What is the average diameter of the male dignity of Russians? How many cm is considered large? Big penis or small? What size is considered normal?

Many men are interested in a question concerning their manhood, namely, how many centimeters should a penis be? As you know, the size of this organ varies widely, but the length, which is the norm, has long been established.

Erect state

Data obtained by the National Academy of Surgery have established that the average length of a man's penis during erection (excitement) is approximately 12 - 15 centimeters. These are the most common sizes, although sometimes there are owners of manhood 2 centimeters long, as well as 28 centimeters.

State of rest

As you know, the male genital organ at rest is much smaller in size than in an excited state. In a calm state, the dimensions may also differ. For example, if in an erect state the penis has a length of 13 centimeters, then at rest it will be 9 centimeters. For a larger specimen of 20 centimeters, the calm state will be equivalent to 14 cm. An approximate formula can be derived that in the calm state the penis is equal to approximately two-thirds of the length of the erect organ.

During adolescence, active growth of the male genital organ begins. The penis increases significantly from 11 to 17 years from 5 to 9 centimeters in a non-erect state.


It is worth saying a few words about the circumference of the penis. At rest, it is equal to 2-2.5 centimeters. When excited, the circumference increases to 3-3.5 cm. These data are given for the average sexual organ, which in an excited state has a length of 12 to 15 centimeters.

For your information:

  • The size of the penis is often proportional to a person's height. It is considered ideal to have a member that is 10% of the height of its owner.
  • Another interesting fact is that belonging to a particular race also affects the size of the penis. Thus, representatives of the Negroid race have an average penis that is 1.5 - 2 centimeters larger than that of Caucasians.


Regardless of how many centimeters the penis is in length, the main thing is that it can perform all its functions. The size of the penis directly depends on age. Its maximum increase occurs at 17 years of age. After just a year, the size may decrease to 0.5 cm, as it becomes thicker and loses a little in length. In old age, dignity decreases slightly. For an average size of 14 cm, it will become shorter by approximately 2 - 2.5 cm. But this will not happen earlier than by 60 - 70 years.

Now you know how many centimeters a normal penis is. If you have a desire to check your manhood for size, measure and compare the indicator with the average and with your height. Remember that the penis is changed only in a standing position with a straight back. The measuring tape must be applied to the upper surface, moving from the base to the head.

Today our focus will be on the penis. The Internet is flooded with advertisements about all kinds of ways to enlarge the male genital organ. And this suggests that there is demand - many men are ready to do anything to increase their dignity. Well, it turns out that a fair portion of all representatives of the stronger sex are dissatisfied with the size given to them by nature? Do most people really have small penises or is the problem psychological? Let's try to figure it out...

What kind of penis should be considered normal? The norm is the average among all sizes of genital organs. Almost 90% of men on our planet have a resting penis with a length of 8 to 13 centimeters, and the average erect penis has a length of 16 cm. Therefore:

  • A small penis is considered to be less than 13 centimeters in an erect state.
  • A penis in an excited state is considered normal from 14 to 18 centimeters.
  • An erect penis longer than 18 centimeters is considered large.

In medicine, a micropenis is a penis whose length in an erect state is less than 10 centimeters. With such dimensions it becomes difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse. By the way, huge penises are also not very good in a functional sense. A penis longer than 24 centimeters is highly likely to malfunction.

What's wrong with small organs?

Small penises (we mean admittedly small penises) are bad for the quality of sex for the following reasons:

  • A penis that is too small does not allow anatomical deep penetration into the vagina, and, therefore, women with a vaginal type of orgasm will not be able to experience pleasure during sex.
  • Not all sexual positions are suitable for men with a small penis (by the way, this also applies to those with huge penises). This leads to monotony in the sexual life of partners.
  • The micropenis has a minimal area of ​​contact with the vagina and causes minimal stimulating irritation.

I repeat that we are talking about really small penises - those that reach less than 13 cm in an erect state. All of the above does not apply to larger penises.

Poll results

There are many myths surrounding penis size. For example, some ladies believe that the length of the penis can be determined by looking at a man's hands, nose or ears; that those with large penises are insatiable lovers and much more. Dr. Richard Edwards conducted extensive research and found out how everything really is. He interviewed a large number of men and found out:

  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the nose.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the hands.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the ears.
  • There is a weak relationship between the length of the penis and the height of a man (the general proportions of the body were taken into account).
  • Men who consider their penis to be large are prone to frequently changing sexual partners.
  • Men who consider their penis small tend to have a permanent relationship with one partner.
  • 72% of straight men were satisfied with the size of their penis.
  • Of homosexual and bisexual men who have been circumcised, only 58% of those surveyed described their penis size as satisfactory.

Long organ and quality of sex

The size of the penis (except when it comes to an extra-small or extra-large penis) does not in any way affect sexual activity and the quality of sex. It's all about the structural features of the vagina in women. This organ is elastic and can stretch.

The average size of the female organ is 10-13 cm. Scientists believe that a woman experiences maximum pleasure when the vaginal walls are stretched by 3-4 cm. Consequently, with an erect penis length of 11-17 cm, a woman is able to receive pleasure and will not consider her partner’s penis small .

According to experts, a penis 13-18 cm long will suit approximately 87% of women, 11-13 cm long will suit every fourth young lady, 19-22 cm will suit only every twelfth (the rest will experience discomfort when having sex with such a “giant”).

Appearance can give away

It has already been mentioned above: no relationship has been identified between the size of the nose, ears, fingers and the length of the penis. But this does not mean that, looking at a man, it is impossible to predict the hypothetical dimensions of his dignity. The length and thickness of the penis is influenced by the level of sex hormones released during puberty. They also determine the type of body structure and sexual temperament (increased libido, the ability to perform prolonged coitus, sexual liberation, etc.).

Men with a strong sexual temperament and a predilection for large genitals usually have:

  • Strong stocky build.
  • Average height (closer to short).
  • Wide chest, large head, narrow hips.
  • Tendency to intense body hair.
  • Distinctive character traits: assertiveness, tendency to aggression, ambition, impulsiveness.

Women's opinion

What opinion do most beautiful ladies have about the size of the male organ? Judging by numerous surveys, only 12% of women believe that good sex can only be with the owner of a large penis. For the vast majority, foreplay, sexual techniques, and a variety of techniques are of primary importance.

Yes, in sexual fantasies you can imagine yourself together with a partner with a huge penis, but in reality, most women admit that the ability to handle their dignity is much more important. In addition, sex with a man with a penis that is too large can not only not bring pleasure, but also cause injury...

Psychotherapist Joy Davidson puts it this way: “The question concerns not so much the length or width of the penis, but how suitable a man is for a particular woman. The female orgasm is largely influenced by the location of the clitoris, positions during sexual intercourse, as well as the correspondence of the partners to each other from a physical point of view - the ratio of height, body structure, weight, etc.”

But here it’s worth mentioning one point: it’s no secret that men who are satisfied with their organs feel more courageous and strong, and, therefore, behave more relaxed and bold. But this already attracts women. That’s why women will definitely call men with larger penises more attractive – it’s not the size, but the stereotype that such representatives are stronger and more active (humanity has always associated a large male organ with dominance, power, dominance).

It's all in the head

The famous sexologist Virginia Johnson (Masters) in one of her interviews commented on people’s sympathy for large penises: “If a person believes that a large penis excites women more, then nothing can convince him.” This is psychology, and there is no escape from it.

Even if at the physiological level small and medium-sized members are in no way inferior to long organs, but if a person has convinced himself of the opposite, then he will no longer be able to feel confident in bed (and they will blame their “baby” for all mistakes, although the size of the penis will not be the same what does it have to do with it). It's the same with a woman: she can convince herself that she can only get pleasure from contact with large penises. As a result, just looking at a man with little dignity, she will immediately be in a negative mood.

So it turns out that men with a long penis have more sexual partners compared to those with a modest size. A long, thick, well-developed sexual organ instills in a man a deep sense of his sexual potency, gives him a healthy male “ego,” and this already greatly influences sexual power.

The size of manhood has excited the minds of the fair sex at all times. Many myths and stereotypes about manhood have arisen among women, and some believe that this can be determined by a man’s external characteristics. But is this really so?

Stereotypes about manhood

It is believed that the size of a man's reproductive organ depends on his race. And this is true: according to research, the average male size is the most impressive among representatives of the Negroid race - the leaders in this indicator are residents of Congo and Ghana (18 and 17.7 cm, respectively).

Latin Americans are located nearby; for example, the average penis size of the male population of Ecuador is 17.5 cm.

As for European men, the range in this part of the world is simply enormous. The most “worthy” men in Europe are Icelanders and Hungarians - 16.5 and 16.2 cm, respectively, but men from Romania cannot boast of their size - their average size does not exceed 13 cm.

The situation for other Europeans is as follows:

  1. Italians - 15.9 cm;
  2. Swedes - 15.4 cm.
  3. Germans - 14.5 cm;
  4. English - 14 cm;
  5. French - 13.5 cm;

Among the men of the CIS countries, Georgians have the greatest dignity - 16.7 cm, Russians and Ukrainians confirm their brotherhood in this indicator - their average size is 15.7 cm, but the Belarusian brothers are a little behind - 15.4 cm. The Baltic states have something to be proud of: Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians have an average size of 16 cm.

Men in Southeast Asia are the owners of the smallest penises: the Chinese have it at 11 cm, the Thais and Indians have 10 cm each, and finally, the Koreans have the smallest manhood - 9.8 cm.

In addition, scientists calculated the average size of a man's penis - 13.1 cm. This figure was derived from the calculation of the entire male population on the planet.

Myths about manhood

As for the myths that some women believe, the situation is not so clear-cut. Almost all myths about manhood have been scientifically dispelled. We will discuss only the most famous of them.

Shoe size

Many argue that the size of the “pepper” directly depends on the size of a man’s legs. They say that you can estimate the size of any person’s feet.

Some adherents of this theory even have formulas: the length of the foot is subjected to arithmetic operations, the result of which is supposedly the most accurate size of manhood. However, studies have proven that there is almost no connection between the size of the foot and the penis.

Distance between thumb and index finger

Another myth says that the size of the penis is equal to the distance between the tips of the thumb and index finger, which are spread out so that the hand forms the letter L.

This method of determining size was invented by a famous sexologist, and it is quite accurate. It is not known how seriously that sexologist took his “discovery,” but research has dispelled this myth. In fact, the distance between the fingers of most men does not differ much, and it is approximately equal to the normal size of the male organ.


Surely many people compare a person’s height and the size of his penis, believing that lanky guys have an impressive device. As with shoe size, this is nothing more than another myth. Studies have shown that tall men have the dignity of average size.

Researchers have revealed the average size of dignity and named the worst lovers in the world

A new study devoted to calculating the average size of the male genital organ has once again confirmed the results of previous studies on this issue. On average, as it turned out, the size of a man's penis is 14.2 centimeters. Scientists arrived at this figure by taking measurements (length and girth) of the manhood of more than 1,660 study participants.

Many studies have been devoted to determining the optimal size of the penis. There are countless legends, myths and other fables about the size of manhood. But how do things really stand? Does penis size really matter that much when choosing a sexual partner?

Some studies have shown that women who experience vaginal orgasm during sex achieve it more consistently and productively, provided that the penis is large enough. Other research suggests that more is not always better. The ideal penis size, as found in one study, depends on a person's height. In another study, it turned out that it is not the length that matters more, but the girth.

In a recent study conducted by researchers at Indiana University, men were asked to measure their genitals in order to create the perfect condom that would provide maximum comfort without falling or pressing. The sizes of penises turned out to be very different: from the smallest - 4 centimeters in length when erect, to the largest - 26 centimeters. The girth averaged 12.2 centimeters.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that erections are not always the same. During oral sex, for example, the size of the penis reaches its maximum size than during the “invasion” of sexual fantasies that overcome a man during a whirlwind romance.

The worst lovers in the world

The peculiarities of sexual relations between people from different parts of the planet never cease to interest psychologists. Another recent study yielded very interesting results. So, researchers have found out where in the world the sexiest women live, and where you can meet the worst lovers.

“Germans were recognized as the worst lovers on the planet. These are the results of an international survey on the global network. Most women consider representatives of the stronger sex of this nationality to be “too odorous,” the publication reports.

Meanwhile, the best lovers, according to the majority of women (from 20 countries), live in Spain.

The survey also revealed that New Zealand women are especially sexy. Over the course of a lifetime, the number of lovers women in this country have is about 20.

Among men, a similar record was recorded in Australia: there, during their lives, representatives of the stronger sex manage to enter into intimate relationships with approximately 29 women.

And women in Australia have broken all records for bust size: they have the largest busts in the world. According to The Sun, approximately 40% of Australian women wear bra sizes 4 or larger.

So, what is the normal penis size for a man to feel absolutely happy? What sizes of penises are there in nature (width, average or normal) and what can be fit into the concept of “average penis size”. We draw attention to these and other important points in this article, and will also help men understand that the largest penis size is not considered an exceptional advantage among women. The secret is simple, the main sexual “organ” in men, according to ladies, is the mind!

However, it is impossible to leave alone the moment that worries the representatives of the stronger sex most, so the article will discuss the average sizes of the penis, penis volume, circumference, width, size and the concept of average parameters.

Are doubts in vain?

The overwhelming majority of men believe that the normal length of the penis should be considered from 17-18 centimeters, or even more. They are haunted by the advertised 25 centimeters of a virtual penis in photos of porn sites, but doctors are forced to cool down the intensity of passions and state the facts - those men who can boast of such impressive sizes account for no more than 1% of the entire population of the Earth, if we count only the stronger half humanity. And it cannot be considered standard or normal at all!

Therefore, the rest have to be content with the average size of the penis, its length and width, so to speak, according to the average version.

Most men, completely without reason, bring themselves to a nervous breakdown, believing that their 13-14 cm penis is a reason to be embarrassed, especially when meeting a new woman for the first time.

Fearing misfires, they minimize sexual intercourse (up to once a month, or even a year), which, of course, does not add optimism and potency. But sometimes you need to choose a position (woman on top most often) so that the completeness of penetration is sufficient and normal to complete full-fledged coitus.

According to surveys, only a third of men are satisfied with the length of the penis, the rest consider their penis size to be below normal and at all costs want to increase it, sometimes agreeing to very extravagant methods that people voice on various thematic forums. Adjusting to the self-invented standard of 17-18 cm, men purchase special equipment, do exercises, buy packs of dignity-enhancing drugs, and even decide to undergo the most dangerous operations. But few people are able to really realize that small penis size, or micropenis, occurs in very small cases.

Most men consider their penis to be smaller than normal

A person who believes that his penis length does not fit the concept of “average penis size” can familiarize himself with the data provided by WHO statistics.

The table of average penis sizes fully reflects the entire reality that actually exists, regardless of the bravado of individual individuals. A photo of the average penis size on the Internet can complement what is written in the table.

As you can see, the average penis size is by no means menacing in size, and those who can be considered sexual giants account for a tiny number of people.

The leaders are those men whose penis is within 15-18 cm, so the lion's share of all male anxieties and psychological discomfort about the length and width of the penis is simply far-fetched and has no basis.

Not from cutlets, but from years

Teenagers are most prone to worry about the small size of their penis. That is why it is advisable for parents to discuss this topic with the boy in time and talk about the real average figures for the width and length of the penis, depending on the age of the person. The fear of a teenager during the transitional period may be quite justified, since often more developed friends begin to brag about how large their penises have grown, how powerful in width. It is worth looking at this calmly, the development of the male body follows a strictly individual schedule and does not always mean that the small age indicator of length and width will remain the same in the future.

For one man, puberty began at the age of 9, for another only at 14, so the growth of the penis will be uneven. For example, the normal size of a boy’s penis at 11 years old with an erection is only 4-8.5 cm, it “grows” to 13 cm at 13-14 years old, and already at 18 years old one can observe a normal standard average size in a teenager of 12.5-16 cm .

In addition to the length, the width of the penis (girth) also changes. The maximum length of the male genital organ is indicated by the age of 17, but subsequently it may decrease slightly due to the increasing width (thickening) of the penis. After 20 years, the penis practically does not change and remains with a normal average size or with slight deviations from the average. The width is also unchanged.

Penis growth in men is observed up to 20 years of age.

What is the average size of the phallus in men who have reached 50-60? Unfortunately, as age makes itself felt, not only libido and the amount of testosterone in the blood decrease, and erections become more sluggish, but also negative dynamics of penile growth are observed. Of course, you shouldn’t think that the previous 17 cm will be reduced by exactly half and will “lose weight” significantly, but a centimeter and a half loss can be quite expected.

By the age of 70, the average size of a man's penis undergoes even more changes, which is associated with the natural decline of sexual life; for most men, sex becomes a memory, so they use the penis exclusively for one-sided purposes.

Female cunning, or “Members of the nations of the world”

Does the stability of family well-being depend on the size of the penis and its width? Contrary to what men believe, sex plays an important role for women, although this is not talked about openly.

According to the survey, almost 50% of women who decided to divorce did so due to dissatisfaction with their husband regarding his performance of marital responsibilities. One of the good reasons is the reduction in penis size, low penetration, loose girth and, as a result, the inability to achieve a full orgasm.

Many centimeters or few - the decision is strictly individual, and you certainly should not calculate the size of the penis by hand or pay attention to the size of the leg.

What is the penis size of men of different nationalities? The average length dimensions still fluctuate between 13-16 cm, below you can find out the specific parameters:

  • Congo – 17.8.
  • Iceland – 16.5.
  • Italy – 15.
  • Chile – 14.
  • Russia – 13.5.
  • India – 10.1.
  • Korea – 9.6.

The size of a man's penis depends on his nationality.

As you can see, the normative averages are far from what they are trying to impose on men on the Internet. Even the recognized owners of large penises living in West Africa have dimensions that are far from the imposed 25 cm. Russian men also do not stand out from their role, although they believe that they cannot compete with the temperamental Italians.

It is noteworthy that men from countries with very high fertility rates have very modest average sizes and are at the very bottom of the list. This once again proves that sex and the average size of the penis, its length and width, is a purely individual phenomenon and certainly does not become an obstacle to procreation.

Whether a penis is large or very modest in average size, a man cannot always independently assess the degree to which he is attractive to a woman. It is important to remember that ladies evaluate a partner not only by the average length and width of the reproductive organ, but also by the ability to control it, by how much the man cares about the partner herself and her emotional state. And certainly a table of penis sizes will not help if two people simply do not suit each other in terms of personal qualities.

Dissatisfaction with yourself, suspiciousness, fear of not satisfying your partner properly - all this is just a reason to work on yourself, perhaps with the help of a psychologist, and not an unbridled desire to increase the length and width through dubious folk remedies or surgery.