Is lily harmful? Lily in cosmetology. How can houseplants be dangerous?

Poisonous houseplants- these are fairy tales, you say. The world of indoor plants is amazing and diverse. Often, getting to know him turns into a favorite hobby for life. However, you should know that many plants, and the most original and exotic ones, are poisonous and represent serious danger for children, pets and even adults.

A small child sometimes cannot resist the temptation to eat bright and attractive fruits, to pick beautiful flower or touch it, or even worse - put it in your mouth beautiful leaves. An adult, not knowing that the plant is poisonous, can suffer while, for example, pruning or replanting it.

Many people mistakenly believe that keeping toxic plants in the house is not dangerous if you place green pets in places inaccessible to children and animals. This does not solve the problem, since some plants, for example, ficus trees, through tiny pores on the leaves, release toxic substances into the air that can cause various allergic reactions, especially in people prone to this disease. Leaves or fruits may fall from the plant onto the floor, where children or animals will find them. Cats show a special gastronomic interest in plants, not even disdaining cacti! Cats will always find a way to get to a plant, even if it is on a cabinet or shelf. Animals should not be relied upon to distinguish poisonous plants from non-toxic ones. In an effort to enjoy greenery, some four-legged animals even begin to chew artificial flowers, fragments of which, if ingested, can cause serious illnesses.

When purchasing a plant, you should be sure to obtain information about its toxicity. Flower shop sellers cannot be trusted, since they themselves generally do not know about poisonous properties plants. Below are the most popular toxic indoor plants, divided into three groups according to their level of danger.

Poisonous indoor plants are deadly to humans and animals

The leading position in the list of deadly poisonous indoor plants is occupied by the family of cutrovaceae: adenium, allamanda, bumontia, dipladenia (mandevilla), carissa, catharanthus, oleander, pachypodium, plumeria, strophanthus and tabernemontana. The most beloved and popular representatives of the kutrovye - oleander and adenium are also the most poisonous. Just one ingested oleander leaf can cause the death of an adult. All parts of this plant, especially the milky sap, stem and seeds contain poisonous cardiac glycosides, nerioside, oleandroside and saponins.

When these toxic substances enter the body, the victim begins to severe upset digestive system, vomiting and bloody diarrhea, heart rate increases, hallucinations appear. After some time, a person or animal's arterial pressure, the heart rate slows down, breathing and cardiac activity stop.

Toxic substances are contained in all plants of the Kutrov family. Great care must be taken when working with them, since the milky juice getting into the eyes or mouth causes very severe burns. Be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after finishing work.

The luxurious flowers and exotic caudex stems of many cutraceae will undoubtedly be the highlight of any plant collection. But you should still think a thousand times before bringing these plants into your home, especially if you have small children and animals.

Very dangerous for humans and animals all types and varieties of lilies. Blooming lilies emit a very strong aroma that causes dizziness, headaches, fainting and allergies. Under no circumstances should lily leaves be ingested, as this can be fatal. Pets can become seriously ill and even die if they lick a lily leaf or bite off a small piece of it.

Symptoms of poisoning from lily poison appear 30-60 minutes after it penetrates into the digestive tract. The animal becomes lethargic, refuses food, and begins to vomit. If left untreated, the animal's kidneys become impaired, they stop functioning, and the animal dies. If you suspect that your pet has tasted a lily on its tooth, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately and emergency treatment should begin.

There is no antidote for the poison of lilies, so if there are animals and especially small children in the house, you should not grow lilies in the house or on your property and you should not bring bouquets of lilies into the house.
Another representative of the lily family is also very poisonous and deadly for domestic animals - May lily of the valley.

An amateur florist is unlikely to be able to resist the unusually ornamental plants of the family aroid: aglaonema, alocasia, anthurium, arizema, dieffenbachia, zamioculcas, zantedeschia (calla), caladium, colocasia, monstera, sauromatum, syngonium, spathiphyllum, scindapsus, philodendron. These plants attract unusual shape leaves and their striking color, while many aroids bloom very beautifully. But, unfortunately, almost all aroids contain poisonous oxalic acid, toxic proteins and enzymes.

Salts oxalic acid penetrate deeply into the skin and mucous membranes, causing severe burns and irritation. The most dangerous thing is for aroid juice to get into the eyes, mouth and digestive system. Upon contact with oxalic acid, the mucous membranes swell and become inflamed, as a result of which it becomes impossible to eat, the voice disappears, and breathing becomes difficult until it stops.

The most dangerous of the aroids is Dieffenbachia. If its juice enters the body of a person or pet, it is necessary to urgently take the victim to a doctor who will prescribe decongestants and painkillers. Animals should not be given medications without the approval of a veterinarian, as many medications are toxic to them.

Rhododendrons and azaleas toxic to humans, dogs and cats. Poisoning occurs when several leaves are eaten. Plants contain substances (andromedotoxins) that affect the muscles, heart and nervous system. A few hours after the leaves enter the body, the animal begins to experience severe stomach upset, diarrhea, and colic. The animal becomes weaker and refuses food. Subsequently, loss of coordination, numbness, paralysis of the limbs and weakening may develop. heart rate. The animal may fall into a coma and die.

Representatives of the family cycads- cycas and zamia contain the toxic substance cycasin and are very dangerous for cats and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning are vomiting and extreme thirst. Animals develop hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, liver disease, which subsequently leads to liver failure and death.

Tubers cyclamens contain saponins, poisonous to cats and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning are drooling, vomiting, diarrhea. At large quantities eaten tubers - cardiac arrhythmias, apoplexy, and death are observed.

Seeing a bush blooming wildly hydrangeas, you will probably want to buy it or at least pinch off a sprig. Think before you do this, because hydrangea contains one of the most toxic substances– cyanide.

Toxic plants, the poison of which is not lethal, but in large doses causes severe illness.

Fruits of plants of the family Araliaceae, for example, aucuba japonica, polyscias, fatsia, fatshedera, schefflera are poisonous and cause digestive system upset and allergic reactions. In ivy, which also belongs to the Araliaceae family, all plant organs are poisonous.

IN begonias contains insoluble salts of oxalic acid, which cause burns and irritation oral cavity, difficulty swallowing, vomiting. Begonia tubers are the most toxic.

Toxic substances are contained in the bulbs gloriosa. In large doses, they lead to blood clotting disorders and kidney disease. Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Unripe berries lantana contain triterpenoids that are toxic to humans, cats and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, weakness. In some cases, the liver fails.

All plants of the family Euphorbiaceae: akalifa, croton, spurge, spurge (poinsettia), jatropha contain the toxic substance euphorbine, which causes severe burns to the skin and mucous membranes. When working with euphorbias, it is necessary to take special care of the eyes, since the milky juice irritates the cornea and may lead to temporary or complete loss vision. Once in the mouth, the milky juice very strongly burns the oral cavity and throat, causing upset of the digestive and nervous systems.

Representatives of the family nightshades: nightshade (solyanum or Jerusalem cherry), brovallia, brunfelsia, ornamental pepper are quite poisonous. The beautiful fruits of pepper and nightshade pose a great danger to children, who will definitely want to try them. Brunfelsia contains the toxic substance brunfelsamidine, distressing stomach, profuse salivation, trembling, lethargy, cough, seizures.

Upon contact of milky juice ficus With the skin, some people experience inflammation, eczema and dermatitis. Ficus sap released into the air can cause allergies and bronchial asthma.

Low toxic plants

Eating these plants leads to the appearance of such unpleasant phenomena such as digestive system upset, vomiting, diarrhea, trembling and weakness.

The group of low-toxic plants includes members of the family containing lycorine and other toxic alkaloids amaryllis: amaryllis, hemanthus, hymenocallis, hippeastrum, zephyranthes, clivia, crinum, nerine, eucharis, and many other plants, including aloe, gardenia, geranium, dracaena, calamondin, Kalanchoe, cordyline, strelitzia, yucca.

Fortunately, there are many indoor plants that do not pose a health hazard, such as orchids, Usambara violets, gloxinias and other plants of the Gesneriaceae family, different kinds succulents, hibiscus. These plants will successfully form the basis of your home collection.

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The smell of lilies.

The aroma of lily is intense, thick, sweet, balsamic, floral. It puts thoughts and feelings in order, calms and pacifies...

Beautiful fragrant lily flowers could not stay away from the attention of cosmetologists and perfumers. Typically, Lilium candidum oil is used, a plant of the lily family, which is obtained by extraction with a yield of 0.2%. It has a dark orange color. IN for cosmetic purposes flowers infuse in vegetable oil. By the way, don't confuse white lily with water lily - water lily.

The scent of lilies in perfumery.

The aroma of white flowers is balsamic, sweetish with notes of narcissus. He is a frequent guest in flower arrangements. Goes well with others floral scents, but especially with violet leaf and mimosa absolutes.

For the needs of perfumery, absolute and concrete are obtained from Violet Lily, bred by Michurin. Its aroma is reminiscent of violet. They also use ocher lily (Lilium ochroleum), as well as royal or Tibetan lily (Lilium regale), the smell of which is reminiscent of the aroma of an orange. And Lilium speciosum (special lily) has a vanilla hue.

To create a perfume note of lilies, either absolute is used (it is closer to the aroma of fresh flowers) or synthetic substance linalilla cinnamate. And to give the whole composition freshness, linalol is added.

You can also achieve a lily note by combining the aromas of jasmine, mimosa, tuberose, cinnamon and ylang-ylang. Lily of the valley is also very similar to a lily, especially if it is flavored with mimosa, jasmine with the addition of orange blossom. In English, lily of the valley is even called “Lily of the Valleys”

But natural ingredients are not used so rarely, especially since lily absolute fixes other notes in the composition well.

It should be noted that when applied to the skin, the aroma of lily brings playfulness and flirtatiousness to a woman’s image. Allows you to relax and creates a flirting mood. Therefore, it is actively used in perfumes. Derivatives from flowers are allowed to be used in perfume compositions in amounts up to 4%.

Emotional impact.

The smell of fresh lily flowers is very intense and not everyone likes it. It may give you a headache. That is why it is not recommended to leave bouquets in rooms for a long time, especially in the bedroom. However, in small concentrations the aroma calms, harmonizes feelings, relaxes and refreshes thoughts.

The use of white lily in cosmetics.

It is known for its restorative and anti-inflammatory properties. Effective in caring for sensitive, aging skin. It is especially actively used to eliminate pigmentation and even out complexion. To do this, you can use a decoction of petals or an infusion of flowers in oil.

The oil can be used to treat burns. It nourishes the skin, increases blood supply, accelerates regeneration.

Spectacular graceful lilies literally attract all eyes, leaving no one indifferent. People like to decorate interiors with bouquets of them, and they also grow daylilies on windowsills as indoor plants.

Lilies indoors

These flowers are known to have a strong aroma. The white beauty smells especially fragrant, which is often confused with a water lily (water lily). Therefore, many people are interested in whether the smell of lilies in an apartment is harmful. The plant releases volatile substances that have specific aromas. Flowers growing on the street are surrounded by a very pleasant flora exuding a sweet fragrance.

When flowers are brought home, in the enclosed space of the room the smell of lilies intensifies, becomes sharper, heavier. It can cause allergies headache, worsen general health, mood. For this reason, it is strictly contraindicated to keep bouquets of lilies at home for people prone to allergic reactions, pregnant women, and also if there are small children or animals in the apartment.

Is the lily poisonous or not?

Of course, everything is individual. Flowers do not have a fragrant effect on some people negative influence. However, it is believed that all types and varieties of lilies are very dangerous for people and pets. In addition, there is no antidote for the poisonous lily. Latest Research they say that these fragrant flowers, even tiger lilies, pose a mortal threat to the lives of cats. Kittens are especially susceptible to this.

Lilies indoors

Note! The poison begins to act 30-60 minutes after it enters the esophagus. The cat becomes weak, lethargic, refuses to eat, and vomits. If assistance is not provided within 5 hours (taken to a veterinarian), the animal may die.

If pollen gets on your pet or he licks the petals or swallows some fragments of the flower, this can cause kidney failure, and then death. This is how the poisonous lily works. After all, cats tend to lick themselves.

Thus, it is preferable not to grow lilies not only indoors, but also on a summer cottage, and it is even more undesirable to carry bouquets home. It is best to remove them from the room. This will save you from unpleasant consequences kids and animals, as well as adults.

Despite all this, many gardeners are happy to grow lilies. After all, it is impossible to resist their beauty. Moreover, breeders have developed many varieties of daylilies that are odorless.

Today in the world there are at least 11,000 thousand different varieties of lilies. All of them are systematized and classified into 9 groups (sections). These are varieties such as:

  • Asian;
  • American;
  • Snow-white;
  • Eastern;
  • Long-flowered;
  • Curly;
  • Tubular;
  • Mixed hybrids;
  • Wild species. They are used to create new varieties.

Among them there are many very fragrant flowers, there are weakly scented specimens, as well as those that emit virtually no odor.


What do lilies smell like?

One of the most important questions that fans of these flowers often ask is what lilies smell like: Oriental or Asian.

Lily varieties with a strong aroma

Hybrids are considered especially fragrant:

  1. Oriental or Oriental lilies. They are characterized by a thick spicy aroma that resembles the smell of cloves and honeysuckle (this is what a heavy, sweet perfume smells like). Their colors range from snow-white, pink to purple tones. The most famous varieties:
  • Mero Star;
  • Paraguay;
  • Salmon Party;
  • Corvara;
  • Magi Star;
  • Tigerwoods

Additional Information! In Holland, new varieties are constantly being developed, using OT hybrids as a basis. Large specimens with goblet-shaped flowers are obtained.

  1. Tubular (Orleans) lilies. Their fragrance spreads over many tens of meters. Popular varieties:
  • Regale;
  • African Queen;
  • Pink Perfection;
  • Golden Splenor;
  • Royal Gold;
  • Lady Alice.
  1. LO hybrids of lilies. They exude a more subtle aroma than Oriental specimens. Varieties:
  • Nashville;
  • Fangio;
  • Forza Red;
  • Triumphator;
  • Courier.

OT hybrids of lilies. They saturate the air with a pleasant light aroma that has a calming effect. Some lily growers consider it too strong and intrusive. The best varieties:

  • Boogie Woogie;
  • Corcovado;
  • Miss Feya;
  • Mister Cas.
  1. Also fragrant are Long-flowered (Longiflorum) varieties (Snow Queen, White Fox, White Elegance, White Haven), OA hybrids (Sunny Crown, Cocopa, First Crown).

Scentless lilies: varieties

Among huge amount daylilies, two groups of non-scented flowers stand out. This:

  1. Asian hybrids (also varieties of tango). They are very popular. They are bred in gardens, summer cottages. In addition to the well-known ancient varieties (orange, yellow, red, speckled colors), many modern varieties have now appeared. These lilies are different large sizes flowers. Their colors range from snow-white shades to dark burgundy to almost black tones. There are also two-color and three-color specimens with spots and specks. They are frost-resistant and hardy. The most common varieties:
  • Golden Stone
  • Detroit
  • Fata Morgana;
  • Aphrodite.

LA lily hybrids. They appeared as a result of crossing the Longiflorum species with an Asian species. Each flower of this variety is huge, spectacular, bright. You can make gorgeous bouquets from them. Their colors are boiling white, pinkish, crimson, which can be combined with each other. These lilies look very elegant, and the smell is practically absent. Sometimes you can catch a barely audible delicate aroma.

Fata Morgana

The most famous varieties:

  • Spirit;
  • Rising Sun;
  • Donau.
  • Dynamic;
  • Royal Parade;
  • Rodeo;
  • Samur;
  • Salmon Classic;
  • Courier;
  • Vanilla;
  • Richmond;
  • Fangio;
  • Pavia.

Tiger lilies are absolutely odorless.

What to do to prevent lilies from smelling

As you know, all parts of a flower (petals, leaves, fruits, roots) distribute volatile oils. Their smell attracts insects and animals.

  • To reduce the aroma of lilies, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.
  • Flowers should not be left in children's rooms or bedrooms. You can neutralize the smell of daylilies by placing coffee beans everywhere.
  • The following method will help eliminate the strong aroma of lilies: you need to roll up a paper bag and bring it to the bowl of the flower. Tilt the bud over it. Cut off the pistil and stamens. You must first put on gloves. This will prevent pollen from getting on your hands. This method will not only get rid of the obsessive smell, but will also extend the life of the bouquet.

According to some reports, lilies have healing qualities. Even in ancient times, oils were made from them, which had painkillers, sedatives, astringent actions, and could also stop bleeding. Now lily oil with the addition of calendula oil is successfully used in cosmetic procedures.

Tiger lily is used to make decoctions and infusions. Also medicinal qualities has water solution curly lily.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology widely use white lily. Water infusions are prepared on its basis, alcohol tinctures, various decoctions, lotions, oils, creams.

Important! Pregnant women and young children are prohibited from taking medications containing lily extracts.

Without a doubt, lilies are fabulous flowers. I want to admire them all the time. Only each person must make his own choice. Should you grow lilies in your garden that smell, or plant flowers without scent, or maybe give them up altogether?

Lilies- beautiful plants, but they are deadly to cats. If an animal ingests even a small piece of any part of this plant, it can cause kidney failure and death. Let's find out why lilies are dangerous, what the symptoms of poisoning look like, how to treat poisoning, and what you can do to protect your cat.

Which lilies are toxic to cats?

Lilies and daylilies are extremely toxic to cats. Other types of lilies, such as spathiphyllum, calla lilies and Peruvian lilies, are much less dangerous.
These lilies contain oxalates, which can cause irritation to the mouth, throat and tongue, but are generally not fatal. At the same time, classic lilies are deadly. Even a small piece is enough. Deadly varieties include Stargazer, Tiger Lily, Red Lily, Rubrum Lily, Day Lily, Asiatic Lily, Easter Lily and many others. All parts of these plants are poisonous, although the flower itself is considered the most toxic.
Even the pollen from these plants is dangerous for an unsuspecting cat. If you notice yellow or orange lily pollen on your cat's fur, you should give your cat a bath immediately. If your cat sniffs or ingests pollen, she will be putting herself in mortal danger.

Signs of toxic poisoning in cats

Lilies, when ingested by cats, affect the kidneys, which can result in kidney failure. Early symptoms– vomiting, lack of appetite, depression, tremors and convulsions. These symptoms usually occur within 6-12 hours after poisoning. Kidney failure occurs within the next 2-3 days. Symptoms of this disease include increased thirst, diuresis and dehydration. The kidneys begin to work worse, the amount of urine decreases, and eventually they fail. Lily poisoning can lead to the death of a pet, especially if treatment is delayed.

How to treat toxic poisoning in cats?

If the infestation is recent, the veterinarian may try to remove the material from the stomach by making the cat vomit. Can be used Activated carbon to prevent toxic contents from entering the bloodstream. The mainstay of treatment is aggressive intravenous infusion therapy with subsequent care for the poisoned animal. There is no separate antidote for lily toxicity. Your veterinarian will monitor your cat's kidney function and take regular blood and urine tests to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

What are the prognosis for curing a cat after lily poisoning?

Veterinarians are cautious when it comes to cat poisoning from lilies. Treatment should begin no later than 18 hours after poisoning. In this case, hope remains for a positive result. If treatment starts later, then the chances fatal outcome are almost 100%. Early is more aggressive veterinary treatment provides chances of survival.