What is lymphatic drainage? Lymphatic drainage: take control of your health

Lymphatic drainage, or, more correctly, lymphatic drainage massage was originally used to relieve swelling in postoperative period. Today, many representatives of the fair sex, with the help of such a massage, get rid of cellulite, bags under the eyes, varicose veins of the legs and many other problems. What is lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a massage that helps eliminate fluid stagnation in the intercellular space. Our body contains a lot of water - both inside and outside the cells. As is known, nutrients carries blood, and waste products and waste products are eliminated using lymph (intercellular fluid). When lymph stagnates, harmful substances are not excreted, which is dangerous for the body. This may lead to an increase blood pressure, varicose veins, the appearance of edema. Main enemy female beauty– cellulite also develops due to lymph stagnation.

Lymphatic drainage is carried out to remove fluid and metabolic products from intercellular space, improving lymph circulation. During this procedure, the entire lymphatic system is actively affected, as a result of which blood vessels dilate and muscles relax. Thanks to lymphatic drainage massage you can get rid of the manifestations of cellulite, swelling, venous insufficiency and even wrinkles.

Indications and contraindications

  • Cellulite, excess body fat, sagging skin, swelling;
  • Bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Stress, deterioration of psycho-emotional state;
  • Lymph flow disorders, varicose veins.

However, not everyone can undergo lymphatic drainage massage. It is not recommended in the presence of pathologies such as increased fragility blood vessels, thrombophlebitis, tumors, heart disease, thyroid gland and kidneys, skin diseases, increase lymph nodes. It cannot be performed on women expecting a child.

Lymphatic drainage can be manual or hardware.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed using smooth, light pressure and sliding along the lines of lymphatic flow on the body. To enhance the effect, special oils and skin masks are usually used.

Depending on the technique, manual lymphatic drainage is of three types:

  • Superficial – stimulates the capillaries found in the skin, which are responsible for the accumulation and removal of fluid;
  • Deep - affects the lymphatic vessels, stimulating the outflow of fluid from internal systems and organs;
  • Internal – affects the lymph nodes.

Typically, the duration of a manual lymphatic massage session is 1-1.5 hours. Lymphatic drainage course - 7-8 sessions.

Performing manual lymphatic drainage massage at home

Of course, it is best if lymphatic drainage is performed by a specialist. However, this is not always possible. In this case, you can learn the technique of manual lymphatic drainage and perform it yourself at home. It’s great if you get trained by a specialist.

The main rule of massage is that all movements should be careful and smooth. Otherwise, bruising cannot be avoided.

The main stages of manual lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Warming up the problem area (hips, legs, arms). Do slow, smooth strokes in the direction of lymph flow: from the wrist to the shoulders, from the neck to the chest and from the legs and abdomen to hip joint. Repeat the movements several times in one place, then move a little further. And so on until you reach the top point;
  • Active stage. Move the edge of your palm towards the lymph nodes. They are located on both sides of the neck, under lower jaw, on the elbow bend line, under the armpits, in the center chest, under the knees, on both sides of the groin;
  • Accept cool shower, then apply nourishing cream to the body.

Naturally, a self-administered lymphatic drainage massage will not be as effective as a professional one. However, many use it to reduce swelling and improve skin condition. The main thing is to do it regularly and only according to the rules.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage can be different types. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage. This kind hardware massage is based on the local effect of negative pressure on certain areas of the skin. Special vessels are installed on the patient’s body, under which the pressure is reduced. As a result, the outflow of lymph and blood improves, and cellular metabolism is activated. Carrying out this procedure requires highly qualified specialists, since the use of too high pressure can lead to injury to capillaries and the formation of hematomas. Before using vacuum lymphatic drainage, you must consult a doctor and undergo some examinations.
  • Pressotherapy. This type Lymphatic drainage massage involves applying compressed air to certain areas of the body. To carry out this procedure, special equipment is used. The patient is fitted with a suit that resembles a giant blood pressure cuff. This type of lymphatic drainage is usually used to reduce the volume of the legs, hips and arms.
  • Microcurrent lymphatic drainage. Skin is affected pulse current, which is supplied through several electrodes. This procedure is not only absolutely painless, but also very effective for removing extra pounds.

With the help of lymphatic drainage, you can not only get rid of imperfections in appearance, but also improve your health. Good mood and high performance will be a great bonus of this procedure.

The negative impact of external and internal factors can cause stagnation of lymph, which provokes metabolic disorders, slows down cell regeneration, causes cellulite, swelling and excess weight. You can cope with these problems with the help of lymphatic drainage - a procedure to stimulate the movement of lymph that does not harm human health.

Operating principle

Few people know that a person’s beauty and health largely depend on his condition. lymphatic system- many thin vessels that penetrate all organs and tissues of the body. Free flow of lymph (liquid connective tissue) ensures the complete return of salts, proteins and metabolites from tissues to blood vessels.

Lymphatic drainage effect is carried out different ways, but with one goal - to optimize lymph movements, eliminate excess fluid from the intercellular space.
Emergence and development pathological processes is caused by a decrease in vascular tone and fluid retention, in which toxins and waste accumulate, poisoning the body. Their presence provokes swelling, inflammation, metabolic disorders and the accumulation of fat cells.

Eliminating lymph stagnation helps to:

  • Cleansing the body of decay products.
  • Increased blood circulation, access of oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  • Activation of fibroblasts and increasing their production of collagen, necessary for elasticity and youth of the skin.
  • Removing excess fluid.
  • Optimization of metabolism and breakdown of fat cells.


Procedures with the effect of lymphatic drainage have a local healing effect, reduce existing cosmetic problems skin and soft tissues, ensure the prevention of their occurrence in the future. Their implementation is relevant for problem areas of the face and body in the following cases:

  • Cellulite.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, decreased tone and elasticity.
  • Excess weight, local fat deposits.
  • Shallow and not old scars.
  • Varicose veins (on initial stage).
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Edema.
  • Inflammatory processes.


Before carrying out the procedure, you must ensure that there are no contraindications to it. It is not recommended to perform lymphatic drainage at home or at an appointment with a specialist if the following features patient's health:

  • Acute respiratory diseases.
  • Heart failure, other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin in problem area.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Oncology.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Diabetes mellitus, endocrine system disorders.

Contraindications may vary slightly depending on the method of the procedure. Thus, a lymphatic drainage device that generates electrical impulses is contraindicated for metal implants and pacemakers, varicose veins veins

Types of lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage can be performed using one of many different techniques, differing from each other in the method of implementation and depth of impact. So, in modern cosmetology The following solutions are practiced.

Manual lymphatic drainage

The purpose of the procedure is to influence the lymphatic vessels and remove excess fluid. Allows for a deeper impact, treatment of hard-to-reach and delicate areas, has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The technique is divided depending on the depth of impact into three directions, which are indicated in the table.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Hardware lymphatic drainage is carried out using special devices; the purpose of the procedure is to activate muscle work and provoke lymph outflow. Allows you to achieve positive changes in short time, but depending on the type of procedure (see table) has big amount contraindications and potential complications.

Procedure name Operating principle Expected results
Microcurrent therapy Impact of low frequency electric current on nerve and muscle fibers. Strengthening lymph flow and improving blood circulation, general health improvement body.
Myostimulation Stimulation of lymph nodes with electric current. Muscle contraction, increased lymph flow.
Vacuum Creating negative pressure to treat lymph flow lines. blood flow to soft tissues, increased muscle tone, increased lymph flow.
Pressotherapy Pulsed air pressure through a special suit. Lymphatic drainage devices of this type stimulate the muscles.
Endermology Exposure using a roller-vacuum apparatus. Relaxation and toning, normalization of internal processes, improvement of skin condition.

Lymphatic drainage at home

Lymphatic drainage at home is a good alternative to procedures in the salon, and a great opportunity to save money. Get required results it is problematic if you use it independently, but it is possible, the main thing is to choose the right technique depending on the location of the problem area, and if necessary, purchase special devices for the procedure.

For face

The simplest apparatus for lymphatic drainage is medical vacuum jars, most often they are used to work on the face, at the first signs of aging, swelling and bags under the eyes. A set of silicone products is estimated at approximately 600–1000 rubles, while the procedure in the salon will cost 1500–2000 rubles per session, if necessary, the course is repeated.

The jars are easy to use: apply to face Massage Oil, distribute it evenly and let it absorb slightly, avoiding drying out the skin. Then press on the sides of the jar, pushing out the air, and fix it on the problem area. Carefully slide the device along massage lines, avoid the eye area. In such a delicate area, the jars must be placed stationary for 5–7 seconds, but not moved.

The lymphatic system in our body is responsible for immunity. Once it weakens, problems begin: a person is taken over by chronic fatigue, worried about hormonal imbalances, allergic reactions, swelling. The root of inflammatory processes lies in an unhealthy lifestyle, in particular, hypothermia, stress, lack of sleep, physical inactivity, poor nutrition. Lymphatic vessels They also lose elasticity with age. If fluid is retained in the intercellular spaces, lymphatic drainage massage of the entire body, including the face, is recommended. About the indications and contraindications of the procedure, its effect and reviews we'll talk in today's article.

Lymph is a colorless, viscous liquid in our body, which is a type of connective tissue. Its function is to transport proteins, salts, metabolites, and toxins into the blood. Lymph nodes also play the role of a barrier that prevents infections from entering the body. When the system is unhealthy, the whole body feels it, the face swells.

In critical cases, lymphatic drainage is used, a physiotherapeutic method that removes fluid from the intercellular space. The effect should be improved circulation and uniform distribution of lymph throughout the body. It also stimulates blood vessels and relaxes muscles. After manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage, the liquid begins to circulate throughout the body correctly, and the system regularly performs its tasks.

Who is the procedure prescribed for?

Lymphatic drainage massage has contraindications and indications. There are a number of diseases for which it is recommended. It is used to get rid of excess weight, cellulite (especially the edematous type), scars, and varicose veins to improve the outflow of fluid in the leg area. Indications for use are also diseases associated with metabolic disorders, drainage functions of the body, detoxification, and immune disorders.

When using a massage against cellulite, it is recommended to alternate it with wraps and mud treatment. Lymphatic drainage massage of the face is prescribed to relieve swelling, correct shape, eliminate a double chin, and combat wrinkles.

Contraindications for massage

For lymphatic drainage to be successful, you need to make sure that the body is not weakened, that there are no inflammatory processes and other contraindications, since the event is aimed at strengthening not only the system, but the whole body.

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts, scratches);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • infections;
  • high body temperature;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face is contraindicated in case of blood meshwork, after rhinoplasty, with dermatological diseases, high blood pressure.

Types of lymphatic drainage

Based on the technique used, the following types of procedures are distinguished.

  1. Hardware lymphatic drainage body massage. His technique is based on electroiontophoresis, the purpose of which is to release active substances from tissues. chemical elements, and also introduce nutrients under the skin using electrodes. The effect after this type of lymphatic drainage is observed long time. According to reviews, it smoothes the skin of the face and body, scars dissolve. In the absence of contraindications, this manipulation can be performed regardless of age. The devices have 8-10 degrees of intensity, which change throughout the procedure.
  2. Vacuum lymphatic drainage. The technique is based on the local effect of negative pressure on certain areas of the face and body. Stimulates metabolism, blood and lymph circulation.
  3. Microcurrent lymphatic drainage. Stimulates the upper layers of the dermis through electrical current. Affects capillaries under the skin. Both types of massage produce a superficial effect.
  4. Process therapy. A type of hardware lymphatic drainage, the task of which is to combat overweight, cellulite, leg swelling and varicose veins. The technique consists of putting special bandages on the stomach, arms or legs. Their compression provides pressure on areas where it is necessary to disperse blood.

The listed types of massage are performed on parts of the body where lymph can accumulate - face, legs, thighs, abdomen. After the event, it is advisable to take a contrast shower. Reviews from cosmetologists and patients indicate that after several sessions, due to the removal of fluid, the hips and sides are reduced, the pressure is stabilized, the skin is smoothed, and the shape of the face is corrected. Lymph, evenly distributed throughout the body, makes the body work correctly.

The massage lasts at least an hour. The procedure has a relaxing effect on the patient. During manipulation there should be no painful sensations. For facial massage, oils are sometimes used to remove fluid and open pores. The technique involves several stages:

  • Gentle pumping of the lymphatic areas of the body (in the groin, above the collarbones, under the knees, abdominal area) is carried out in order to clear the lymph flow paths. The massage is performed from top to bottom.
  • The second stage includes smooth movements from bottom to top. Their task is to stimulate neuroreceptors and capillaries.

The intensity of stroking increases towards the middle of the session, but only slightly. In general, the movements are measured.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is done both with the help of a specialist and at home. It is possible in manual and hardware mode. The warm-up is replaced by pressing on certain points of the face and stroking. It is better when this type of massage is performed by a qualified cosmetologist, since it is necessary to know the location of the lymphatic zones and master special techniques. The effect is normalization of blood circulation in the face, toning and relaxation of muscles, reduction of nasolabial folds, smoothing out wrinkles. Can be used herbal remedies based on cornflower, aloe, rosemary to moisturize the skin. Depending on the location and method, each type of massage lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The complex consists of 10 sessions.

Technique of the procedure

In order for lymphatic drainage to fulfill its main tasks, a highly qualified massage therapist is required. To accelerate the flow of lymph and blood, you need competent technology, both hardware and manual massage.

The main rules of effective lymphatic drainage:

  • Before the procedure, the tissues are gently warmed up. Only in this way does lymph circulation become more intense.
  • The movements should not be strong. A professional massage therapist acts smoothly and carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels.
  • To get results, you should undergo 10-12 lymphatic drainage procedures during the course.
  • To achieve greater effect, massage is combined with other activities that enhance its effect - contrast shower, wraps.
  • LM can be carried out using mixtures, gels, aromatic oils, creams, extracts natural origin or honey. Substances with aloe or cornflower help eliminate toxins.
  • It's better to trust your face qualified specialist, since the technique of lymphatic drainage of this part of the body requires knowledge of acupuncture.
  • You can verify the effectiveness of LM own photo before and after.
  • A few hours of rest after it will help to consolidate the effect of the massage.


"From personal experience I will say that it is better to entrust facial skin lymphatic drainage to a specialist high category. I did it twice: the first time closer to home, but unsuccessfully. On a local forum I read reviews about another clinic where only certified cosmetologists work. The technology is radically different! But I also felt the effect. After the 4th session I saw a refreshed image of myself in the mirror. And after 10 procedures, they stopped recognizing me, my face had changed so much (for the better, of course).”

Oksana Samoilova, Moscow.

“A year ago I had a hormonal disbalance: the face, legs and other parts of the body swelled. The gynecologist advised me to do lymphatic drainage. I read the reviews and chose the hardware course. After it, my swelling disappeared, and I also lost three kilograms, which was completely unexpected for me. Ready to repeat!”

Evgeniya, Rostov-on-Don.

“Quite by accident, I was diagnosed with varicose veins at the initial stage. After analyzing the indications and contraindications, the doctor prescribed me a course of lymphatic drainage of the legs. All symptoms disappeared as if by hand. For 3 months now I have not felt any pain or swelling, although I spend the whole day on my feet. I want to repeat it on other parts of the body; according to reviews, it also removes extra centimeters from the waist.”

Sofia, Saratov.

“I did manual lymphatic drainage massage on the body to correct the figure and eliminate cellulite. For one course, which I combined with wraps, exercises and proper nutrition, it took 5 kilograms. Now my goal is to get rid of my double chin, so I'll try a facial treatment. Special thanks to the massage therapist, she’s just smart!”

Elena, Novosibirsk.

“I did lymphatic drainage massage of the body five times, including on the face. This method is my everything, because due to heredity I have been struggling with overweight. After a course of lymphatic drainage, 3-5 kg ​​are lost, the double chin disappears from my face, I feel great. I repeat every six months – both hardware and manual.”

Olga, St. Petersburg.

“I used lymphatic drainage on the advice of a phlebologist, I was worried about varicose veins. Amazing procedure! After it, for two months now I not only don’t feel heavy in my legs, but I also feel much better overall, as if I’ve lost several years. I will do this pleasant event on other parts of the body, and the next course I will try for the face.”

Dmitry, Moscow region.

The lymphatic system is an integral part of the human body. This system is due to the circulation of lymph fluid in the vessels. Thanks to this system, the human body is protected from viruses.

People's lives have changed noticeably, activity has decreased, and because of this, lymphatic fluid began to stagnate in the body. In order to combat lymph stagnation, doctors recommend doing special exercises. There is also a less energy-consuming method - lymphatic drainage.

What is lymphatic drainage

In essence, lymphatic drainage is manual therapy, contributing to the normalization of lymph flow. Thanks to it, toxins are removed from the human body faster. Lymphatic drainage of the body is based on working out soft tissues in areas of lymphatic fluid circulation. The massage process is completely painless.

How the therapy works

A person’s aesthetic beauty directly depends on the state of his lymphatic system. The free movement of the fluid washing the cells promotes the flow of salt, protein and substances for metabolism into the blood vessels.

Purpose of lymphatic drainage: remove excess intercellular fluid . Pathologies in the human body arise from a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and the accumulation of fluid in which microbes multiply well. Accumulated toxins cause increased swelling and poor metabolism, which is accompanied by increased deposition of the fat layer.

Lymphatic drainage massage is used for:

  • improving lymph and blood flow;
  • removing excess fluid between cells, leading to the appearance of cellulite;
  • normalization of metabolism (reduces weight);
  • increasing skin strength and vascular elasticity.

For greater effect, along with lymphatic drainage massage use other cosmetic manipulations.

Indications for use

Lymphatic drainage therapy has a general strengthening effect on human body. This procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

Lymphatic drainage will help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections. The procedure can be made more pleasant and useful if you add cosmetical tools. The drainage procedure is suitable for any age. Renders positive influence on age-related changes and prevents the premature formation of cellulite.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Different types of lymphatic drainage therapy can influence any area of ​​the human body:

  • face;
  • under the eyes;
  • body;
  • legs.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

This procedure is carried out using special equipment, which makes it impossible to carry out at home.

There are the following types of hardware drainage:

The hardware lymphatic drainage procedure is used for:

  • giving elasticity to the skin;
  • combating obesity;
  • smoothing scars;
  • reducing swelling;
  • removal blue circles under the eyes and bags;
  • eliminating cellulite.

Lymphatic drainage wrap

This type of lymphatic drainage therapy can be done at home. The process is very simple: special cosmetics are selected, applied to problem areas of the body and wrapped in cling film. This compress must be kept for up to 1.5 hours. After removing it, the skin is treated with a moisturizing cream. Wraps can reduce cellulite.

Manual massage

The simplest and most common method of massage. Every person is capable of learning necessary actions and perform a massage at home. The massage technique involves massaging the outflow of lymph fluid with your fingers. The intensity of the massage can be controlled independently, which allows it to be used on all parts of the body.

The manual massage process includes 3 stages:

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

Based on the technology of using cups in medicine. Banks are placed on a specific area of ​​the body. The skin under the jar secretes excess liquid. As a result, swelling decreases. This drainage is also used for cellulite and excess weight.

Non-hardware lymphatic drainage can be used at home, which saves on the cost of a cosmetologist. But you need to be well prepared for the massage. Find out how it is carried out, select the necessary cosmetics and master the technique of manual lymphomassage.

Carrying out the procedure at home

As already mentioned, you need to massage along the paths of lymph movement - this is the main rule. Touch areas of the skin lightly.

At the end of each stage of the massage, you need to make a control movement from the temporal part, along the cheeks to the collarbone. Facial lymphatic drainage takes approximately 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove excess wrinkles, puffiness under the eyes and give the skin a fresh look.

Wrap at home

Not every woman is able to devote time to hiking beauty salons. You can carry out such procedures at home yourself. It is worth preparing for the procedure in advance. 5 days before the start, you must stop taking coffee, soda, flour products and salt. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of any liquid per day, except sparkling water.

Before the procedure, be sure to take a hot shower or bath using a cleansing scrub. Before wrapping, you need to prepare everything necessary for its implementation: a device that is convenient for applying the wrapping mixture, and a film. The procedure is long, it is worth taking care of a comfortable position. To enhance the effect, wrap the compress in a towel. After the procedure, you need to wash everything off and treat the skin with a moisturizer.

Cosmetics recipes for wraps:

  • Mix 50 g of aloe with 3 drops of rosemary oil, adding 5 drops of black pepper infusion. This cocktail will cleanse you of toxins and remove excess water.
  • 20 g blue clay, 100 g healing mud, 30 g algae powder and 50 ml water. Good remedy from cellulite.
  • 100 ml of water, 50 g of kelp, 1 yolk, 5 drops of camphor, 3 drops of lemon tree oil. Gives skin elasticity.

But remember that these recipes may cause problems for some people. allergic reaction. Therefore, before use, you should apply the mixture to the skin of your hand and wait a while. If there is no redness, then the procedure will not cause allergies.

Self massage

When massaging your feet, it is important to sit comfortably so that the process is enjoyable. First, with light movements, we begin to massage from the ankle, ending with the knee area. We grab the ankles from behind with our hands and lightly move them along the leg to the popliteal area. This massage will improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and relieve fatigue.

Lymphatic drainage massage in the abdominal area is carried out from overweight, loose skin and stretch marks. The massage is carried out in a circular motion clockwise.

To reduce cellulite in the thigh area, massage is performed from the inner thigh, moving to the groin area.

Contraindications to therapy

Lymphatic drainage therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • malignant formations. If tumors are present, drainage will promote spread cancer cells through the lymphatic system.
  • presence of blood clots. Massage increases blood flow, and this can affect the release of a blood clot.
  • kidney diseases.
  • heart failure.
  • infections.
  • skin inflammation.
  • fragility of blood vessels.
  • diabetes.
  • menstruation.
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The presence of the above circumstances during massage can cause serious consequences And severe complications. Skin inflammation may spread to undamaged areas of the skin. During pregnancy, experts recommend refusing any procedures unless they are vitally necessary.

Proper nutrition and sports

Experts recommend consolidating the results of lymphatic drainage with proper nutrition and exercise. Nutrition must be chosen so that it helps remove toxins from the body. First of all, you should avoid fatty, spicy, highly salted, and smoked foods. It is best to steam and boil.

Use daily fresh fruits and vegetables. Must be included in the diet dairy products. Set up drinking regime. Drinking at least 2 liters of water will help give your skin freshness. Physical exercise important for the body. For example, jogging helps with cellulite.

The lymphatic drainage procedure has positive effect, which is visible almost immediately visually and by the state of the body. The immune system becomes stronger and performance increases.

Lymphatic drainage is a procedure that helps well in the fight against cellulite, as well as a decrease in vascular tone (blood and lymphatic), but, like any cosmetic procedure, it has its own indications and serious contraindications.

Types of lymphatic drainage

There are manual and hardware lymphatic drainage.

Manual lymphatic drainage is performed using manual massage and manual manipulation methods.

Hardware - done using various devices. After it, enlargement of the lymph nodes is possible, which goes away on its own. Also, depending on the degree of impact, internal, deep and superficial types are distinguished.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is divided into:

  • Vacuum;
  • Microcurrent;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • LPG massage.

Vacuum hardware lymphatic drainage is a manipulation in which areas of the skin are exposed to negative pressure. Thanks to this, lymphatic outflow is stimulated and cellular metabolism improves.

During this manipulation, the cosmetologist who performs it must be especially careful, since if this procedure is performed incorrectly, hematomas may appear on the skin. The duration of this procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

Microcurrent hardware lymphatic drainage is used to stimulate not only the lymphatic, but also circulatory system, as well as to strengthen them. Indications: swelling, sagging skin of the face or body.

For pressotherapy, compressed air is used, supplied through a special cuff. Due to the fact that it is divided into sections, the force of impact can be selected individually. This makes it possible to effectively reduce fat deposits and remove swelling within a short period of time. Indications for this type of lymphatic drainage are obesity, slagging of the body, edema.

LPG massage is done using a special device. During this manipulation skin fold captured by rollers located inside. The grip area can be changed depending on the thickness of the skin. The device moves over the skin thanks to rollers located outside. To make it easy to grasp and smooth out skin folds during the procedure, the person wears a special suit. This massage is suitable for combating cellulite at any stage.

The effect of lymphatic drainage on the body

Due to regular lymphatic drainage, the following positive changes occur:

  • The skin is tightened;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Small scars disappear;
  • Swelling goes away;
  • The contours of the face and body become more toned;
  • Excess fat deposits melt;

Already after the first session of lymphatic drainage, many people feel a positive effect: swelling subsides, the skin texture begins to even out, and volumes decrease. In addition, the functioning of the entire body is normalized, since this manipulation produces a general strengthening effect on it, blood flow improves, metabolism is stabilized, body weight is reduced, and vascular lumen increases.

In order to receive tangible effect from lymphatic drainage, you need to undergo from 8 to 12 procedures. The number of sessions and type of lymphatic drainage are selected individually, depending on what problems need to be solved.


Indications for this procedure:

  • Obesity;
  • Cellulite;
  • Decreased skin elasticity;
  • Phlebeurysm lower limbs in remission (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Serious physical activity;
  • Sagging skin;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Skin aging.

Particularly worth highlighting is the procedure of lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities.

Indications for this procedure are the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. After a session of such a massage, pain in the legs goes away, swelling disappears, and the functioning of the venous valves improves. When treating or preventing varicose veins, procedures are carried out approximately once a week.


Hardware or manual lymphatic drainage is not performed if there are the following contraindications:

  • Malignant processes in the body;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Chronic kidney disease, as the load on the kidneys sharply increases;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Heart failure;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

At malignant process It is strictly not recommended to carry out the lymphatic drainage procedure in the body, since it can contribute to the spread of malignant cells throughout the body and tumor growth. In case of thrombophlebitis, this procedure can also lead to dire consequences, since increased blood flow can provoke the detachment of a blood clot.

Chronic kidney disease, acute respiratory disease, severe heart failure, infectious diseases are serious contraindications to lymphatic drainage, as severe complications may develop. At inflammatory processes on the skin (especially if the integrity of skin) this procedure is not performed, since it can provoke the spread of inflammation further to healthy areas.

Regarding restrictions during pregnancy and lactation, there are different opinions. Some experts argue that during pregnancy you should refrain from performing any procedures that are not vital. Others argue that in the first trimester of pregnancy this procedure can be carried out.

If during pregnancy there is a need for lymphatic drainage, then you should give preference to its most gentle option - manual. In addition, during pregnancy you should not carry out the procedure on the entire body, but only on the most problematic areas. Before undergoing any procedure during pregnancy, it is best to consult with your doctor, who can help you determine exactly whether you have any contraindications for the procedure.

This procedure is not performed if the person has mental illness, as well as for pain, the nature of which is not clear, and with a tendency to bleeding. For a person who does not have all the listed contraindications, lymphatic drainage sessions can only bring great benefit for good health.