Platelets are low in an adult: what does this mean? Low level of platelets in the blood: what is the danger of the condition?

Platelets are small cells that are part of the blood, represented by plates ranging in size from 2 to 4 microns, without color and nuclei.

The cells are produced in the red bone marrow, from where they are released into the circulatory system.

The main role of platelets is to regulate the process of blood clotting and maintain it in a liquid state. Cells also “react” to bleeding that has developed in the human body and eliminate it, forming a blood clot. Normal platelet count - important condition maintaining human health. Any deviations (increased or decreased) may entail serious complications

and cause enormous harm to the body.


Normal in children

Normal for men and women

Normal for pregnant womentrimester of pregnancy
norm (x10 9 / l)150-340
I trimester150-330
II trimester140-320

III trimester

Decreased level and its causes

A condition in which the level of platelet concentration is less than 160x10 9 / l of blood (in an adult) is called thrombocytopenia.

What does low platelet count mean?

(severe thrombocytopenia) is a condition in which the concentration of platelets in the blood is below 20x10 9 /l. A pronounced decrease in platelets in a patient is accompanied by the development of spontaneous bleeding, both external and internal.

Severe thrombocytopenia is a reason for emergency hospitalization of the patient.

Causes of low platelet levels

Only a doctor can determine how low the platelets are and what this means!

There are 3 main reasons low platelets:

  • Red bone marrow dysfunction (red Bone marrow does not produce required amount platelets);
  • Active production of antibodies that destroy platelets;
  • Dysfunction and changes in the spleen.

The causes of moderately low platelets are:

  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages, chronic alcoholism . Alcohol inhibits the functioning of red bone marrow, leading to a deficiency in the body folic acid necessary for hematopoiesis. With alcoholism, platelets in the blood are reduced to 80x10 9 /l, as evidenced by the cyanosis of the body;
  • Pregnancy. Small amount platelets in pregnant women are observed due to restructuring hormonal levels, blood thinning, vitamin deficiency, etc.;
  • Liver pathologies. The liver is an organ in which the synthesis of certain substances involved in the process of blood clotting occurs. A decrease in their production due to some liver diseases leads to increased bleeding and consumption of large numbers of platelets;
  • Use of certain medications. The development of stage I thrombocytopenia is possible when taking diuretics, antibacterials, antitumor drugs, analgin, heparin, nitroglycerin, reserpine and vitamin K;
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC syndrome). A condition that develops with various kinds pathologies and characterized by rapid blood clotting in small vessels with the formation of blood clots in them, for which it is spent big number platelets;
  • Heart failure. In heart failure, the blood supply to organs by the heart is disrupted, which leads to stagnation of blood in the spleen. Also, platelet consumption occurs as a result of thrombus formation in the vessels.
  • Radiation therapy. During therapy tumor diseases radiation is used, which, in addition to destroying cancer cells, can damage the red bone marrow, which leads to inevitable disruptions in the production of platelets and other blood cells;

The reason for the decrease in platelets to the stage of moderate thrombocytopenia may lie in autoimmune diseases.

A low platelet level to the point of severe thrombocytopenia can be caused by:

  • Acute leukemia. In leukemia, bone red marrow produces cancer cells, which displace physiological hematopoietic tissue, which affects the formation of platelets and red blood cells;
  • Hemolytic disease of the child, the development of which is associated with incompatibility of maternal blood with fetal blood according to the group and Rh factor;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Severe form of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Reduced platelets in the blood to critical levels are characteristic of:

  • Acute radiation sickness;
  • Overdose of antitumor drugs;
  • Severe forms of leukemia.


Symptoms of a condition in which the platelet count in the blood is lower than normal are often mild. The reduction in platelet tests depends on the specific disease or condition.

However, there are characteristic features, which should become a reason to apply for medical care, such as:

  • The appearance of ecchymosis (bruise) in the skin without visible reasons;
  • Purpura (small subcutaneous effusions of blood in the form of spots);
  • Prolonged bleeding even from minor wounds;
  • Frequent nose and gum bleeding;
  • The appearance of red spots (petechiae) on the skin;
  • Bleeding in the mouth;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Long-lasting, heavy menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding (in women).


In order to determine the causes of low platelet levels and understand why low performance in the analysis, it is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic measures:

  • Genetic tests;
  • Antibody test;
  • Ultrasound; radiography;
  • Endoscopy.


A low platelet count is often a symptom of a serious disease, so cases of its detection require the mandatory elimination of underlying diseases.
Urgent help the patient needs it in cases of bleeding due to thrombocytopenia. The main goal of therapy is to prevent extensive blood loss.

A person is advised to administer hemostatic drugs, such as:

  • Etamsylate;
  • Vikasol;
  • Aminocaproic acid;
  • They also resort to platelet transfusion from a donor.

After the patient's condition has stabilized, necessary examination and planned treatment.
When treating low platelet levels in autoimmune diseases, therapy is carried out with glucocorticosteroids, such as Cortinef, Methylprednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.

If platelets are destroyed by the spleen, then there is a need for organ resection. If platelets are still low after removal of the spleen, chemotherapy is indicated.

To stimulate platelet synthesis, folic acid, vitamin B12, thrombopoietin Revolade, and biostimulants are used.

Sometimes the platelet concentration can be reduced by general therapeutic measures:

  • Discontinuation of medications that could cause a decrease in platelet concentrations;
  • Balanced diet, rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • Treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Quitting the use of tobacco and alcohol;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • Taking vitamin preparations.


Complications reduced content platelets in the blood can be dangerous and even fatal to humans. People whose blood has few platelets may experience bleeding in internal organs, hemorrhages in the eyes with subsequent loss of vision, large blood loss, and cerebral hemorrhage, which often result in the death of the patient.

Video - why platelet levels drop

According to the data latest research, a low level of platelets in the blood is a common pathogenic condition that up to two percent of the planet’s population has encountered at least once (7.6 billion people as of 2018).

Specific, inherent in the problem of bleeding, in in this case occur quite often and are almost always accompanied hematological diseases(hematology is a branch of medicine that studies blood, hematopoietic organs and blood diseases), sometimes acting as a separate independent disease with Werlhof's disease (link to Wikipedia) or thrombocytopenic purpura (deficiency of red blood platelets - platelets).

To the main external symptoms a decreased level of platelets in the blood can be attributed to a significant increase in the time required to stop any bleeding: in addition, the patient begins to experience periodic processes of blood release from the mucous membranes oral cavity and nose, bruises spontaneously appear in any part of the body.

Possible consequences of low platelets

Despite mild symptoms (a generalized name for the symptoms of the disease), which in most patients may not appear at all, in some cases, a low platelet level causes serious consequences for the body.

  1. Bleeding of internal organs.
  2. Large blood loss after serious injuries.
  3. Retinal hemorrhages and loss of vision.
  4. Brain hemorrhages and death.

If you are diagnosed with a low platelet level ranging from twenty to fifty*10^9 units/liter of blood, you will need to ambulatory treatment. A drop in platelet level to 19*10^9 units/liter or lower is a signal for immediate hospitalization.

Possible reasons

Causes of low platelets in a newborn

Let us remind you that the normal level of platelets in the blood of newborns is the range from one hundred to 420*10^9 units/liter. Indicators below normal indicate thrombocytopenia.

This problem often occurs in newborns. Statistics show that about three-quarters of babies who weigh too little at birth (the so-called extremely low birth weight) also have a low platelet level. Up to 35 percent of all young patients who were forced to undergo intensive therapy according to indications suffer from thrombocytopenia.

On average, two cases with the above-described condition are diagnosed per ten thousand healthy newborns. The mortality rate here is estimated at 13-15 percent.

The most common reasons:

  1. Incompatibility of blood groups, transfer of antibodies from mother to child (isoimmune problem).
  2. Transplacental transmission of the problem from the mother, large red systemic lupus or idiopathic thrombocytopenia (transimmune problem)
  3. Increased output antibodies to normal blood platelets or under the influence of an antigen or a virus (autoimmune or heteroimmune problem, respectively).
  4. Prematurity/postmaturity.
  5. Asphyxia.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Immune deficiency diseases or infectious nature.
  8. Hemoblistoses.
  9. Hemangiomas.

Causes of occurrence in a child

The normal platelet count in a child’s blood is 180 to 320*10^9 units per liter of fluid.

Possible causes of low platelet levels in the blood:

  1. Varied viral diseases different etiologies, infectious lesions upper respiratory tract.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Taking a number of medications for intensive care, including antibiotics, analgesics, corticosteroids, diuretics, cytostatics.
  4. DIC syndrome.
  5. Hemodialysis.
  6. Lack of folic acid.
  7. Thyrotoxicosis.
  8. Allergies.
  9. Intoxication.

Causes of appearance in adults

In men, the normal platelet count is 180 to 320*10^9 units/l.

In women - from 150 to 380*10^9 units/l.

Causes of low platelets in the blood in men:

  1. Leukemia and anemia.
  2. Bone marrow lesions.
  3. Series application medications.
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. Severe injuries with blood loss.
  6. Surgical intervention.
  7. The influence of metal salts on the body (work in complex pathogenic conditions).
  8. Infections of various etiologies.
  9. Active consumption of platelet mass due to hemodialysis, bleeding, purpura.
  10. Hereditary and autoimmune diseases.

In women, in addition to the above reasons, quite common provoking physiological factor pregnancy and regular heavy menstruation occur.

What to do if platelets are low?

First of all, don't panic! Regardless of the age and stage of the problem, it is necessary to immediately test platelets, move as little as possible and exercise physical activity so as not to provoke bleeding.

Next, you should soberly assess the state of the body and the serious problem - if the platelet concentration has dropped to 20-50 * 10^9 units / l, then treatment at home cannot be done - therapy on an outpatient basis is necessary. Has the platelet level dropped to the critical 19*10^9 units/l or lower? Immediate hospitalization is required!

Treatment of problems in newborns

If the problem is caused by a secondary form of thrombocytopenia, then the baby will need treatment for the underlying disease/elimination of the problem. Additional actions to eliminate symptoms is not required, since it is reduced level platelets are almost completely absent.

If the primary immune form of the disease is diagnosed, the following actions are necessary:

  1. Donor milk for a month, after which - slow introduction of maternal milk into the diet under maximum control of platelet levels.
  2. 2 milligrams of prednisolone per kilogram of body weight per day - up to two weeks.
  3. Intravenous administration of immunoglobulin.
  4. Transfusion of platelet mass from a donor.
  5. Taking rutin and ascorbic acid.

Treatment of low platelets in children

By analogy with the previous paragraph for the immune form of the disease

  1. Immunoglobulin in the amount of 1500 mg/kg body weight once every two days.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids with intravenous administration(hydrocortisone) – 2 milligrams/kilogram of body weight once a day for five days.
  3. Sodium etamsylate – 1 ml once a day intravenously for ten days.
  4. Calcium pantothenate – 0.01 grams three times a day for ten days.
  5. IN severe cases– replacement transfusion of platelet-concentrated blood components from relatives with preliminary plasma irradiation.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia in adults

Regardless of the primary or secondary form of thrombocytopenia, if a clear hemorrhagic syndrome, then the problem must be treated as the underlying disease.

  1. Intravenous injections of immunoglobulin.
  2. Systemic therapy with glucocorticosteroids.
  3. Application of anti-Rhesus D-serum.
  4. Transfusion of donor platelet mass.

Pregnant women are prescribed similar treatment, however, under the maximum supervision of the attending physician. Transfusion is performed in exceptional cases, hormones are prescribed only for severe forms of the disease.

During lactation it is necessary to completely avoid breastfeeding and resume it only after three weeks from the date of discontinuation of drugs and stable normal tests on platelets.

How to increase platelet levels?

The main way to increase platelet levels and bring them back to normal is to eliminate underlying reason imbalance in the concentration of cellular structures in the blood. In most cases of thrombocytopenia, the platelet level is not so critical as to require transferring a person to outpatient treatment or hospitalization. In this case, raise it to necessary norm possible in a natural way.

  1. Consume healthy food. The diet should include tomatoes, greens, berries, oranges, and kiwi. Avoid high-calorie foods, refined sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.
  2. Focus on foods rich in Omega 3 acids. "Experts" in fighting low platelets - tuna, eggs, salmon and linseed oil.
  3. Mineral supplements and vitamins. It is rational to consume at least one thousand IU of vitamin C per day. Drink juices and fresh juices rich in minerals and vitamins.
  4. Drink water at room temperature. Cold liquids slow down the gastrointestinal tract, useful material at the same time they are poorly absorbed.
  5. Correct routine day. Sleep at least eight hours a day, rest if possible. A long vacation every six months is a must!
  6. Cardio loads. In physical education, spend more time not on the strength block, but on cardio exercises, which will strengthen immune system and normalizes blood circulation.

It is worth noting that it is also dangerous and requires action.

Useful video

If you are diagnosed with low platelets in your blood, the reasons may vary.- These are important cells for the whole body; they participate in the process of blood clotting. A disease in which the level of platelets in the blood decreases is called thrombocytopenia. With this disease, platelets are destroyed while in the veins or arteries, before reaching the spleen.

Thrombocytopenia is of two types: congenital And acquired. Congenital form the disease is extremely rare. In frequent cases, thrombocytopenia turns out to be an acquired disease. The main cause of this disease is leukemia (blood disease), or rather its consequences. Medicines can also have a negative effect. Side effects from consumption strong drugs never pass without a trace. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting, but when there are not enough of them, once the slightest bleeding begins, it will be impossible to stop.

If there are low platelets in the blood, the cause of which is known, it is strictly forbidden to become pregnant. The position of a woman will not allow the child to develop at the rhythm he needs. Injuries should be avoided, from alcohol and that's it bad habits will have to give up forever.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia and cause of low platelets in the blood

Thrombocytopenia is not treated with any targeted drugs, or rather, they do not yet exist. On initial stages diseases, treatment can be carried out at home, without using chemicals. The most important commandment in treatment is correct and balanced diet. Vitamins should be present in the diet, but especially preference should be given to group A and C. It is worth excluding all spicy foods, alcohol and citrus fruits. Foods with residual iron content will help significantly increase platelet counts. Buckwheat, apples, beets and homemade meat. Nutritionists also advise eating spinach, parsley, nuts (any), fish, bell pepper and carrots.

Don't forget about folk remedies. After all, since ancient times, people have turned to it. And nettle does an excellent job of raising the number of platelets in the blood. Many methods have been described using nettle to raise platelet levels. But, we will provide only two, they are the fastest. To make it you need 50 milliliters of milk and 50 milliliters of nettle juice. Mix the two components and the medicine is ready. The quantity is intended for a single dose only. Take the mixture three times a day, strictly before meals and on an empty stomach (absorbed faster). The next recipe is a tincture from dried leaves nettles You need 10 grams of nettle and 250 milliliters boiled water. Water and nettle are mixed, the mixture is placed on low heat and boiled for 3 minutes. Then the liquid is poured into sealed container and infuse for 30 minutes. Should be consumed 3 times a day, 125 milliliters.

In addition to herbs, to raise low platelets in the blood, the cause of which side effects drugs will help and Sesame oil. The essence of the treatment is that you need to drink at least two liters of oil. Take it 30 minutes before meals and 1 tablespoon three times a day. Concurrent use of other drugs that increase platelet levels is strictly prohibited.

There are also supporters traditional medicine . For them, doctors will recommend etamsylate, immunoglobulin, panavir and other drugs that increase immunity. But the choice of medications is strictly individual. The main thing is timely detection of the disease. On early stages treatment can provide a 100% recovery, which is important for a person’s life.

The blood elements believed to be fragments of megakaryocytes (huge bone marrow cells) are platelets. A significant role in the formation of blood platelets is played by thrombopoietin, a hormone mainly synthesized in the liver, but also present in the spleen and kidneys. in the blood - enough alarming symptom. This phenomenon requires detailed study, because it may be evidence of the presence of serious pathologies.

Low platelets in the blood: causes

A microliter of blood normally contains from 150 to 450 thousand of these cellular fragments. If their number decreases, a condition called thrombocytopenia occurs. In general, platelets only live for ten days. Therefore, the bone marrow tirelessly synthesizes new elements. A low number of platelets in the blood can be detected either as a result of their insufficient production, or due to their too rapid destruction, or both.

The formation of blood platelets in insufficient quantities can occur due to leukemia, viral diseases, chemotherapy, and poisoning. And they are destroyed faster than they are formed in diseases and conditions such as pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, idiopathic and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, sepsis, hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Also, low platelets in the blood can result from taking the drugs “Sulfanilamide”, “Quinin”, “Heparin”, and anticonvulsants.

Precautionary measures

A decrease in platelets in the blood inevitably leads to a decrease in its coagulability, that is, its liquefaction occurs. In this case, a person, even with weak blows and minor cuts large bruises and hematomas form. This is why it is so important to be extremely careful and avoid any damage. Often low platelets in the blood give rise to a condition such as It is characterized by the release of subcutaneous tissue erythrocytes and plasma. In general, people with thrombocytopenia should avoid taking any substances that may thin the blood. Thus, they are prohibited from using medications containing ibuprofen, aspirin, and sulfonamides. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol to avoid worsening general state health. Women should be especially careful - low platelets in the blood can cause normal menstruation it will start strong uterine bleeding, and this is already fraught with serious consequences. Plan pregnancy until they are upgraded to normal level blood platelets, it’s not worth it, because during the period of bearing a child, these blood elements decrease.

How to increase platelet levels

Most effective method serves to adhere to a certain diet. You need to eat foods containing calcium (cottage cheese, cheese), fatty acids(nuts, namely almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), vitamin K ( leafy vegetables, parsley, and grapes). In addition, taking certain medications helps eliminate thrombocytopenia. The most effective, but at the same time very expensive method of treatment is transfusion of platelet suspension to the patient.

Human blood consists of plasma and shaped elements(erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), each of which performs its own function. A change in the quantity and quality of these components can serve as a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body. A decrease in the level of platelets in a child's blood is a cause for concern for parents.

A low platelet count in a child may indicate the development of a disease

Functions of platelets in the blood

Platelets are blood cells that organize the process of blood clotting. A decrease in their level in the child’s blood entails the appearance of unwanted bleeding, multiple bruises and bruises, and weak bleeding after injuries. A lack of platelets is scientifically called thrombocytopenia. Platelets in the blood perform the following functions:

  • quickly repair damage;
  • nourish and maintain the functioning of blood vessels;
  • transport substances involved in blood renewal;
  • provide immunity support.

Mean platelet volume (MPV) in children of different ages

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The platelet count is measured in thousands per milliliter or femtoliters (fl). Their level in the blood differs in people of different sexes and ages; it changes night and day. Exist average platelet volume for children from birth to 18 years. IN medical tests it is often denoted by the letters MPV (mean platelet volume).

The platelet level is determined from the total clinical analysis blood

The norms depending on the child’s age are given in the table:

Causes of decreased blood cell levels

Platelets below normal are noted in for various reasons. In adults and children, the decrease in these cells may be different. For example, this indicator decreases in pregnant women, people suffering from alcohol addiction. Low level platelets occur in babies born ahead of schedule and with low weight.

Newborns who are underweight will also have low platelet counts.

TO reduced rate MPV in children is caused by the following factors:

There are several degrees of severity of thrombocytopenia. At mild form diseases, the average volume of platelets in a child’s blood is in the range of 99-50 thousand. per ml.

Most often, deviation from normal indicators discovered during the treatment of another disease.

In this case, there are enough platelets to maintain the integrity of the capillary walls, and bleeding does not occur.

At medium degree severity (analysis reveals a cell concentration of 49-20 thousand per ml), nosebleeds and bleeding gums appear. Minor bruises lead to an increase in the area of ​​bruising; they appear over large areas of the body. At this stage of the disease it is possible to use medicines to restore platelet count.

Severe thrombocytopenia is characterized by sudden and frequent bleeding from the nasal and oral cavity. Even microtraumas can cause bruising under the skin. Possible hemorrhages in internal organs. The platelet count drops below 20 thousand. per ml. At the same time, the child says that he feels good because he does not feel the severity of the disease.

Symptoms of low platelets

A decrease in the platelet count in the body may not have any effect on the baby’s well-being. Thrombocytopenia almost does not manifest itself externally as long as the level of cells in the blood remains above 50 thousand. per ml. If there are few platelets in the body, then the nutrition of the capillaries is disrupted and they become brittle. There is an intensive release of blood into the surrounding tissues.

If your platelet count is low, your child will often experience nosebleeds

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia:

  • The baby has subcutaneous bruising and hemorrhages in the mucous membranes (purpura). With slight pressure, bruises appear on the body. In places where clothing fits tightly, small red spots appear. They are not painful and do not disappear after a while. IN eyeball Reddish dots (bursted blood vessels) may appear. Bruises can be either blue or bright pink, yellowish or greenish.
  • Due to the fact that the nasal membrane contains large quantity capillaries, frequent nosebleeds are observed. They occur even with small impacts and insignificant physical activity. For example, when sneezing, picking your nose, walking quickly, sudden movement. Bleeding may continue for more than 10 minutes. The blood that flows out is bright red.
  • Gums bleed heavily. This process can continue for a long time.
  • Urine turns pink, red, or Brown color. This occurs due to hemorrhages in the bladder mucosa.
  • Darkening of stool to black.
  • If MPV values ​​are reduced, the spleen enlarges.
  • The baby often has headaches.
  • Children suffer from vomiting with blood.
  • Observed profuse blood loss for cuts and injuries.

What is dangerous about reducing the number of these blood cells?

A slight decrease in platelets in the blood usually does not entail serious consequences. The child is being monitored and special diet and daily routine.

However severe forms thrombocytopenia can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. Treatment of such patients should occur in a hospital setting:

  1. A low platelet volume can lead to bleeding in internal organs. At the same time, it becomes extremely difficult to stop the bleeding; several organs can be injured at the same time. Small cuts will lead to a large loss of blood, which means that with significant injuries, these losses may be incompatible with life.
  2. Hemorrhages in the retina of the eye with low platelets may cause vision problems, partial or complete loss. The first signs of retinal hemorrhage will be loss of visual acuity, after which the child may complain of the appearance of spots in the eye. Only a qualified specialist can provide assistance to a child.
  3. In severe cases, if the levels of these cells are low, bleeding in the brain can occur varying degrees. This can happen either as a result of a minor injury or for no apparent reason. Brain hemorrhage is preceded by increased nosebleeds and hemorrhages in the facial skin. About a quarter of these patients die.
  4. Severe blood loss leads to severe anemia. It often occurs as a consequence of bleeding in gastrointestinal tract that cannot be quickly diagnosed. Skin Patients are pale, weak and dizzy. At significant loss blood may result in death.

Reduced platelet levels in children – dangerous phenomenon. However, if you follow the recommendations of your doctor, this disease can be successfully eliminated. If platelet deficiency occurs, you must first find out why this happened. To prevent illness, your baby needs to eat a balanced diet, go for walks, fresh air, eat foods containing vitamins.