recognize anyone other than their owner.
  3. Are there other pets in the house? There is a risk that the guard will not get along with other pets.

Based on the answers to these questions, you should decide which dog is best for a particular family.

The most popular guard dog breeds are:

One of the most elegant and aristocratic guard breeds. Dobermans have established themselves as fearless dogs that reliably protect their family. However, such a dog needs to be shown who is boss in the house, otherwise it simply will not listen to its owner. Doberman Pinschers lend themselves well to training, thanks to their innate intelligence and passion.

Peculiarities: minimal grooming, ambiguous character, recognizes only one owner, suitable for keeping in an apartment.

A good-natured, strong protector for home protection. Suitable for owners with an active lifestyle. Dogs of this breed get along well with children and do not show inappropriate aggression if raised properly. But they are wary of strangers and, in case of danger, will immediately begin to protect their owners.

Peculiarities: can be kept in an apartment, used as service dogs, precautions should be taken when contacting people and animals that are strangers to the dog.

A large, calm animal with an independent character. They carefully protect their territory from strangers and are distrustful of all strangers. At the same time, the Tibetan Mastiff shows patience and love towards family members. A dog needs the company of people, so you can’t just forget about it and leave it in the yard. She will definitely remind you of this with loud barking.

Peculiarities: gets along well with other animals, recommended for keeping in an enclosure, long walks are required.

The easiest animal to care for is the protector. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that dogs of this breed do not shine with intelligence, but in reality this is not the case. With proper training, a boxer can become an excellent watchdog. The breed is characterized by strength, agility and incredible endurance. Ideal for people with an active lifestyle.

Peculiarities: Suitable for inexperienced breeders, affectionate, gets along well with other pets, can sometimes be noisy.

A popular breed that is distinguished by its high intelligence and trainability, as well as its impressive size. Breeders should be aware that this breed needs long periods of physical activity and walks. German Shepherds are extremely loyal to their owners and have a strong protective instinct.

Peculiarities: they get along with all family members, can be companions, and intuitively sense danger.

A watchman with a strong independent character who can suppress a weak owner. Outwardly, this is an athletic, graceful breed with its own charm. Ridgebacks need long walks and physical activity in the fresh air. Moreover, they can be kept both at home and in a city apartment.

Peculiarities: They respond well to training, get along with children, can show aggression towards strangers, and adapt to different climatic conditions.

Remember the dog from the movie "Hachiko"? Amazing devotion to the owner, intelligence and independence are the distinctive features of the Akita Inu breed. The dog will protect the family, but it is unlikely to bark at strangers, like most guard pets.

Peculiarities: balanced character, suitable for families with children, can be kept in an apartment, requires long active walks.

One of the cutest guard dogs comes from Asia. Outwardly they resemble small bear cubs. Chow Chows combine calmness, intelligence and independence, but at the same time recognize and love their owner. Dogs of this breed are reasonable, have a stable nervous system, and make almost no noise.

Peculiarities: They tolerate different climatic conditions well, sometimes show stubbornness, and are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

A noble and formidable appearance, developed muscles are characteristic of this Italian breed. Cane and Corso are powerful dogs that instill fear in their ill-wishers. They are very reasonable and will not become aggressive without a good reason. Their calm nature and patient attitude towards children make dogs excellent companions for small households.

Peculiarities: Suitable for beginner breeders, have good learning ability, and get along with other pets.

A hardy dog ​​of impressive size, which is more suitable for keeping in an enclosure. By nature, the breed is balanced, but prone to dominance and self-confident, so it is unlikely to be suitable for timid owners.

Peculiarities: can get along with other pets, are not suitable for inexperienced breeders, and show aggression towards other dogs.

The sternest and largest guard who does not get along well with other pets and is distrustful of strangers. At the same time, the dog is very attached to its owner and family. Capable of instantly reacting to a real threat.

Peculiarities: They combine the qualities of a watchman and a security guard, can show aggression towards strangers, are suitable for keeping in a private home, and tolerate different weather conditions well.

Sensitive dogs with excellent hearing and vision, which makes them excellent watchdogs. "Rizens" are very active, which can cause problems during training. Despite their calm disposition in their normal state, these dogs will bravely protect their owners and their children in the face of any threat.

Peculiarities: Careful grooming is required, they require long active walks, and are not suitable for novice breeders.

A calm, good-natured, sedate giant, scaring away ill-wishers with his very appearance. Dogs of this breed can withstand harsh weather conditions well, which makes them excellent watchdogs for private homes. Ready to attack at the slightest threat to the territory or owners.

Peculiarities: suitable for keeping in an enclosure, gets along with other dogs, treats children well, can be stubborn, and is not suitable for novice breeders.

Whatever dog the owners choose, it is important to remember that this is not just an animal, but a family member who requires love, care and attention. Only in this case will a reliable, dedicated watchman appear in the house. Give love to an animal, and it will undoubtedly love you back.

Man and dog are a duet that arose at the dawn of time. As living conditions changed, the purpose of four-legged friends in our lives also changed. Decorative, fighting, and hunting trends in breeding appeared, but guard dog breeds were most valued at all times.

How to raise your friend

Guard and security dogs are slightly different areas, primarily in training. This needs to be taken into account when you come to classes in a canine group. Intelligence and a balanced nervous system are very important for a watchman. Even height does not always play a role, since the watchman’s task is to notice the danger in time and warn the owner. This is why aggression is considered an undesirable quality, otherwise the dog will react to any noise and bark constantly. A good watchman, on the contrary, is neither seen nor heard until his intervention may be required. He perfectly distinguishes between ordinary noise and sounds that pose a threat.

Below we will look in detail at what guard dog breeds exist, but for now let's define the role of a guard dog. Its function is a protective guard service. Just active actions, attack, persecution and detention are their strong point. They receive a much more in-depth training course, but this is often necessary for special security structures, police or border services.

Genetic characteristics of the breed

Often, breeders convince buyers that puppies have innate qualities that are sufficient to perform certain duties. Indeed, some breeds are better suited for watchdog or security work, but you should not rely only on what is in their blood. In the best case, your natural guardian will lie down in the enclosure or, conversely, bark 24 hours a day. At worst, you will get an aggressive animal, which is very dangerous.

Guard dog breeds today are represented by such a variety that without special knowledge it is easy to get confused. Each of them has its own characteristics, which we will talk about later. But we must remember that without special training, these data may not be revealed.

Main breeds of guard dogs

Almost any dog, not necessarily a purebred one, can be trained to guard. Sometimes mongrels can be much smarter and quick-witted and, despite their relatively small size, loudly signal danger. But society has developed certain stereotypes and ideas, so when they say the phrase “guard dog breeds,” people usually mean breeds such as:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Doberman;

This list is far from complete; among those who can adequately perform guard duty, one can highlight the bullmastiff, American bulldog, Dutch shepherd, Bernese shepherd dog, Akita, Ridgeback, Malinois, bobtail, boxer and many others.

In general, the ability to perform guard or security service for a dog is often not a matter of breed, but of upbringing. You need to invest a lot of time and effort to turn a playful puppy into a smart dog with excellent working qualities.

Pride of Russia

There are domestic breeds in our country that are best adapted to the local climate and are used as guards almost everywhere - in the private sector, cottages, enterprises and areas with increased control (strategically important objects, places of deprivation of liberty.

First of all, these are the famous and popular Caucasian, Asian, South Russian and East European shepherd dogs. They are distinguished by their impressive appearance, that is, they are capable of not only signaling danger, but also seriously frightening a burglar. Their thick fur helps them withstand the harshest weather conditions, which is not uncommon in Russia. These are the best guard dogs you can imagine. The list continues with beautiful breeds - the Moscow Guard Shepherd and the Black Russian Terrier. Next we will talk in more detail about the characteristics of the most famous breeds, so that the reader can make the right choice.

Features of large guard breeds

The first on this list is the Chelyabinsk guard dog. These are charming “bears” with maximum advantages. It was bred by crossing a Caucasian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. This smoothed out the aggressiveness inherent in Caucasians, and added to the new breed the courage of a true rescuer, making him an incredibly loyal and devoted friend. Much more often there is another name by which this breed of dog is known. The Moscow Watchdog is the same breeding group, only with the blood of the Russian Hound added to it.

This is a serious dog that absorbs the ability to guard with its mother's milk. Completely unsuitable even for a very large apartment. This is a large and strong animal, the weight of a male can reach 90 kg, height more than 66 cm at the withers, which needs movement. A dog needs to do something, and if you lock it in an apartment, out of boredom it can damage property.

This is an incredibly smart dog breed. The Moscow watchdog will not make any unnecessary noise until the service requires it. She is not fussy, not too sentimental, she needs an object to protect, some purpose in life. Her character is not too harsh, much softer than that of the Caucasian Shepherd, but she matures late, so she needs to work on socialization and education. The advantages include good health, unpretentiousness to living conditions and climate. The long coat provides excellent protection but requires daily brushing to keep the dog looking good.

Before purchasing a representative of a large breed, be it a Chelyabinsk guard dog, a Muscovite or a Caucasian, think about whether you can afford the costs of its maintenance. A growing puppy will require enormous amounts of raw and cooked meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vitamins and much more. In order for a dog with heavy bones and correct proportions to grow from a small and fluffy ball in one year, you will have to invest heavily in its nutrition.

The menu for an adult four-legged friend is also quite expensive. Twice a day he should receive a large bowl of meat with cereals (this can be a variety of cereals). Moreover, the percentage of meat should be more than 50%. The optimal option is 70% meat, the rest is porridge.

Rottweiler is a true bodyguard

The historical purpose of these dogs is to guard the herd. Much later, for their intelligence and devotion, they began to be used in security and watchdog activities. There are many opinions about how to raise and train a Rottweiler. In fact, you just need to love him, and gently, but confidently and consistently show him what not to do.

The Rottweiler knows everything else himself and will protect you and your property without sparing himself. There are many cases where an untrained puppy covered its owner with its chest, receiving a bullet or a knife blow for him. This speaks of the loyalty inherent in these royal dogs. Today, Rottweilers are also used as watchdogs. They have an excellent, balanced nervous system. Having met a thief who has entered the home, the dog will block his exit and block his movement until the owner arrives. The robber will only have to stand motionless under close attention. And all this happens without empty barking.

It is convenient to keep a Rottweiler in an apartment. They are practically odorless and their short coat does not require much grooming. Shedding occurs twice a year, but if you are not prepared for such an inconvenience, you should not get a dog. The Rottweiler is somewhat phlegmatic, which will allow him to sleep peacefully while you are at work. But in severe frosts he freezes outside, so he is not suitable for working as a watchman at strategically important sites.

Classic guard - German Shepherd

Who hasn’t watched the famous film “Come to me, Mukhtar!” and didn’t admire the dog’s intelligence and intelligence? Most often, the German Shepherd is chosen to work in the police, on the border, for service that involves risk, and for situations where it is sometimes necessary to act independently, without the owner’s command.

These are quite large dogs. Guard or service, it’s not so important, these are just the nuances of training and the features of practical service. The main thing is that they have a formidable appearance, a sharp mind and endless devotion to man. One cannot expect disobedience, desire for dominance, or aggression towards the owner from this breed.

An excellent breed, can guard a private house or apartment. There are long-haired and short-haired representatives of the German Shepherd. If possible, go to the exhibition. Surely there will be a couple of handsome guys with long, flowing hair. These are the best guard dogs of the German Shepherd breed. Seasonal temperature changes will not prevent them from completing their duty.

Gorgeous Doberman

Handsome, taut as a spring, aimed forward like an arrow, the Doberman is the epitome of elegance. Medium height with short hair, it is suitable only for indoor keeping. If you look at dog breeds with photographs, the proud posture of the Doberman will immediately attract attention. But it is only suitable for very dynamic people, as it is a choleric dog. She constantly needs to be on the move, run and play a lot.

Noticing danger, she will rush to defend with a menacing bark, but the Doberman does not know how to think and make decisions on her own, so she works well only in tandem with her owner. More suitable as a bodyguard and living in a private house or cottage, so that there is somewhere to throw off energy.

Imposing commander

This is a real king among dogs, majestic, stately and serenely calm. A guard dog of the Commander breed was used in mountainous areas to protect herds from wolves. They cultivate such qualities as wisdom, the ability to analyze a situation and make independent decisions, fearlessness, courage and vigilance 24 hours a day.

This makes the commander one of the best representatives of guard dogs. Their unique coat grows in the form of cords, it does not shed and is absolutely odorless, dry or wet, and protects from heat. In the cold season, you can’t leave it outside, it will freeze.

Just imagine all the difficulties of caring for such wool, because you have to choose thorns and grass that are tangled in long cords. Brushing and bathing the commander is problematic; you can cut it, but then he will lose all his natural beauty until the fur grows back.

German dog

This is a patient and kind dog that will take small children under its wing and will carefully guard adults. This is a real family member, smart, reasonable, with a completely livable character. Thanks to his stable nervous system, he will not make a lot of noise and bark over trifles. But these are wonderful guard dogs. The photos will help you choose exactly the color that you like best. The most elegant are the marbled Great Danes, followed by yellow, brown and black. Don't forget that this is a large dog that requires a lot of exercise.


This is a real sleepyhead, an incorrigible phlegmatic who will not annoy you with endless jumping and requests to play. Children's best friend, he allows you to crawl on him, pull his ears and jaws. If the pestering gets too annoying, he will try to sneak away to his place.

The Bullmastiff is silent, you will never hear him bark, but in an extreme situation he will not wait for a command, but will immediately take action. This is a soft, sleepy “ottoman”, but we must not forget that at the same time it is a serious guard dog. He needs basic obedience and training. Initially, it was bred to protect forest lands and detain poachers. Qualities such as strength, perseverance, endurance, good learning ability and the ability to cope with several armed people at the same time were polished from generation to generation.


As already mentioned, one cannot rely only on innate qualities; they manifest themselves with proper upbringing. If you have a serious dog, be it a German Shepherd, Commander or Moscow Watchdog, training is necessary. You will learn serious lessons in classes with instructors, but you need to know the basics from the first day you take your baby. Forget about physical punishment, this will embitter the dog and minimize your contact with it.

A short, calm response should be given, always the same. All voice commands should be positively reinforced. You cannot shout hysterically “Come to me!”, even if you give the command for the tenth time, and the baby does not obey. Better take a treat and praise the puppy that runs up. Be sure to play with the dog, praise it, it should know that you love it, then any training will be easier.


Today we looked at many wonderful breeds, from which you can choose the representative who will be your personal friend. They are all good in their own way, have a set of individual and general qualities, and are excellent guards who can be trusted to protect your property without fear.

Every dog ​​can bark, but not every dog ​​is a reliable watchdog. Good genes from ancestors and skills perfected over centuries, backed up by hard training, are what allow a guard dog to react correctly to strangers and make the decisions necessary to protect an apartment, house or territory from ill-wishers. For those who are looking for just such a dog, we offer a selection of the names of the ten best guard dog breeds, and the photos will help future owners choose the pet that will suit them not only with their guarding abilities, but also with their appearance.

Powerful and muscular dogs have been used in the police service for a long time, so they have earned a reputation as evil and dangerous dogs, which is not entirely true. Aggression can only manifest itself in the absence of sufficient training, so it is important for the owner to initially show the dog who is in charge. But with proper upbringing, a Rottweiler can become an ideal watchman and best friend even to a small child. Usually a calm and balanced dog shows maximum caution at the sight of a stranger and is ready at any moment to rush to the defense of his home or owner.

Large and powerful Giant Schnauzers received their share of fame during the First and Second World Wars. Adult animals have a height of up to 71 cm and a weight of up to 48 kg. Its impressive size combined with the dark color of its coat will have an intimidating effect on any uninvited guest.

The Giant Schnauzer has natural defensive abilities and will first warn the intruder with a menacing bark, and then, if necessary, attack. Devotion to the family, easy training and developed territorial instincts are the main qualities that allow us to form the idea of ​​Giant Schnauzers as excellent guard dogs.

Representatives of this breed rightfully occupy a place in the top 10 best guard dogs in the world. The terrifying appearance even in the photo and impressive dimensions (height 74-88 cm, weight 65-100 kg) are unlikely to make ill-wishers want to enter the territory protected by the Caucasian.

The uniqueness of the breed lies in its unpretentiousness and adaptability to any weather conditions. Caucasians are equally tolerant of cold or heat and are suitable for keeping both in an enclosure and in the open air. They have guarding abilities by nature, but it should be taken into account that due to their aggressive disposition, Caucasian dogs need not only basic training, but also active socialization if the owner wants to get a friendly and faithful guard.

The best guard for a house or apartment can be a German shepherd, which is rightfully considered one of the smartest and most versatile breeds. Obedience, balanced character, unwavering loyalty and quick learning ability make it possible to raise a truly reliable companion with good security qualities. Large dimensions will allow the dog to knock down any intruder if necessary, but he will never show aggression towards family members and invited guests.

Representatives of this breed are not just watchdogs, but also family dogs, which can be considered as another family member, even when kept in an apartment. It is the strong attachment to his family that encourages the Doberman to show his guarding abilities in the best possible way, but naturally under the condition of correct and consistent training. They are able to immediately take the right measures against intruders: if the warning bark is not enough, the Doberman will attack, and their speed and agility will allow this to be done in a matter of seconds.

This is a breed specially bred in Russia, which is also successfully bred in the CIS countries. Since the state project for its breeding was not fully completed, the breed was never recognized by the International Cynological Federation FCI, motivating its decision by the great similarity of the breed with the St. Bernard and not always a stable psyche. But even this does not prevent the Moscow watchdog from remaining a constant participant in the top 10 best guard dog breeds in the world.

Its large size allows the Moscow watchdog to cope with its duties perfectly.

Another impressively sized dog that is mentioned in every rating of guard dogs. Alabais are distinguished by their endurance, fearless disposition and pronounced guard instinct. They have a less aggressive character compared to the Caucasian Shepherd, but are considered “bad” students, so they should only be owned by people who are able to get along with any pet and engage in regular training. A dog that grows up to 70 cm and weighs up to 60 kg can show aggression not only towards people who accidentally or not find themselves in a protected area, but also to their four-legged colleagues.

Representatives of the breed, originally bred to protect herds and farm property, today successfully perform security service and surprise their owners with their tirelessness and unpretentiousness. In addition, the South Russian Shepherd is the leader among its colleagues in terms of running speed, so such a guard will be able to catch up with the fastest intruder. Their thick coat allows them to perform their duties in any weather conditions, and their white color protects them from overheating when spending a long time in open areas. Their only drawback is their coat, which requires care, but otherwise South Russian Shepherds are good companions and guards.

This relatively rare breed of dog dates back to the times of Ancient Rome, when they were used in military service and for hunting large animals. Later, after spreading throughout Europe, they were retrained as security guards. Cane Corsos are distinguished by their kind and patient disposition, but only until the moment when it comes to the health and life of the owner. In case of danger, in a matter of seconds they turn into a brave beast, capable of protecting their owner and the territory entrusted to him.

Another guard breed that is especially suitable for keeping in an apartment. They are characterized by obedience, loyalty, quick learning and a well-expressed territorial instinct. At the same time, the German boxer will guard not only the home, but also the owner’s belongings (for example, a bicycle or bag left at the entrance).

It can be used as a companion, watchman, detective and guide, who, in case of danger, will show determination and boldly rush to the defense of its owner.

Choosing a dog is very difficult and responsible. Especially when the dog is needed for protection. Guard dog breeds are now in great demand, as they are an ideal way to protect a private home. To choose the right dog, you need to have a good understanding of the most popular types of guard dogs.

What affects dogs' guarding skills?

It will be very difficult to teach a dog to guard, since this is purely a genetic predisposition. That is why, when choosing a dog to protect your home and property, you need to give preference to breeds specially bred for this purpose. But you also can’t forget about training. Even the most thoroughbred dog may not perform its duties without training. It is necessary to raise and accustom a guard dog to protection from puppyhood. If you don't miss this age, the dog will turn out to be an excellent watchman and reliable protector.

Who can be a good watchman

Not every dog ​​can become a guard. For example, a hunting dog will constantly rush around the yard after small animals, because it is instincts that force it to do this. The watchdog will silently observe the process, monitoring everything that happens around him. Even rescue breeds such as St. Bernards cannot adequately cope with security functions. It is in their nature to save people, pull them out of difficult conditions or help in accidents. Of course, the external characteristics of such a dog can frighten a robber or bandit who decides to attack in a dark alley, but you shouldn’t rely too much on the security skills of rescuers.

Guard dogs for a private home must be well trained. Therefore, the puppy needs to be taken to lessons with a dog handler. This must be done immediately after the baby has moved to a new home. The average age for starting training is 4 months. Even then, the puppy begins to form habits that will be difficult to remove in the future. Each dog has its own unique temperament and character. But her behavior and habits must be completely shaped by the owner. Otherwise, she can become a source of danger for a person, and not a devoted friend and protector.

Rottweilers are sensitive home guards

Initially, these guard dogs were used to protect and guard livestock in the pasture. They can fight a wild animal to the last, protecting their flock. They will do the same when protecting a private home. This breed has long established itself as a reliable watchdog. They are always ready to defend their owners in case of attack by strangers. In addition, Rottweilers are extremely attentive and vigilant dogs. They are able to hear a person approaching from several hundred meters away.

This breed is known for its aggressive attitude towards strangers. Therefore, when approaching a house that is guarded by a Rottweiler, you can hear a loud, warning bark from afar. You should not carelessly enter the yard where this guard dog is running freely. It is better to wait until the owner comes and takes her to the enclosure.

Reliable bodyguards Dobermans

These dogs are born leaders. They strive to gain primacy in everything, they want to be in charge and do not like to give in to anyone. Therefore, the Doberman needs to be strictly trained even in puppyhood. Otherwise, you can raise not a reliable protector, but an unauthorized, capricious dog. Looking at photos of guard dogs, you can see how popular Dobermans are with many actors and Hollywood stars. This dog breed looks very beautiful and even elegant from an aesthetic point of view.

With proper training, they make first-class watchdogs. They can watch their owners for days without leaving the threshold of the house. Thanks to their natural sensitivity, they have lightning-fast reactions. Reflexes allow them to stop approaching danger in time, cover a person if necessary, or overtake an enemy. Dobermans run very fast, so robbers who break into their territory have no chance. A strong, agile and courageous dog must be well trained. Otherwise, it can pose a danger not only to strangers, but also to its owners.

German Shepherd - calm and strong

It is unlikely that you can find a person who will speak badly about this breed. German shepherds have long won the hearts of not only ordinary citizens, but also famous film directors. Even in films you can notice their incredible devotion to their owners, as well as their ability to protect and protect the house. Positive qualities of these dogs:

  • they are very smart;
  • deeply attached to their owner;
  • know how to feel a person’s mood, as well as his intentions;
  • do not require special maintenance and care;
  • respond well to all types of training;
  • they are not capable of offending a child;
  • playful and kind with their owners.

The German Shepherd will become not only a good guard dog, but also a true friend for humans. The main thing is not to neglect training and love your pet. Then he will give his life, protecting the owner and his entire family.

Moscow guard dog

They were bred through many crossings, specifically for guard and security functions. The Moscow watchdog was withdrawn from Russia. At the moment the breed is one of the youngest. She is distinguished from others by her majestic appearance and enormous strength. From the photo of the Moscow guard dog you can see how large they are. The dog's dimensions are impressive, but they do not prevent it from running quickly and reacting instantly. Their character is very complex, so they need training.

Moscow watchdogs also need a lot of physical exercise. Every day they need to move a lot, run and do exercises. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its aggressive behavior towards strangers. Therefore, you can only let her off the leash in an open area where there are no other people or animals.

Powerful and fast bullmastiff

This dog is known for its strength, speed and agility. If an attacker gets into the house, he will not survive. A dog's instincts make it a good watchdog. When attacking an enemy, she knocks him down and blocks any movement. But in order to achieve such behavior in a dog, you will have to train it well and accustom it to special commands.

By choosing this one among all guard dog breeds, you don’t have to worry about its attitude towards family members. Among household members, the dog will behave calmly and obediently. Having chosen one master for himself, he will completely obey him, protecting not only him, but also the entire family from danger.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When choosing a good watchman for your home, you can opt for a Caucasian. This breed is distinguished by strength, intelligence and fearlessness. The appearance of a shepherd will scare away strangers and make them avoid the house. The dog can be stubborn, sometimes unauthorized. To prevent this from happening, from childhood you need to show him who is boss in the house. Knowing that he is not in charge, the Caucasian will behave appropriately throughout his life.

This breed is very good-natured towards children. Therefore, he will tolerate all the kids’ antics. However, you should be careful when leaving your dog alone with your child. Every animal can behave unpredictably from time to time. Nobody knows when this moment will come. Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again than to regret the offense later for the rest of your life. The watchdog should always be in its place, preferably in the courtyard of a private house.

How to make a choice

Guard dogs for a private home must have a whole list of necessary qualities. When choosing not only a friend, but also a security guard for your private territory, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on the size. A watchdog should be at least medium sized. The ideal option would be a large, strong and hardy dog. Even a Chihuahua can notify you of the arrival of strangers, but only a big dog can drive them away and protect them from criminals.
  2. Choose a dog with a thick undercoat. If you need not a pet dog, but a real watchman and protector, you need to choose one who will not be bothered by bad weather.
  3. Distrust of strangers. All of the above breeds are aggressive towards strangers. This is one of the most important qualities of a good watchman. If a dog is good-natured towards everyone it meets, no amount of its large size or thick undercoat will save it during an enemy attack.

When choosing a guard dog for your home, we must not forget that, first of all, the dog is a friend. In addition to the training necessary for normal development, you need to devote time to playing and walking with him. Sincere love combined with good training will help make a puppy a devoted protector not only of the home, but of the whole family.