Bergamot essential oil in tea. We love, appreciate, and are proud: the properties and uses of bergamot oil. Harm of bergamot oil and contraindications

Essential oil bergamot – natural herbal product, obtained from the Mediterranean plant of the same name.

Due to its amazing, refined aroma, bergamot is widely used in perfumery, aromatherapy and even in confectionery, where it is used as a flavoring agent for popular teas. The main source of raw materials for obtaining bergamot essential oil are the flowers, leaves and multi-layer peel of the fruits of the plant of the same name, however, taking into account the fact that the output is not the same a large number of finished product, bergamot oil is quite expensive.

Bergamot essential oil and its properties

The product described has a wide range of useful properties, including special attention deserve such qualities as:

  • antispasmodic effect;
  • immuno-strengthening;
  • general health;
  • antitoxic;
  • relaxing, promoting relaxation;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

It has been established that bergamot oil restores a person’s performance, charging him with energy and positivity. It is believed that aromatherapy procedures with this remedy quickly relieve fatigue, improve concentration and allow you to develop imagination, abstract thinking and fantasy, which are so important and significant for people of creative professions.

Bergamot oil for face, hair and body

Bergamot essential oil properties and uses

Bergamot essential oil

Bergamot essential oil // Aromatherapy // Essential oil properties

Bergamot essential oil

Bergamot essential oil: o medicinal properties and use for hair

Bergamot Properties of essential oils

Bergamot essential oil Properties and uses

Top 5 Most Powerful Aphrodisiac Essential Oils

The properties of bergamot oil are also mentioned as one of the powerful aphrodisiacs - special substances used to develop sensuality, enhance love passions and ardor. According to some experts, the aroma of bergamot promotes liberation, overcoming internal psychological barriers, indecision and timidity. Carrying out facial and body skin care procedures that use bergamot oil in one form or another can significantly improve the condition of the skin, gently normalize the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands, narrow enlarged skin pores, reduce the appearance of acne, small scars, stretch marks and other skin defects.

The presented product appears in many well-known aromatherapy procedures, where it is used to aromatize and disinfect the air, to prepare relaxing and soothing baths, as well as to make and use aromatic medallions. So, to disinfect the air and enrich it with a pleasant citrus aroma, a few drops of the described product added to the water in the bowl of an aroma lamp are enough. In just one such aroma session, the air in the room will become much cleaner and fresher.

In aromatic pendants, 1-2 drops are enough for one accessory.

Next, the oil is added as it evaporates. To prepare an aromatic bath, you will need to dilute a mixture made from a spoonful of rich sour cream or cream and 5-6 drops of the described essential oil in a glass of moderately hot water. Having thoroughly mixed all the ingredients, the resulting composition is poured into a partial bath of water at a comfortable temperature. The duration of such a beneficial, soothing and relaxing procedure can vary from 15 to 20 minutes.

Use of bergamot oil in the treatment of diseases

For diseases oral cavity and throat from the described remedy you can prepare an effective antiseptic rinse, which will reduce inflammation, relieve pain and destroy infection. To prepare this rinse, you will need to dilute 2 drops of bergamot oil and oil in 100 ml of heated water. tea tree- another powerful one antiseptic of natural origin.

The duo of these oils is also used in combination to treat nail plate fungus. So, for the treatment and prevention of fungus, a mixture of tea tree and bergamot oils, taken in equal proportions, is recommended to be rubbed into the nails. It should be noted here that undiluted essential oil concentrates can only be used on nails, but not on the skin, where they can cause burns.

In the treatment of influenza and ARVI, the described drug is used as one of the powerful components with antibacterial and antiviral activity. Thus, bergamot oil can be used for:

  • disinfection of air in the patient's room;
  • inhalations;
  • rinsing;
  • disinfect the room by spraying the mixture from a spray bottle. The mixture for spraying is prepared from 1-2 drops of essential oil, 1 teaspoon medical alcohol and 100 g of warm water (proportions are based on 5 sq. m of treated area).

The use of bergamot essential oil in cosmetic procedures

It will help reduce the appearance of cellulite in problem areas, as well as strengthen and tighten the skin of the body. regular massage with an oil mixture of almonds and bergamot, components are taken at the rate of 10 ml almond oil and 5 drops of essential oil.

In addition, using the described product, you can greatly increase the effectiveness of using products intended for body skin and hair care. To do this, just add a few drops of bergamot oil to any familiar product, be it lotion, cream, shampoo or hair conditioner.

To give your hair a wonderful aroma, healthy shine and smoothness, just apply 1-2 drops of bergamot oil to your favorite comb or massage brush. This aroma massage of the scalp will improve blood circulation, ensure proper breathing of skin cells and normalize activity. hair follicles. It should also be noted that with regular aroma massage, the antibacterial and stimulating properties of bergamot oil will prevent the formation of dandruff and accelerate the growth of healthy and beautiful hair.

Bergamot is an interesting representative of the citrus genus. An evergreen plant with a breathtaking scent. It is a mixture of orange and orange. The warm, humid climate has a very good effect on bergamot and the fruits grow large and fragrant.

Bergamot fruits look distinctive, a bit like a pear with a thick multi-layered peel. Fruit for a long time used by Italian doctors in medicine, in other countries they didn’t really know anything about it.

Although bergamot has much in common with fruit, it is not used as food. It is grown exclusively for its essential oil.

The oil is especially valued due to the fact that the peel of the fruit contains only 3% essential oils. To obtain 1 kilogram of essential product, it is necessary to process more than 200 kilograms of fruit peels, flowers and leaves. The oil is obtained by several types of processing: the peel is processed by cold pressing, and the flowers and leaves are processed by hydrodistillation.

In contact with

The exact composition of bergamot essential oil has not yet been studied by chemists; according to various sources, it contains from 300 to 500 oily compounds. Slightly less than half of the composition is occupied by linalyl acetate and linalool. It is thanks to these substances that the oil has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, calming effect, and also saves from spasms.

The composition of the oil from the peel of bergamot and from the leaves is different. The first contains citral, camphene, linalyl acetate, linalool, limonene. The oil extracted from the leaves contains linalool, limonene, alcohol, geraniol and more. Although the composition differs slightly, chemists highlight the differences.

Due to the presence of furocoumarins, the oil is used for skin pigmentation disorders, for example, for vitiligo. The product is strictly forbidden to be used in a solarium.

Bergamot fruits with leaves

Beneficial features

Bergamot oil is widely used due to its beneficial properties. Bergamot oil perfectly relieves inflammation and itching, helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract; inhalations with bergamot are recommended for colds.

Essential oil has properties: antiseptic, antipyretic, used for infections, sore throat, problem skin. Aroma oil improves appetite. It has a citrus aroma, perfectly refreshes and tones.

Essential oil helps general strengthening body. Especially him beneficial influence can be identified in case of problems with:

  • headache;
  • migraine;
  • minor burns;
  • colds.

In perfumery, bergamot is considered an aphrodisiac. It significantly enhances sexual performance, and the owner of this fragrance becomes several times more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Application in cosmetology

Since the discovery of bergamot oil, scientists have actively studied it. beneficial features. The areas of application of ether are extensive; it is beneficial in medicine, cosmetology, perfumery and even Food Industry! Actively used in the fight against acne, ulcers and other damage to the skin.

Methods of use for hair

For hair, ether is very useful because it normalizes the production of sebum and has antifungal properties. It is actively used to improve the appearance and quality of hair.

Essential oil benefits hair:

  • hair growth accelerates;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands improves, thereby keeping the hair clean longer;
  • strengthens and nourishes hair follicles;
  • soothe irritated scalp;
  • fights dandruff and flaking;
  • prevents splitting of hair ends;
  • moisturizes hair length.

The immediate effect will be noticeable if cosmetic mask for hair, add just a few drops of oil. It is also good for adding to hair scrubs and masks. homemade. But the product should be used immediately after preparation, since the natural ingredients can deteriorate and cause harm rather than benefit to health.

For a pleasant shine to their hair, many girls use bergamot oil for aromatherapy: a few drops are dripped onto a natural wooden comb.

For facial skin

Bergamot essential oil has very beneficial properties for facial skin. It has found application in cosmetology due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and soothing effects. It is actively used in the fight against rashes and other skin problems.

Bergamot oil has been successfully used in the treatment of vitiligo.

For active action on the skin, it should be added daily to your usual skincare products in small quantities, for example, to a facial tonic or makeup remover. But you should not add oil to all products; if used excessively, it can cause burns and dry out the skin.

The oil increases the photosensitivity of the skin, that is, makes it more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, if you have bergamot oil in your care, you should use sunscreen. Cosmetologists do not recommend using bergamot oil for the face in summer. In the cold season, it is better to use it at night, so as not to provoke the appearance of pigmentation, which will take a long time to disappear.

Aroma oil is also widely used during spa treatments

For nail fungus

The beneficial substances contained in bergamot oil also help combat nail problems:

  • slow growth;
  • thin nail plate.

It is recommended to add bergamot to massage oils, hand cream, and nail bath; it goes well with base oils such as peach, apricot, and almond. These manipulations will strengthen the nail plate, moisturize the skin, nourish and speed up the process of nail restoration. The oil improves blood circulation and improves skin tone. It has a general strengthening property.

Bergamot oil does not help with nail fungus. The disease should be treated with appropriate medications.

You should not use the bergamot product more than 5 times a week.

It is obtained from the peel of the fruit, leaves and flowers of the plant of the same name. - a citrus plant, its history begins in the Italian Bergamo, thanks to this place this tree got its name. The new kind bred by crossing varieties of citron and bitter orange, and the essential oily drug from it has a delightful smell and a lot of useful properties.

Fragrance oil Produced using special technology using cold pressing. This type of pressing allows you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals, present in bergamot. Bergamot oil in pure form– an oily liquid that has a yellow-green color. Its aroma simultaneously carries the aroma of citrus and notes of a spicy floral scent, which is pleasant and light, and also perfectly refreshing.

What are the benefits of bergamot oil? Properties of bergamot oil

Relieves dandruff
- Tightens pores
- Resists infections and germs
- Strengthens nails
- Regulates digestion
- Relieves irritation and stress
- Relieves spasms and pain
- Normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat
- Promotes muscle relaxation
- Increases libido

How is bergamot oil used? Application in folk medicine and cosmetology

Thanks to its numerous beneficial properties, the beneficial aromatic substance has found active and widespread use in cosmetology, and also widely realizes its properties in folk medicine.

About the use by healers

Application in cosmetology

In traditional cosmetology, it wonderful properties used to care for oily hair, strengthening it, getting rid of dandruff and giving hair a natural, healthy shine, as well as for comprehensive care for oily and problem skin of the face, hands, body, to strengthen nail plates, for relaxing and erotic massage.

Hair care: you need to put one drop of aromatic substance on a comb or massage brush and just comb your hair well. The action of bergamot will make your hair shine and smell wonderful. In addition, after several procedures, the hair will become stronger and dandruff will disappear. Bergapten, contained in bergamot and producing melanin, stimulates hair growth.

Facial skin care: apply the product to problem areas in the form of pimples, age spots and scars. Creams and masks with added bergamot oil relieve inflammatory processes and acne, cleanse and perfectly tone the skin, significantly reduce the production of subcutaneous fat and significantly improve complexion. You just need to add a couple of drops to any non-greasy cream, mask or compress. Please note that too much of it can result in skin irritation. For oily skin, you need to take 15 ml of glycerin, 75 ml of distilled water, 5 drops of geranium and bergamot oils and 3 drops of sandalwood oil. The resulting cosmetic product copes with the production sebum, thereby eliminating unsightly oily shine.

Body care: to sweet almond oil add 5 drops each of bergamot oil and lemon oil, 3 drops of neroli oil and 1 drop aromatic oil from rosemary. The resulting oil refreshes the body, relaxes the muscles and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. To relieve fatigue and relax, take baths. To do this, into the water sea ​​salt It’s worth adding a few drops of wonderful, aromatic oil.

Care for hands and brittle nails: Apply 2 drops of oil to the skin of your hands and massage your hands and nails well. The nails will become strong and will not peel off in the future.


Its use is useful for increasing sexual power and for quick tanning. The use of this aromatic drug in esotericism improves mood, activates imagination and fantasy, protects against negative emotional fields in crowded places, and increases vitality.

On the coast Mediterranean Sea Not far from the Italian city of Bergamo, a very capricious tree grows: its flowers fall off from the wind, and its fruits cannot stand the heat at all. In addition, this very not small (from two to ten meters in height) evergreen plant dies at temperatures below 5° C. Is it any wonder that such a sissy feels best in sunny Calabria? But even people who have never visited Italy are probably very familiar with the aroma of small yellow-green fruits. So, meet: bergamot.

Not the most delicious, but very aromatic citrus

In fact, experts still do not have a common point of view on the origin of the plant itself and its name. Some consider bergamot to be an independent type of citrus fruit, obtained by crossing citron and bitter orange; others are sure that it is just one of the varieties of bitter orange. Some associate the name “bergamot” with the Italian city of Bergamo, and others with the ancient Turkish city of Pergamon (modern Turkish Bergamo). Bergamot is considered to be the birthplace of Southeast Asia, but today the main area of ​​its growth is Italy (however, this thorny tree is also found in Africa, in the south of Turkey and France).

Photo gallery: bergamot, its flowers and fruits

Bergamot is an evergreen tree with fleshy leaves and small yellow-green fruits reminiscent of oranges. Delicate white bergamot flowers, blooming in March, have a surprisingly bright and pleasant aroma. Cut bergamot fruit looks like a lemon or orange.

The aroma of bergamot fruits - spicy-citrus with a smoky bitterness and light floral notes - is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. But their taste, unfortunately, is much inferior to the lemons, limes and grapefruits we are used to: the sour-bitter, tart pulp does not make us want to eat it at all. Therefore, the plant is used primarily to obtain the essential oil contained in the peel of the fruit. True, in Lately Bergamot ether was also produced from its flowers and leaves.

How bergamot “inherited” in the history of mankind

It is generally accepted that bergamot began to be used on an industrial scale in 1824 as a flavoring agent for low-quality tea. It was as a result of this process that, over time, the well-known Earl Gray (“Earl Gray” or “Grey-haired Earl”) appeared - the most popular variety of flavored tea throughout the world.

The classic version of Earl Gray is black tea with bergamot oil, although today green and white teas with bergamot flavor are also produced under this name.

Pieces of dried peel or a few drops of bergamot oil added to tea leaves give the drink unforgettable taste and aroma

  • back in 1709, eau de Cologne (“Cologne water”) was made in Germany based on bergamot ether, and this is no less than the first cologne in the history of mankind;
  • There are references to the use of bergamot oil by German doctors in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases already in the 17th century;
  • In the most ancient esoteric practices, it was believed that bergamot oil, which belongs to the group of solar oils, increases the brightness of the aura, gives a feeling of joy and happiness, protects from other people’s negative energy and awakens creative forces.

There is also an opinion that the pharmacist from Cologne, who created Cologne water, simply managed to unravel the secret composition of “aqua regina” - “royal water”, invented in one of the monasteries of Florence in the 14th century.

In general, it must be recognized that the use of bergamot by humans has a long and quite diverse history.

Recent history of bergamot

In whatever area bergamot is used today - be it perfumery, cosmetology, esotericism, medicine or cooking - we are, first of all, talking about its essential oil.

Bergamot essential oil

Despite the fact that the peel of bergamot is quite heavily saturated with esters, about two hundred kilograms of fresh fruit are needed to produce one kilogram of light green oil.

Citrus essential oils are obtained in two main ways: cold pressing (pressing) or distillation. Since in the second case the plant raw materials come into contact with hot water or steam, its aroma is partially lost. Therefore, oil obtained by distillation is of lower quality.

Of course, with such a relatively low output finished product turns out to be quite expensive. But its unique properties, due to its composition, justify all the costs incurred.

Composition of bergamot oil

In terms of the richness of its composition, bergamot oil is, as they say, “ahead of the rest”: it consists of 175 various substances. By the way, among citrus fruits, only bergamot (and its oil) contains melitidine and brutieridine, which have a pronounced anti-cholesterol effect. The amazing aroma of the fruit is due to linalool and L-linalyl acetate, and the rest of its beneficial properties are responsible for:

  • limonene;
  • camphene;
  • citral;
  • geraniol;
  • caryophyllene;
  • D-a-terpineol;
  • bergapten;
  • methyl anthranilate;
  • and a whole bunch of specific substances and compounds like oxygen-containing sesquiterpenoids (nerolidol, farnesol, bisabolols).

It is clear that from a product with such a unique composition everyone has the right to expect absolutely unique properties. Well, bergamot oil fully lives up to these expectations.

Aromatic light green bergamot oil has a rich, varied composition and many beneficial properties.

We love, appreciate, are proud: properties and uses of bergamot oil

Thanks to his unique composition, bergamot oil:

  • exhibits antibacterial, antiseptic, wound-healing, antispasmodic, antipyretic, tonic and soothing properties;
  • reduces the level total cholesterol, blood sugar levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, which are responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, the product is actively used for:

  • stress, neuroses, depression, anxiety;
  • bronchitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and sinuses;
  • functional disorders gastrointestinal tract(loss of appetite, intestinal colic, stomach pain);
  • cystitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • acne, pustules;
  • psoriasis, eczema, herpes, skin irritations, seborrhea.

Thus, there are at least three areas of application of bergamot oil besides the food industry with its teas and the perfume industry with its cologne: medicine, psychology and cosmetology.

Fragrant medicine

IN medicinal purposes Bergamot oil can be used both externally and as internal remedy(which is, generally speaking, very rare for broadcasts).

Table: medicinal recipes using bergamot oil

Medical problemRecipe for using bergamot oil
AnginaUse a mixture of 3 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp to gargle. honey mixed in a glass of water
FeverAdd to 200 ml cold water 15 drops of bergamot oil and apply a compress to calf muscles
DepressionAdd one drop of bergamot oil to 1 tsp. honey and take the mixture three times a day
Decreased appetiteA mixture of one drop of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. take from one to three times in a day
Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction25-30 drops of bergamot oil and 1 tsp. dissolve honey in half a glass boiled water, divide the resulting drink into 3 parts and take three times a day for a week
Elevated cholesterol levelsAdd to 1 tbsp. honey 3 drops of bergamot oil and take the resulting mixture once a day 30 minutes before meals for a month
Poorly scarring woundsUse externally a mixture of 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5 drops of bergamot oil
PhlebeurysmApply compresses from a mixture of 200 ml of water and 10 drops of bergamot oil
Flu, ARVITo destroy viruses, add 3-5 drops of bergamot oil per 15 sq.m. to the aroma lamp. room area
Oral inflammationUse 100 ml rinse warm water, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops tea tree oil
HeadacheMassage the back of your head and temples with a mixture of 10 ml of oil grape seeds, 2 drops bergamot oil and 2 drops neroli oil
Bacterial diseases of the genitourinary systemFor two weeks, use tampons soaked in a mixture of 1 tbsp at night. water and 3-4 drops of bergamot oil

In addition, since bergamot oil can actively influence emotional sphere person, he is highly valued by psychologists.

Bergamot and psychology

Psychologists (as well as esotericists) have long known that the aroma of bergamot:

  • increases concentration;
  • activates creativity;
  • relieves anxiety;
  • successfully fights despondency;
  • stabilizes the psyche;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • gives a feeling of joy.
  • start your morning with an invigorating shower using gel with bergamot;
  • periodically inhale the aroma of bergamot at work to relieve accumulated fatigue;
  • before an important meeting, breathe in a mixture of bergamot and lavender aromas to achieve the necessary level of concentration and concentration;
  • use aroma lamps and aromatic baths with added bergamot oil to reduce anxiety, improve mood and appetite.

By the way, you can achieve an amazing refreshing effect using the following simple recipe: Add a couple of tablespoons of full-fat milk or cream, pre-mixed with five to seven drops of bergamot ether, to a bath of warm (about 45°C) water. 15 minutes of relaxation in such a bath - and you are ready for new achievements.

Video: benefits of bergamot

Hardly anyone will dispute the fact that emotional condition a person most directly influences his appearance. So already at the stage of psychological relaxation, bergamot oil makes us fresher and more beautiful. But these are mere trifles compared to how it can affect our appearance as a cosmetic product.

Home cosmetologist

The antiseptic and wound-healing properties of bergamot oil, as well as its ability to regulate the level of oily skin and have a tonic effect on it, make this ester an effective cosmetic product.

Let's get our face in order

You were tortured problematic skin, acne, rosacea, comedones, acne? No problem: bergamot is here to the rescue! Its essential oil:

  • normalizes work sebaceous glands and effectively fights oily skin;
  • tightens pores;
  • accelerates cellular regeneration and quickly heals wounds and ulcers;
  • evens out skin texture and increases its elasticity;
  • brightens dark circles under the eyes and refreshes skin tone.

To achieve such wonderful results, you can either add 2-5 drops of bergamot oil to your favorite cream, toner, lotion, makeup remover, or treat yourself to homemade, pleasant and effective cosmetics based on it. For example, like this:

  1. To cleanse the skin: you will need 10 ml of grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of thyme oil; mix all the ingredients and rub the resulting mixture into cleansed facial skin before bed.
  2. To reduce oily shine: you will need 75 ml of distilled water (sold in pharmacies), 15 ml of glycerin (sold in pharmacies), 5 drops of bergamot oil, 5 drops of geranium oil; mix all ingredients well and wipe cleansed facial skin before going to bed.
  3. To lighten the skin and increase its tone: you will need 2–4 drops of bergamot oil, 0.5 tsp. honey, 500 ml warm boiled water; mix oil and honey, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, rinse your face, previously cleansed of makeup and impurities, and blot dry.
  4. To narrow pores: you will need egg white, 5 drops of bergamot oil; beat the egg whites into a loose foam, add oil, apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin for 10 minutes, rinse warm water.
  5. For acne: you will need half an apple (without peel), 1.5 tsp. grape seed oil, 5 drops of bergamot oil; Grate the apple on a fine grater, add a mixture of oils, apply the resulting mixture to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Immediately after applying the product, a slight burning sensation may appear, which quickly passes.
  6. For acne: you will need 5 g of dry plantain leaves (sold in a pharmacy), 10 g of red clay (sold in a pharmacy), 20 drops of bergamot oil; Grind the plantain leaves into powder, add clay and oil, mix well, apply the mixture evenly to pre-steamed facial skin and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Bergamot oil is an excellent remedy care oily skin face, since it has antiseptic and wound-healing properties, as well as the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands

I have problem skin that periodically becomes inflamed. I am preparing a face mask with bergamot oil and clay, it soothes well and relieves irritation.

Daria, 25 years old

But the face is a face, and no one has canceled the care of other parts of the body. So, what else can bergamot oil offer us?

When age is not determined by a passport

A massage product with bergamot oil can dry out pustules and herpetic rashes on the body, reduce the appearance of acne, reduce sweating and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, refresh and cool the skin. To do this it's simple:

  • mix 50 ml sweet almond oil, 5 drops bergamot ether, 5 drops lemon oil, 3 drops and 1 drop of rosemary oil;
  • use the resulting mixture for general or segmental massage or rubbing.

By the way, anti-cellulite massage with bergamot oil is also very effective. In this case, use a mixture of 10 g of carrier oil and 5-7 drops of bergamot oil. Such massages are performed in a course: one procedure every two days for two weeks.

Bergamot oil also helps to obtain an even, beautiful tan. Therefore, it makes sense to add 2-3 drops of it to 1 tbsp. l. your favorite tanning product and apply the resulting mixture to your body about an hour before sunbathing.

[The next paragraph can be safely skipped by young ladies who are not yet concerned about the condition of the skin of their hands.] Oh, these hands! It is they (and not light wrinkles around the eyes or a few gray hairs in the hair) that reveal our true age to others. But we must admit that they get much more in life than other parts of the body: cleaning, cooking, washing (yes, this happens) - all this cannot but leave its mark. So, dear ladies of about Balzac age: bergamot oil perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates the skin of the hands, and the author of the article tested it on herself. Prepare a mixture of 10 ml base oil(the author prefers coconut oil, but you can take, for example, sweet almond or grape seed oil) and 3-5 drops of bergamot oil, apply it to your hands and massage the skin thoroughly (by the way, this mixture perfectly strengthens nails and accelerates their growth). And let your age be determined by the shine of your eyes, and not by the wrinkles on your hands!

I use bergamot oil for my face and nails. For the skin, I add the product to the day cream; with oil, it mattifies the skin even more and dries out inflammation. The complexion looks healthy, the skin glows. For nails, I rub the oil into the cuticles and nail plates, they have become stronger and do not flake.

Alina, 23 years old

And also, no matter how unpleasant it is to talk about it, there is such a problem as excessive (and extremely odorous, yes) sweating of the feet. Also familiar to the author firsthand, alas.

Thousand dollar legs

The author of the article arranges this procedure for himself at least twice a week. She helps fight excessive sweating feet and deodorizes them. It's simple: add 2 drops of bergamot oil, fir oil and tea tree oil to a bowl of warm water (about four liters). You will enjoy rinsing your feet in this bath for 15–20 minutes. That's it, that's enough. Tested for myself. Did you think it would be more difficult?

Braid - girlish beauty

Well, today a waist-length braid may be too much, but healthy, well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of female beauty at all times. And it will help us to make them like this (drum roll)... Have you guessed it? That's right, bergamot oil. Because this is exactly what it is:

  • fights dermatitis and seborrhea of ​​the scalp;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • strengthens and nourishes hair follicles;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • prevents split ends of hair.

As a result, we have shiny, strong, healthy hair. To do this, you just need to add a few drops of bergamot oil to regular shampoo, balm or rinse. Or apply these drops to a wooden comb and carefully comb your hair in different directions. Moreover, this action must be performed regularly, otherwise, unfortunately, there will be no effect.

Regular combing with a wooden comb using a few drops of bergamot oil promotes healthy and beautiful hair.

It’s also good to make hair masks. For example, these:

  1. For dandruff: you will need it slightly warmed in a water bath. Burr oil(1 tbsp), bergamot oil (2 drops), tea tree oil (3 drops), eucalyptus oil (3 drops); mix all the ingredients, rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for 40 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  2. For damaged and weakened hair: you will need Castor oil(1 tbsp), burdock oil (1 tbsp), bergamot oil (4 drops); mix the ingredients, apply to hair from the roots along the entire length and leave under a plastic cap for 15 minutes, wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  3. To strengthen hair: you will need natural yogurt (30 g), bananas (2 pcs.), bergamot oil (15 drops); beat yogurt with bananas in a blender, add bergamot oil to the resulting mixture and mix well, rub the mixture into the roots of dry hair and distribute it along its entire length, leave the mask under a plastic cap for 1-2 hours, rinse with your usual shampoo.

Or mouthwash for oily hair, for example, like this:

  • add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of warm boiled water. l. apple cider vinegar and a mixture of bergamot oil (5-7 drops) and rosemary oil (3-5 drops);
  • Rinse your washed hair with the product.

I add bergamot oil to tea, it turns out very aromatic, and when I have a cold it helps to cope with the disease faster. I recently started using a hair product, I do masks once a week to strengthen the roots, my hair falls out less.

Lyubov, 31 years old

So, in medicine, psychology and cosmetology, bergamot is highly valued, and this is well deserved. However, despite its, frankly speaking, simply disgusting taste, this citrus is widely used in cooking. Don't believe me? But in vain.

Bergamot in cooking

  1. There is nothing better in the world than adding a little grated bergamot zest to your muffin batter. Honestly. It turns out so piquant that neither lemon nor orange zest stood next to it. And in conditions of absence at hand fresh fruit bergamot, you can use a drop of bergamot oil for this purpose.
  2. Pork ribs, well marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, honey, bergamot juice (the main thing here is not to overdo it), ground black pepper, ground hot red pepper and ground coriander, then baked in the oven, guaranteeing you the adoration and devotion of all men fed this masterpiece ( just don’t forget to serve beer with these ribs). Again: if bergamot fruit is not available, use a drop (literally a drop) of bergamot oil combined with balsamic vinegar instead of juice.
  3. Dressing made from finely chopped fresh cucumber, dill, a few drops of bergamot juice, natural yogurt, mustard and salt can turn a trivial Chinese cabbage salad into a glamorous dish for a slimmer diva.
  4. A cocktail of 50 ml of Malibu white Caribbean rum with the addition of a couple of drops of bergamot juice and a piece of ice makes life not just bearable, but definitely wonderful.

In general, the fact that you were born bitter and sour does not mean that you will not find use for yourself, and that you will not be loved and appreciated.

Grated bergamot peel added to the dough gives baked goods a piquant spicy aroma and a pleasant taste.

Bergamot oil: contraindications

Unfortunately, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment, and almost everything has contraindications. And with citrus fruits - any - you need to be extremely careful: these fruits quite often cause allergic reaction. Therefore, before using bergamot oil, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate test by applying a small amount of aromatic liquid on the bend of your elbow. It should be borne in mind that redness of the skin and a burning sensation in the first five minutes after such application are absolutely normal phenomena.

In addition, it is strictly not recommended to use bergamot oil on open areas skin immediately before going out into the sun: this way you risk getting uneven pigmentation. This leads to a simple conclusion: no matter what cosmetic procedures with bergamot oil, whatever you intend to use, do them in the evening before bed (the exception is sunbathing with tanning agent enriched with bergamot ester. But do you remember that this product is applied to the skin at least an hour before going out into the sun?).

And finally, it is better for pregnant women to refrain from using bergamot oil: a number of substances contained in this ester can cause unwanted cuts uterus Of course, this does not mean that for nine difficult months of her life a woman should forget about her favorite tea with bergamot, not at all: in the absence of an allergic reaction, a cup of aromatic drink a couple of times a week will not lead to fatal consequences. This, as always, is a matter of reasonable measures.

A little esotericism at last

Of course, esoteric practices are not close to everyone, but it would be unfair to remain silent about this side of the use of bergamot oil.

It is believed that solar bergamot oil increases the glow of a person’s aura and dampens the vibrations of a hostile astral field. At the mental level, it organizes and structures the information and thoughts received.

In addition, bergamot oil is strong aphrodisiac and has long been used in relevant magical rituals. Esotericism claims that it can attract a partner and strengthen the spiritual connection between lovers. On the other hand, this oil helps to get rid of excessive love attachment and dependence.

So if your relationship has reached a dead end, and you would like to end it without unnecessary drama, tears and suffering, dilute it in 1 tbsp. l. water 3 drops of bergamot oil and rub the aromatic mixture on your body: this remedy will strengthen your mental strength, eliminate doubts and hesitations and make the breakup as easy as possible. In any case, this is exactly what magicians, shamans and sorcerers of various kinds promise.

And also save peace of mind and your belief in a happy tomorrow will be helped by your favorite perfume compositions with notes of bergamot: Azure Lime (Tom Ford), Balenciaga Paris (Balenciaga), Armani Prive Cologne Spray Eau de Jade (Giorgio Armani), Pomegranate Splash (Marc Jacobs), Coco Mademoiselle (Chanel ).

Video: using bergamot oil

Citrus fruits are a wonderful gift from nature to man: sunny, juicy, invigorating, aromatic, they give energy and joy and restore the taste for life. Even New Year It smells like a Christmas tree and tangerines, have you noticed? And the small fruits of bergamot, although tasteless to the point of inedibility, are no exception. Hold them in the palm of your hand, bring them to your face and feel the enormous potential hidden for the time being in the thick multi-layered peel. Just believe the unspoken promise and that little splash of sunshine will change your life.

The sweet, rich, balsamic-spicy nature of bergamot essential oil creates a festive, bright mood. Inhaling the citrus, refreshing aroma, you feel as if you are transported to colorful and spirited Italian towns, where life is in full swing and people know how to appreciate the simple joys of life.

Bergamot is often called Italian oil, and this is not surprising: perhaps only in this country can an unusually whimsical tree find ideal conditions for growth, the fruits of which are used to produce aroma oil. The more than five-meter tree has such a complex “character” that it can rightfully be considered one of the most difficult tree crops to grow. Delicate flowers fall off strong wind, and the fruits - from the July heat, and the trees themselves die as soon as the air temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius.

The name of this aroma oil is often associated with the town of Bergamo. The main production region is sunny Calabria, but more affordable oils originally from North Africa are increasingly appearing on sale.


This essential oil belongs to the solar group, and accordingly is aimed at the creation and development of new things, promotes creative endeavors and positive ideas, and brings new energy. As a creative oil, with its sweet-citrus aroma, bergamot eliminates unpleasant emotions, anxiety, despondency, melancholy, apathy, etc., liberates and cheers, promotes an optimistic mood and positive emotions. It is believed that this aroma oil will make even the most inveterate pessimist smile.

Bergamot oil successfully neutralizes Negative influence The “heavy” energy of crowds and mass gatherings helps overcome difficulties and promotes learning and cognition. Complementary oils are bright aromas, and calm, relaxing. The healing properties of bergamot are enhanced in combination with aromatic oils and.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

The use of bergamot oil is based on its antispasmodic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antifungal, immunostimulating and antidepressant properties. It is often used in aromatherapy and as an anesthetic in complex therapy.

Aroma oil from the bark of this amazing plant not only effectively lowers cholesterol levels, but also helps thin the blood, strengthen blood vessels, minimize the manifestations of dystonia of various origins, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve appetite. Bergamot is also effective as a remedy for eliminating urogenital infectious diseases.

The cosmetic effect of bergamot oil is based on antiseptic and healing properties: this aroma oil not only effectively copes with acne, inflammation and irritation, pigmentation and enlarged pores, but also fights much more serious problems - skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, varicose veins veins (in the early stages).

By regulating the balance and oiliness of the skin, bergamot essential oil has an effective refreshing and tonic effect. Bergamot oil is also used for dandruff, brittle hair, eczema and psoriasis.

Contraindications and dosages

Bergamot essential oil belongs to the group of photosensitive oils, so it is not recommended to be applied to exposed skin in summer. It should be used with caution by pregnant women and those with sensitive skin. When testing for an allergic reaction, it should be taken into account that when applied in the first 5 minutes, bergamot oil always causes redness and burning.

Depending on the expected effect, you can add from the standard 5 drops of aroma oil to a more intense dosage of 15 drops. You can also almost double (up to 5 drops) the dosage of bergamot oil for.

For all procedures that involve direct contact with the skin increased concentration bergamot essential oil is undesirable.

  • B, hot compresses and steam baths (for deep cleaning facial skin) you can add up to 5 drops of aroma oil (start with 1 drop for the first procedure, gradually increasing the dose).
  • For cold compresses, including antipyretic ones, which are usually applied to the calf muscles, you should add 3-5 drops of bergamot oil to the base.
  • To improve nutritional and tonic characteristics cosmetics For every 10 ml of product, add 1 to 3 drops of aroma oil.

In cooking, the aroma of bergamot can be found not only in traditional black tea compositions, but also as a flavoring agent in wines, jams, compotes, vegetable and fruit salads.