Vitamins with a high potassium content. Why is potassium deficiency dangerous? Foods rich in potassium

What role does potassium play in the human body, what foods are rich in this chemical element and for what diseases are they recommended to be consumed?

To preserve health and maintain vitality must be regularly supplied to the human body from environment oxygen, water and nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as trace elements and vitamins. Among inorganic chemical elements one of the most important is potassium, which will be discussed in this article.

Potassium (along with sodium and chlorine) regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, maintains osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, ensures the normal functioning of cells and tissues, organs and systems. Foods rich in potassium are especially necessary for smooth functioning of cardio-vascular system, muscular-ligamentous apparatus, brain.
How much potassium should be consumed daily in food? From three to five grams per day.

Large amounts of potassium are found in foods plant origin. These are, first of all, apricots and plums (including dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes), grapes and apples, potatoes and legumes (beans, peas, soybeans). There is a lot of potassium in milk, seaweed, buckwheat, nuts, berries, and seafood. By regularly including these foods in your diet, you can easily provide your body with enough potassium.

If necessary, as prescribed by a doctor, you can take various medicines, containing potassium (often it comes in combination with magnesium, less often - together with other macro- and microelements).

You can find out more about the potassium content in basic foods in the table below:

As you can see, products. rich in potassium are not uncommon, so providing the body with this important chemical element for health is not so difficult.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe short term the so-called potassium diet, recommended for hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease with edema, as well as when taking diuretics medicines. This diet involves eating foods rich in potassium and limiting sodium salts in the diet (the ratio of potassium to sodium should be at least 8:1 and no more than 14:1). In this case, the daily amount of potassium coming from food ranges from 5 to 7 grams per day. Most often in daily ration include potassium-rich foods such as dried apricots and prunes, raisins, potatoes and cabbage, and peaches, milk and cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat with sunflower oil.

High immunity, good spirits, good mood– all this is necessary for every person, and directly depends on our nutrition. Proper functioning of the body is possible only if the balance of microelements and vitamins is maintained. Their main sources are food. Every cell of the human body contains a mineral element such as potassium. The role of potassium for humans is difficult to overestimate, since its salts are contained in intracellular fluids; it is necessary for normal functioning internal organs, soft tissues, brain cells. It is for this reason that foods containing potassium should be present in required quantity in the diet of every person.

Content, norm and role of potassium in the body

Organism healthy person contains from two hundred twenty to two hundred fifty grams of potassium. In autumn, its content approximately doubles, but in spring, on the contrary, it decreases. Its main concentration is in the spleen and liver.

Daily Potassium Value:

  • The body of a healthy adult should receive from one to two grams per day.
  • The body requirement of a pregnant woman is two to four grams.
  • A child’s daily intake can be calculated at a rate of fifteen to thirty grams per kilogram of the child’s weight.

The daily potassium intake should be increased for people who play sports or have severe physical exercise At work.

This is due to the increased load on cardiovascular system, as well as increased sweating. Along with sweat and other secretions, potassium is also removed from the body. Failure to replenish lost potassium threatens athletes with problems in the functioning of the heart muscle.

The main functions of this microelement:

  1. Maintaining proper functioning cell walls.
  2. Maintaining optimal concentrations of magnesium (an element that is extremely important for the functioning of the heart muscle) in the body.
  3. Normalization of heart rate.
  4. Regulation of acid-base and water-salt balance.
  5. It has preventive action, preventing salt accumulation of sodium in blood vessels and at the cellular level.
  6. Normalizes arterial and intracellular osmotic pressure.
  7. Nutrition brain cells oxygen, increasing the activity of their vital functions.
  8. Removing excess fluid from the body thus relieves swelling.
  9. Participates in the transmission of impulses between cells nervous system.
  10. Cleansing soft tissues by removing waste and toxins.
  11. Supports required energy balance body.
  12. Has a preventive effect against the occurrence of fatigue syndrome.
  13. Positively affects the strength and endurance of the body.
  14. Optimal potassium content in the body reduces the risk of nervous breakdowns and depression.

Potassium deficiency: causes, symptoms and consequences

Signs of potassium deficiency in the body may include dryness skin, fragility of nails, decreased brightness of hair color, slow restoration of skin cells during mechanical damage(wounds, scratches), muscle weakness, nausea and vomiting, neuralgic pain ( similar pains occur when pinched nerve endings). In addition, you should pay attention to chronic sensation fatigue, sudden damage to small blood vessels. With a deficiency of this microelement, bruises and abrasions on the skin may occur during contacts that previously did not lead to this. The sudden occurrence of muscle cramps during sports or sleep also indicates a lack of potassium.

Potassium deficiency can be caused by: poor nutrition; as a result of incomplete replenishment of lost potassium as a result of physical activity; for diseases accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, since many elements leave the body, including potassium. In addition, excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol, coffee and confectionery products has the same consequences.

Insufficient potassium levels in the body can lead to hypokalemia ( reduced content potassium ions in the blood). However, we should not forget that this disease can occur not only as a result of potassium deficiency, but also when it moves from the blood into the cells of the body.

In addition, a lack of potassium threatens:

  1. Violation metabolic processes myocardial cells.
  2. The occurrence of a disruption in the rhythm of the heart contraction, which can lead to a heart attack.
  3. Instability of blood pressure.
  4. The development of erosions of the mucous membranes increases the risk of developing gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  5. Women may experience cervical erosion and miscarriage during pregnancy.

If paralysis, vomiting and diarrhea occur in small child You should also be tested for potassium deficiency.

At proper nutrition, potassium concentration is restored, and all symptoms quickly disappear.

Symptoms and causes of potassium excess

Excess potassium in the body, as well as deficiency, is extremely dangerous. With an excessive concentration of potassium in the body, hyperkalemia may develop, the main symptom of which is an ulcer. small intestine. In addition, there may be excessive stimulation of the nervous system, stress, problems in the functioning of the heart muscle (hyperkalemia can lead to cardiac arrest), discomfort upper and lower limbs, increased urination. If you experience sudden weakness and fatigue, hard breath, numbness of the legs and tongue, temporary loss of orientation - these can also be the consequences of an imbalance of potassium in the body.

Excess can be caused by poor nutrition extremely rarely, since healthy kidneys almost always able to remove excess potassium. Excessive saturation of the body with potassium can lead to kidney failure or other diseases.

Proper preparation of herbal products

Unlike food of animal origin, plant food contains a lot of potassium, being extremely necessary for the human body. But improper storage or preparation leads to the loss of this trace element. There are a number simple rules, using which you can simply prepare healthy food:

  1. The most beneficial is to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not buy damaged or limp fruit.
  2. Products containing potassium should be stored in a cool, dry place.
  3. Try to follow the seasonal consumption of vegetables and fruits, since fruits during their natural ripening period have the highest degree of usefulness.
  4. Choose dishes that use vegetables and fruits fresh.
  5. Nai high content Potassium, when cooked, distinguishes vegetables that have retained their integrity.
  6. Use steaming. This method of preparing vegetables is one of the most useful for preserving useful vitamins and microelements.

Products that can compensate for potassium deficiency

A balanced diet can solve the problem of lack of microelements in the human body. What foods contain potassium? Their list is given in the table. Please note that an excess of potassium is no less dangerous than its deficiency. Therefore, products containing potassium must be consumed in strict accordance with the norm.
Potassium-containing products.

Product name Potassium content per 100 grams, mg Share daily value per serving, %
Dried apricots
Cocoa powder
Coffee beans
Wheat bran
Pine nuts
Sunflower seeds
Brazil nuts
Jacket potatoes
Fresh porcini mushrooms
Fresh boletus
Fried trout
Brussels sprouts
Kohlrabi cabbage
Groats "Hercules"
Ground tomatoes
Canned tuna in oil
Green peas
yellow carrot
Wheat groats
Table bread
Barley groats
Red carrots
White cabbage
Cheese "Roquefort"
Pearl barley
Regular carrots
Sweet red pepper
Garden strawberries
Grape juice
Full fat kefir
Ground cucumber
Chicken egg
Whole milk
Apple juice
Rice groats
Cheese "Dutch"
Sour cream, 30% fat.
Pork bacon

An excess of potassium, as well as a deficiency, negatively affects human health. Based on the data in the table, you can properly balance your diet. This is especially important if you have health problems or dietary problems. special diet. The diet should always include fresh vegetables and fruits. Proper preparation also plays an important role. If you are experiencing health problems, be careful when taking potassium-containing medications and consult a specialized doctor.

Sufficient intake of microelements from food is the key to health and active longevity each of us. This truism does not need proof. Acute shortage of one or another mineral compound in human body, and at any age, leads to a failure in the coordinated functioning of all body systems.

Today we'll talk about potassium and its role in the functioning various systems and organs. We will also take a detailed look at what foods contain potassium and what the daily dosage is. of this microelement required for adults and children, what can result from a lack or excess of a substance in the body, and how to properly plan your diet to optimize the intake of microelements from food.

It is advisable to include foods containing potassium in large quantities in your diet. daily menu in order to prevent such a shortage valuable substance in organism. This mineral element is present in every cell, and its salts are part of intracellular fluids. That is why potassium is vital for the health of all soft tissues, including the myocardium, muscles, arteries, veins, capillaries, liver, kidneys, brain, spleen, lungs, etc.

Let us list the main functions of potassium in the body:

  • maintaining normal functions cell walls;
  • maintaining the required concentration in the blood of another important microelement– magnesium;
  • heart rate stabilization;
  • regulation of acid-base and water-salt metabolism;
  • preventing the deposition of sodium salts in cells and on the walls of blood vessels;
  • maintaining normal indicators HELL;
  • prevention of fluid accumulation in tissues;
  • participation in the functions of providing the brain with oxygen molecules;
  • removal of decay products, carcinogens, poisons and toxic substances from the body, which reduces the likelihood of accumulation of toxins;
  • prevention of the development of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • increasing endurance and physical strength;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • participation in energy metabolism.

The body of a healthy person contains about 250 grams of potassium. Most of it is found in the spleen and liver. Growing children's body you need from 17 to 30 mg of potassium per kilogram of weight.

Depending on age, body weight and physical condition a person needs to receive from 2 to 4 g of microelement daily. In certain situations, which we will discuss separately, the potassium dosage should be increased by about 1 gram.

When does the urgent need for increased doses of potassium arise?

First of all, all athletes and workers involved in heavy lifting need this microelement. physical labor, elderly people, as well as women bearing a child.

In such people, the cardiovascular system operates in the mode increased load, while large portions of potassium are removed from the body with increased sweating.

To prevent disruptions in the coordinated work of the myocardium and blood vessels, nutritionists in mandatory advise to replenish Chemical substance with incoming food or take special potassium supplements. For convenience and clarity, we have compiled a table, after studying which each of us will make a choice in favor of our favorite products.

Potassium in food, table

Natural food products containing potassium in large quantities are presented in the table in a convenient form (product - potassium content)

Product name Potassium content in mg for every 100 g
SoybeansBefore 1840
Wheat bran1160
Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, beans)From 1000 to 1690
Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes)From 680 to 1000
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts)From 658 to 1025
Seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower)820
Garlic and wild garlic greens775
Leafy vegetables (dill, parsley, coriander, spinach, sorrel, basil, arugula, lettuce)From 307 to 798
Cereals (rye, oats, buckwheat, barley, soft wheat)From 280 to 510
Mushrooms (white, Polish, boletus)450
Brown rice423
Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi375
PomegranateFrom 120 to 380
Pumpkin and Sesame oil 204
Seaweed (kelp, kelp)150
Polished rice115
Grape and apple juicesFrom 120 to 150
Beef, rabbit and turkey (lean)145
Whole milk (low fat)139
Dutch cheese, Poshekhonsky100
Sea fish (halibut, salmon, cod, flounder, mackerel, sardine)95

Preparations with potassium

Most potassium in foods is found in in kind. Naturally, there are many pharmacological drugs and biologically active additives to foods that contain potassium, however, experienced nutritionists recommend that their patients ensure that they receive microelements, which include potassium, from regular food.

If additional doses of potassium are needed, doctors can prescribe the following medications to their patients: Asparkam, Foamy potassium, Potassium chloride.

What are the dangers of excess potassium (hyperkalemia)?

Everything in the body must be balanced, so both a deficiency of a macronutrient and its excess are harmful, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • excessive stimulation of the nervous system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • renal disorders;
  • increased diuresis;
  • discomfort in the muscles of the legs and arms.

Excessive potassium intake can cause calcium deficiency, an essential micronutrient for bone health.

Only a doctor can diagnose hyperkalemia after laboratory research blood. If you are diagnosed with this, you should immediately stop taking potassium supplements (if they were prescribed for medical indications) and reduce the amount of food rich in this microelement in the diet.

What foods are high in potassium?

A lack of a microelement can provoke a violation of all types of metabolism, primarily water-salt metabolism. Because of this, the rhythm of myocardial contractions fails, which can cause a heart attack.

Races are also possible blood pressure and the appearance of erosions on the mucous membranes, which can lead to the development peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, cervical erosion in women.

Insufficient potassium intake is often fraught with miscarriage and problems in the sexual sphere. In children, potassium deficiency can cause growth retardation.

The main signs of potassium deficiency include:

  • drying of the skin;
  • dullness and fragility of hair;
  • long-term healing of existing skin lesions;
  • constant muscle weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • neuralgic pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling constant fatigue, weakness and drowsiness;
  • cramps (mainly in the calf muscles);
  • capillary damage;
  • the formation of hematomas and bruises even with minor blows;
  • renal failure.

To replenish potassium, it is enough to enrich the diet with the foods listed in the table. Active consumption of potassium-containing foods will lead to rapid improvement well-being.

Foods rich in magnesium and potassium (table No. 2)

The main microelement that works in tandem with potassium is magnesium. If there is a lack of potassium, the absorption of potassium almost completely stops, which leads to heart problems. That is why it is advisable to include in the menu products of plant and animal origin containing increased doses of both potassium and magnesium, shown in the following table.

Product categories Products with maximum magnesium and potassium content
NutsCashew, cedar, almond and hazelnut
CerealsBuckwheat (steamed), oatmeal
LegumesBeans, peanuts
Herbs and leafy greensNettle, lemon balm, lettuce, spinach, parsley
FruitsPlums, grapes, apples, figs, bananas
BerriesWatermelon, blueberries, raspberries
Milk productsWhole milk, kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses
bitter chocolateCocoa content in the bar is at least 76%
Seeds and products made from themSesame, tahini halva, sesame oil, pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil
Dried fruitsDried apricots, dates, figs

Potassium-rich foods are no less important for the heart than iron-containing foods for the hematopoietic organs and magnesium for the nervous system. As you can see, the main sources of microelements are plant foods.

Remember that during heat treatment some of them are destroyed, so try to include them in your diet fresh fruits and unroasted seeds and nuts.

Potassium is one of those microelements, along with sodium and chlorine, that every cell of our body needs. Without potassium, the functioning of cell membranes would be impossible. The human body contains at least 220 grams of potassium, most of which is found in cells. That is why daily norm Potassium intake for a person is 3-5 grams. You can get this microelement by eating foods containing potassium. In our article we will tell you in detail which foods contain potassium.

Potassium regulates water-salt metabolism and the balance of alkalis and acids. Without this element, our muscles, including the heart, cannot function normally. It is also necessary for transmission nerve impulses, for the functioning of our brain.

Besides, useful microelement protects blood vessels from accumulation harmful salts sodium, helps eliminate waste and toxins.

Maintaining the balance of magnesium and potassium in the body plays a particularly important role, so do not forget about foods containing magnesium and potassium.

What are the dangers of potassium deficiency?

Potassium does not stay in our body for long. Over time, this trace element is washed out of our bodies. Stress, alcohol, intense physical activity and excessive consumption of sweets - all this can speed up its leaching. Also leads to its loss quick loss body fluids with diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

If you don't eat foods rich in potassium and don't get enough of it, potassium starvation may occur. What are its symptoms?

Note that a severe overdose of potassium can cause much more harm than its deficiency. Having discovered these symptoms, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs containing potassium. It is better to take them only as prescribed by a doctor.

Simple Products, as rich in potassium as possible, you can always eat. With proper nutrition, potassium will not be too little, but not too much (if they provide the average daily requirement: 2-4 grams per day).

If you don't take special potassium preparations, but limit yourself to potassium-containing foods, then you will not be in danger of overdosing. So don't be afraid if you find yourself with too much potassium in your diet.

Products containing potassium: list

The main question of our article is where is potassium found most? Foods richest in potassium are usually of plant origin. The most potassium is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. Plant foods rich in potassium are wheat bran, yeast, dried apricots, cocoa, raisins, peanuts, parsley. But this is only the beginning of the list of useful products!

Rich in potassium fresh berries and vegetables. Products and fruits containing potassium include lingonberries, currants, carrots, radishes, zucchini, cabbage, garlic, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, red beets, beans, peas, watermelons, oranges, melons, bananas.

Some types of nuts (almonds, peanuts and pine nuts) are also not far behind. Dried fruits (prunes, figs, raisins, dried apricots) and even millet porridge also contain potassium.

This microelement is found in products of animal origin: salmon, cod, tuna, eggs, liver, milk, beef and rabbit meat. Include in your diet dietary varieties meat and fish, this contributes to better absorption of this microelement.

Foods containing potassium and iron

People suffering from a lack of iron in the blood must know where potassium and iron are found. This will help not only increase hemoglobin, but also improve the condition of the blood and cleanse it.

Products containing potassium and iron include: sesame and sunflower halva, pork liver, dried apples and prunes. These are also high in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins.

Foods containing potassium and sodium

Foods rich in potassium and sodium are very important for the human body, as they complement each other. If we talk about which foods contain potassium and sodium, then these are beets, seaweed and carrots.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that it is important to monitor the amount of their consumption, since our body does not need sodium as much as potassium. Therefore, the amount of foods with sodium and potassium should be limited.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus

As is known, phosphorus - necessary element for our body, since it is part of the bone, muscle tissue, blood, as well as proteins and nucleic acids. Phosphorus accelerates the absorption of calcium and is involved in almost all metabolic reactions in the body.

Foods rich in potassium and phosphorus include milk, eggs, whole grain and legumes (especially beans and peas).

Products containing potassium and iodine

A very popular compound in medicine is potassium iodide. It contains inorganic iodine and is used for disease prevention thyroid gland. Products containing potassium iodide are, first of all, iodized salt. Per ton of salt contains up to 25 grams of potassium iodide.

Foods rich in potassium and vitamins

Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the normal functioning of our body. Pine nut, mackerel, rose hips and spinach are foods rich in potassium and vitamin B2. Large amounts of potassium and vitamin B2 are also found in mushrooms, especially honey mushrooms, champignons and boletus.

How to properly consume foods with potassium

Time, soaking, heat treatment does not contribute to the preservation of this important microelement. The best way Get enough potassium by eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't keep them in the refrigerator for a long time - buy as much as you can eat in two to three days. It is also believed that fruits and vegetables are high in potassium when they are served during their ripening season. In winter, “live” vegetables and fruits can be replaced with dried fruits.

If there is a lack of potassium, there is one very simple recipe that will allow you to quickly return to normal: you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water or apple cider vinegar and drink in small sips between meals.

Foods that contain potassium: table

We present to your attention potassium-containing products: the table is very simple, so you can quickly create your own diet, including potassium and other elements. The table shows animals and herbal products rich in potassium.

Name Potassium content (in mg per 100 g of product)
Tea 2480
Dried apricots 1800
Cocoa and coffee beans 1600
Wheat bran 1160
Raisin grapes 1060
Raisin 1020
Almonds and pine nuts 780
Parsley and peanuts 760
Peas and sunflower seeds 710
Jacket potatoes 630
White mushrooms, walnuts and avocado 450
Banana 400
Buckwheat 380
Brussels sprouts 370
Peaches and oat groats 362
Green meadow, garlic and yogurt 260
Orange, grapefruit and red carrots 200
Pearl barley 172
Milk and chicken eggs 140
Apple juice, melon and Wheat groats 120
Rice grains and Dutch cheese 100


Potassium is one of those key minerals without which the very existence of our body is impossible. It affects the performance of vascular structures, muscles, kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, brain.

Potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for our body. His the main role(together with sodium) – ensuring the normal functioning of cell walls. Another extremely important property is maintaining the concentration of the main thing. nutrient for the heart (magnesium) and its physiological functions.

The role of potassium in the human body:

The importance of potassium is explained by the fact that it is the main cation in the fluid of all cells. Moreover, about 98% of all potassium is located in the intracellular pool.

The functions of potassium are multifaceted. This macronutrient:

  • maintains fluid balance by helping to remove excess fluid;
  • ensures adequate acid-base metabolism;
  • regulates muscle activity, influencing both their neuromuscular excitability and contractions;
  • coordinates heart rhythm;
  • prevents sclerosis, preventing the accumulation of sodium in blood vessels;
  • improves oxygen supply to the brain, activating mental activity;
  • removes toxins and allergens.

Potassium entering the food we eat enters our blood and is absorbed into small intestine. It is excreted along with urine and (to a lesser extent) with feces. The potassium requirement of a typical adult ranges from 2000 to 5000 mg. It increases among sports enthusiasts, overweight people, and patients using diuretic medications.

Causes of potassium deficiency:

  • Hypokalemia (potassium deficiency) can occur as a result of an unbalanced diet, in which the intake of potassium in the body is insufficient, for example, as a result of a debilitating diet. In athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor, increased sweating A large amount of this microelement is lost.
  • Potassium deficiency can occur in people taking certain diuretics, so periodic monitoring of potassium concentrations in the blood is necessary when treating with diuretics.
  • In conditions accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, there is also a loss of many trace elements, including potassium.
  • Use large quantities alcohol, coffee and sweets also contribute to the “washing out” of potassium from the body.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the human body:

With insufficient intake of potassium into the body, a person develops hypokalemia and dropsy. There is a breakdown in the functions of the heart and skeletal muscles. Prolonged deficiency can lead to the development of acute neuralgia. To prevent this from happening, you need to include foods containing potassium in your diet.

Since potassium does not accumulate in our body, its content can drop very quickly. The symptoms of this are general weakness, nervousness, low blood pressure, swelling, constipation, deterioration of hair and nails, their weakness and fragility. Against the background of potassium deficiency, the functioning of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and heart is disrupted, and skin cells suffer, as evidenced by long healing of wounds. Dry skin, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes can also indicate potassium deficiency.

With a significant lack of potassium, disorders of the functions of the heart muscles, expressed in rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias), are possible. Signs of potassium deficiency in the human body are nonspecific, therefore, if, at first glance, causeless weakness, irritability or other symptoms described above appear, you need to medical consultation. May be, bad feeling caused by potassium deficiency. Medicines containing this element are taken only as prescribed by a doctor after appropriate examination. Uncontrolled use of medications containing potassium can lead to hyperkalemia (excess potassium), which is also harmful.

Foods rich in potassium:

Let's first find out which foods contain potassium. So, among the fruits we can note dogwood, peaches and dried apricots, apricots, raisins, apples, grapes, cherries, currants. Vegetable sources of potassium are: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, peas, beans.

Among animal products, potassium is found in cod, hake, mackerel, squid, beef, veal, and pork.

Let's remember the foods we know that are rich in potassium. Bananas are probably the first thing that comes to mind. It's right. But the list of plant crops that are sources of potassium is much more extensive. The record holders in this regard are dried grapes (known to us as raisins), dried apricots, bananas, peaches and apples. Watermelons, melons, pears and strawberries are somewhat poorer in this chemical element.

An interesting fact is that dried fruits are significantly higher in potassium content than fresh fruits.

Sufficient consumption of such foods helps prevent deficiency of this mineral in the body, and therefore serious problems with health.

Potassium in food, tables:

Potassium in seafood:

Potassium in vegetables:

Potassium in nuts, seeds, legumes:

Potassium in fruits and berries:

Product Potassium content in mg, per 100 grams
grape 255
peach 363
apricot 305,0
cherry 256,0
a pineapple 321,0
banana 350,0
mulberry 350,0
dates 370,0
avocado 280,0
dried apricots 1150,0
raisins sultanas 751,0
prunes 864,0
dried pears 872,0
dried apples 450,0
black currant 350,0
blueberry 372,0

It is worth mentioning separately how important foods rich in potassium are for the heart. Scientists see a direct relationship between the symptoms of heart disease and the potassium content in the human body. Not surprisingly, potassium is one of the most important chemical elements for muscle contraction, including the heart.

It is believed that a lack of this mineral in the diet can double the likelihood of developing heart attack. We think it is now clear why foods rich in potassium are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. A diet for the heart, among other things, should include different vegetables, buckwheat, nuts, dried apricots, prunes.