Potassium iodide method of application. Potassium iodide: instructions for use. What is potassium iodide

Formula potassium iodide- KI. One tablet of Potassium iodide may contain 100 or 200 mcg of the active substance. Eye drops are a solution containing 3% active substance. The potassium iodide solution may contain different amounts of the active substance - 0.25%, 10–20%.

Release form

Manufacturers produce tablets, drops, and potassium iodide solution. The tablets are placed in orange glass jars. Potassium iodide solution 3% is packaged in 200 ml bottles. Eye drops are sold in 10 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacopoeia indicates that the drug affects the functions thyroid gland, influencing, in particular, the education process hormones. He suspends production thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, increases the secretion activity of the bronchial glands, promoting the separation of sputum. Potassium iodide also has proteolytic properties, that is, it promotes the breakdown of proteins.

If the product is applied topically, it has antiseptic activity, disinfecting treated surfaces. Another important property of this medicine is to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland. The drug effectively protects the thyroid gland from the effects of radiation.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

If the environment contains a normal amount of iodine, then under the influence of an excess amount of iodides the process of biosynthesis of thyroid hormones is suspended, the level of sensitivity of the thyroid gland to thyroid-stimulating hormone decreases pituitary gland, and also blocks the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland.

After Potassium iodide is ingested, it is completely and quickly absorbed in the small intestine. Over the course of two hours, it is distributed inside the cells of the body. Accumulation occurs to a greater extent in the thyroid gland; iodide also accumulates in the mammary, salivary glands, and in the gastric mucosa. The substance penetrates the placenta.

It is excreted from the body through the kidneys, and about 80% of the drug dose is excreted within 48 hours, and the remaining part is excreted from the body in 10 to 20 days. Also, partial excretion occurs with secretions secreted by the salivary, bronchial, sweat and other glands.

Indications for use

The product is used as an iodine preparation to treat patients hyperthyroidism(thyroid disease), with development endemic goiter(thyroid disease, which develops due to reduced iodine content in water). It is also prescribed in preparation for surgical interventions in people with severe forms of thyrotoxicosis(a disease associated with increased function of the human thyroid gland). The medicine is prescribed to prevent radiation damage to the thyroid gland. As an auxiliary drug used in treatment syphilis.

Potassium iodide is also prescribed for the following diseases:

inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract; bronchial asthma.

Potassium iodide eye drops are prescribed for the following conditions:

eye diseases (corneal clouding, cataract, hemorrhages); fungal diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva.


This drug should not be prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

tuberculosis; nephritis, nephrosis; furunculosis, acne; purulent inflammatory processes on the skin; urticaria, hemorrhagic diathesis; high sensitivity to iodine; pregnancy.

Side effects

During treatment with potassium iodide, symptoms of iodism may develop. This is a non-infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by a runny nose, hives, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and other allergic reactions. When taken orally, there may be an unpleasant feeling in the epigastric region.

In addition, side effects may include tachycardia, sleep problems, diarrhea, increased sweating.

When treated with large doses of the drug, hyperthyroidism may develop. Most often this occurs in older people who have been diagnosed with toxic goiter of a nodular or diffuse type.

Potassium iodide, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Potassium iodide is taken orally in the form of solutions and tablets; intravenous administration is contraindicated. When taking the drug, it is recommended to drink it with sweet tea, jelly or milk to prevent gastrointestinal irritation.

For patients prescribed Potassium Iodide, the instructions for use involve taking certain doses of the drug for a specific disease.

If appointed Potassium iodide eye drops, the instructions provide for the use of a 3% solution that must be instilled into the conjunctival sac. Apply 2 drops into each eye, doing this 3-4 times a day. The treatment period lasts from 10 to 15 days, depending on the disease.

People suffering from endemic goiter are prescribed 0.04 g of drugs orally once a week. If the patient suffers from diffuse goiter, he is initially advised to take 0.04 g of the drug three times a day, after which the dosage should be changed: 0.125 g 1 or 2 times a day. The therapy period lasts 20 days, followed by a ten-day break.

To dilute sputum, a 1-3% solution is used. It should be taken 2-3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times daily.

As an adjuvant, it is prescribed for syphilis; mainly, such treatment is advisable in the tertiary period. Under the influence of the drug, pain decreases, infiltrates resolve more intensively. For the treatment of syphilis, 1 tbsp. l. A 3-4% solution should be taken three times a day after eating food.

For the treatment of actinomycosis of the lungs, large doses of the drug are prescribed - 1 tbsp. spoon of 10-20% solution four times a day.

In order to protect against the effects of radioactive iodine, adults and children after two years of age should receive 0.125 g of the product once a day. Children under two years of age are recommended to take 0.04 g per day. You need to take the pills every day until the threat of radioactive iodine entering the body disappears.

To ensure protection of the thyroid gland from the influence of pharmaceutical drugs, you should take 0.125 g once a day for 5-10 days.


In case of an overdose of any of the potassium iodide drugs, mucous membranes may turn brown. The patient also vomits, is bothered by abdominal pain, and has bouts of diarrhea. In severe cases, dehydration may occur and a state of shock may develop.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and administer to the patient Sodium thiosulfate. Symptomatic treatment is also practiced; if necessary, therapy is carried out aimed at overcoming the state of shock and restoring water and electrolyte balance.

In case of chronic overdose, the phenomenon of iodism develops, accompanied by a metallic taste in the mouth, inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, the appearance of acne, dermatitis, and nervous excitability. In case of chronic overdose, treatment should be discontinued.


If simultaneous treatment with large doses of an iodine-containing drug and potassium-sparing diuretics is carried out, the patient may develop hyperkalemia.

With the simultaneous use of lithium drugs, hypothyroidism and goiter may develop.

When thiocyanate and perchlorate are taken simultaneously, the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland is competitively inhibited.

When treated with antithyroid drugs, a mutual weakening of the effect is observed.

Terms of sale

Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Eye drops and solution should be stored at an air temperature of no more than 25° C.

Best before date

The drug should be stored for no more than 3 years.

special instructions

If treatment is given to people suffering renal failure, hyperkalemia may develop. It is important to check your blood potassium levels regularly. If treatment is carried out at home, you need to periodically visit the doctor.

Before starting treatment with potassium iodide, it is necessary to check the condition of the thyroid gland and exclude the presence of malignant diseases.


Potassium iodide.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Other iodine-containing drugs are analogues of Potassium iodide: Iodomarin, Iodine balance, Iodine Vitrum etc. The doctor must determine which drug is advisable to use during the treatment process.

Iodomarin or Potassium iodide: which is better?

Both drugs contain iodine and have a corresponding effect on the human body and, accordingly, the same indications for use. Only the excipients differ. In addition, Potassium iodide is a cheaper drug.

For children

Used under medical supervision. It is important to strictly adhere to the indicated dosage.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, potassium iodide can only be used in the recommended dosage. Iodine is able to penetrate the placenta, so its excessive amount can provoke the development of goiter and hypothyroidism in the fetus. If you are pregnant, you should always consult your doctor before using this drug.

This element is also excreted in breast milk. Therefore, if a nursing mother uses the drug for treatment during breastfeeding, and the dose exceeds 1 mg per day, the baby may develop hypothyroidism.

Reviews for Potassium Iodide

Leaving reviews about the drug Potassium iodide, people note that the product has an affordable price, and the package of tablets lasts for a long period. Potassium iodide is often used for preventive purposes, however, reviews refer to the need to adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The most common side effect is acne. It is important to check the condition of the thyroid gland before treatment so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Potassium Iodide price, where to buy

You can buy tablets, solution or drops at any pharmacy without a prescription. The price of potassium iodide is on average 140 rubles per 100 tablets. The price of eye drops is on average 150 rubles.

NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Potassium Iodide, be sure to consult your doctor.

Potassium iodide is a drug containing inorganic iodine, has antithyroid properties, replenishes iodine deficiency, and exhibits antiseptic and mucolytic activity.

Release form and composition

The product is available in the form:

Potassium iodide film-coated tablets, dosage of 40, 125, 100, 200 mcg, in glass jars or contour packages; Potassium iodide solution 3% in 200 ml bottles; Eye drops Potassium iodide 3% in bottles of 5 or 10 ml.

The active substance in all forms of the drug is potassium iodide.

pharmachologic effect

When the medication enters the body, it compensates for the lack of iodine in the thyroid gland, entering the epithelial cells of its follicle and being exposed to thyroid peroxidase, it is oxidized, forming elemental iodine, which is included in tyrosine molecules. Thus, the drug promotes the synthesis of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The use of potassium iodide in a dose of more than 6 mg per day, according to the feedback principle, in hyperthyroidism leads to inhibition of the synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, reducing the susceptibility of the thyroid gland to it and preventing the production and release of thyroid hormones. The drug also helps reduce vascularization and size of the thyroid gland, thickens its tissue, and blocks its hyperplasia, including in children and adolescents. Iodide has a radioprotective effect due to its ability to prevent the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland, thereby making it possible to effectively protect it from radiation. The medication is also used as a proteolytic, antifungal, expectorant and absorbent agent. When taken orally, potassium iodide has almost 100% bioavailability; absorption occurs completely in the small intestine.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Potassium iodide is indicated for use for:

Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxic crisis; Treatment and prevention of endemic goiter; Protection from radiation and the need to prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine isotopes; Actinomycosis of the lungs, bronchial asthma (with difficult sputum discharge); Prevention of goiter relapses (with complex treatment); Syphilis, in the tertiary period (in complex therapy); Cutaneous-lymphatic sporotrichosis; Erythema nodosum; Inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands, xerostomia.

Potassium iodide eye drops are used for fungal infections of the conjunctiva, eyelids and cornea as part of complex therapy, cataracts, clouding of the lens and vitreous body, hemorrhages in the eye membranes.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the attached instructions for Potassium iodide, tablets and solution are taken after meals with water, juice, tea or other liquid in sufficient quantities. To prevent goiter, children under 12 years of age take the drug at a dose of 50-100 mcg/day, adults and children over 12 years of age - 100-200 mcg/day, long-term, sometimes throughout life. Due to the threat of absorption of radioactive iodine, as a radioprotective agent, children over 2 years of age and adults are prescribed iodide 0.125 g per day, children under 2 years - 0.04 g per day (the tablet is allowed to be crushed) until the radioactive danger disappears. In complex therapy for hyperthyroidism before surgery - 250 mg three times a day for 10 days. When treating goiter, the drug is taken at a dose of 200-600 mcg/day for adults, 50-200 mcg/day for children and adolescents, treatment lasts from six months to a year or more. To prevent relapse of the disease, 100-200 mcg/day is prescribed.

A solution of Potassium iodide is used to thin sputum, taking two or three tablespoons (0.3-1 g) orally 3-4 times a day. For complex treatment of syphilis (in the tertiary period), the solution is used one tablespoon three times a day. Eye drops are prescribed 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops, therapy lasts about two weeks.


According to the instructions for the drug, iodide is contraindicated for use when:

Hyperthyroidism, in expressed and latent form (if doses exceed 150 mcg/day), nodular and diffuse toxic goiter (at doses of 300-1000 mcg); Toxic adenoma and benign tumors of the thyroid gland; Hypersensitivity to iodine; Pregnancy (the exception is the threat of penetration of radioactive iodine); Dermatitis herpetiformis (Dühring's disease); Lactation period; Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Potassium iodide is prescribed with extreme caution for nephrosis, nephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis, furunculosis, pyoderma and acne.

Side effects of Potassium iodide

Adverse reactions to the use of Potassium iodide can occur in rare cases - diarrhea, gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, headache, causeless irritability, urticaria, hemorrhage on the mucous membranes and skin. With long-term treatment, manifestations of iodism are possible in the form of: metallic taste, burning sensation in the mouth and throat, toothache, hyperemia, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, increased salivation, sore gums, dermatitis, swelling of the eyelids, bronchitis, arthralgia, acne, iodine fever. When using high doses of the drug, the development of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and thyrotoxicosis can sometimes be observed.


The combined use of potassium iodide with lisinopril, captopril and enalapril increases the risk of hyperkalemia, and with drugs containing lithium in high doses - to the possible development of hypothyroidism and goiter. Concomitant use with potassium-sparing diuretics can cause arrhythmia and hyperkalemia.

Potassium iodide in the form of drops is an antiseptic agent that is used to treat various diseases and pathologies in the field of ophthalmology. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect on the affected area, as well as an anti-sclerotic effect, due to which the processes of resorption of hemophthalmos and syphilitic infiltrates are significantly accelerated

Potassium iodide eye drops: instructions for use, prices, contraindications

How the drug works

The pharmacological action of the drug can be called complex. It consists of the following processes that occur in the body after using the drug:

  • accelerates the processes of breakdown of proteins and lipids;
  • increases the quantitative indicator of lipoprotein in the blood;
  • reduce blood viscosity, thereby slowing down the development of atherosclerosis;
  • has a dilating effect on the walls of blood vessels.

The drug does not completely eliminate cataracts, but iodine salts can reduce the intensity of symptoms, prevent vision loss, and also prevent the spread of the disease.

After application of potassium iodide from the conjunctival sac enters the structures of the eye and nasal cavity, where it is absorbed by the mucous membranes until maximum concentration is reached.

Important! When using this remedy, you should take into account the fact that the period of removal of iodine from the body is quite long, therefore, during treatment with drops, you should stop taking other iodine-containing drugs.


The drug "Potassium iodide" is a sterile solution of potassium iodide (2% or 3%) intended for instillation into the conjunctival area. One ml of the drug contains 20 mg (for a 2% solution) or 30 mg (for a 3% solution) of the active component. Excipients that are included in the drops:

  • chlorhexidine diacetate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • sterile water.

Drops are produced in small bottles with a dispenser cap. Bottle volume – 10 ml.

What is Potassium Iodide used for?

In ophthalmology, Potassium iodide is used to treat pathologies and eye disorders. Indications for prescribing this drug are:

  • various types;
  • fungal infections localized in the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • hemorrhages in the ocular membrane;
  • clouding (damage) of the vitreous body.

Video: Potassium iodide drops

When not to use the drug

Therapy with this remedy is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications to the use of potassium iodide, so you should not prescribe them yourself, without prior consultation and examination, which are necessarily carried out in order to diagnose and establish the cause of the disease.

Contraindications for the use of Potassium iodide:

  • nephrosis;
  • nephritis;
  • the appearance of purulent boils;
  • acne;
  • formations (benign) localized on the thyroid gland;
  • increase in goiter;
  • thyroid adenoma, which is toxic in nature;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine.

How to use the drug correctly

Before using the drug, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap - this is necessary so that bacteria and microbes do not accumulate on the surface of the bottle, which can become a source of additional infection.

The required dosage is selected by the attending physician, taking into account the disease and the cause that caused it. The standard treatment regimen is as follows: instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times a day at regular intervals.

Note! If for some reason it was not possible to instill the product on time, this procedure should be carried out as early as possible. It is not advisable to use a double dosage the next time you use it.

The duration of the course is usually from 10 to 15 days, but the decision to end therapy is made solely by the ophthalmologist observing the patient.

Video: How to put drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye

The drug is well tolerated by all age groups of patients, but in individual cases allergic reactions may occur. Most often, this occurs when the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, the dosage is exceeded, or the drug is taken independently without proper monitoring.

Among the manifestations of allergies, the following negative symptoms may appear:

  • redness and irritation of the eyes;
  • swelling of the inner and outer eyelids;
  • swelling of the lacrimal gland;
  • angioedema (appears very rarely).

The appearance of one or more of these signs requires immediate cessation of treatment and seeking medical help, including the prescription of symptomatic therapy.

Important! Some patients experience a slight burning sensation and slight tingling immediately after instillation. These signs do not require special treatment and are not a reason to discontinue the drug if they go away on their own within 3-5 minutes.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is possible during pregnancy if there is no alternative. The use of Potassium iodide requires constant monitoring of the well-being of the woman and fetus. If side effects and negative consequences occur, as well as poor tolerance, the drug should be discontinued.

Use potassium iodide only under medical supervision

Treatment of nursing women should also be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. This measure is preventive, however, it should not be neglected, especially if there are deviations in the drug administration regimen.

Interaction with other drugs

Iodine salts (even in small quantities) can inhibit the effect of other medications, as well as change it and lead to undesirable consequences. It is imperative to inform your doctor about the following points, if any:

  • the patient suffers from depression and takes medications containing lithium salts;
  • therapy is carried out using medications that stop the production of thyroid hormones (for hyperfunction);
  • diuretics are used that retain potassium in the body (to prevent the occurrence of hyperkalemia).

Overdose: symptoms and treatment

  • nasal congestion;
  • enteritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • brown color in the mouth;
  • anuria;
  • hoarseness (as a result of swelling of the vocal cords).

Stuffy nose as a side effect of potassium iodide eye drops

Very important! An acute overdose can lead to very serious consequences: bleeding in the genitourinary tract, as well as collapse, which can result in the death of the patient.

In case of any manifestations of overdose, you should immediately go to the hospital; If severe symptoms occur, you should call an ambulance. If there is bleeding, before the arrival of medical workers, the patient should be in a horizontal position to reduce blood loss.

Treatment for overdose consists of a set of measures, including:

  • gastric lavage using special preparations containing sodium thiosulfate (1%);
  • eating viscous porridge made from flour;
  • taking decoctions that have a dense consistency (for example, rice, corn, oatmeal or potato);
  • supportive treatment.

Recommendations for patient precautions

Before you start using the drug, you should definitely check for the presence of thyroid cancer.

Patients who have pathologies in the functioning of the kidneys need to be careful - such patients require regular laboratory monitoring of potassium levels in the blood.

Storage conditions

The bottle with drops must be stored in a dark place at room temperature (not exceeding 25 degrees). Be sure to make sure that children have no access to the place where the drug is stored.

Once opened, the drops should be used within 30 days - after this period the product must be disposed of.


If necessary, potassium iodide can be replaced with other drugs that have similar properties and principles of action. Such medicines include:

  1. Albucid.
  2. Tobradex.

Potassium iodide is an affordable and effective drug that shows good results in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases. Subject to precautions and doctor's recommendations, it is absolutely safe, does not cause negative consequences and is well tolerated by all groups of patients. The average price per drop is 190 rubles.

**** *MEDISORB JSC* BERLIN-CHEMIE Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH and Co. KG/Biogen Idek D Kvadrat-S, LLC Medisorb, JSC Renewal of PFK JSC Obolenskoe Pharmaceutical Enterprise, JSC OZONE, LLC STI-Med-Sorb, JSC Troitsk Iodine Plant, OJSC Pharmaceutical Enterprise "Obolenskoe" CJSC FSUE NPC Pharmzaschita FMBA

Country of origin


Product group

Other remedies

thyroxine synthesis regulator - iodine preparation.

Release forms

  • 10 tabs per pack 100 tabs per pack 25 - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs. 25 - contour cell packaging (4) - cardboard packs. 25 - contour cell packaging (4) - cardboard packs. Tablets 0.1 mg - 100 pcs per pack. Tablets 100 mcg - 112 pcs per pack. Tablets 200 mcg - 112 pcs per pack.

Description of the dosage form

  • Round flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color, with a score on one side and a chamfer. round, biconvex tablets, white or almost white, scored on one side. Tablets White flat-cylindrical tablets White, round, flat-cylindrical tablets with a chamfer, with or without an “R” marking on one side. Tablets weighing 100 mg. Daily dose 1 tablet. The degree of iodine satisfaction from the daily requirement is 133% (200.0 ± 15% mcg), which does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption - 300 mcg. Nutritional and energy value of 100 g: carbohydrates – 49 g, fats – 0 g, dietary fiber 50 g, calorie content 820 kJ (196 kcal).

pharmachologic effect

Iodine is a vital trace element with high physiological activity and is an obligatory structural component of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, which has a multifaceted effect on the human body. Iodine takes part in regulating the rate of biochemical reactions, regulates water-electrolyte, protein, fat metabolism, affects energy metabolism and maintaining optimal body temperature, is necessary for the processes of growth and development of the body, ensures the functioning of the nervous system and is responsible for the neuropsychic state. Iodine is directly involved in the process of lipid metabolism, promotes the activation of all types of metabolism, and enhances the processes of burning subcutaneous fat. Iodine deficiency has serious consequences that affect the human body. Manifestations of iodine deficiency can be the following: dry skin, thinning and brittle hair, splitting of the nail plates, increased cholesterol, constipation, swelling. Fatigue, headache, depressed mood, natural laziness, nervousness and irritability, decreased intellectual level and the ability to remember and assimilate received information, and hearing impairment may also be noted. Iodine enters the human body through products of plant and animal origin, in which the iodine content varies significantly; the body does not produce iodine on its own, so it is necessary to take additional iodine.


When taken orally, it is quickly and completely absorbed in the small intestine and distributed in the intracellular space within 2 hours. It accumulates mainly in the thyroid gland (iodide concentration more than 0.5 mg/g tissue), as well as in the salivary and mammary glands, and the gastric mucosa. Penetrates well through the placenta. Excreted mainly by the kidneys (trace amounts are determined in the urine 10 minutes after administration, 80% of the dose is excreted within 48 hours, the rest within 10-20 days), partially with secretions of salivary, bronchial, sweat and other iron

Special conditions

It should be taken into account that during drug therapy in patients with renal failure, hyperkalemia may develop. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of hyperthyroidism or nodular toxic goiter in the patient, as well as a history of these diseases. If there is a predisposition to autoimmune thyroid diseases, the formation of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase is possible. Saturation of the thyroid gland with iodine can prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. In this regard, it is not recommended to take the drug before carrying out activities using radioactive iodine. Effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery: Potassium iodide does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery.


  • 1 tab. potassium iodide 262 mcg, incl. iodine 200 mcg 1 tab. potassium iodide 131 mcg, incl. iodine 100 mcg 1 tablet contains: active substance - potassium iodide 125 mg excipients: magnesium hydroxycarbonate (basic magnesium carbonate), potato starch, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil), magnesium stearate Active substance: potassium iodide - 0.262 mg, in terms of iodine - 0.200 mg. Excipients: lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - 83.038 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 12,000 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch - 2,000 mg, corn starch - 1,200 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.500 mg, magnesium stearate - 1,000 mg.

Potassium iodide indications for use

  • - prevention of iodine deficiency diseases, incl. endemic goiter (especially in pregnant and lactating women); - prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after completion of goiter treatment with thyroid hormone preparations; - treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter in newborns, children, adolescents and young adult patients.

Potassium iodide contraindications

  • Severe hyperthyroidism, latent hyperthyroidism (when used in doses exceeding 150 mcg/day), toxic adenoma, nodular or diffuse toxic goiter (when used in doses of 300-1000 mcg/day), dermatitis herpetiformis (Dühring's disease), pregnancy and breastfeeding (when used in doses of 1-2 mg/day), hypersensitivity to iodine preparations. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding During pregnancy, use is possible only in recommended doses, because Iodine penetrates the placental barrier and can cause the development of hypothyroidism and goiter in the fetus. Iodine is excreted in breast milk. When used by a mother during lactation (breastfeeding) in doses of more than 1 mg/day, there is a risk of developing hypothyroidism in an infant. Use for impaired renal function During therapy, hyperkalemia may develop in patients with renal failure.

Potassium iodide dosage

  • 100 mcg 100, 200 mcg 125 mg 125 mg 200 mcg

Potassium iodide side effects

  • Manifestations of iodism: swelling of the nasal mucosa, urticaria, Quincke's edema, eosinophilia, shock; tachycardia, irritability, sleep disturbances, increased sweating, diarrhea are also possible (in patients over 40 years of age); in some cases, when used in doses exceeding 300-1000 mcg/day, hyperthyroidism may develop (especially in elderly patients, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter); with high-dose therapy (more than 1 mg/day), iodine-induced goiter and, accordingly, hypothyroidism may develop.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use of antithyroid drugs weakens the effect of potassium iodide (mutually). Potassium perchlorate and thiocyanate inhibit iodine uptake by the thyroid gland. Thyroid-stimulating hormone improves the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland and stimulates the production of its hormones. Concomitant use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (including captopril, enalapril, lisinopril) increases the risk of hyperkalemia. High doses of iodine in combination with potassium-sparing drugs and diuretics can lead to hyperkalemia. Simultaneous administration of iodine therapy in high doses and lithium preparations promotes the development of goiter and hypothyroidism. Reduces thyroid uptake

Storage conditions

  • store in a dry place
  • keep away from children
  • store in a place protected from light
Information provided

What is the drug “Potassium Iodide” used for and in what forms is it available? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Release forms

Currently, the drug potassium iodide is produced in the form of tablets, drops, solution, cubic crystals and odorless, fine-crystalline powder with a bitter-salty taste. The last two forms absorb liquid well from moist air and easily dissolve in glycerin, water and alcohol.

Properties of iodine-containing preparation

The drug “Potassium Iodide” is most often used to compensate for iodine deficiency in the human body. In addition, this drug has mucolytic, antithyroid, antifungal, expectorant, absorbable and radioprotective effects.

pharmachologic effect

After entering the body, potassium iodide helps normalize the synthesis of thyroid hormones, as well as indicators such as the T3/T4 ratio. Further, under the action of thyroid peroxidase in epithelial cells, the elements of the drug are oxidized to ordinary iodine, which subsequently ensures the iodization of amino acids. It is also worth noting that this drug significantly reduces the formation of new blood vessels inside the tissue, compacts it, as a result of which the size of the thyroid gland can be restored. Let's look at why this drug is popular in more detail:

  • In patients with hyperthyroidism, the drug “Potassium Iodide” quickly causes a weakening of all symptoms of the disease. That is why large doses of this drug are especially often used in the preoperative preparation of patients for thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland).
  • As is known, the antithyroid effect of the drug is unstable. It lasts only 2-3 weeks and is used only to temporarily reduce the performance of the mentioned organ.
  • The radioprotective effect of this drug is due to the fact that it is able to prevent the absorption of radioactive substances by the thyroid gland. When taking Potassium Iodide simultaneously with exposure to radiation particles, the protective effect is approximately 97%. When taken 25 and 13 hours before - 70 and 90%, respectively. When taken 180 and 60 minutes after exposure - 50 and 85%, and after 6 hours the effect is minimal.
  • The expectorant properties of this remedy are due to the fact that the drug “Potassium Iodide” increases the secretion of the bronchial glands. This happens as follows: when released with them, the chemical compound causes hyperemia of the mucous membrane, thereby helping to liquefy the sputum. In addition, due to the increased content of potassium iodide in the fluid secretion, it significantly increases mucociliary clearance and enhances the functioning of the ciliated epithelium.
  • In medical practice, there is evidence of the effectiveness of this drug for fungal infections and erythema nodosum.


After oral administration, the drug is quickly absorbed in the small intestine. After two hours, it is completely distributed throughout the intracellular space. Potassium iodide accumulates mainly in the thyroid gland, as well as in the gastric mucosa, mammary and salivary glands. Its concentration reaches more than 500 mcg per gram of tissue. This drug penetrates the placenta. Most of it is excreted by the kidneys. After 10 minutes of administration, a trace amount of potassium iodide is detected in the urine. About 80% of the dose is released within 48 hours, and the remainder within 15-19 days. The substance is partially excreted with the secretions of the bronchial, sweat, salivary and other glands.

Indications for use

The drug “Potassium Iodide”, the chemical properties of which were described just above, is used in the following cases:

Contraindications to the use of the product

  • with hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • with latent or pronounced hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • with nodular goiter and other benign tumors of the thyroid gland;
  • for Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis, pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis, nephrosis, furunculosis, acne and pyoderma.

Dosage and methods of application

The drug "Potassium iodide" should be used in different doses for different diseases:

Side effects

After using Potassium Iodide, the patient may experience the following deviations:

  • nausea, gastralgia, vomiting, diarrhea and dyspeptic symptoms;
  • anxiety and severe headaches;
  • angioedema, swelling of the salivary glands, hemorrhages on the mucous membranes and skin, urticaria;

  • changes in thyroid function (hypothyroidism or, conversely, hyperthyroidism), mumps, hyperkalemia, iodism (especially with prolonged use of the drug in high doses), swelling of the eyelids, increased salivation, metallic taste, sore gums and teeth, redness of the conjunctiva, burning in the mouth and throat , fever, arthralgia, dermatitis, eosinophilia, iodine toxicity, rhinitis, irregular heartbeat, acne, confusion, unusual lethargy, tingling, numbness, weakness and pain in the feet and hands, heaviness in the lower extremities.


An additional source of iodine, necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, is the drug Potassium iodide (Potassium iodide). The medication regulates the synthesis of the hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine of the thyroid gland. Before starting the course, consultations with an endocrinologist or therapist are required; self-medication is prohibited.

Composition and release form

Potassium iodide has three release forms. Tablets, eye drops and solution are available for free sale. Characteristics of each release form:

  1. Biconvex round tablets white with a concentration of the active substance of 40, 100, 125, 200 mcg, packaged in blisters of 25 pcs. or by banks. Instructions for use are included in each pack.
  2. Transparent drops without a sharp, specific odor, pour into bottles of 5–10 ml, instructions are included.
  3. Solution 3% sold in 200 ml bottles with an iodide concentration of 0.25-20%.

The active component is iodide. Its concentration depends on the form of release of the drug. Chemical composition:

Properties of the drug

Instructions for the use of potassium iodide contain information that iodine ions, when entering the thyroid tissue in the form of iodides, are oxidized under the influence of the enzyme iodide peroxidase. Elementary iodine is formed, included in the tyrosine molecule, which is iodized and promotes the formation of thyronines - triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The concentration of the latter is maintained in the cells of the thyroid gland. Pharmacological properties of Potassium iodide:

  • prevents exacerbation of endemic goiter;
  • normalizes thyroid parameters in children;
  • promotes rapid liquefaction of sputum;
  • prevents the accumulation of radioactive isotopes by the thyroid gland and protects the organ from the harmful effects of radiation;
  • promotes the breakdown of proteins.

When administered orally at the recommended dose, potassium iodide is productively absorbed from the small intestine. The maximum concentration in plasma is reached after 2 hours. It accumulates in the thyroid, mammary and salivary glands, the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and penetrates the placental barrier. The half-life of 80% of the drug dose lasts up to 48 hours. The drug is excreted to a greater extent by the kidneys, and to a lesser extent - with the secretions of the bronchial, sebaceous, salivary and other endocrine glands.

Applications of Potassium iodide

The drug is prescribed for iodine deficiency in the body and not only. Medical indications depend on the form of release of Potassium iodide. For example, eye drops are recommended for hemorrhages in the eye membranes, fungus of the conjunctiva, eyelid and cornea, clouding of the lens and vitreous body, and cataracts. Other indications for use are described in the instructions:

  • cutaneous-lymphatic sporotrichosis;
  • syphilis (tertiary period);
  • erythema nodosum;
  • xerostomia (insufficient salivation);
  • inflammatory processes of the salivary glands;
  • thyrotoxic crisis;
  • endemic goiter (treatment and prevention);
  • fungal infection of the lungs (actinomycosis);
  • bronchial asthma (as part of drug therapy).

Directions for use and dosage

Tablets and solution are intended for oral use.

To avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, potassium iodide should be washed down with jelly, milk, and sweet tea.

Eye drops are used externally - instilled into the conjunctival sac. The course of treatment is 10–14 days; for medical reasons, it can be extended.

Potassium iodide solution

The drug in this form of release has a wide spectrum of action. It is used as a mucolytic agent to thin sputum and accelerate its removal from the respiratory tract. The daily dose of 1% or 3% solution is 3 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day. Other recommendations on how to take potassium iodide solution:

  • for syphilis three times a day after meals, prescribe 1 tbsp. l.;
  • with actinomycosis Recommend 1 tbsp. l. solution (10% or 20%) 4 times a day.


According to the instructions, the prophylactic dose for adult patients is 100–200 mcg per day, adjusted depending on the disease. Tablets may be pre-chewed or crushed. The doctor determines the course of treatment individually. Other recommendations depend on the diagnosis:

  • hyperthyroidism: for 10 days before surgery you should take 250 mg per day;
  • endemic goiter: 200–600 mcg per day, in case of relapse – 100–200 mcg per day.

special instructions

When treating patients with recurrent kidney diseases, hyperkalemia may develop, so laboratory methods require regular monitoring of potassium concentration in the blood. Other instructions for patients are described in the instructions:

  1. Before starting the course, it is necessary to exclude the presence of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.
  2. Potassium iodide is prescribed to children, but under medical supervision and subject to daily dosages.
  3. When treating with medication, it is advisable to refrain from driving or engaging in intellectual activity.

Potassium iodide during pregnancy

The active component of the drug penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. The recommended dosage varies from 200 to 250 mcg per day. It is advisable to start the course of treatment 2 months before pregnancy. Potassium iodide is contraindicated for expectant mothers with iodine intolerance, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, diffuse toxic goiter. When treating breastfed women, it is necessary to urgently raise the issue of temporary cessation of lactation.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of potassium-sparing diuretics and iodine-containing drugs in high dosages, hyperkalemia may progress in the patient's body. Other information about drug interactions is presented in the instructions for use:

  • in combination with lithium preparations, the development of hypothyroidism and goiter is possible;
  • simultaneously with antithyroid drugs, a mutual weakening of the therapeutic effect is observed;
  • a complex of potassium thiocyanate and perchlorate slows down the absorption of iodine ions by the thyroid gland.

Side effects

Potassium iodide drops, tablets and solution are well tolerated by the body when prescribed dosages are observed. At the beginning of the course, side effects may develop, which are represented by the following patient complaints:

  • iodism (accompanied by a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, urticaria, and other allergic reactions);
  • tachycardia;
  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating, salivation;
  • diarrhea;
  • hyperthyroidism (in elderly patients with diagnosed nodular or diffuse toxic goiter);
  • exfoliative and other dermatitis;
  • myalgia, arthralgia;
  • fever;
  • acne;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • eosinophilia;
  • sore gums;
  • iodine toxicity;
  • hyperkalemia.


If the drug is abused and systematic use of high doses of Potassium iodide, doctors do not rule out the death of the patient. Other symptoms of overdose:

  • collapse;
  • bronchitis;
  • taste of a “copper coin” in the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • anuria;
  • bleeding from the urinary tract;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • swelling of the vocal cords.

In case of overdose, the patient is prescribed gastric lavage, administration of sodium thiosulfate, and correction of water and electrolyte balance. The victim needs to drink potato, oatmeal, rice or corn broth, then undergo symptomatic treatment. Antishock therapy is prescribed according to indications.


If the body is hypersensitive to iodine, the medication is not prescribed.

Other medical contraindications are reflected in the instructions:

  • nephritis, nephrosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pyoderma;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • furunculosis, acne;
  • thyroid oncology;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis, Dühring's disease;
  • suppuration on the skin;
  • toxic thyroid adenoma;
  • overt or latent hyperthyroidism (for high doses of medication);
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Terms of sale and storage

The medicine is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. The medicine should be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees, in a dry and dark place, out of reach of small children and direct sunlight. The shelf life is 3 years from the date indicated on the package.


If side effects occur at the very beginning of the course, it is better to replace the medicine. Iodine-containing analogues and their brief characteristics:

  1. Iodine balance. Tablets for oral use, which compensate for iodine deficiency in the body, are effective for iodine deficiency conditions. The drug is approved for children and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
  2. Iodine Vitrum. The medication in tablet form is recommended for the prevention and treatment of endemic goiter. The medicine is prescribed alone or together with thyroid hormones.

Potassium iodide and Iodomarin - differences

Both medications contain iodine in their chemical composition and have a common mechanism of action. The instructions describe the same medical indications. The difference lies in the set of excipients. In addition, the price of Potassium iodide is an order of magnitude lower, and the effectiveness is no weaker.

Price for Potassium iodide


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