What kind of headache pills can you use for breastfeeding? In what cases can you cope with a headache on your own? Cause-and-effect relationships of headaches

Headaches during breastfeeding cause a lot of anxiety for a nursing mother. On the one hand, you want to get rid of a painful symptom as quickly as possible with the help of pills, and on the other hand, not every drug can be used during lactation. A number of medications pass into breast milk and can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, and other negative effects The child has. Some medications can affect lactation: reduce it or stop it altogether.

When choosing a remedy for pain, you need to determine the cause of the symptom, study the instructions for the medications and consult with your doctor.

Causes and factors of headaches in nursing mothers

Headache is a symptom that can occur with various diseases and conditions. The source of its appearance in the mother can be:

  1. Overwork, overstrain, lack of sleep, stress. New mothers often face these problems because caring for a newborn requires a lot of energy. A woman’s daily routine changes and stabilizes hormonal background– all these and other similar factors can cause tension headaches.
  2. Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses(rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). Inflammatory pathology this area causes typical complaints about headache, discomfort in the paranasal sinuses, nasal discharge and congestion.
  3. Change in blood pressure. High (hypertension) and low (hypotension) blood pressure are equally difficult for humans to tolerate. Against this background, symptoms of shingles headaches, flickering of spots before the eyes, weakness and dizziness appear.
  4. Almost any viral infectious disease. Headache appears as a sign of intoxication against the background of a high rise in temperature and accompanies a common cold or flu.
  5. Diseases of the cervical spine. In the cervical region due to various reasons compression often occurs nerve endings or narrowing of blood vessels supplying the brain. One of the manifestations of such conditions can be a headache.
  6. Migraine is chronic illness, which more often affects females. Characterized by intense paroxysmal headaches. During an attack, the patient may complain of photophobia, nausea, vomiting, intolerance loud sounds. The exact cause has not been fully established.
  7. Benign and malignant formations brain.

Types of headaches

Considering the importance of this symptom, doctors of different specialties distinguish types of headaches. Correct definition causes of symptoms, allows you to select adequate treatment. The most common types of headaches in nursing mothers:

  1. Tension headache.
  2. Pain associated with vascular pathology.
  3. Headaches associated with infection.
  4. Discomfort associated with damage to the face or skull (teeth, sinuses, temporomandibular joint).
  5. Neurological pain.
  6. Migraine.
  7. Pain associated with head injury.

If the cause of the symptom cannot be determined, then a diagnosis of “unspecified etiology” or “unclassified headache” is made.

In addition, when interviewing the patient, attention is paid to the localization of pain: in the back of the head, forehead, temples, etc. Its nature is clarified: local or diffuse. They ask about the connection with the time of day, weather, pressure and other factors.

After collecting anamnesis, the specialist, if necessary, refers to additional examinations(X-ray, CT scan, blood tests) and for consultation with specialized specialists (ENT, ophthalmologist, neurologist, etc.).

Tablets that can be used for various types of headaches

For headaches, a nursing mother can use Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Drotaverine. These tools are used when different types pain and are relatively safe for a child breastfeeding.


One of the most popular and safe means for a mother who is breastfeeding, is Paracetamol. This is a drug from the group of analgesics-antipyretics. The mechanism of action is based on suppressing the synthesis of special substances - prostaglandins, which are responsible for the development of the inflammatory reaction.

Shows analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activity. Used for various types headaches. The drug is prescribed orally, the maximum single dosage is 1 g.

Paracetamol penetrates milk: approximately 0.04% of the dosage taken by a nursing woman. The medicine does not exhibit a toxic effect, but in some cases it can cause allergic reactions or digestive upset in a child. Such effects will require discontinuation of the drug.


A medicine from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. during breastfeeding, it has an active analgesic effect and can be used as a remedy emergency assistance for pain.

Ibusal, Ibufen, MIG - all these are different trade names one and the same active ingredient- ibuprofen. It is available in the form of capsules, syrups, effervescent tablets, drops and dragees.

The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the synthesis of an enzyme that activates prostaglandins (inflammatory cells). The drug relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and reduces temperature.

A good medicine for headaches that is not toxic to a child. Does not cause adverse reactions.

The analgesic effect is especially pronounced for headaches associated with inflammation. For neurological or vascular nature may not be effective.

In rare situations, it can cause allergies or disorders of the digestive tract.


Known tablets, where the active ingredient is drotaverine. It is a powerful antispasmodic. This remedy relieves spasm of smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels. This action leads to a decrease pain syndrome.

Drotaverine, when feeding a child, will help a nursing mother relieve headaches caused by spasm and tension of blood vessels (tension headache).

The drug for hepatitis B is prescribed with caution, after consultation with the attending physician. There are no proven clinical data on its use during lactation.


Another drug from the group of non-steroidal drugs. The mechanism of action is the same as that of ibuprofen (suppression of the synthesis of the enzyme responsible for the activation of prostaglandins - inflammatory cells).

This is a cure for headaches inflammatory in nature. The effect on young children has not been clinically studied. Can be used for emergency one-time treatment of inflammatory problems.

Medicines that should not be used for breastfeeding

There are painkillers that are safe for adults, but contraindicated for children. This is due to the fact that they pass into milk and can cause serious adverse reactions in infants.


Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin is a popular remedy for eliminating headaches and fever. For children under 15–16 years of age, this medicine is contraindicated in any dosage due to the risk of Reye's syndrome.

Reye's syndrome - rare dangerous complication, which develops with viral infections in children while taking medications with acetylsalicylic acid.

In addition, aspirin in breast milk can cause bronchospasm or other severe allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, urticaria).


A combined product that includes three active ingredients: caffeine, paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. Citramon is not prescribed to a nursing mother due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid in it.

In addition, the child may be affected by Negative influence caffeine and cause symptoms of nervous system overexcitation.


A good pain reliever for adults, the metabolites of which pass into breast milk in high dosages. In young children it can cause complications related to the functioning of the nervous system, allergies and other toxic effects.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

A wide list of drugs (Diclofenac, Nimesulide, etc.) that have a powerful analgesic effect. Drugs in this group are not recommended for use during lactation, since there is no proven clinical data on their use during this period.

The only exception is Ibuprofen, described above. This remedy has been well studied. It is, along with Paracetamol, one of the safest for nursing mothers.

Traditional medicine methods for headaches

When you have a headache and your mother is breastfeeding, you don’t always want to take pills right away. In some cases, you can get by with alternative treatment methods that will bring positive results.

To help get rid of headaches:

  1. Massage of biologically active points. Massage specialists identify a number of active zones located in the face, back of the head and neck. Acupressure helps relieve tension, eliminate muscle spasms and improve nutrition and blood supply to tissues. To alleviate the condition, you need to undergo a course of such massage, 5–7 procedures.
  2. Aromatherapy. The effect of healing vapors of essential oils strengthens immune system, stimulates or calms the nerves and produces a number of other effects. Suitable for eliminating tension and spasms in the head essential oils sandalwood, patchouli, chamomile, bergamot, etc. They can be used as part of mixtures or as monotherapy in aroma lamps.
  3. Compresses. Exposure to low or high temperatures causes a local change in vascular tone. For spasms in the temple area, you can use warm compresses based on chamomile. Cold compresses on the forehead and back of the head help relieve tension pain.

A headache during lactation can be a sign of both fatigue and a symptom of a serious illness. As an emergency measure, you can use approved painkillers during lactation. For prolonged pain, a doctor's consultation and additional examinations are required to clarify the cause of the disease.

During the period of breastfeeding, taking medications is contraindicated. The reason is that active substances medicines immediately enter mother's milk. This negatively affects the baby. But what then to do if A nursing mother has a headache. First, you need to identify the cause of headaches, that is, cephalgia.

Causes of headaches in breastfeeding women

  1. The most common cause of headaches is migraine. Migraine is what it is neurological disease, in which the blood vessels of the brain temporarily dilate, which leads to severe paroxysmal headaches. Most often, only one part of the head hurts. Headache attacks are accompanied by strong thirst, nausea, photophobia, convulsions. The pain can last from 3 hours to 3 days.
  2. Headache may occur due to lack of sleep and stressful situations. As you know, with the birth of children, parents begin a period sleepless nights. This affects the general condition of the body, which leads to severe cephalgia.
  3. Pain in the head area can signal that the body is hungry. Often a nursing mother, while caring for her baby, simply forgets to have lunch.
  4. Colds and viral diseases are often accompanied by headaches.
  5. A headache may appear due to the fact that the body does not have enough fresh air. If a woman is for a long time in a stuffy room, it’s not surprising that she might get a headache.
  6. A common cause of cephalgia is osteochondrosis.
  7. Various head injuries (bruises, concussions, hematomas) also lead to pain.

Treatment of headaches in breastfeeding women

If the causes of headaches are identified, they need to be addressed urgently. If you have a headache, you need to get enough sleep, eat well on time, avoid stress and conflict situations, ventilate the room, do wet cleaning. A nursing mother needs to rest as much as possible and take vitamin supplements.

If the cause of headaches is, then it is necessary to eliminate it. This can be done using remedies such as lemon and ginger tea, tea with raspberry jam, with rose hips and black currants. You need to do inhalations, carry out... You can eliminate a runny nose using oxaline ointment, rinsing, using Aquamaris or Nazivin drops. These drugs are allowed even for children.

If a headache occurs due to osteochondrosis, then a massage of the head and cervical spine will help relieve pain. Compresses will also eliminate neck pain, and along with it, headaches. For osteochondrosis, acupuncture therapy can be used.

Headaches are well relieved with moist, cool bandages, special light gymnastics. Severe migraines can be treated with a medicine such as Paracetamol. Treatment with paracetamol is permitted during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Doctors also allow taking Nurafen. Other drugs, for example, Analgin, Baralgin, Citramon, Pentalgin, Ketarol, Askofen, are prohibited.

If the headache occurs due to a head injury or bruise, you should urgently consult a specialist. The woman may need hospitalization or inpatient treatment.

The occurrence of a headache for any reason cannot be treated independently. Self-medication can only make the situation worse. If a woman is prescribed strong drugs, then breastfeeding should be stopped.

What can a nursing mother drink to relieve her headache? This question often arises among representatives of the fairer sex during lactation. All women know that it is undesirable to take any pills during breastfeeding, because their active components penetrate into milk and can cause serious harm to the body of a newborn baby. But what to do if the headache is frequent and turns the life of a young mother into a nightmare? In this case, doctors recommend choosing painkiller from among those that are allowed during lactation. The list of such medications is quite short, and every woman who has recently given birth to a child or is planning to do so in the near future should remember it.

Causes of headaches in breastfeeding women

Before taking pills for headaches, a young mother should find out the cause feeling unwell. Sometimes it is enough to eliminate the factors that provoke the malaise in order to forget about it forever, without resorting to the help of medications. A doctor will help determine the cause of a headache, so if a woman frequently complains of discomfort, she should visit a specialist. There are several most common factors that contribute to the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom in young women:

  1. Chronic lack of sleep. After giving birth, a woman’s life changes beyond recognition. A newborn baby demands increased attention 24 hours a day. Waking up several times a night in order to feed her child or change his diaper, by the morning the young mother feels sleep-deprived and completely exhausted. Constant lack of sleep lead to overwork of the body, which is manifested by headaches, general weakness, dizziness and other equally unpleasant symptoms. In order not to push herself to such an extreme, a young woman should rest during the day. Afternoon nap compensates for lack of sleep at night and prevents headaches.
  2. Migraine. It is the cause of poor health in every fourth young mother. The disease is the result of spasms of cerebral vessels. It is characterized by debilitating, throbbing pain in the temples. A migraine attack can last up to several days, depriving a woman of the peace and joy of motherhood. You can get rid of headaches associated with this disease with the help of analgesic drugs.
  3. Increased arterial pressure. Hypertension is not limited to older people. In the list of reasons that provoke the occurrence of headaches in youth, it is far from last place. At high blood pressure characterized by pain in occipital region and neck, accompanied by rapid pulse and difficulty breathing. If a nursing mother is bothered by the symptoms described, she should not take headache pills. She needs medications to normalize blood pressure, and only the attending physician should prescribe them.
  4. Low blood pressure. During breastfeeding, women are not recommended to drink strong tea and coffee. Because of this, they often develop arterial hypotension, which manifests itself in the form of drowsiness, weakness and pressing headache in the bridge of the nose. Analgesics will not relieve a woman of her headache. Relieve general state walking on fresh air(this is useful not only for the mother, but also for her baby).
  5. Osteochondrosis. One of the most common manifestations of this disease is headache. Painkillers help mommy feel better in the short term, but to completely eliminate the symptom, she needs to treat the underlying disease.
  6. Irregular meals. While caring for a small child, a woman often forgets to eat on time. Hunger often provokes pain in the head, which goes away on its own soon after the mother manages to eat something.
  7. Ailments of viral and cold origin. Pain in the head is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough, body aches, etc. Relief occurs with correctly prescribed complex treatment carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Traditional methods of treating headaches during lactation

The easiest way to alleviate a woman’s condition is with pharmaceutical drugs. Which of them are allowed to drink during lactation so as not to harm the baby’s health? If the malaise is caused by migraine, then a nursing mother can resort to the help of drugs such as:

  • paracetamol (analogs - Panadol, Calpol);
  • ibuprofen (analogues - nurofen, ibufen);
  • naproxen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • zomig;
  • sumatriptan-teva;
  • rizatriptan.

All of the above medications can be taken by a breastfeeding woman only after consulting a doctor. They are not considered completely harmless for newborns, so they should not be abused. It should be remembered that after taking the mother medications A migraine may cause your baby to experience lethargy, moodiness, intestinal upset, and vomiting, so if the headache is not too severe, it is better to refrain from taking pills. It is strictly forbidden for young mothers to drink analgin, sedalgin, pentalgin, tempalgin, citramon for migraines. The active components of these drugs are dangerous for young children.

If painful sensations in the head are caused by hypertension, then the doctor will prescribe the woman treatment aimed at normalizing blood pressure. During lactation, you are allowed to take a Capoten or Enap tablet. But you should not often resort to these medications. Although the concentration of their active components in breast milk is lower than that of other drugs, they are not considered safe.

When your head hurts due to low pressure, you can eliminate headaches without pills. A young mother can drink sweet black tea of ​​medium strength and lie down for a while. After some time, the caffeine contained in the tea leaves will raise the blood pressure, and the woman’s well-being will improve. But drinking coffee during lactation is undesirable, since the concentration of caffeine in its composition is much higher than in tea.

If you have a headache due to a cold or viral disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then antipyretic drugs will help get rid of it: paracetamol, ibuprofen and their analogues. Aspirin, Fervex, Theraflu and other medications that are widely used in the treatment of diseases of cold-viral origin are contraindicated for nursing women.

Alternative medicine for headaches

Today there are many mothers who refuse to take any medications. You can understand such women, because even the most harmless medicines penetrate into milk and affect the baby’s body. What can breastfeeding mothers drink to relieve their headaches other than medications sold in pharmacies?

Products will help replace pills traditional medicine.

Since ancient times, headaches of various origins have been pacified medicinal plants. During lactation, drink a decoction of lemon balm, mint, burdock, wild rosemary, rose hips or oregano.

The listed funds can be taken either individually or in collections. They are completely safe for babies, so they can be used by mothers whenever they have a headache. The only drawback of this method is that it is not always effective.

If after taking herbal decoction the painful sensations have not disappeared, the young woman can use another folk remedy- lie in bed for a while with a leaf of fresh cabbage attached to your head.

Traditional healers claim that this method can remove even the most severe pain. And it certainly won’t affect the composition of breast milk, because you don’t need to drink anything.

It is up to the doctor to decide which method of eliminating headaches a breastfeeding woman should choose. If painful manifestations occur in a young mother occasionally and do not have a noticeable effect on her well-being, it is best to stop taking pills or be treated with folk remedies.

Medications are prescribed only in cases where unpleasant symptom often bothers the patient and prevents her from caring for her newborn baby.

Every person is familiar with headaches. Some people experience it all the time, others very rarely. The headache can be weak, throbbing, pressing, and can cause darkening of the eyes. The duration of a headache can be completely different, from a few minutes to several days. The most best deliverance for this misfortune - this is a pill for headaches.

Breastfeeding mothers may also experience headaches and sometimes there is simply no strength to endure them. But what can you do, because breastfeeding women cannot take all medications. Most medications are absorbed into the blood and pass into breast milk, and then into the baby’s body.

Some components contained in medications can cause poisoning, colic, allergic reaction. And some potent substances can bring children's body to retarded growth and development. It is for these reasons that the choice of medications for a nursing woman must be selected very carefully. Even headache pills require consultation with a doctor. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, then at least carefully study the instructions for taking the drug.

In general, experts name many causes of headaches. But as for women during lactation, then most likely the cause may be overwork, lack of sleep, or simple fatigue. Small child takes a lot of effort, time and attention. During lactation, a woman gets up several times a night in order to feed her baby. It is very important to get enough sleep, if possible, relax more and be sure to walk in the fresh air.

If you have a throbbing pain in one place of the head, then it is a migraine. Migraines can be caused by lack of sleep, severe stress, fatigue. Most often, migraines plague people who have nervous diseases and the tone of blood vessels is impaired.

High blood pressure and hypertension can also cause headaches. If this is the reason, then you should not self-medicate, but you need to contact a specialist so that he can select the right medications to solve this problem.

If the headache is accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting or nausea, then the cause is most likely food poisoning. In this case, it is very important to rinse the stomach.

The headache may be caused by colds, flu, ARVI.

This is the most common reasons the occurrence of headaches in a nursing woman, but not all. But almost all causes of the disease can be helped by the same medications that are allowed to be taken during lactation.

Basic principles of treatment

There are basic principles for treating headaches in a nursing mother:

What medications are allowed during lactation?

If during a pain syndrome it is impossible to do without medications, then you need to know that there are medications, one-time appointment which during lactation is absolutely safe for the child and will benefit the woman.

To the list of safe drugs The period of breastfeeding includes:

  • no-shpa
  • paracetamol
  • ibuprofen
  • naproxen
  • ketorolac

Now let's take a closer look at each drug.


From the above list, No-shpa is the only drug that has antispasmodic effect. No-shpu is used for pain during the menstrual cycle, when spasms of smooth muscle muscles occur, for pain in gastrointestinal tract And so on.

But instructions for use of No-shpa provides for its use for headaches that arise as a result of vasospasm. It turns out that if you drink No-shpa for a headache, if the illness recedes, then we can conclude that the headache is spastic in nature.


For headaches during breastfeeding, paracetamol is an excellent pain reliever. Paracetamol has three targeted actions: analgesic, antipyritic and anti-inflammatory. Last action Paracetamol has a weakly expressed effect.

Despite the fact that paracetamol is absorbed into the blood and passes into breast milk, it has not been proven to cause any harm to the baby. It has minimal side effects and is great for headaches. Thanks to this, paracetamol takes up first place in safety for use during breastfeeding.

Possible from taking paracetamol side effects: stomach pain, vomiting, nausea if paracetamol was taken large quantities, then possibly toxic liver damage.

Paracetamol should always be available for both children and adults.


Ibuprofen is non-steroidal drug, which has analgesic effects. This drug can be used during lactation. Ibuprofen is not only good for headaches, but also for joint pain.

Ibuprofen works within thirty minutes after taking it. Within three hours after taking the drug, it is completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, after taking the pill, a nursing mother can safely continue breastfeeding. But if Ibuprofen was taken only once, then the mother can feed her baby at any time. And the whole point is that when you use one tablet, the concentration active component will be only 1%. This concentration is safe for the baby.


Naproxen is non-steroidal drug, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Regarding this medicinal product , then the opinions of experts on its use during breastfeeding vary. The thing is that the drug Naproxen did not work clinical trials for negative effects on infants. That's why some experts prescribe it, while others are afraid.

If a nursing mother has a sudden headache, she can take Naproxen tablet. But long-term use of this drug while breastfeeding is not recommended. In order to reduce the risk of negative consequences, it is recommended to take Naproxen after the mother has fed her baby. It’s even better to replace Naproxen with its analogue, Ibuprofen.

Main advantage drug Naproxa n is that it continues its analgesic effect for 10-12 hours.


Ketorolac is a drug that is better known under the names Ketonov, Ketorol and Ketalgin. The instructions for use of the drug say that it is not recommended for pregnant women or while breastfeeding. But the drug Ketorolac may still be allowed to be taken by nursing mothers. Only possible short-term use no more than once every six hours.

If the mother suffers only from headaches during lactation, then it is best to stop taking Ketorolac. Replace it for approved paracetamol or ibuprofen drugs. If these drugs do not help, then take Ketorolac only with your doctor's permission.

Prohibited drugs

There are a great many medications that are prohibited for use during breastfeeding. And of course, the easiest ones to remember are those drugs that can be used during lactation. But I would like to touch a little on the most popular medications that absolutely cannot be used during breastfeeding. The following drugs should not be taken:

Analgin. This is one of the most popular medications, and one of the most dangerous during breastfeeding. It has been proven What frequent use analgin leads to decreased immunity, which leads to frequent illnesses. And taking analgin has a negative effect on the kidneys.

A large number of countries have stopped taking this drug, and the whole point is its side effects. However, in Russia, taking analgin continues to this day, no matter what.

Citramon. The drug citramon is also very popular. But it is strictly forbidden to use it during breastfeeding. The whole point is that it includes:

  • aspirin
  • paracetamol
  • caffeine

The danger is that the drugs included in citramone destroy the child’s liver, negatively affect brain activity, excite nervous system baby.

Aspirin. Taking aspirin during lactation is prohibited. He has the same Negative consequences, as citramon. It destroys the functioning of the baby’s liver and brain and has a negative effect on blood vessels. Also, taking aspirin can negatively affect the health of the mother; as a result of taking it, you can “earn” a stomach ulcer.

Alternative Treatments

If the headache that occurs is not a symptom of an infection, cold or other disease, then do not rush to take medications. Very often the reason unpleasant illness Women who are breastfeeding may become sleep deprived and overtired. Therefore, try to rest more and, of course, get enough sleep.

Strong, sweet black tea can be an excellent help in the fight against headaches. Of course, such tea cannot be recommended during breastfeeding, but drinking it once will not bring any negative consequences.

In order to overcome a headache, you can turn to traditional medicine for help: smear your temples with “Asterisk” balm, apply to your head cabbage leaf, do light massage heads, do cold compress, accept warm shower or just take a walk in the fresh air.

If you begin to experience headaches from time to time, then you need to reconsider your diet (lack of microelements can cause illness), your sleep schedule and duration, and walks (insufficient oxygen consumption).

Treating headaches is not only possible, but also necessary. . The family needs a kind, affectionate, loving mother and a wife who does not suffer from headaches.

Headache during breastfeeding is a fairly common occurrence that almost every young mother faces.

Many people on own experience They know that when pain occurs, it is enough to take an effective medicine, and everything will go away.

In the case of women who are in a state of lactation, everything is much more complicated, since during feeding to the baby, along with breast milk, components of medical preparations will get in, which can lead to serious complications. In order not to harm her baby, every nursing mother should use only safe methods and funds.

If a woman often had headaches before giving birth, then during lactation they can torment her with the same intensity. Very often, pain is a sign various diseases, so women should pay more attention to their health and undergo regular routine inspection. During breastfeeding, young mothers may experience the following types of headaches:

  • aching, sharp, pulling;
  • mild;
  • intense;
  • short-term;
  • long-lasting;
  • constant;
  • in the form of attacks;
  • random;
  • chronic.

The location of headaches in women whose children are breastfed can be the back of the head, as well as the temporal and frontal region. Sometimes nursing mothers experience pain emanating from the depths of the skull, eventually spreading to all parts of the head. If such pain occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor who will diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe effective and safest treatment.

Causes of headaches

Headache during breastfeeding can be accompanied by various pathological symptoms. Many women complain of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, hypersensitivity to smells and sounds. Such attacks can last several minutes, or can torment a nursing mother for several days. The cause of this pain syndrome can be migraine, which is serious illness, requiring complex treatment.

In addition to migraines, severe headaches in nursing women can be caused by the following diseases:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • chronic intoxication of the body caused by nicotine addiction, prolonged contact with chemistry;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • viral infections in which headache is an accompanying symptom;
  • osteochondrosis (developed in cervical spine spinal column);
  • sinusitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases;
  • mental disorders and other diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the kidneys and other vital internal organs;
  • diseases of the organs of vision, etc.

Headaches during breastfeeding can occur due to emotional and psychological overload of the body.

Systematic lack of sleep, associated with the need to feed the child at night, also causes irritability, nervousness and headaches. Abuse of coffee can contribute to the development of this syndrome, since this drink contains large quantities of caffeine, which causes extreme stimulation of the human nervous system.

The reason for the appearance pain may be the use of medications, the individual components of which have such side effect. Even nitroglycerin, which is used as an emergency treatment for people heart attack, may cause headaches in nursing women.

How to get rid of pain without drugs

To get rid of severe headaches during breastfeeding, women should try various alternative methods that will not force them to take medications:

  1. Massage course. According to many experts, massage is the most effective method, allowing you to get rid of pain during lactation. It is worth noting that a nursing mother does not have to visit a massage therapist’s office, since she is able to independently influence the necessary points located in the back of the head, neck, forehead and temples. When performing self-massage, the young mother should be absolutely calm and take deep and even breaths;
  2. Aromatherapy. Properly selected herbal remedies allow women to get rid of severe headaches during breastfeeding. For this type of treatment, you can use various essential oils and herbal teas. Good effect achieved by using mint, lavender and ginger (in any form);
  3. Acupuncture. This technique was developed many centuries ago in Ancient China. Currently, many modern medical centers setting up acupuncture rooms. During the session, the thinnest needles are inserted into the woman at the desired points. During mechanical impact on points responsible for certain reflexes of the body, people begin to experience a surge of energy and joy, thanks to the active production of endorphins. Today, there is debate regarding the use of acupuncture as an alternative to local anesthesia;
  4. Phytotherapy. There are traditional medicine recipes that can be used by nursing mothers for headaches. In order to avoid possible problems and complications in the future, every woman should consult with her doctor regarding the use of this or that herbal collection.

Relief from pain with medications

In some cases, headaches during breastfeeding can be eliminated only after taking an effective medication.

Women should under no circumstances self-medicate, as this can lead to very serious, and sometimes tragic, consequences.

If a nursing mother begins to have a frequent headache and no help is given to her alternative methods treatment, you need to visit urgently medical institution. At the appointment, the doctor will conduct a personal examination of the woman, determine the cause of the pain and prescribe treatment that will not harm her baby.

  1. « Paracetamol" This medicine has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It can be taken during lactation for headaches, as well as to reduce fever. While taking this drug, people may experience side effects: nausea, anemia, allergies, etc.;
  2. « Ibuprofen" These tablets have an analgesic effect on the body of a nursing mother. The drug is well absorbed into the blood and acts for several hours. This is why a woman can start feeding her baby 3 hours after taking Ibuprofen;
  3. « Naproxen" And " Ketoprofen" These medical supplies Recommended for nursing mothers for headaches. Before you start taking them, you should consult your doctor, as there are some contraindications that you need to pay close attention to.

During drug treatment Breastfeeding mothers should avoid prohibited drugs that can cause irreparable harm the health of their babies.

To such medicines includes “Analgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Sedalgin”, “Tempalgin”, etc. It is also prohibited to take drugs that contain barbituric acid, codeine and caffeine. Women during lactation should not take aspirin, or even citramon, as they contain prohibited components.

Traditional medicine recipes

If a nursing mother has a headache, she can try to remove discomfort using folk recipes:

  • take a contrast shower;
  • perform a self-massage of the head (for these purposes, you can use hand massagers or magnetic applicators);
  • drink a cup strong tea, to which instead of sugar you can add a few tablespoons of honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • apply a cold compress;
  • close the curtains, turn off the lights and lie down for a while in peace and quiet.

Prevention of headaches during lactation

To prevent headaches, breastfeeding women need to regularly carry out preventive measures:

  • drink weak black tea every day, to which you can add honey, as well as viburnum or currant juice;
  • if preference is given to green tea, then in this case you should add mint leaves and a cinnamon stick to it before drinking;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice with addition small quantity honey can be used to prevent headaches;
  • daily walks in the fresh air will saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • daily intake of an energy cocktail, which includes a raw egg, mixed with hot milk, will prevent headache attacks;
  • give up all bad habits, which ruin the health of a woman and her child.