Self-massage of the head and neck to improve blood flow. Head and neck massage for hair growth and improved blood circulation. Benefits, contraindications, best techniques Self-massage of the head to improve blood circulation

Good health is harmony of body and soul, a positive attitude and lack of fatigue.

But if the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, pain, heaviness and dizziness occur.

A ringing appears in the head, there is a noise in the ears, and colored flies flash before the eyes.Will help solve the problem .

Massage of the neck and collar promotes the production of special tissue hormones that are directly involved in the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system.

The procedure removes excess fluid from cells and improves the functioning of the vascular and lymphatic systems. Massaging the neck and collar restores normal blood circulation, relieves tension and relaxes the whole body.

The procedure improves your health on an energetic level. Uniform blows, pats and stroking soften and modify the energy balance, which provides comfort, improves well-being, eliminates fatigue, and concentrates attention.

Besides, The benefits of head and neck massage are as follows:

  • promotes joint mobility;
  • restores the balance of energy flows, improves the delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain;
  • relieves muscle discomfort, tension, fatigue;
  • improves blood supply to the head and neck;
  • stimulates good sleep;
  • relieves depression, the effects of stress, excessive sleepiness, fatigue and tiredness;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Massage for various ailments

Collar and head massage helps prevent the appearance or get rid of existing ailments that arise from physical inactivity, sedentary work, and an inactive lifestyle.

Low mobility of the cervical spine leads to a slow change in the amplitude of head movement. The less the neck moves, the more often creaking or acute pain appears

A session of working out the cervical-collar area is a way to get rid of:

  • sore throat, migraine, headache;
  • nausea;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • ringing in the head and ears;
  • chest pain;
  • dizziness;
  • low neck activity.

Massage to improve blood circulation in the brain

A massage for good blood circulation lasts only three minutes, but it needs to be done daily. The neck contains important vessels and lymph nodes that should not be affected too much. The patient should lie or sit with his elbows on the table.

  • the massage begins from the side surface of the neck, moves to the chest, after which the back and front surfaces of the shoulder girdle are massaged;
  • all classical techniques are used;
  • movements from behind are directed from top to bottom, from the front - from bottom to top.
Indications for the procedure may include various diseases of the central nervous system, vascular system, spinal injuries and simply improving the health of the skin.

The results of the massage are noticeable from the first sessions: concentration and memory improve, excellent health and good mood are noted, and good spirits and strength appear.

Massage for neck pain

Pain in the neck can be a symptom of various diseases, or a consequence of an uncomfortable sleeping position, a complication after a cold, or simply the result of overexertion.

You can cope with this trouble, and it won’t take much time. The first massage sessions for neck pain should be gentle and last about ten minutes.

The correct order of techniques is:

  • active stroking from the scalp to the shoulder girdle;
  • kneading with fingertips from the back of the head to the neck;
  • each technique is repeated five times, then replaced by another movement;
  • after several alternations of stroking and kneading the neck, the trapezius muscle begins to be worked on, for which the same movements are repeated again;
  • The procedure is completed by spiral rubbing with fingertips from ear to ear along the hairline along the back of the neck.
Strong techniques are unacceptable with this type of massage.

The procedure can be used as a preventive complex for pain in the cervical spine. By doing this massage every day, you guarantee yourself an improved mood, a fresh complexion, healthy sleep and relief from accumulated fatigue and stress.

Massage for protrusion of the cervical spine

Protrusion is a serious disease of the spine in which protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurs.

This disease occurs mainly in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In case of exacerbation, the procedure cannot be performed. When the patient feels better, a course of neck massage can begin.

Basic techniques: first stroking, then tapping, then kneading.

  • preferably sitting or lying on your side;
  • movements are slow and smooth, direction – from top to bottom from
  • back of the head to the cervical region;
  • one element is repeated for five minutes;

The procedure has a strengthening effect on muscle fibers and helps activate healing processes. The disc returns to its normal position, the size of the protrusion decreases.


Be sure to study the contraindications to head and neck massage:

  • mental changes;
  • pathological defect of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases, dermatosis, rash;
  • inflammation and infectious processes;
  • burns, abrasions and other damage to the massaged area.

If skin defects are removable, then they must be removed before the massage course.

Features of massage of the cervical-collar area for children and pregnant women

And the women who are waiting
child, has some features of preparation and execution.

The environment should be as friendly as possible. You can turn on relaxing music in the background, take out incense sticks (ylang-ylang soothes, bergamot tones, lotus and sandalwood eliminate fatigue).

Children's massage lasts 15 minutes, pregnancy massage – 20 minutes. The course consists of 10–15 sessions.
Classic methods, techniques and movements are used.
If painful or unpleasant sensations appear, you must stop the procedure.

The child should be calm during the massage; increased excitability, crying, screaming are a serious reason to stop the session.

During the procedure, a pregnant woman should listen to her feelings and the movements of the baby in the womb. At the slightest sign of discomfort, poor health, excessive or too low activity of the fetus, the session is stopped.

The procedure must be performed by qualified specialists; poor technique and stimulation of certain active points can lead to fetal loss

If doctors diagnose a pregnant woman with “threatened miscarriage,” then it is better to refuse any massage.

Neck massage technique

Having studied the general, you will be able to independently apply various techniques on yourself or your loved ones to relax the muscles of the head, collar, chest, improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and eliminate aching pain in the cervical spine.

It is important to remember the basic techniques used for the back of the shoulder girdle and neck:

Stroking. Planar, enveloping, comb-like, and forceps-like techniques are used alternately from top to bottom.
Rubbing. Straight, circular, intersecting, sawing, stroke-like movements are used.
Kneading. The procedure may involve longitudinal and transverse movements, forceps, shifting, stretching, and pressing.
Vibrating movements. Intermittent and continuous techniques can be used, with tapping, patting, and vibration with individual fingertips.

The front surface of the neck is worked out in the following way:

Stroking. The movements are made with the palms of both hands, they slide from the chin towards the chest. Sudden movements should be avoided.
Rubbing. Performed with fingertips. The entire surface of the neck, décolleté and lateral neck muscles are worked out.
Kneading. Techniques are performed on the sides of the neck from the earlobes to the jugular depressions, while the head is tilted in the other direction and the chin is turned towards the muscle being worked. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is massaged separately.


By choosing a suitable massage complex for the cervical-collar region, you will delay old age and stop or prevent the development of ailments of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system and internal organs.

Most often, problems with blood circulation are solved with medication. Drugs intended to dilate blood vessels and are quite effective, but have a number of serious side effects and contraindications. Exercises to normalize blood flow completely safe. They can be performed at any age, and it turns out not only preventive, but also therapeutic effect:

  • memory impairment is prevented and treated and other cognitive functions of the brain;
  • coordination improves movements;
  • the risk of developing various vascular pathologies is reduced, such as strokes and thrombosis;
  • vision is restored;
  • relieves pain in osteochondrosis, the mobility of the spinal column increases.

With regular exercise, the effectiveness of medications prescribed by your doctor also increases.

It is advisable to train twice a day. A set of exercises performed in the morning will help you cheer up and get into the mood for work, and an evening session will promote relaxation and a good night's rest.

Improving blood circulation in the brain: features of the complex and technique of implementation

It is possible to influence blood circulation in the head only in a comprehensive manner. That is why the list of useful movements includes not only bending and turning the head, but also lunges and squats. To activate blood flow and increase the lumen of blood vessels, you need to make your heart work faster.

As for the technical side of the issue, all movements must be performed smoothly and carefully without making sudden movements or jerks. Each exercise should be repeated at least ten times. Breathe during training you need deep and smooth. This will ensure the flow of oxygen and maintain rhythm: the movement is performed while exhaling, and returning to the original position while inhaling.

As the muscles strengthen, the load needs to be increased. This is done both through a greater number of repetitions and the number of approaches. Beginners are advised to perform no more than one set of each exercise.

If pain occurs or the general condition of the body does not allow you to exercise fully, you should reduce training to a minimum, and after recovery, return to your usual rhythm.

The most effective exercises

This complex, like any training program, begins with a mandatory warm-up. In this case, it is advisable to walk around a little and rub the collar area with your fingers until you feel warm. After this you can proceed to the main part:

  • Standing straight with relaxed arms, your head should be slowly tilted alternately to the right and left. The movement is performed with the maximum possible amplitude, but without pain. If mobility is limited, do not persist.
  • From the same starting position the head first leans back freely and then leans forward. You need to touch your chin to your chest. If you have problems with balance, you can do bends while sitting.
  • Again performed while standing alternate turns of the head in both directions. The chin should ideally be placed in line with the shoulder, but if this is not yet possible, there is no need to make additional efforts.
  • The following exercise is performed shoulders. First you need them raise as high as possible, and after returning to the original position – take it back.
  • Another shoulder exercise is designed to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and improve blood circulation. In this case, first we execute circular movements of the shoulders with arms down(round trip), then the palms are placed on the shoulders and the cycle repeats. Complete the rotation element with straight arms spread to the sides.
  • Standing straight and arms down freely downwards, you need to do p alternate turns of the body in both directions with maximum amplitude. In this case, the pelvis should remain motionless.
  • Perform a series of torso bends: first from left to right, keeping your arms along your body, and then back and forth. In the latter case, the hands are on the belt.
  • Standing straight and placing your palms on your waist, do several rotational movements of the pelvis in different directions. From the same starting position, perform the prescribed number of lunges on each leg.
  • Squats will also help to activate blood circulation. There is no need to lower your pelvis too deeply - your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point. During a squat, your arms can be extended forward to maintain balance.

Several are perfect for a cool down. stretching exercises.

  • First you need stand on your toes and stretch up behind raised hands.
  • Then, keeping your legs straight, do deep forward bend(it is advisable to touch the floor with your palms).
  • At the very end you can do deep plie - analogue of squats, but with legs apart and feet spread outward.

Massage of the collar area and head stimulates blood circulation well and increases vascular elasticity. Manipulation consists of stroking and squeezing movements of the hands.

  • Stretch your shoulders and neck need to from the periphery to the center(spine).
  • head massaging fingertips, slightly squeezing and relaxing them, while simultaneously making rotational movements with your hand.

Self-massage in this case is as effective as the actions of an assistant.

Classic head massage (video)

Self-massage of the neck (video)

Complex efficiency is enhanced by proper organization of work and rest schedules, proper diet planning and taking vitamin complexes. Long walks are also useful, especially in forested areas. Improves vascular tone and hardening procedures(contrast shower, for example). In combination with exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain, all these activities help maintain physical and mental health into old age.

Exercises to normalize blood flow are completely safe. They can be performed at any age, and they have not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect:

  • memory impairment and other cognitive functions of the brain are prevented and treated;
  • coordination of movements improves;
  • the risk of developing various vascular pathologies, such as strokes and thrombosis, is reduced;
  • vision is restored;
  • the pain syndrome associated with osteochondrosis is relieved, and the mobility of the spinal column increases.

With regular exercise, the effectiveness of medications prescribed by your doctor also increases.

It is advisable to train twice a day. A set of exercises performed in the morning will help you cheer up and get into the mood for work, and an evening session will promote relaxation and a good night's rest.

Improving blood circulation in the brain: features of the complex and technique of implementation

It is possible to influence blood circulation in the head only in a comprehensive manner. That is why the list of useful movements includes not only bending and turning the head, but also lunges and squats. To activate blood flow and increase the lumen of blood vessels, it is necessary to make the heart work faster.

As for the technical side of the issue, all movements must be performed smoothly and carefully, without making sudden movements or jerks. Each exercise should be repeated at least ten times. You need to breathe deeply and evenly during training. This will ensure the flow of oxygen and maintain the rhythm: the movement is performed while exhaling, and returning to the original position while inhaling.

As the muscles strengthen, the load must be increased. This is done both through a greater number of repetitions and the number of approaches. Beginners are advised to perform no more than one set of each exercise.

If pain occurs or the general condition of the body does not allow you to exercise fully, you should reduce training to a minimum, and after recovery, return to your usual rhythm.

The most effective exercises

This complex, like any training program, begins with a mandatory warm-up. In this case, it is advisable to walk around a little and rub the collar area with your fingers until you feel warm. After this you can proceed to the main part:

  • Standing straight with relaxed arms, you need to alternately slowly tilt your head to the right and left. The movement is performed with the maximum possible amplitude, but without pain. If mobility is limited, do not persist.
  • From the same starting position, the head first leans back freely and then leans forward. You need to touch your chin to your chest. If you have problems with balance, you can do bends while sitting.
  • Again, while standing, alternate turns of the head in both directions are performed. The chin should ideally be placed in line with the shoulder, but if this is not yet possible, there is no need to make additional efforts.
  • The next exercise is performed with the shoulders. First, they need to be raised as high as possible, and after returning to their original position, they need to be pulled back.
  • Another shoulder exercise is designed to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and improve blood circulation. In this case, first, circular movements are performed with the shoulders with arms down (in both directions), then the palms are placed on the shoulders and the cycle is repeated. Complete the rotation element with straight arms spread to the sides.
  • Standing straight and lowering your arms freely downwards, you need to alternate turns of the body in both directions with maximum amplitude. In this case, the pelvis should remain motionless.
  • Perform a series of torso tilts: first from left to right, keeping your arms along your body, and then back and forth. In the latter case, the hands are on the belt.
  • Standing straight and placing your palms on your waist, make several rotational movements with your pelvis in different directions. From the same starting position, perform the prescribed number of lunges on each leg.
  • Squats will also help to activate blood circulation. There is no need to lower your pelvis too deeply - your thighs should be parallel to the floor at the lowest point. During a squat, your arms can be extended forward to maintain balance.

A few stretches are a great way to cool down.

  • First, you need to stand on your toes and reach up with your raised arms.
  • Then, keeping your legs straight, bend deeply forward (preferably with your palms touching the floor).
  • At the very end, you can perform a deep plie - an analogue of a squat, but with your legs apart and your feet spread outward.

Massage of the collar area and head stimulates blood circulation and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Manipulation consists of stroking and squeezing movements of the hands.

  • You need to warm up your shoulders and neck from the periphery to the center (spine).
  • I massage my head with the pads of my fingers, slightly squeezing and relaxing them, while simultaneously making rotational movements with my hand.

Self-massage in this case is as effective as the actions of an assistant.

Classic head massage (video)

Self-massage of the neck (video)

The effectiveness of the complex is enhanced by proper organization of work and rest schedules, proper preparation of the diet and intake of vitamin complexes. Long walks are also useful, especially in forested areas. Improve vascular tone and hardening procedures (contrast shower, for example). In combination with exercises to improve blood circulation in the brain, all these activities help maintain physical and mental health into old age.

Self-massage of the head and neck to improve blood flow

Head and neck massage is used to improve blood circulation. The Danish physiologist and Nobel Prize laureate August Krogh proved that in the massaged area the number of working capillaries increases by several tens of times. Often the cause of headaches in people is high or low blood pressure (hyper- and hypotension).

Effect of massage

People suffering from migraines can do self-massage of the head to improve blood circulation. This will facilitate the movement of arterial blood and accelerate the outflow of venous blood, which will reduce pressure in hypertension and increase it in hypotension.

Read how to do breathing exercises for the heart and brain after a stroke.

Self-massage is used not only for headaches. It also has a positive effect on the entire body. Massage cleanses the skin of unnecessary dead cells (ectoderm) and improves its blood supply. Because of this, you can notice such positive effects as:

  • metabolism in the skin increases;
  • trophism of the glands improves;
  • The elasticity of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and beautiful.

The muscles become strong, resilient, and the joints become flexible and mobile. Depending on what movements are made, the central nervous system can go either into an excited state or into a state of inhibition.

Important! Self-massage is contraindicated for people who have skin diseases: eczema, lichen, skin rash and thrombophlebitis.

Before massaging the desired area, pay attention to your hands. They must be washed well with soap and water or wiped with an alcohol solution. Nails should be cut short and palms should be warm, as cold has a tonic effect on the muscles (they become tense).

Important! Fingers should glide over the massaged surface and under no circumstances irritate the skin. Therefore, if your hand sweats heavily, wipe it with a 1% formaldehyde solution.

Special products used during blood flow-improving massage

To avoid strong friction, use talc. It absorbs fat and sweat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the massaged area. In the absence of talc, baby powder will also work. If massaging movements are performed on a small surface, then Vaseline or cosmetic creams are suitable. If massage is performed to treat a disease, then pharmaceutical ointments are used.

Important! When performing a massage, there should be no red spots left on the skin, and the person should not experience any discomfort.

How to properly massage the muscles of the head and neck

Self-massage of the muscles of the head and cervical region is performed in a standing or sitting position. Massaging movements should be performed in the direction of blood flow, moving towards the lymph nodes. Massage of the cervical and trapezoidal sections begins from the hairline, going down to the lower back, shoulder joint, and armpit. The face is massaged from the nose to the sides and from the temples to the bottom, the forehead from the midline to the sides.

Important! The massage always begins and ends with stroking.

The following techniques are distinguished in massage:

  1. Stroking is a soothing movement that does not require pressure. Stroking is performed with the palm of the hand, the four fingers of which are pressed tightly against each other, and the thumb is protruding.
  2. Squeezing is a movement accompanied by effort. It is performed using the base of the palm or the tubercle of the thumb.
  3. Rubbing is a movement similar to stroking, but it is performed more energetically.
  4. Kneading is the main technique in massage. There are longitudinal and transverse kneading, the technique of which will be discussed below.
  5. Shaking is a movement that affects superficial and deep muscles. It is performed using the little finger and thumb. The muscle is shaken with two fingers, the remaining fingers are in a slightly raised state.
  6. Percussive techniques have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. There is effleurage, patting, chopping.

Perform longitudinal kneading along the muscle fibers. You need to take the muscle so that four fingers tightly adjacent to each other are on one side, and the protruding thumb is on the other. After which the fixed muscle is lifted and removed from the bone. Without releasing it, carry out a kneading movement, moving towards the center.

To perform a transverse kneading, you need to clasp the muscle with your palms and fingers, and an angle of 45–50 degrees should form between them. The thumbs should be in one massaged area, and the remaining fingers in another.

Tapping is carried out with the edge of the hand. To perform pats, turn the palm down, and close the five hoops, forming a kind of box filled with air. Chopping is done using the little finger, the palm is perpendicular to the back. Upon impact, the overlying fingers close.

Self-massage of the head improves blood circulation

To improve blood circulation, begin a head massage from the top of the head, going down. Stroking is performed with the palms, and they must be placed so that the phalanges of the fingers are intertwined at the top of the head. First they stroke the temporal region, then the occipital and frontal region. Rubbing is carried out with the pads of four fingers, moving the skin.

The bases of the palms are kneaded, first the temporal area is massaged, then the frontal and occipital areas, while moving the skin. Tapping is also used. It is performed with the fingertips all over the head, stronger in the back (occipital part) and in front (frontal part).

Cervical massage

When performing self-massage of the cervical muscles, the following movements are mainly used:

Massage of the back of the neck is performed to improve cerebral circulation. Stroking the back muscles of the neck begins from the hair, gradually moving towards the back. The second movement is carried out with the edge of the palm, if the side being massaged is the same as the hand, or with the bone of the thumb, if the side being massaged is opposite to the hand.

Rubbing the back muscles of the neck begins along the line of the occipital bone, and then rubs the muscles from the scalp going down along the vertebrae. The left side of the neck is kneaded by the right palm, and the right side by the left palm.

Everything about headaches: causes, characteristic signs, diagnosis, treatment.

People who suffer from insomnia especially need massage of the trapezius muscles to improve cerebral circulation. A person suffering from this disorder has various sleep problems. By doing self-massage before going to bed, you will fall asleep quickly and soundly (see Insomnia).

After self-massage of the posterior sections, massage the anterior muscles of the neck. The same techniques are used in the same sequence. When massaging the anterior neck muscles, stroking is performed more gently; the skin should not stretch. It is necessary to squeeze the area behind the ear near the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Alternately, first with two, then with three and four fingers.

Then you need to massage your chin. Stroking is done from the jaw to the bottom of the chin and from the medial line towards the ears (4-5 repetitions). Then they knead the chin. To do this, place the pads of four fingers on it and massage your chin, while moving the skin in one direction or the other (4-5 repetitions).

Why you need to regularly self-massage

Many doctors recommend massage to patients during the recovery period. After all, the therapeutic effect of massage on the body is great. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to go to a session. Self-massage is available to everyone. It not only helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, but also has various beneficial effects described above.

This procedure takes very little time. And a person of any age can do it, anywhere. You can watch a video showing a head massage technique to improve blood circulation by clicking on the link.

How to massage your head and neck to improve blood circulation

Massaging the head and neck to improve blood circulation can be a good solution to the problem without the use of drugs. Cerebrovascular accidents occur in people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, so ways to combat them are always relevant.

Signs of circulatory problems include:

  • regular headaches, dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • weakness;
  • dark spots before the eyes, lightheadedness;
  • fainting.

Simple types of massage can act as both therapeutic and preventative agents.

Benefits and contraindications of massage

Head and neck massage to improve blood circulation has several important abilities:

  1. Produces special hormones in body tissues that improve the transmission of impulses through the nervous system.
  2. Removes excess liquid.
  3. Promotes the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  4. Helps improve cardiovascular performance.
  5. Promotes increased joint mobility.

The cervical-collar massage area, in addition, combats the following problems:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Muscle spasms.
  3. Muscle tension.

Massage can also combat migraines, sleep disorders, the onset of depression (this is also associated with the production of hormones), and have a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels. Nevertheless, there are those for whom head and neck massage is strictly contraindicated.

  • those in the active stage of a psychological illness (such massage is not recommended for people in remission, but in this case exceptions are possible based on individual circumstances);
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • with skin diseases;
  • suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • with burns and abrasions on massaged areas.

Children and pregnant women: features of massage

When pregnant women or small children need to massage their head and neck, several important rules must be followed:

  • Maximum relaxation of the massaged person.
  • The duration of a baby massage, even if the child is happy with everything, should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The duration of a massage for a pregnant woman should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • A massage course should not include more than 15 sessions.
  • The child must remain calm throughout the massage. If he suddenly starts screaming, crying, expressing anxiety or impatience, the session must be stopped.
  • A pregnant woman needs to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the massage. If the fetus in the stomach suddenly begins to move violently or, conversely, abruptly stops moving, the session must also be interrupted.

Massage techniques

Any massage includes a certain set of movements and rules. Even people who are far from the massage therapist profession need to know about the basic ones. This will help them take care of their safety during the session.

Massage in different parts of the cervical-collar region is carried out as follows:

One of the most popular types of massage is considered to be the method of Vladimir Dell. It is similar to the traditional one, but first requires removing all metal jewelry and rubbing your hands with apple cider vinegar or olive oil.

During massage and especially during automassage, it is necessary to pay great attention to safety rules.

Head and neck massage to improve blood circulation video

Nowadays, osteochondrosis has become seriously “younger”. This disease, already very common, now very often affects people of working age. It is worth remembering that in 9 cases out of 10, back pain is somehow associated with osteochondrosis. We have already examined this disease in detail, but this time we will focus on such a component of treatment as massage of the cervical spine.

General information about the disease

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine in which a degenerative process occurs in the intervertebral discs. The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis are well known to everyone - usually it is either excessive load on the spine (during sports, or due to professional duties), or vice versa - a serious lack of movement (sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle).

The development of the disease is explained by the fact that the intervertebral disc does not have its own blood vessels; it receives nutrition through diffusion from the surrounding tissues. Lack of physical activity leads to disruption of the natural processes in the cartilage, resulting in its premature aging. On the other hand, excessive loads lead to damage to the intervertebral discs, resulting in reduced elasticity and strength. In both cases, the result is the appearance of cracks in the outer shell of the disc, through which the nucleus pulposus of the disc falls out, leading to the appearance of an intervertebral hernia.

Specifics of the cervical spine

It must be remembered that the neck is generally a rather vulnerable part of the human body. Here, a large number of blood vessels and nerve canals pass through a relatively small volume. Therefore, the appearance of even a small protrusion, not to mention a full-fledged hernia, never goes unnoticed. On the other hand, the manifestations of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine do not always express themselves unambiguously, so there are often cases when a person is simply trying to cure a disease that does not exist, not suspecting that the problem is in the spine.

In general, signs of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine are pain in the neck, back of the head and interscapular region, attacks of dizziness, and limited neck mobility. Other rather unexpected signs may also appear, for example, increased blood pressure. At the same time, the heart is healthy, as all studies show. But a person begins to persistently “treat blood pressure,” although the reason is completely different.

How can massage help?

When treating such a disease, the doctor’s main task is primarily to relieve pain. After the pain has been relieved or weakened, the real treatment begins, the main goal of which is to prevent the progression and relapse of the disease. For this, two main methods are used - physical therapy and massage.

In the case of the neck, exercise therapy is often not so effective, but massage can fully fulfill its tasks:

  • weakening or eliminating pain;
  • improved blood circulation in the affected area;
  • elimination of spasms of the muscles of the back and neck;
  • strengthening neck muscles.

Specifics of massage of the cervicothoracic spine

The technique of performing a massage largely depends on what the clinical picture of the disease is and what stage it is at. Since osteochondrosis can manifest itself in different ways, the technique of classical massage should be selected individually. In addition, you need to trust only real specialists who know how to properly massage the cervical spine; the price in this case fades into the background - you should not save in such a situation. In general, during therapeutic massage all the usual techniques of classical massage are used - stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, vibration.

It should also be remembered that spinal massage, a video of which you can watch below, is usually performed when the acute period of the disease has already passed. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing pain rather than reducing it. In addition, when performing a massage, the patient must take into account the presence of concomitant diseases, such as hypertension, circulatory disorders, etc.

In cases where the pain is expressed only on one side, the massage should begin with the healthy part of the neck and only then can you move on to the painful part, but ultimately the neck is massaged equally on both sides. In addition, the exit points of the small and large occipital nerves must be affected, since they are the ones who suffer from cervical osteochondrosis.

A good effect is also achieved by supplementing classical therapeutic massage with elements of segmental and acupressure massage.

Additionally, it is worth considering that in cases where the cause of pain is instability of the cervical spine, massage should be performed carefully. In this case, you can only trust a highly qualified specialist.

Do you want to know all the secrets of treating cervical osteochondrosis? Then check out this free training course >>

Effective self-massage techniques for cervical osteochondrosis

Recently, we increasingly hear about such a disease as cervical osteochondrosis.

Its main symptoms - pain in the head and neck, dizziness, fainting, numbness of the upper extremities - are very unpleasant and can cause a lot of problems.

They arise as a result of degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, which entail damage to the muscle tissue, blood vessels and nerves of the cervical-collar area.

The cause of cervical osteochondrosis can be excess weight, heavy physical activity, and spinal injuries. However, most often the disease occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

If we add here regular exposure to an asymmetrical position, the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis increases several times.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a complex disease that requires long-term and systematic treatment. In addition, it must be comprehensive, since several causes will have to be eliminated at once.

However, among all methods of treatment and prevention, self-massage is the most effective and affordable. It improves blood circulation in the neck, relieves symptoms well and slows down the progression of the disease.

Features of self-massage

Treatment of osteochondrosis is divided into several stages.

First, they get rid of pain, dizziness and other symptoms. Then they stimulate restoration processes, which should stop the destruction of cartilage tissue.

At each of these stages, complex treatment is used - medication and manual procedures are necessarily used together.

Self-massage is a therapy that can really relieve cervical osteochondrosis.

It is known that it has not only a pronounced, but also a long-lasting effect: after several procedures, the symptoms of the disease disappear for 2-3 months.

In addition, regular massage slows down the progression of the disease and improves the condition of the cervical spine.

Therapeutic effect

Manual therapy produces the following effect:

  • small arteries dilate;
  • vascular function improves;
  • muscle volume and tone increases;
  • joint functions are restored;
  • the performance of muscle tissue increases;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the regeneration process is accelerated and the conductivity of nerve fibers is improved.

As a rule, self-massage is performed every day, following a special healing course, which takes about two weeks.

Then there is a short break. In just a year, it is recommended to conduct 3-4 massage courses.

These include lymph nodes, carotid arteries, and protruding vertebrae of the neck. If you don’t have the necessary knowledge, it’s better to practice with an experienced specialist.

Methods of influence

When conducting manual therapy, several methods of influence are used:

  1. Stroking. The main purpose of this method is to warm up and prepare the muscles for other types of impact. Movements are made with an open palm without strong pressure.
  2. Squeezing is a more intense method of massage. During its implementation, the phalanges of the thumb or the edge of the palm are used.
  3. Trituration. The essence of the method is to massage certain areas with your fingertips. Sometimes gentle pinching is done to stimulate blood circulation.
  4. Kneading is the most powerful type of massage in terms of impact. It is performed slowly with relatively strong pressure on the skin and muscles.

You can perform self-massage with one or two hands while standing on your feet or sitting in a chair.

The head should look strictly straight during the procedures.

Each exercise should be carried out along special areas. For the back of the cervical region, massage is usually done from the back of the head to the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The front of the neck is massaged from the chin down to the collarbones.

In addition, it is important to know how to correctly measure the load. Here you need to adhere to a simple rule: the harder the pressure, the fewer times you can do the exercise. The most powerful effect is not recommended to be repeated more than three times.

Self-massage technique

When treating osteochondrosis, massage is prescribed to both the front and back of the neck. It is advisable to start the procedures from the back of the cervical spine.

Self-massage of the back of the neck for osteochondrosis:

  1. Squeezing. Press the edge of your palm against your neck and move from bottom to top. When you reach your hair, move down to your shoulder area.
  2. Trituration. Using circular movements with your fingertips, rub the back of your head from one ear to the other. Then repeat the same movements from the roots of your hair to your forearms. The main thing is to never massage the vertebrae - only the muscles.
  3. Pinching. Use your thumb and forefinger to lightly pinch the neck muscles. Work first from the bottom up, and then vice versa.
  4. Stroking. Place both hands on the neck and stroke from the back of the head to the shoulders.

Front massage:

  1. Stroking. Place the back of your hand on the neck in the area of ​​the lower jaw and move towards the sternum. Stroking should be soft and pleasant.
  2. Trituration. Rub your chest muscles with circular movements of your fingers. Be careful not to hit the lymph nodes.
  3. Kneading. Place your thumb and index finger together and, slightly pinching the skin, move from the edge of the ear to the shoulder.

Despite the high effectiveness of self-massage in the fight against osteochondrosis, it must be used in combination with other types of treatment (swimming, acupuncture and others).

In this case, the result will come much faster, and the disease will not bother you for a long time.

The video describes in detail the technique of self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis:

Contraindications and precautions

Unfortunately, self-massage of the neck is not always possible. Some injuries and illnesses respond acutely to manual therapy and therefore require special treatment.

Procedures are contraindicated for:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • bleeding;
  • purulent diseases;
  • cervical spine injury;
  • blood diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases;
  • overwork;
  • pregnancy;

The conclusion is simple

Self-massage of the neck is an effective, but not entirely simple procedure. However, once you learn how to do it, it will be useful to you for the rest of your life.

It is enough to do a massage as one of your evening or morning procedures - and after 5-6 sessions you can feel significant relief.

In addition to manual therapy and drug treatment, it is necessary to perform gymnastics and exercises, adhere to a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium and amino acids, limit physical activity and constantly warm up the neck muscles. Only comprehensive treatment and regular prevention can overcome the disease.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis can ruin any of your plans. Pain that appears suddenly or lasts for some time is not so easy to get rid of. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating pain and its causes.

Osteochondrosis occurs in every second person on our planet. With this disease, degenerative disorders of cartilage and bone tissue occur. The main causes of the disease include hereditary predisposition and sedentary work. The disease manifests itself as pain in the neck, headache and dizziness. In advanced cases, a person experiences increased blood pressure, fainting, and decreased visual acuity.


How to cure cervical osteochondrosis? Unfortunately, osteochondrosis is a chronic disease and it is impossible to completely recover from it. However, with timely treatment, i.e. at stage 1 of the disease, long-term remission can be achieved. Successful treatment of cervical osteochondrosis requires the coordinated work of several doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • vertebroneurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • physiotherapist;
  • masseur.

Drug treatment

When prescribing certain medications, doctors pursue several goals:

  • Reduce pain.
  • Relieve swelling.
  • Improve blood circulation in the sore area.
  • Strengthen the muscle corset.
  • Improve nutrition and restoration of damaged tissues.

To reduce pain the following is prescribed:

These drugs are available in the form of an injection solution, tablets, rectal suppositories and ointments. The choice of one or another dosage form will depend on the severity of the disease. In addition, the use of these drugs can cause many side effects, so they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Also, to relieve pain, muscle relaxants are prescribed - drugs that reduce muscle tone. These include Mydocalm.

In addition, you can use a pepper patch to reduce pain, but its use is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

For swelling, patients are prescribed diuretics:

In addition, patients are prescribed a course of B vitamins.

All patients are prescribed drugs that improve cerebral circulation:

To restore cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are used:

The course of treatment with these drugs lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment of grade 1 neck osteochondrosis is aimed at reducing pain, and grades 2 and 3 are aimed at restoring damaged tissue.

It is strictly prohibited to use warm compresses in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Because heat will dilate the blood vessels in the brain and increase swelling.

Most often, a physiotherapist prescribes the following procedures:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • vibration impact;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.


With the help of massage, muscles are strengthened and tension in the neck is relieved. The task of the massage therapist is to improve blood circulation in the diseased area. Due to the inflow and outflow of blood, metabolism will improve, toxins and salts will be eliminated from the body faster. The mass should be carried out after the pain subsides. It is better to trust your health to professional massage therapists. You can also perform self-massage and use various massagers.

Any massage begins and ends with stroking. Movements should be slow. After this, you can move on to kneading and vibration. The word vibration means patting and shaking. Also at this stage the use of a massager is allowed.

Manual therapy

One of the oldest methods of treating osteochondrosis is manual therapy. For many years, doctors have come up with various techniques that are now widely used on patients. The use of one or another technique directly depends on the severity of the disease, the gender of the patient, his physique and the presence of other chronic diseases. All manipulations must be performed by a specially trained doctor, because any incorrect movement can lead to disability of the patient.

After the first session, the patient will feel relief - pain will decrease, range of motion will increase. The course of such treatment lasts from 5 to 10 procedures and is individual in each case.


Due to acupuncture, the hormone cortisol is released into the blood, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Needles are inserted into points near the inner edge of the scapula, to a depth of 1 - 2 cm and left for 20 - 30 minutes.


A diet for osteochondrosis is prescribed for life. Food should contain vitamins, calcium and magnesium. These microelements are found in seafood, legumes and dairy products, as well as nuts. It is important to remember that drinking alcohol will worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, you can drink it very rarely, and during the period of exacerbation of the disease - completely eliminate it.

Physical exercise

When performing exercises, you need to remember a few rules:

  • You can perform classes only after the end of the acute period of illness;
  • you cannot perform exercises through pain;
  • exercises should be performed smoothly. Sudden movements are prohibited; they can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  1. Lie on your back. Place your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach. In this position, inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds, then exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Twist your body right and left. 20 seconds each way. Perform 5 times a day for 5 minutes.
  3. Sit on a chair with a backrest. Bring your chin to your chest and inhale, then lift your chin and exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Sitting on a chair with a backrest, place your palm on your forehead. Press on your forehead as hard as you can, but so that your torso remains motionless.
  5. Stand up straight. Stretch your chin toward your chest, hold for a few seconds, then lift your head. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  6. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Slowly turn your head to the right, try to press your ear to the floor. Then turn your head the other way. Remember that the exercise should not cause pain. Perform 4-5 times a day for 4-6 turns.
  7. Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor in front of you. You need to raise your head and torso as much as possible. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then lower to the floor and relax. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times. You can do several approaches per day.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a long process. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, and exercise. During the recovery period, you should also not forget about the disease. Do not lift heavy objects, watch your diet, and undergo preventive treatment on time. Swimming plays an important role in preventing exacerbation of the disease. Many patients who started practicing this sport have forgotten about neck pain forever.

Remember the main thing - do not tolerate pain. If pain lasts more than a week, it is better to consult a doctor. It is much easier to treat an early stage of the disease than a complicated disease.

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Head massage activates the release of tissue hormones. Hormones are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system, the movement of tissue fluid, as well as lymph and blood through the vessels. At the same time, therapeutic head massage improves trophic function, metabolic and generation processes, nerve conduction, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to each cell of the head tissue.

About the benefits of head massage

Head massage using classical techniques is necessary to improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes: proteins, gas removal, obtaining fresh oxygen and minerals, and the formation of histamine and acetylcholine in tissues.

Head massage relieves headaches, normalizes blood pressure and activates the functioning of internal organs, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s health.

Head and neck massage increases or decreases the excitability of the nervous system. It is necessary to improve blood flow to the brain and lymph flow to the lymph nodes, where the lymph is cleansed and becomes less viscous. This helps get rid of cellulite and excess fat on the face, neck and décolleté, collar area, and most importantly, headache syndrome.

About the scalp

Scalp massage is extremely beneficial. It improves skin function, which helps eliminate headaches, including migraines, and has multifaceted beneficial effects on the central and peripheral nervous system.

You can massage the scalp using classic and acupressure. To perform a proper head massage, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the skin. Activates metabolic processes in the glands: sweat and fat massage of the scalp. She is not mobile everywhere. At the temples, the skin gathers in a fold, on the forehead it is inactive, on the back of the head and crown it moves poorly, which must be taken into account, especially when performing a massage on the back of the head for persistent headaches with migraines or high blood pressure.

About the vessels of the head

Therapeutic head massage is useful for improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. When performing it, you need to remember that the dense arterial and venous network of vessels runs radially (from bottom to top). The arteries go to the center of the crown, and the veins return back.

Lymphatic vessels conduct lymph from the crown down: to the sides and back and forth to the lymph nodes: occipital, parotid, chin and submandibular.

Head and neck massage scheme

Suction massage of the head and neck is performed using classical techniques, placing the patient on a chair. There should be support for the back and neck so that the patient can relax, while the massage therapist stands behind him. First, massage the scalp, then activate blood circulation and the movement of fluids between the cells, performing a suction massage of the neck, taking into account the slight displacement of the delicate skin in its front and side zones, as well as the heavy displacement of the thick skin on the back of the head.

About the vessels of the neck

The pulsating common carotid artery is palpated between the trachea and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The pulsation of the subclavian artery can be determined in the subclavian fossa.

A group of lymph nodes: mental, buccal, retropharyngeal, lingual, mandibular and occipital is located on the border of the scalp and neck. The lymph vessels of the neck are directed towards them. Therefore, what is needed here is a soft and gentle relaxing head massage, which is performed by making the patient comfortable in a prone position with emphasis on a special stand or pillow. It is better not to rest your head on your hands, as the patient will strain. Arms should be extended along the body.

Head and neck massage technique

It is recommended to massage the head twice a week as a preventative measure and for hair growth and strengthening, followed by hair washing. Some people practice scalp massage with a comb, after which they wash their hair, then proceed to the main head and neck massage. Others perform a scalp massage first, and wash their hair after the main massage if the hair becomes oily.

Includes classic massage movements. Perform a head massage:

  • stroking: longitudinal, transverse and clasping one hand on the forehead, moving towards the back of the head. The second hand supports the back of the head;
  • stroking down and to the sides on the crown, going around the ears - on the neck. The intake stimulates the nerve endings of the skin, which helps to activate blood circulation to the hair roots, cleanses the glandular ducts, delivers fresh oxygen and nutrition to the skin and hair follicles;
  • zigzag, rake-shaped rubbing with both hands from the top of the crown to the bottom border of the hair. To direct movements transversely or longitudinally in all directions, the position of the hands is changed;
  • active rubbing to enhance secretory activity and cleanse the scalp. At the same time, hyperemia will appear, the nutrition of hair and skin will improve, the nerve endings in the scalp will be excited, and the headache will go away;
  • stretching and shifting the skin, placing the palms of the hands at the same time on the forehead and back of the head. The skin is first shifted on the forehead, then across the back of the head, then along. Cover the entire scalp. Use your fingers to pinch the folds on the forehead and back of the head;
  • kneading, increasing the mobility of the scalp, strengthening deep tissues and increasing its tone, relieving pain, improving hair nutrition;
  • Ayurvedic technique - massage the head with a large comb, then separate strands of hair for light tugging on each strand. At the same time, they hold their head. The pulling force is gradually increased, but without pain or hair pulling;
  • stroking between each change of massage movement. At the same time, the patient feels a slight pleasant warmth, his muscles relax, the local skin temperature increases, which improves skin breathing;
  • vibration movements, the vibrations of which must be of different speeds and frequencies, amplitude and intensity. Vibration head massage has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and internal organs.

Head massage is performed along massage lines that pass:

  • from the bridge of the nose along the bones: frontal and parietal, down to the neck and further to the trapezius muscle;
  • from the temporal bone past the area behind the ear to the neck;
  • along the side surface of the neck from the ear towards the trapezius muscle;
  • from the bridge of the nose along the eyebrow to the temples and crown of the head.

Neck massage is performed:

  • stroking: planar, grasping, comb-shaped, pincer-shaped in the direction from top to bottom;
  • rubbing: straight, circular, crossing, sawing and hatching;
  • kneading: transverse, longitudinal, forceps, shifting, stretching, pressing;
  • vibration: puncturing, light tapping, patting and shaking with individual fingers.

A neck massage will relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and skull, which is necessary for normal blood circulation and relief from headaches and muscle pain. Massage manipulations on the neck are carried out on the sides and back from top to bottom, and from the front - from bottom to top.

Massage indications

To prescribe a massage, the following indications are required:

  • insufficient blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • narrowing of the alveoli, impaired serotonin metabolism;
  • uneven expansion of blood vessels in the brain;
  • reduction of arteriolar reactivity to carbon dioxide;
  • disorder of the central nervous system;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • stress, migraine and pain syndromes of the head and muscles for other reasons;
  • there is no reaction of the scalp to cosmetics;
  • dandruff, improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Intense or delayed hair loss and baldness;
  • Hypertension and hangover syndrome.

Well-being is a state of mind and body, which consists of complete harmony, absence of fatigue, lethargy and depression. As a result of excessive stress on the nervous system, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep and stress, cerebral circulation is impaired, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, ringing in the ears, noise, darkening of the eyes, and impaired coordination of movements.

Pictured is a treatment session

In such a situation, a head massage to improve blood supply to blood vessels helps to get rid of discomfort and gives a surge of strength, but the procedure may not always be beneficial. When the procedure should not be performed, and how to carry it out correctly for the benefit of the body - this is what our article is about.

About the benefits of the procedure

Massage of the cervical-collar area stimulates the production of special tissue hormones responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to certain parts of the brain. During massage of the specified area, excess fluid is removed from the cells, resulting in improved lymphatic outflow and blood supply to the tissues.

In addition, the procedure for the vessels of the head provides the following effects:

  • relieves muscle spasms;
  • restores full blood circulation and saturates cells with oxygen;
  • helps improve joint movement;
  • eliminates fatigue;
  • relieves headaches;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • relieves bad mood and depression;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The table shows the main types of massage of the cervical-collar space and their effect on the body as a whole:

Important! Massage should not be performed in acute conditions, otherwise the patient may develop significant deterioration and complications.


Massage of the collar zone helps prevent the development of cervical osteochondrosis or reduce its clinical manifestations in case of existing pathology. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pinched nerve roots are observed, which reduces blood flow to the brain, tissue nutrition and disrupts lymphatic outflow.

Clinically, this condition is manifested by a crunching sound in the neck when turning the head, severe pain, creaking, headaches and dizziness.

Massage is prescribed in a session of at least 10 procedures. Thanks to them you can get rid of symptoms such as:

  • neck pain;
  • headache;
  • flickering of flies before the eyes;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • ear congestion and ringing;
  • numbness of the upper extremities;
  • chest pain.

Improving blood supply to the brain

This massage is carried out daily, the duration of the procedure is only 2-3 minutes, for the treatment to be effective, at least 10 sessions are required. The patient is in a relaxed state, in a lying or sitting position (whichever is comfortable).


In order for massaging the collar area to be beneficial, it is important to strictly follow the instructions:

  • the procedure always starts from the side of the neck, gradually moving to the chest and surface of the shoulder girdle;
  • movements are carried out in the direction from top to bottom (back) and from bottom to top (front) - along the outflow of lymph;
  • The procedure begins with light stroking, gradually moving to rubbing, pinching, patting.

The main indications for this type of massage are diseases of the central nervous system in remission, circulatory disorders, the period of rehabilitation after spinal injuries (cervical spine) and simply general health improvement.

The result is noticeable after the first procedure - the patient’s general well-being improves, headaches disappear, stamina and concentration increase.

For neck pain

Neck pain occurs for various reasons, ranging from an uncomfortable sleeping position to symptoms of spinal diseases, complications of previous colds, and nervous strain. Neck massage helps eliminate pain and restore muscles, but its first sessions should be gentle, lasting no more than 7-10 minutes.

Important! Before starting the sessions, the patient must be examined by a doctor; it is important to make sure that neck pain is not a symptom of a tumor, infectious disease, or pathological neoplasm. Otherwise, the massage will lead to the opposite effect and the development of serious complications.

The procedure technique involves stroking, which starts from the scalp and gradually moves to the back of the head and shoulder girdle. All movements are carried out with your fingertips, lightly pressing on the skin. The procedure is repeated 5 times in a row.

The procedure is completed with spiral rubbing movements from ear to ear along the back of the neck along the hairline. To be effective, you should complete at least 10 daily sessions.

Neck massage can be performed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as a prevention of diseases and pain. The procedure helps normalize sleep, improves overall well-being, complexion, and increases resistance to stress.

With protrusion of the cervical spine

Protrusion is a serious disease of the spinal column, which is characterized by protrusion of the intervertebral disc. Most often, this pathology is observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The disease is accompanied by severe acute pain in the neck, limited movement and stiffness.

Important! Massage for protrusion in the acute period cannot be done; the procedure is prescribed during the period of subsidence of severe clinical symptoms and general improvement of the patient’s condition.

Position the patient sitting or lying on his side. They start with stroking, then move on to effleurage, kneading, pinching. All movements are slow and smooth, directed from top to bottom along the back of the head.

The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. It not only improves blood supply to the brain, but also strengthens muscles and promotes faster healing of injuries. Over several sessions, the size of the protrusion is significantly reduced, and the spinal disc returns to its usual position.

The video in this article shows the basic techniques, but the procedure cannot be performed independently, without consulting a doctor, as it has a number of contraindications.


Contraindications to massage of the cervical-collar area are the following conditions:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases, pustular rash;
  • skin lesions on the neck, open wounds;
  • acute cerebral stroke;
  • psychical deviations.

Head massage for children and pregnant women: features of the procedure

During pregnancy, women's blood circulation changes dramatically, as a third circle is added - the placental. This often leads to improper redistribution of blood through the vessels, resulting in dizziness, spots before the eyes, and fainting. Massage of the cervical-collar area will help normalize blood flow to the brain and improve lymphatic drainage.

Important! Dizziness and fainting in expectant mothers may be the first symptom of iron deficiency anemia, so before prescribing you should definitely check blood tests and consult with a gynecologist.

Execution technique

The atmosphere should be favorable. If the pregnant woman does not have allergies, then you can light an aromatic lamp with the addition of essential oils and play calm, relaxing music in the background.

All movements of the massage therapist’s hands are smooth, light, and measured. Under no circumstances should the procedure cause any painful sensations.

After the procedure, the expectant mother usually feels a surge of energy or, conversely, feels the desire to go to bed - this means that the massage therapist has achieved the desired effect. The result of this massage is an improvement in oxygen saturation of tissues, elimination of fetal hypoxia, maternal headaches and fainting.

Massage of the neck and head of a child

In pediatric practice, massage is often prescribed during the period of rehabilitation of a child after suffering traumatic brain injuries, for the treatment of torticollis, birth injuries, and cerebral palsy. During the procedure, the child should be calm and friendly towards the massage therapist.

Screaming, hysteria and crying are reasons to immediately stop the procedure, otherwise it will not have the desired therapeutic effect if the baby is nervous.

The duration of the session for pregnant women is 20 minutes, for children no more than 15 minutes. Often after the procedure, babies of the first year of life fall asleep and sleep soundly for up to 3-4 hours.


Each person can massage the collar area and head at home; for this it is not at all necessary to take special courses or obtain a medical professional diploma. However, in order for it to be useful and effective, you should know the technique of its implementation and basic techniques.


  1. Massage of the cervical-collar space always begins with stroking– all movements are carried out along the lymph flow. Planar, forceps-shaped, comb-shaped, and stroke-shaped strokes are used alternately. As soon as the skin in the affected area has turned a little red, proceed to rubbing.
  2. Trituration– use circular, sawing, intersecting, wave-like movements. Each movement is accompanied by light pressure on the skin. The procedure is repeated for about 1 minute exclusively with your fingertips, then proceed to kneading.
  3. Kneading– grab small areas of skin with pinches and pull to the sides.
  4. Vibration movements– techniques are used with tapping with the edge of the palm, patting, and quick pressure with the pads of the fingers.

Important! Sudden movements are strictly prohibited. The transition from technique to technique should be imperceptible and smooth. The patient's chin should always be turned towards the muscle being worked.

The price of a head and neck massage largely depends on the indications, duration of the procedure and the techniques used.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that proper massage helps to delay old age and various diseases of the blood vessels of the brain and heart for a long time, just as incorrect actions can aggravate the patient’s condition and lead to serious consequences, so do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor before starting sessions.