How not to be a closed and uncommunicative person. Confinement closed

Closedness is usually viewed as a negative character trait that causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. A closed person has difficulty making contact, makes new acquaintances, is wary of strangers, does not adapt well to a new team, and has difficulty opening his soul to others. And all this is not at all out of love for loneliness: sometimes such people especially want to be in contact with others, but difficulties arise with this.

Reasons for isolation

Psychologists consider isolation to be a problem in childhood. It is then, as a rule, that some children become sociable and relaxed, while others - However, the child grows up, and problems grow with him, and often loneliness and isolation go hand in hand.

Children often withdraw into themselves because of the frequent quarrels between their parents, which happen right before their eyes. And if the child is also involved in such altercations, the problems can be even more serious. The baby may try to become invisible, secretive, and experience communication problems. To prevent this type of isolation, it is often enough just to improve the microclimate in the family.

Those children who suffer from a lack of communication also grow up withdrawn. Children who lived surrounded by other children, regularly went for walks or attended kindergarten, as a rule, do not have problems of this kind. But if the child spends a lot of time with adults who are always busy with their own affairs and, worse, brush the child aside, then isolation is the most obvious scenario. He gets used to the fact that no one cares about him, and gets used to playing with himself.

It is best to begin correcting isolation when the first signal appears - the child refuses to communicate with his parents and with anyone else. Further, fear of strangers and major problems in the future may develop. In some cases, the help of a psychologist is required.

How to get rid of isolation?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question of how to overcome withdrawal. First you need to try to find out where it came from, since when and how it is progressing. If the problems come from deep childhood, then most likely you will not cope without the help of a psychoanalyst.

Often this trait can be associated with your complexes. For example, being overweight and withdrawn at first glance are weakly connected, but in reality everything is much more serious: because of the fear of condemnation, you withdraw into yourself. In this case, you need to fight complexes, and in this way overcome your unsociability.

Often girls, even those with a very pleasant appearance, cannot admit this, and because of this they tend to limit their communication. In this case, you need to change your appearance, do everything to ensure that it suits you as much as possible, and then your isolation will disappear by itself.

Take care of yourself, for example, change your hairstyle or get a manicure, make cosmetic masks - all this will gradually give you confidence in your appearance. Feel free to wear nice clothes, and old jeans. Watch your gait and posture.

Any person easily communicates with those with whom his interests are similar. Therefore, a mandatory step is to participate in any hobby group, attend any courses or classes. There you can find like-minded people and easily establish communication with them. And after your circle of connections increases significantly, it will be easier for you to contact other people.

The most drastic but effective way to overcome isolation lies in consciously stepping over your fears. If you are afraid to talk to a stranger, approach people on the street and ask the time. If you are embarrassed to meet people, practice on dating sites. By doing what you were afraid of before, you conquer your fear.

He is so gloomy and uncommunicative. - He even does it with his eyes - morgue-morgue.

Unsociability as a personality quality is a disinclination to communicate, to form emotional connections, both within one’s group and outside it.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. And the king had two sons. The younger one lived in a separate palace, had a large kennel, and owned the best horses in that direction. And the eldest lived at his father’s palace. He was very jealous of his brother and accused the king of loving only the younger one. "Why?" - the father was surprised and assured the prince that he loved his sons equally. And one day the eldest son could not stand it and exclaimed: “My brother has everything you could wish for, you fulfill his every desire.” Meanwhile, I don’t have even a hundredth of what he owns. And after that you say that you love me no less! - Yes, but I never refused your request. If you need these luxuries so much, you should have told me about it. I can't know all your needs.

Quite often, unsociability is explained by individual psychological characteristics of the individual. For example, an introvert focuses on his inner world. As K. Jung wrote: “His own world is a safe haven, a carefully tended and fenced garden, closed to the public and hidden from prying eyes.” Introverts, as a rule, are unsociable, prone to introspection, socially passive and have a rather difficult time adapting to society. The mind, intelligence and feelings of an introvert are turned inward, to the world of their own experiences; they have little contact, are silent, and have difficulty making new acquaintances. Introverts are often secretive, difficult to get to know, they tend to hide their emotions and do not like interference in their personal lives. Introverts are characterized by increased, sometimes unfounded anxiety about the slightest everyday problems, their health, increased sensitivity and a heightened sense of danger.

If most people suffer from their unsociability, considering it a major drawback, then others consider self-absorption a blessing. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant was one of these people. He considered friendship “the strong point of novel writers.” But even the unsociable Kant recognized that “man is a being intended for society (albeit an unsociable one), and in a developed social state he feels a strong need to share with others (even without a special purpose)”; therefore, the essence of “moral friendship,” according to Kant, is “complete trust between two people in disclosing their secret thoughts and experiences to each other.” People, according to Kant, are naturally characterized by the so-called “uncommunicative sociability,” i.e., on the one hand, they have an inherent tendency to communicate, on the other, “a strong tendency to retire (isolate) ... the desire to conform everything only to their own understanding.”

Usually an unsociable person gives the impression of being unsociable, dejected, sluggish in communication, fenced off, passive and inert. It would seem that every effort should be made to reunite with sociability, but, having the psychology of a victim, an unsociable person often does not want to change anything or learn the secrets of sociability. Such people find the position of dissatisfaction, condemnation and complaints about life more attractive. Feeling sorry for himself, an unsociable person feels inner comfort - there is no need to make decisions, take responsibility, or strain. By doing this year after year, he gets used to not setting ambitious goals for himself and not accepting the challenges of life. His destiny is to yearn and hope for someone.

Here is one of the many comments from people about unsociability: “This unsociability is a terrible thing. It was because of her that I had to endure constant bullying at school, because of her I always go to university alone, separately from everyone, and I’m always the last to find out everything - either they are avoiding me, or I’m exaggerating everything, not to say - finally, It is because of her that in eighteen years of my life I have never been able to find a friend or even just a person who will understand you. It’s funny to say that even in the phone that I’ve been using for two years now, I only have my mother, father and older sister (by the way, a completely normal, “sociable” girl) registered in my phone. Of course, I understand that all these are not such important things - acquaintances, public opinion - death, speaking globally, will still make everyone equal, but sometimes it’s unpleasant to realize how much you have to miss in this life. No, don’t be unsociable, that’s a bad trait.”

Fortunately, unsociability can be cured by cultivating its opposite - sociability. But implementing your plan alone is a difficult and fanciful undertaking. It is necessary, as Maxim Gorky said, to “go among the people” so that they pull the “sufferer” out of the swamp of unsociability. Baron Munchausen claimed that he pulled himself out of the swamp by his hair: “Once, fleeing from the Turks, I tried to jump over the swamp on horseback. But the horse did not jump to the shore and we plopped into the liquid mud with a running start. It was necessary to choose one of two things: to die or to somehow be saved. I decided to save myself. But how? There was nothing at hand. But we always have our head at hand. I pulled myself by the hair and thus pulled myself out of the swamp along with the horse, which I squeezed with both legs like tongs.”

A complex, unsociable person who is inclined to feel sorry for himself will not pull himself out by the hair; you need to go to active, cheerful, sociable people, learn from them, and stay in their environment. A person gradually becomes like his surroundings. Tell me what your environment is like, and I will tell you who you are. An energetic, proactive, cheerful environment will, over time, transform a person who wants to change into a sociable person. For unsociability, communication is destructive. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Anyone who wants to give up unsociability must resolutely take up learning how to be a sociable person.

Peter Kovalev

- You have changed, Alyosha. Gray hair is nothing. Previously, you were like a house where all the doors and windows were open, but now this house is tightly boarded up.

V. Azhaev. Far from Moscow

Closedness as a personality quality is a tendency to block one’s mind, feelings and reason from outside influence, to show isolation from communication, to avoid interaction with others .

The word “closedness” in an abstract meaning was introduced into the Russian dictionary by critic V.G. Belinsky. In relation to human character, it received a specific metaphorical reflection from I.S. Turgenev in “The Diary of an Extra Man”: “... I’m not stupid at all; Sometimes even thoughts come into my head, quite funny, not entirely ordinary; but since I'm a superfluous person and with a lock inside, then I’m terrified to express my thought, especially since I know in advance that I will express it very badly. Sometimes it even seems strange to me how people say this, and so simply, freely... What agility, just think. That is, I must admit, for me too, despite my lock, tongue often itched; but I actually uttered words only in my youth, and in more mature years almost every time I managed to break myself. I used to say in a low voice: “But we’d better keep quiet for a little while,” and I’ll calm down. We are all quite willing to remain silent..."

Introversion can become a conscious choice of life path, consistent with the natural manifestations of human nature. Many introverts, by their nature, simply do not like public hustle and bustle, do not want to be public, in everyone’s sight and ear. They find a comfortable, quiet haven in their inner world. They are not bored when alone. You cannot blame them for weakness, uncertainty or fear. Such people simply do not need an environment that steals their precious time in empty conversations. A striking example of this is Isaac Newton, who was locked up for everyone. He had no friends. What kind of communication should we talk about if the scientist forgot to sleep and eat? While working, Newton knew how to completely disconnect from the life around him. They say that one day he was found in the kitchen in front of a pot of boiling water where the clock was being cooked, while Newton himself was intently looking at the egg clutched in his hand. From the outside, the great scientist looked closed in on himself. In fact, behind his isolation hid an incredible concentration of thought on the object under study. The best expert on Newton's biography, Richard Westfall, wrote: “The more I study him, the more Newton moves away from me. I have been fortunate at various times to have known many brilliant people whose intellectual superiority I have no hesitation in recognizing. But I have not yet met anyone with whom I could not measure myself - you can always say: I am equal to his half, or his third, or a quarter, but it will always turn out to be a certain fraction. My research about Newton finally convinced me: it is useless to measure anyone with him. For me he became the absolute Other, one of the tiny handful of supreme geniuses who gave meaning to the concept of human intellect; a person irreducible to the criteria by which we evaluate our own kind.”

Isolation is a line of defense of the human psyche from the harmful influences of the outside world. As a rule, a closed person has a hard time getting along with people, does not get along in a team, is distrustful, extremely selective in friendship and friendship, pessimistic and gloomy. A number of reasons make a person withdrawn: fear of being rejected, misunderstood or ridiculed, fear of condemnation, previous derogatory statements addressed to him, low self-esteem, the inability or unwillingness to look at the situation in an optimistic, new way. Often a person becomes withdrawn in order to be with himself or to protect himself from the harmful influence of the outside world. Sometimes a person, burned by betrayal, treason, hangs a “barn lock” on the door “Openness”. Having forgotten about forgiveness, he cultivates resentment and resentment in himself. In contrast to unsociability, which boils down to a reluctance to communicate, to form emotional connections, both within one’s group and outside it, isolation can manifest itself in other areas of life besides communication: in words, actions, and in the way of life in general.

Closedness is a barrier from the outside world. Outwardly, a person can demonstrate sociability, but at the same time keep the interlocutor at a distance. No matter how much he strives to reduce the distance, he constantly runs into “anti-tank hedgehogs” of verbal and non-verbal signals about remoteness, coldness and inaccessibility. The entrance to the personal space of a closed person is securely closed. About others ad infinitum, but not a word about myself. A kind of openness, I must say. You talk with such a person for a couple of hours, and then you are surprised to realize that you know nothing about him. One girl writes that R Previously, isolation prevented her from living: “And now I accept myself as I am. Now I’m a fairly sociable person, but I still live in my own world, into which I don’t let anyone in. I generally feel more comfortable alone than in company, even if these are my closest friends. But really, sometimes you have to deal with very personal issues. I’m not lying, I’m just answering correctly that I don’t intend to tell anything, and I don’t want to talk about it. Friends used to be offended by me because of this, they took me personally, but over time they got used to it.”

From the point of view of the development of the mind, men have a more closed, static nature than women. The male mind says: “I know how to live.” It is difficult to redirect a man according to fate, to reach his mind. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of audiences engaged in learning how to live correctly are women. Possessing high sensitivity, sparkling mobility and agility of the mind, they willingly listen to advice, easily make changes in life, and quickly make decisions. One good lecture can change a woman’s consciousness and radically change her position in life. This trick won't work with a man. He needs time to thoroughly understand everything and move his psyche from his home. A man is reluctant to listen to other people's opinions. Closing himself in his inner world, he feels comfortable in union with his straightforward, ossified mind. Therefore, women should take into account such a feature of the male psyche as a certain closed mind and not blame their husbands for a slow reaction to the challenges of life. Under no circumstances should you mock a man, demanding that he quickly overcome the isolation of his mind and begin to act. It is necessary, without intrusiveness, to inspire your husband to have a different understanding of things. Moreover, this must be done delicately and tactfully, so that he gets the impression that he himself came to this idea. The end of the action is when he says: “Yes, I knew this a long time ago.”

Manifested personality traits have a direct connection with diseases. Thus, isolation leads to chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Internal stiffness and tension caused by isolation causes spasms of the kidney vessels. As a result, the adrenal glands become overstimulated. In addition, confinement causes increased intracranial pressure. In other words, it “gives” a person hypertension.

Petr Kovalev 2013

Statistics say that psychological isolation- a problem for almost 63% of the modern world population. Closedness can be either from birth or one that develops at a certain age (during childhood and adolescence, a little less often in adulthood). Having discovered in a child signs of isolation, you need to immediately take measures to solve it, since the child is very flexible and changes occur easily. Whereas working with an adult will require a lot of effort. Due to the fact that there are habits, foundations and routines.

Usually the child copies the behavior of the parents. If parents are afraid of this world, then the child will most likely behave the same way. Of course, fear of parents can be in a different form than that of a child. Let's say the dad may have aggression (i.e., protecting his interests through aggression), and the child may have the form of isolation. But here there is also copying of behavior. But not in form, but in content. Dad puts other people's interests in front of him and puts his own first, and the child does the same. Below I will explain how this is connected.

Introverted people are defined by Carl Gustav Jung as introverts. But fortunately, these are not characteristics inherent in genes, but only superficial personality programs. Behavior style.

So what are the signs of psychological withdrawal or who are introverts?

Introverts are people (or rather, their psychological type) who are focused on their inner world, their feelings, emotions. They create a world for themselves (albeit not entirely real) in which they dream of spending their lives. It is because of this property that introversion can be replaced by more open behavior with fairly simple actions; more on this below.

The main signs of isolation:

Indecisiveness(for example, at school age, children who are withdrawn into themselves are afraid to raise their hand in class, go to the board to answer, speak, or come up to ask something first);

Difficulty in finding a common language with other people, with society (most often this is just the subjective opinion of a closed person; he is sure that he does not know how to communicate, that because of any small mistake he will be laughed at or he will not be accepted by society);

Hypersensitivity to criticism and condemnation, fear of general criticism, condemnation (hearing criticism addressed to oneself is the same as experiencing some kind of catastrophe on a global level);

Narrow circle of acquaintances; reluctance to expand this circle, make new acquaintances and acquaintances;

— Reluctance and/or fear of being the center of attention, in the center of praise and congratulations;

— Pronounced shyness, timidity;

Excessive seriousness, passivity (from the outside, it may also seem like excessive thoughtfulness, daydreaming, but in fact the reason for this state is psychological isolation);

Irresponsibility. Lack of desire to be the initiator of something quite large-scale and significant;

Tendency to blush for any reason. And fear of other physiological manifestations. Sweat, choke, fart, cough.

External signs

There are also a number of external features that cause state of isolation in humans:

— You may notice that most often reserved people keep their hands in their pockets. In the psychology of gestures, this means a desire to protect oneself from the entire surrounding world, distrust of everyone and everything except well-known friends or acquaintances;

- The head is slightly lowered - self-doubt, lack of faith in one’s attractiveness and strength, the desire to remain unnoticed by the “gray mouse.” Confident people always walk with their heads held high, their shoulders back and their eyes full of determination;

- The gaze is lowered to the ground or goes somewhere under the feet. During a conversation, it is impossible not to notice that such people seem to be afraid to make eye contact; they very rarely look directly into the eyes of their interlocutor, which is also a sign of their insecurity and fear of society.

But these signs showing isolation can also work in the opposite order. For example, if a person is tired of the state of isolation, then it is enough for him to force himself to walk with his head held high, his shoulders squared, look at the world with a confident look, and walk with an even, firm step. At first there will be a feeling of discomfort, but a new style of behavior will help a person become more courageous, sociable and open to others. This, of course, will not remove the problem (since the psyche will remain the same), but it will help to push it aside for a while. Then everything will go back to normal.

Yes, you can also develop communication skills, learn to control yourself, take acting classes, for example. But the problem will remain so - since it lies not at the level of communication but at the level of values. This means that every time you will need to fight with your inner essence.

Reasons for isolation

It may seem that the reason for the reticence is the genes passed down from the parents. But if you look closely, you will see that many outgoing parents have withdrawn children, and vice versa. The reason for isolation in 90% of cases is excessive concentration on one's goals.

Yes, it happens that something happens to a child and he decides that it is better to stay away from the world. But the child grows up and already understands that he can stand up for himself, but the behavior remains the same. This means that it is beneficial for this adult to be in this state (or it is easier, since there is no need to change anything and learn new things).

Let's look at a few examples so that you can see for yourself the difference in the thoughts of a closed person and an open one.

Closed a man goes on stage to perform. All he thinks about is how I won’t embarrass myself, how I won’t forget the words, and what if I suddenly choke and my voice will disappear.

+ Open a person thinks: How to give maximum benefit to the people around him, how to rock the room, how to engage those who are sitting in the back rows.

Notice the difference? No? Then more examples.

Closed a man wants to meet a girl. He approaches the one she likes and the following thoughts will be in his head: How can I not be stupid, how can I not embarrass myself, and what if she sends me away.

+ Open a man approaches a girl he likes. In his head are thoughts: How to convey to her that she is attractive, how to make the conversation comfortable and pleasant for her.

Don't get it yet? Then again.

Closed walks into a party full of people and thinks: I need to act more relaxed, I need to talk to someone, what if I look like an idol.

+ Open man: What a funny guy, I need to come find out who he is, I see a friend of mine, I wonder how he got here.

Do you think you got it? Let's take another test, and I'll explain what I'm trying to show.

Closed During a conversation, a person thinks: how should I look relaxed, and how often should I look at him, I feel uncomfortable standing so close to him.

+ Open a person usually thinks like this during a conversation: the thought he is saying is incomprehensible to me - let me clarify, she speaks so quickly, she is excited - but why?, he just said an interesting turn - how does he manage to speak so smoothly.

Explanation from Oleg:

Treatment of withdrawal

To begin with, this process cannot, of course, be called a treatment. Since isolation is not a disease, but a behavior style and value. As you may have already understood from my audio explanation, this is the paradigm: I/Me and the World/They paradigm.

You need to work with the paradigm. No amount of acting training will help, since they only give skills, but do not change the approach. Ask yourself questions (they will highlight your lifestyle):

  • If a dog comes up to you and wags its tail, do you give it a little warmth by petting it?
  • Do you often say nice words to people when you feel it?
  • Are you interested in the people around you, their goals, tasks, or just what concerns you?
  • How attentive are you to the behavior of others, do you notice the slightest changes in their clothing and behavior?
  • Do you see the beauty/lack of beauty of the people around you, their emotions, their images?
  • Can you remember who is involved in what they are interested in, and what their needs are now?
  • How often after a conversation can you describe what the person was wearing, what mood he was in, how he felt?

Oleg's explanation:

Practical steps

What I described in my explanation is an idea from the inside out. Once you stop looking at yourself and start looking at the needs of others, tectonic changes begin. It is useless to try to technically solve the fear of dating girls, or the fear of public speaking. Until you have the skill to give. Nothing can change. It's not as difficult as it seems, it's not nuclear physics, but it will require some effort on your part.

Your life is already filled with people and events. Start taking actions not from the position of doing good for yourself, but doing good for others. Start like athletes with a small weight, gradually increasing it. Even a trip to the store can be a mini-training.

You can act in several areas:

  • Area of ​​thoughts, attention
  • Field of virtual communication
  • Real communication area
  • Scope

Explanation from Oleg:

Do you want to get rid of isolation as quickly as possible?
I'm waiting on (we work until victory)!

Details Created: 06/23/2016 18:21

Before we figure out what you need to do to become talkative, there are a few reasons why some people are not very talkative, that is, unsociable.


Firstly, there is such a thing as shyness. If a person is shy, this means that it is difficult for him to meet and talk to new people due to the fact that he lacks self-confidence. Another possible reason for the taciturnity of some people is that they have nothing to say - either they don’t know much about anything, or they have a poor vocabulary. In addition to these two cases, it may be that a person is smart, well-read, and not shy, but he does not easily find a topic for conversation and is not flexible enough in communication. Due to all these reasons, it becomes difficult to communicate with people.

Let's take a closer look at the situation when a person is not very talkative and lacks confidence in communication. If there is high self-confidence, easy communication comes naturally. People who communicate easily are those who are confident that they are good, capable, and worthy of being accepted, listened to, loved, and communicated with. Insecure people tend to have doubts about this. They are tormented by thoughts: “I’ll come up and start talking, will they like me?”, “Will they accept me?”, “Or maybe I’ll say something stupid?” and so on. And most often, instead of finding answers to these questions, they prefer not to communicate. Unsociability and isolation sometimes become the norm of life.

To overcome your communication hesitancy, I recommend taking a few steps. The first of them is to try to adequately evaluate yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and make sure, in the end, that among the seven billion people who exist on the planet, there is someone better than you, someone worse than you, someone more beautiful, someone not so much. All these people, together with you, have approximately the same talents and abilities. In order to create correct self-esteem and show yourself that you are worth something, reflect on your skills and abilities, find your strengths, remember your recent achievements, and make sure that you are really no worse than others.

At the second stage, in order to overcome uncertainty in communication and become more talkative, you need to find within yourself the desire to make contact with people. If you really find it difficult to communicate, find an opportunity to explain to yourself why you need it. Motivate yourself. Remember that if you communicate more often, each time it will be easier for you to do this, you will become more sociable. If you experience fear of communication, are afraid that you will be poorly assessed, then understand that until you go through the fear of being assessed by other people, you will not feel like a worthy person. In order to learn to speak, you need to speak. And to become talkative, you need to talk. Therefore, even when you are not confident, you should take a step towards the conversation and practice communication.

The third important point that should be taken into account to overcome uncertainty in communication and shyness is to remember that appetite comes with eating. You need to motivate yourself, repeat to yourself that it will be easier in the future, it will be more interesting in the future, more will be achieved in the future. But in order for this to happen, you need to take the first steps. These thoughts will help you motivate yourself if you are currently having difficulty communicating due to lack of self-confidence.

Nothing to say

Now let's look at the situation where some people are taciturn because they have nothing to say. This situation suggests that they reflect little, read little, think little, observe little. They live a more reactive life. That is, it somehow rolls on its own, and the person is simply included in this life.

In order to become talkative in such a situation, it is very important to turn on mental processes. There are many ways to do this. For example, when you are watching a movie, try to think and understand what was interesting for you in this film. This can be done in writing, or you can simply evaluate it for yourself, retell it, or just think about it.

The second technique is called retelling. When you read or hear something, try to retell it. Retelling gives us the opportunity to find the right words, train our brains and learn to express our thoughts well and correctly.

The third important exercise for developing communication skills is to try to think about what new did you learn for yourself in some work, in some poem, film, etc., think about how it can be useful for you. This exercise trains our brain in such a way that we begin to analyze information, try to make sense of it, get to the bottom of it, and perhaps even find the hidden meaning.

Finally, the fourth exercise that will help you develop sociability is simply read poetry and prose aloud. This will give you the opportunity to hear yourself from the outside and correct your speech if necessary. By regularly doing these exercises, over time you will suddenly see that you have learned to think, express your thoughts, convey your point of view, and so on.

So, we have looked at a number of exercises and tips that can help become talkative in two cases: when a person is not confident in himself, and when he is not used to thinking, reasoning, or cannot freely express his thoughts. However, confidence in communication is gained not only by the person who can tell or retell something, but by the one who can freely handle various interesting topics. In order to learn how to do this, it is important not only to broaden your horizons, but also to acquire the ability to think quickly and switch quickly.

In order to be able to speak well, I recommend not only reading a lot, thinking a lot, but also listening to the interlocutor in order to join in on time and support any point of view, any conversation.

To learn how to switch quickly, you should practice the ability to quickly express your point of view on different topics. There is a game that can help develop this skill. The game is called “The Smartest”, you may have seen it on TV. In this game, the child is quickly asked questions, and he quickly tries to navigate and answer each of the questions. You can play the same game with one of your friends: let him ask some questions on different topics, and you must answer them quickly. Regular training will give you the opportunity to quickly switch, operate freely with your thoughts, as a result of which you will begin to speak very well and vividly.