Why moles appear throughout life. Should you beware of the appearance of new nevi? How to get rid of an unwanted mole

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about such a problem as moles. Why moles appear on the body is a fairly common question, the answer to which many people are looking for. Everyone should know the reasons for the appearance of moles, because knowledge of this topic will protect you from the appearance of clusters of moles on the body and will help you avoid the most dire consequences– skin cancer (melanoma).

Moles can appear at birth and continue to appear on the body throughout life. Moles themselves are benign formations on the skin, however, despite this, there is always a risk of a mole turning into dangerous formation– malignant tumor.

Many people interested in their health do not ignore the problem of moles and seek to study the reasons for their appearance. But here the inquisitive reader will be slightly disappointed: despite a significant leap in the development of science, scientists have still not come to a consensus about the reasons for the appearance of moles on the human body. Today there are different versions why moles appear on the skin. There are both scientific and alternative theories about the origin of moles.

Moles on the body - reasons for their appearance

Most often, moles appear in the first 25 years of life. Many people wonder: where do they come from? In each specific case, the reasons for the appearance of moles are individual and this moment it is impossible to predict when and where a new one will appear. Let's look at the main reasons.

  • Heredity

The formation of moles is often associated with genetic information, which is embedded in DNA and transmitted to the child from the parents. This is where the name of these brown bumps comes from - moles, because quite often their shape and location are the same as those of their parents. Sometimes the number of moles on the body is also transmitted from parents to children.

  • Solar (ultraviolet) rays

Many experts consider solar radiation to be the main factor in the appearance of moles, since ultraviolet radiation affects the production of the pigment that makes up moles - melanin. Also, the sun's rays cause moles to increase in size.

How does ultraviolet radiation affect the body and why does it cause moles to appear? The fact is that direct sunlight, affecting the skin, leads to an excess of melanin present in the skin; these processes are pointwise and therefore moles are distributed unevenly throughout the body.

Exposure to the sun often leads to the appearance of small moles-nodules on the skin; a large number of such growths are dangerous to health and are recognized by doctors as a factor in the formation and development of skin cancer (melanoma).

There are many cases where moles with excess melanin content turn into a malignant tumor under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, even in cases where they are quite small.

  • Damage to the body and entry of harmful microorganisms into it

Damage to the skin, after which moles can grow, according to experts, is radiation (for example, during x-rays or fluorography), insect bites, and also mechanical damage a small mole due to a cut or scratching. In such cases, melanocytes are activated and grouped in the injured area, after which a mole appears on the surface of the skin. That is, there are cases when small moles become large if they are injured.

  • Hormonal background

An increase in the amount of certain human hormones leads to the formation of moles. Hormonal changes happen to people in different periods life, the brightest ones are pregnancy and puberty.

It is noteworthy that hormones can influence both the appearance and disappearance of moles. And, of course, such reasons for the appearance of moles on the body are in no way related to cancer.

  • The appearance of moles from the point of view of alternative medicine

Some representatives traditional medicine We are sure that the reason for the appearance of moles is the concentration of internal energy in places of inflammation. Accumulating on the inflamed area of ​​the skin, internal energy turns into moles. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. This point of view is difficult to prove and very problematic to refute.

  • Types of moles and reasons for their appearance

We have reviewed common reasons occurrence of moles. But what types of moles are there and why do they appear? The most common are flat and raised brown moles. They are natural to human skin and pose no danger in most cases.

Causes of red moles on the body

The appearance of red moles on the body is most often associated with vascular disorders or pathologies. If you look at such a mole through magnifying glass, it will immediately become clear - these are nothing more than several grouped vessels, that is, blood formations, they are red or pink in color. In the language of doctors, such a mole is called an angioma and, most often, occurs in children. This is due to the fact that children's body undergoes the process of development of the circulatory system.

Usually red moles disappear without medical intervention and of course do not pose a danger to the body. But here it is worth paying attention to this point: if a red mole begins to grow very quickly, then it becomes necessary to visit a doctor.

There are other reasons for the appearance of red moles - these are changes in hormonal system, as well as exposure to ultraviolet radiation ( sun rays).

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in women

We have already noted that the causes of the appearance of moles include pregnancy and hormonal surges. Talking about female body, you should know that the first menstrual cycle often leads to the appearance of moles. But are there other reasons for the formation of moles in women? Yes, there are. And we have already mentioned these reasons above.

In pursuit of beauty, women go to great lengths, including visiting solariums and taking sunbathing. What does this mean? If you use the services of solariums and sunbathe on the beach in moderation, then this is even useful.

However, some representatives of the fair sex abuse this, and unreasonable burning of the skin with ultraviolet radiation leads to the formation of new moles. We have already mentioned these reasons above.

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in men

In addition to the general reasons for the appearance of moles on the body, there are also those that are characteristic only male body. Such reasons include disruption of the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, resulting in damage to the testicles. Such problems lead to improper production of male sex hormones and an excess of female hormones - estrogens.

Hanging moles on the body - reasons for their appearance

The nature is almost the same as that of other species. Consequently, such moles most often do not pose a health hazard. But such a mole is easy to damage due to its shape. The appearance of such moles is facilitated by the common reasons that we discussed earlier.

Like other moles, hanging moles can in some cases develop into skin cancer. When should you sound the alarm? Doctors' advice is as follows.

  1. Rapid growth of a hanging mole.
  2. Blackening or other color changes.
  3. There are dark or white circles around a hanging mole.
  4. Constant itching (that is, when the mole begins to itch very much).

If you, dear readers, have noticed such situations with hanging moles, then you should consult a doctor.

Causes of black moles on the body

Like other moles, black ones appear when melanin increases. The increase in melanin is promoted by the same factors as the appearance of other moles - direct rays of the sun, hormonal changes and heredity. What should you pay attention to? You should consult a doctor in cases where the black mole has enlarged or lost its correct shape. IN in good condition the black mole should be perfectly round.

The appearance of moles on the body of an adult

We have already said that the greatest increase in the number of moles is usually observed before the age of 25. But is it worth sounding the alarm if you are much older? Let us note right away that if you find rough moles on your body, you should see a doctor, since this sign may indicate the formation of melanoma. There are also general causes of moles, but there are also specific ones.

The adult body is quite often not in better condition, and health problems can contribute to the appearance of moles. For example, a deficiency of vitamins K and C can lead to vascular disorders, which will affect the growth of red moles.

If after 25-30 years it started rapid growth moles, then you should still see a doctor. The specialist will be able to understand the reasons and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Mole removal - is it dangerous?

In situations where the doctor has discovered that moles are dangerous, there is no doubt about the need for removal. But is it worth removing if they are simply a cosmetic defect and do not pose a danger?

Most medical experts are not against removing moles, but insist that this should be done by a doctor after an appropriate examination and tests, and not by a cosmetologist or, worse, any traditional healer.

The appearance of moles on the body of an adult is a normal situation, which in most cases is not associated with any pathologies. Most people are born with clean skin and only over time do birthmarks begin to appear on it, which in medicine are called nevi. A mole, as a rule, is a benign formation on the human body, which appears due to a pigment cell located between the outer and inner layer skin.

An adult can be a carrier of more than a hundred nevi, the number and quality of which varies throughout human life.

Main reasons

The location and numerical value of nevi primarily depends on genetic predisposition: if the parents were the owners more moles on certain parts of the body, then children will be no exception.

Let's look at what causes moles to suddenly appear on a person's body. The appearance of new nevi, as well as modification of old ones, can be provoked by the following factors; moles can appear:

  1. hormonal surges that occur in the human body:
    during puberty
    during pregnancy and menopause
    at various injuries and long-term painful conditions
    during surgery
    in states of stress
    for various endocrine diseases
  2. exposure of the human body to ultraviolet radiation, which leads to increased production melanin, which accumulates in upper layers skin and gives rise to many new moles. Such an effect can negatively affect existing moles, which can degenerate into malignant neoplasms- melanomas.
    People are exposed to increased exposure to UV radiation:
    in solariums - active visits to this establishment increases the risk of malignancy by 8 times, and the risk cancer skin by 75%.
    to active sunny days V daytime(from 11 to 17 hours), so morning and evening hours are the safest for tanning. Owners need to be especially careful white skin, as well as carriers of a significant number of nevi (over 30).
  3. viral infections that leave marks on the skin, as well as insect bites, various abrasions and microtraumas that leave micro-wounds on the human body, near which melanin accumulates, which provokes the appearance of new nevi.
  4. Any long-term mechanical effects on the skin surface:
    uncomfortable shoes and clothes
    physiological characteristics body structures that promote constant friction
    sloppy shaving, etc. will result in the appearance of unsightly hanging moles, causing a lot of inconvenience.
  5. A person has some serious illnesses, can also answer the question of why moles appear on the body. For example, a lack of vitamin K and C can cause red formations due to damage blood walls vessels. Diseases of the liver and pancreas also provoke the formation of red nevi.
  6. Active aging of the body can also provoke a sharp increase in the number of moles. According to English scientists, this process is a protective reaction of the body and leads to a decrease in the rate of human aging. Therefore, according to studies, among the owners of a large number of benign nevi there are many long-livers.


First of all, moles are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital ones, as a rule, change only in size over time due to a person’s growth and remain on the body throughout life. Acquired nevi may appear or disappear over time (usually at a young age), and also tend to change their shape and structure depending on the impact external factors.

Depending on their shape, color, structure, nevi can be classified into:
  1. structure (smooth and lumpy).
  2. color (brown, red, blue, light shades). The color of blue moles can vary from dark purple to light blue, they have an unsightly appearance, which may cause them to be removed.
  3. shape (flat and convex). Convex nevi originate in the deep parts of the skin and often cause discomfort to their owner and can cause painful sensations when rubbed by clothing, so it is better to remove this kind of mole.
  4. type of origin (hemangiomas, age spots). The cause of hemangiomas is vascular accumulations; they often have a hanging shape, can bleed, and have an unaesthetic appearance, so it is better to remove such formations with the help of a specialist.

When to see a doctor

Most moles are benign in nature and are not life-threatening. The reason for contacting a specialist is the modification of nevi:

  1. The boundaries and shape of the nevus have become unclear, blurred, and asymmetrical;
  2. The color and structure have changed (the nevus has become dense, lumpy, and prominent);
  3. Discharge and bleeding, cracks and nodules on the surface;
  4. Increase in size;
  5. Painful sensations and inflammation near or on the surface of the mole.

All of the above reasons can be a consequence of degeneration benign education to melanoma and require immediate contact with an oncodermatologist or mammologist (if the nevus is located in the chest area).

An indication for removal of a mole may also be its unfortunate location, which contributes to painful sensations due to friction or other mechanical influence.

There is no need to remove an unsightly mole yourself - this may cause Negative consequences. If it is not possible to consult a specialist, you should seek help from a therapist.

After the tests, the doctor will determine the need to remove the nevus. This procedure takes place under local anesthesia surgically, as well as using a laser or nitric acid.

Moles on the body - so common skin formations that there is not a single race, including Negroid, in whose representatives these changes in skin pigment would not occur. They are different sizes, localizations, are formed by various reasons and can accompany a person throughout his life without causing the slightest concern. But they can also serve as a reason for the formation of extremely malignant tumor– melanomas.

The scientific name for moles is pigment spots, or nevi. They are an overgrown accumulation of skin cells that can rise in the form of a growth above the surface of the skin or be located in its plane. What makes moles noticeable is the pigment melanin, which may be contained in age spots in different quantities. It should be said that moles may not contain melanin at all. The location of moles can be very different. Nevus can, for example, appear on index finger, and can also exist at the border of the skin and mucous membrane with a transition to it.

About the types of moles

There are a large number of classifications of these formations, and it is hardly appropriate to list all the details. Let's just say that nevi are divided according to:

  • quantity (single, multiple);
  • time of occurrence (congenital, later manifested and acquired);
  • quality of edges and borders (smooth, scalloped);
  • elevation above the surface of the skin (flat, convex);
  • the presence of foci of depigmentation around the formation;
  • color (red, brown, blue, black, etc.);
  • symmetry or the presence of asymmetry (in shape, color);
  • sizes (small, large moles, gigantic);
  • the flow (speed) of the dynamics of change.

In addition to these classifications, which are based on external signs, there are pathohistological classifications according to cellular composition, ultimately determining the degree of danger, as well as many other characteristics.

Reasons for appearance

Why do moles appear on the human body? There are many unequal factors for the formation of nevi, but the most significant of them are the following.

  • Anomalies in the development of the ectoderm (outer germ layer) in local places. Most often, these disorders occur in the last trimester of pregnancy, after all the tissues and organs have already been formed, and minor changes in the skin of the fetus begin. Most often, these “precursors” are so small that they are not visible on the skin of newborns. Their appearance becomes noticeable when the area of ​​the child’s skin increases significantly. They usually appear in the second or third year of life. This type includes greatest number all moles.
  • Transmission by inheritance. As a rule, this applies to large nevi ( birthmarks), as well as “loose type” moles. With a significant length of the DNA chain, statistically different from the standard sizes gene mutations(“white noise”), the probability of inheritance is about 50%. Naturally, this does not include those cases when moles appear in adulthood, because their appearance is most often not associated with hereditary mechanisms, but has acquired causes.
  • Perception of excess amount by melanocytes ultraviolet radiation. Moderate amount short-wave radiation from the sun hitting the skin from gradual increase exposure time (according to the rules), taking into account skin type, leads to an even and beautiful tan. If you abuse exposure to the sun, then its amount is compensated not by the accumulation of melanin, but by the increased reproduction of the cells that produce it - melanocytes. These nevi are always acquired and in a large percentage of cases can become malignant. Therefore, new moles that appear after an intense “beach season” require the closest attention.
  • Traumatic damage to the skin is not the most important, but enough significant factor appearance of nevi. If intact skin is injured, there is a risk of new mole not tall. And if an existing nevus is injured (bleeding or partial rupture occurs), then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Each such case, both in an adult and a child, should not go unnoticed, and at the slightest deviation from normal healing, a dermatologist should be consulted.
  • To comparatively safe options include dismetabolic (hormonal) forms of nevi. The reasons for their appearance are puberty and pregnancy. They appear somewhat less frequently during illness endocrine glands, which are involved in the production of melanotropic hormone - melatonin, which plays key role in regulating the frequency of sleep and wakefulness. Hormonal moles are always small and tend to disappear after normalization hormonal levels and correction of the underlying disease.
  • Infectious causes.

The connection between microbial or viral infection and the development of nevi has not yet been proven. Therefore, it is impossible to say that moles appear on the body after a particular disease. The existence of the human papillomavirus is known, but papilloma is a tumor that is not a nevus.

About the treatment of nevi

Many people have heard that it is not always possible to remove moles from the body. Is it so? Only a doctor can answer this question unequivocally, since in some cases it is vitally important, and in others it is simply the patient’s wish to get rid of a cosmetic defect. In cosmetology and plastic surgery There are several ways to treat these formations.

  • Surgical method. There is only one requirement for this widespread method - when the slightest sign instability of the nevus requires consultation with an oncologist and taking material for pathohistological examination.
  • Cryodestruction - “freezing” the nevus using liquid nitrogen. This method compares favorably with the previous one in the absence cosmetic defects and painlessness. Negative side is the possibility of relapse.
  • Laser coagulation. In this type, the laser action “evaporates” all the liquid, and the nevus disappears. Is it possible to remove moles? big size using a laser? Yes, you can, but a relapse is possible, since the treatment larger area requires moving the beam manually. Recurrences are also possible if the mole is too large.
  • Diathermo-electrocoagulation. The method is the coagulation of proteins under the influence high temperatures And electric current. As a rule, small single formations respond well to treatment.

About “dangerous” moles

How to find out if a nevus belongs to the “risk group”? Does it have a high potential for degeneration into cancer, the most dangerous of which is melanoma? Are there general signs, which may be alarming common man and serve as a reason to contact a dermatologist or oncologist? Yes, such criteria exist.

Signs of “suspicious” moles:

  • the mole is blue or black - this applies to both congenital and acquired nevi;
  • any noticeable change with the naked eye– you need to see a doctor if moles grow, change color, shape;
  • the appearance of a different surface (for example, the transformation of a smooth surface into a bumpy one);
  • change in consistency - compaction of the mole and its thickening are dangerous.
  • the presence of pain, an inflammatory rim around the nevus, as well as the appearance of weeping and bleeding;
  • cracking and chipping of the nevus;
  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • covering the surface with scales, which form again when removed.

If one, or even more several, signs appear, you need to urgently visit a dermatologist and oncologist and undergo necessary research and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Skin without a single birthmark is a phenomenon. Brown, red, blue, big and small - everyone has them. They are not entirely correctly named, because babies are born with clear skin, and these nodules appear later. They consist of specialized cells of the dermis (melanocytes) that produce dark pigment, the cause of tanning. Sometimes they frighten you with their unpredictable behavior. They can develop into malignant melanoma.

About half of skin cancer cases occur due to malignancy of melanocytes in birthmarks. Let's consider their etiology, dangerous and non-hazardous types, photos, indications for removal, preventive measures.

Causes of moles

Small brown dots (nevi) most often occur in people with light or slightly dark skin tones. Their formation coincides in time with hormonal storms in the body that occur during certain periods of a person’s life:

  • During adolescence.
  • During pregnancy and menopause.
  • After finishing taking oral contraceptives.
  • After a solarium or a vacation at sea.

In an adult, the average number of such formations is from 12 to 20. Many moles on the body occur in people with a predisposition to this genetic trait. Experts perceive big number atypical nevi, as a marker of melanoma, if one of your close relatives had skin cancer.

Types of moles by color

The coloring of nevi is varied, but does not serve diagnostic symptom. There is a dependence on the phototype of the carrier’s skin and the characteristics of the cellular elements in the structure of the formation.

Red and pink

Red moles in the photo

Strawberry-colored vascular moles are called hemangiomas. They are non-pigmented and develop when blood flow is disrupted. Upon careful examination, it is clear that they are plexuses of many capillaries. They turn pale when pressed. They are benign in nature and can disappear on their own. More often appear in children. They occupy the space between the skin itself and its epithelial layer. They can be convex or flat in shape. Able to grow, but only slightly. Appear for a number of reasons:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Vitamin deficiencies C, K.
  • Failure in lipid metabolism.
  • Injury to the skin, leading to the accumulation of capillaries.
  • Problems with blood coagulation.
  • Oncological and autoimmune diseases.
  • Hepatitis, pancreatitis and other abnormalities in the digestive canal.

Red moles are associated with a hormonal factor. Dependence on ultraviolet radiation is impossible in principle, since they do not contain pigment and cannot appear from the sun. They form in pregnant women, disappear after the birth of a child, or remain unchanged. They are not dangerous, but for your own peace of mind it is better for the patient to visit a doctor. He will remove nevi if they create cosmetic problems, interfere with movement, bleed or itch. The excision process itself is painless, but it is better not to touch the tumor unless necessary.

Purple and blue

A group of melanoma-dangerous moles that appear more often in women. Localized on the legs, buttocks, face. They have a dense structure with a smooth, hairless surface. Rise above skin. The maximum diameter is 2 cm. If the spot changes its color from blue to purple, and its outlines become blurred, then you should immediately visit a doctor. After the research, a decision will be made on further therapeutic actions.

Brown and black

They arise as a result of the accumulation of many melanocytes. Their appearance is associated with solar radiation. Brown moles are usually benign, differing only in structure. They are localized throughout the body. If the nodules change shape, size, darken, or cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor to reduce the risk of malignancy. To prevent damage, stains located in inconvenient places, such as under the arms, must be removed.

Types of moles by shape

Nevi can be oval or round. IN in rare cases resemble animals, a star or a month. The shape, like the color, is not diagnostic sign, by which one can judge the danger of a particular neoplasm.

Moles on the leg

Such nodules cause discomfort to a person due to constant contact with clothing and jewelry. They have a cone-shaped or round shape. After injury and excessive sun exposure they can become malignant.

Their varieties include hanging moles having a thin stem. Location: skin of the face and neck. Occur due to infection with papillomavirus. If malignancy is suspected, pay attention to the following signs:

  • The appearance of itching and pain.
  • Bleeding from a nevus.
  • Formation of purulent crusts.
  • Change in structure and color.
  • Fast growth.

If a mole on a stalk does not grow and does not cause any inconvenience, it is not necessary to visit a dermatologist, but you need to monitor its condition.

Flat moles

The following neoplasms of this type are distinguished:

  • Simple. Formed in children and young people. Localized throughout the body.
  • Sunny. Non-hazardous, they appear in areas exposed to strong insolation.
  • Senile beige-brown shades, darkening over time.

These are the most common moles (lentigines). lie in surface layers skin, therefore more often exposed to the ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum.


Dark structures with a smooth or rough surface with vellus or coarse hair protruding above the skin. There are 2 groups:

Such nodules require attention and careful handling to prevent their malignancy.

Benign moles

The first dots appear in babies older than 6 months. They grow up to 3 mm, are evenly pigmented, and have clear contours. Do not grow or increase only by 1-2 mm. They have a flat shape, no cracks or roughness. Varieties:

  • Red moles or hemangiomas.
  • Hanging formations or acrochordons.
  • Yellow or brown spots, called seborrheic keratomas.

Their change can be controlled if a person does not:

  • Sunbathe in the sun.
  • Injure the tumor, for example, rub it with clothes or tear off a nodule.
  • Visit the solarium.

Malignant moles

Ultraviolet irradiation often triggers the malignancy of nevi. The time of insolation is individual. But long stay exposure to the sun weakens the immune system and provokes changes in the structure and nature of tumors. Doctors note the important role of the genetic factor in this process.

Skin cancer (melanoma) is considered an insidious and aggressive pathology. It develops rapidly and has a high mortality rate. They recognize the disease by vertical growth, nodular formations, cracks, and red spots around the shiny surface. As malignant cells develop, they break away from the tumor and “scatter” throughout the body, affecting the heart, brain, eyes, lungs, and lymph nodes.

The number of melanoma patients is growing year by year. Among all types of oncology, this form of cancer accounts for 3-4% of cases. Treatment depends on the thickness of the tumor and the depth of its penetration. The prognosis is favorable for melanomas up to 1 cm in size. In other cases, it is alarming.

In women, the tumor process more often affects the skin of the lower leg (26.3%) and thighs (6.7%). Therefore, you cannot hide in the shadows and expose your feet to the sun. Light-colored trousers made of natural fiber block up to 72% of hard mutagenic radiation.

Melanoma can form due to injury to the nevus. If moles on the body are larger than 0.5 cm in size and have a varnished surface suddenly change color or shape, an urgent consultation with an oncologist is required. The main thing is to start treatment early.

There is no need to worry if there are smooth nodular formations on the body or large spots having a lobed surface. The cells of such nodules are located deep in the dermis and are little accessible to ultraviolet radiation. You can recognize a degenerated mole by the following signs:

  • The pigmentation of the spot sharply increases or decreases, which becomes asymmetrical, with uneven outlines, and coal-black inclusions and stripes appear around them, forming a ring.
  • The skin pattern disappears on the surface and peeling occurs.
  • A red halo of inflammatory tissue appears around.
  • The sizes are increasing.
  • The nodule itches and tingles.
  • Hair falls out from the surface of the neoplasm, ulcerations, cracks, and crusts appear.

On early stage in melanoma favorable prognosis with 100% recovery of the patient. In case of metastasis to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is performed along with surgical excision. Pay attention to yourself, contact specialists after the first alarming symptom- guarantee of a good outcome.


To detect melanoma, digital dermatoscopy and scanning methods for suspicious spots are used. If there are many nodules on the skin, a “photo session” is carried out, which is repeated six months later to record the changes that have occurred and draw up a map of the moles. As an addition, the ABCDE formula with feature analysis is used (in the Russian version AKORD):

  • asymmetry;
  • the edges;
  • coloring;
  • dimensions;
  • dynamics.

Thermography can be used because the area of ​​skin affected by melanoma is hotter than the rest of the skin. Wood's lamp helps determine the boundaries of the tumor.

If a mole bleeds or a substance is released from it, a cell culture method is used. But the final verdict on the nature of the nodules is given by histology. If the result is positive, the doctor prescribes an examination of the liver, lungs and other organs. If cancer has formed on the lips, diagnosticians study the condition oral cavity and nearby tissues. Ultrasound is used to determine the depth of the tumor. Metastases are detected using MRI.


Measures to prevent the malignancy of moles have not been developed. There are recommendations that will help prevent the tumor process:

  • Use sunscreen.
  • Limit the time you spend sunbathing.
  • Do not come into contact with chemicals.
  • Do not visit the solarium.
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing that covers the body, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses.
  • Do not take children under 3 years old to southern resorts. Burns received in early childhood, increase the risk of developing skin cancer in adulthood.
  • Do not try to remove the mole yourself. Entrust the procedure to a specialist who has the necessary equipment for this.

After swimming in the sea, take a shower and dry with a towel. This will get rid of water droplets and salt crystals, which, like lenses, enhance the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. It is dangerous to be in the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. At this time, even special creams do not help.

Elena Malysheva about moles in the program Live Healthy:

Mole removal

The following signs are indications for mandatory excision:

  • Bleeding.
  • Inflammation.
  • Increase in size.
  • Edge deformation.
  • Darkening.
  • Ulcerations.
  • Itching and pain.
  • Mole on the palm, sole of the feet, mucous membrane, anogenital area.

To prevent melanoma, complete (at a distance of 0.2-0.3 cm to the side of the spot) excision is performed. Postoperative scars invisible if you use modern atraumatic suture materials and follow the rules of aesthetic surgery.

Removed nevi are exposed histological examination. When tumor cells grow through the scar, it is prescribed reoperation. Swelling in the area surgical intervention passes with time. A small bald spot may remain on your head. After a year, the remaining scars can be removed. Except surgical intervention, apply:

  • Laser surgery – allows you to simultaneously seal vessels. Among its disadvantages: the impossibility of conducting histological examination.
  • Electrocoagulation – burns out the mole low frequency current. Represents a traumatic manipulation with high probability scarring. It is used extremely rarely.
  • Method radio wave therapy– acceptable for small superficial nodules. It is carried out using a surgitron device. In this case, the tissues of the neoplasm itself are not damaged. They can be explored. A wound remains that heals quickly.

Treatment with traumatic methods or cauterizing compounds is unacceptable. Unchanged nevi should not be touched. If they are accidentally touched and injured, the wound is treated with an antiseptic to avoid secondary infection, and then visit a doctor.

Doctor's report

It's not the moles that are scary, it's our lack of awareness. Timely consultation with a dermatologist, examination prescribed by him, health care, based on best practices, will help prevent a possible threat.

Every person has moles - some have very few, others have their whole body covered with them. In most cases, a person is born without a single mole. Many new moles appear on a person’s body throughout his life. What does this mean and is it safe?

Formation of moles on the body and face

The first moles (also known as nevus) appear in children after 1 year of age. Initially, they are few in number and inconspicuous, so parents do not pay too much attention to them. But during puberty, moles become brighter and larger. In addition, at this time, a teenager can find many small moles on his body, which begin to appear at great speed. The same thing often happens to pregnant women or to people who are frequently exposed to ultraviolet radiation on their skin.

A nevus is formed under the influence of melanin. These are skin cells that large quantities contain pigment. Moles – birth defect skin development or acquired throughout life benign neoplasms. Moles differ in size, color and location - on the surface of the skin or under the skin.

By the way, as the famous physician Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina notes, moles most often appear on the face. Many moles on the neck are also quite common. This is due to the fact that the neck and face are the most exposed parts of the body to direct sunlight. However, there are no forbidden places for a nevus, so it can appear anywhere, even on the mucous membranes.

Many small moles - should I worry or not?

So what to do if many small moles appear is a question that worries many people. If they do not change color, size or bleed, then there is no cause for concern. Moles are quite normal.

Attention: If any of these signs begin to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can be very dangerous.

It is not surprising that people are concerned about the formation of many moles on the body, because it is still Great chance development cancerous tumors, especially in cases where they are constantly exposed to sunlight or rubbed by rough seams of clothing. All this can lead to the formation of melanoma.

Moles located in places that are particularly susceptible to injury, for example, on the wrists, palms, neck, and feet, are best removed in consultation with a doctor. If a hair begins to grow from a mole, you don’t have to worry. Such moles in malignant formations are not reborn. The main thing is not to pull the hair out of the mole - you can only cut it off. However, hairs rarely grow from small moles.

Little-known factors about the occurrence of moles

As a result modern research New versions are also emerging as to why a person may have many small moles on his body at once. For example, scientists from the UK believe that the number of moles demonstrates how quickly the human body ages. According to their research, if a person has many moles on his stomach, face or neck, this indicates his rather advanced biological age.

Many people are also bothered by red, seemingly blood-filled small moles on the body. One version of the occurrence of such formations is a disruption of the colon or pancreas - for a long time existed among doctors, but is rejected by modern specialists. It is believed that the appearance of red moles is associated with lipid metabolism disorders or with a type of dermatological pathology.

Do not forget that only experienced specialist can accurately determine why a patient has moles. It is imperative to see a doctor, because moles may have to be removed and treated full course treatment of the disease that was discovered during the examination.

Should I delete or not?

So what should you do with moles? Should I delete them or not? Of course, if a mole spoils a person’s appearance too much, it is best to remove it, but it is extremely necessary to undergo a consultation with a dermato-oncologist, since it is, of course, impossible to figure out on your own whether a mole can be removed or not. Only a specialist can determine what type of mole it is and choose required type treatment – ​​determine the boundaries and depth of intervention.

Many people believe that if a mole does not bother a person, it is better not to touch it at all. In fact, this statement is wrong. If the mole is located in a place where it can be injured by a chain on the neck, elastic bands or underwear straps, as well as a razor blade, it is still advisable to remove it.

Caution: Every injury, including an incompletely removed mole, can be the first step towards its degeneration into melanoma. Therefore, it is worth repeating once again: only a specialist should remove formations on the skin.

How to prevent new moles from appearing?

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of moles on the body? Of course not. Many believe that their number is generally laid down during the period intrauterine development and you can only delay the moment of their occurrence for a while. But it is worth noting that they most often arise due to various external factors. By the way, ultraviolet radiation affects not only the mole itself - its growth and degeneration in general, but also the skin around it. Therefore, an absolutely pointless solution to the problem on the beach or in the solarium is to cover only one mole with an adhesive plaster. It can still be activated due to sunlight hitting neighboring areas of the skin. However, thick clothing provides excellent protection against ultraviolet rays, so a mole covered with such clothing will not be disturbed by anything at all.

How to determine the danger of springs?

There is one more important point. How to determine whether moles are dangerous or not? In fact, only an experienced specialist can answer this question. However, there are some obvious signs that every person needs to be aware of:

  • moles begin to grow;
  • they change their color (dark moles become lighter, and light ones become darker, and this is equally dangerous);
  • moles begin to itch or give their owner other not very pleasant sensations;
  • they may become inflamed or bleed;
  • Some compactions may also appear on them;
  • the skin pattern on the nevus may be disrupted or erased.

Caution: Today, many formulations based on celandine and other herbs are sold, which are recommended for removing warts and papillomas on the body. It is often mentioned in the instructions that they can be used to remove moles. Actually this is not true! Under no circumstances should such drugs be used against moles. Cauterizing areas with such compounds as vinegar or iodine in principle causes a burn and can leave a fairly deep scar on the body.

So, many moles are not so scary, but if they degenerate, this is already a so-called “bell”. In order to decide how to deal with them, it is worth seeking the help of specialists.