All about the Rottweiler breed. Rottweiler: characteristics, photos, description, character, care. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Power, seriousness, masculinity, devotion – these are the traits by which it is easy to recognize a Rottweiler dog. These dogs took part in battles in Ancient Rome and preferred death rather than a shameful retreat.

Origin story

The ancestor of the Rottweiler breed is considered. In ancient Rome, the Rottweiler was used as fighting dog and for the protection of livestock being driven for the needs of the army.

The German city of Rottweil is considered to be the birthplace - at that time one of the major centers meat trade. Butchers needed dogs to protect their goods.

In the middle of the 19th century, livestock driving was prohibited and the number of Rottweilers began to decline. In 1901, one of these dogs attracted attention again when it broke up a massive riot in one of the squares in Hamburg, and in the same year the first breed standards were adopted.

Description of the Rottweiler breed

The Rottweiler dog is a confident, attentive and strong-willed dog. This type of dog has service qualities. Therefore, the description of the breed suggests well-developed muscles and impressive size.

  1. Weight indicators for males are 50 kg, for females – 42-45 kg. The height of males at the withers is 61-68 cm, females are 56-63 cm.
  2. The head is heavy in weight, proportional to the body, the back is strong, straight, rib cage wide, stomach tucked.
  3. The neck is muscular of medium length, the muzzle is elongated with well-defined cheekbones, the nose is black, large, with large nostrils.
  4. The ears are medium, triangular in shape, hanging.
  5. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, black or Brown with a golden hue.
  6. The tail is docked. The legs are straight and muscular.
  7. The coat is medium length, hard, thick.


The characteristics of the breed suggest that the Rottweiler has one color - black with clearly defined red or brown tan marks. Tan marks are located on the muzzle, lower part of the neck, chest, paws, and under the tail.

IMPORTANT! The standard does not provide for mixed breeds and albinos with white, gray and other colors. For elite representatives of the breed, deviations from the standard color are not acceptable.


The Rottweiler dog has calm character, balanced, active, obedient. These dogs have long been used as bodyguards and security guards. If the dog senses danger, it will immediately come to the defense of its owner.

  1. Dogs of this breed quickly get used to their owner.
  2. They have a clear, quick reaction.
  3. Despite their stern appearance, they are good-natured towards children.
  4. Distrustful of strangers.
  5. Get along great with both big family, and with a lonely person.
  6. They are warlike and aggressive towards other large dogs.
  7. Rottweilers are very sensitive and tend to understand your condition and mood.
  8. Need long-term physical activity.
  9. These servants always try to be useful to their master.
  10. They show devotion and respect for the love and care of the owner.

If we talk about the pros and cons of the breed, then everything depends on the character formed in the process of education. The training methods and the owner’s attitude towards the Rottweiler determine which qualities will dominate in the pet.

There are such breeds of dogs, appearance who will be driven into fear at first sight, even in the photo. However, appearance can sometimes be wrong and a kind soul is hidden behind the fierce appearance. The Rottweiler belongs to this breed of dog. This is a stately, strong, muscular dog, well, just a real Sylvester Salonne among dogs. This is a service dog and is often taken to “work”, both in the police and in the army. It is capable of transporting heavy loads, as well as guarding large areas. However, these dogs sometimes do not cope well with their guard duties, since they have difficulty concentrating and, despite their appearance, they can be kind.

Watchdog and fighting qualities are easily learned by puppies, but this is much more difficult for adult representatives of the Rottweiler breed. Therefore, if you want to buy such a dog, you must realize that they need to not only be fed, but also trained, walked, in a word, devote a lot of time.

Origin story

No written evidence has been found about what the ancestors of the Rottweiler breed were. Therefore, historians can only assume that their homeland is considered Ancient Egypt. Their supposed ancestors were considered a very valuable species in ancient times. If you carefully study the photos and pictures on the bas-reliefs of the tombs of the pharaohs, you can see dogs similar to Rottweilers, depicted during a battle. In a word, this dog, both in those distant times and today, is considered the personification of the fighting spirit and invincibility. She helped her master in the fight against enemy warriors and was worth her weight in gold. However, in peace, she is harmless and friendly and will not offend anyone just like that. The main thing is to feed her on time and not leave her hungry.

According to historians, the dog, very similar to the Rottweiler, participated in religious ceremonies, and the pharaohs erected giant statues in their honor in their palaces. There is another version, according to which Rottweiler dogs were bred back in the 6th century BC in Babylon, by the Molossian tribe. They also had a fighting spirit and helped warriors and hunters hunt lions. It is believed that they were so huge that they were approximately the same size and weight as lions. They were also excellent watchdogs.

Feeding such dogs, of course, was quite difficult, but they often found decent food for themselves during the hunt. The descriptions of these dogs made by historians after they studied pictures of Molossian dogs are very close to Rottweilers. Here is a description of a dog of this breed, which was given by one of the experts in Babylonian history: strong skeleton, strong muscles, incredible courage and fearlessness. A dog of this breed was certainly considered elite, and they gradually began to export it from the country. In Persia, the Rottweiler (of course, it was not called that then) was considered a symbol of wealth and power, and the Assyrians believed that dogs of this breed were endowed with supernatural powers, so they made statues of them from clay so that they would protect their homes from danger and troubles. The Great Zarathustra noted that puppies of Mollo dogs are very capable and easy to train, especially as warriors. That is why the Romans began to take them with them on campaigns.

Pictures have survived to this day that depict legionnaires with warlike dogs that are very reminiscent of modern Rottweilers. And in the ancient world there was a custom of pitting dogs of this breed against other larger animals, for example, bulls or predatory felines. For this purpose, the most aggressive dogs were selected, but peace-loving dogs were used as cattle herders. They guarded the herds of “live meat” that the legionnaires took with them on campaigns to feed the army. When there was nothing to protect, these four-legged shepherds were given as gifts to local residents. So they spread throughout all the places where the Roman army passed. But how did the Rottweiler breed appear?

Together with the Romans, the ancestors of these dogs came to southern Germany. Some of the legionnaires decided to stay in these fertile lands and raise livestock. Naturally, for this they needed the help of Molossian dogs. However, some time later, the barbarian tribes drove the Romans out of their hiding places and themselves created their own settlements here. One of these was Rottweil.

The Germans began to breed dogs that helped them run their households, protected them from enemy attacks, etc. At the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, Rottweiler dogs began to be considered police dogs. At the same time, their weight was taken into account: it had to meet the standards, up to 50 kg. Overweight dogs simply could not perform their duties. By the beginning of the 20th century, it was recognized as the best working dog in all of Europe. It has become in demand by the police in many countries around the world and even in America. These dogs arrived in Russia at the beginning of the First World War. Since they tolerated the cold well, they began to be exported to the north to fight predators and protect livestock. From infancy, the puppies began to grow up among deer and other cattle, got used to them and considered them their family, and at the slightest danger they were ready to fight for them with all their might.

Rottweiler Standards

Later in the article we will present to your attention general description Rottweiler breed. Females weigh about 40-42 kilograms, height - 55-62 centimeters, as for the male, that is, the male, his weight is almost one fifth more than that of the female and is about 50 kg. And the height reaches 70 centimeters. In short, the height and weight of a Rottweiler indicate its physical strength.

The characteristics of the Rottweiler, its description, as well as pictures and photos can be found in any encyclopedia, although hardly anyone has not seen these giant dogs in their city, and they are shown quite often on TV. Unfortunately, in Lately More and more information appears in the media about killer Rottweilers, although in fact this characteristic is far from the truth and proper education aggression can be curbed. However, when it comes to describing a dog of this breed, looking at pictures of a Rottweiler, the first characteristic that occurs spontaneously is the word
“scary”, “evil”, “terrible”, etc.


Let's start describing the character of these dogs with the fact that, despite the prevailing stereotype, the Rottweiler is a very balanced, self-confident, serious dog. He will never provoke a conflict and will not rush into a fight without any apparent reason. However, if he senses danger, be it to himself or to his master or home, he will boldly rush to the defense and it will be impossible to pacify him. Not every owner will be able to maintain such weight. Despite the fact that for many it is a ferocious, aggressive, but stupid dog, this is a completely groundless characteristic of the Rottweiler. Of course, there are such individuals in nature, but it is upbringing that is to blame for the fact that they are like this.

Puppies of these dogs are easy to train, but if they are not properly handled, they can grow into real monsters. In addition, they do not like fuss, noise, loud screams, and if family members do not live in harmony with each other, then the pet will be restless and aggressive. In addition, you can’t feed the dog whatever and whenever. This also contributes to the development of aggression in the pet. And given their weight, this is very dangerous not only for neighbors, but also for family members themselves.

Physical Characteristics of the Rottweiler

The Rottweiler has a strong skeleton, powerful muscles, in a word, he simply has an athletic figure. However, outwardly, he is not a very handsome and stately dog; there is some kind of clumsiness in him. This can even be seen in the photo. And if he also has overweight, then this is, in general, a lazy giant who finds it difficult to move. Therefore, before feeding, or rather fattening, your pet, think about its health.

Like the man, this dog overweight to nothing. His puppies are very funny and this clumsiness suits them. Pictures of Rottweilers in infancy often decorate the walls of dog lovers' apartments. When you look at them, an involuntary smile arises. But the photo of an already matured dog looks quite menacing and can scare anyone away. The Rottweiler's coat is hard, quite thick and straight, the undercoat is short and soft. On the limbs and head the hairs are very short and only on hind legs form fringes.

The coat color is mainly black and tan, with sharp red-brown markings. They most often occur above the eyes, in the eyebrows and cheeks, on the side of the muzzle, on the throat, on the chest, on the limbs and under the tail. Surely you noticed this if you saw a photo of a Rottweiler. Dogs of this breed have very strong jaws, the mouth and gums are dark in color. Sometimes wrinkles appear on the forehead, just like in humans. This can also be seen by looking at the photo. The ears are of medium size, they hang down to the middle of the cheeks, and have a triangular shape. The eyes are brown and have a small almond shape, the eyelids fit tightly to them. His neck is powerful, and his withers are quite pronounced and muscular. As for the tail, it is short (only 1-2 vertebrae). Puppies look the same as adults, only they are clumsy. And a little funny.

Feeding the Rottweiler

Many amateur dog handlers, before buying a Rottweiler puppy, are always interested in how and what to feed the Rottweiler, because such a giant is not at all easy to maintain. In most cases, this issue worries them more than another no less important question, namely: how much does a Rottweiler cost? The state of his health, as well as his mood, depends on how your pet eats. This is why feeding your Rottweiler properly is very important. Exactly half of the daily diet should be proteins: cottage cheese, meat, cheese, fish, eggs, and the meat should not be overcooked, only slightly boiled (5 minutes) or even raw.

What to feed your Rottweiler besides protein? Well, firstly, these dogs need to be given beef fat separately, but not more than one hundred grams per week. You need to accustom your dog to vegetables, because only in this way will your pet receive the fiber it needs so much. However, this should be no more than 20 percent of the total food. But the remaining 30 percent should be a variety of cereals, but it is better to exclude semolina and barley. Look what it should be like daily ration adult Rottweiler dog: ½ - 1 kg of beef meat, 2 kilograms of porridge and about 300 grams of vegetables. Don't give protein food daily, 2-3 times a week is enough.

As you can see, feeding these dogs is not that easy, nor is it cheap. By the way, in winter time, and not at home, but in an enclosure, then the portion should be increased up to 2 times, and bitches who are nursing their babies should also be fed intensively. Puppies initially eat only mother's milk and then are given complementary foods. It is very important that there is a dedicated special zone for meals, where they would receive food at the same time. If you ask dog handlers about how many times it is better to feed Rottweiler babies, opinions will be different: some will say that three times is enough, others will argue that they need six meals a day. However, after they turn one year old, the number of feedings should be reduced to two. By the way, it is better to give babies raw rather than boiled meat.

Puppy cost

Of course, many four-legged lovers realize that a Rottweiler puppy is not cheap. Still, he will soon become not just a dog, but a protector. So how much, after all? Well, the price cannot be definite, because the cost depends on several important factors, namely, pedigree, parents holding titles, the prospect of participation in the exhibition, etc. Thus, Rottweiler puppies can cost from $150 to $400, and sometimes higher. However, it is not recommended to buy a dog based on a photo in the newspaper, in the advertisement column. Because, firstly, it may be a photo of another puppy, secondly, it is not capable of conveying complete information about the pet, and thirdly, the cost of them is quite high and therefore you need to thoroughly examine the baby before purchasing.

A breed that evokes admiration and awe at the same time.

Rottweilers are respected not only for powerful jaws, but also for his natural intelligence and ability to educate.

The real history of the origin of the breed is unknown, but there are many assumptions. The most plausible version is that the breed came from strong, hardy dogs, guarding the herds of animals that the Romans led as food during the conquest of Germanic lands.

Over time, the Romans were driven out of these lands, and On the site of the Roman camp, the settlement of Rottweil arose, which became the center of beef cattle breeding. The descendants of Roman dogs still did their job - guarding the herds of livestock. Cattle breeders often used them as draft force, which is why the dogs were called “butcher dogs.”

In the 19th century the breed almost disappeared. The history of the Rottweiler breed dates back to 1901, when a dog helped a policeman disperse a drunken crowd. It was then that we again remembered the special qualities of this dog: high pain threshold, great physical strength, fearless readiness to intervene in an unexpected situation.

The breed standard, including exterior and mental characteristics, was determined at the beginning of the 20th century in Germany by the United German Rottweiler Club.

Description of the breed

FCI standard No. 147 dated 04/06/2000 “Rottweiler”
Group 2 “Schnauzers and Pinschers, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Dogs”
Section 2.1 “Molossians, mastiff dogs, with working tests”
Height at the withers for males is 61-68 cm, for females – 56-63 cm.
The weight of an adult male is 50 kg, that of a female is 42 kg.
Life expectancy is 8-12 years.

The appearance of a purebred individual is described in the official standard and includes the following properties:

  • chest volume corresponds to the sum of the height at the withers + 20 cm;
  • The length of the skull is average, the ears are set wide. The back of the head is well defined. The transition to the muzzle from the forehead is clearly visible;
  • The muzzle is wide, narrower towards the nose. Wide nose with large nostrils;
  • lips are black, closed tightly. Gums are dark. Scissor bite, 22 teeth on the lower jaw, 20 on the upper jaw;
  • eyes are medium in size, dark brown;
  • the ears are triangular, medium in size, forming top part skulls in a straight line, adjacent to the cheekbones;
  • the neck is muscular, of medium length, curved like a bow;
  • the tail is not docked (according to the standard);
  • The hind legs are set wider than the front legs. Top part the lower leg is muscular;
  • the coat is hard, thick, and lies tightly;
  • color black with dark rusty tan.

Many people mistakenly believe that there is a breed golden rottweiler. This is not true, Rottweiler and Golden retriever- two absolutely different breeds dogs.

Character and skills

The Rottweiler's character is even, calm, friendly, and has strong nerves. They never bother anyone, do not spoil anything in the house, do not dig holes in the garden, are friendly to children and familiar people, indifferent to strangers, but attentive - they do not let anything slip out of their sight.

They always have only one owner. They recognize the family in which they live, enter into a conditional family, but obey only the owner. The dog is easy to train - once it is remembered forever.

Features of education:

  • The Rottweiler is well aware of his physical strength, so the owner will have to respect the dog - the dog will not tolerate insults and humiliation;
  • sometimes training is difficult, but not because the dog does not understand, but because it is stubborn, looking for, as they say, your weak point. If you don’t achieve the command every time again and again, then the dog, having realized that it is possible not to obey, will not even think about following your commands next time.

The Rottweiler has high intelligence and is capable of making independent decisions.

The breed was originally bred as a guard dog, so do not forget about these dog skills. Seeing a threat to the owner, he quickly attacks, not thinking about the danger. His grip is strong, he grabs hard. Not afraid of pain. After a fight, she quickly calms down, which indicates a high organization of the nervous system.

The Rottweiler is used where pronounced character traits are needed, namely in guarding. They become excellent bodyguards and serve on the border.

Suitable nicknames

Statement that a dog bred in Germany must wear German name, is only partly true. Namely, because these names are short, impulsive, biting, like the blow of a whip. Besides, It is pleasant for a dog's ear to hear the sound "r".

Nicknames for Rottweilers are selected taking into account physical characteristics and temperament. This one should have a serious name, even brutal, also for the reason that The Rottweiler can perfectly distinguish the respectful attitude of passers-by towards him from the mocking and mocking one.:

  • Rambo;
  • Brutus;
  • North;
  • Araks;
  • Zorro;
  • Tyson.

For bitches, names are chosen that are softer, but also corresponding to their size and strength:

  • Irma;
  • Greta;
  • Nora;
  • Dora;
  • Alba;
  • Bella.

The photos of Rottweiler puppies that are posted below should not be misleading: as they mature, they will become a formidable force.

Care and maintenance

If you plan to keep your dog outside, then you need to build an enclosure with an insulated booth. Although Rottweilers have a good, dense undercoat, they will not tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees without harm to their health. If the dog or puppy is kept in an apartment, then the sleeping place should not be in a draft or near a heat source. But no matter where the dog lives, it needs to be walked daily. Walks should last an hour or an hour and a half.

If the dog won't lead active image life, then health problems will begin.

It is very important to teach your dog hygiene:

  • The dog requires frequent bathing, 2-3 times a year is enough, but you need to comb them regularly with a stiff brush;
  • claws should be trimmed once a month;
  • rub their eyes cotton swab, soaked in tea or chamomile decoction;
  • To prevent the formation of tartar, the dog needs to brush its teeth. To do this, use a toothbrush and a special paste or give it a raw beef bone to chew on;
  • ears are cleaned with a cotton swab using special means or hydrogen peroxide.

What to feed your Rottweiler? The main food for an adult dog is meat and offal (exclude pork). If you also feed dry food, the portion of meat will be reduced. includes poultry, fish, cheese and dairy products, buckwheat, oatmeal, raw fruits and vegetables. Milk, all legumes, sweets and potatoes are completely excluded.

Should be fed 3-4 times a day in small portions.Overeating will lead to obesity and, as a result, to disease.

Puppies at 2 months. he is fed 6 times a day, but before he is one year old, the number of meals should be reduced to 3-4. Well-cooked rice or buckwheat with chopped raw meat is suitable for a puppy. At 4 months fish, cheese, and vegetables are added. Are completely excluded fresh bread, bones, pork, sausage.

Advantages and disadvantages

It’s not enough to just highlight the pros and cons. Here main advantages of the breed:

  • excellent bodyguards: attentive, instant reaction, not afraid of pain;
  • high intelligence: easy to train, able to make decisions independently;
  • easy care.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • stubborn: you have to be very persistent in the matter of training;
  • strive for dominance.

Rottweiler owners agree on the breed: dogs are smart, friendly, calm. But they emphasize the conditions, the fulfillment of which gave such a result:

  • take a puppy only from a breeder and only with a pedigree (this guarantees mental health dog);
  • carry out a complete training for the dog, or better yet with a dog handler;
  • socialization should begin from the first day of life in the house;
  • let the dog understand (and insist on it!) that the person in charge in the house is the person;
  • treat the dog kindly, but do not spoil it.

The most important thing is that everything or almost everything about the Rottweiler breed is described above. It's time to sum it up. So, get a rottweiler better for people with a strong will and character, active nature.

Remember, there are incredibly many dog ​​breeds, you can always choose suitable pet by its own nature, for its own purposes. But you should understand that only adequate owners have adequate dogs!

Additionally, check out the video, which provides detailed characteristics of the Rottweiler dog breed:

IN modern world every third family has its own pet. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment or a house, most often people are inclined to choose , since this animal has long won first positions in simplicity and devotion, which so attract animal lovers. Today we will talk about this famous breed, like a Rottweiler, we will consider the description and characteristics of this breed, as well as all the nuances of keeping it at home.

Description and photo

Rottweilers are considered very hard-working animals, hardy, energetic and quite energetic. First of all, we should highlight their incredible loyalty and tendency to protect, especially if someone tries to offend their owner.
If an animal lacks proper upbringing, socialization, and friendly communication with others, then it can grow aggressive not only towards strangers and animals, but also towards the family where it is kept. This dog is somewhat narcissistic, powerful, serious and courageous, has a compact and proportional physique.

Let's look at all the main characteristics that will help you form a complete impression of Rottweilers.

Did you know? In 1998, standards changed that prohibit tail docking of Rottweilers in FCI member countries. If a Rottweiler is found to have a cropped tail, he will simply not be allowed to enter the exhibition as a participant.

History of Rottweilers

It is believed that Rottweilers are descendants of the Roman Molossian Danes, who took part in military campaigns and battles in gladiatorial arenas. As stated above, Rottweilers are believed to have originated from Rottweil, a German city. Due to the appearance of the animal, it can be argued that the breed was formed thanks to the Swiss shepherd dog- Appenzeller Sennenhund.
Since Rottweil was a center where livestock trade was active, these dogs were used as labor. Animals transported cargo and were excellent protectors.

Did you know? The proceeds from the sale of livestock per day were trusted to be transported to Rottweilers, tied to the body of the animal and sent home, since even the bravest robbers were afraid to approach these dogs.

At the time when the transportation of this specific cargo began Railway What happened in the 19th century was that the Rottweiler simply became an unnecessary breed. Thanks to the National Rottweiler Club of Germany this breed was saved.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a Rottweiler dog, you should carefully study the characteristics of these animals from photos on the Internet and take into account all the nuances.

It is also necessary to focus on the following recommendations:

  1. When purchasing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the pedigree of the animal. If it is not there, then such an animal is not worth buying.
  2. There are no varieties of the Rottweiler, so you should not listen to the seller’s arguments that it is an American, royal or some other species, and in general you should doubt the thoroughbred of the animal being sold.
  3. If, as confirmation of the breed, you are offered to look at the veterinary book, then we hasten to disappoint you that this document may well be counterfeit, and will in no way become a guarantee certifying the breed of the dog.
  4. A puppy can only have a pedigree after 6 months of age, so you should take this fact into account if you want to purchase a newborn puppy.
  5. The Rottweiler can only be black, with characteristic red splashes. The only defect that is allowed in color is the white chest patch.
  6. The price of a puppy cannot be lower than $300, so if you suddenly decide to save money, they will most likely give you a mixed breed.

When placing a dog in an apartment, you need to choose a suitable place for it so that it is isolated from dampness and drafts. It is recommended to equip a place for rest; for this you can use a regular bedding from the store or select an old unnecessary blanket. A soft resting place is more likely to cause bedsores than a comfortable place for your dog. The dog must immediately be accustomed to the place where he will eat.

If you are purchasing an animal for protection summer cottage or you live in the private sector, then most likely the dog will be on the street. In order for the dog to feel comfortable, winter period It is recommended to take care to equip it with a warm one.

  • It is recommended to raise the Rottweiler’s home slightly above the ground, placing it on bars;
  • the booth should not contain cracks, and there should be a dense layer of straw on the floor;
  • It is recommended to insulate the booth with foam plastic, which is placed between the walls of the booth;
  • At the entrance you should attach a curtain, which is made of dense material;
  • the home should be built with a dressing room that would separate the cold zone from the warmer one, where the dog can warm up during the cold winter period.

How to care for your pet

Behind the Rottweiler, like the other purebred dog, necessary special care, which will not only provide the animal with a good appearance, but will maintain health.

Ears and eyes

Your Rottweiler's ears should be checked weekly for infectious diseases, inflammatory processes or irritation. Ears are cleaned using a special solution, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to use cotton swabs to clean the ears.

You should also have your eyes examined regularly. If you notice dirt, you should remove it with a dry cloth or treated with potassium permanganate. cotton swab. If you notice any discharge or redness in the eyes, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.


It must be remembered that dogs can actively shed twice a year; at this time, grooming should be done especially carefully. It is recommended to do this daily.

It is also necessary to take care of your Rottweiler's teeth because there is a risk of tartar, which often leads to gum inflammation. The teeth cleaning process can be done using a raw beef bone by giving it to your dog. For these purposes there is also a special Toothbrush and pasta, which can be purchased at a specialty store. This procedure should be carried out every week.

Nail trimming

It is recommended to trim nails once a month. This process is quite difficult if you are going to carry out this procedure for the first time, since Rottweiler claws are characterized by a tight fit to living tissue. If you do not want to injure your pet, it is recommended to carry out this procedure in specialized salons or at the veterinarian.


There are no clear rules regarding bathing a Rottweiler; it is recommended to carry out this procedure, taking into account the degree of contamination of the animal - this can be either weekly or monthly.


You need to walk your Rottweiler 2 times a day, if this is not possible, then at least 1 time. During walks, the dog will receive the necessary physical activity and thus be able to maintain its shape. Rottweilers themselves are very active and simply love to be constantly on the move, which is also a reason for frequent walks.

How and what to feed dogs

The Rottweiler's diet will directly affect its health, activity and well-being. The Rottweiler must be fed strictly at the right time and in the designated place.

Important! Considering that the animal loves to eat and beg for food, this very often leads to obesity in dogs, which is a feature of this breed.

The number of feedings, portion size and content directly depends on the age of the animal. Therefore, we will consider the features of feeding puppies and adult Rottweilers.


Little puppies, up to one year old, need to be fed from 3 to 6 times a day, gradually reducing the number of meals to 2 times. The first feeding must be done early morning, before taking the Rottweiler for a walk, and the last time - 30 minutes before bedtime. New foods should be introduced into the diet in small portions.
It must be taken into account that the Rottweiler needs raw meat, so the puppy must be fed it more often than boiled meat, and it should make up 1/3 of the total diet.

It is recommended to feed the dog milk and vegetables during this period of the dog’s life, but the consumption of carrots should be limited, as it has a laxative effect. Beginning from the 10th week, it is recommended to introduce beef cartilage.

The serving size should be determined independently, taking into account the puppy’s behavior. If the dog eats the entire portion and goes to a resting place, then this amount of food is quite enough. If the dog long time continues to lick the empty bowl - this is a sign that the amount of food needs to be increased slightly. You should not allow your puppy's stomach to become very bloated after eating; if this happens, the portion is too large.

Adult Rottweilers

An adult dog can be fed either natural or natural food - this is entirely your choice. But it is worth considering that they are quite expensive, and if you come across cheap ones, then most likely they are of poor quality and will contribute to deterioration of health, and can also lead to obesity.

During active growth, pregnancy and lactation, as well as rehabilitation period Afterwards it is recommended to use dry quality food. During other periods of a dog’s life, preference should be given to natural products.

When you start preparing your Rottweiler’s diet, you should pay attention that the protein content should be at least 50%. Therefore, it is worth providing your dog with meat, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, and fish in sufficient quantities.
Better to give preference raw meat or boiled for about 5 minutes. The vegetable portion of the diet should be no more than 20%, as vegetables can cause stomach upset.

When choosing porridges, you need to focus on buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal. It is not recommended to introduce semolina and barley into the diet. Porridge should make up a third of the total diet.

When an adult dog lives in an apartment, the approximate amount of food should be as follows: 700 g of beef, 1.5 kg of porridge, 250 g of vegetables. Once every 7 days, one feeding of porridge can be replaced with cottage cheese and kefir. Raw fish in the amount of 700 g can be administered once a week; capelin, trout, and salmon are suitable for this.

Also, when buying a dog, you need to make sure that your family members are not allergic to wool.
One of the most important factors when buying a Rottweiler is the high cost of keeping it. The dog must be well fed, regularly examined and vaccinated to maintain good condition health. Therefore, you need to decide whether you are willing to spend a considerable amount of money on maintaining a Rottweiler.

If all of the above features of keeping do not frighten you, then after purchasing a Rottweiler and its proper training, the dog will be distinguished by its loyalty, good behavior and will become a great friend not only to you, but also to your children. Thanks to the Rottweiler, a reliable protector with strong character and will undoubtedly surprise you with his achievements and intelligence.

Thus, in order to keep a dog at home, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations presented in the article, but at the same time monitor the animal’s well-being. You need to learn to understand and feel your pet in order to prevent the occurrence of possible problems not only with the dog’s health, but also with its behavior.

There are different types of dogs: big, small, kind and evil. Today we will talk about one rather serious breed, which can often be seen at exhibitions. Similar events are held annually in different countries and cities. For example, there is even a special exhibition of Rottweilers. At such an event you can see representatives of different breeds age categories, both very young ones, who are two or three months old, and those who are more than seven or eight years old.

If you like the Rottweiler, the description of this breed will also be interesting to you. Also in our article we will talk about the education and training of these beauties. The topics of care and nutrition will be briefly touched upon.

External data

What is a Rottweiler? Let's start describing the breed with its appearance.

The Rottweiler is a compact and proportionally built, strong dog. The main qualities of the breed are irrepressible energy, endurance and strength. The dog's movements, regardless of body weight, are light and free.

In order not to make a mistake and choose a real representative of the breed, and not a cross between a Rottweiler, you should know the main characteristics of the standard. So, the height of males at the withers is on average 65 cm, females - 60 cm. And the average weight of a Rottweiler is 47-48 kg.

The head can be of several types: heavy, normal, light and proportional. Ideal option counts average length skull, a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, ears located at a fairly large distance, and a moderately protruding frontal part skulls

An important indicator of the breed is the proportionality of the dog's body and its head. A distinctive feature of the dog is its strong, wide jaws, which provide it with an almost “dead” grip.

The Rottweiler's muzzle is wide at the base and narrows towards the tip of the nose. Teeth are the real “weapons” of the breed. There should be 42 of them in total. Dogs have a scissor bite.

The ears are medium in size, triangular in shape, set wide and high. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, medium in size. The front edges of a dog's ears should lie close to the cheekbones, making the shape of the skull even wider.

The coat is generally black. But there are unique tans with reddish or reddish shades. The coat consists of undercoat, as well as outer and guard hairs.


This dog, as befits a standard German breeds, is distinguished by excellent discipline, attentiveness, ability to perceive education and unbending will.

Breeders and professional breeders claim that in terms of training, the Rottweiler breed is one of the most susceptible. Representatives have developed intelligence and wonderful memory. Thanks to this, they can make independent decisions depending on the circumstances. Rottweilers can react to any troubles that arise without panic.

Representatives of the breed are ready for hard work. By the way, the level of intelligence directly depends on physical fitness dogs. If a Rottweiler (boy or girl - it doesn’t matter) performs all kinds of tasks, then it will develop.

Representatives of the breed are endowed with adaptive abilities. Dogs can adapt to the owner's rhythm of life, knowing him emotional condition, habits.

Rottweiler: dog characteristics

Representatives of the breed are balanced and very serious. If you raise your dog correctly, it will never waste energy on inappropriate aggression. The Rottweiler dog simply fearlessly defends its family, personal territory and home. It is important to teach a dog from childhood to distinguish between ordinary manifestations of everyday life and danger. This, of course, is facilitated by early socialization. How should it go? We'll talk about this a little below.

These animals a strong character, so remember that from little puppy may grow dangerous and aggressive dog. The Rottweiler is far from a harmless lapdog, so the process of education must be approached with all seriousness, but at the same time realize that the pet is also a person, and it must be treated appropriately. What else distinguishes this dog from the rest? The representative of the breed has a very strongly developed sense of self-esteem. Self-confidence is another trait of the animals we are considering.


We discussed what a Rottweiler is (a description of the breed is presented above). Now is the time to talk about dog socialization. Indeed, in the case of the breed we are considering, this is a rather serious topic.

The Rottweiler always responds to love and respect with devotion to its owner and family. The puppy quickly adapts to the rules of human life.

The main calling of the Rottweiler is to help the owner in the most difficult matters. It is very difficult for such a dog to tolerate inattention and loneliness. Doesn't like conflicts and quarrels. In such cases, the Rottweiler acts as a peacemaker.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, especially if they have been together since childhood. As a rule, the Rottweiler welcomes new family members well. But you should be careful with kids. Remember that the Rottweiler is a fairly strong and temperamental dog. She can take a light thoughtless blow in a playful mood for a threat or aggression. Therefore, joint fun is worth keeping an eye on. Although a Rottweiler, in principle, can make a good nanny, you just need to discuss with your children the rules of communication and behavior with a pet.

When communicating with strangers you need to be careful. IN in public places The Rottweiler should be kept muzzled. Although, with proper training, the dog will not rush at people.

The guarding instinct is very well developed among representatives of the breed. Therefore, they can be dangerous outside the home. The key concept in raising a dog is socialization. From the early age you need to introduce the Rottweiler to other animals (preferably raised correctly), as well as to the surrounding world in general. If you do everything this way, then, as the dog grows up, he will be able to feel comfortable while walking and communicating.

The Rottweiler breed is distinguished by its strong disposition and good physical characteristics. Therefore, its representatives are often used as bodyguards.

Education and training

The Rottweiler, whose characteristics are presented above, needs timely training. This dog is very smart and self-confident. Therefore, the potential owner must also, so to speak, “keep the bar.” Inexperienced owners may have problems raising a dog. It is possible that the owner will be the victim of dominance. Anyone who wants to get a Rottweiler must develop perseverance and other qualities of a strict trainer.

Rottweiler puppies are certainly very cute to look at, but they do need training. Babies should be taught discipline from the first months of life. After all, the Rottweiler needs it, otherwise there will be problems. Just don’t go too far and become rude. This cannot be allowed. Such behavior will provoke aggression in the dog.

The food reaction of Rottweilers is well developed. That's why this feature should be skillfully used in the process of education and training. It is necessary to reinforce each action with laconic words of praise and, of course, treats. Just do everything sincerely. The dog will immediately see through the hypocritical beginning.

As a rule, a Rottweiler becomes attached to only one person - the one who pays him the most attention. But this phenomenon can be corrected. If all family members take turns walking, feeding, and raising the pet, the Rottweiler will understand that everyone loves him and will reciprocate. This will greatly simplify the process of raising a dog, and will also improve its social qualities.

Never spoil your Rottweiler. Dogs of this breed rapidly gain weight, which can lead to obesity. And Rottweilers have a good appetite. When feeding, you need to strictly follow the regime, not encouraging begging.

Walking and exercise

The Rottweiler needs a variety of physical activities. This will prevent obesity and also help proper development psychology and character of the pet.

It is also advisable to engage in various training sessions with your dog (for example, agility).


We told you what a Rottweiler is. The description of the breed, the character traits and upbringing of the pets were discussed. Now you need to focus your attention on caring for this beast.

The Rottweiler is very unpretentious. Such a dog short hair, which is already a plus. Second positive point- Rottweilers do not shed too much. You need to comb it twice a week, liberally removing dead hair. This procedure, in addition to being the basis of home grooming, also helps to bring the dog and owner closer together. Of course, your pet should be taught to comb from the first months of life. To carry out the procedure, use not only a comb, but also a massage brush.

Care for claws and paws

As it grows, it is necessary to trim its claws. Twice a week will be enough. You should also brush your dog’s teeth using special toothpastes and bones purchased at a pet store.

Costs Special attention pay attention to the paws, especially the hind ones - these limbs are weak point. In old age they may refuse. After walking, you should check the pads for cracks and cuts. After walking, experts recommend washing your limbs. Then the cream should be applied to the paws.

During the cold season, the dog needs to wear boots or warm socks.

Rottweiler and your apartment

A Rottweiler should not be kept on a chain. The best option is for such a dog to live in the yard. You just need the dog to have a good shelter in which he can hide from the rain and cold. The shelter should be made from natural materials.

Although such a dog also gets along well in an apartment. The dog's personal area should be open, hard (the breed is prone to bedsores) and open. A good option sleeping bag for Rottweiler - with an orthopedic base. A blanket or a simple bed will not be enough.

The space where the dog will be located must be protected from drafts. It is advisable for the pet to be close to front door and the center of the owner's activity.

What to feed a Rottweiler dog?

Breeders recommend feeding a dog of this breed twice. For example, early in the morning (at 7 o'clock) and in the evening (but preferably no later than 18). During the growth period, it is best to use dry food, of course, super-premium class. The rest of the time, you can transfer your pet to natural nutrition. Then the diet should consist mainly of meat (it is best if it is beef). Chicken and other types should not be given to your dog. These products can worsen the condition of the nails and fur.

A Rottweiler (adult) needs to eat about 700 grams of meat per day, and two kilograms of thick porridge. The diet should also include grated vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beets) - three hundred grams will be enough. But you need to be very careful with this category of products. Eating too many vegetables can cause indigestion.

If the dog is kept outdoors or in an enclosure, or if it experiences increased physical exercise, then the portions should be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Rottweiler: price

How much does a representative of the breed cost? Unfortunately, we cannot tell you the exact cost of the puppy. Animals can be valued in different ways. Most often you can hear that certain people bought a cute, handsome guy for 10,000 rubles - that’s the amount we’ll focus on. This average cost Rottweiler puppy. The price, as usual, depends on several factors. For example, from the pedigree of the dog, from the titles of the parents, from the location of the breeder, etc.


Now you know what a dog like a Rottweiler is. We have provided you with a description of the breed. We hope that thanks to our article you will be able to decide whether this dog is right for you or if you should pay attention to representatives of other breeds. Of course, Rottweiler puppies are very cute, but you need to understand that these plush lumps will grow up to be strong, menacing dogs who must be well-mannered.