Psychological portrait of a dragon woman. General and love horoscope: Dragon woman

Fire Dragons are sacred animals in China. For many centuries they have been considered a symbol of the country, they are worshiped, they are raised to heaven. On the one hand, no one has seen these creatures, but on the other hand, it is difficult to say that they are made up, because people describe their appearance and character with amazing accuracy. For a Chinese, being born in the Year of the Dragon is considered great happiness, because this symbol endows a person with intelligence, luck, originality, pride, longevity, and good health. Such people will always be in the spotlight, and their opinion will be especially valuable.

Fire Dragons are gifted individuals who suffer from self-centeredness and arrogance. Such men are showmen by nature, they know how to stand out from the crowd, and are constantly surrounded by fans. Dragon men are too scattered, and this greatly hinders them in life. They are incapable of doing just one thing and tirelessly change their interests. Their behavior is often shocking; many will call typical Dragons boring. Their main areas of interest are psychology, electronics, technology, and magic. Fire Dragons fall in love easily and behave gallantly with ladies, but the girl will have to make a lot of effort to keep her gentleman near her. Such men often marry for convenience, because they are not capable of the deepest feelings.

Dragon Women

Representatives of beautiful bodies, born in the year of the Dragon, have a very complex character. They have a predominantly masculine type of energy, a lot of reason and logic, but they leave very little room for feelings. Such ladies are first focused on their career, they are smart, calculating, and they are lucky in life. Despite the ostentatious coldness and arrogance, they manage to acquire a wide circle of loyal friends and profitable partners. The Dragon woman is strict and tough with her subordinates, but she is not a stranger to kind-heartedness. He establishes his own rules in the family and demands complete obedience from members of the household. She immediately crushes a weak man under her, very often the Dragon woman has a psychological crown of celibacy, since she does not give free rein to her feelings.

Positive properties

Fire Dragons are very hardworking, so they quickly climb the career ladder, achieving their goals. People around them respect them for their honesty and directness; they will not fuss or deceive. The Dragon has pronounced leadership qualities, so he will make an excellent organizer and boss. Extraordinary thinking and the ability to present himself beautifully allow him to always remain in the center of attention and stand out from the crowd. This person's opinion will always be interesting and informative for others. The year of the Fire Dragon endows people with unique taste and musicality. The representative of the sign can be classified as a connoisseur of art and an ardent music lover.

Weaknesses of Drakosh

It should be noted that the Fire Dragon places his personal opinion above all else. The characteristics of the sign show that people born this year are characterized by excessive self-confidence, a nervous and explosive character. No one dares to doubt the veracity of their judgments, they openly neglect the feelings and thoughts of others, for them there is only an unshakable “I”. Fire Dragons are secretive and reserved. They need to learn to open up to people, to involve others in their plans more often.

The desire to constantly lead from time to time leads to unforeseen situations, because this symbol is rapidly running out of steam and needs a break. Dragons are hampered by internal nervousness, dissatisfaction with themselves, their surroundings, and life in general. They worry about trifles, do not like to pay attention to little things, for which they later pay. People born in the year of the Dragon need to learn to respect the opinions of others, try to find peace and harmony, devote less to their careers, and spend more time with loved ones. Only then will they feel happier.

The dragon sign gives her feminine qualities and outstanding intellectual abilities. Having a keen mind, analytical and synthetic, the Dragon woman is able to understand the most complex problems with amazing speed and easily distinguish the essential from the secondary. This is an ability that allows her to gain time compared to others. For some reason, it has as much rigor and logic as one could wish for. Her ideas sometimes always lack originality and relevance. She makes people respect herself.

A dragon woman does not have certain shortcomings for which men often reproach the weaker sex. Capable of seeing both sides of any issue, she has well-balanced and honest opinions, but only when her ego is not directly affected. Bias and bigotry are generally not part of her character. She is also incapable of meanness, pettiness, or hypocrisy. The Dragon woman greatly values ​​independence and secretly, if not openly, despises those members of her own sex who cling to men and do nothing themselves. Although she can sometimes seem talkative, her words often precede her thoughts, although she hates gossip. There is not a single trace of malice or deceit in her. Honesty, sincerity, and frankness - all this is inherent in her; she inspires confidence in all those who know her.

Dragon man and woman are not only naturally intelligent, but also have a generous, beautiful heart. The Dragon woman is generous and warm. Loyal to her loved ones, be it her friends or family, she will do anything to protect them and help them in their time of need. Often the Dragon woman is involved in charity work and has faith in the goodness of humanity; she refuses to believe in the cruel nature of other people and is firmly ready to trust them, sometimes to the point of naivety. She's not the kind of person who holds grudges; if someone betrayed her, she can forgive without much difficulty. Only very rarely does she allow herself to be under the shadow of pessimism, resentment or vindictiveness.

The Dragon woman loves to be in charge and in a position of power; precisely because she has enormous faith in herself and is fully aware of her personal magnetism. She is passionate, optimistic, enthusiastic, often to the point of impetuosity. It seems that she can handle anything and is always ready to take on any challenge that life offers. Whatever she takes upon herself, she will follow to its logical conclusion, but not give up! Difficulties bring out the best in her. She feels very well that she has a mission in this world. Courageous, she fights hard for what she believes is fair and worthwhile.

An incorrigible idealist - the Dragon woman is more idealistic than the male half of the sign, because... she refuses to put up with injustice and makes high demands on herself and others.

In contrast to her positive qualities, the Dragon woman has a number of conspicuous undesirable character traits. People are often irritated by her superiority complex and arrogant demeanor. There is always a certain complacency and dismissive indifference about her. Often vain and bossy, she reacts violently when she perceives herself as a target for criticism or when her abilities are questioned. Like a spoiled princess, she can sulk when she doesn't win at something.

Dramatic by nature, the Dragon woman always insists on being the center of attention. She will never give anything up to anyone. It seems as if for her the ends justify the means when it comes to satisfying her desire to hear admiration and appreciation for her. She does not shy away from snobbery or flattery. The Dragon woman can be overly eccentric, throw tantrums, be too squeamish and often brag. Her ambitions tend to go beyond all reasonable proportions. No amount of success can completely calm her heart. And if any of her countless whims and desires do not come true, she becomes extremely tense and angry, cursing the whole world instead of accepting failure humbly.

She skillfully takes care of her false pride. It would be impossible to convince her to play second fiddle in any field. She rarely bothers to show concern for the sensitivity of other people, sometimes saying nasty things to them, without regard for tact or diplomacy. She loves to impress people with her achievements, real or imagined. Verbal apologies are generally unrealistic for a Dragon woman. She will not tolerate any insult to her dignity and, like Don Quixote, who fought windmills, she will attack even when no one has hurt her pride.

Despite her protests to the contrary, she secretly longs for a life of ease and comfort, and is much more impressed by external wealth, luxury and splendor. She loves expensive clothes, luxurious dazzling jewelry, numerous trips to foreign countries and the like. Everything would be fine if she could afford such trinkets herself, and not through her man. One of her most serious problems in life is the problem of aging. The prospect of growing old frightens the Dragon woman, and she fights it with all her might to prevent the time of wrinkles from coming. She may prefer an early death to old age or try to stay young as long as possible, by all means.

Special mention must be made of her own attitude towards men in general. She considers herself completely equal in all respects to all members of the bearded sex, she has no feeling of inferiority in relation to them, and she takes pleasure in competing with them. Under no circumstances does she agree to be born a man. However, in a mildly tearful mood, she may have secret regrets about her condition as a woman, not because she finds anything wrong with her femininity in itself, but because she feels that everything would be simpler for her. if she were a man.

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Astrology has firmly entered our lives and today people are increasingly finding similar features in the descriptions of signs compiled by professional astrologers with the features of their relatives or colleagues. But we must not forget that in addition to the zodiac characteristics, there is also a Chinese horoscope, where each year corresponds to a specific animal.

Dragon woman? this is perhaps one of the most interesting portraits in the horoscope.

Dragon woman: characteristics

Oddly enough, a woman born in the year of the dragon is not afraid of criticism from others and condemnation of her actions by society. Thus, the scourge of any woman - self-doubt, fear of gossip, playing it safe always and everywhere just to be a “good girl” - is not familiar to her.

Needless to say, the Dragon, which patronized the year of birth of this lady, gave her a truly fighting character. Let's say more: the Dragon Lady perceives any caustic remark as a signal to start a duel. And have no doubt, this woman will win it!

In some ways, the character of such a woman is similar to the behavior of the zodiac Lioness. Both love praise, are always and everywhere right, and practically do not take into account the opinions of others if it goes against their own.

Outwardly, the Dragon woman is cold and arrogant, but in a circle of close friends she can open up in an unexpected way and for a while become that very charming lady, whose one glance makes a man’s heart beat faster.

At work, she is a true leader, a careerist who always achieves her goals.

Dragon in Love

If we open the topic - the Dragon woman, what she is like in love, then the first postulate will undoubtedly be the following: in love, the main thing is that I, the woman, feel good. The Dragon is unlikely to pay attention to a weak and timid man, but those who have achieved her favor can rightfully consider themselves ready to be initiated into real knights.

Only the Beautiful Dragon Lady is unlikely to ever become a housewife or an affectionate cat, so the man will have to endure more than one knightly duel with competitors even after the Dragon allows him to be with her.

In a word, you will only dream of peace with such a queen woman. But in return you will get an excellent conversationalist, an intellectual, a sober-minded woman who can compete with you men in some ways.

Which pair should the Dragon choose?

Of course, when it comes to any horoscope, it is interesting to know the compatibility of partners. The dragon woman is no exception. Many men wonder: what is the compatibility between a Dragon woman and a Cat man, a Tiger man, or maybe a Rat man who is most suitable for a Dragon woman in love?

Here's what astrologers think about this. Firstly, you should pay attention to a man born under the same sign. A family of two Dragons will always find common themes for both close relationships and quarrels. Yes, alas, the latter will certainly happen, because two strong personalities collide, but Dragons know very well how to properly put up with each other.

Secondly, a man of the year of the Rat or Monkey will be a good partner for a Dragon woman.

Thirdly, you should not refuse marriage with a Dog, Rabbit or Ox. Let these unions not be passionate, but stability and comfort will reign in them.

The Chinese believe that the Dragon, which is awarded to one of the years of the twelve-year cycle, is a very strong and powerful creature. This is both a reliable patron and protector... But not always! Sometimes this monster can simply incinerate you with its fire-breathing mouth or beat you to death with its powerful and elastic tail! In general, friends, today we will tell you about the Year of the Dragon.

Born under the stars of the Dragon, as contradictory as this fire-breathing monster. Such people can bring both positive and negative into the world, but they do not belong to that gray mass that can get lost in the crowd. Let's look at this in more detail.

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Dragon

Surprisingly, people who were lucky enough to be born this year will be independent from early childhood. They tend to protect their own freedom and independence. They like to express their opinion, which is not always clear to others. Don’t forget that mythical dragons, from early childhood, have been eager to leave their parents’ nest as quickly as possible! What else is significant about people born in the Year of the Dragon?

The characteristics of those born in the year of the influence of the Dragon are very interesting. These are in everything, they achieve everything they want! Without false modesty, they are confident that they were born exclusively for victories and the envy of their enemies. Plus, they will be able to get along with almost anyone!

Amazing Year of the Dragon. Characteristic

Compatibility in love

People born under the auspices of the Dragon tend to enjoy great success with members of the opposite sex. Women are real socialites, and the stronger sex in most cases prefers to remain single. Be that as it may, Dragon companions should always remember that their halves need solitude from time to time. There’s nothing you can do about it - that’s how the Year of the Dragon affects them!

Characteristics of Dragons by area of ​​success

Of course, the Dragon is an extraordinary and quite strong leader. Dragons can independently organize anyone and anything. Their areas of expertise include such professional fields as art, business, science, politics, and military affairs. These people are born strategists; they know how to plan, putting all their thoughts into order.

However, the twists and turns of life can force our Dragons to take a dubious path. For example, do not be surprised when you find out that the person arrested was recently born in the Year of the Dragon! The characteristics of such individuals are no less ordinary, because in the criminal sphere they succeed no less than some Dragon art critic!

Famous Dragons

Below we list those people who were lucky enough to be born in this significant and extraordinary year. Just think about these names, these are real masters of their craft:

  • Sigmund Freud
  • Edgar Allan Poe;
  • Bernard Show;
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • Oscar Wilde;
  • Joan of Arc;
  • Al Pacino;
  • Marlene Dietrich;
  • Abraham Lincoln;
  • Friedrich Nietzsche;
  • Pele;
  • Ernesto Che Guevara and many, many others!

As the Chinese horoscope assures, the Dragon Woman is a completely unique creature. This means that no one can be indifferent to her.

She is very confident and knows how much she can do. Some people are very offended by this, and part of the environment considers her self-confidence and awareness of her own exclusivity to be reprehensible qualities that should be bashfully hidden and which certainly cannot be proudly flaunted and demonstrated to everyone. Other people almost envy her such a position, because they themselves would like to have such courage to express their individuality, and the Dragon woman makes a particularly powerful impression on such people. However, representatives of the stronger sex are more often scared off by this - which, however, does not bother her at all.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon Woman is a passionate person, endowed with a strong character and exceptional beauty. Lives in anticipation of an exciting relationship and, regardless of age, awakens desire and love in the opposite sex. In her life there will be more roses than thorns, and old age usually passes in prosperity and under the sign of well-deserved glory.

Dragon woman in love

This is not the type of woman who passively waits for someone to make the first move: the chosen one makes an offer, the employer offers a good position, etc. The Dragon Woman love does not wait, like the romantic Assol, for a prince under scarlet sails. If she takes note of someone, she immediately takes the initiative and makes the first move. She is not afraid of anything and is ready to try everything herself, intends to experience everything that fate offers her, so she often changes partners, surroundings, work and is not going to waste time only on them - at least until she comes to the conclusion that there is nothing new in this sphere no longer awaits her.

The Dragon Woman in love always strives for more or less obvious dominance. It is sometimes difficult to restrain her dynamic and firm gait, but her incredible personality attracts you like a magnet. Men simply go crazy about her and suffer when they are rejected, because they understand that they may never meet such an interesting partner again.

Dragon woman in sex

The Dragon Woman has practically no prejudices in the bedroom; she knows how to enjoy life and love, including physical love, everything that brings with it this feeling and other manifestations of existence. This representative of the fair sex loves experiments.

Horoscope: Dragon woman in a permanent relationship

A representative of this sign of the Chinese horoscope can never complain about a lack of success and, moreover, attracts proud, self-confident, temperamental people, like herself. Therefore, the relationship of the Dragon woman, as a rule, is filled with enthusiasm, passion, and can be a real storm. True, they must have a considerable amount of independence, because Drakosha does not intend to allow anyone to tie her too closely to themselves.

When this happens, and she feels that she is in love, she still does not cease to value independence and does not like official marriage, believing that it limits her freedom. A lady born in these years of the eastern horoscope has high hopes for her partner and expects a lot from him, because for his sake she sacrificed her precious freedom! There is no question of the Dragon adapting to someone - on the contrary, she is always on top, and the people around must unconditionally accept or leave the circle of her close associates. The Dragon Woman is also uncompromising in the case when a loved one does not meet some expectations, regardless of what area they belong to. She does not intend to spend time correcting the situation, “running in” the relationship, and if she sees that she does not like something or someone, then she does not have the patience to take advantage of additional chances.

The Dragon woman's horoscope is rich, she has many interests, her career is important to her. The Dragon woman knows how to achieve success in social life, science or sports, so love is not everything in her life. And especially not a housewife. Sooner or later, her rebellious soul, thirsty for new adventures, breaks out of the four walls like a bird. And if it meets resistance, the ending of the relationship can be impressive. How do Dragon women leave? Leaving behind ashes...

How to win a Dragon woman: first date

How to conquer a Dragon girl? Such a representative of the eastern horoscope values, first of all, intelligence and enterprise in a love partner. An interesting conversation always helps to make her gaze linger longer on a fan who knows how to maintain a conversation - this is the first stage in the implementation of a complex plan, which aims to win the Female Dragon. She has a weakness for good cars and often engages in extreme sports. Crazy forays out of town, to some interesting place, safari-style adventures will certainly help to conquer the Dragon woman. She can be found among members of various public and political organizations, because a woman of this sign actively fights against injustice in the world. Therefore, gentlemen should not underestimate the demonstration of their strength and passion for a just cause - in order to more successfully fight for an independent dragon heart.