Effective protection against energy vampires. Ways to protect yourself from the “lunar” energy vampire. Family energy eater - annoying person

Among relatives, friends and acquaintances there will definitely be such individuals whose presence is always a burden. And it’s not just that they are begging for money or asking for solutions to their problems. And the fact is that they “exhaust” us psychologically, while at the same time they themselves are saturated with our energy. These people are called Energy vampires.

Let’s take a closer look at who energy vampires are (types, signs) and how to protect yourself from them.

Ignoring is the best cure for stupidity. No matter how much of an idiot this person is, sooner or later it will dawn on him how cold his interlocutor is towards him and what could be the reason for this. Well, it goes well with a serious pug. Result: “You’re evil, I’m not playing with you.” And everyone is happy - the energy vampire goes to look for a new victim, and I have asserted myself. :)
author unknown

Energy vampires: types, signs

At first glance, energy vampires look like ordinary people, from whom you can easily get some benefit for yourself when communicating.

In fact, they slowly but surely suck the energy out of a person, sometimes on a subconscious level, without realizing it. However, a considerable part of those who are called energy vampires intentionally feed on other people's energy.

How can you understand that in your environment there is precisely such an individual for whom other people’s emotions are a kind of “tonic”? Read about the 13 most common types of energy vampires below and think about whether there are such people among your friends, at work, or even at home.

If you often have to communicate with a human vampire, then you need to know how to behave with him in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Some of them behave like unpleasant egocentrics, others like smart and irresistible seducers (if the relationship concerns a couple in love). But they all begin to behave, to put it mildly, capriciously, when you stop admiring them or allow yourself to have an opinion different from their own. They exhaust you with far-fetched grievances and even scandals.

Try not to succumb to their charm, and do not agree to any dependence on them (including material). Do not enthusiastically share their feelings and opinions on any matter. The best defense when dealing with a vampire-narcissist is to remain yourself and firmly defend your opinion.

Energy vampires in the family

But this method is not applicable in all cases. For example, if a person lives with an energy vampire under the same roof. He is a husband or wife, a child, one of the parents. In this case, it will be quite difficult to ignore the situation.

Many try to end relations with them, break up, move away, stop communicating. But such manipulators have in their arsenal many techniques that can turn any situation in their favor. Vampires return to the family and begin relationships. They skillfully appeal to both negative and positive human emotions. But they only get fuel from negative emotions.

You need to be aware that energy vampires never change. If, after breaking up, you bring him back into your life again, then he may begin to take revenge and take away positive energy more intensely.

Be as impregnable as a rock!

What to do in such a situation? To solve this problem there is a method " Gray Rock" The essence of this method is to lead the manipulator to be the first to lose interest in you.

There is no need to abruptly break off relations with him, this can only lead to rage. You need to make him feel bored. When an energy vampire, wanting to “feed” on energy, begins to provoke and ask uncomfortable questions, you should not be provocative, but give monosyllabic answers. So that he has nothing to cling to.

If you continue this line of behavior, he will soon become bored. And he will find another donor. The thing is that manipulators hate boredom. You can't get any emotions out of boredom.

Energy vampire at work (boss, colleague)

If the energy vampire is a colleague or classmate, you need to choose a different method of communication:
  • Without entering into dialogue with him, when communicating with other people, talk about how boring life is, that absolutely nothing interesting happens in it. In such a situation, the manipulator will not even want to feed on the energy of this “boring” personality.
When life brings you into contact with such a vampire within the same work team, the Gray Rock method (see above) can be used as follows:
  • The manipulator methodically probes the weak points of his “donor” and, having found the weakest and sickest, puts pressure on it. You need to give him one of your most insignificant weaknesses in a weak point wrapper. Let him think that this can be manipulated. Without receiving a reaction, he will stop looking for a reason for conflict.
The main problem of energy vampire manipulators is that they cannot stand boredom. This can also be used when dealing with an energy vampire at work.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire

So-called energy vampires are quite common. Such a person creates a scandal and at the same time tries to knock you out of your mental balance, reveling in watching you go into full swing, or, conversely, begin to lose your temper and get angry. Which most likely leads to even bigger mistakes. There is protection in such cases.

The most important thing is to watch your breathing. Try to be relaxed as you inhale and exhale slowly and evenly. This exercise in itself already removes the lion's share of the energy vampire's "attack" on you.

Try to think about something positive without completely stopping to listen to the person who is putting pressure on you or yelling at you. Read a verse or prayer in your mind. Or even just count to one hundred. Under no circumstances think badly about your opponent - this will only inflame your anger more and you will eventually lose your temper.

Try to answer questions strictly: YES or NO. Like in the army. A lengthy explanation will only lead to you becoming confused and even more nervous. This will give your opponent a reason to mock you even more.

It is better, as a last resort, to simply remain silent. This behavior will show that you are listening carefully.

The main thing is to remain calm. Thunderstorms overhead do not last forever, and every quarrel will end someday. And perhaps you yourself will be able to understand the vampire and feel sorry for it, because this is also a disease in its own way.

This is the basis of psychological confrontation. Just like in a real fight: if someone pushes you, pull you, if they pull you, then move towards the person pulling.

A good example: Grandmother is an energy vampire

Almost every person is taught kindness, mutual understanding, and respect for elders from childhood. Yes, old age is an inevitable state of the human body, it comes to everyone, but it changes people in completely different ways.

My mother's sister is now 80 years old. Previously, she was a kind, sympathetic woman, she had two sons and a husband. But over time, the eldest son, having received a large dose of radiation in the army, died of blood cancer, the youngest, having become a drug addict, died of blood poisoning, and the husband died in an accident. We felt very sorry for her, and we always tried to help her in everything.

But in the last three years we have noticed that her attitude towards us has changed dramatically. When she came to us, any conversation boiled down to a scandal on her part; she constantly took offense at fate in a raised voice and said why she felt bad and we felt good.

We tried to calm her down, but in response there was even greater aggression, she shouted at my mother: “Why are my children lying in the cemetery, and your daughter is sitting here on the sofa (although after 37 years I already have epileptic seizures and two head injuries? disabled group 2 for more than 10 years).” She also could not calm down on any issue.

Soon we began to notice that after her visits, all of us (the three of us live: me, my mother and my son) either started having headaches or got worse, and developed very strong weakness. One day, by chance, I was talking to a psychotherapist I knew, and she explained to me that perhaps due to the stress she had experienced, my aunt became an energy vampire, without knowing it. Therefore, when she shows aggressiveness towards us, she can be fueled by our energy, which explains the deterioration in our well-being.

Of course, mom couldn’t refuse her. But when she doesn’t come to us, my mother goes to her and comes home very depressed with headaches. Yes, it’s hard to believe this, but we didn’t find any other explanation other than this “vampirism”.

Of course, almost every person changes as they get older. But if you find out that your relative has become an energy vampire due to these changes, it’s just terrible! And what is most difficult in this situation is that it is almost impossible to find a way out!

They are not afraid of sunlight, silver and garlic, and do not drink blood. These people feed off other people's emotions. Learn to resist energy vampires!

23:40 28.12.2012

Bioenergetics specialists and psychologists are sure: energy vampires exist! “Bloodsuckers” make scandals, complain about an unfortunate fate, threaten, bore, or in some other way try to unbalance the victim.

It is not surprising that a person or group of people to whom such a message is directed feels worse, their mood deteriorates, depression and powerlessness arise.

The vampire does not always know that he needs recharge . But even if he draws energy from others unconsciously, he needs to be resisted. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sick: such a negative impact reduces all the protective functions of the body. Dealing with such people is quite simple: adopt several proven bioenergetic and psychological techniques.

Signs of a Vampire

Recognizing an energy thief is the first step in the fight against him. Trust your intuition - and you will be able to protect yourself from negative influences.

After communicating with a vampire, you feel sleepy, irritated and tired - you feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to argue, quarrel, throw out his anger and dissatisfaction on others: after this, his mood improves before his eyes.

A person may not show visible aggression towards you, but constantly complain, complain about fate and health, demanding sympathy from you and taking up a lot of time. As a rule, he does nothing to improve his life.

Lovers of chat and “mass entertainers” who always strive to be the center of attention are a special breed. You shouldn’t suspect everyone around you with such traits of “vampirism,” but if such a person does not evoke positive emotions in you, his active interference in your space can be considered energetic aggression. A distinctive feature: such people often try to establish tactile contact - they pat you on the shoulder, stroke you, or simply try to touch you.

They love to borrow and give back “as soon as possible.”

Nonaggression pact

At work, in transport, in shops and just on the street you can easily encounter a “bloodsucker”. Don't let him into your personal space!

. Keep calm, even if it's hard for you to remain impartial. Never enter into conflict with a vampire - this will protect you from internal imbalance.

. Don't look straight to a person you dislike: eyes are the strongest channel of energy exchange. If this cannot be avoided, your glances must be quick.

. Learn to say no if someone's annoying requests constantly disrupt your plans and take up time. Avoid even telephone communication with people who constantly complain about life, complain about fate, bosses, children or husband (wife). Help should be given to those who really need it.

. Don't reveal your energy unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (meeting, travel in transport), cross your arms over your chest or clasp your palms and join your feet. By doing this, you will close off your space and make it inaccessible.

. Bioenergetics advise On the inside of your clothes, wear a pin or a small mirror with the reflective surface facing away from you. They say that such an amulet will reflect negativity.

. Accumulate strength Donor trees will help you. If you stand by a birch, oak or pine tree for a few minutes, touching or hugging them, and literally imagine how the tree fills you with vital energy, you will be able to resist any vampire. It is best to choose a tree that grows separately from others.

Put up an emotional shield

Every day we are openly or covertly exposed to various mental attacks. There are several conditions for successfully counteracting negative energy.

. Take a contrast shower in the morning and evening - the water washes away the negative information field. If you came into contact with an unpleasant person at work, and you have a desire to wash yourself, wash your hands with soap and sprinkle your face with cold water - this way you will at least partially get rid of the negative message.

. After communicating with the vampire, drink tea from medicinal herbs (yarrow, calamus, horsetail) and... forgive the offender. Eat red or black pepper, add nutmeg to your coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy directed at you.

. A full, comfortable sleep is very important: during rest, your strength is restored and your body’s resistance increases. Before going to bed, do not remember those who offended you during the day. Don't let them into your dreams.

. Wear jewelry made of silver, because this metal has the ability to absorb negativity and purify thoughts. Place any silver object in water for a while. Silver ions will turn it into “live”, with restorative, antibacterial and protective properties.

. We often become the cause of our own energy exhaustion by attracting increased attention to ourselves. Bright appearance, defiant demeanor - and you're hooked. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is energetically beneficial.

The power of words and thoughts

Commonly referred to as “damage” and “evil eye”, the invasion of your information-biological space will harm you only if your soul and thoughts are open to negativity.

1. A word and even a thought carry certain information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions.

2. Be optimistic! Such people are not carriers of negative mental energy and do not attract it to themselves.

3. Learn to forgive! Even with the slightest manifestation of anger, a person’s aura remains in a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more harm is done to your health. A positive attitude towards life and people attracts good luck and guarantees excellent well-being.

We are building an energy barrier

To successfully extinguish the negative energy of others without losing your strength, you need to be able to put up protection. Take advantage of yoga practice!

If, due to your line of work, you are forced to stay in the same room with a manipulative vampire for a long time, use your imagination and use several techniques.

"Egg". Imagine and feel that at the level of the intercostal space in front of you, behind and on the sides at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas. Mentally imagine that the peas are spinning around you, forming a hoop. Then try to see how the spinning hoop turns into an egg with dense walls - its layers wrap around each other for about a minute. Egg shells can be colored - golden, blue, or orange are best. It is very important to feel all the actions. You can also imagine that a silvery-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome over you. In this way, you will close the circuit of your biofield and prevent its breakdown. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall" Mentally build a mirror wall between yourself and your unpleasant interlocutor or place yourself in a mirror cube. The negative energy will be reflected, and the “ghoul”, having lost some of its strength, will leave you alone. You can also build a brick wall - imagine how you lay cement, how you place bricks. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the protective biofield. This technique can only be used in relation to an obvious vampire-aggressor who is purposefully influencing you.

Let's play in the theater!

Your boss keeps everyone in fear, and one of your close relatives cultivates a feeling of guilt in you? A special psychological technique will help you keep calm - the effect of alienation!

During a painful meeting, imagine that you are in the auditorium of a children's puppet theater. In the role of Karabas-Barabas - your boss. Imagine how he shrinks in size, and every time he raises his voice or otherwise shows aggression, take it as a role.

If such a boss loves to call you on the carpet, never show him your weaknesses. Be calm: react to aggression with the words: “Is that all?” After listening to the next portion of reproaches, ask the last question: “Can I go back to work?” The tone should be even and the facial expression should be serene.

Don't give in to provocations. The same technique is effective when close relatives try to manipulate you. You can counteract energy manipulation without taking their words to heart. For example, imagining an aggressor on TV.

Is it possible to protect yourself from an energy vampire and how to recognize one? What is energy vampirism - meaningful aggression or disease?

Energy vampirism is a disease that occurs in people with weak energy potential, and these individuals - unwittingly or consciously - take away the necessary energy from others.

Almost all of us are familiar with fatigue, complete emptiness and drowsiness after a busy day at work. When you are overwhelmed at work and have to give it your all, this feeling is more or less understandable. But how can one explain such a state after just half an hour of communication with a neighbor, boss, or relatives?

It seems like I just talked, discussed, sympathized, but the state is worse than ever. People say about this: “all the juice has been sucked out.” And, by the way, it’s not in vain that they say it. After all, if you think about it, where would the enormous fatigue come from, since you were just working with your tongue, or even silently assenting?

You have truly had all your strength sucked out of you. Even an ordinary conflict in a store, subway, or office is enough to make you feel like a deflated balloon, although just a few minutes ago you were bursting with energy and good mood. So, in order to determine how to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you need to break them down into types, because it is very important.

Types of energy vampirism

  1. Unaware of their problem. People who do not know about their illness are less dangerous; after all, they often learn to restore their strength in nature, in modeling, drawing, music
  2. Consciously provoking others to release energy. If a vampire has already realized that pumping energy from others is much easier and more convenient, and doubly dangerous when such a person has power over others. Here you can imagine a situation where a boss, for no apparent reason, scolds his subordinates, brings a couple of people to tears, and an hour after the execution he is cheerful, smiling and ready to love the whole world.

If you have encountered something similar, the answer is obvious. To replenish energy, a vampire only needs to provoke others to emotions, no matter what - positive or negative. If you do not learn to protect yourself from such situations, your health may be in danger, and quite serious.

Signs of an unwitting vampire donor:

  • Such a person is susceptible to various diseases;
  • They are always in a bad mood;
  • People are prone to constant outbursts of aggression and nervous breakdowns,

Types of energy vampires

  • "Sunny". This type is the most common; they “knock out” energy with scandals. In order to feed on other people's energy, they deliberately evoke negative emotions in a person in the form of anger and indignation. This type will still have this energy positive or negative.
  • "Lunar". This type of vampire does not knock out energy, but pulls it in: softly, unobtrusively, like flowing moonlight, hence the name. For example, after talking for an hour with a friend (relative, acquaintance, etc.) who loves to “cry into your vest” and complain about life, you collapse on the sofa absolutely exhausted, and your friend, cheerful as a bird, flies away after your consolations by their own business. Sobbing and lamenting, lunar vampires draw out the required portion of consolation - a bundle of energy, and not everyone is aware of their actions, they simply work according to the scheme: if I cry, I will feel better.

Ways to protect yourself from the “solar” energy vampire

  1. Try not to come into conflict with an energy vampire. If you are drawn into an altercation, be it a line in a store, a crowd on the subway, or domestic “showdowns,” do not succumb to the provocation. If possible, leave, because you can buy groceries in another store, and get home in the next carriage.
  2. If you can’t disappear, just don’t respond to rudeness; it’s best to cross your arms and legs to “close” your energy. And do not look such a person in the eyes, if such a need is inevitable, select a point on the bridge of the interlocutor’s nose and focus on it. The effect of direct gaze will remain, but there will be no contact.
  3. There is another option: a protective “barrier”. When talking with an energy vampire, mentally, in a visual image, build a brick wall between you, carefully, brick by brick. But, if it is strong enough, you may simply not have time to lay out these bricks, it will sweep away from the first row. Therefore, practice building a wall quickly, in seconds. If you come to visit or visit your boss, build this wall in front of you at the threshold, do not put it off until you undress or sit down opposite. A similar principle: a glass ball, place yourself inside and communicate with the person through an imaginary glass barrier.
  4. Some esotericists believe that a good way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is... laughter. No, you don’t need to laugh out loud, internal laughter is enough. Imagine a dangerous interlocutor in a funny situation (for example, with a bucket of garbage on his head) and, believe me, it will take a lot of effort to suppress a giggle, and any attacks will fly past your ears. The fear will disappear and the vampire will not be able to make contact to capture your emotions.
  5. If your interlocutor begins to provoke you, smile benevolently, agreeing with all comments, even if they are unfair. According to the principle “sorry, fool, I’ll correct myself.” Give an outlet to your emotions outside the door, the main thing is not to let the vampire “hook” you. You will see, as soon as he understands that you are inaccessible to him as a source of energy, the attacks will immediately stop, the enemy will look for another victim.

Ways to protect yourself from the “lunar” energy vampire

  1. Exchange. In order to protect yourself from the “lunar” energy vampire, you need to constantly exchange impressions with him;
  2. A sad story. If the “vampire” is dissatisfied with life and he talks about it all the time, then you should definitely complain about your life, tell some unpleasant story that happened to you, or even cry on a friend’s shoulder. In this case, mutual energy exchange will occur, without harm to the interlocutor;
  3. The escape. The best way is to minimize communication with such people. If, nevertheless, a meeting with a “vampire” does occur, you can urgently come up with some business for yourself and say goodbye to him.

Energy Shields

If you can’t master the methods of defense, make yourself shields.

  1. The most reliable: a cross made of aspen, you can buy it in the church. Never remove the cross, even in the shower or at night. And carefully study the color of the wood: as soon as the cross darkens, lower it into holy water overnight. If your amulet turns black quickly, replace it with a new one. Never throw away a worn cross! Take it to the church, they will properly dispose of such goods. The same applies to all things purchased at the temple.
  2. Take a box, suitable for Tic-Tac, cover it with foil, and place a piece of rock crystal inside. If it doesn’t fit, take a larger box, but preferably one that fits in your fist. When communicating, squeeze the shield in your hand, or, as a last resort, keep it in your pocket. Such a box will reflect all the negativity coming from the energy vampire.

Ways to restore energy

If you still cannot protect yourself from the influence of a vampire, despite feeling unwell, do not rush to fall on the sofa. Try restoring energy like this:

  1. Wash your face several times with running water or take a contrast shower with a little auto-training: water is the best cleanser of negativity. Sometimes it is enough to hold your hands under running water, imagining how the muddy energy web is washed away from them.
  2. You can drink hot tea made from medicinal herbs. This drink will not only calm your nerves and restore positive energy, but will also have a beneficial effect on your health. Sage or thyme will help well in this case.
  3. Try to take a walk (if time permits) in the nearest park or yard. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the city park late at night; it is enough to breathe some air near the entrance or on the balcony. Of course, do all this if you are sure that the cause of the malaise is precisely in communication with an energy vampire; it is stupid to wander around the park with a high fever or the flu;
  4. Just think about pleasant things. You can remember the good moments in life, for example, look through some photo album from your vacation. In this way you will displace all negativity and fill the vacuum with positive energy;
  5. You need to learn to control your emotions. Don't let negative emotions control you. If you are constantly “on edge”, lash out at others, get angry for no reason, your body gets used to it over time and can no longer exist in another mode. You need to be able to find small joys in life, see the good, smile at people more often.
Alexander, November 14, 2014.

How to protect yourself from energy vampires.

I think almost all of us are familiar with fatigue, complete emptiness and drowsiness after a busy day at work. When you are overwhelmed at work and have to give it your all, this feeling is more or less understandable. But how can one explain such a state after just half an hour of communication with a neighbor, boss, or relatives? It seems like I just talked, discussed, sympathized, but the state is worse than ever. People say about this: “all the juice has been sucked out.” And, by the way, it’s not in vain that they say it. After all, if you think about it, where would the enormous fatigue come from, since you were just working with your tongue, or even silently assenting? But, it’s worth remembering such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, how everything falls into place: all your strength has really been sucked out of you. Even an ordinary conflict in a store, subway, or office is enough to make you feel like a deflated balloon, although just a few minutes ago you were bursting with energy and good mood. Is it possible to protect yourself from an energy vampire and how to recognize one? What is energy vampirism - meaningful aggression or disease? To answer these questions, you will have to understand the very essence of the problem, and believe me, the solution is much simpler than it seems.

Energy vampires – what are they? Thanks to literature and cinema, we have unwittingly developed a stereotype: a vampire is a creature with long fangs and an unpleasant face. Alas, this mask is good for “horror” films; in real life, energy vampires are absolutely normal people, even often pleasant in appearance. Many scientists believe that vampirism is a disease that occurs in people with weak energy potential, and these individuals - unwittingly or consciously - take away the necessary energy from others. Accordingly, they can be divided into two types: those who are unaware of their problem, and those who deliberately provoke others to release energy. People who do not know about their illness are less dangerous; after all, they often learn to restore their strength in nature, in modeling, drawing, and music. It’s another matter if the vampire has already realized that pumping energy from others is much easier and more convenient, and doubly dangerous when such a person has power over others. Remember, has it ever happened that your boss, for no apparent reason, scolds his subordinates, brings a couple of people to tears, and an hour after the execution he is cheerful, smiling and ready to love the whole world? If you have encountered something similar, the answer is obvious. To replenish energy, a vampire only needs to provoke others to emotions, no matter what - positive or negative. If you do not learn to protect yourself from such situations, your health may be in danger, and quite serious. An involuntary vampire donor is more susceptible to illness, bad mood, outbursts of aggression and, sooner or later, this condition will lead to a nervous breakdown, or even more complex illnesses. But it is a mistake to think that energy vampires “knock out” energy only through scandals, not at all. In principle, this type of vampire – the so-called “solar” – is more common.

But “lunar” vampires are far from an exception (this conditional division is put forward by esotericists). The second type does not knock out energy, but pulls it in: softly, unobtrusively, like flowing moonlight, hence the name. Remember, has it ever happened that after talking for an hour with a friend (relative, acquaintance, etc.) who loves to “cry into her vest” and complain about life, you feel like Sisyphus? Your friend, cheerful as a bird, after your consolations, flies away about her business, and you collapse on the sofa absolutely exhausted - sound familiar? An example of lunar vampirism. Sobbing and lamenting, lunar vampires draw out the required portion of consolation - a bundle of energy, and not everyone is aware of their actions, they simply work according to the scheme: if I cry, I will feel better. You say: so now, gatherings with girlfriends are dangerous to your health? It depends on what kind of gatherings there are. If you both actively exchange impressions, complain about life, or even cry on each other’s shoulder, then the “game” is not “one-sided”, there is a mutual exchange of energy, without damage to the interlocutors. If your friend leads solo, and you can only “work as a vest” - then yes, you will have to radically change the situation. Are vampires born or made? Let's just say that one does not exclude the other. A sick person, trying to restore his energy reserves, can join the ranks of vampires, and will diligently harass his family in order to receive his portion of sympathy, support, care - positive energy. Having recovered, he will restore his biofield, but if the disease has become chronic, get ready for such daily “conversations”. Most often, this behavior is typical for older people, who especially need recharge and look for it everywhere: from scandals in stores and clinics to nightly “shows” in the family. Inflate a scandal with your daughter-in-law or son-in-law, find fault with your husband or neighbor - you never know the options? Vampire children are no exception. Yes, yes, the essence of an energy vampire begins to be embedded in a person from childhood. If the baby does not receive vibes of positive energy - love - from loved ones, he will “knock out” them with force: be capricious, harass, be rude, in a word, by not washing, but by rolling. As he grows older, a vampire child may choose to fuel aggression, for example, teenagers who paint porches, set fire to mailboxes, and abuse animals. Most often, such children gather in groups of their own kind, therefore it is quite difficult to separate the offspring from “bad company”, because where will he then get nourishment? Further more. Often, with the advent of their own family, former child vampires arrange a “fun” life at home: scenes of jealousy, hoarding, stubbornness and causeless outbursts of anger - anything will do in order to unbalance those around them and restore themselves.

Alas, energy vampires are also common in educational institutions. The mentally difficult and exhausting work of a teacher turns many of them into energy vampires against their will; these people are forced to restore strength at any cost; it is extremely rare to find individuals with a very powerful personal potential, which is enough for everyone and everything. If your child has such a teacher (daily beatings, screaming, bad grades for no reason), then you will have to teach your student to defend himself. After all, changing schools in this case is pointless; in every institution there are at least a couple of similar ones. And it’s good, if only a couple. Armor, armor, exorcism? No, no, to protect yourself from an energy vampire, you don’t need any of this at all. There are several simple methods, and anyone can use them. So, we have already looked at the signs and manifestations of this disease, and let’s assume that, remembering your relationships with your friends, family, and colleagues, you have already dotted the i’s.

First. Try not to come into conflict with an energy vampire. If you are drawn into an altercation, be it a line in a store, a crowd on the subway, or domestic “showdowns,” do not succumb to the provocation. If possible, leave, because you can buy groceries in another store, and get home in the next carriage. If you can’t disappear, just don’t respond to rudeness; it’s best to cross your arms and legs to “close” your energy. And do not look such a person in the eyes, if such a need is inevitable, select a point on the bridge of the interlocutor’s nose and focus on it. The effect of direct gaze will remain, but there will be no contact.

Second. There is another option: a protective “barrier”. When talking with an energy vampire, mentally, in a visual image, build a brick wall between you, carefully, brick by brick. But, if the vampire is strong enough, you may simply not have time to lay out these bricks and will sweep away from the first row. Therefore, practice building a wall quickly, in seconds. It's not difficult at all, only the first attempts are difficult. If you go into the house or to your boss, build this wall in front of you at the threshold, do not put it off until you undress or sit down opposite. A similar principle: a glass ball, place yourself inside and communicate with the person through an imaginary glass barrier. But this, like training, must also be done in advance. If you can’t build barriers, be sure to cross your arms and legs.

Third. Some esotericists believe that a good defense against a vampire is... laughter. No, you don’t need to laugh out loud, internal laughter is enough. Imagine a dangerous interlocutor in a funny situation (for example, with a bucket of garbage on his head) and, believe me, it will take a lot of effort to suppress a giggle, and any attacks will fly past your ears. The fear will disappear and the vampire will not be able to make contact to capture your emotions. And further. If your interlocutor begins to provoke you, smile benevolently, agreeing with all comments, even if they are unfair. According to the principle “sorry, fool, I’ll correct myself.” Give an outlet to your emotions outside the door, the main thing is not to let the vampire “hook” you. You will see, as soon as he understands that you are inaccessible to him as a source of energy, the attacks will immediately stop, the enemy will look for another victim. If the energy vampire is a family member, follow the same tactics. It’s more difficult if you also want to protect your family, because, without finding a source of energy, the husband (mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.) will begin to harass everyone in turn, according to the principle: whoever will fall for it. Here you will have to try to switch the patient with vampirism to receive energy from another source. For example, walks in the park, music, even shopping, in short, try everything, something will work. Some people are helped by sweets or nice small gifts - this option can work with older people. As for vampire friends, acquaintances and neighbors, reduce communication with them to a minimum. However, if in the first few visits the vampire cannot extract an ounce of energy from you, he himself will stop crying for hours in your kitchen, and will look for other sources that are not protected.

As for protecting the child, all of the above tips are quite suitable, but they should be interpreted carefully. It is unlikely that a teenager will refrain from laughing when he imagines a teacher in an unsightly situation or - what is even “better” - will tell his classmates about this method. Invite your son or daughter to learn to think about something pleasant in moments of undeserved “showdowns” at school, without completely switching off. After all, an experienced teacher will immediately notice the absent look and can easily “pull” the child out of the protective cocoon. Such training is akin to training spies, and the child can get carried away and even achieve success. But! Be sure to make sure for yourself that your student’s complaints about this or that teacher are really justified; talk to the teacher yourself. Your own health will either confirm or refute your assumption. Behavior depends on the circumstances. After all, if you teach a child to ignore any, including fair, comments from the teacher, little good will happen. First, try to teach your student the method of crossed arms and legs; you don’t have to do it provocatively, just cross your hands under the desk and put one foot on top of the other. It is possible that your child will learn how to build bricks easily and quickly, so it will be possible to limit himself to these methods of protection.

Energy Shields If you can’t master the methods of defense, make yourself shields. It's very simple. The most reliable: a cross made of aspen, you can buy it in the church. Never remove the cross, even in the shower or at night. And carefully study the color of the wood: as soon as the cross darkens, lower it into holy water overnight. If your amulet turns black quickly, replace it with a new one. Never throw away a worn cross! Take it to the church, they will properly dispose of such goods. The same applies to all things purchased at the temple. Shield two. In principle, they can reinforce the first one. Take a box, suitable for Tic-Tac, cover it with foil, and place a piece of rock crystal inside. If it doesn’t fit, take a larger box, but preferably one that fits in your fist. When communicating with an energy vampire, squeeze the shield in your hand, or, as a last resort, keep it in your pocket. This is a reflector of negativity, because the energy blow is directed to vulnerable places.

How to restore your energy? If you still cannot protect yourself from the influence of a vampire, despite feeling unwell, do not rush to fall on the sofa. Take a contrast shower with a little auto-training: water is the best cleanser of negativity. Sometimes it is enough to hold your hands under running water, imagining how the muddy energy web is washed away from them. Wash your face several times. You can drink hot tea from medicinal herbs and take a walk (if time permits) in the nearest park or yard. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the city park late at night; it is enough to breathe some air near the entrance or on the balcony. Of course, do all this if you are sure that the cause of your illness is precisely communication with an energy vampire; it is stupid to wander around the park with a high fever or the flu.

Well, and finally. How to avoid becoming an energy vampire yourself and what is needed for this? Basically, just a little: don’t let negative emotions guide you. If you are constantly “on edge”, lash out at others, get angry for no reason, your body gets used to it over time and can no longer exist in another mode. We can say that constant irritability is a direct road to vampirism, try to avoid it. Learn to find small joys in life, see the good, smile at people more often. Did your child get a good mark? Wonderful. Did your husband come home early? Have you bought groceries? Did he give you a compliment? A whole bouquet of bright emotions is already being collected that can displace the negative and fill the vacuum. After all, as the famous Kozma Prutkov said: “If you want to be happy, be happy,” and no one can stop you in this quest. And, besides, a person with bright energy attracts others like himself, so life will become more fun and sunnier. See for yourself!

How to recognize an energy vampire

Energy vampires manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Some act openly, and it is not difficult to recognize them. For others, vampirism is more sophisticated and disguised, so it can be quite difficult to distinguish it from normal human communication.

The first type includes aggressive vampires. You can meet representatives of this category anywhere. This could be a boss who constantly reprimands his subordinates, thereby demonstrating his own importance and exclusivity. Aggressive energy vampires include spouses who wear down the nerves of their spouses with groundless jealousy. This could be a neighbor on the landing who will not live without a scandal and a day.

An aggressive energy vampire will do his best to provoke you into a scandal. Such people may shout and call you names, humiliate and insult you. Their main goal is to evoke an emotional response in you. As soon as you get involved in a scandal and start snapping and getting angry in response, the vampire will immediately begin to get what he wants. Such a person will calm down only after you are devastated morally and possibly physically.

Don't be afraid of energy vampires, treat them with humor. Respond to rude comments with jokes. This behavior will shock the offender and confuse him. And in this state there is no time for vampirism

The second type of energy vampires are passive. These people are the complete opposite of aggressive vampires. They don’t throw tantrums, don’t be rude, and don’t push each other in public transport.

A passive energy vampire could be your best friend, who loves to talk about your worries and problems, while showing maximum pity and compassion. After such conversations, you will unwittingly begin to focus on your failures, not paying attention to the positive aspects of life. So your friend, being a skilled energy vampire, takes away your vital energy.

Passive vampires also love to complain about life. Everything is bad for such people, they are always the loneliest, sickest and most unhappy. It is their inattentive children and spouses that are the reason they are always unlucky in everything. They love to complain about their illnesses, doing it in such a way that you feel terribly ashamed for being full of strength and health. You are ready to give the unfortunate victim your excellent health, which in fact happens after frequent meetings with a passive vampire.

How to protect yourself from energy vampirism

The surest way to protect yourself from the attacks of any energy vampire is to remain calm. Of course, this is very difficult to do when they are trying to make you nervous in every possible way. Therefore, if possible, leave the brewing conflict immediately.

If you can't distance yourself from the vampire, start using the following techniques. First of all, don't look him in the eyes, as this will prevent a connection between you from being established. It’s better to look away and start thinking about something extraneous that has nothing to do with the situation. Seeing that you do not react at all to his attacks, the person will calm down and stop vampirizing you.

If your closest relative, with whom you often communicate, turns out to be a vampire, then before meeting him, imagine that you are wearing a large mirror cap. This technique will help you protect yourself from interference in your personal space and will mirror negative energy.

If a person is wasting your time and energy with endless whining and complaints about life, take the conversation in a different direction. Do not give in to attempts to return to a topic that is unpleasant for you, take care of yourself and your nerves.

Pets will help you regain your strength after communicating with a vampire. You can walk your dog, admire aquarium fish, pet your favorite cat

How to restore strength after encounters with an energy vampire

To prevent the consequences of communicating with energy vampires from harming your mental and physical health, you need to get rid of them in a timely manner. If you feel tired and powerless, take a bath with sea or table salt. After this procedure, your well-being will noticeably improve, because salt is able to absorb all the energy dirt.