I tore a mole, what should I do? Formation of new nevi. Treatment of a damaged mole

Since childhood, many have been told that moles should not be scratched, picked, or disturbed in any way. And for good reason - in the event of damage, the neoplasm (and moles are real tumors, albeit mostly benign) can behave unpredictably. Therefore, you need to know what to do if you pick off a mole.

What to do if the mole was damaged?

First of all, stop panicking. Only melanomas pose a certain danger in case of damage, due to their malignant nature. If, by an unfortunate accident, just such a mole is torn off, then the consequences can indeed be very negative.

In other cases, everything is not so sad. And if you don’t hesitate and immediately turn to specialists, you can get by without any trouble at all. Below we will describe tips that will answer the question: what to do if you rip off a mole.

If the mole has been scratched but has not separated from the skin, the following measures should be taken:

  • treat the mole with hydrogen peroxide (this will help if you have torn off a mole and there's blood coming out), and then with alcohol. Chlorhexidine is also an excellent disinfectant.
  • Provide protection from further damage, as well as contact with UV rays. It is best to use a thick patch with a pad.
  • Visit a doctor. This is especially desirable if the tumor is severely damaged. Most likely, the tumor will have to be removed in this case.

But if the damaged mole is only slightly touched, then you can only get by using an antiseptic. However, you should observe the spot for several days. The appearance of the following alarming symptoms requires an immediate visit to a specialist:

If the entire mole is torn off, completely separated from the skin, then you need to do the following:

  • A torn mole should not be thrown away. For preservation, the nevus must be placed in saline(if there is nowhere to get the solution, you can temporarily use it for this purpose mineral water with a predominance of alkalis).
  • Go to the doctor immediately.

When wondering what to do if a mole is torn off, people rarely think about visiting a doctor. But in similar situation specialist help is extremely important.

How to remove a mole

Severe damage to a mole is an almost unambiguous reason for its removal. There is no need to be afraid of this - the latest techniques in the field of dermatology, they allow you to remove a tumor with virtually no consequences (in most cases, these consequences are limited to a small scar remaining on the skin after surgery).

Currently, nevi are removed in the following ways:

  • removal using . The most common and safe method. In addition, the wounds remaining after removal birthmark laser, they heal very quickly - it will take literally one week.
  • Impact liquid nitrogen. This method is absolutely painless, there are no scars left after such an operation. The disadvantage of cryodestruction is that not in all cases the mole can be removed immediately, so in some cases the procedure has to be repeated.
  • Removal using electric current. This method allows you to get rid of nevus in the first session of the procedure, and it is also suitable for any type of birthmark. But after electrocoagulation, a small scar may remain on the skin.

It is better to discuss the specific one with a specialist. In any case, it is worth remembering that although each method has some disadvantages, in any case it will be much safer to remove a mole than to fear its degeneration.

Video: removal experience damaged mole.

How to avoid damaging moles

Of course, it is much better to prevent injury to a birthmark than to deal with its consequences. If there are moles on a person’s skin, then to avoid various problems You should remember the following simple rules.

1. Moles should not be exposed to UV rays. Because when accepting sunbathing Nevi should be covered with bandages or thickly spread with sunscreen. If there are a lot of spots on the body, then it is better not to sunbathe at all.

2. Do not wear clothes that are too thick or made of rough fabric. Such things will irritate the nevus and injure it.

3. When washing, you should only use soft washcloths, and a towel better skin do not wipe, but blot.

4. When removing unwanted hairs, you should be extremely careful: you can accidentally injure the mole with a razor or scissors.

5. If hair grows from a birthmark, do not pull it out. But you can trim with scissors - it won’t do any harm.

6. Beware of too long manicures. There are often situations when ladies ask for help with the words: “I tore off a mole with long nails, what should I do?” If you have voluminous moles, a neat short manicure is the best solution.

To summarize, it is important to note that damage to the nevus can be fraught various consequences, so you shouldn’t leave things to chance.

What is the reason why it is dangerous to pick off a mole? Why are moles harmless marks on the body as long as we don't touch them? Moles do not tolerate indifferent treatment. They need to be monitored, especially if they are located in inconvenient places or cause disturbance. A mole is not an insignificant detail, as the consequences that may arise once it is damaged can pose a health hazard.

Quite noted high probability changes by cells in their structure. They may become atypical and may begin to multiply at high speed. The danger of damaging a mole is that the risk of developing skin cancer increases several times.

But not in all cases, a minor injury or tearing off of a mole leads to a sad outcome. On the spot old mole the growth of the same benign formation is possible. If you slightly damage the mole, it may heal successfully and nothing will bother you. For this it is desirable correct rendering first aid if a mole is injured.

First aid if a mole is injured

Sometimes injuring a mole is not as difficult as it might seem. It may be enough to touch it with long nails. What to do if you hurt a mole?

  • First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding. As a rule, in such places it is located a large number of small capillaries, so even with a slight microscopic wound it is possible prolonged bleeding. The best way to stop bleeding is with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. It is necessary to moisten gauze or cotton swab and apply it to the wound for 10 minutes.
  • Then it is important to protect yourself from the invasion of infection, since any wound is an entrance gate for foreign and dangerous to the body bacteria and fungi. This requires treatment of the mole using alcohol solution brilliant green or medical alcohol.
  • The third step, if a mole is injured, is a mandatory visit to a dermatologist or surgeon, who will expertly assess the condition of the damaged nevus, make a prognosis, and can give a referral for histological analysis to make a decision whether to leave the formation or remove it. Since the probability of repeated damage to a mole is very high, most often those moles that are accidentally torn off are subject to surgical excision.

Preventing mole damage

If you don’t foresee and take action necessary measures To prevent damage to a mole, you cannot avoid encountering many troubles. To prevent the nevus from being torn off, it is important to monitor the condition of your nails, not to wear tight clothes that contain uncomfortable elements that can damage the mole, and not to wear shoes that can put pressure on the growths located in the area of ​​​​contact with the shoes.

Moles can decorate a person; they look especially beautiful on a woman’s face (if, of course, they look like dots). But, as a rule, people do not really welcome moles on their body. First of all, this is not argued by the aesthetics of this skin formation. But not everyone knows and understands that moles have not only external negative qualities. If they are damaged, some problematic complications for the body may arise. Therefore, everyone should know what to do if they damage a mole.

Moles need to be carefully monitored. Any changes to their appearance should not leave your eyes. If you feel any changes in the condition of this skin formation, you must immediately contact professional help. But before answering the question of what to do if you have injured a mole, it is better to understand what these marks are and what dangers they can bring to a person.


A mole is a kind of skin formation. It can appear if skin cells are oversaturated with a special pigment - melanin. On initial stages existence, moles are ordinary black spots that are found in almost every person over 10 years of age.

At this stage of development, even a mark injury will not have negative consequences. This is explained by the fact that black spots are benign formations, which cannot lead to complications. Many medical sources agree that such objects tend to appear on the facial skin of almost every person. Infants almost never have moles; they appear only in the first years of life. Perhaps the explanation for this is the following: skin formations are simply invisible on small children.

Moles begin to manifest themselves most actively during the period hormonal surges(for example, during puberty). It is during these stages that barely noticeable spots can begin to grow. At the same time, they usually darken. The cause of such changes is the melanotropic hormone of the pituitary gland. It was already during this period that the first problems of the kind appeared: “Help! I tore off a mole!”

In addition, the appearance of skin tumors can be significantly influenced by periods of physiological stress, which include pregnancy. During its course, the level of hormones in the blood increases greatly. Nevi (if anyone doesn’t understand, moles) are actively growing and changing.

They can appear absolutely anywhere: the skin of any part of the body, the mucous membrane of the mouth, the vagina, and even the cornea of ​​the eye. Interestingly, such skin formations are more common in women. Men are luckier in this regard and the words: “I scratched a mole” are less common to hear from them. This prevalence in itself indicates that the species diversity of moles is very large. They may differ in appearance, be different color etc.

Types of moles

Let's define the types of moles:

  • Hemangiomas. They are also called vascular moles. Presented in the form of reddish nodules;
  • Flat moles. The most common type. Presented as dark accumulations of melanocytes on the upper skin;
  • Raised moles. Despite their name, they are not very different from the previous species. The only difference is that the root (i.e., the place of formation) of elevated moles is hidden in the deeper layers of the skin, and on the surface we see the same flat mole, only outwardly more convex and lumpy;
  • Moles with spilled edges. Mostly, this type skin formations appear after 30 years, as a result physical impact to a flat nevus. If a person accidentally (or intentionally) tore off a mole or damaged it during his life, this is what it will turn into by a certain age;
  • Birthmarks. These skin formations can also manifest themselves in infancy (unlike ordinary moles). Removing such spots often leaves behind redness on the skin or scars;
  • Blue moles. No, they are not of elite blood! Such skin formations arise from venous vessels.

Remember: If you discover any changes in the condition of a mole, you must immediately consult a doctor! First of all, you should visit a dermatologist and oncologist. In some cases it may be necessary surgical intervention. Don't be afraid, it's not that scary. There are many professionals who can provide the right help(for example, Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina is one of the leading plastic surgeons countries).

Reasons for a mole turning into a malignant tumor

Congenital moles are completely harmless as long as they are not affected by external factors. The most common reason for the degeneration of this skin formation is ultra-violet rays. They have a detrimental effect on the structure of the mole, causing mutation, which may result in the degeneration of these cells into cancerous ones. As a rule, the reason for this is a weakened immune system or a predisposition to such diseases.

Therefore, when relaxing at sea or during any prolonged contact with the sun’s rays, we must not forget about protection. It is not recommended to sunbathe during peak sun activity. In addition, when vacationing at sea, you need to constantly cleanse yourself of salt, since it will long stay on the skin it begins to act like a magnifying glass, increasing the strength of solar radiation.

If a person scratches a mole, this can lead to the same consequences as exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary to protect your nevi from any mechanical influences, which include friction with clothing, burns, scratching, etc. If you take care of your skin, then you will not have to think about what to do if a mole is damaged.

Medical statistics have shown that the most at risk development of melanomas are people living in a certain climatic zone or having certain physiological characteristics.

The following people are at risk:

  • with pale skin;
  • those living close to the equator (in southern or coastal areas);
  • adolescence and retirement age;
  • predisposed to cancer;

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to remove moles unless they are causing problems. Only in cases where nevi cause pain or tingle, change color or shape, is it necessary to seek help from a doctor. After a series of studies, he will find a solution to the problem. Modern medicine gave humanity a number of technologies that, if necessary, will help in removing unwanted mole(laser exposure, cryotherapy and electrocoagulation).

You need to pay attention to nevi on the body not only if you have picked a mole or it has changed color. As you know, it is easier (and cheaper) to prevent a problem than to deal with it. possible consequences. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules that are important to remember.

  • Do not injure moles.
  • Use a soft washcloth.
  • Don't scratch birthmarks.
  • Avoid the hot sun.

Moles are formations that arise due to the accumulation of melanocytes on an area of ​​the skin - cells that produce the pigment melanin. Moles can be flat or convex. They occur on any part of the skin and even on the mucous membranes. Flat formations usually do not cause trouble, which cannot be said about convex growths. What happens if you rip off a mole? What measures will help you avoid unpleasant consequences?


Moles are not inherently dangerous. They arise due to disruptions in the distribution of the top layer of skin cells. In medicine dark spots in the form of a tubercle are called nevi. Most often they are found on the face.

The reasons for their occurrence on the body:

  • Heredity - a mole on one part of the body can be transmitted through genes;
  • Excessive production of melanin when a person spends a lot of time in the sun;
  • Hormonal disruptions - they cause not only the appearance of new formations, but also the disappearance of old ones;
  • Stress;
  • Radiation;
  • Viral diseases;
  • Injuries.

Why can't you remove moles?

There are factors that influence the degeneration of nevus into malignant tumor– melanoma.

  1. Excessive sun exposure. Especially during the hours increased activity ultraviolet - from 10.00 to 16.00.
  2. Genetic predisposition to cancer.
  3. Repeated mechanical impact on the mole: contact with tight clothing, accidental tearing off. Damage also occurs if it is torn off, scratched, picked out, torn, or touched when shaving. This happens when it is located in an inconvenient place.

As a result of damage to the mole, an infection may enter the affected area and cause an inflammatory process. In this case, the risk of education degenerating into cancerous tumor high If the damaged area is treated correctly, the risk of deformation of benign cells is minimal.

What to do if you damage a mole to the point of bleeding?

Mechanical injury in the form of a scratched, torn, torn off mole a common phenomenon. A typical situation is that a nevus was picked off and bleeding began to appear. If a mole is on the face, a man may accidentally shave it off. When there is a growth on the back, there is a high probability of catching it inadvertently or picking it apart.

The main thing is not to panic if a mole is ripped off. Blood is just the body's reaction to a wound. We must take measures to stop it.

How to treat a skinned mole?

To prevent the inflammatory process, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, manganese solution, and alcohol are suitable. When using iodine and brilliant green, you should avoid getting them into the wound itself and apply it along the edges. If pharmaceuticals not at hand, for example, in the forest, you can use natural antiseptics. These include salt, soda, lemon, onion, garlic. Plants include plantain, chamomile, and pine resin.

First aid:

  1. Stop the bleeding. To do this, wet a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. At heavy bleeding change the tampon periodically. If the bleeding does not stop, call an ambulance.
  2. When the blood stops coming out, cover the wound with a bactericidal bandage. If you only have a regular plaster at home, then first apply cotton wool soaked in an antiseptic.
  3. The torn area or the entire mole must be preserved in saline solution. A regular one will do as well. saline solution. This material will be needed to examine the mole for the presence of cancer cells.
  4. After treating the affected area, see a doctor. If necessary, a specialist will prescribe treatment. In some cases, the remaining portion of the growth is removed.

If a child accidentally picks off a mole , first aid is provided in the same way. It is better to wrap the patch with a bandage so that the child cannot peel it off. Important step– Explain to children that picking and scratching moles is dangerous and care should be taken with these areas of the skin.

Even in early age melanoma may develop, so do not delay a visit to a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact if I tore a mole?

Diagnosis of a damaged mole is carried out by specialists:

  • Dermatologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Oncologist.

After examination and histological analysis, the doctor recommends special treatment or removal of a mole.

First visit the surgeon. If necessary, he will refer you to other doctors.

Video - Which moles are dangerous

Signs of a mole degenerating into a cancerous tumor

If the nevus has been torn off, doctors' advice is to properly treat the wound and immediately visit a specialist. After healing occurs, periodically inspect the affected area.

Its degeneration into melanoma is noticed by certain signs:

  1. The contours of the mole have become fuzzy and blurry.
  2. The mole bleeds from time to time without any effect on it.
  3. The nevus has crusted over. At the same time, it itches and hurts.
  4. Hair grows from a mole.
  5. Growth and change in color of nevus. Light moles darken, dark ones lighten. In some cases, areas of a different shade appear on them.
  6. Changing the form of education.

If there are moles on the body that cause suspicion, they should be observed by a specialist, examined 1-2 times a year. The study of nevi involves digital diagnosis of all formations on the body. The method allows you to accurately and quickly map dangerous areas.

Methods for removing nevus:

  • Laser – after the procedure there is no wound left;
  • Electricity;
  • Surgical intervention.

When there are moles on the body that are easily injured, you should think about removing them. Large nevi are especially dangerous - more than 10 cm in diameter. The likelihood of their degeneration into a malignant tumor is high.

Most often, growths are injured in the following areas:

  • Feet – when rubbed by shoes;
  • Head, neck, collar area– rubbing with clothes, damage from a comb, jewelry;
  • On the face - for men when shaving, for women when using scrub, peeling;
  • Waist – squeezing the skirt, trousers with a belt;
  • Axillary area, groin.

The more often a mole is damaged, the higher the risk of melanoma.

Possible consequences mole removal

Excision of the growth does not cause cancer. Removal dangerous mole is the prevention of skin cancer. But before removal, be sure to consult a specialist.

If the mole has not been damaged, when laser removal there's no way to do it histological analysis, because the material does not remain. Removal surgically allows you to collect material and submit it for examination.

Rehabilitation after excision is quick.

Damage Prevention

  1. Cut your nails on time. Monitor your child's manicure. Most often, moles are accidentally scratched by children.
  2. Avoid tight clothing from your wardrobe if the nevus is compressed.
  3. Choose the right cosmetics. When using scrub and peeling, avoid getting the composition on moles.
  4. Do not use a hard washcloth.
  5. Keep in mind that in the sun, along with the skin, the mole also burns. To protect against exposure sun rays large nevi, you need to cover them with clothes.

After injury to a mole, the wound heals as quickly as with other skin injuries. The main thing is to consult a doctor, do a histological analysis, and remove any remaining growth if it poses a danger. In this case, there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Although in some cases damage to a mole can cause serious problems, such a probability is quite low, so there is no need to panic in advance (but you shouldn’t let things take their course either). What to do if you damage a mole and will this lead to the degeneration of the mole into malignancy, a qualified doctor will explain to you, whom you should contact as soon as possible.

Is damaging a mole dangerous?

Flat nevi are cellular clusters with high concentration they contain pigment - melanin, and convex ones are benign tumors, not health threatening, but only on condition that they are not injured. And if the nevus is damaged or completely ruptured, problems may arise. There is a high probability that the cells of the mole will change their structure, turning into atypical ones, after which they will multiply much faster. The risk of subsequent development of skin cancer (melanoma) increases several times.

But this is just one of possible options when the nevus is damaged - not in all cases its injury leads to such bad consequences, sometimes everything ends well. A mole that has been slightly injured simply heals and no longer gives cause for concern, and sometimes a new benign nevus grows in place of the torn one. But this is only possible when proper first aid is provided after the injury, for which you should consult a doctor.

Is it dangerous to damage a mole when shaving?

Damage to a mole while shaving can lead to the following consequences: deformation of the nevus itself, as well as damage skin. Besides painful sensations at the site of the cut, and in some cases bleeding from the wound may occur.

Later, the wound heals and the person forgets about what happened, but it is at this stage that one should carefully monitor the behavior of the mole. It is necessary to monitor whether changes have appeared in its shape, structure, etc., since a cut in the nevus can cause its subsequent degeneration into a malignant formation.

Consequences of damage to a mole

Damage to the nevus is one of the most common factors in the development of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. In case of application mechanical injury benign tumor can turn into malignant, so if you damage a mole, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. To avoid the consequences of damage to a mole, you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Redness around the nevus usually appears due to inflammatory process and in most cases it is not dangerous signal for good health. But when it does not go away after several days, you should consult a doctor - this may be a symptom of some complication.

Which doctor should I contact if I damage a mole?

Nevi are formations that appear as a result of pigmentation of skin cells, so to examine them, you must first contact a dermatologist. He treats skin diseases, performs examination (primary visual, using a dermascope) and diagnostics. After this, if necessary, the dermatologist determines which specialist should be contacted for further treatment.

If the examination does not reveal any danger in the development of nevi (there is no threat of melanoma), the patient can monitor them independently, consulting a doctor only if such a need arises. But if a dermatologist determines that a mole poses a health hazard, the patient is immediately referred to other doctors - a surgeon, dermatologist-cosmetologist, oncologist-mammologist or oncodermatologist.

Treatment of a damaged mole

To prevent infection from entering the wound, you need to immediately treat it with any antiseptic solution and stop the bleeding if it appears. A completely severed nevus should be submitted to a surgeon for histology (to determine the nature of the formation). In other cases, after the mole has healed, you need to periodically examine it for any changes - this will allow you to promptly notice a possible degeneration into melanoma and prevent its development at the initial stage.

What to do if you damage a mole until it bleeds?

If you damage a mole to the point of bleeding, you should immediately stop the bleeding and disinfect the wound. To perform this procedure, you need a clean bandage, as well as a disinfectant - a solution of chlorhexidine (0.5% concentration) and hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration).

The damaged mole should be washed with peroxide (as much as possible) - to do this, use a bandage, making a compress out of it, soaked in the solution. You should keep it on the wound for at least 15 minutes - during this time the bleeding should stop. In addition to stopping blood, peroxide also has an antiseptic effect.

After this, the damaged area should be washed with chlorhexidine. This antiseptic is more effective and its effect lasts longer than the effect of peroxide. After stopping the bleeding, treat the wound with a bandage previously soaked in chlorhexidine. If this solution is not available, you can replace it with iodine (smear the edges of the wound with it). Next, you need to apply a sterile bandage to the mole and secure it with a sterile plaster.

You should then consult your doctor to get objective assessment damage. The specialist will also give advice on whether the damaged mole needs to be removed.

What to anoint when you damage a mole?

If damaged, lubricate the injured area with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. This will prevent infection from getting into the wound.

What to do if you damage a mole? In general, normal damage to the integrity of the nevus is not dangerous in itself, but in order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should treat this case carefully. If you notice that the damaged mole has begun to cause discomfort, has begun to increase in size, and a tumor has appeared at the site of the damage, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. To prevent development undesirable consequences, you can use the advice of doctors:

  • If a nevus occurs in the area severe itching, do not under any circumstances try to cauterize it with alcohol. A dermatologist should be consulted;
  • If the shape or size of a mole changes, you need to visit a surgeon to remove it;
  • If bleeding, inflammation or a change in color of the nevus occurs, you should immediately visit an oncologist.