How to treat lumbago in the occipital left head. Causes of shooting in the head: shooting cranialgia. Types of pain manifestations

Everyone is familiar with the unpleasant sensation caused by headaches, but even more discomfort is caused by lumbago in the head. They are usually quite intense and occur suddenly, and such pain is called cranialgia. What causes this violation and how to deal with it correctly?

The nature of lumbago in the head

The so-called shooting cranialgia or simply a sensation of shooting in the head is not a separate disorder, but a symptom of a certain disease or pathology. Most often their nature is neurogenic. Nerve impulses radiate to the origins (lower part of the brain) or to the periphery (ends of the affected nerve fibers).

Consequently, lumbago pain in the head has a strict direction, which is usually easily identified by people. Single impulses lead to single lumbago, and more frequent impulses contribute to a rather long-lasting shooting headache.

Depending on the underlying cause, the pain spreads and moves in the direction of the affected nerve branch to the frontal area, eye areas or upper jaw. The depth of pain also depends on the specific nerve. For example, if trigeminal neuralgia occurs in the back of the neck, the pain covers the posterior zone and is felt as if superficially.

Causes of lumbago in the head and behind the ear

What are the causes of shooting pain and in what cases is treatment required? Doctors identify a large number of provoking factors, some of which are quite complex and dangerous. In some cases, treatment must be immediate and correct. Let's look at what diseases usually cause shooting pain.

Spinal disorders

Shoots in the back of the head or from the neck to the head are often provoked by inflammatory processes in the spinal column. Osteochondrosis and spinal column injuries, as well as all kinds of tumors, are common among them. The cause of lumbago emanating from the cervical spine is compression of blood vessels and arteries. This leads to an increase in intracranial pressure and pinching of the spinal vessels.


Shooting pain is sometimes caused by migraine. It can be hereditary and has a neurological origin. Can be transmitted through the female line from generation to generation. Shoots in the head in the temples due to migraine are usually pulsating, and they always intensify with surges in blood pressure or after injury.

Inflammation in the ears

Shooting cranialgia in the head and ears occurs against the background of acute otitis media and sinusitis. When throbbing pain radiates to your ears, go to an otolaryngologist. You may have inflammation in your ear or nasal area. Until you get rid of the pus in these areas, the condition will not improve. It is almost impossible to get rid of attacks caused by this symptom on your own, since competent antibacterial therapy and physiotherapy are needed.

Trigeminal nerve damage

Often shooting headaches occur due to trigeminal neuralgia. They are located on the sides of the head, so when you shoot, the left or right side of it hurts. Additionally, a person’s taste perception changes, photophobia and tearfulness develop. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required to normalize the condition of the nerve endings

Arthritis of the temporomandibular zone

With this pathology, the patient experiences lumbago in the head as flashes localized in the area of ​​the eye sockets. The reason is damage to the nerve endings, so you will have to see a doctor.

Where might the pain be located?

Shooting and pain are most often unilateral in nature, but depending on the location of the nerve, they can occur in different areas: on the right side, on the left, in the temporal part of the head, or radiate to the top of the head. Let's consider in detail all these listed options:

  • Shootings in the frontal area. More often they are right-sided in nature and appear due to disruption of the processes of the trigeminal or facial nerves. This happens due to drafts or hypothermia. In this case, the shooting in the head is usually involuntary.
  • In the temporal region. Pain occurs due to the presence of many nerve endings in these areas. Among the provoking conditions can be identified damage to the temporal artery, trigeminal nerve, and the temporomandibular joint. Sharp lumbago are localized in the head on the right or left.
  • Parietal cranialgia. Shooting in the back of the crown is associated with the location of numerous nerve processes in this area. Shooting can be completely sudden, developing into attacks or immediately subside. This happens due to pathologies of the cervical spine.
  • Shootings in the back of the head. They are provoked by inflammation of the occipital nerves against the background of osteochondrosis or injuries of the cervical vertebrae. Sometimes it’s a matter of hypothermia, being in a draft, or an uncomfortable sleeping position. To get rid of acute pain that worsens when you turn your head, you will have to undergo an examination and begin comprehensive treatment.
  • Internal shots. If lumbago in the head continues for the second day, and they are localized inside the head, this is a sign of serious inflammation affecting the ear or eye nerves.

Regardless of location, lumbago is a signal indicating inflammation of a different nature. They cannot be ignored so as not to cause a problem.

If you are worried about painless shooting in the head when lying down or sharp pains when turning your head, and there is no way to see a doctor, try to alleviate the condition. First, take an anesthetic - Novocaine or Lidocaine to block the trigger areas.

Apply a warm compress, which will help with neuralgia or if the nerve endings in the cervical region have become cold. You can also take Aspirin to relieve inflammation.

Warming ointments should be used with caution. Pulsating areas of the head can be treated with external agents with anti-inflammatory components. If you are sure that the shooting behind the ear is caused by otitis media, place vasoconstrictor drops in the nose to relieve swelling and relieve the condition.

If you are unable to cope with the pain within a few hours, go to the doctor. Start with a general practitioner, who will make a referral to a specialist if necessary.

How is the condition diagnosed?

The doctor may prescribe a comprehensive examination to the patient, especially if there is a possibility of brain damage. Diagnosis begins with an examination by an otolaryngologist and neurological tests. Tell your doctor what causes pain or attacks. If the cause is cervical osteochondrosis, you will be referred to a vertebrologist for treatment of the underlying disease.

In some cases, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are required, as well as vascular antiography with a contrast agent. Before prescribing physiotherapeutic procedures, an X-ray of the neck is required. Depending on the situation, the doctor uses effective and affordable diagnostic procedures to make the diagnosis as accurately as possible.

Treatment for lumbago in the head

If you are worried about a whisper from lumbago in the head, sharp pain when turning it, or short-term lumbago due to an anxiety disorder, you will need the help of an experienced doctor. After a professional diagnosis, he will identify the cause of the disorder, on which appropriate therapy will depend:

  • If the cause is a bacterial infection, you need anti-inflammatory and painkillers (Diclofenac, Spazmalgon, Ibuprofen), antibiotics (for example, Zitrox) and vitamin complexes (sometimes in injections).
  • In the case of lumbago caused by neuritis or muscle damage, neuroprotectors are needed (most often Actovegin) and tranquilizers (Phenazepam is popular).
  • For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, non-steroidal ointments are needed (Diklak and Finalgon).
  • In advanced cases, when deep nerves are damaged, drugs such as Carbamazepine, Baclofen and Gabapentin are needed.

Additional treatment for lumbago in the head

In addition to drug therapy, heat compresses and physiotherapeutic treatment are prescribed:

  • laser therapy;
  • current or magnetic influence;
  • iontophoresis (especially if the left or right shoulder hurts simultaneously with lumbago);

Doctors often prescribe massage treatments if the problem is cervical osteochondrosis. Vitamins (in particular, group B) are especially useful in all cases, as they promote faster recovery of damaged nerve endings.

And remember that self-medication can be dangerous, because you do not know the exact nature of the disease that caused headaches and lumbago, even if they last only a couple of seconds. If this happens at least several times, it is better to see a doctor.

Due to the frantic pace of life, almost every second person on the planet experiences headaches every day. They can be associated with severe fatigue, stress and nervous tension. We don’t give them due importance, washing them down with painkillers, but this may be the first sign of a serious illness.

Are lumbagoes in the head normal?

The most common type of pain is a sharp, throbbing type. Patients usually call it shooting. This pathological pain is associated with improperly generated impulses that come either from the beginning of the nerve trunk, that is, from the brain, or from the periphery, from the endings of the nerve fibers. In most cases, these impulses indicate damage to any of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves of an inflammatory nature due to neuritis or trauma.

From a medical point of view, such lumbago is called the special term cranialgia. Depending on which part of the head the diseased nerve innervates, the area of ​​pain will depend. If the functions of the facial nerve are impaired, the temporal and postauricular parts of the head will suffer. If the trunk or branches of the trigeminal nerve are affected, the pain will spread to the frontal, maxillary parts of the skull.

In addition, not only the location of the pathological focus, but also the depth of the pain will depend on the nerve. If this is a superficial branch, then the pain will be superficial, especially unpleasant when touched. If the branch of the nerve is located in the deep structures of the skull, then their damage is possible.

Sharp pain may be accompanied by other symptoms depending on the disease. With neuritis of the facial nerve, the part of the face on the right or left is affected - the nasolabial fold is smoothed, the corner of the mouth drops, salivation and lacrimation appear on the affected side. Speech becomes slurred. You can't close your eyes. When the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed, the jaw apparatus suffers. Pathology of the cochlear nerve is characterized by hearing and vestibular disorders. Possible dizziness.

Neck pain is common with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which radiates to the occipital region. With osteomyelitis of the skull bones, shooting pains will be accompanied by severe pain in the bones, increased body temperature, and the presence of purulent foci.

What causes lumbago in the head?

If the pain impulse was one-time, it is possible due to nervous strain or stress, this situation is not serious. But with frequently recurring episodes of lumbago, you should immediately begin to look for the cause of this pathology.

Why there are lumbagos in the head - the causes of pain in the temporal region can be very diverse:

  • First place on the list is rightfully occupied by inflammation of the cranial nerves. With neuritis of the facial nerve, lumbago most often occurs in the temporal region. But they should not be confused with tension pain, which is pressing in the same part of the head;
  • Alcoholic and toxic neuropathy;
  • Chondrosis, intervertebral hernia, disc protrusion. In the case of such causes, the pain is localized in the back of the head, then smoothly flows to the temporal and frontal regions;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the head organs: sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the orbital part. The developed pathology can spread to the nerve trunks, which will lead to their damage;
  • Various neoplasms in the skull can put pressure on the nerves and disrupt their function, which leads to corresponding symptoms.

Localization of pain and its meaning:

  • Shooting in the frontal region appears when the body is hypothermic; it can occur spontaneously or when pressure is applied to the painful point above the eyebrow - the exit point of the branch;
  • Throbbing pain in the temporal region. This is the most innervated area, so there can be many reasons for its occurrence. Sometimes pain can be relieved by intensively massaging the temples;
  • Pulsation in the parietal region is usually associated with neck diseases. Pain occurs on one side or both at the same time;
  • Occipital cranialgia occurs with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, injuries and hernias of the vertebrae, while being in a draft.

Drug treatment

Treatment primarily depends on the cause of pain in the temporal region. If it’s a common cold, as they say, it’s blown away, then you just need to wrap your head and neck with a scarf and avoid further hypothermia.

With the development of osteochondrosis, treatment should be comprehensive and consist of both medications and physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and exercise therapy.

Of the medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will be primarily useful. These include “Diclofinac”, “Nimesulide”, “Voltaren”. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. To increase efficiency, intramuscular administration and external rubbing in the form of ointments are simultaneously carried out. The dosage and course of treatment are always individual.

To strengthen and grow bone tissue, medications with calcium gluconate are prescribed. A very effective drug is “Arthra” in capsules. For severe pain, you can use painkillers “Bral”, “Spazgan”, “Ketorol”.

The following ointments are used in therapy: Viprosal, Chondroxide, Voltaren, Diclofenac and others. There is now a very large selection of these dosage forms on the pharmaceutical market.

After the severity of the process subsides, you can begin physical therapy. Electrophoresis, UHF. Massage of the cervical-collar area should be done with caution, not to overdo it, so as not to cause harm.

For neuritis, anti-inflammatory drugs and nootropic drugs are also used - Piracetam, Phenotropil, Nootropil. Vascular medications help improve cerebral circulation and activate brain metabolism - Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cytoflavin.

If the inflammatory process is caused by a purulent focus, then a course of antibiotic therapy is necessary. Just first you need to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drugs. In most cases, protected penicillins are used - Amoxicillin clavulanate, Amoxiclav, Augmentin. Cephalosporins with intramuscular administration are used as reserve drugs.

For neoplasms of the central nervous system, consultation with an oncologist is required. Then he will prescribe appropriate treatment, most likely surgical.

For neuropathies of various origins, it is first necessary to exclude the cause due to which this pathology developed, and then long-term restorative treatment is carried out.

During the rehabilitation period, acupressure and therapeutic exercises are widely used. To develop facial muscles, you need to practice in front of a mirror. Effectively pronouncing difficult letters, phrases, tongue twisters. Massaging nerve exit points.

Pain in the back of the head is one of the main ailments in the modern world. As a rule, pain in the back of the head is not a disease in itself; it is considered a symptom of some disease. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the symptom of what kind of disease pain in the back of the head is without the intervention of a specialist.

Causes of shooting pain in the back of the head

Pain of this nature in the occipital lobe can develop as a result of the following diseases:

  1. – this is one of the ailments affecting the spine, in which rapid aging of the intervertebral discs occurs. Shooting pain in the occipital lobe is one of the first symptoms. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, serious deformities of the spine can occur.
  2. Cervical spondylosis. With this disease, shooting pain in the occipital lobe is observed when turning the head.
  3. Cervical myositis. This disease is very serious and requires treatment in the initial stages, because if the disease reaches the final stage, it will be impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon.
  4. Hypertonic disease. This is one of the most common ailments of the cardiovascular system, in which there is an increase in blood pressure. Due to increased blood pressure, shooting pain in the back of the head is observed.
  5. Myogelosis of the cervical spine. In addition to shooting pains in the back of the head, fatigue and dizziness may occur.
  6. Malocclusion. This disease is associated with improper alignment of teeth. With constant improper chewing, shooting pains in the back of the head may occur.
  7. . Due to pressure surges, pain in the back of the head may occur.
  8. The occurrence of stressful situations. When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, blood pulsates and, as a result, pressure increases. Increased pressure, in turn, can cause shooting pains in the back of the head.

What to do if you experience shooting pain in the back of your head?

Before starting treatment for pain in the back of the head, it is necessary to find out the reason why this symptom appeared. It is impossible to identify the cause on your own, so you should definitely consult a doctor (therapist). The doctor is obliged to write the patient a referral for an x-ray, and based on the results of the x-ray, send him to the appropriate specialist.

As a rule, to get rid of diseases that contribute to the occurrence of shooting pains in the back of the head, three treatment options are used (most often they are combined):

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Therapeutic exercises.

Massage is most often prescribed if the cause of pain in the back of the head lies in the presence of diseases such as osteochondrosis, occipital neuralgia, myogelosis, stress.

It is advisable to get a massage from a professional, because if a person does not have the appropriate skills, then he can only harm himself.

Physiotherapy is prescribed in the presence of the same diseases plus spondylosis, increased intracranial pressure and disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Therapeutic exercises to get rid of shooting pains in the temples

To reduce and prevent the appearance of shooting pain in the back of the head, there are several therapeutic exercises:

  1. You need to sit on a chair, keep your torso upright, and bend your head forward. You need to hold this position for 20 seconds (you can just count to yourself, you don’t have to specifically time this time). Next, the head straightens, the person can rest for about 20-30 seconds, and then the movements are repeated again. It is advisable to do this exercise 15-16 times.
  2. When performing this exercise, choose the most comfortable position, namely either sitting or standing. Hands are raised up, thumbs should be placed on the upper edges of the cheekbones, all other fingers should be placed on the back of the head. While inhaling, you need to throw your head back, while your fingers lying on the back of your head should create resistance. Look, while doing this exercise you need to look up. Next, you need to slowly count to 10. Exhale and for 7-8 seconds the head is tilted down as much as possible (the muscles should not tense). You also need to look down while performing this action. You need to repeat this exercise from three to six times.
  3. It is necessary to feel with your fingers the most painful point on the back of the head. Both thumbs are placed at this point, and the fingertips make clockwise rotational movements (there must be at least 15 such movements). Next, for 1.5 minutes you need to press your fingers on the painful point. After performing the pressure, you need to rest a little. You need to repeat the exercise after 2 minutes. This exercise should be repeated 3 to 6 times.

It is recommended to perform these exercises at least several times a week, then the shooting pain in the back of the head will no longer bother you. If such pain has not yet been observed, then these exercises will become a wonderful preventive measure.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to doing exercises, you also need to take care of your home environment, because if there is insufficient moisture there, then no amount of exercise will help. It is imperative to give up bad habits, since health and health are incompatible things.

Headache is familiar to every person. It varies and can radiate to any part of the skull. A fairly common occurrence is shooting pain in the head on the right or left behind the ear. In medical practice, this condition is called cranialgia.

Doctors do not consider this condition as an independent disease, but consider it the first sign of a more serious disease.

Shooting cranialgia appears suddenly and also disappears suddenly. There is a feeling in my head as if something has burst. Pain can occur in any area of ​​the skull.

Diseases that may cause cranialgia

There are a number of diseases in which this disease can appear.

A lumbago in the head can occur in any part of it.

  1. If we are talking about the frontal zone, then pain is felt on the right. Most often this occurs after a person has been in a draft.
  2. There are a large number of nerve endings in the parietal region, which is why the unpleasant symptom occurs in attacks and with frequent repetitions.
  3. In the back of the head, lumbago occurs both on the right and on the left. As a rule, if a person slept in an uncomfortable position or when turning his head.
  4. Shooting in the temporal zone can occur for many reasons, since there is a large accumulation of nerves in this area.

The provocateurs of the disease can be:

  • loud noise;
  • hypothermia;
  • chewing;
  • cough;
  • too bright light;
  • physical overload.

The main symptoms of cranialgia:

  • paroxysmal occurrence;
  • nausea and vomiting that does not provide relief;
  • numbness of the limbs, small parts of the neck and face;
  • high blood pressure;
  • temporary deafness;
  • the nature of the pain is sharp, possibly intensifying.

Why does there be pain in the head and shooting behind the ear?

Most often this occurs due to compression of the nerve trunk, inflammation of the nerve process, or some kind of mechanical damage to the nerve.

Usually simple painkillers in such cases do not have the expected effect. And it is not clear when to take them, because carnialgia lasts a matter of seconds and it is not known when a new attack will occur. The only correct solution would be a full examination with an obligatory consultation with an ENT specialist and a neurologist.

Treatment of carnialgia

Such diseases take quite a long time to be treated.

And treatment must be comprehensive.

For different causes of headaches, the treatment will be different from each other.

  1. Trigeminal neuralgia. To relieve pain in this disease, carbomazelin can be prescribed. This drug is classified as an anticonvulsant. The dosage is selected for each patient strictly individually. The effect of the drug lasts approximately 5 hours. The course continues until complete relief. In combination, it is possible to use physiotherapeutic procedures, blockade with amidopyrine and anesthetics, a course of vitamin B. If this method of treatment does not give the expected result, surgical intervention is possible in which the nerve ending is destroyed using radio waves or toxic agents. Decompression may be performed if there is pressure on the nerve root.
  2. Otitis. If this disease is the cause of the shooting in the head behind the ear, the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs will be mandatory. It is necessary to inspect foci of infection. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to an incision of the eardrum to remove purulent discharge.

What can you do at home?

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe treatment for yourself. But sitting in complete inaction and enduring pain is also not advisable.

At home, it is permissible to use thermal procedures in the form of dry heat. To do this, heat salt or sand, pour it into a fabric bag and apply it to the affected area.

A warming procedure is also possible. It is done using dimexide. To prepare, you need to dilute one part of dimexide and three parts of water. Wet the cloth with the resulting product and apply it to the area of ​​pain until dry.

When a lumbago behind the ear and, as a result, pain occurs on the street, you need to put on a hat and warm your head, if possible, go indoors and drink hot tea.

If lumbago is associated with excessively bright light or loud sound, you should immediately leave the area with the irritant. In bright sunlight, wearing sunglasses is mandatory.

If pain does not occur due to irritation of the skin, you can apply a light massage. The points that need to be pressed are located in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows and eyes. Massage can be done by first applying eucalyptus or clove essential oils to your fingers.

The sick person must be provided with absolute rest and avoid bright lights and loud sounds. The air must be constantly fresh. Don't talk a lot and don't go out.

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the lumbago. And it is better to entrust the examination and diagnosis to a professional. The treatment will depend on the results of the examination.

Quite often, a sudden headache with a shooting character, localized on the right/left side, has a chronic course.

This type of pain exhausts patients with its unpredictability of course and spontaneity of occurrence. The problem can torment a person for quite a long period of time.

Most patients, once confronted with such symptoms, fearfully await an attack that can form at any time.

Of course, sometimes it happens that a shooting headache on the right or left side develops for the first time, with complete apparent well-being, say, after a person has been in a draft, has become hypothermic, has tried a new, not entirely successful set of physical exercises and etc.

It should be noted that both described types of shooting cranialgia are commonly called shooting cranialgia in the medical community.

At the same time, shooting pain in the head (or shooting cranialgia) cannot be considered as an independent disease, which means that treatment of this problem affecting the left/right side of the head, its temporal, occipital or frontal part should take into account the root causes.

It is possible to establish such root causes of shooting headaches on the left or right after adequate diagnosis.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the situation when you complain: “Shoots in the head” may only mean the detection of a primary (superficial) symptom of one or another serious health problem.

Actually, that’s why we suggest taking the most serious approach to considering and studying the possible causes of the mentioned problem, and if you detect shooting headaches on the left, do not delay going to the doctor for a full diagnosis and treatment.

Patient Valentina, 64 years old. I came to see a doctor with complaints about the periodic occurrence of acute, painful, shooting pains in the left side of my head.

The patient noted that sometimes the pain was so intense that it was accompanied by nausea and even vomiting, dizziness and numbness of the neck and shoulder, on the one hand.

After a detailed examination, it was discovered that the patient had suffered several transient transient ischemic attacks, which threatened her with the development of a full-fledged stroke. The patient was prescribed treatment aimed at eliminating vascular pathology and preventing stroke.

Provoking diseases

When a person periodically shoots in the head, the causes of this condition can be incredibly varied, ranging from the most harmless (hypothermia, starvation, improper exercise) to quite serious, even life-threatening (stroke, brain tumor).

Acute shooting pain in the head is considered a fairly common symptom of various types of neuritis or neuralgia of the facial nerves.

For example, neuralgia of the trigeminal facial nerve, which has three fairly large branches directed to the upper/middle/lower part of the face, often has similar symptoms.

In this case, the real symptoms always correspond to a specific lesion of one or another of the branches:

  • When the first branch is affected, it shoots in the head in the forehead or eyes, and the problem can be accompanied by dizziness.
  • When the second of the branches is affected, shooting pain in the head is localized closer to the cheeks and temples; their pulsation and lumbago are often felt.
  • When the third branch is affected, the patient complains of pain in the chin, lower jaw and neck.

Sometimes shooting pain is characteristic of migraine, inherent in sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, hypertension, vascular pathology, brain tumors, etc.

In order for the reader to be able to experience the variety of reasons that can provoke shooting headaches, we decided to list in the table several of the most common diseases with similar symptoms. Without exception, it is simply impossible to describe all diseases characterized by the described manifestations in one publication.

For the treatment and prevention of migraines, Elena Malysheva recommends. It contains 16 useful medicinal plants that are extremely effective in treating migraines, dizziness and cleansing the body as a whole.

Diseases whose symptoms include shooting cranialgia

Pathogenetic type mechanismsPathological conditions
Clinical conditions affecting the autonomic ganglia. Neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion and the intermediate nerve (or Sluder and Hunt syndromes).
Lesions of certain peripheral
nerves, which provokes pain and lumbago.
Mentioned neuritis/neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve (or Sicard Syndrome), pathology of the V and IX pairs of cranial nerves, Polyneuropathy of various origins.
Neurovascular type disorders Microvascular compression, aneurysms, transient ischemic attacks, malformations of various cerebral arteries, arteritis.
Cranialgia of ophthalmogenic origin (diseases affecting the organs of vision). Multiple inflammatory and suppurative processes with damage to the orbit with the involvement of certain nervous structures in this pathological process.
Infringement of the upper paired (cervical) spinal nerves. Various forms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, intervertebral hernias, post-traumatic neuralgia.
Inflammatory pathologies of the osteoarticular apparatus of the maxillofacial areas. Acute, purulent arthritis and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joints, osteomyelitis of the jaws with damage to certain cranial nerves.
Intracranial impulse. Tumor-like processes (eppendymoma, astrocytoma, schwannoma, neuroma), in cases where the problem is localized near the nerve trunks, cystic formations, brain abscesses.
Irritation of facial nerve endings. Psychogenic-neuropathic lesions.
Various inflammatory lesions of the hearing and olfactory organs. Acute purulent otitis, purulent-destructive mastoiditis, acute sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis.

How can you help yourself?

If you have a shooting in the head for the first time, the pain is moderate and is not accompanied by other serious disorders, if you monitor your health (periodically undergo preventive examinations) and understand that the causes of the problem do not lie in a dangerous pathology, you can relieve the pain with an anesthetic .

Although after this, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor regarding the diagnosis and prevention of the problem.

Review from our reader Olga Nesterova

I recently read an article that talks about Father George’s Monastic Collection to get rid of migraines and headaches. This collection cleanses blood vessels, calms the nervous system, and improves general condition.

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a week: weakness, constant headaches that had tormented me before receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

In the same case, when pain of this type occurs regularly and quite often, if the problem is complicated by vomiting, fever or other dangerous disorders, it is not recommended to treat yourself.

Treatment of diseases that manifest themselves, in general, and shooting pain, in particular, is a rather difficult task.

In any case, the treatment of the disease will depend on the root cause of the underlying disease, which gives a similar clinical picture.

Patient Tatyana, 35 years old, went to the doctor complaining of a frequent shooting headache. The patient noted that pain began to appear after visiting the dentist (treatment of pulpitis), while the treated tooth did not bother her at all and looked quite healthy.

After a full examination, it was revealed that during the treatment of the tooth with canal filling, the paranasal sinus on the right was injured. The patient was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis with frequent exacerbations. A repeat visit to the dentist is recommended, as well as treatment of the underlying disease.

In the treatment of diseases manifested by lumbago in the head, depending on the precisely determined cause of the occurrence of such lumbago, a full range of therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at symptomatic relief of pain may include:

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, in particular thermal procedures. Such treatment may be indicated for neuralgia, neuritis, and colds.
    Treatment consists of applying dry heat, using paraffin-ozokerite applications, compresses with dimexide, etc.;
  • Non-thermal physiotherapeutic techniques - electrophoresis, iontophoresis, UHF therapy, laser therapy, galvanic current, magnetic procedures;
  • Massages are usually the lightest acupressure;
  • Certain water treatments;
  • Timely intake of medications prescribed by a doctor. Most often, for such problems, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics;
  • Blockades with local anesthetics of trigger points, affected trunks or ganglia. In such situations, it is customary to use solutions with novocaine, lidocaine, etc.;
  • Taking B vitamins (pyridoxine, thiamine);

To summarize, I would like to remind you of the golden rule of doctors, which sounds like this: “Chronic (long-term and untreated) headaches are always a long-term (chronic) and difficult treatment.

Only the earliest possible treatment of any acute diseases that are among the causative factors of shooting headaches can provide the desired effect of eliminating it.

Do you still think that it is impossible to GET RID OF MIGRAINE!?

Have you ever encountered a severe headache that you simply cannot bear!? Judging by the fact that you are now reading this article, then you know firsthand what it is:

  • very severe headache in the frontal or temporal region....
  • the pain is throbbing or bursting, intensifies with the slightest movement....
  • the pain is accompanied by nausea and sometimes even vomiting...
  • the lights and sounds are unpleasant...
  • and you've been taking a bunch of medications for a long time...

Now answer the question: It suits you? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE. And this can lead to more severe consequences, such as status migraine and migraine stroke.

That's right - it's time to start putting an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish Natalya Budnitskaya’s personal story, in which she talked about how she not only coped with chronic MIGRAINE, but also got rid of a whole bunch of diseases.