Aromatherapy lavender Properties of lavender essential oil and methods of its use! Aromatherapy: healing properties of lavender oil. Scalp treatment

The aroma of lavender flowers is considered royal. This plant inspires poets and artists, writers and musicians. Lilac tints and the soft velvety scent of inflorescences give peace of mind and peace.

In addition, the plant has a healing effect. It is successfully used in folk medicine and aromatherapy, replacing harmful chemical drugs.

Tannins relieve inflammation, cleanse harmful substances and saturate cells with amino acids. Resin is used to treat skin diseases and accelerate wound healing. Acids contain vitamins necessary for healthy skin and hair.

Beneficial features

The rich aroma indicates numerous healing properties this plant. Since ancient times it has been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Beneficial features lavender oil:

  1. Calming effect on nervous system, and voltage. The aroma of this plant is used for meditation, helps to put thoughts in order and accept.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. Treat with lavender oil dermatological diseases, such as acne, furunculosis, eczema, seborrhea. Also eliminate inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.
  3. Regenerating action. The product helps to quickly heal burns, cuts, and scratches on the skin. It is used to smooth out wrinkles and hair loss.

U essential oil lavender safe composition and it has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Regular use Lavender ether will help you find beauty, both external and internal, feel a surge of strength, inspiration and find peace.

Uses of lavender oil

Lavender essential oil is used in several ways. Their choice depends solely on your preferences.

Directions for use:

  1. Cold inhalations. Place 2-3 drops of ether on the locket for aromatherapy and wear it on your neck for half an hour to an hour.
  2. Hot inhalations. An aroma lamp is used to carry them out. For a room with an area of ​​20 sq. m, take 7 drops of lavender.
  3. Aroma baths. Add to 200 ml of milk, cream or a handful sea ​​salt 5-7 ml of ether and stir in a bath with a temperature of 37-39 degrees.
  4. Aroma massage. Mix the massage product with lavender ether in a ratio of 1:10.
  5. External use. You can rub it in a mixture with some base oil, cosmetic product or use to make compresses.
  6. Ingestion. Lavender oil in undiluted form causes irritation and burns of the gastric mucosa, so it is recommended to mix it with honey. Take 3-5 drops per spoon.

Lavender enhances protective functions body, and reveals the internal potential of creative abilities.

Lavender essential oil is safe for health, so it can also be used by children from the second month of life.

Lavender oil in cosmetology and medicine

This remedy allows you to get rid of many diseases without resorting to medicines. The use of lavender oil is especially useful for those who are allergic to substances in medications or have other contraindications.

In cosmetology, lavender ether is used for oily and problem skin. It eliminates excess oil, which is the cause of pimples and blackheads, and eliminates inflammation caused by improper care.

The oil is no less effective in caring for damaged and thinning hair. The product returns a healthy appearance and radiance to hair, eliminates scalp diseases, and prevents increased hair loss.

IN medical purposes Lavender is used to lower blood pressure and reduce heart rate. Oil is also good remedy to eliminate spasms, muscle and joint pain. Anti-inflammatory properties help cure colds.

Aromatherapy with lavender oil

The most popular way to use essential oil is aromatherapy. Feeling the smell of your favorite flowers, a person comes to calmness and balance, a positive attitude and a surge of strength.

Baths with lavender will relax your muscles, relieve pain and spasms, and with cool water they will give you vigor and strength.

Lavender oil combines with many essential oils. Therefore, you can safely experiment and look for your own unique scent. This way you will get more more benefits from a pleasant procedure.

Aromatherapy with lavender oil tones the body if diluted in equal parts with rosemary or thyme, citrus esters, ginger, cloves, cinnamon. Sedative effect gives a mixture with chamomile, fennel, bergamot, jasmine, or.

Lavender baths

Very nice and useful procedure for mental and physical health and an aroma bath is considered to maintain beauty. Full course(10-15 procedures) will help tidy up the functioning of all body systems, rejuvenate the skin and make it smooth and velvety.

Before adding oil to water, you need to mix it with milk, honey, cream or sea salt. This way the lavender will fully reveal its aroma and beneficial properties. For one procedure, 6-8 drops are enough.

Lavender hair oil

Lavender essential oil is used to treat scalp diseases, which helps to get rid of not only discomfort, but also solve the problem of hair loss and thinning. Application over the entire length has a beneficial effect on appearance hair and its condition. The curls become silky, shiny and elastic, and the problem of split ends disappears. It is enough to use the oil 2-3 times a week, and you will see amazing results.

Lavender oil can be added to homemade hair masks or used for aromatherapy. For this procedure, take a brush made of natural material (wood or bristles), add 3-4 drops of ether to the teeth and gently move it through your hair for 10-15 minutes. After such procedures, the hair becomes manageable and acquires a lavender scent that lasts for several days.

Hair masks:

  1. Take 20 ml, add 3 ml of mint and 5 ml of lavender oil, apply to hair and scalp and wrap with a towel. After half an hour, rinse with a mild shampoo.
  2. Mix 20 ml with yolk, 4 ml of lavender ether and 2 ml of ylang-ylang oil. Soak your skin and curls in the mixture and wrap for 30 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Try rinsing your hair with a natural conditioner after shampooing. To prepare, take 30 ml apple cider vinegar, dilute with the same amount warm water and enrich with 2 drops of lavender essential oil. Rinse your hair with it after using shampoo and do not rinse.

Long-term use of these recipes will make your hair healthy and beautiful.

Effectively lavender oil It also shows itself in the fight against skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and herpes.

For face

Primarily, lavender oil is used to treat acne and irritation. It has a gentle effect on the skin, soothing it and relieving inflammation. Lavender also eliminates acne marks that remain after pimples and blackheads. Apply ether spotwise or mixed with other oils on clean skin morning and evening, and your face will become clean, smooth and glowing with health.

Organic acids in the oil penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and rejuvenate it. As part of anti-wrinkle masks, they act as transporters nutrients to the cells. Tannins impart firmness and elasticity, which protects against the formation of new signs of aging.

Face masks:

  1. Mix 10 ml with 2 ml lavender and 2 ml, apply to the face for 40-60 minutes, and then remove the residue with cotton wool or a napkin.
  2. Beat the white of one egg, add 10 ml of melted honey, 10 ml of natural yoghurt and 5 ml of lavender essential oil. Apply for a quarter of an hour and rinse.
  3. For acne, cosmetologists recommend a cleansing lotion, which is used 2 times a day. To prepare, take 100 ml glycerin, 200 ml water, 50 ml alcohol and 10 ml lavender essential oil.

The healing effects of lavender essential oil are appreciated by women all over the world. The rich composition and beneficial properties allow for cleansing and rejuvenating cosmetic procedures at home and stay beautiful for many years.

Lavender is one of the most popular medicinal plants, which has a unique healing aroma. Lavender essential oil is used quite effectively in both medicine and perfumery. ABOUT beneficial effect The aroma of this plant was known back in the Middle Ages, when only folk remedies were used.

Aromatherapy with lavender is one of the most popular ways to use this plant in modern medicine. Due to the calming effect of the scent of lavender, it is often used to treat stress and diseases of the nervous system. The unique healing and anesthetic properties of lavender have made it one of the most valuable medicines.

Lavender essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat the most various diseases. The oil is often used to aromatize living and working spaces, as it perfectly cleanses and disinfects the air.

For achievement good effect Lavender oil in aromatherapy is used in a more concentrated form than other aromatic agents. Since lavender oil has a mild effect, it can be used in pure form for filling aroma pendants and filling therapeutic baths.

Lavender oil is one of the few that can be used not only externally, but also internally. In combination with natural honey healing effect oil intensifies. For colds and sore throats, hot inhalations are recommended, permissible dosage– up to 10 drops of essential oil.

How to Use Lavender Essential Oil for Sleep

There are many ways to use lavender essential oil to treat various diseases. Thanks to unique property accelerate the process of skin renewal, oil is used for treatment various kinds burns and purulent wounds. Lavender oil has complex action on the body - even when used externally, the plant’s ether helps the patient to be calmer and easier to endure the healing process.

Lavender essential oil is used in the treatment of not only adult patients, but also children.

Thanks to good calming effect, it is often used as a sleeping pill. Since during illness children are more sensitive to various kinds of irritants, it is very difficult to put them to bed. If you add a few drops of lavender oil to the bath and bathe your baby in it, the pain will go away and the baby will sleep peacefully. This method of combating insomnia will also help adults - if you are tired or in a state of overexcitement, a bath with the aroma of lavender will help you relax and have a good rest.

Aromatherapy: healing properties of lavender oil

Lavender oil is a colorless or yellow-green liquid with a distinct aroma of the plant's fresh flowers. To obtain one kilogram of essential oil, more than one hundred kilograms of raw materials are required, so it has always been considered quite expensive.

The healing properties of lavender essential oil are due to its unique composition. The main components of the oil are alcohol esters and acids. The flowers of the plant from which essential oil is made contain a large number of tannins.

There are several main indications for the use of lavender oil. Lavender essential oil for sleep - mild and sufficient effective remedy against insomnia. Lavender oil for external and internal use - helps in the treatment of skin diseases, burns varying degrees severity, an excellent antiseptic and bactericidal agent.

Due to its calming properties, lavender is often used in aromatherapy to treat pneumonia, rhinitis and laryngitis. In addition to treating viral diseases and diseases, lavender can be used as prophylactic. Studies have shown that lavender oil has a positive effect on vocal cords and respiratory organs. Just one session of aromatherapy can clear up a cold.

The aroma of lavender perfectly cleanses the air of viruses and pathogenic bacteria. It is believed that the most the best prevention is a sprig of fresh or dried lavender indoors. If you don’t have a plant at hand, you can use oil. It is enough to spray 2-3 drops of essential oil in the room every day and your immune system nothing is in danger. During the cool season, the fresh aroma of this product will help protect you and your loved ones from the flu. fragrant plant. The easiest way to avoid infection on the street is to drop a few drops of oil on your clothes.

Almost every person associates the aroma of lavender with beautiful fields dotted purple flowers, with such a strong but pleasant aroma. Lavender oil has been used by people for many centuries to cleanse their homes, heal the body, and maintain youth and beauty. This aromatic product has become a part of many cosmetic products, household products. If you know how to use lavender oil, you can quickly get rid of a number of diseases and other problems.

Lavender oil is an oily, almost clear liquid with a characteristic spicy-fresh aroma. The product is currently obtained by steam distillation. This allows the production of high quality, concentrated oil.

The quality of the purchased product can be judged based on the place of its production. The most expensive product is considered to be one made in France. The second in quality and cost is the oil that was produced in England. Average in quality and affordability It is considered an ether produced from lavender, which grows in the Crimea and Australia.

In its pure form, this product can be used in very in rare cases. It is especially valued because it goes well with base oils. Oil compositions fully reveal the properties of lavender ether.

How does oil affect a person’s emotional state?

Lavender oil can quickly calm down and relieve tension. It is often used for meditation.

  • Plunging into pleasant aroma, a person is able to look inside himself. Meditation promotes self-development and self-knowledge. Regular aromatherapy sessions allow you to feel cleansing, inner healing and harmony with the outside world.
  • The benefits of lavender essential oil are that it helps get rid of depression, drive away Bad mood. The inner peace that regular aromatherapy sessions provide has a beneficial effect on the ability to rationally evaluate your actions and everything that happens around you.
  • It is believed that lavender oil can help a person overcome their internal aggression and envy. It is also deservedly considered an effective aphrodisiac, which has a beneficial effect on the sensual side of the relationship between a man and a woman, filling the relationship with tenderness and affection.

Benefits of lavender oil

Lavender aroma oil has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Helps improve blood microcirculation, stimulating the work of the heart and blood vessels, improves cerebral circulation.
  • Oil is an effective antiseptic. It accelerates the wound healing process, triggers intracellular regenerative processes. The oil also has bactericidal properties. It promotes the resorption of compactions.
  • A squeezed blackhead may leave a scar; it will also disappear much faster if oil is applied to it in a targeted manner.
  • Lavender essential oil can tone and calm at the same time.
  • The product helps to cope with insomnia, neuroses, general weakness of the body, and increased fatigue.
  • The oil normalizes hormonal levels.
  • Lavender essential oil has a beneficial effect on concentration and memory. It is recommended for use by people who constantly need to be focused.
  • Lavender oil is suitable for oily skin prone to rashes and acne. It reduces inflammation and dries out the skin.
  • Lavender in cosmetology is used for treatment and restoration damaged hair. It helps cure skin diseases, dandruff. The oil will effectively cope even with sunburn.
  • Diabetes is usually accompanied by severe pain in the joints. Reduce intensity pain Compresses with lavender ether can be used. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Lavender essential oil in cosmetology

Lavender essential oil for the face is widely used in home and professional cosmetology. In combination with other ingredients, it is suitable for all skin types.

Something to remember!

Using ether in its pure form for application to the skin is strictly prohibited. If necessary, it can only be applied pointwise, in minimum quantities.

Cosmetologists also do not recommend adding lavender essential oil to ready-made cosmetic products for skin care. The components of the ether are able to quickly and deeply penetrate the skin. This leads to the fact that, along with beneficial substances, other components of cosmetics enter the cells, which have an aggressive effect and can cause harm.

The use of lavender oil in combination with other components is suitable for caring for sensitive skin. Needs to be prepared nourishing mask, consisting of:

Cosmetologists recommend using cedar, coconut, apricot, and flax oil as a base. The finished mixture can be used as a cream by applying it before bed and leaving it overnight. You can make masks with this composition by washing them off warm water in 20-30 minutes.

Lavender essential oil for acne helps to quickly eliminate inflammation, redness, and reduce rashes. You can prepare a face mask. You need to take:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of tea tree ether.

First of all, beat the yolk, then add essential oils, mix thoroughly. The composition is applied with a cosmetic brush to cleansed skin from bottom to top. Leave the mask on your face for no longer than 15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature. Apply daily remedy from acne.

Elimination of wrinkles

Lavender oil for the face will help remove wrinkles and significantly rejuvenate the skin. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 1 protein;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid buckwheat honey;
  • 50 g homemade yogurt;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil.

Heat the honey in a water bath, add the egg whites, yogurt, and essential oil whipped into a fluffy foam. Mix the mixture and spread evenly over the face with a brush. After 20 minutes, rinse the mask with water at room temperature. Be sure to use a daily care product after the mask.

Lavender oil for facial skin will be useful not only as an external application, but also internal remedy. 2-3 times a day you need to take 1-2 drops of ether diluted in honey or vegetable oil. The course of therapy is 3-4 weeks. During this time, the body will receive a full complex useful substances, and the condition of the skin will noticeably improve.

Lavender for scabies relief

Treatment of scabies using aromatic lavender ester is deservedly considered one of the most effective means traditional medicine. Need to mix:

  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lavender ether – 7-10 drops.

Oil mixture using cotton swab Apply to affected areas of skin, lubricate thoroughly. For two days after this, you should not take a bath or shower. This treatment can be supplemented by taking warm baths with the addition of aromatic ether. Procedures should be alternated.

Strong nails with lavender oil

To eliminate brittle nails and strengthen the nail plate, you need to use lavender oil. It is better to buy the product at the pharmacy with a brush, this will make the process of applying the oil easier. Distribute the ether evenly over the nail plate, remove excess product with a dry cloth after 15 minutes. After the procedure, you should not wash your hands for 1-2 hours. Cosmetologists recommend applying the oil before bed so that its components are fully absorbed into each nail overnight.

With regular repetition of the procedure, lavender oil for nails will promote their growth and strengthening.


It is useful to conduct aromatherapy sessions with lavender essential oil.

  • Add 5-6 drops of ether to the lamp and light the candle. The duration of the session is no more than 2 hours. If the scent seems too concentrated, it is necessary to reduce the duration of aromatherapy and the amount of product used. If you do everything correctly, you will be able to calm the nervous system, get rid of depression and bad mood.
  • One type of aromatherapy is a bath with lavender oil. The product is very useful for the body and hair. Taking a bath will help get rid of skin redness and reduce the appearance of inflammatory processes, rashes.
  • To prepare such a bath, add 6 drops of ether to sea salt, mix and pour into warm water. You can stay in warm water for up to 40 minutes. Lavender aromatherapy is also beneficial for children. You can also arrange fragrant baths for your baby. In this case, you need to mix sea salt with 3 drops of ether so that the smell does not seem too strong for the child.


Lavender essential oil is a storehouse of beneficial properties, but when using it, you should be aware of contraindications.

  • Lavender oil is used in a strictly prescribed dosage, exceeding which is strictly prohibited.
  • Young children should be treated with this medication carefully so as not to cause adverse reactions.
  • The use of the product is strictly prohibited for women in the first 4 months of pregnancy. Lavender essential oil is also prohibited after abortion.
  • Hypotonic patients should use the oil in minimal quantities; if their health worsens, discard it.
  • Lavender essential oil is prohibited if a person is undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Iron and iodine-containing preparations are not compatible with lavender oil.
  • Increasing the amount of ester used increases blood cholesterol levels.

The beneficial properties of lavender essential oil have found application in many areas of human life.

Knowledge, execution simple rules protects against side effects.

Aromatic facial oil removes wrinkles, preserves youth and beauty. A pleasant smell will drive away depression and restore good mood.

Lavender essential oil has long been valued for its anesthetic, healing and calming properties. Today it is often used in perfumery, medicinal purposes, in cosmetology for hair care and solving problems of hypersensitive and damaged skin.

Lavender essential oil is isolated from the flowers and herb of the same name by steam distillation. The essential oil content in them reaches thirty percent. Lavender oil is considered elite, has virtually no color, has a light texture, a sweet and tart aroma, with a hint of bitterness. It contains limonene, aldehyde, tannins, linalyl acetate, coumarin, valeric and butyric acids.

Lavender oil goes well and exhibits maximum healing properties in combination with oils such as: chamomile, petitgrain, pine, bay, ginger, clove, rose, tea tree, marjoram, cypress, nutmeg, lemon, geranium, myrrh, cinnamon, patchouli, citronella, myrtle, valerian, incense, sandalwood, fennel, sage, rosemary.

Properties and uses of lavender essential oil.
Lavender has anticonvulsant, antiviral, bactericidal, antiseptic, healing effects, has antispasmodic, regenerative, diuretic, analgesic, sedative properties, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and blood circulation in the brain, and helps lower blood pressure.

The antiviral activity of lavender oil allows it to be used in therapy and prevention infectious diseases(flu), laryngitis, pneumonia, rhinitis, it increases immune protection body, calms the nervous system, relieves stress, relaxes, restores energy aura, normalizes sleep. The essential oil solution stimulates the healing processes of wounds and skin damage, in most cases without leaving scars on the skin. Lavender also improves function digestive system(increases appetite, normalizes stomach acidity), liver and gall bladder function, restores menstrual cycle, alleviates conditions during menopause.

Lavender essential oil mixed with alcohol is recommended to be taken for rapid heartbeat and cardiovascular diseases, severe headaches, pyelonephritis, attacks of rheumatism, stress and increased irritability, neurasthenia, urolithiasis, neuralgia, paralysis. An open bottle of essential oil at the head of the bed, left for fifteen minutes, will make your sleep calm and sound, and strengthen the nervous system. A bath with lavender oil stimulates blood supply to the skin and helps with joint inflammation. It is often used as wound healing agent for skin diseases, various bruises and dislocations.

Lavender oil is an excellent assistant in the treatment of purulent wounds, eczema, acne, fungal diseases, burns, various dermatoses and other neuroendocrine diseases. When applied to the skin, it improves microcirculation, relieves swelling, fights inflammation, irritation, redness of the skin, eliminates itching and flaking, serves an excellent remedy cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, therefore it is effectively used in cosmetology. The oil has also found its use in hair care; it has a deodorizing effect on the scalp and fights dandruff.

Aromatherapy with lavender oil will provide good protection against insects (moths, mosquitoes) and will have a stimulating effect on mental activity, emotional sphere, will help you concentrate your attention.

Treatment with lavender oil, recipes.
As noted earlier, essential oil dissolves perfectly in alcohol, hence it has a wide external and indoor application in the treatment of various diseases and skin lesions.

To remove nervous tension, in case of excessive anxiety, it is recommended to use a mixture of a drop of thyme, three drops of lavender, four drops of geranium and two drops of juniper. Mix the components and use for aromatizing the room (aroma lamp), baths and massage (in the last two cases, combine the mixture with 10 ml base oil(olive, almond)).

To alleviate mental fatigue and to increase concentration, it is recommended to spray a mixture of oils in the room (use an aroma pendant or aroma lamp): a drop of orange, five drops of rosemary, two drops each of geranium and lavender.

To eliminate muscle pain, it is effective to rub a mixture of oils into the painful areas: two drops of rosemary and eucalyptus, a drop of juniper and mint, and four drops of lavender.

Massage of the sore area with a mixture of olive oil(10 ml) and two drops each of lavender, rosemary and juniper oils.

At increased sweating It’s good to make a foot bath for your feet: pour a liter of boiling water into a mixture of 20 g of sage leaves and the same amount of lavender. Leave the mixture for thirty minutes, strain, add 5 ml of lavender essential oil and 3 ml of sage oil, pour into a small bowl and lower your feet. The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes.

Lavender oil helps people with hypotension very well. You need to add 7 drops of essential oil to 200 ml of warm water. Take this mixture an hour before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. For the same purpose, you can take a twenty-minute bath with lavender oil (mix 30 ml of oil with a small amount sea ​​salt or cream and add to warm water).

Take off stabbing pain A massage with lavender oil will help your heart. Rub five drops of oil in your palms and massage the area of ​​pain with light rotating movements. If the pain intensifies, stop the massage; it is better to replace it with a warm bath with the addition of lavender oil.

To speed up the healing of burns, it is recommended to apply a mixture of olive (10 ml), lavender (15 ml) and cypress (5 ml) oils. Baths with the addition of lavender essential oil will also help speed up tissue regeneration; this procedure is effective for extensive, but not severe burns. Take a bath for no more than twenty minutes once a day (add 100 ml of oil to water at a temperature of 38 degrees).

A non-healing ulcer from a 3rd degree burn can also be healed by lavender oil, restoring the skin. To do this, it must be combined with pine and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the affected area of ​​skin several times a day.

Lavender oil can also heal ulcers: combine 20 ml of lavender oil, 20 g chicken fat(pre-melt), 100 ml of chamomile infusion (a tablespoon of herb per 100 ml of boiling water, leave for thirty minutes, strain), 70 ml of sage leaf infusion (a tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water, leave for thirty minutes, strain). Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for a day. Ready-made composition lubricate the ulcers twice a day, after ten minutes rinse with cool water boiled water. Treatment course includes 14 days, then you need to take a week break and repeat the course again.

The oil is also good for prevention viral diseases, it should be used in the form of inhalations (wet at the beginning of the disease, dry during the recovery period), rubbing (back, chest), room aromatization, aromatic baths.

Lavender essential oil in combination with St. John's wort decoction promotes ulcer healing duodenum. Twice a day you should consume a glass of St. John's wort decoction with the addition of 10 ml of lavender oil.

Those suffering from stomach ulcers will also benefit from lavender oil; 5 ml of it should be dripped onto a piece of refined sugar and consumed fifteen minutes before meals. During attacks, the oil has an analgesic effect. Take the oil in this form three times a day.

Lavender essential oil is effective in treating kidney diseases and Bladder, 5 ml of it is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and taken fifteen minutes before meals. Do the procedure three times a day until the condition improves.

For dislocations, sprains, and fractures, compresses with lavender oil are recommended. Take 15 drops of oil per 100 ml of warm water and soak in the mixture. gauze pad and apply to the sore area (or fracture), secure with film, hold for twenty minutes. Do the procedure once a day. After the compress, it is good to lightly massage the affected area with lavender oil.

Oil tincture of lavender with therapeutic effect can be made at home: pour 2 tbsp. l. herbs and lavender flowers with a glass of olive oil, leave the mixture in a dark place to infuse for two months, then strain and squeeze. Ready product take orally (a teaspoon three times a day) and externally to calm neurasthenia, and also externally as a pain reliever for dislocations and bruises.

Lavender essential oil use in cosmetology.
Lavender is ideal for caring for young, problematic, sensitive, tired, flabby and damaged skin. It exhibits cleansing, toning, refreshing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, eliminating rashes, drying out acne, normalizing sebum secretion and metabolic processes in the skin. Regular use of oil in skin care will be an excellent prevention of pigmentation, the formation of scars and scars after acne (post-acne) and acne.

Regular use of lavender oil will prevent the formation of acne and also make the skin velvety, soft and tender. To increase effectiveness, the oil should be applied to steamed skin, and after five minutes, remove excess oil with a napkin.

Lotion for cleansing oily skin.
Cleanses, reduces inflammation, refreshes, deodorizes.

Glycerin – 100 ml.
Water – 200 ml.
Ethyl alcohol (96%) – 50 ml.
Lavender oil – 10 ml.

Mix the ingredients and pour into a bottle. Wipe the steamed skin, shake the mixture before the procedure.

When caring for sagging aging skin, lavender oil softens it, soothes it, cleanses it, and activates regeneration processes. It should also be applied to steamed skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

To soften rough skin on the feet, eliminate flaking, nourish and eliminate cracks and heel spurs A mixture with the addition of lavender oil is recommended. Grind 40 g of liquid honey with 10 ml of lemon juice and 5 ml of lavender oil. Lubricate the pre-steamed skin of the feet with the prepared mixture, put on plastic bags and thick socks (woolen) on top. Keep the mask on for forty minutes, then rinse off.

Lavender is great for eliminating some hair problems such as hair loss, brittleness, and dandruff.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil.

  • After an abortion (not earlier than the first three months).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Anemia.
  • Taking iodine and iron containing drugs.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • People prone to low blood pressure.
Before using the oil, you should perform an allergy test to check for allergic reactions.

It is one of those plants that has a fairly light, pleasant aroma. The beneficial properties of this plant were discovered by people several centuries ago. According to available information, the inhabitants of Rome used the oil of this plant to prevent the development of a number of pathological conditions. Lavender is also very popular among modern citizens. If we talk about lavender oil, it is obtained by distilling this plant with water steam. Let us immediately note that this oil is used both in aromatherapy and in perfumery, as well as in cosmetology.

The aroma of this medicinal plant associated with serenity. It has both a relaxing and calming effect. In case of loss of strength, aromatherapy specialists suggest using a bath with the addition of a few drops of this oil. Lavender essential oil is endowed and quite strong antispasmodic effect. It is used in the fight against neuralgia, insomnia, neurasthenia, excessive excitability, headaches, stress and depression.

Inhaling air saturated with the essential oil of this plant is not only easy, but also very useful. It tends to have a very beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. If you have hoarseness on your face, then lavender oil will help get rid of this phenomenon already after the first procedure. Since this oil also has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects, it has found its wide application and in the fight against bronchial asthma, as well as bronchitis, both acute and chronic. During seasonal viral diseases, the use of this oil will help prevent the development of influenza.

Lavender is considered to be an excellent plant for the treatment of burns and purulent wounds. The essential oil of this plant will help speed up the regeneration process skin, and will also reduce to a minimum the strength of manifestation of certain not-so-pleasant signs of various skin diseases. Often this oil is used to treat various pathological conditions and in children. If you just can’t calm your baby down and put him to bed, then drop two to three drops of this oil on his pillow and within five to ten minutes your baby will fall asleep soundly. restful sleep. In the same way, you can fight insomnia, which, unfortunately, worries many adults.

And now as for directly correct use of this oil as an aromatherapy agent. If you have an aroma maker, then it is recommended to add four to six drops of this oil to it. If you decide to soak in the bath, then add three to six drops of lavender essential oil to it. For cold or hot inhalation, one to three drops will be enough. It is allowed to drip two to three drops of this oil onto the aroma medallion. And finally, you can easily add this oil to water intended for steam cleansing your face.