What could cause a temperature of 37.1? Sensitivity to drugs and spicy foods. Or maybe you're pregnant

Heat transfer is a fairly individual indicator for each person. And the temperature, which is normal for one, will be too high for another. Everyone knows that normal indicator body temperature is 36.6 degrees, but values ​​ranging from 35.9 to 37.2 degrees can be considered normal.

Often the temperature is 37 without symptoms, which lasts long time, begins to worry a person. We will look at the reasons why this happens and what to do in such cases.

Why does the temperature stay at 37: natural and external reasons

Temperature that is above 37 degrees during medical practice called low-grade fever. This means a slight increase in thermal indicators, which were provoked by the following reasons:

  • external factors;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory process.

If a person without symptoms suddenly rises to 37 degrees and persists for a long time, even for weeks, then you need to carefully study the reasons for this phenomenon.

Natural reasons for maintaining a temperature of 37

What to do when such a relatively high temperature lasts for weeks without any reason? You need to understand that this may be due to hereditary factors . They can be transmitted from parents to children at the genetic level and this does not affect a person’s well-being in any way.

At an elevated temperature of 37 and above, a person usually feels such clinical manifestations:

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • hearing and vision disorders.

If a temperature of 37 degrees or higher lasts for weeks without reason and is not accompanied the listed symptoms, then most likely the reasons are natural and the indicator itself is in this case is for a person the norm.

If the temperature stays at 37 for a week: external reasons

At high levels without symptoms characteristic of colds and other diseases, symptoms may be caused by the following factors:

Remember that a slight increase in body temperature due to such factors is natural reaction . Heat output varies throughout the day and with metabolism. Changes in indicators do not threaten health in any way; they do not last too long and return to normal after elimination external reasons such fluctuations.

In some cases, such factors not only provoke hyperthermia, but also a protracted problem when hyperthermia lasts for weeks. At severe cases it can last even for a month, then it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To improve your condition and put your thermometer in order, you need to follow these recommendations:

There are other reasons why a thermal reading of 37 can last for weeks without visible symptoms. So, in women this can be caused by ovulation; thermal indicators can reach up to 37.4 degrees. Women also need to pay attention that if the temperature is around 37 degrees without visible symptoms for 2 and more weeks, then this may indicate pregnancy. Here you need to do a test and find out if this is so.

Causes of fever due to illness

Even without visible symptoms, a temperature of 37 in an adult that lasts for weeks can indicate a particular disease. So, it could be:

The most common cause of fever in people of different ages are infections. Often against the background of colds and viral diseases without other symptoms, a temperature of 37 can last for 5 days, which is quite normal. If this indicator does not drop for 2 weeks or longer, then this may indicate that a person has diseases such as:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis and other bacterial diseases.

All of them can be treated, but it is better to start treatment as early as possible, so if you have suspicious temperature manifestations and symptoms, contact a specialist as quickly as possible.

Temperature associated with different types of diseases

High temperature at allergies– this is not a typical symptom, but often it accompanies the disease without other symptoms. An allergy in this case is called atypical. A characteristic symptom of the disease is a temperature of 37 for 3 days, which rises due to inflammatory processes in the body. Treatment consists of taking antihistamines and measures to eliminate the inflammatory focus. It is very important to distinguish allergic diseases by symptoms from common cold.

Often a temperature of 37 without additional symptoms is a sign of the presence autoimmune or systemic diseases , for example, non-specific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Thermal readings can remain at 37 for a month. Diagnosing the cause often takes a long time, since it requires full examination The patient's gastrointestinal tract. After clarifying the diagnosis, treatment involves the need to reduce symptoms to a state of remission, but it is almost impossible to completely cure such pathologies in our time.

Also long-term preservation temperature 37 (six months or longer) may indicate neoplasms. This condition can occur completely without symptoms. Mild hyperthermia may regularly occur in the evenings or persist throughout the day. Benign and malignant formations may be accompanied by fever for months or weeks. IN similar cases It is very important to diagnose the disease in time and save the patient from the threat to life.

If the temperature remains at 37 degrees for a month, this may indicate illness. endocrine system. Fever is a consequence of a disturbance in the level of human hormones; the temperature can also remain at this level for 2 weeks. Hormonal imbalance in this case it is more often provoked by dysfunction thyroid gland. The problem should be detected early to prevent the development of diabetes or hearing loss.

Hyperthermia may be a consequence traumatic brain injuries. Thus, a temperature of 37 degrees can persist for 3 weeks after a concussion; often symptoms appear a long time after the injury. This is due to damage brain section, which is responsible for thermoregulation. The symptom disappears after the body recovers.

What to do with prolonged hyperthermia?

If the temperature remains below 38 degrees, then there is no need to take antipyretic drugs. Through heat, the body itself fights viruses and bacteria; nothing additional needs to be done.

If the symptom causes one or another discomfort, then it can be reduced by the following methods:

  • Apply cooling compresses to your forehead, wrists, or calves;
  • wipe the body with water, a weak vodka or vinegar solution;
  • remove excess clothing and put away the blanket.

You cannot put mustard plasters and cups, and also do inhalations. All this accelerates blood flow, which leads to pulmonary edema. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and rehydration solutions. It is impossible to increase the volume of food consumed, since in hot weather energy is consumed very sparingly.

If, against the background of a fever, you are worried about pain in the abdomen, and also feel signs of dehydration, then you urgently need call a specialist.

If you know that a high temperature without symptoms is normal for you, then you don’t have to worry, but if it lasts for weeks without any reason and in the absence of symptoms, then it’s better to visit a doctor to rule out the presence of hidden ailments.

A slight increase in body temperature can be caused by external factors or other processes occurring in the human body.

If a person complains of a systematic increase in temperature for a long time, and there are no other symptoms, it is necessary to immediately undergo examination. This condition can be life-threatening and indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Possible causes of temperature 37 without symptoms in women

Obviously, for certain signs there are reasons leading to this. The same can be said about changes in temperature in women, especially if it stays at 37 degrees for a long time.

As a rule, this means a protective reaction in the body due to any unusual inflammatory processes. The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating temperature and the slightest influence the body begins to change it.

The body, under the influence of various viruses or bacteria, begins to protect itself, thereby activating the immune system. This signal affects the hypothalamus, which in turn affects the thermoregulation center and increases temperature.

Besides, elevated temperature may sometimes be necessary to combat and produce interferons in the body, in cases of infection with influenza or ARVI. In such an environment, the disease will be more severe, but faster.

Quite often, the process of thermoregulation itself can be disrupted under the influence of drugs called pyrogens. All this leads to an increase in temperature in the body and worsening general well-being. This can happen like medical supplies, and from toxins or vaccines.

It is worth considering various diseases as causes of increased temperature. The main options include the following:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • infections;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • tooth damage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • helminthiases;
  • autoimmune pathology;

If the temperature stays at 37 for a week

Often, situations may occur when the temperature lasts a week without any signs of illness. This process is called low-grade fever. This should be understood as temperature rises from 37 and 37.9 degrees Celsius.

In such situations, people begin to turn to doctors so that they find out the cause of the increase in body temperature and diagnose sure disease. In addition, this may be accompanied by visiting more than one doctor and undergoing tests.

Often, low-grade fever can be the reason why the infection failed to develop into a more serious stage. But don't forget about correct measurement temperature.

The following standards should also be taken into account in this calculation:

  1. If measured in oral cavity, then the normal temperature limits will be 35.5 - 37.5.
  2. When measured in the rectum, normal result maybe 36.6 – 38.0.
  3. When choosing the traditional option - the armpit, the normal result is 34.7 - 37.0.

Natural causes of fever in women

If the elevated temperature persists for 24 hours and then returns to normal, there is no serious cause for concern, but you should still pay attention to your well-being. Such changes in the body can be caused by:

  • change hormonal levels in the last phase of menstruation, during pregnancy or lactation, as well as during menopause;
  • stressful situation (released into the blood a large number of adrenaline);
  • overwork;
  • chronic fatigue.

In such cases, they rarely seek help from a specialist, since renewing own strength you can do it yourself. And to normalize the temperature, it is enough good rest, balanced nutrition and positive emotions.

Temperature 37.2 without symptoms, as an indicator of the disease

A temperature of 37.2 without symptoms in a woman acts as an indicator of disease. If the measurements were carried out correctly, and the indicators do not change over several days, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Infectious diseases in the early stages

Hidden infectious diseases in initial stages often don't have severe symptoms, except elevated temperature. A slight increase in temperature may indicate infectious diseases such as:

  • Cystitis or pyelonephritis- the patient complains of a slight increase in temperature, but after a few days or weeks other symptoms of the disease appear.
  • The presence of pathological streptococci in the body accompanied by a rise in temperature that lasts for a week.
  • Flu or ARVI sometimes accompanied by a temperature of 37.2 without symptoms in women . If the immune system is strong enough, the patient has no standard symptoms illnesses such as runny nose or headache, and the disease itself goes away within a few days.

Temperature 37.2 without obvious symptoms in women may indicate bacterial infection, for example, rubella or mumps
  • Urogenital infection accompanied by a feverish state. Often, other signs of the disease appear soon.
  • One of the first signs HIV infection at an early stage there is an increase in temperature to 38.

Allergic manifestations

The entry of an allergen into the body negatively affects the performance of all organs. In some cases, a slight increase in temperature is observed:

  • reaction to medications;
  • tuberculosis intoxication;
  • allergic reaction to wool, pollen, fluff;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • food allergies.

Usually, allergic manifestations accompanied not only by fever, but also by other symptoms.

The most common reactions of the body to an allergen are redness, rashes, dry cough, etc.

If after taking anti-allergenic drugs the temperature returns to normal, the cause has been eliminated.

Systemic organ diseases

Systemic organ diseases are characterized as autoimmune disorders, as a result of which the rejection of one’s own tissues begins. The most common systemic diseases in which there is an increase in body temperature:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • acute rheumatism;
  • vasculitis;
  • Still's disease.

In most cases, an increase in body temperature is accompanied by fever. Temperatures from 37 can rise to 39 degrees, which indicates an exacerbation of the disease.

Various neoplasms

A temperature of 37.2 without symptoms in a woman may indicate the presence of both a malignant and benign tumor. The human body thus reacts to changes occurring and tries to warn of danger.

In later stages of the disease, an increase in temperature indicates the process of tumor disintegration and intoxication of the body.

Be careful! A long period time serious illnesses May only present with mild fever. Women are first advised to consult a mammologist and gynecologist.

Endocrine diseases

The causes of endocrine diseases lie in hormonal imbalances, and the symptoms of the disease can be completely unexpected: sudden weight loss or gain, absent-mindedness and, of course, unstable temperature.

It is important to know! Should not be written off and drug fever. This complication occurs in weakened patients and elderly patients undergoing antimicrobial treatment.

Body temperature returns to normal only after discontinuation of the drug. If after some time you start taking the same medications, it is most likely that the body will react with the same increase in temperature.

Getting injured

Received injuries often provoke an increase in temperature to 37.2 without other symptoms in women and causes this phenomenon some:

  • severe stress after injury;
  • patient's state of shock;
  • intoxication of the body resulting from the breakdown and entry into the blood of microparticles of damaged tissue;
  • hitting open wound microbes and the spread of infection throughout the body.

Note! The temperature after the injury rises on the second day. The patient may feel unpleasant symptoms fever throughout the week, this is an adequate reaction of the body to the damage received.

But there are still situations when it is necessary to reverse Special attention to increase temperature:

  • the site of injury becomes inflamed;
  • swelling or severe redness appears;
  • increased sensitivity in the injured area;
  • general health worsens.

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, you should immediately seek the help of a doctor; if this is not done, there may be serious complications diseases.

In what cases is elevated temperature not dangerous?

Changes in body temperature depend on many factors and some of them do not pose a threat to human health:

  • changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • staying in a stuffy room for a long period;
  • overwork.

Every isolated case requires attention and appropriate action, but serious reasons for excitement in the above cases no. The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the body's malaise. It is a mistake to assume that the normal physiological temperature is 36.6.

A temperature of 37.2 in a woman without any symptoms may indicate an individual characteristic of the body, while the person has no pathological abnormalities.

Is it necessary to take antipyretics at a temperature of 37.2

Antipyretics have their own side effects, so they should not be abused. So that after taking medications no side effects have appeared, first of all, you need to find out the cause of the fever.

Antipyretics should be taken at a temperature of 37.2 only in the following cases:

  • if you feel slightly unwell, there is no need to rush to take medications; instead, it is better to drink a glass of black tea with lemon;

  • the temperature must be brought down if a person suffers from a disease of cardio-vascular system, has problems with work respiratory tract or nervous system;
  • if a low temperature causes a convulsive reaction in a person.

What treatment to carry out at elevated temperature

An increase in temperature is provoked by many diseases and other changes in the human body, so there is no clear answer to how to treat the patient. However There are several general rules for treating fever:

  • the patient must be provided with plenty of fluids;
  • in some situations, wiping with warm water will help reduce the temperature for a while;
  • maintaining air humidity in the patient’s room;

  • compliance with the lying regime;
  • eliminating all irritating factors(music, bright light);
  • regular ventilation of the room and wet cleaning.

Fever is not always a cause for concern, but you should still not self-medicate.

Only a specialist can find out the cause of this condition after conducting an examination and passing the necessary tests.

Temperature 37.2 without symptoms in a woman for a long time:

Fever without symptoms:

is a temperature at 37-37.5°C for a long time. In this case, a person may completely lack symptoms of any disease, or may experience malaise. We talk about low-grade fever not when isolated cases of increased temperature are recorded: this may be due to the individual characteristics of the body and the factors described above, but if low-grade fever is recorded in the temperature curve with measurements taken over many days in a row.

A true fever is considered to be a temperature above 38.3 degrees. This temperature is accompanied by very specific symptoms that correspond to a very specific disease. But long-term low-grade fever is often the only sign; to find out the cause of which you will have to run to the doctors.

The normal temperature of the human body is recognized to be 36.6 °C, although many people record 37 °C as their normal temperature. This is the temperature observed at healthy body: child or adult, male or female - it doesn’t matter. This is not a stable static unchanging temperature; during the day it fluctuates in both directions depending on overheating, hypothermia, stress, time of day and biological rhythms. Therefore, temperature readings from 35.5 to 37.4 °C are considered the normal range.

Body temperature is regulated endocrine glandsthyroid and hypothalamus. Receptors nerve cells The hypothalamus responds to body temperature by changing the secretion of TSH, which regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 regulate the intensity of metabolism, on which temperature depends. In women, the hormone estradiol is involved in temperature regulation. As its level increases, it decreases basal temperature- this process depends on menstrual cycle. In women, body temperature changes by 0.3-0.5 °C during the menstrual cycle. The highest readings of up to 38 degrees are observed between days 15 and 25 of the standard menstrual cycle of 28 days.

In addition to hormonal levels, temperature readings are slightly affected by:

  • physical exercise;
  • eating;
  • in children: strong prolonged crying and active games;
  • time of day: in the morning the temperature is usually lower (the highest low temperature observed between 4-6 am), and reaches a maximum in the evening (from 18 to 24 am - the period of maximum temperature);
  • Old people's temperature drops.

Physiological fluctuations in thermometry during the day within the range of 0.5-1 degrees are considered normal.

Low-grade fever does not apply to normal state body and therefore the main question that is posed to the doctor is to identify the causes of the pathology. If the patient has recently been ill and has been treated for a long time, it is believed that the increase in temperature is associated with the healing process. If there was nothing like that, then you have to look for the dysfunction that caused this symptom. To more accurately identify pathology, it is recommended to draw up a temperature curve, analyze your state of health, and perform laboratory diagnostics.

Diseases characterized by low-grade fever

Infectious causes of diseases

Infections are the most common reason low-grade fever. With the long-term existence of the disease, the symptoms usually disappear and only a low-grade fever remains. The main causes of infectious low-grade fever are:

  • ENT diseases - sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, etc.
  • Dental diseases and carious teeth including.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis, etc.
  • Diseases urinary tract- pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.
  • Diseases of the genital organs - inflammation of the appendages and prostatitis.
  • Abscesses from injections.
  • Non-healing ulcers of patients with diabetes mellitus.

Autoimmune diseases

In autoimmune diseases, the body's immune system begins to attack own cells, what causes chronic inflammation with periods of exacerbation. For this reason, body temperature also changes. The most common autoimmune pathologies:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diffuse toxic goiter.

To identify autoimmune diseases, ESR tests are prescribed, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor and some other examinations.

Oncological diseases

At malignant tumors low-grade fever may be early manifestation disease, 6 to 8 months ahead of its symptoms. The formation of immune complexes that trigger an immune reaction plays a role in the development of low-grade fever. However early promotion temperatures are associated with the onset of tumor tissue production of a specific protein. This protein is found in blood, urine and tumor tissue. If the tumor has not yet manifested itself, diagnostic value has a combination of low-grade fever with specific changes in the blood. Low-grade fever often accompanies chronic myeloid leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma, and lymphosarcoma.

Other diseases

Other diseases can cause low-grade fever:

  • autonomic dysfunction: disruption of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands: hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis (detected by ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for hormones T3, T4, TSH, antibodies to TSH);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hidden infection: Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus infection, herpetic infection;
  • HIV infection (detected by ELISA and PCR);
  • helminthiasis (detected by stool analysis for worm eggs);
  • toxoplasmosis (detected by ELISA);
  • brucellosis (detected by PCR);
  • tuberculosis (detected by Mantoux tests and fluorography);
  • hepatitis (detected by ELISA and PCR);
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • thermoneurosis.

Infectious low-grade fever is characterized by:

  1. reduction in temperature under the influence of an antipyretic;
  2. poor temperature tolerance;
  3. daily physiological temperature fluctuations.

Non-infectious low-grade fever is characterized by:

  1. unnoticed leakage;
  2. lack of response to antipyretics;
  3. no daily changes.

Safe low-grade fever

  1. Low-grade fever is completely safe during pregnancy, menopause and breastfeeding, which is simply a symptom of hormonal changes.
  2. A fever tail may persist for up to two months or even six months after infectious diseases.
  3. Neurosis and stress may well cause the temperature to rise in the evenings. In this case, low-grade fever will be accompanied by a feeling chronic fatigue and general weakness.

Psychogenic low-grade fever

Low-grade fever, like any other processes in the body, is influenced by the psyche. During stress and neurosis, the first thing that is disrupted is metabolic processes. Therefore, women often experience unmotivated low-grade fever. Stress and neuroses provoke a rise in temperature, and excessive suggestibility (for example, about a disease) can influence the actual rise in temperature. In young women of the asthenic type, prone to frequent headaches and VSD, hyperthermia is accompanied by insomnia, weakness, shortness of breath, chest and abdominal pain.

To diagnose the condition, tests are prescribed to assess psychological stability:

  • tests to detect panic attacks;
  • depression and anxiety scale;
  • Beck scale;
  • scale of emotional excitability,
  • Toronto Alexithymic Scale.

Based on the results of the tests, the patient is given a referral to a psychotherapist.

Drug-induced low-grade fever

Long-term use of some medicines can also cause low-grade fever: adrenaline, ephedrine, atropine, antidepressants, antihistamines, neuroleptics, some antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin, isoniazid, lincomycin), chemotherapy, narcotic painkillers, thyroxine preparations. Canceling therapy also relieves obsessive low-grade fever.

Low-grade fever in children

Of course, any parent will begin to worry if his child has a fever every day in the evening. And this is correct, because in children, an increase in temperature in some cases is the only symptom of the disease. The norm for low-grade fever in children is:

  • age up to one year (reaction to BCG vaccine or unsteady thermoregulation processes);
  • the period of teething, when elevated temperature can be observed for several months;
  • in children from 8 to 14 years old, due to critical phases of growth.

Long-term low-grade fever, which occurs due to a violation of thermoregulation, is said if the child’s temperature is 37.0–38.0°C for more than 2 weeks, and the child:

  • does not lose weight;
  • examination shows the absence of diseases;
  • all tests are normal;
  • pulse rate is normal;
  • Antibiotics do not reduce fever;
  • Antipyretics do not reduce the temperature.

Often in children, fever is caused by endocrine system. Quite often it happens that in children with fever the functionality of the adrenal cortex is impaired, and the immune system weakened. If you draw psychological picture children with fever for no reason, you get a portrait of an uncommunicative, suspicious, withdrawn, easily irritated child, whom any event can unsettle.

Treatment and correct image life bring children's heat exchange back to normal. As a rule, after 15 years, few people experience this temperature. Parents must organize the correct daily routine for their child. Children suffering from low-grade fever should get enough sleep, walk and sit at the computer less often. Hardening trains thermoregulatory mechanisms well.

In older children, low-grade fever accompanies such frequent illnesses, such as adenoiditis, helminthiasis, allergic reactions. But low-grade fever may also indicate the development of more dangerous diseases: cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, blood diseases.

Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor if your child has a temperature of 37-38 °C for more than three weeks. To diagnose and clarify the causes of low-grade fever, the following studies will be prescribed:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • OAM, 24-hour urine test;
  • feces on worm eggs;
  • radiography of the sinuses;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • electrocardiography;
  • tuberculin tests;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

If abnormalities are detected in the tests, this will be a reason to refer specialists for consultation.

How to measure temperature in children correctly

Children should not measure their temperature immediately after waking up, after lunch, after vigorous physical activity, or in an excited state. During this time the temperature may rise physiological reasons. If the child is sleeping, resting, or hungry, the temperature may drop.

When measuring temperature, you need to wipe armpit dry and hold the thermometer for at least 10 minutes. Change thermometers periodically.

How to deal with low-grade fever

First, you should diagnose a low-grade fever, because not every increase in temperature in the specified range is a low-grade fever. The conclusion about low-grade fever is made based on the analysis of the temperature curve, which is compiled using data from temperature measurements 2 times a day at the same time - in the morning and in the evening. The measurements are carried out over three weeks, the measurement results are analyzed by the attending physician.

If a doctor diagnoses low-grade fever, the patient will have to visit the following specialists:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • phthisiatrician;
  • endocrinologist;
  • dentist;
  • oncologist.

Tests that will need to be taken to identify hidden current diseases:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • cumulative urine samples and 24-hour urine testing;
  • feces on worm eggs;
  • blood for HIV;
  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • blood on RW;
  • radiography of the sinuses;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • otolaryngoscopy;
  • tuberculin tests;
  • blood for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

Identification of deviations in any analysis becomes a reason for prescribing a more in-depth examination.

Prevention measures

If no pathology is detected in the body, you should pay close attention to the health of your body. To gradually bring thermoregulatory processes back to normal, you need to:

  • promptly treat all foci of infection and emerging diseases;
  • avoid stress;
  • minimize the number of bad habits;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • get enough sleep according to your body’s needs;
  • exercise regularly;
  • harden;
  • walk more in the fresh air.

All these methods help strengthen the immune system and train heat transfer processes.

The problem of insignificance and long-term increase temperature in women is one of the most complex problems in the clinic of internal diseases. There are many “pitfalls” here, and obvious omissions by the doctor in communicating with the patient can lead to a lengthy and costly diagnostic search “blindly”.

Nowadays, an abundance of laboratory and imaging diagnostic methods, of course, can help find the cause, but it is better to do this purposefully. And you need to start with the confidence that an increase in temperature to 37 ° C without clinical symptoms in a woman is a sign of the disease. Already at the initial stage of a conversation with a patient, a thoughtful doctor is sometimes able to establish that:

  • The woman never systematically measured her temperature in principle. At the same time, you need to know that normal body temperature has individual fluctuations, and may healthy women reach values ​​of 37.5° C, especially in connection with changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • The problem may be far-fetched - the thermometer, either electronic or mercury, may be faulty.

Therefore, temperature measurements should be carried out with at least two thermometers, for three weeks or longer, both in the mornings and evenings. Only with a persistent deviation can we talk about an increase in temperature, but not yet about a “fever” unknown origin" What does it mean? It turns out that not every increase in temperature is a sign of fever.

What does a temperature of 37-37.2°C mean: fever or hyperthermia?

What does low-grade fever mean?

In addition to fever, hyperthermia may occur. There is a colossal difference between these two states. Let us remind you that:

  • Fever is a condition in which substances that have pyrogenic potential are released into the blood, that is, they increase the temperature.

Fever is characterized by daily fluctuations, and doctors distinguish different types of them - from remitting to hectic. An example of such an asymptomatic increase in temperature would be pulmonary tuberculoma.

  • Hyperthermia– this is a shift in the set point in the brain, which determines the rate of “burning” of carbohydrates and fats. If you want, this is setting the “idle speed” higher. A classic example is hyperthyroidism. Increased level thyroid hormones leads to the fact that, for example, a temperature of 37.2 ° C without symptoms in a woman becomes almost constant.

First of all, the doctor must understand whether we are talking about fever or hyperthermia. Then, he and the patient must “stir up” her memory. What if there is a key fact that can suddenly change the entire logical system?

Remember all

First of all, you need to try to remember whether the increase in temperature was preceded or accompanied by the following facts:

  • travel, especially to hot countries;
  • change of place of residence;
  • contact with domestic or wild animals;
  • consumption of unfamiliar food, national drinks;
  • visiting zoos, pastures;
  • communication with people with obvious signs of illness (pallor, jaundice, exhaustion, cough, hemoptysis;
  • taking medications, nutritional supplements;
  • using new cosmetics;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • presence of occupational hazards;
  • alcohol and drug use;
  • severe stress, depression;
  • change of sexual partner.

As you can see, this far from complete list can be continued for quite a long time. And each of these points can provide a “clue to the solution.” So, a trip to Thailand is fraught with schistosomiasis, contact with farm animals is fraught with brucellosis, and so on.

Causes of temperature 37 - 37.5 without symptoms in women

Why does low temperature occur?

The causes of fever without symptoms are so diverse that it is easier to name the groups pathological conditions rather than individual diseases. In any case, this information will be useful to patients considering what and how to tell the doctor.

Of course, here we will most likely not talk about typhoid and salmonellosis, since these infections manifest themselves very violently (although typhoid asymptomatic carriage also exists). But diseases such as syphilis, and even with an atypical location of chancre and lymphadenitis, may well cause fever.

Periodic rise in temperature is also caused by local inflammatory foci: chronic pneumonia, endocarditis, cholangitis, thrombophlebitis. Against the background of decreased immunity, various encysted pustules – abscesses – lead to prolonged fever. Among them, pelvic, tubo-ovarian, and pouch of Douglas abscess often occurs in women.

Quite often, fever is accompanied by perinephritis, pyelonephritis, abscess and kidney tuberculosis.

In some cases, anicteric forms of viral hepatitis may occur, which are accompanied by minimal intoxication, but are manifested by a rise in temperature. Fever is also characteristic of decompensated liver cirrhosis, but in this case, there are usually signs.

The doctor should be especially wary if the examination reveals enlarged lymph nodes against the background of fever (often patients simply do not suspect this), or do not consider it necessary to complain, since they “don’t hurt.” In this case, taking into account the anamnesis, one should always keep in mind, especially taking into account the anamnesis (chaotic sex life, intravenous drug use).

If there have been injuries in the past, especially fractures, the presence of osteomyelitis cannot be excluded, and after a long stay in the hospital - phlebitis and phlebothrombosis at the installation site permanent catheters(for example, in a maternity hospital).

Tumors and neoplasms

Typically, tumors may be asymptomatic, and fever is one of the main diagnostic criteria. Most often these are Hodgkin's lymphomas and lymphocytic leukemia, less often - hypernephroid kidney cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Acute leukemia and others may also debut malignant neoplasms, including metastatic ones.

The examination data of a gynecologist and mammologist, the results of hysterography, mammography and other research methods are very important. Almost always, if you question a woman carefully, there will be a mention of additional symptoms, for example, about a slight weakness.

Systemic connective tissue diseases

In this case we're talking about about diseases that are more common in women than in men. These are SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic scleroderma. To identify them, especially in the early stages, irreplaceable help provide screening studies - detection of antinuclear antibodies, LE - cells, antibodies to DNA.

This immediately allows you to begin a targeted search for systemic connective tissue diseases. A great help in this will be the mention of sluggish arthritis, damage to small joints, and other symptoms characteristic of this pathology.

Closely adjacent to these diseases is a group of systemic vasculitis - angiitis, thromboangiitis, nodular arteritis. It is important to pay attention to vascular disorders and changes in the blood coagulation system.

Endocrine pathology

As a rule, in this case we are not talking about fever, but about an increase in the level of basal metabolism. Most often, this is a symptom of thyrotoxicosis, or hyperthyroidism. To suggest such a diagnosis, it is advisable to find confirmation of such facts - sweating, the desire to sleep without a blanket, a slight decrease in body weight and emotional lability.

  • Stool instability, tachycardia and palpitations often develop.

Taken by themselves, these symptoms may hardly bother a woman, especially if she dreams of losing weight, but their combined presence will allow the doctor to confidently prescribe tests for T3, T4, TSH, and antibodies to thyroglobulin.

Reaction to medications

Often, an increase in temperature in women can be associated with long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics from the beta-lactam group. For example, these include drugs such as all penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems and monobactams. All of them are widely used, for example, in the treatment inflammatory diseases in women - vaginitis, endometritis, adnexitis, if they are caused by bacterial flora. Sometimes, during an exacerbation, a woman uses antibiotics as self-medication, which causes a slight rise in temperature.

In some cases, women rheumatic diseases take cytostatics, anticonvulsants(carbamazepine), antipsychotics (haloperidol). They can also lead to a rise in temperature. Sometimes a drug such as allopurinol, which is used for long-term therapy for hyperuricemia and urolithiasis, also causes a slight rise in temperature.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy, and especially the first trimester, is a time of intense hormonal and immunological changes. female body. After all unborn child carries half of the foreign genetic material taken from the father. And the duty of the female body is to ensure full acceptance and development of the baby.

Therefore, after conception there may be just a slight low-grade fever, not higher than 37.5 ° C. Then this condition disappears, and the temperature drops to normal.

If the temperature starts to rise again in the later stages, this is no longer a normal option, but a symptom that can be life-threatening for the baby. In this case, you cannot hesitate, and especially not try to “bring down” the temperature on your own, and take antibiotics irresponsibly. You need to see a doctor urgently.

Rare causes of fever

Sometimes it happens that low-grade fever is caused by rare reasons. These include, for example, psychogenic causes, hypochondria, hysteroid psychopathy, stress. History also knows more surprising disorders associated with self-hypnosis - for example, the appearance of bleeding stigmata in people.

Quite often, patients with cancerophobia (fear of getting cancer) can have a fever for weeks at a time.

In other cases, for psychogenic reasons, a temperature of 37 °C may appear during the day, but at night it remains normal.
In addition to psychogenic fever, a number of diseases are possible - hereditary myositis, sarcoidosis. Their search usually takes longer, since not all doctors are familiar with them.

For example, if you suspect sarcoidosis, you need to see a phthisiatrician who treats this autoimmune disease, not at all related to tuberculosis.

What to do if you have a fever - which doctor should you go to?

Which doctor should you go to if you have a temperature of 37?

Those who have carefully read the material presented will understand that you can choose a “narrow specialist” only if you have any specific thoughts that have grown into confidence. This could be an infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.

In the same case, if there is no such confidence, you need to come to an appointment with an experienced therapist. Most often, it happens that a doctor (especially in a public clinic) cannot devote as much time to the patient as he should, and the first visit is limited to prescribing a wide variety of tests.

There is, perhaps, the only exception: if a woman is pregnant, then first of all, you need to visit your local doctor - a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic.

We will not dwell on diagnostic issues - we will only say that most patients, in addition to examinations by a therapist, gynecologist, routine tests, examinations for HIV, blood culture, tuberculosis, undergo CT, MRI, and many instrumental methods“increasingly complex and expensive.”

This approach cannot be called justified: during a diagnostic search, you need to confirm hypotheses with facts, and not search at random.


In conclusion, it must be said: despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of cases of fever are caused by infectious causes, about 20% of all cases remain unsolved. According to experts, in 90% of all cases, such an unknown (cryptogenic) increase in body temperature without symptoms in a woman never occurs again.

Usually in this case we are talking about an episode of sluggish infection, and even about tuberculosis, from which the patient spontaneously and independently recovers without any treatment, without knowing about this diagnosis.

  • The question of great complexity and ambiguity is whether it is necessary to “test” treat such an incomprehensible and undiagnosed fever.

Some experts believe that if you feel stable and have preserved performance, you should limit yourself to observation. Other experts, especially in disadvantaged regions, believe that it is better to start treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs, since this is how tuberculosis often progresses in women.

Sometimes low molecular weight heparins are prescribed for “test” purposes if there is a suspicion of venous thrombosis, but especially carefully and carefully it is worth approaching the treatment of unclear fever with hormones if rheumatic diseases are suspected. After all, the slightest error in the intended diagnosis will lead to a decrease in immunity, and if this process is caused by an infection, then the situation will only worsen.

Patients with such unrecognized fever should be monitored over a period of one year after the end of the febrile period. As a consolation, we can say that in ICD-10, the official classifier of all diseases, there is still such a diagnosis - fever of unknown origin.

When an adult develops a high temperature without symptoms, this is always a cause for concern, because temperature, as one of the body’s reactions, does not occur to empty space. However, the absence of any symptoms is scary because it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of this condition.

Optimal temperature indicator normal processes in the human body - 36.6°C. However, there are times when the temperature becomes elevated for no reason.

On the one hand, for some people this is the norm: there are people for whom it is always 36, and there are those for whom it is normal - 37.4°C. On the other hand, if a person usually has a normal temperature of 36.6°C, then a high temperature without symptoms in an adult means some kind of disorder.

Why does elevated temperature occur?

In all other situations, an increase in body temperature above normal indicates that the body is trying to fight something. In most cases, these are foreign agents in the body - bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or a consequence physical impact on the body (burn, frostbite, foreign body). At elevated temperatures, the existence of agents in the body becomes difficult; infections, for example, die at a temperature of about 38 C.

All fevers are divided into three groups:

  1. Low-grade fever, at which the temperature rises from 37 to 38 degrees;
  2. Febrile fever- temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees;
  3. Hectic fever- temperature increase from 40 degrees and above.

But any organism, like a mechanism, is not perfect and can malfunction. In the case of temperature, we can observe this when the body, due to individual characteristics immune system overreacts to various infections, and the temperature rises too high, for most people it is 38.5 C.

Causes of high fever in adults without symptoms

An increase in temperature or fever is observed in almost all acute infectious diseases, as well as during exacerbation of certain chronic diseases. And in the absence catarrhal symptoms reason high performance Doctors can determine the patient’s body temperature by isolating the pathogen either directly from the local source of infection or from the blood.

It is much more difficult to determine the cause of a temperature without signs of a cold if the disease arose as a result of exposure to opportunistic microbes (bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma) on the body - against the background of a decrease in general or local immunity. Then it is necessary to conduct a detailed laboratory test not only blood, but also urine, bile, phlegm and mucus.

Causes of fever without symptoms may be associated with the following diseases:

In all situations, an increase in temperature without signs of a cold indicates that the body is trying to fight something. For example, the so-called low-grade fever, often - low level hemoglobin in the blood.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If its growth is observed, then it is worth bringing down the temperature using antipyretic medications - Paracetamol, Aspirin... you can also use - Ibuprofen, Nurofen. For children, children's Nurofen in the form of a sweet syrup is best suited, but Aspirin should not be given to a child.

At 42°C, irreversible changes occur in the cerebral cortex and the onset of fatal outcome. But this rarely happens.

Temperature 37 without symptoms: possible causes

A runny nose, fever, and sore throat are all common symptoms of a common cold. But what to do if the temperature is 37 without symptoms? For what reasons does this occur and how to deal with it, let's figure it out.

Causes of fever without visible symptoms:

  1. Onset of pregnancy (in women);
  2. Weakening of the immune system;
  3. The presence of any sluggish infection in the body;
  4. Pre-cold condition;
  5. Depletion of human energy reserves;
  6. General fatigue, depression or post-stress state;
  7. Venereal diseases (, etc.)

Basically, a temperature of 37 without symptoms in an adult is due to the fact that there is some reason that caused similar condition, but she did not completely overcome the human defenses.

Temperature 38 without symptoms: possible causes

A temperature of 38 without symptoms can occur quite often. And the reasons for this temperature are not always the same. This temperature may signal that it is starting or (when catarrhal sore throat the temperature rises slightly).

If a temperature above 38 degrees without symptoms lasts for 3 or more days, then this may be a manifestation of:

  1. Rheumatism;
  2. (this is characterized by a strong stabbing pain in the lower back);
  3. accompanied by surges in blood pressure;

The most unpleasant syndrome is the persistence of an elevated temperature for several weeks and even months. This is most likely:

  1. A sign of tumor development in the body;
  2. Serious endocrine disorders;
  3. Leukemia;
  4. Diffuse changes in the liver or lungs.

The only thing that all these cases have in common is that in any case, the increase in temperature is due to the body’s resistance, which means that the immune system is fighting.

Temperature 39 without symptoms: possible causes

If a temperature of 39 without symptoms occurs in an adult not for the first time, then this is a clear sign pathological decline immunity and development of chronic inflammatory process. The phenomenon may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, febrile seizures, difficulty breathing or further increase. In this case, you must definitely contact a medical institution.

A high body temperature of 39-39.5° without obvious symptoms may be a signal of the following diseases:

  1. The presence of a tumor process;
  2. Development ;
  3. Manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  4. Chronic;
  5. Manifestation of hypothalamic syndrome;
  6. The presence of viral endocarditis;
  7. The appearance of meningococcal infection.

Finding out the reasons for the rise in temperature to 39° C in adults is challenging task even for experienced specialists, since to establish the cause it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from the blood or source of infection.

What to do?

First of all, see your GP. Very often we are simply unable to notice certain symptoms, but a doctor can easily identify them and be able to diagnose the disease. It is also necessary to take tests; they will help identify many diseases that do not manifest themselves externally. Sometimes your doctor may order a sputum, urine or blood culture, x-ray or ultrasound.

If the temperature is very high, you should call an ambulance so that doctors can provide emergency assistance and decided on the issue of hospitalization. In any case, high temperature is the body’s “cry” for help, and you should pay attention to it.