Why does coughing start when I inhale? Causes of cough when inhaling and its treatment. Dangerous diseases when coughing while exhaling

Cough when exhaling is usually diagnosed in people susceptible to seasonal colds, in which the upper respiratory tract narrows. This symptom may indicate the most various diseases, starting with laryngitis or pharyngitis, ending with bronchitis chronic type. Treatment of cough when exhaling will differ radically in each specific case.

To choose the optimal rehabilitation course, we recommend visiting a therapist. He will appoint diagnostic measures, based on their results will be accurate clinical picture and based on all this will select suitable methods treatment. It is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of cough when exhaling. Therefore, the first step when such a symptom occurs is to contact a specialist.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Bronchitis and pneumonia are the main culprits

In most cases, coughing attacks during inhalation or exhalation indicate pathologies in the upper as well as lower respiratory tract. In this case, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, larynx and nasopharynx are often diagnosed. A dry cough during breathing begins due to muscle contraction in the diaphragm. This causes the glottis to close. In this case, the flow of fresh air is limited and, as a result, a cough begins.

If a coughing attack bothers you when you exhale, and before that you had an acute respiratory infection, ARVI, influenza or seasonal cold, you need to think about it. It is quite possible that such a symptom indicates the appearance of complications due to incorrect or insufficient treatment diseases. In our country this happens all the time. After all, most of us are accustomed to self-medicate and at the same time endure colds not in bed, but on our feet.

As a result of improper therapy, pneumonia or bronchitis appears, and they are not always accompanied by wet productive cough. They are often accompanied by a dry cough during inhalation and exhalation, which manifests itself when there is difficulty in sputum discharge.

Pneumonia and bronchitis are treated with strong antibiotics.

Other Possible Causes

Coughing that occurs when exhaling is a common complaint among heavy and light smokers. It occurs due to spasms of the lungs and bronchi, inflammation of the respiratory tract and the accumulation of difficult-to-remove mucus inside the bronchi.

In addition, another possible cause of such a symptom among tobacco connoisseurs may be impaired blood circulation - a direct path to emphysema. At the same time, coughing different time days can be either productive (wet) or unproductive (dry).

If such a symptom constantly bothers a smoker, then the primary task is complete failure from smoking. Moreover, as additional measures the following may appear:

  • blood cleansing;
  • removal of mucus from the body;
  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • reducing cardiac stress and so on.

A severe cough when exhaling, the causes of which must be determined, causes a lot of trouble not only for smokers. Often this symptom appears in people suffering from heart disease. In particular, coughing attacks on exhalation are often accompanied by:

  • heart failure;
  • improper functioning of the heart valve;
  • ischemic disease.

Except severe cough on inhalation or exhalation, the above ailments may be accompanied by general weakness, frequent fatigue, back pain, fainting even with minor physical activity. The cough mechanism in this case is quite simple. The attack occurs due to increased pressure on the heart muscle, which is then transmitted to the diaphragm. All this causes the closure of the glottis.

Treatment of cough in in this case is not a priority. It fades into the background, while efforts to combat the underlying heart disease come to the fore.

Treatment Options

If coughing during exhalation is caused by viral diseases(and this most often happens), as a rule, is prescribed drug treatment. It is intended to eliminate main reason such a symptom and minimize coughing attacks. So, what medicines and methods are effective for eliminating cough when inhaling and exhaling?

Regardless of the treatment method used, we advise completely stopping smoking (or at least minimizing it), drinking excessively hot drinks and eating. All this negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane and leads to additional irritation and inflammation.

At the same time, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room (at least twice a day) and carry out wet cleaning.

Lungs' cancer

I would like to speak separately about lung cancer, as possible reason coughing attacks on exhalation and inhalation. This dangerous disease with minimal chances of survival. The cough occurs because the tumor compresses the lungs. As a result, oxygen penetration is difficult. Attacks of suffocation appear.

With such a terrible diagnosis as lung cancer, the cough mechanism manifests itself according to the following pattern: inhale-exhale-cough. Any pain does not occur, since the lungs do not have nerve endings. It is because of this that many patients do not turn to specialists, which leads to the transformation of the disease into the final fourth stage.

All tobacco lovers need to be especially attentive to their health and promptly respond to symptoms such as coughing when inhaling/exhaling. Don't delay visiting your doctor. After all, your life may depend on it.

Make it a rule to regularly undergo the following examinations:

  • Fluorography, and in in some cases and radiography in different projections.
  • General detailed blood test (allows you to detect inflammatory processes inside the body and allergic reactions).
  • Bacterial as well as microscopic bacterial culture sputum to exclude tuberculosis and determine the body's response to antibiotics.
  • Electrocardiography – it allows you to remove suspicion from cardiovascular diseases or myocardial failure.
  • Examination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy). With its help, material is collected for subsequent histological studies.

In any case, before starting any treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only a doctor can detect key reason cough, take everything into account individual characteristics body and prescribe optimal scheme rehabilitation.

You shouldn't stay away either. Lead healthy image life, play sports, and all diseases will bypass you.

Coughing when inhaling is a fairly common case. Therefore, most of us do not take this situation seriously, because such an illness occurs quite often. However, this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Cough when deep breath may cause lung cancer, this is especially worth considering for experienced smokers. With this diagnosis, the cough is long and dry, manifesting itself most often at night. Patients suffering from chronic bronchitis are also at risk.

In addition, the causes of a coughing attack can be irritation of pleurisy, cardiovascular diseases, asthma attacks or allergic reactions, childhood diseases such as whooping cough or diphtheria.

Cough when taking a deep breath

The cause of cough is to cleanse the body of mucus from the bronchi by contracting muscles and increasing chest pressure. With the rapid opening of the throat gap, the release of air is accompanied by the release of sputum and clearing of the bronchi. An occasional urge to cough should not cause much concern. You should be concerned when systematic cough with a deep breath. This cough is divided into dry and wet:

  • dry cough is characterized by duration and intrusiveness. Occurs with disease of the bronchi and vocal cords;
  • wet cough is characterized by its frequency. Each new attack begins only after the next accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and, as a rule, is a symptom of bronchitis.

Dry cough when inhaling

The causes of a dry cough when inhaling may be swelling of the bronchi or the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. As a rule, it manifests itself reflexively, but the appearance of such a cough can actually be provoked by force. When coughing, infected germs quickly spread throughout the entire room where the patient is located. Therefore, it is recommended that sick people wear a protective mask or completely isolate them from healthy people for a while.

A dry cough when inhaling is a symptom of allergies, colds, flu, and pleurisy. Characterized by a sharp reduction respiratory muscles, and also creates tension and increases pressure in the respiratory tract. It is also worth considering permanent place work of the patient to set up more accurate diagnosis. The presence of harmful and dangerous production factors directly affects respiratory diseases. Also, a dry cough begins with a change in the air temperature in the room, and is accompanied by severe pain in the sternum.

Cough treatment

During illness, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the infection, as well as relieving the patient's symptoms. Residual cough after illness (for example, flu), as a rule, does not require special treatment. In order not to worsen the situation with cough during illness (chills, weakness), it is necessary to observe bed rest. Pneumonia and bronchitis are usually treated with antibiotics. A dry cough is treated with expectorants: ACC, Bromhexine, Ascoril.

For symptoms of chronic bronchitis and uneven breathing with whistling, inhalation is recommended. If the cough manifests itself due to cardiovascular diseases, prescribe oxygen therapy, a specially selected complex gymnastic exercises. In the most advanced cases, surgery is inevitable.

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Questions and answers on: cough when taking a deep breath

2016-06-16 10:55:11

Victoria asks:

Good afternoon The therapist made a diagnosis acute bronchitis, prescribed antibiotics and cough tablets, and gave a referral for fluorography. I received the result today, but the appointment is only on Monday, I would like to know if I should be worried if the result showed that “The pulmonary pattern is enriched in the hilar regions”? I have been taking medications for the sixth day, but the cough remains the same, the wheezing remains, and sometimes I feel pain when I take a deep breath.


Hello, Victoria! The results of fluorography correspond to the diagnosis of acute bronchitis. Given that the condition does not improve with treatment, there is reason for an unplanned return visit to the doctor to review the treatment plan and, possibly, prescribe another therapy. Take care of your health!

2015-07-25 23:25:16

Dmitry asks:

Hello. I’m 18 years old, I’ve been smoking since I was 12. After quitting smoking I started discomfort, pain, tingling in the lungs, mainly in the right. It is felt in short attacks throughout the day. When inhaling/exhaling deeply – (not constantly) the same unpleasant sensations; when turning/moving the body painful sensations No. In addition to this, a cough was added. Overall I feel very good. I went to the therapist, he listened to my lungs - there was no wheezing, and sent me for a urine blood test. I would like to know what this is connected with and listen to the answer to another question: does it smell like cancer here? Thanks for the answer.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello Dmitry! The symptoms you listed are nonspecific and do not allow either making a diagnosis or excluding/confirming cancer. Continue the examination prescribed by your therapist, and be sure to discuss with your doctor the possibility of performing x-rays of your organs chest, since without this study diagnosis becomes significantly more complicated. Take care of your health!

2015-01-23 17:07:48

Anna asks:

Hello, I just got discharged from the hospital. She was treated for right-sided pneumonia. She was given drips with ceftriaxone for 11 days, took Thermopsis tablets, had physiotherapy and lung massage. Upon discharge, they took an x-ray, the doctor said that the pneumonia had resolved, that there was no need for any more antibiotics, just to drink mucaltin. I feel good, although the dry cough still persists. What worries me is that there is still a barely noticeable pain when I take a deep breath. In the morning it is a little more pronounced. Only the first day at home after discharge. Tell me, what do you think, 1) why the pain has not completely gone away and when will it end? 2) Do such symptoms often occur in those who have had pneumonia? 3) Does it mean that having had pneumonia once, it will definitely recur, that the lungs are now mine weakness. Pneumonia may be chronic disease? Thank you in advance.

2014-07-12 18:15:39

Anton asks:

Kind! I have been smoking for over 6 years and decided to quit. Within a week after quitting cigarettes, severe cough, pain in the lungs when taking deep breaths and, apparently, blood in the urine. How serious can a diagnosis be for such symptoms?

Answers Telnov Ivan Sergeevich:

Hello. To determine the presence of blood in your urine, take a urine test. The cough is most likely associated with an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Contact a pulmonologist for examination and adequate treatment.

2014-05-28 06:50:39

Alexey asks:

Since February, I have been bothered by a feeling of congestion in the left lung, in the middle and slightly above (along own feeling), approximately 2-3 cm from the “entrance” to the lung from the trachea, so to speak... No cough. But shortness of breath appeared. And if you compare, the left lung inhales slower and harder than the right. This feeling either weakens or returns again (but does not go away). In the morning it feels weak (practically does not bother), but by lunchtime and evening it gets worse.
If we talk about the left side in general, I feel stiffness in the ribs, sometimes I hear a “click” of the rib near the spine when I take a deep breath. There is osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, wedge-shaped deformation in thoracic region spine. Body temperature is generally within normal limits. The feeling bothers me at rest if I sit, lie on my back or on my right side, but if I lie on my left side it becomes much easier.

Answers Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich:

Hello, Alexey. From February, if you have shortness of breath, it is time to conduct some kind of examination.
1. X-ray of the chest organs, regardless of when you had it before.
2. General clinical blood and urine tests
3. With the results - to your territorial family doctor. If any pathology is detected
He will refer you for further examination and consultation with specialists if necessary. Good health to you.

2014-02-22 11:02:07

Svetlana asks:

The question is: I’m 30 years old, I can smoke sometimes. The problem is that when I lie on my back, after a while, when I take a deep breath, a feeling of unclean breath appears. It’s not a sound, not a whistle, not a noise, just a feeling that the lungs seem to be expanding. After inhaling, no matter how deeply you breathe, this is no longer the case. Then you lie down for a while - again like this. Besides more symptoms none. No temperature, FG is normal, blood general analysis normal, no shortness of breath, no cough, nothing hurts anywhere, when I lie on my side, on my stomach - there are no such sensations. I also noticed when I’m lying in the bathtub, on the water or in the pool on my back for a long time- I don’t feel anything like that. I saw a pulmonologist - he says you have nothing, go to a psychotherapist)). I went to the phthisiatrician, I lay there specifically so that I could listen while lying down)) - I don’t hear anything he says. I’m very suspicious, I’ve been feeling this way for a year now, I’m very worried, I have a daughter. Suddenly something terrible happens, but they can’t find it. Help me with an answer, thanks.

Answers Velikanova Anna Lvovna:

Good afternoon, Svetlana!
Do you know that more than half of human diseases are born and die in the head? Your sensations in the lungs can be caused by anything - nerves, hunger, cold, accumulation of mucus (which is natural, even if you smoke 1 cigarette a year), drank some water - this is only a subjective sensation. Doctors, as far as I understand, determined that from the outside respiratory system You are healthy. So?
And now, with a “clear conscience,” you can come up with any name for your feeling (as many housewives come up with a “housewife”) and live in health with this feeling happily ever after. You just need to “make friends” with him.
No, you, of course, can, of course, come up with some very terrible reason this feeling and live in anticipation of “something terrible that no one can find” sprout and “manifest itself in all its glory.” Or you can continue additional examinations of all organs and systems, you can simply stop lying on your back, you can quit smoking... - there are a lot of options. You know, here only you, for yourself, can once and for the rest of your life stop worrying and start living, as Carnegie wrote.
You write that you are suspicious - suspiciousness is generally treated with a course of psychological or psychotherapeutic sessions, if desired - with the use of hypnosis or other techniques that relieve tension. At the same time, if you want to worry, you will always find why. The psychotherapist will help you get rid of the next cause of anxiety at each session. And you will go to the doctor as if you were going to work. Many people find a certain charm in this, and it’s also fashionable. And some also correct their condition with pills - and here you have a glamorous portrait.
I am for quick release from problems. Clients haven't come to me for years. If you want, please contact us and we will sort it out. Prerequisite only one thing: you really want to get rid of anxiety and suspiciousness.
Let's imagine for a moment that behind your feelings, in fact, lies something “terrible that no one can find.” What then? Your actions? For prevention, cut everything out?
Nonsense, of course.
Faith works miracles. Believe that by rubbing the place where your sensations are concentrated, this “magic rubbing” will heal you. A person’s internal reserves are the true limitless and omnipotent way to heal. You probably know examples when, by the power of Faith (in God, in oneself, in one’s health...) a person drove away from himself the most terrible diseases. And you can do this. You can come up with and perform a “ritual of expelling all diseases and bad feelings from the body.” Let your suspiciousness work for your benefit at least once. If this suspiciousness can sow fear and anxiety in you, then exactly the opposite, it (suspiciousness) will help you get rid of everything unnecessary, harmful and bad that interferes with your happy life.
And one more thing: apparently, you have time to listen to your feelings. Take this time to do something socially useful.
One example: During the war, infantry soldiers did not suffer from influenza and other viral diseases(do you think there was no infection in the trenches?) - they simply had no time. In the face of death and war, there is no place for a runny nose.
There are other examples in medicine of how, after the death of an elderly relative, it became known that he lived with incurable disease and should have died half a century ago. But he didn’t know about his illness, he simply believed that he was absolutely healthy and lived happily into old age.
In general, Svetlana, my advice is this: if you want to worry and worry, that’s your right.
If you want to live a peaceful life in health and happiness, believe that you are healthy and happy. Once and forever accept this for yourself as the truest truth. And leave the sensations to your suspiciousness - let them be only sensations - you are a living person, which means feeling, accumulating and coughing up mucus, experiencing pain, blowing your nose - all this is natural for you.
Be healthy and happy!

2014-02-13 14:26:39

Makeeva asks:

Hello. I have this situation - a year ago I had pneumonia (it all started with a regular cough and fever), and if I myself had not heard wheezing in my left lung when I took a deep breath, I might not have gone to the doctor, because... At that time there was no cough or fever. Now the children are sick and apparently I got the infection from them and also started coughing. The worst thing is that today I heard wheezing again..... Please tell me, can the inflammation return? And what can you do for treatment for now? There is no way to go to the doctor yet, because... I go to doctors with my children. Thank you.

2013-01-18 13:03:40

Julia asks:

Good afternoon A month ago I suffered from acute tracheitis. Treatment was antibiotics plus different syrups. I was sick for 2 weeks, the cough was very strong before taking antibiotics. After recovery, the cough went away, but periodically there is a feeling of slight squeezing in the upper chest area, above the chest, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right. When I inhale and exhale deeply, I don’t feel anything, this feeling appears unexpectedly and lasts for a second... I started to worry, maybe I need some pass tests, and what could this be?
Best regards, Yulia.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! This symptom may be due to several reasons: a psychosomatic component ( distinctive feature which is the appearance of symptoms during psycho-emotional arousal), cardiac pathology with an atypical manifestation pain symptom, the consequences of the past inflammatory process. Determining the cause of symptoms requires additional examinations, objective examination. For this purpose, it is better for you to consult a therapist. After establishing the presence somatic pathology, there is a need for treatment. Be healthy!

Cough is a symptom of many diseases. Attacks are accompanied by seasonal acute respiratory viral infections, allergic reactions, and more. serious illnesses, for example, oncology. In some cases, this is a very alarming symptom, especially if the cough is accompanied by chest pain. Only a doctor can determine exactly why a dry or wet cough occurs when inhaling. But that's it possible diagnoses are somehow associated with respiratory diseases.

Allergic reaction

A cough with a deep breath as a sign of an allergy is most often dry. Different from a cold normal temperature and sudden, prolonged attacks. Doctors often call an allergic cough a variant of bronchial asthma. Attacks can be accompanied by rhinitis, itching in the nose and throat, difficulty breathing and even suffocation. Allergic irritants can cause an allergic cough: strong odors, animal fur, house dust or plant pollen.

If, when taking a deep breath, a dry cough is a manifestation of an allergy, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. Treatment must be timely, because such a symptom threatens to develop into Chronical bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Therapy is usually long-term. At allergic cough It is recommended to rinse your mouth and throat and rinse your nose several times a day. In the sixties of the last century, the doctor K. Buteyko described in detail the causes and treatment of allergies. For many allergy sufferers, the scientist found a solution in deep breathing(breathing exercises).

Intercostal neuralgia

Coughing after a deep breath can occur during an attack of intercostal neuralgia, which is associated with injury or inflammation. In some cases, the disease can lead to serious consequences: significant complication of movement, heart attack, strong pain, preventing normal breathing.

The main symptom of neuralgia is pain in the chest area. Discomfort may occur when sudden movements or lifting heavy objects, sneezing or coughing. If a cough appears when you take a deep breath, especially with yellow-green mucus, then this is anxiety symptoms life-threatening. Besides, dangerous conditions are chest pain, rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, and fainting. Treatment for intercostal neuralgia involves local injections for pain relief, antidepressants, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Apply alternative ways: yoga, massage or acupuncture.

Broken ribs

If a cough occurs when taking a deep breath, especially after an injury, this may indicate a rib fracture. With such an injury, the victim’s breathing is impaired; in severe cases, the skin becomes pale, the pulse increases greatly, severe bruising and swelling of the soft tissues occur. When listening, breathing is not always audible.

As the condition worsens, symptoms of intoxication are observed, body temperature rises, breathing becomes very heavy and difficult. Then we can talk about the development of life-threatening pneumonia. In some cases it occurs with a minimal increase in temperature, sometimes general state It only gets a little worse and weakness appears.

The patient cannot always take a breath. A cough appears when taking a deep breath, severe pain, and the attempt to inhale ends unsuccessfully. Doctors call this “interrupted inspiration.” If there is no such sign, then most likely we're talking about O severe bruise chest.

In case of a fracture, you need to call an ambulance and provide first aid to the person: give painkillers, make a fixing bandage, apply ice to the affected area. The victim must be transported to a medical facility in a lying or reclining position. The patient will be given a plaster cast; in case of complications or multiple fractures, it is better to treat in a hospital.

Acute respiratory infections and complications

When taking a deep breath, a cough with or without sputum is characteristic of colds. ARVI and acute respiratory infections are generally the most common reasons that provoke cough. Usually, treating such a symptom does not cause problems, but you need to choose the right drug and prevent complications from developing. It is important to increase fluid intake and monitor the level of humidity in the room.

Usually at the beginning of a cold the patient has a dry cough. If there is hoarseness, sore throat, loss of voice, then rinsing will help, steam inhalations and cough syrups plant based. You should not take cough suppressants central action, as they can lead to stagnation of mucus in the nasopharynx, which will cause complications and may slow down recovery.

Bronchial asthma

A dry cough that gets worse with a deep breath, and attacks of suffocation may appear when bronchial asthma. With this disease, cough is the body’s reaction to a certain irritant. In bronchial asthma, the cough with a deep breath can be dry or wet with minimal or significant discharge.

Sputum is often produced in nonatopic asthma with respiratory infection. In this case, a cough and fever often occur when taking a deep breath. As part of the diagnosis, allergy tests are performed and the functions of the external respiration. Dry and wet cough in bronchial asthma is treated mainly symptomatically.

Cough with flu

The flu always begins abruptly and develops rapidly, while colds are characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms. With the flu, chills begin, muscle pain and aches throughout the body appear, sharp increase temperature. The cough makes itself felt on the second or third day, it is exhausting, the symptom is accompanied by pain in the sternum.

It is important to start taking medications at for preventive purposes even when the first patient appeared in the family or team. The throat needs to be disinfected with solutions and do not ignore products that enhance immunity. If you cannot avoid the infection, then you should not endure the flu on your feet - you should immediately consult a doctor and follow all recommendations. Then the cough will subside with a deep breath, the temperature and general condition will normalize.

Viral croup

With croup, which occurs as a complication of a respiratory tract infection, a hacking cough appears. IN severe cases the symptom is complicated by breathing problems, worsens when crying or when inhaling, pain may occur when coughing and taking a deep breath. There is a change in voice, inflammation of the mucous membrane, narrowing of the trachea and larynx, all symptoms are accompanied by the appearance of noisy breathing.

To begin treatment, you need to ensure an influx of fresh air and create optimal conditions in the room. temperature regime— 18-19 degrees Celsius. It is advisable to carry out frequent wet cleaning of the apartment. Recommended drinking plenty of fluids: decoctions of dried fruits, compotes, green tea, “Regidron”. Drug treatment is indicated: “Baralgin”, “Trigan”, “Spazgan” and so on. Some medications can be administered intramuscularly. These drugs positive reviews, but in any case, you should first consult a doctor, because some drugs are quite strong and cannot be sold without a prescription.

Cancer symptoms

According to the results comprehensive survey may come out when coughing terrible diagnosis- lungs' cancer. The disease has many different forms, but leaves hope that some of them respond quite well to treatment with early stages. The first symptoms of oncology are constant weakness And frequent dizziness, (may be dry or with discharge small quantity sputum), pink sputum or streaks of blood, pain in the chest area. If a cough begins when taking a deep breath, conventional remedies do not help, but only bring temporary relief, and there is associated symptoms, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

First aid

Severe attack The cough can be alleviated somewhat before the doctors arrive. It is necessary to provide fresh air access to the room by opening windows or vents. For a dry cough, you need to humidify the air: open the tap in the bathroom or hang it on the radiators central heating wet towels. It is imperative to remove possible allergens, for example, the smell of air freshener or paint products. If you have an inhaler, you can let the patient breathe in regular saline solution. Drinking plenty of fluids can soothe the soreness a little. Herbal tea or milk works well.

Diagnosis and treatment

In each specific case, only a physician should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. First you need to get tested and undergo other recommended studies. The doctor may order an X-ray of the lungs, bronchoscopy, CT, ultrasound of the heart and ECG, spirometry. Based on the results of the examination, it is prescribed complex therapy: medications(usually several groups of drugs are prescribed), physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and breathing exercises.

If it is not possible to see a doctor immediately, then you should not self-medicate. For example, preparations with aloe thin the blood and accelerate the growth of cells, including cancer cells, and antitussives in the presence of mucus accumulations can cause an attack of suffocation.

Most safe way relieve coughing by drinking warm water or a cup herbal tea. Universal folk method cough control - warm milk. You can add a little ghee or honey to it (but allergy sufferers need to be careful with this product). At wet cough You can take ginger with milk. To prepare this medicine, you need to heat 0.5 liters of milk and add a tablespoon of honey. It is advisable to drink the mixture warm before bed.

Thyme thins mucus well and effectively fights viruses. About 100 gr. dry grass needs to be poured into a glass hot water and leave the mixture for 30 minutes. Take three times a day before meals (half a glass of tincture is enough). An infusion of coltsfoot is effective. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into a glass of hot water and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards you can use it in the same way as thyme tincture. Reviews about such home methods for improving the condition are only positive.


The best prevention respiratory tract diseases - walking on fresh air in environmentally friendly areas and smoking cessation. Classes are useful breathing exercises or yoga, which will help resist illnesses and strengthen the immune system. During colds, you need to take medications to prevent infection and do inhalations with essential oils. Regular wet cleaning at home, ventilation and maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the room.

Coughing when inhaling and wheezing almost always indicate respiratory disease. However, these symptoms can occur in people with heart disease and long-term smokers.

An article to familiarize yourself with the problem of cough that occurs during inhalation and exhalation. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm.

Causes and varieties

The most common reason this phenomenon is a disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract. At the same time, the larynx swells and the glottis narrows. This limits the full access of air, which causes reflex reaction in the form of a cough.

Often, a cough when inhaling can develop against the background of complications after an acute respiratory infection. This usually occurs when self-medicating or refusing to take full course prescribed medications. Activity during illness and non-compliance with recommendations can also cause complications in the form of residual wheezing.

It can also occur for other reasons. Smokers are susceptible to this phenomenon due to constant irritation of the respiratory tract and accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. Some diseases of cardio-vascular system may also manifest as a cough on inspiration. Difficulty breathing in the absence of signs of a cold is a reason to contact a cardiologist.

The most dangerous reason wheezing and difficulty breathing - oncopathology of the respiratory system. Asthma and allergic phenomena can lead to serious consequences.

Important! Only an examination by a doctor and following his recommendations will allow you to accurately determine the cause of the cough and avoid undesirable consequences.

Cough, in its own way characteristic features divided into:

  1. Coughing. Occurs as a symptom of laryngeal edema with laryngitis, tracheitis. With proper treatment, it goes away without a trace once the cause is eliminated. Coughing that does not go away for a long time may be a sign of tuberculosis. It is necessary to undergo a fluorographic examination.
  2. Coughing shocks. It is expressed in a long continuous jerky cough. Characteristic of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  3. Paroxysmal. May occur if it enters the larynx foreign body or indicates the presence of whooping cough. During asthma, it should be treated with special medications.

In children, the most dangerous is the “barking” attack. It occurs with laryngitis. The disease is insidious due to the development of laryngeal stenosis, which causes a narrowing of its lumen. The child finds it difficult to breathe and requires immediate medical attention.

Cough with deep inspiration in children can be caused by viral croup. The airways narrow when the virus enters, so when you try to take a full breath, the muscles reflexively contract, which causes an attack.

When is a cough dangerous?

If coughing begins, the cause must be identified and eliminated. The cough itself is not dangerous and helps the body get rid of mucus or a foreign body.

Based on the nature of wheezing, doctors can make a diagnosis.

  1. Wet, indicate accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract. Medicines are needed to help cough up and thin the mucus.
  2. Dry ones are the most dangerous. More often they indicate a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which causes difficulty breathing.

In children, due to the structural features of the larynx and trachea, the risk of suffocation is very high. Therefore, if a dry cough occurs, consultation with a specialist is required.

A dry cough must be converted into a productive cough. For this purpose, medications are recommended that thin the mucus and facilitate its removal.

It is forbidden to give antitussive medications without a doctor's recommendation. Their use is justified for true whooping cough, in smokers and some other conditions. These medications suppress the cough reflex, so if phlegm has accumulated in the body, it will be difficult to clear. This situation will lead to significant complications. Cough when inhaling may have various reasons. Only after establishing their origin, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment and prevention of cough symptoms

Any treatment begins with identifying the causes and is aimed at eliminating them and making the patient feel better. A dry cough makes recovery difficult, so mucolytics are prescribed.

Some infectious diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and others may require treatment with antibiotics. You should not refuse them if your doctor gives reasons for taking them. Cough when inhaling, accompanied by wheezing, is relieved by inhalation. Until the doctor prescribes a specific drug, it can be carried out with ordinary physical therapy. solution.

Important! "Barking" cough small child and difficulty breathing is relieved by inhalation with hormonal drugs. Only such treatment will help avoid stenosis.

A dry cough can occur with cardiac pathologies. In this case, the cardiologist carries out therapy and the symptom disappears. On the recommendation of a doctor, therapeutic exercises may be prescribed. Coughing when exhaling should not be ignored. Any disease found on early stages, can be corrected more successfully.

You can alleviate the condition somewhat by using “grandmother’s” remedies. Their use is possible after approval by the attending physician. For example:

  1. Breast collection. Herbs coltsfoot, oregano and marshmallow root are mixed in equal parts and brew it. The infusion is taken one tablespoon up to 6 times a day. Children are offered a teaspoon. The collection helps cough up and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Milk with goat fat. In villages, children are offered warm milk with the addition of goat fat for coughs. This “medicine” coats the throat, larynx and relieves attacks. Adults can use this recipe for chronic and lingering cough.
  3. Thermopsis. The herbal infusion is offered to the patient one tablespoon 4-5 times a day. It should be noted that thermopsis suppresses the cough reflex. Therefore, tinctures based on it are taken for a lingering smoker’s cough, whooping cough, or a special recommendation from a doctor.

For any coughing that does not improve within three days, you should consult a doctor.

Preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes of coughing when inhaling:

When a cough occurs, you should not try to stop it. The body needs it to get rid of harmful substances. It is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate not the consequences, but the basis that caused it. Only following the doctor's recommendations will help you get rid of of this disease and avoid complications.