Immune failure. Allergy to vitamin B6. Allergy to magnesium and magnesium b6. Is it possible? How to establish a diagnosis and what trial tests are available

Allergies to B vitamins are rare, but create great difficulties, since these biologically active substances play an important role in the functioning of the body and are therefore used to treat many diseases.

Causes of allergy to vitamin B

In most cases, an allergic reaction to B vitamins is associated with an overdose due to excessive consumption of certain foods or improper use of medications. An excess of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is considered the most dangerous, because it stimulates the production of acetylcholine, a substance that is involved in the development of allergies. In addition, a negative reaction to thiamine from the immune system can lead to liver and kidney dysfunction.

Vitamins B6 and B12 cause allergies much less frequently. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of vitamin B12 consumed. It tends to accumulate in the body, since its half-life is approximately 1.5 years. Allergy to vitamin B can occur even when taken in moderate quantities. The following conditions may be the causes:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders (for example, renal or liver failure).

It is worth noting that taking vitamins in tablets or capsules is often accompanied by a deterioration in health. The cause may not be an allergy to vitamin B as such, but a negative reaction to excipients: gelatin, starch, dyes and flavorings.

It has been noticed that an allergic reaction develops several times more often in people who take multivitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes. This is due to the interaction between all components of such drugs. Some experts believe that the absorption of vitamins and minerals from these medications is much poorer, causing unabsorbed compounds to be perceived by the immune system as foreign agents.

Symptoms of vitamin allergy

It is important to be able to distinguish the symptoms of an allergic reaction from signs of an overdose, since treatment for these conditions is carried out differently. All members of the B vitamins have different levels of activity, so the severity of allergies may vary. Symptoms for mild allergies to thiamine, B12 or other types are limited to skin manifestations:

  • redness;
  • itching and burning;
  • rashes in the form of small vesicles and peeling;
  • hives.

If B vitamins were administered intramuscularly, swelling, redness and pain may occur at the injection site.

In more severe cases, an allergy to vitamin B is accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, watery eyes and fever. A particularly severe course is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of angioedema:

  • hoarseness and feeling of suffocation;
  • swelling of the face;
  • swelling and numbness of the limbs;
  • acute abdominal pain;

This condition is life-threatening, so if signs of Quincke's edema appear, you should consult a doctor urgently. In very rare cases, after injection of a vitamin solution, anaphylactic shock develops.

An overdose of vitamin B12 or other members of the B vitamins manifests itself as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • characteristic changes in blood and urine tests.

Often, symptoms of an allergic reaction and overdose occur simultaneously.

Treatment of vitamin allergies

In order for the allergic reaction to stop, you need to stop the entry of the allergen into the body: stop injections or take multivitamin complexes. If such measures are not enough, then it is recommended to follow a special diet with a minimum amount of products containing vitamin B12 or any other representatives of group B. If it is impossible to completely eliminate such products, it is recommended to carry out heat treatment, which contributes to the destruction of the vitamin.

The drug treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor; the choice of drugs, dosages and duration of the course depends on the symptoms. Antihistamines are prescribed for oral administration: Erius, Zirtek, Tavegil, Edem.

If the use of these drugs does not produce a positive effect, treatment with hormonal drugs: Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is indicated. To eliminate skin symptoms of allergy to vitamin B, as well as nasal congestion, ointments with antiallergic components (Fenistil-gel, Gistan) and nasal drops with decongestants (Galazolin, Tizin, Nazol) are used. In case of severe skin reaction, the doctor prescribes an ointment with a hormonal component (Beloderm, Lorinden S).

In order to remove residues of B12 or another allergen from the body, adsorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan) may be prescribed, as well as a cleansing enema may be performed. In case of increased body temperature, infusion therapy (dropper) is indicated. Additional elimination of vitamin B12 is helped by drinking plenty of drinking water and a hypoallergenic diet.

Prevention of allergies to B vitamins

To protect yourself from allergies to vitamin B, it is recommended to follow several rules.

    1. Do not overuse vitamin supplements: more does not mean better. People who lead an active lifestyle, eat a varied diet and feel well, as a rule, do not have an urgent need for the constant use of vitamin-mineral complexes.

  1. When choosing medications, give preference to monovitamins, since multivitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes cause allergies much more often. To find out which substance is deficient, it is enough to do a blood test.
  2. Try to take vitamin medications that contain a minimum amount of excipients. For example, drugs for children are produced in the form of sweet syrups or colored dragees, but they contain many more potential allergens than simple tablets.
  3. Please note that recently manufacturers have been adding B vitamins to skin and hair care products. If you have allergies, cosmetics with such additives can cause contact dermatitis of varying severity.

Vitamin preparations are not as harmless as many people think. Improper use of these drugs can cause harm to the body in the form of allergies or intoxication (this applies to a greater extent to vitamin B12).

The functioning of the body depends on the complete presence of metabolic components throughout life. Vitamins are an essential source of amino acids necessary for the functioning of almost all enzyme systems. If the diet is not balanced, there is a need to use individual vitamins or multivitamin complexes. It is at this moment that a person may notice signs of B vitamins.

Why do allergies to B vitamins occur?

There are many theories about the origin of allergies. In the case of vitamins, this could be:

  • — congenital immunity of the body to the active component of the drug (a very rare complication when the body’s reaction to the vitamin is genetically determined as an antigen);
  • — failure of immune resistance (hypersensitivity of the immune system as a result of frequent diseases in childhood);
  • - diseases of internal organs, for example, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • - malignant neoplasms, leukemia (the child is placed in sterile conditions to avoid infection, which is why the immune system does not distinguish foreign antigens from its own);
  • - harmful living environment, constant contact with chemicals.

How does an allergy to different B vitamins manifest?

Pathological reactions most often occur after the use of thiamine (B1). It ensures the body's energy metabolism and increases the conductivity of impulses along nerve fibers. Hypersensitivity can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from simple urticaria to anaphylactic shock, kidney and liver failure. Increased release of acetylcholine only worsens the situation.

Pyridoxine (B6) affects plastic and energy metabolism and takes part in blood formation. In sensitive people, hemorrhagic manifestations are possible after its use.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) acts as a coenzyme in most enzymatic reactions. The main manifestation will be skin rashes and itching.

Vitamins B2, B3, B7, B9 do not cause specific allergic reactions, but if the body does not perceive them, various manifestations are possible:

  • -itching;
  • -rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • - redness of the skin;
  • -swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • -swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema);
  • -collapse (drop in blood pressure);
  • -dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • -anaphylactic shock.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies to vitamins

If one of the listed symptoms occurs, you should urgently contact. Diagnosing the cause of an allergy is difficult, especially if the patient takes other medications in addition to vitamins, but there are specific test systems that include the most common allergens.

Allergy is a disease of the immune system that is hereditary and manifests itself by the body’s high sensitivity to various substances called “allergens.” These can include anything, but sometimes vitamins are also allergens. Such an allergy can be food, which is explained by eating foods that contain one or another vitamin to which a person has an allergic reaction. There are 2 types of vitamin allergies:

  • Food – resulting from the consumption of vitamins with food. For example, as a result of eating a citrus fruit, an allergy to vitamin C occurs;
  • Contact – occurs when using vitamin-containing creams, ointments or other external agents.

Allergy symptoms

The symptoms of an allergic reaction to vitamins are very similar to those of a food allergy. Which include:

  • Labored breathing;
  • Fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • Runny nose for no reason;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Skin reactions - redness, swelling, blisters, rashes;
  • Sneezing and coughing;
  • Swelling of the lips and larynx;
  • Severe symptoms may appear in the form of asthma attacks and Quincke's edema.

The sinuses, which swell and enlarge due to a rush of blood, first react to allergies. As a result, a person has difficulty breathing, dizziness and severe headaches.

Intestinal manifestations often occur, which may result in diarrhea, nausea, cramping and bloating. Swelling of the soft tissues of the neck and face should be taken seriously. If swelling occurs, you should immediately take an antihistamine and call an ambulance.

Causes of the disease

The cause of an allergy to vitamins may be a hereditary factor, in which the risk of getting sick increases from 20-80%. If a child is often sick in childhood, the immune system malfunctions, which can affect the development of the disease in the future. An important role is played by hygienic living conditions, harmful ecology and exposure to chemicals on the body, as well as diseases of the intestines, liver and nervous system.

The following reasons provoke the occurrence of the disease:

  • Allergy to vitamin C - manifests itself as a result of a deficiency in the body of the enzyme - glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • Reaction to vitamin D - occurs when an overdose of this substance;
  • Allergies to B vitamins and vitamin E also occur as a result of an overdose.

Of the above vitamins, the most dangerous is B1. After taking it in excess, disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver may occur.

Doctors have noted that allergies mainly occur as a result of taking multivitamin complexes.

With a high concentration of vitamins, the occurrence of pseudo-allergic reactions is possible. The disease can also occur due to the consumption of complex vitamins, which include copper, iron and metal salts, as well as sweeteners, flavors and food colorings. Therefore, the choice of an effective and safe multivitamin complex comes first for people prone to the disease.

Allergic reaction to vitamins

Vitamin E

An allergy to vitamin E often manifests itself as contact dermatitis, which spreads to areas of the skin that came into contact with the allergen. Symptoms are characterized by redness of the skin with the subsequent formation of blisters filled with a clear or yellowish liquid. Areas of skin that did not come into contact with element E remain undamaged.

When taking element E orally, intestinal upset may occur, which happens in rare cases, since in general it is harmless and is prescribed even to infants.

Vitamin C

An allergy to vitamin C manifests itself immediately after its penetration into the body in any way: with food, intravenously or intramuscularly, in the form of drugs. A reaction to vitamin C may manifest itself as:

  • Swelling;
  • Itching;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Tingling;
  • Intestinal upset, even up to anaphylactic shock.

People with an allergy to vitamin C should be careful when taking medications, study the instructions, and also adhere to a diet.

Vitamin D

An allergy to vitamin D is quite rare, since the human body produces it itself as a result of exposure to sunlight on the skin. The body needs this element, especially for infants, to prevent rickets. They are prescribed the drug D3, from 1 month of life, 1 drop per day.

After taking D3 in a dose greater than prescribed, severe allergic reactions may occur. Vitamin D3 takes part in the construction of bone tissue, so you cannot completely abandon it, but you need to consult a doctor about the dose of its intake. Typically, an allergy to vitamin D occurs after excessive consumption of foods containing it, which include:

  • Milk products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Fish roe;
  • Parsley and others;

Symptoms appear as:

  • Khripov;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Chest pain;
  • Itching in the ears, eyes;
  • Sensation of a dense lump in the lungs.

Sometimes skin redness, rashes and eczema may appear. Treatment in this case must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since this element significantly affects the full functioning of the entire body.

B vitamins

Allergies to B vitamins are quite common. Group b includes a lot of elements, but the following are most prone to developing allergies:

  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin).

These elements are important components in the life of the body. The most dangerous of this group is B1. The role of element B1 in the body is to release energy from food. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to drug B1 are caused by malfunctions of the kidneys and liver. Drug B1 also activates the effects of acetylcholine, which increases allergy symptoms.

An allergy to vitamin B6 occurs as a result of an overdose of the drug or with large consumption of products containing B6, in combination with this vitamin. Element B6 is especially high in walnuts, citrus fruits, vegetables, grain sprouts, strawberries and bananas. Symptoms of an allergy to B6 manifest themselves in the form of hives and severe itching, tingling in the extremities with possible loss of sensitivity. As a result of an overdose, blood circulation is also impaired.

Drug B6 is necessary for the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system, and it also takes part in the synthesis of protein, hemoglobin, enzymes, catecholamines, and many others. Due to its many functions in the body, B6 is an essential element for humans. To avoid allergic reactions to B6, you need to control your diet, avoiding an overdose of the drug.

An allergy to the element B12 occurs, as in the case of B6, as a result of an overdose. Vitamin B12 plays a major role in the regulation of the hematopoietic organs. Mental and cognitive abilities depend on it, so this element B12 is needed by school-age children. But its consumption should not exceed the norm, no matter what provokes an allergy.

In case of an overdose of B12, an allergy may occur, the symptoms of which are itching and redness of the skin.

What is the best way to take vitamins if you have allergies?

The disease can occur both after taking a large dose of vitamins and after a small one. Some drugs provoke disease when used in combination, although each vitamin individually does not pose a threat to the body. In this case, it is better to take the vitamins separately.

The use of vitamins by children should be under the supervision of a doctor. In case of the slightest reaction to the drugs, you should immediately stop taking them.

This type of reaction is classified as a food allergy and affects both adults and children.

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds, many of which are not synthesized in the human body or are produced in minute quantities. However, these substances are vital for normal human life, and he receives them from the outside with food. There are also vitamins in the form of pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements. In addition, cosmetic products also contain components of these beneficial substances, to which the body can respond with an allergic reaction.

Causes of allergies

People prone to allergies should approach the use of vitamin preparations and complexes with caution, since the body’s reaction to them can be very unexpected.

Allergies happen:

  1. Food – the irritant enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract with food, vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements.
  2. Contact – sensitization occurs when using cosmetics and topical pharmacological preparations containing an allergen.

An allergic reaction can be triggered by the vitamin molecules themselves, which the body perceives as foreign. In this case, even a small amount of allergen entering the body can lead to sensitization.

An allergic response of the body to vitamins can also be caused by an overdose or insufficient production of the necessary enzymes to break down their molecules.

Often, an allergy that occurs to pharmaceutical drugs may be a consequence of the body’s response not to the vitamin, but to additional components (thickener, coloring agent, flavoring).

Catalysts for an allergic reaction can be emotional and physical overload, hormonal fluctuations, the effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes on the body. The situation is aggravated by the unfavorable environmental situation.

Signs of an allergic reaction

Manifestations of reactions to vitamins are similar to food allergies. Cases of angioedema and anaphylactic shock cannot be excluded. In people with a hereditary predisposition to allergies, a reaction to vitamins can be observed from childhood.

Allergies to B vitamins are the most common.

It may manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • skin phenomena - hyperemia, rashes such as eczema or urticaria, accompanied by severe itching;
  • swelling of the epidermis and mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, larynx;
  • allergic runny nose, sinus congestion, lacrimation, headaches;
  • intestinal disorders, abdominal cramps, flatulence, nausea.

All B vitamins have different biological activities, so symptoms may vary in severity. The most dangerous reaction is to vitamin B1 (thiamine), since an excess of acetylcholine can lead to fatty liver and kidney failure, as well as cause anaphylactic shock.

A reaction to vitamin B 6 is rare, but in case of an overdose, circulatory problems may occur. An allergy to vitamin B 12 can manifest itself in the form of skin rashes, hives, accompanied by itching.

When administered intravenously, an allergy to vitamin B appears immediately and is expressed by redness and swelling at the injection site, burning and pain.

A reaction to vitamin E (tocopherol) occurs in rare exceptions, and occurs due to an overdose. In such cases, when taken orally, digestive upset may occur. If a contact allergy to vitamin E occurs, its symptoms manifest themselves as redness of the epidermis and rashes in the form of papules with yellowish contents.

An allergic reaction to vitamin C can occur instantly after it enters the body. The reason is a deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase for the breakdown of this substance.

  1. Skin rashes in the form of nodules or blisters, redness and swelling of the skin, accompanied by severe itching.
  2. Allergic rhinitis – discharge from the nasal passages, congestion.
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis - lacrimation, redness of the sclera, burning sensation.
  4. Swelling of the face and neck, mucous membranes of the nose, lips, tongue.
  5. Wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing.

Typically, the symptoms of an allergy to ascorbic acid are of moderate severity.

An overdose of this substance also leads to intestinal disorders, nausea and vomiting. In addition, an excess of retinol in the body disrupts blood clotting.


If symptoms of an allergic reaction occur, you must contact the clinic to determine the cause that caused the negative response of the body.

Once the allergen has been identified, contact with it should be avoided:

  • adhere to a special diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • carefully study the composition of finished products that may be enriched with any vitamins;
  • do not use dietary supplements and vitamin complexes without consulting a doctor;
  • inform your doctor about your allergy before prescribing any treatment.

In addition, you should remember that some cosmetics may also contain vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions describing their composition.

Development of allergies to B vitamins

Allergies to B vitamins are rare, but create great difficulties, since these biologically active substances play an important role in the functioning of the body and are therefore used to treat many diseases.

Causes of allergy to vitamin B

In most cases, an allergic reaction to B vitamins is associated with an overdose due to excessive consumption of certain foods or improper use of medications. An excess of vitamin B1 (thiamine) is considered the most dangerous, because it stimulates the production of acetylcholine, a substance that is involved in the development of allergies. In addition, a negative reaction to thiamine from the immune system can lead to liver and kidney dysfunction.

Vitamins B6 and B12 cause allergies much less frequently. Particular attention should be paid to the amount of vitamin B12 consumed. It tends to accumulate in the body, since its half-life is approximately 1.5 years. Allergy to vitamin B can occur even when taken in moderate quantities. The following conditions may be the causes:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders (for example, renal or liver failure).

It is worth noting that taking vitamins in tablets or capsules is often accompanied by a deterioration in health. The cause may not be an allergy to vitamin B as such, but a negative reaction to excipients: gelatin, starch, dyes and flavorings.

It has been noticed that an allergic reaction develops several times more often in people who take multivitamin or vitamin-mineral complexes. This is due to the interaction between all components of such drugs. Some experts believe that the absorption of vitamins and minerals from these medications is much poorer, causing unabsorbed compounds to be perceived by the immune system as foreign agents.

Symptoms of vitamin allergy

It is important to be able to distinguish the symptoms of an allergic reaction from signs of an overdose, since treatment for these conditions is carried out differently. All members of the B vitamins have different levels of activity, so the severity of allergies may vary. Symptoms for mild allergies to thiamine, B12 or other types are limited to skin manifestations:

  • redness;
  • itching and burning;
  • rashes in the form of small vesicles and peeling;
  • hives.

If B vitamins were administered intramuscularly, swelling, redness and pain may occur at the injection site.

In more severe cases, an allergy to vitamin B is accompanied by nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, watery eyes and fever. A particularly severe course is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of angioedema:

  • hoarseness and feeling of suffocation;
  • swelling of the face;
  • swelling and numbness of the limbs;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

This condition is life-threatening, so if signs of Quincke's edema appear, you should consult a doctor urgently. In very rare cases, after injection of a vitamin solution, anaphylactic shock develops.

An overdose of vitamin B12 or other members of the B vitamins manifests itself as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • characteristic changes in blood and urine tests.

Often, symptoms of an allergic reaction and overdose occur simultaneously.

Treatment of vitamin allergies

In order for the allergic reaction to stop, you need to stop the entry of the allergen into the body: stop injections or take multivitamin complexes. If such measures are not enough, then it is recommended to follow a special diet with a minimum amount of products containing vitamin B12 or any other representatives of group B. If it is impossible to completely eliminate such products, it is recommended to carry out heat treatment, which contributes to the destruction of the vitamin.

The drug treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor; the choice of drugs, dosages and duration of the course depends on the symptoms. Antihistamines are prescribed for oral administration: Erius, Zirtek, Tavegil, Edem.

If the use of these drugs does not produce a positive effect, treatment with hormonal drugs: Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is indicated. To eliminate skin symptoms of allergy to vitamin B, as well as nasal congestion, ointments with antiallergic components (Fenistil-gel, Gistan) and nasal drops with decongestants (Galazolin, Tizin, Nazol) are used. In case of severe skin reaction, the doctor prescribes an ointment with a hormonal component (Beloderm, Lorinden S).

In order to remove residues of B12 or another allergen from the body, adsorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan) may be prescribed, as well as a cleansing enema may be performed. In case of increased body temperature, infusion therapy (dropper) is indicated. Additional elimination of vitamin B12 is helped by drinking plenty of drinking water and a hypoallergenic diet.

Prevention of allergies to B vitamins

To protect yourself from allergies to vitamin B, it is recommended to follow several rules.

    1. Do not overuse vitamin supplements: more does not mean better. People who lead an active lifestyle, eat a varied diet and feel well, as a rule, do not have an urgent need for the constant use of vitamin-mineral complexes.
  1. When choosing medications, give preference to monovitamins, since multivitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes cause allergies much more often. To find out which substance is deficient, it is enough to do a blood test.
  2. Try to take vitamin medications that contain a minimum amount of excipients. For example, drugs for children are produced in the form of sweet syrups or colored dragees, but they contain many more potential allergens than simple tablets.
  3. Please note that recently manufacturers have been adding B vitamins to skin and hair care products. If you have allergies, cosmetics with such additives can cause contact dermatitis of varying severity.

Vitamin preparations are not as harmless as many people think. Improper use of these drugs can cause harm to the body in the form of allergies or intoxication (this applies to a greater extent to vitamin B12).

If taking multivitamin complexes caused an allergic reaction, additional research is necessary. They will help to accurately determine which representative of group B acted as an allergen. For this purpose, skin tests are carried out: drop, scarification and intradermal, as well as a blood test for immunoglobulins. Based on such tests, the doctor will be able to select the most appropriate diet and drug therapy regimen.

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Allergy to vitamin B6 symptoms

Allergy to vitamins

Allergy is considered a disease that manifests itself in the body’s high sensitivity to certain components, including vitamins. There are two types of allergies.

The first is food, which occurs when vitamins are consumed in food.

The second is contact, which appears when using creams, ointments or other means of external influence.

Manifestations of allergic reactions to vitamin-containing foods have been known since ancient Greece, when the famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, the father and progenitor of modern medicine, noticed that some people experienced eating disorders and skin rashes after eating certain types of foods.

How does an allergic reaction occur?

Allergic reactions to vitamins can occur from infancy, when, entering the body with mother's milk or additional nutrition, they cause an ambiguous protest from the entire immune system.

This happens because the immune system mistakenly classifies them as dangerous substances and, in defense, begins to produce antibodies.

With an increased accumulation of antibodies in the muscles, free histamine is formed, which provokes allergic symptoms in the body in the form of swelling of the surrounding soft tissues, spasm of smooth muscles, increased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure.

An allergic reaction can be triggered by both a small dose of a vitamin irritant taken and an overdose.

Some vitamin preparations cause allergies when taken in combination, although each vitamin itself does not pose any threat to the body. In such a situation, it is better to switch to taking vitamins separately, avoiding a large number of items at one time.

For young children, taking vitamin supplements and mixtures should be under the strict supervision of a doctor and, at the slightest allergic reaction, should be stopped immediately.

How to recognize allergies

Symptoms of a vitamin allergy include:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • asymptomatic runny nose;
  • headache;
  • sudden fatigue;
  • labored breathing.

The first to react to an allergy are the nasal sinuses, which begin to swell from an increase in blood flow, preventing a person from breathing freely. As a result, severe headaches and dizziness occur.

An allergic reaction of the intestines to irritants is possible; it manifests itself in the occurrence of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and cramping.

Skin rashes often occur - eczema, hives and redness.

You should take swelling of the soft tissues in the face and neck very seriously; when the first symptoms appear, immediately take an antihistamine and call an ambulance.

Different vitamins - different allergies

If you are allergic to vitamin E, the body often reacts in the form of contact dermatitis, spreading to those areas of the skin that were in direct contact with this substance. It is expressed in redness of an area of ​​the skin, followed by the formation of blisters filled with a clear or yellowish liquid.

Those areas of the skin that have not been in contact with the vitamin remain clean and undamaged. When taken orally, it can cause minor intestinal disorders, but it is generally harmless and is prescribed even to infants.

Signs of a disease such as an allergy to vitamin C develop immediately after it enters the body in the form of tablets with a concentrated dose, intramuscularly or intravenously.

The reaction to it can be very diverse and manifest itself in the form of itching, swelling, tingling, skin redness, intestinal upset, even anaphylactic shock.

People with this disease should be attentive to the medications they take, carefully study the instructions, and adhere to a vitamin diet.

The occurrence of an allergy to vitamin D is very rare, because the body itself synthesizes it during exposure to the sun on human skin, and it is also found in excess in foods such as parsley, fish caviar, eggs, mushrooms, and dairy products.

Typically, allergic reactions appear after ingesting an excess amount of products containing this substance, and are manifested primarily in difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest pain, and a feeling of a dense lump in the lungs. Itching may also occur in unusual places, such as the eyes and ears.

In rare cases, the reaction may include skin redness, rashes, and eczema. Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, due to the great influence of this vitamin preparation on the healthy existence and full functioning of the human body.

Allergies to B vitamins often occur. This group includes folic acid, thiamine, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid and others.

These are important components of life that are actively involved in the cellular metabolism of the human body; they are closely interconnected with each other, therefore they must be supplied to the body in a comprehensive manner.

The active components of this group come with food, and since they are not stored in reserve, but are consumed immediately, the need for their replenishment arises constantly.

The main and dangerous allergen from this group is vitamin B1 or thiamine. Its role in the body is determined by the release of energy from food.

An allergic reaction to it is a malfunction of the kidneys and liver.

It also activates the action of acetylcholine, which increases allergy symptoms. Very rarely, but still there is a reaction to vitamins B 6 and B 12. With an overdose of B 6, the blood circulation process is disrupted, and with B12, skin redness appears.


The causes can be very different, but in general terms they come down to several categories:

  1. Heredity - the probability of getting this disease by inheritance from parents ranges from 20 to 80 percent;
  2. A child often gets sick in childhood, which leads to malfunctions of the immune system;
  3. Sterile living conditions, when the immune system is not “hardened by the fight” against harmful microorganisms encountered in everyday life;
  4. Harmful environment and chemicals used in domestic conditions;
  5. Serious diseases of internal organs, for example, intestines, nervous system, liver.

Considering the vital need for vitamins of various groups in the normal functioning of the human body, allergic reactions that occur are a big problem. In any case, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment in the early stages of its detection.

Modern medicine offers a range of effective medications and physiotherapeutic procedures, which allows you to minimize the manifestations of the disease and gives you the opportunity to enjoy a full life.

Allergy to vitamins

Vitamins are substances that are always near you. They are present in all food products, many doctors like to prescribe them, and people often buy them in pharmacies themselves, without even consulting doctors. But we must remember that vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies are still medicines, and they should not be used uncontrollably. Like all drugs, they have certain contraindications. In addition, allergies to vitamins often develop. Moreover, sometimes it is very difficult to understand what exactly provoked the allergic reaction.


Allergies to vitamins occur mainly in young children. Refers to food allergies. There are also cases of contact intolerance reaction. Caused by vitamins contained in food, cosmetics, hygiene products and medications.

Absolutely any substance can lead to allergies. Most often, a reaction develops to the following vitamins: C (ascorbic acid), D (calciferol) and E (tocopherol).

Development mechanism

In response to the entry of a foreign agent into the human body, antibodies appear, represented by immunoglobulins J and M. Upon repeated contact with the allergen, they together form complexes that circulate freely in the blood.

These formations are quite large in size, so they get stuck in the capillaries, where inflammatory substances begin to be released in response: kinins, serotonin and others. Under their influence, local swelling of the skin, redness and itching occurs.

Symptoms of an allergy to vitamins

Signs of intolerance to a particular vitamin usually develop within 30 minutes or 2-3 hours after taking it, sometimes even after 1-2 days.

The most typical symptoms are skin rashes of varying intensity. The rash is most often located on the face in the cheek area, and can spread to the stomach or back. Skin rashes resemble hives. They may be few in number, or they may be present in large numbers, sometimes merging. There is always severe itching.

These signs may be accompanied by general weakness and malaise, headache. The functioning of the digestive tract may also be disrupted, leading to nausea, flatulence, vomiting, and colic.

Symptoms such as runny nose, swelling of the face and shortness of breath occur extremely rarely. They are not typical for vitamin allergies in adults.

Features of allergies to vitamins in children

In infants, signs of intolerance include persistent diaper rash, reddened dry skin of the cheeks, frequent regurgitation, and causeless diarrhea. Skin changes appear as a rash on the face or throughout the body, reminiscent of hives or eczema.

An allergy can also occur in a baby who eats only mother's milk if she has taken a vitamin. A prolonged runny nose that cannot be treated with antibiotics should also alert the doctor.

The most allergenic vitamins

Ascorbic acid causes allergies most often. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits.

Signs of intolerance appear, as a rule, after exceeding the recommended daily doses (500 mg in adults and in children). They manifest themselves in the form of urticaria, less often eczema. Accompanied by itching. Babies have abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea.

Excess of its content in the body causes various disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. This is the whole spectrum of dyspeptic disorders.

Contact allergy to tocopherol can also occur, causing dermatitis with blistering and small sores on red, flaky skin.

The reaction to calciferol most often manifests itself as respiratory distress. There is a feeling of lack of oxygen, the patient begins to choke and wheeze. An attack of suffocation develops.

It is also difficult to breathe through the nose, and clear mucus is released from it. Swelling of the eyelids and itching in the eyes appear.


With allergies, a high level of eosinophils is found in the blood. To identify a substance that the body cannot tolerate, the most effective and fastest method is skin testing.

Treatment of allergies to vitamins

First of all, you need to prevent all possible ways of getting a particular vitamin: do not take medications containing it, exclude foods rich in it, do not use cosmetics that contain this vitamin.

The use of medications begins when there is a rash. Antihistamines are used - antiallergic drugs. Currently, the most effective are the third generation drugs - cetirizine, Erius.

If hives cover the entire body, then allergy medications are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Suprastin and tavegil are used. Detoxification is also included: the introduction of solutions to speed up the process of removing foreign agents from the patient’s blood.

When shortness of breath occurs or swelling appears on the face, prompt action is necessary. We need to call an ambulance. Typically, injections of antihistamines and glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone or dexamethasone) are required. Further treatment is carried out according to the scheme described above.

The prognosis with timely therapy is favorable, there are no consequences. However, in the future, sometimes throughout life, you need to be very careful and attentive when taking appropriate vitamin preparations and eating foods rich in one or another vitamin. It may be necessary to completely eliminate their use.

Allergy to B vitamins

Pathological reactions most often occur after the use of thiamine (B1). It ensures the body's energy metabolism and increases the conductivity of impulses along nerve fibers. Hypersensitivity can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from simple urticaria to anaphylactic shock, kidney and liver failure. Increased release of acetylcholine only worsens the situation.

  • -itching;
  • - redness of the skin;
  • -swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • -swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema);
  • -anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to B vitamins

The functioning of the body depends on the complete presence of metabolic components throughout life. Vitamins are an essential source of amino acids necessary for the functioning of almost all enzyme systems. If the diet is not balanced, there is a need to use individual vitamins or multivitamin complexes. It is at this point that a person may notice signs of an allergy to B vitamins.

Why do allergies to B vitamins occur?

There are many theories about the origin of allergies. In the case of vitamins, this could be:

  • - congenital immunity of the body to the active component of the drug (a very rare complication when the body’s reaction to the vitamin as an antigen is genetically determined);
  • - failure of immune resistance (hypersensitivity of the immune system as a result of frequent diseases in childhood);
  • - diseases of internal organs, for example, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • - malignant neoplasms, leukemia (the child is placed in sterile conditions to avoid infection, which is why the immune system does not distinguish foreign antigens from its own);
  • - harmful living environment, constant contact with chemicals.

How does an allergy to different B vitamins manifest?

Pathological reactions most often occur after the use of thiamine (B1). It ensures the body's energy metabolism and increases the conductivity of impulses along nerve fibers. Hypersensitivity can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from simple urticaria to anaphylactic shock, kidney and liver failure. Increased release of acetylcholine only worsens the situation.

Pyridoxine (B6) affects plastic and energy metabolism and takes part in blood formation. In sensitive people, hemorrhagic manifestations are possible after its use.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) acts as a coenzyme in most enzymatic reactions. The main allergic manifestation will be skin rashes and itching.

Vitamins B2, B3, B7, B9 do not cause specific allergic reactions, but if the body does not perceive them, various manifestations are possible:

  • -itching;
  • -rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • - redness of the skin;
  • -swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • -swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema);
  • -collapse (drop in blood pressure);
  • -dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • -anaphylactic shock.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergies to vitamins

If one of the listed symptoms occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diagnosing the cause of an allergy is difficult, especially if the patient takes other medications in addition to vitamins, but there are specific test systems that include the most common allergens.

Treatment begins with discontinuation of the vitamin drug that caused the reaction. Antihistamines will reduce allergy symptoms. In severe cases, the doctor may give a hormone injection. To completely get rid of allergies, an immunologist can carry out specific hyposensitization against each antigen.

In modern society, the problem of vitamin deficiency is very relevant. Poor nutrition, stress, unhealthy lifestyle - all this affects human health.

To solve this problem, many people resort to using vitamin complexes, which normalize the level of nutrients in the body. But, unfortunately, many people have an allergic reaction to synthetic vitamins. Vitamin B6 can also trigger the development of unpleasant symptoms.

A drug allergy is a reaction of the immune system to medications taken. Any medicine sold without a prescription can cause a negative reaction. However, some medications cause it more often than others. Such medications include Antibiotics, Aspirin, anticonvulsants, monoclonal antibodies

The most common signs of an allergic reaction to medications include a rash or fever. Serious consequences of allergies include anaphylactic shock, which is fatal in 20% of cases.

It is worth noting that a drug allergy is not the same as a side effect from a drug, which is indicated in the annotation. Also, this allergic reaction is not poisoning caused by an overdose.

Signs of a serious drug allergy often appear within the first 60 minutes after taking the drug. Other reactions, in particular rashes, may make themselves felt only after a week.

Allergy symptoms:

  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • fever;
  • swelling;
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing;
  • runny nose;
  • itchy, watery eyes.


Vitamins are organic compounds with low molecular weight, most of which the body is not able to reproduce on its own in the required sizes.

These vitamins are vital for the healthy functioning of the human body, so we must obtain sufficient amounts of the vitamin from the outside - through food or dietary supplements.


An allergic reaction to vitamin B6 is rare, but when it occurs, it can have serious consequences for the health of the allergic person. When using these vitamins, special attention should be paid to the dosage of the drug, since B vitamins tend to be deposited in the body, as they are completely eliminated only after 18 months.

Causes of allergies:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • weak immune system;
  • liver diseases.

It is also worth saying that in some cases, an allergy to drugs containing vitamin B6 is caused not by the vitamin itself, but by the additives that the product contains.

Interesting! It has been established that allergies to vitamin B6 often appear in patients who use vitamin complexes. This is due to the interactions of all components of such medications.

Many experts are confident that the absorption of vitamins and minerals from such preparations is somewhat worse, which is why the immune system perceives undigested components as antigenic bodies.

How it manifests itself

Allergy symptoms vary depending on the individual. The most common allergic reaction is a rash. It may appear within 2 weeks after starting the drug.

In acute cases, symptoms appear several hours after taking the medicine and include rash, hives, or itching. However, in difficult cases, the signs of the disease can become even more aggressive. These include swelling of the nasal mucosa, rapid heartbeat, hypotension, difficulty breathing, facial swelling, and loss of balance.

This type of reaction is called anaphylactic shock and poses a real danger to the patient’s health. If no action is taken, it can be fatal within minutes.

In exceptional cases, the rarest type of allergy occurs, called serum allergy. The disease begins to manifest itself within a couple of days, and in some cases, a couple of weeks after starting to take a drug that has never previously entered the body.

Symptoms of serum sickness include rash, hives, fever and joint pain. In rare situations, this type of allergic reaction can destroy red blood cells. This is called hemolytic anemia.


If you notice allergy symptoms, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis in a timely manner. Some studies have shown that many patients are mistaken when they say they are allergic to certain medications. This is because allergy symptoms can easily be confused with overdose symptoms.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you first need to contact a qualified specialist. The doctor will perform a physical examination and ask some questions. Your allergist may suggest the following tests:

  1. Skin testing. The allergist injects a small amount of the suspected drug under the skin with a needle. A positive reaction causes itching, burning, and redness.
  2. Blood analysis. This analysis is intended to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms.

Drug treatment

If signs of an allergic reaction are detected, it is first necessary to prevent the irritant from entering the body, that is, you need to stop taking medications and performing intramuscular injections.

If these actions are not enough, then you need to adhere to a diet that excludes from the diet all foods high in vitamin B6. If it is not possible to adhere to this diet, then it is necessary to heat treat all foods with a large amount of vitamins.

Therapy using medications can only be prescribed by a specialist, this is explained by the fact that the choice of medications, dosages and duration of treatment for each individual case is individual.

Antihistamines are prescribed for oral administration. If treatment with these medications does not give the desired result, then hormonal medications are prescribed. To eliminate skin symptoms of the disease, ointments are used that contain antiallergic components, as well as nasal drops with decongestants. In especially severe cases, a specialist may prescribe ointments with hormonal components.

In order to completely cleanse the body of vitamin B6, sorbents or a cleansing enema may be prescribed.

Folk remedies

In the modern world, there are a huge variety of anti-allergy medications, but do not forget about time-tested folk remedies.

Decoction from a collection of medicinal plants


  • viburnum inflorescence – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • wheatgrass root - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • string - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • licorice root – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour 2 tbsp. boiling water
  2. Leave to infuse for 2 hours.
  3. Cool the finished broth and strain.

The product should be taken twice a day, 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach until complete recovery.

Raspberry root decoction

To prepare the product, pour 50 g of raspberry root with water and place on low heat. Boil the mixture for half an hour, then cool and strain. Take the decoction three times a day, 2 tbsp. until complete recovery.


Taking medications can lead to allergic dermatitis, angioedema, urticaria, and anaphylactic shock. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to identify the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug before starting to take the medicine.


If you suffer from drug allergies, the best prevention is to avoid problematic medications. Some tips to use to protect yourself from dangerous consequences:

  1. Tell healthcare professionals about your allergies. Make sure your allergic reaction to the drug is clearly defined in your medical record. Tell other professionals, such as your dentist, about the illness.
  2. Use a bracelet. Wear a medical alert bracelet that identifies your drug allergy. This information can ensure that you receive treatment that will not harm your health in the event of an emergency.

Useful video - harm of drugs

Video about the dangers of taking vitamins.


Vitamin B6 is important for our body, but this beneficial substance can also provoke unpleasant and sometimes dangerous symptoms. If you know you have an allergy, tell your doctors about it so that it can be recorded in your medical record. In case of exacerbation of the disease, follow all the recommendations of the allergist.

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