Permissible level of uric acid in the blood. The norm of uric acid in a blood test in men. General conclusions: what you need to know

This acid is constantly concentrated in the plasma and is part of the extracellular fluid as a sodium salt. When the body exceeds the norm uric acid, like Typically, there is some crystallization of an element called sodium urate.

From human body uric acid removes excess nitrogen. The kidneys themselves are directly responsible for removing uric acid from the human blood. If there is a disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys, then a disturbance in the entire metabolism of uric acid occurs. As a result, there is a significant accumulation of sodium salts in the blood, the level of uric acid readings increases, thereby provoking quite a variety of damage and disorders of organs and tissues.

The cause of an increase in uric acid is often gout (primary or secondary). In diagnostics of this disease the uric acid test has a very important. Because primary gout can be asymptomatic, and can only manifest itself in an increase in the indicative level of uric acid. In turn, secondary gout is provoked various disorders kidney function, different malignant tumors, severe tissue destruction or prolonged fasting. It is believed that primary gout can develop against the background of delayed removal of uric acid from the body or during excessive synthesis of uric acid. The danger is that the crystals that are found in uric acid can be deposited in subcutaneous tissue, in joints and kidneys. As a result, it develops serious illness gout, dangerous chronic.

Level of uric acid in the blood

In the body, this indicator is normal only when its value does not exceed the limit in female body 0.16 - 0.40 mmol/l, and in men it does not cross the mark of 0.24 - 0.50 mmol/g.

When uric acid in the body rises rapidly, this may indicate a high purine content in a person’s diet. This figure can be reduced with a low purine diet. That is why, if you want to reduce in the body quantitative composition this acid, you should avoid foods that are rich in significant amounts of purines. For example, such foods include: meat, kidneys, tongue, legumes, liver and brains. It is believed that the level of this acid in the body changes according to age. For example, for a man in his prime, this indicator will be significantly higher than for women. After 65 years, the difference completely disappears. There is always much less uric acid in a child’s body than in adults.


During times of elevated indicative levels of uric acid in the body, basically all doctors prescribe certain medications, which can provide the necessary anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic effect for the body.

However, to reduce this indicator, the patient often needs to follow a low purine diet. That is why you should avoid in your diet any dishes made from offal, smoked meats, or overly rich meat broths. In addition, doctors do not recommend consuming types of vegetables and herbs such as sorrel, lettuce, reve, tomatoes, eggplant and turnips in your diet. You should also try to completely exclude chocolate, coffee, eggs, too fatty cakes, salty, savory snacks and grapes.

All dairy products are excellent for reducing the quantitative composition of uric acid. low calorie foods, potatoes, apples, apricots, plums and pears. It must be remembered that you need to drink about two and a half liters of any drink per day. For example, a variety of teas, fruit drinks, juices, regular mineral water. After all, it is the liquid that can effectively flush out purines from the body, thereby reducing the quantitative composition of uric acid. You need to eat five to six times a day. However, as soon as gout is detected, it is urgent to take a quick fasting diet and eat only vegetables, apples and drink kefir.

Regular therapeutic exercises help speed up the process of removing uric acid from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to do at least simple leg swings, a simple exercise called “bicycle”, and walk more.

In addition, you should contact an effective folk medicine and use decoctions from medicinal herbs. For example, wheatgrass root, lingonberry leaves, birch leaves, angelica root. These herbs help rapid dissolution and accelerate the removal of uric salts from the body.

Having received biochemical analysis hands on, many people wonder – what is the normal level of uric acid in the blood?

The result of blood sampling for diagnosis, both in men and women, answers many questions, including these.

Uric acidity appears as a result of death biological organisms and cells in the human body.

Decreased from normal or high result indicator indicates problems in the body or a malfunction in its functioning.

Every day the cells of the body are renewed - new ones are born, and old ones die off. It is this natural process that leads to the formation of most of the daily norm uric acid, and only a small percentage comes from the food consumed.

The main part of uric acid formations is excreted in the urine. 20-25% of the formed acid normally ends up in intestinal tract, where it serves as food for intestinal bacteria.

An analysis aimed at identifying the concentration of uric acid is prescribed:

  • if present painful sensations V ankle joint or thumb on the leg, there is a suspicion of gout;
  • if relatives had gout. You should definitely donate blood to check the level of uric acid in the blood for early diagnosis disease and timely prescription of treatment, make a choice of appropriate medications;
  • when tracking the dynamics of treatment for a disease such as gout.
  • to identify renal pathology in combination with kidney tests;
  • the analysis makes it possible to assess the risks of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • if you suspect urolithiasis;
  • when diagnosing leukemia or conducting chemotherapy/radiation therapy - such processes lead to the destruction of cells in huge quantities Consequently, the content of uric acid in the blood rapidly increases;
  • since the kidneys excrete the bulk of the uric acid formed, when diagnosing renal failure this test is also required;
  • for inflammatory processes in the joints in combination with rheumatic tests;

Before donating blood for diagnosis, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • 6-8 hours before the test, do not eat anything - this test is taken on an empty stomach;
  • 2-3 days before blood sampling for diagnostics, exclude foods rich in proteins and alcoholic beverages.
  • in children from birth to 15 years of age, the norm is 140/340 µmol/l;
  • men under 65 years of age have a norm of 220/420 µmol/l;
  • in women under 65 years of age, the norm is 140-340 µmol/l;
  • In women and men of retirement age, uric acid in the blood is normally up to 500 µmol/l.

The diagnosis of his diseases depends on what the norm is for each individual person.

We can talk about a high level of uric acid in the human body only if, as a result of diagnosis, the level of 387 µmol/l is reached or exceeded, regardless of gender.

We can talk about a severe form of hyperuricemia only at 714 µmol/l.

A slight excess of the normal concentration of uric acid in the blood is a natural doping and has an effect on the body similar to caffeine - it enhances the ability to analyze material and draw conclusions.

Causes of increased uric acid in the blood

Hyperuricemia is the medical name for high levels of uric acid in the blood and signals a problem with the kidneys.

By regulating the concentration of uric acid, there is no cure, but the disease can progress in more advanced stages. mild form– without complications.

Uric acid, which has not found a way out of the human body due to certain reasons ( bad job kidneys, the patient prefers food with high content purines), begins to accumulate, including in the joints.

Over time, it accumulates in the blood and crystallizes. The crystals penetrate into the synovial joints and at the moment of friction (flexion-extension) cause severe pain, which leads to inflammation of the joint, arthritis and gout. If the disease is not treated, you may lose your ability to work.

There are several reasons leading to the accumulation of uric acid in the patient’s blood:

  • because of various diseases, inflammatory processes and kidney damage do not cope with the task of removing purines from the body, which leads to their accumulation;
  • diseases such as diabetes and acidia lead to increased levels of uric acid in the blood;
  • complications in the process of obesity, cirrhosis, psoriasis, preeclampsia, long-term hypothyroidism can cause hyperuricemia;
  • A lot depends on the person’s way of life. So, in women, especially those who like strict diets, as well as “ therapeutic fasting", there is a risk of changes in uric acid above normal. Men who prefer to use large quantities foods rich in purines and fructose significantly increase the risk of crystal-like deposits in the body.

Foods containing high levels of purine include:

  • sausage, frankfurters, sausages;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty meat (pork neck, beef), lard.

You shouldn’t completely exclude them from your diet, just try to consume the above foods in measured doses.

Some medical supplies as side effect with long-term use, they lead to an increase in the level of uric acid in the patient’s blood from normal.

When prescribing such medications, the doctor will definitely warn you about this side effect.

After completing the course of treatment, consult with him about reducing uric acid.

Risk groups for developing hyperuricemia

It is known that physical exercise, especially strength training, promotes increased tissue breakdown and increases kidney excretion.

As a result, during exercise, blood pH decreases, and the concentration of uric acid in the blood increases.

Also, the use of food supplements rich in protein and promoting the process of testosterone synthesis leads to an increase in this indicator.

AND physical exercise, And nutritional supplements are often natural processes in life. How to normalize uric acid levels?

People who are constantly or professionally involved in sports and fitness are at risk. And it's not just about strength training and diet.

Any sport involves injuries to both tissues and joints, which leads to cell death and automatically increases the level of uric acid concentration in the blood.

If you do not pay due attention to this, then there is a high risk of developing joint disease.

  • be sure to adhere to a developed diet that takes into account not only the type of sport, but also the state of your metabolism;
  • During the day, make sure that the amount you drink clean water was within normal limits;
  • before consuming any pharmaceuticals or sports supplements be sure to consult a doctor, or in the rarest cases, a trainer;
  • never take medications on the advice of friends or acquaintances, do not prescribe supplements yourself;
  • When working out in the gym or while training, “listen” to your body. At the first sensation of pain in the joints, you should consult a doctor who specializes in sports medicine. Don't expect that the pain will go away, do not persuade yourself to endure in order to achieve results, to take the next level of personal achievements or the team as a whole.

Remember, due to a negligent attitude towards your health, you risk ending up on the bench of substitute players or giving up sports forever.

From a biological point of view, a person is an organized system, all parts of which develop in accordance with the individual biorhythm and have their own characteristics of the acid-base balance.

In all systems (the body of women, men or children is no exception), changes of a physiological or pathological nature occur over time.

To determine deviations in interaction individual systems First of all, a blood test is prescribed.

The level of uric acid allows us to determine the most striking consequence of a malfunction of the body as a system - the deposition of salt crystals.

This leads not only to kidney disease, but also to the formation urolithiasis and joint problems.

There are several reasons that contribute to the formation of stones:

  • drug poisoning with high level phosphorus content, acute or chronic;
  • availability in excretory system or kidney inflammation;
  • lack or incorrect diet, low levels immune system, hepatitis;
  • lack of vitamins B1 and group E, especially if a child needs them;
  • hormonal imbalances, both in adults and children;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical intervention, occurring with complications.

Only a professional with specialized medical education can correctly decipher a blood test and make a correct conclusion about what amount of uric acid in the blood is normal and what exceeds the required value.

A slight increase in uric acid levels does not indicate a disease. You may be eating food rich in protein and carbohydrates, which is typical for athletes, people involved in fitness or on a special diet.

In this case, you just need to adjust your diet, reducing the amount of purines in the body, and when you take the test again, the result may already be normal.

For people who, due to illness, need to constantly monitor the concentration of uric acid in the blood, compact measuring devices have been developed, similar in operating rules and design to a glucometer.

Uric acid is a metabolic product of purine bases in the human body. The main site of uric acid formation is the liver. In the body, the kidneys are responsible for eliminating uric acid.

A normal level of uric acid indicates the proper functioning of the body, and its increased content(hyperuricemia) – about disorders or diseases of the human body.

Normal levels of uric acid in the blood

  • for children under 14 years of age the norm is 120–320 µmol/l;
  • for adult women – 150–350 µmol/l;
  • for adult men – 210–420 µmol/l.

As can be seen from the data presented, the least uric acid in the blood is observed in children, and the most in adult men. This is because male body requires a constant supply of proteins to the body to perform significant physical work. Female body needs slightly less protein, almost the same as children. But it is proteins that are the main source of purine bases in the body, from which uric acid is then formed.

Preparing for a blood test for uric acid levels

To undergo a biochemical blood test, which determines the level of uric acid, the day before you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. do not eat food 6–8 hours before the test;
  2. Avoid alcoholic drinks and protein-rich foods 2-3 days before donating blood.

Test results are usually prepared the next day after blood is given for analysis.

Causes of hyperuricemia

The main causes of high levels of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia) include:

  • Prolonged fasting;
  • Drinking alcohol;
  • Eating food rich in fats and carbohydrates.
  • Hyperuricemia can also be caused by the following diseases:

    1. Acute infectious diseases– tuberculosis, scarlet fever, pneumonia;
    2. Lymphoma, leukemia;
    3. Inflammation of the liver and bile ducts;
    4. Anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12;
    5. Chronic eczema;
    6. Diabetes;
    7. Various kidney diseases;
    8. Toxicosis associated with pregnancy;
    9. Acidosis - increased blood acidity;
    10. Alcohol poisoning.

    What does hyperuricemia indicate?

    As is known, increased levels of uric acid in the blood is the main symptom of the development of primary or secondary gout, as well as chronic arthritis. When diagnosing primary gout, a test to determine the level of uric acid is the main symptom by which the diagnosis is made. This disease is observed when the excretion of uric acid is delayed or its synthesis in the body is increased.

    When interacting with sodium, uric acid forms sodium urate crystals. Typically these crystals are deposited in the kidneys, joints or subcutaneous tissue. In the case of the formation of sodium urates in the kidneys, their inflammation and disruption of normal functioning are observed. When sodium urate is deposited in the joints, it develops chronic arthritis, which causes pain when bending damaged joints. Subsequently, this can lead to complete failure of the joint.

    Prevention and treatment of hyperuricemia

    Typically, increased uric acid levels are associated with eating foods rich in protein:

    • liver;
    • kidneys;
    • brain;
    • language;
    • red meat;
    • canned meat;
    • meat broths;
    • alcohol;
    • coffee;
    • chocolate;
    • mustard;
    • legumes

    In addition to these products, a large number of proteins and sodium salts are present in various products made from puff pastry, mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, and cauliflower.

    Often, to normalize uric acid levels, it is enough to monitor the amount of these foods and limit their amount in the diet.

    • dairy products– low-fat kefir, cottage cheese;
    • dairy products;
    • boiled lean meat and fish (no more than 3 times a week);
    • eggs;
    • fruits;
    • juices;
    • compotes;
    • vegetables;
    • vegetable soups;
    • decoctions from wheat bran and rose hips.

    With hyperuricemia, it is very important to adhere to the correct water regime. You need to drink about 2-3 liters of clean water daily. Using water containing lemon juice helps remove lactic acid from the body.

    Hyperuricemia is also often caused by increased weight. When it is normalized, the level of uric acid in the body decreases.

    At drug treatment For hyperuricemia, the following drugs are commonly used:

    1. Various diuretic drugs that promote the active removal of uric acid from the body;
    2. Reducing the production of uric acid in the body - allopurinol;
    3. Preventive drugs – colciquine.

    Also used in the treatment of hyperuricemia folk remedies. For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of lingonberries, birch leaves, and nettles are taken internally. For foot baths, infusions of calendula, chamomile and sage are used.

    People over 45 years of age are recommended to have their blood tested for uric acid levels once a year.

    However, it is necessary to remember that to put correct diagnosis and only a qualified doctor can prescribe treatment that will lead to recovery. Therefore, if you have any suspicions about an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, you should consult a doctor!

    General conclusions: what you need to know

    1. On an empty stomach, donate blood for a biochemical analysis, excluding protein-rich foods and alcoholic beverages from the diet a few days before;
    2. The next day you will receive the test result, with which you need to consult a doctor;
    3. At elevated level uric acid, you need to strictly limit the consumption of foods containing a lot of protein (meat, liver, kidneys, etc.);
    4. Try to drink 2–3 liters of clean water per day, preferably with a few drops added lemon juice per glass of water;
    5. Eat dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits;
    6. Ingest decoctions and infusions of nettle, lingonberry, and birch leaves;
    7. For foot baths, use sage infusions.

    Blood and urine tests are extremely important to determine physiological state body, timely diagnosis ailments. But uric acid, or more precisely, indicators of its level in blood serum, help doctors diagnose protein metabolism disorders in representatives of the stronger sex. What is it, and what exactly can its level in the male body tell us?

    About the normal level of uric acid

    It is a breakdown product of purine compounds. Uric acid (urea) in our body is synthesized by the liver. It enters the kidneys with the blood and is neutralized there and removed from the body.

    Finding out the level of urea is required for urolithiasis, to assess kidney function, confirm (exclude) gout, and identify ailments lymphatic system. The concentration of this substance is determined using biochemical research blood serum.

    In order for the diagnostic results to be as accurate as possible, a man must follow these recommendations before taking the test:

    1. You cannot eat 6-8 hours before coming to the laboratory. You can drink water.
    2. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning.
    3. 48 hours before donating blood, you should exclude fried, fatty, spicy, salty food and strong drinks.
    4. 24 before the study you need to limit your consumption of tea and coffee. Meat dishes, fish, offal, and legumes contain a lot of uric acid, so it is also advisable not to consume them.
    5. You cannot donate blood after x-ray examination or physical therapy. These diagnostic procedures affect the reliability of the results.

    So, for representatives of the stronger sex under the age of 60 years, the norm is considered to be a uric acid content of 250 to 450 µmol/l. After 60 years, its indicator is slightly higher - 250-480 µmol/l.

    About deviations in urea levels in the male body

    An increase in the level of this substance is called hyperuricemia. In most cases she is typical symptom gout It is worth noting that the main reason for the increase in uric acid is weakened kidney activity, disruption of their function and the high fructose content in the patient’s menu. Experts emphasize that it is nutritional disorders - main reason gout It's about O regular use high-calorie, fatty foods.

    Common causes of excess urea levels in the blood serum are also tuberculosis, anemia, leukemia, pneumonia, typhoid fever. Less commonly, the level of uric acid can increase with diseases of the liver, biliary tract, eczema, diabetes, psoriasis, and urticaria. An increase in the level of this substance also occurs in cases of methyl alcohol poisoning.

    If the result of the analysis reveals an excess of uric acid, and the man does not complain about anything, he does not have symptoms of the above diseases, then it is necessary to carry out full diagnostics body.

    When a man’s serum urea level exceeds 480-500 µmol/l, doctors speak of asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Treatment for such a patient is prescribed only if any of the above ailments are actually identified. IN otherwise Correcting the diet will help bring the amount of urea back to normal, namely, excluding from the menu foods containing large quantities of purines. These are fat meat dishes, offal, broths, lard. Some vegetables also belong to the category of such products: turnips, eggplants, tomatoes, lettuce, radishes. Apricots, grapes, pears and plums should be excluded from fruits. Traditional healers advise men who have an excess of urea levels in their blood serum to drink infusions of nettle, wheatgrass root, blackcurrant leaves and birch sap.

    Medicines to lower uric acid levels should be prescribed by a doctor. Usually these are diuretic drugs, Allopurinol, Coltsikhin.

    Representatives of the stronger sex over 45 years of age are advised to take a blood test to determine urea levels once a year.

    One of the most important biochemical processes in the human body is protein metabolism. The catalyst for this exchange is uric acid, which mainly consists of sodium and calcium salts. Sodium crystals are present in the majority. Almost 90% of the total composition is uric acid. The rest of the composition is represented by compounds of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. If your analysis shows the result: “uric acid is normal,” then you should not worry about possible diseases.

    functions of uric acid

    Uric acid is formed in the liver from external proteins. These proteins enter the body during meals. As a result of the conversion reaction of purine bases, a substance rich in calcium and sodium salts is formed. Otherwise they are called urates. Acid is excreted through the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract along with urea. It is the final stage of purine breakdown.

    Uric acid in the blood acts as a catalyst for the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine - what does this mean? These hormones are responsible for brain function. The level of uric acid in the blood stimulates brain function by influencing the activity of hormones.

    The acid has strong antioxidant properties. This gives it anti-inflammatory and wound-healing qualities. Antioxidant properties help fight free radicals. This, in turn, reduces the risk of developing cancer. For this reason, the acid should be within normal limits.

    The chemical composition of the acid is very active. Its effect can be compared to the effect of caffeine. People who naturally have high levels of uric acid in their body have high levels of activity. They show enthusiasm and creativity in everything.

    Why is analysis needed?

    Throughout life, the human body and its diet change. This affects the acid concentration. Therefore, the rate of uric acid in the blood has very blurred boundaries. The acid level depends on the composition of the food and its saturation with proteins. Very rarely the level is below normal. Most often, uric acid in the blood is elevated.

    In order to objectively assess the condition of the patient’s body, corridors were developed standard indicators. It is believed that the normal level of uric acid in the blood is:

    The reason for this difference is that men and women need different amounts of protein to function. Children's body is in a state of growth. Active protein synthesis is a vital process.

    The acid level contained in a blood test may indicate the development of diseases. If its level is below normal, this means:

    • The process of acid synthesis in the liver is impaired
    • Too much urine is excreted from the body
    • The amount of protein in food is lower than the need for it

    A high indicator as a result of the analysis is significantly worse than a low one. This may indicate the development of hyperurecemia.

    What does a low level mean?

    If the uric acid level in the blood is reduced, then the patient has high risk development multiple sclerosis, which is characterized by defeat nerve endings. This analysis result may be a consequence of changes in the composition of the patient’s food. This has nothing to do with the development of diseases. Poor nutrition leads to metabolic disorders. Diets that are dominated by foods containing reduced content proteins are the main reason for the low concentration of this acid.

    Drinking coffee and tea in large quantities leads to excessive urination. As a result, the diuretic effect of these drinks negatively affects biochemical analysis.

    Taking certain medications also has a significant impact on the results of the study. High doses of aspirin and alloporinol have diuretic properties and after taking them the level of the substance in the blood is below normal.

    But the situation is not always natural. Low level acids may indicate the development of serious pathologies:

    • Liver diseases
    • Fanconi syndrome
    • Wilson-Konovalov disease
    • Toxicosis on early stages pregnancy
    • Extensive burn

    Due to overuse alcoholic drinks The liver and kidneys are primarily affected. This may cause the test result to be below normal.

    It often happens that a child refuses to eat certain foods. Girls who want to lose weight use the wrong low-protein diets. All this leads to improper metabolism and disruption of the functioning of the entire organism. The result is disastrous. Weight loss is accompanied by hair loss, increased fatigue, memory loss and decreased visual acuity. Acid level is low. To increase the level, as a rule, you just need to change your diet and stop taking the above medications.

    What does an elevated level mean?

    If the level of uric acid in the blood exceeds normal level, you should think about your diet. Perhaps your diet is dominated by foods high in protein.

    An increase in levels may be an indicator of the development of kidney dysfunction, or excessive active work liver. If a biochemical analysis to study the acid concentration long time above normal, this process is called hyperurecemia.

    Usually this situation occurs as a result of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Diseases in which acid levels increase:

    • Chronic or acute hepatitis
    • Cirrhosis of the liver
    • Chronic or acute pyelonephritis
    • Nephritis
    • Diabetes mellitus at any stage

    Hyperurecemia can also develop against the background of indirect diseases that are not related to pathologies renal and hepatic failure. Such as:

    • Overweight or obesity
    • Decreased activity of the parathyroid glands
    • Toxicosis and coma
    • Long-term use of certain medications
    • Chemotherapy

    In patients suffering from hyperurecemia, uric acid crystals are deposited on the joints. This leads to the development of gout. In this case, the level of the substance can be reduced only by eliminating the underlying pathology.

    What symptoms are typical for hyperurecemia?

    Hyperuremia can cause damage different organs human body. For children younger age characteristic manifestation there are diseases skin rashes. They can go to severe forms diathesis, and develop to psoriasis.

    Externally it looks like large spots on the skin with small red pimples. These spots are very itchy and flaky. Such rashes constantly bother the baby and force them to “scratch” them. If you do not take action, liquid will begin to appear on the surface of the stains. This environment is favorable for infectious lesion. And this is already inflammatory process, with purulent foci. The same symptoms may occur if the test result: “uric acid in the blood is normal,” but the child is allergic to any food product. Therefore, doctors are looking for a treatment method through identifying the allergen. This is an extremely incorrect technique.

    Men of retirement age suffer from pain in the joints of their legs and arms. Most often, lesions become noticeable on thumbs legs, elbows and knees. Severe pain accompany the patient during any movement.

    Exacerbation occurs at night.

    When you touch the inflamed joint, a cutting pain is felt. The skin in the area of ​​inflammation becomes reddish and warms up. The joint swells noticeably, increasing in size.

    If uric acid salts are deposited in the urinary system, this significantly complicates the course of the disease. Pain in the groin and sides can be unbearable. Moreover, this process is complicated infectious inflammations. For example, cystitis and the formation of kidney stones.

    An increase in uric acid in the blood is sometimes accompanied by less fatal pathologies. Sodium salts may be deposited in oral cavity, in the form of tartar. Such deposits do not cause much discomfort and are not accompanied by pain. They are easy to get rid of with regular preventive cleanings at the dentist. If this process is started, tartar will be aggravated by gum disease.

    Urates can be deposited in vital organs and disrupt the functioning of the heart muscle. This leads to early myocardial infarction.

    The main companions of hyperurecemia are increased fatigue, drowsiness and constant feeling fatigue. Sleep is disturbed and memory deteriorates. Therefore, it is important to keep the level of this acid normal.

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