Allergies from A to Z. How to distinguish allergies from other diseases? Causes of household allergies

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Questions and answers on: how to cause allergies

2013-05-18 05:45:46

Tatiana asks:

Hello! I was put on a drip and had an allergic reaction (Quincke's edema, urticaria) to leflocin, because... I still had to take some antibiotics, did a subcutaneous test for ceftriaxone, amoxiclav, on the 1st there was redness right away, and on the 2nd it was swollen near the injection, and on the second day it was still red and lasted for a couple of days! Is it possible to somehow find out what antibiotics I should take? Are they suitable? And can this allergy cause an allergy to poplar fluff and flowering? I never had this before, but now I have a sore throat, I sneeze, but there is no fever.

Answers Pukhlik Boris Mikhailovich:

If you have an allergy clinic in your city, then this is possible. However, allergies to medications and allergies to pollen are fundamentally different things.

2010-11-10 13:07:50

Tanya asks:

Hello! After the pods, which were a year ago, I began to have a whitish discharge, itching, and burning in the vagina. The doctor treated me for thrush 2 times and to no avail. Inflammation and the same symptoms appeared again, I changed the doctor and they found trichomonas in my smear, prescribed metronidazole and terzhinan suppositories. After the second control smear they found trichomanada (in small form) and prescribed Tiberal and Flagyl suppositories. My husband was treated with me and examined by a venereologist, his flora was clean without inflammation and they found ureaplasma. The venereologist prescribed us treatment for trichomoniasis and ureaplasma: ornidazole, immunoboosting injections, an antibiotic (flaxan - I don’t remember exactly what it’s called) and schechi terzhinan). After treatment, nothing bothered me for 2 months, and then again the leukocytes were high (up to 70 cc), but there were no trichomonas. I took PCR tests for infections (8 types) 3 times, all negative (I was also tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis - all negative). Tank. Culture revealed staphylococcus. After another course of Terzhinan, Tiberal and Ofloxin, the smear shows 8-10 leukocytes and mushrooms, there is little discharge, but it is slightly whitish and with air bubbles, I feel a burning sensation and discomfort at the entrance and sometimes there is itching in the vagina. The doctor said it was necessary to treat staphylococcus and stop antibiotics, because... after such treatment, trichomonas were not detected and there cannot be any, my ailments may be caused by an allergy(?). Now the situation is this: I had an unprotected p/a (before that my husband and I used a condom) and after 2 days my labia were swollen and my vagina was inflamed, the discharge was green-brown (some kind of purulent), I went to the doctor and ours was in a smear Trichonomadus. The doctor said that this is not a chronic form, but an acute one. They prescribed Atrican and neo-Penotran suppositories. Could you please tell me that Trichomonas was sitting somewhere deep inside me all this time and was not diagnosed, or was it not cured faster in my husband? An increase in leukocytes and colpitis a month after each course of treatment indicates that Trichomonas remained in the body? And how can this be cured?

Answers Silko Yaroslav Gennadievich:

The presence of staphylococcus promotes chronic inflammation and possibly complicates the course of trichomoniasis, so complex treatment is necessary. Perhaps you or your husband have not been treated or have been infected again and the inflammatory process periodically worsens. Without seeing you and all the examinations, it is difficult to say more specifically. You need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and undergo full treatment - everything can be treated.

2010-11-04 09:33:04

Tanya asks:

Hello! After the pods, which were a year ago, I began to have a whitish discharge, itching, and burning in the vagina. The doctor treated me for thrush 2 times and to no avail. Inflammation and the same symptoms appeared again, I changed the doctor and they found trichomonas in my smear, prescribed metronidazole and terzhinan suppositories. After the second control smear they found trichomanada (in small form) and prescribed Tiberal and Flagyl suppositories. My husband was treated with me and examined by a venereologist, his flora was clean without inflammation and they found ureaplasma. The venereologist prescribed us treatment for trichomoniasis and ureaplasma: ornidazole, immunoboosting injections, an antibiotic (flaxan - I don’t remember exactly what it’s called) and schechi terzhinan). After treatment, nothing bothered me for 2 months, and then again the leukocytes were high (up to 70 cc), but there were no trichomonas. I took PCR tests for infections (8 items) 3 times, all negative. Tank. Culture revealed staphylococcus. After another course of Terzhinan, Tiberal and Ofloxin, the smear shows 8-10 leukocytes and mushrooms, there is little discharge, but it is slightly whitish and with air bubbles, I feel a burning sensation and discomfort at the entrance and sometimes there is itching in the vagina. The doctor said it was necessary to treat staphylococcus and stop antibiotics, because... after such treatment, trichomonas were not detected and there cannot be any, my ailments may be caused by an allergy(?). Now the situation is this: I had an unprotected p/a (before that my husband and I used a condom) and after 2 days my labia were swollen and my vagina was inflamed, the discharge was green-brown (some kind of purulent), I went to the doctor and ours was in a smear Trichonomadus. The doctor said that this is not a chronic form, but an acute one. They prescribed Atrican and neo-Penotran suppositories. Could you please tell me that Trichomonas was sitting somewhere deep inside me all this time and was not diagnosed, or was it not cured faster in my husband? The presence of elevated leukocytes all this time indicates that Trichomonas remained in the body? And how can this be cured?

Answers Sklyarova Valentina Aleksandrovna:

Hello Tanya.
Your situation is very serious, since you have already undergone a lot of treatment, but there are no results. You need to know the condition of the cervix - if there is erosion - if present - in parallel with treatment - remove the erosion as a breeding ground for infection. Examine the intestines - the presence of staphylococcus, worms, the required level of bifidum and lactobacilli. And here consultation on the Internet will not give any effect.

2010-03-14 12:50:05

Vika asks:

Hello, I have a question. My son was recently diagnosed with AIRWAY STENOSIS. They took me to the hospital by ambulance that night. We gave injections (2 times) of prednisolone, spent the whole night near the inhaler. They took tests (swabs from the throat and nose) for infections - they found nothing, there were no infections. When I asked why this stenosis was caused, they didn’t answer me; none of the doctors knew. They advised me to buy prednisolone just in case, and if it happens again, then get an injection, call an ambulance and wait. I have a question, can this stenosis be caused by an allergy and if so, please recommend a good clinic where we can get tested and find out what exactly we are allergic to. By the way, a day before the incident, the child (the baby was 3.3 years old) tried mussels for the first time. And how often can these attacks recur? The child goes to the garden. Thank you

Answers Grishilo Pavel Viktorovich:

Good afternoon. Yes, stenosis can be provoked by food allergies... Contact the Kiev Children's Allergy Center, Hospital No. 2, A. Navoi St., 3.

2010-01-21 21:45:07

Asks Romanova Yulia Anatolyevna:

Hello. Please tell me what should I do? A year ago, first on my left eye, then on my right eye, my eyelids began to swell, itching appeared, and then redness. I went to an ophthalmologist - they diagnosed conjunctivitis and prescribed medications - hydrocortisone ointment and Albucit drops, and suprastin allergy tablets, as well as a list of products that can cause allergies. I followed these instructions for 2 months, but nothing helped. I turned to another specialist, he diagnosed me with blepharitis, prescribed the same ointment and plus Blepharogel, I was treated for blepharitis for two months, in the end there was zero result, I turned to a third specialist - he gave me a referral to a dermatologist - I went and took a test for Demodex diagnosis is negative, but they advised me to make warm lotions with tea, as a result of what I started heating, styes appeared on the inside of my eyelid, after they burst, the swelling subsided, and my eyelids took their previous appearance. But unfortunately, 2 years passed month and the swelling of the eyelids, itching and redness appeared again. The tumor somehow spreads only to one half of the eye (on the inside of the eyelid in the place where the tumor is red) sometimes the lacrimal sac swells. What do I have this time? Tell me, please tell me, I’m already losing hope that my eyes will return to their previous form, but I’m 23 years old, and my eyes are something that even older people don’t see, I don’t use makeup, people get scared when they see my eyes, I started wearing glasses with tinted lenses. Thank you very much in advance!!

Answers Averyanova Oksana Sergeevna:

Often blepharitis and recurrent stye are associated with general diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis or helminths. Get examined by a therapist about this. Of local therapy, it is obviously most advisable to continue to lubricate the eyelids with hydrocortisone

2009-02-10 18:28:09

Marina asks:

Hello! The doctor diagnosed my boyfriend with candidal balanoposthitis (based on symptoms of redness of the glans, but without testing). I was treated for 2 weeks with chamomile decoction, Terbinox ointment and diazolin. The effect is good, the redness has almost subsided. The doctor prescribed diazolin and rosehip decoction for another 5 days. My smear turned out to be completely normal (I really don’t like the fact that the smear was examined a week after it was taken; in my opinion, it needs to be done as quickly as possible). I still experience some discomfort and light, white discharge. Please tell me what could cause the diagnosis made by the urologist? Could it be caused by an allergy? (Additional information: his skin has recently become very sensitive, red marks appear on his body; before taking Diazolin, he was itching all over, but there were no rashes; he was very stressed about this.)

Answers Consultant at the medical laboratory "Sinevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Marina! Candidiasis balanoposthitis can only be caused by the Candida fungus. This condition can be suspected visually (during examination), but laboratory and instrumental studies are still necessary to make a diagnosis. The itching of your young man and your discharge may be associated with a violation of the microbial composition of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract - dysbacteriosis, the manifestation of which may be thrush. It is necessary to carry out bacterial cultures for non-specific (not STD) flora: for you from the urethra, vagina, cervical canal, for a young man, discharge from the urethra, prostate and urine. After receiving the results, it is necessary to undergo adequate treatment. The use of antibiotics in this case is not justified and will not lead to a cure, but only to a short-term improvement. Do a thorough examination and contact us with the results. Be healthy!

2016-07-10 19:03:20

Natalya 44 asks:

I don't know which doctor to contact. But I really need to know. The problem is this. I brought tablets for the treatment of STI (mycoplasma, gardenella, bacterial candidiasis) to my man (I was treated earlier). (We meet periodically from different countries). These are: geneferon suppositories, table. ornimed 0.5, zitmac 0.5, flunol 0.150 -2 caps.. After 1 day of taking it, he complains of a sore throat (but he had a trip and could catch a cold from the many air conditioners). he often has problems with his throat and always treats himself with soda). He refuses my antibiotics (he is very suspicious and boring about such things). supposedly this IPP treatment is killing his health. I control everything of course. And everything is not as bad as he imagines. I ask and beg him to wait a week so as not to interrupt the treatment he has started. Then go to the ENT, but he accuses me and just blows my mind. But there is one fatality. I got scared and am writing to you. He is allergic to pollen (there is no pollen here now). Please tell me: 1. Sore throat and sore throat can be caused by the use of these drugs? 2. And what risk to life do these pills pose if he is allergic to pollen? Please give me an answer. Thanks a lot. Sincerely. Natasha, 44.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! A sore throat may not be related to medications. If your partner has a tendency to allergic reactions, then under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is not a fact that the treatment prescribed to you by a specialist needs to be taken by your sexual partner. Firstly, the same mycoplasma is a conditionally pathogenic microflora and is not subject to sanitation in all cases. Ideally, your man needs to contact a urologist who will take a smear and prescribe the necessary examinations. Therapy is prescribed based on symptoms, titers of infections in the body, as well as the reproductive goals that you are pursuing.

2016-02-03 21:03:50

Asks Evgenia, Tula city.:

Hello! Help, please, I don’t understand what’s happening to my face?!
I am 22 years old. Three years ago it turned out that I was allergic to creams, or rather I never had one, I used any means, and now, after using a cream from a clean line based on natural ingredients, it appeared. And it appeared on literally all the creams I tried. The skin became red, swollen a little, itched terribly and became covered with small watery pimples, but it went away in a couple of days. Then I limited myself to baby cream and everything was fine until I caught a cold and decided to warm my sinuses, so to speak, with an asterisk. That’s when the allergy manifested itself in all its glory... it was simply impossible to open my eyes, everything was swollen so much that you couldn’t even look at it without tears. Then I had to visit a dermatologist, I was afraid that it could be a burn, although the skin was red in those places that I did not smear. The dermatologist diagnosed contact dermatitis. This problem was eliminated, and she recommended a hypoallergenic cosmetic line - La Roche Posay. I’ve been using it for about 4-5 months and everything seems to be fine, it doesn’t cause allergies, but the skin is terribly flaky, it comes off in islands and pieces in all places, it seems to be a moisturizing cream, and it suits my skin type (combination - forehead, nose and chin a little greasy, the rest is dry) I don’t understand what’s wrong. Further, acne recently appeared, just ordinary red pimples, like a schoolgirl’s, I’m terrified... now I’m taking: vitamin E, hormonal contraceptives Jess (I’m already on my third pack, I’m finishing it), L-thyroxine 37.5 and iodomarin 200. Could this be caused by some medications? I drink everything as prescribed by the doctor, in order to treat other problems. What to do? Where does this peeling and acne come from?

Answers Stadnitskaya Svetlana Valerievna:

Good afternoon, Evgenia! Judging by the prescribed treatment, a serious hormonal imbalance occurred in your body, which involved many endocrine glands, which caused the rash. In addition to the medications you take orally, I recommend that you consult a cosmetologist so that he can help you fight rashes on your face.

2016-01-11 07:15:25

Elena asks:

Hello. Today the pregnancy was determined to be 5 weeks. From mid-December I began to feel unwell. I had attacks. They called an ambulance 3 times. They said it was nervous. The drugs were taken: for the first time intravenous prednisolone and intramuscular something for allergies, plus I myself took Suprastin and Ltet, for the second time a hot injection intravenously, plus I myself took Suprastin because there was itching. Well, in addition, throughout these five weeks I took either lcet or suprastin because of skin itching, since I did not suspect that I was pregnant. And my husband has also been taking Lcet for half a year now. Tell me please, could all these drugs cause pathologies? I have already had 2 caesarean sections, 2 children and had 3 abortions.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena! The probability of fetal malformations is the same as the population average. Making the decision whether or not to continue the pregnancy is entirely yours.

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Popular articles on the topic: how to cause allergies

Among the various types of allergies, one of the most common is dust allergy. And since dust is practically everywhere, this allergy is also a poorly controlled type of allergic reaction.

News on the topic: how to cause allergies

House dust contains many harmful components that can cause allergies, but microscopic dust mites take precedence in this regard. Scientists from the USA have created a drug that significantly alleviates the condition of tick allergies.

Any The cosmetic product may cause an allergic reaction from the skin. All cosmetic ingredients differ in the degree of allergenicity - they can be highly, moderately and lowly allergenic. Most often, allergies occur on preservatives and flavorings, some ultraviolet filters.

According to E. Hernandez and A. Margolina (“New Cosmetology”), allergic reactions are most often caused by:

Those with food allergies to nuts are advised to avoid cosmetics that contain nut extracts.

Fearing allergic reactions to cosmetics, many people switch to so-called “natural” cosmetics and use them as preservatives and flavorings in homemade products essential oils. Unfortunately, many essential oils also cause allergic reactions, so you shouldn't rely too much on them.

Particular attention should be paid to the purchase sunscreen, because now their acquisition is being elevated to the rank of mandatory. In addition to the ingredients listed above that can cause allergic reactions, sunscreen products must meet certain packaging requirements. You should not purchase sunscreens packaged in spray form. A good sunscreen always includes physical filters along with chemical filters - these are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They should be listed in the first place in the composition of the product, and only after them should there be oxybenzones and cinnamates. Yes, creams with a higher concentration of physical filters give a “whitish” tint to the skin when applied and do not “smear” well on the skin, but they are safer, especially for children’s skin. Don't buy sunscreens that also repel insects.

If there are any signs of skin irritation after using cosmetics, you should stop using any cosmetics for at least 2 weeks. For washing, you should use only clean water, preferably mineral water, or boiled water. Washing with micellar water gives good results; you can also use melt water. It is strictly forbidden to wash your face with any soap.

To moisturize the skin in case of allergies to cosmetics, you should use only glycerin and rose water, panthenol.

Cosmetics for eyes and lips are allowed only if there is no inflammation on them.

In case of severe allergies that cannot be quickly corrected, all other cosmetic preparations must be excluded for 6-12 months.

After stopping the allergic reaction, you need to introduce cosmetic products into everyday use strictly one at a time, observing the skin for a week, and only if there is no irritation, start using another product. Choose drugs with a minimal list of ingredients; even if they do not actively interfere with the processes of “rejuvenation” of the skin, they are safer. There are always more allergic reactions to professional cosmetics, since these cosmetics contain a higher percentage of active substances and must be selected and used by a professional. The exception is professional cosmetics KOKO Dermaviduals, created specifically for skin prone to allergic reactions.

It is always better not to rely on the labels “for sensitive skin”, “hypoallergenic”, etc.; you must independently check the list of ingredients for the presence of known allergens and irritants.

What can cause allergies

The most common types of allergens:

1.Plant pollen

50% of all allergy sufferers suffer from hay fever. Pollen is allergenic from trees (poplar, alder, birch, oak, hazel), cereal grasses (fescue, timothy), weeds (ragweed, plantain, quinoa, wormwood). Hay fever can also occur in winter due to indoor flowers or a purchased bouquet.

2.House dust

the second most common allergen. The main culprit of the disease is microscopic mites found in dust. Allergies are caused by particles of paper and fabric lint. Keep books in locked cabinets to avoid causing illness. House dust is especially dangerous for older people with weakened immune systems. Plant air purifying plants at home.

3.Animals and birds

The most common source of cat and dog allergens. Moreover, it makes no difference whether their hair is short or long. Allergies are not caused by animal fur, as everyone thinks, but by excrement, skin particles, and dander. In birds, the allergen is not feathers and down, but the mites that live on them. Severe forms of the disease are caused by rodents and horses.

4.Insect bites

Bee and wasp stings cause severe swelling and inflammation and are very dangerous. In everyday life, irritation from cockroach bites is often reported.

5.Mold and fungi

More than 500 species of fungi living in damp areas of apartments have been found to have allergenic properties. Sometimes allergies to wild mushrooms occur.

6.Metal alloys

Nickel alloy often causes an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with the skin. It is used to make jewelry, buttons, and buckles. Sometimes coins are an allergen.


Drug allergies are very dangerous. Fortunately, it is rare. There are known cases of severe reactions of the body to the vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis, antitetanus and antidiphtheria serum, penicillin and insulin. Predisposition to drug allergies can be inherited.

8.Sun and cold

In some sources, the body's reaction to the sun and cold is called pseudo-allergy. Sun and cold urticaria manifests itself as redness, swelling and itching of the skin on exposed areas of the body. A reaction to low temperatures may occur over time. Pseudo-allergies sometimes indicate problems in the liver.


Egg whites, shellfish, crayfish, certain types of fish, nuts, milk, mushrooms, oranges, tomatoes, spinach, and parsley often cause food intolerance. People suffering from hay fever very often also have food allergies.

10.Latex rubber

More recently, only doctors, who often worked with gloves, suffered from latex intolerance. Nowadays, latex allergies are quite common. In addition to gloves, condoms are a source of allergens.

The immune system has a very good memory. If you are allergic to a substance, the disease may recur. Take precautions: eliminate things that can cause allergies, plant air-purifying plants, cover your bookshelves with glass, and don’t go out into the bright sun without sunscreen.

Once it appears, the allergy will remain with you forever. And when the body weakens, it will remind itself again.

How does an allergy manifest?

Upon contact with an allergen, various rashes may appear on the skin of the neck, face, hands, accompanied by itching and burning.

A mistake that many people make when experiencing facial irritation is washing their face with cold or hot water, soap, cologne or lotion, which can greatly increase skin inflammation.

Allergy to cosmetics

When using various cosmetics, increased sensitivity may occur, which depends on the dyes and essential oils included in the cosmetics.

An allergic reaction to cosmetics can begin with a feeling of dryness on the lips and eyelids. After some time, burning and itching may appear, and the eyelids may become slightly swollen and red. In this case, you must immediately stop using this cosmetics.

Exacerbation of an allergic reaction

The allergic reaction worsens in spring. This is explained by the fact that in the spring the human body may suffer from a lack of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency reduces the body's overall resistance in the spring.

Increased irritation may be caused by increased ultraviolet radiation, especially for those with dry, sensitive skin.

In spring, when trees such as poplar, birch, and grass bloom, allergic diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity occur.

In the summer, food allergies associated with the consumption of berries worsen. After eating berries intolerable to the body, red spots and blisters of urticaria appear on the skin of the face, accompanied by itching and burning.

Allergies on the face can appear for various reasons. It is important to determine as quickly as possible what exactly has become the allergen and stop contact with this substance. For any irritation, you should contact an allergist and dermatologist.

Hello! After the pods, which were a year ago, I began to have a whitish discharge, itching, and burning in the vagina.

Ach treated for thrush 2 times and to no avail. Inflammation and the same symptoms appeared again, I changed the doctor and they found trichomonas in my smear, prescribed metronidazole and terzhinan suppositories. After the second control smear they found trichomanada (in small form) and prescribed Tiberal and Flagyl suppositories. My husband was treated with me and examined by a venereologist, his flora was clean without inflammation and they found ureaplasma. The venereologist prescribed us treatment for trichomoniasis and ureaplasma: ornidazole, immunoboosting injections, an antibiotic (flaxan - I don’t remember exactly what it’s called) and schechi terzhinan). After treatment, nothing bothered me for 2 months, and then again the leukocytes were high (up to 70 cc), but there were no trichomonas. I took PCR tests for infections (8 types) 3 times, all negative (I was also tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis - all negative). Tank. Culture revealed staphylococcus. After another course of Terzhinan, Tiberal and Ofloxin, the smear shows 8-10 leukocytes and mushrooms, there is little discharge, but it is slightly whitish and with air bubbles, I feel a burning sensation and discomfort at the entrance and sometimes there is itching in the vagina. The doctor said it was necessary to treat staphylococcus and stop antibiotics, because... after such treatment, trichomonas were not detected and there cannot be any, my ailments may be caused by an allergy(?). Now the situation is this: I had an unprotected p/a (before that my husband and I used a condom) and after 2 days my labia were swollen and my vagina was inflamed, the discharge was green-brown (some kind of purulent), I went to the doctor and ours was in a smear Trichonomadus. The doctor said that this is not a chronic form, but an acute one. They prescribed Atrican and neo-Penotran suppositories. Could you please tell me that Trichomonas was sitting somewhere deep inside me all this time and was not diagnosed, or was it not cured faster in my husband? An increase in leukocytes and colpitis a month after each course of treatment indicates that Trichomonas remained in the body? And how can this be cured?

Causes of allergies

The most common causative agent of an allergic reaction is chemical-based products. Thus, regular dish detergent can cause rashes and swelling on the body.

  • Medications;
  • Food and nutritional supplements;
  • Animal and insect bites;
  • Cosmetics, perfumes;
  • Synthetic clothing;
  • Natural allergens, etc.

As you can see, the causes of allergies can be very different. With the help of laboratory tests and diagnostics, it is possible to determine what caused it, when, and why.

Type of skin allergy

Common symptoms of an allergic reaction include: characteristic redness of the skin, itching, and swelling. However, allergies can be classified. Let's look at some allergic diseases.

Contact dermatitis

This disease develops after direct contact with an allergen. At the first signs, swelling of the goat is observed, which is accompanied by an itchy rash. Later, papules appear on the infected areas of the skin. Contact dermatitis can be cured at the first stage using special ointments.

If the effects of the allergen last for 2 weeks and no improvement is observed, then you should seek help from a doctor for professional advice.

The most common manifestations of this disease are in the neck, arms and legs. Of particular danger is the formation of populas around the eyes and mouth.


The consequences of this disease, which resemble a nettle burn, can occur in almost all areas of the skin. The cause of the rash can be more than just an allergic reaction. Cold, sea water, sun rays, stressful situations, etc. can have a detrimental effect on the body.

During urticaria, the so-called Quincke's edema can develop, which forms in the form of large swelling in the larynx, which complicates the patient's respiratory activity. In this case, immediate medical intervention and drug therapy are required, which will completely eliminate the dangerous complication and normalize the patient’s condition.

It is worth noting that an allergic reaction can disappear as suddenly as it appears, and sometimes last for several months. In any case, urticaria poses a serious danger to the human body and to life in general.


The appearance of scaly spots, mainly on dry skin, indicates the onset of a disease such as eczema. Subsequently, the spots form plaques that reach several centimeters in size.

Manifestations of this disease are typical in the following areas of the skin: elbows, head, neck, face, under the knee. Eczema is not a contagious disease and most often occurs in childhood. The causes of this disease have not yet been established. Some of the factors that influence the development of the disease are asthma, food allergies, etc.

Microcracks form in damaged areas of the skin, which allow infection to enter the body, so antibiotics are most often used for treatment.


As with eczema, the most common sites of injury are the face, neck, and elbows. In addition, the rash can appear on the thighs, anus and labia. The rash is oval in shape. The causes of this disease are not fully known, but most often it appears in people who have previously suffered from eczema. Genetic causes are also not ruled out.

Since the disease begins to progress in the spring and autumn, when the immune system is most weakened, doctors recommend undergoing immunoprophylaxis.

Sources of allergies on the human body

The causes of allergic diseases on the skin can be anything:

  • Cosmetics;
  • Pollen;
  • Dust;
  • Animal and insect bites;
  • Medicines;
  • Chemical elements;
  • Food.

If you notice the first symptoms of an allergy, you should identify its source and free yourself from contact with it as quickly as possible. This could be a new laundry detergent, cosmetics, or a new dish in your diet.

If swelling appears, for example, after a bee sting, then you should carefully examine the affected area for the presence of a sting in the wound.

To reduce skin irritation and relieve itching, you can use a saline compressor or apply ice to the affected area of ​​skin.

If symptoms periodically bother you, you need to be examined in a hospital to determine the source and undergo treatment.

Foods that trigger allergies

After eating certain foods, an allergic reaction may occur. These include:

  • Citrus;
  • Nuts;
  • Strawberry;
  • Beef;
  • Chicken eggs, cow's milk;
  • Soybeans and wheat;
  • Seafood (more often in adults)
  • Seasonings;
  • Celery;
  • Peaches.

How to treat allergies

As mentioned earlier, skin allergies manifest themselves due to a violent reaction of the immune system to hostile antigens, which for various reasons may end up in the human body. When the immune system is unable to cope with them, a reaction occurs that appears in the form of a rash on the skin. This occurs due to the immune system being too sensitive to certain pathogens (food, chemicals, cosmetics, etc.) In order to successfully begin treatment, it is necessary to identify harmful antigens, this will allow the rash to disappear on its own. But this is often very difficult.

The course of allergy treatment involves the prescription of first-generation drugs, sometimes together with second-generation drugs. Often medications cause side effects such as drowsiness and slight mental fog. Let's find out more about some of these drugs:

  • Diphenhydramine. An effective remedy that can eliminate allergic reactions on the skin. After using this drug, not only traces of the lesion disappear, but also cough, runny nose and vomiting disappear. Side effects: drowsiness, difficulty urinating, dry mucous membrane;
  • Suprastin. Provides treatment for urticaria, dermatitis, rhinoconjunctivitis, eliminates itching. However, the therapeutic effect is fleeting;
  • Tavegil. An excellent remedy for combating itching and redness of the skin;
  • Peritol. A good remedy that is aimed at eliminating hives and treating an allergic reaction to cold. In addition to eliminating the symptoms of the disease, the drug relieves headaches, migraines and significantly increases appetite;
    Second generation drugs include the following:
  • Claritin. The advantage of this medicine is its good compatibility with other medications and the absence of such side effects as drowsiness. Works well in the fight against allergic reactions.
  • Zyrtec. It also fights allergic manifestations on the skin and is perfectly excreted by the kidneys.
  • Fenistil. The properties of the drug and the duration of its action are close to first-generation medications. The difference is a mild sedative effect, which causes drowsiness and excessive sedation after taking medications.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

Using a variety of decoctions and solutions, you can reduce swelling, itching, and irritation on the skin. It is worth noting that folk remedies can eliminate allergy symptoms, but cannot cure the body’s reaction to hostile antigens.

If your child is sick with dermatitis, then a decoction of chamomile and string will be a good and useful remedy for him. They can be used both as lotions and as bath additives before bathing.

Also not a bad remedy is a decoction of bay leaves, which should also be added to the bath before bathing. After water procedures, the affected areas should be lubricated with zinc ointment, which will dry the wounds.

To relieve or reduce itching, you can use the following folk remedies: cabbage brine (salt or soda lotions), calendula solution, propolis decoction, clove oil (together with the use of baby cream).

Also, to eliminate symptoms and make allergies easier to tolerate, it is recommended to take solutions in the form of drinks. For example, mumiyo solution (1 gram per liter of water) can be consumed one glass per day. For children, the dosage is reduced by half. The solution is also used to wipe affected areas.

A decoction of the string has good antiallergic properties. It is recommended to use it as a tea substitute for several years. To prepare, simply brew one teaspoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water.

Diet and prevention

Food products are quite often the causative agents of an allergic reaction. Seafood, honey, nuts, citrus fruits, cow's milk, strawberries, a variety of seasonings, all of this can easily cause a skin rash.

People who are allergic to any food product try to follow a hypoallergenic diet throughout their lives, excluding this ingredient from the daily diet.

A good way to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions is to carry out fasting days. At this time, you should consume only fresh vegetables and various decoctions, for example, from rose hips.

Maintaining personal hygiene has always been one of the first rules for preventing illness. Try to follow these recommendations:

  • After your walk, be sure to thoroughly wash your face and nasal passages, and gargle. Especially during the flowering period of plants;
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment, which will ensure fewer allergens in the room;
  • Be careful when using cosmetics and detergents. The use of baby soap and shampoo is recommended.

Remember that allergies can very quickly move from the manifestation of the first symptoms to an aggravated form. If signs of an allergic reaction appear, take immediate action or consult a doctor. In the absence of proper attention, many diseases can develop that will harm not only the skin, but also the internal organs.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of allergies in children, since at an early age allergy symptoms can be eliminated for the rest of their lives.

Thanks to modern treatment methods and laboratory tests, it is possible to accurately identify the allergen in order to reduce interaction with it in the future.

Today, allergies are considered one of the most common pathologies. Moreover, the reasons and forms of manifestation of the body’s response to a stimulus can be completely different. Therefore, each case must be considered separately. Allergic reactions can occur at any time and in anyone. However, this cannot be considered a disease. What is an allergy, how does it occur and what to do about it - you will learn in this article. Moreover, you will have an idea of ​​how to cope with this condition in adults and children.

What is an allergy?

Current doctors are not inclined to consider this condition a disease. However, it can not only be unpleasant, but also life-threatening. Allergic reactions are the response of the immune system to any irritant. At the same time, the sensitivity of the body increases many times.

The reaction can manifest itself in different ways: intense and not very intense; in the form of marks on the skin, breathing problems, runny nose. And allergies can be specific and nonspecific. It should be noted that often a person has an acute reaction to an irritant, which can be very dangerous. In addition, anaphylactic shock and respiratory arrest may occur. Some types of reactions are fatal. Let's consider what it can be in more detail.

Types and types of pathology

Allergic reactions are not all the same. The mechanism of their occurrence is very close, but they manifest themselves in completely different ways. There are different types of allergic reactions.

1. Specific. In this case, a certain period of time is provided during which the allergen acts on the body. That is, the reaction does not appear immediately, not after the first contact.

2. Nonspecific. In this case, the body reacts instantly.

In addition, allergic reactions can be immediate or delayed. The first type includes skin and systemic pathologies. They occur 25 minutes after the action of the stimulus. They manifest themselves in different ways and can sometimes be life-threatening (Quincke's edema).

As for delayed reactions, the period of manifestation may take several hours or even days. It should be noted that there can be many reasons for the manifestation of pathology, so each specific case must be considered individually. Naturally, there are symptoms that are nonspecific.

There are also different types of allergic reactions.

  • Anaphylactic (urticaria, asthma).
  • Cytotoxic (allergy to drugs, Rh conflict in newborns - cell membranes are damaged).
  • Immune complex (antigens are deposited on the walls of blood vessels: conjunctivitis, dermatitis, serum sickness).
  • A condition in which antibodies help stimulate the functioning of other cells.

This is a rough list that includes the most common types of allergic reactions.

Reasons for appearance

There are many factors that contribute to the appearance of this condition. Among them are the following:

  • Bites from insects or other animals.
  • Dust.
  • Bed mites.
  • Mold spores.
  • Medications.
  • Animal fur or saliva.
  • Some foods (especially honey).
  • Cold and sun.
  • Household cleaning products (chemical).
  • Pollen from flowers and other plants.
  • Latex.

In principle, possible allergic reactions can have different causes. You may have a completely atypical reaction to any irritant that your immune system finds dangerous. For example, some people even suffer from water. And an allergic reaction to insect bites can lead to fatal consequences.

Mechanism of development and symptoms of pathology

Now let's look at how the presented state arises. Whatever allergic reactions may be, they have the same mechanism of development.

1. The stage of the body meeting the stimulus (immunological). At this stage, the production of antibodies begins. Although this does not always happen. Often the body's response is visible after the second or subsequent exposure to the antigen.

2. Stage of damage to tissue cells (pathochemical). They contain the substances serotonin, histamine and others. Before this, the mediators are in an inactive phase. It is thanks to them that the body’s inflammatory reaction to the invasion of the irritant occurs.

3. Stage of external manifestations of allergy (pathophysiological). It is at this stage that you can already see different symptoms of pathology.

As for symptoms, they vary.

  • Allergic reaction on the skin: red spots, rash, blisters, itching.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Tearing.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Choking (Quincke's edema).
  • Anaphylactic shock (drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness and even respiratory arrest).

In any case, an allergic reaction to insect bites or other irritants should be quickly eliminated.

Features of allergies in children

Today, pediatricians are increasingly encountering this problem in children. There can be many reasons for this: hereditary predisposition, polluted air, unhealthy diet, intolerance to mother's milk (lactose) and others. Allergic reactions in children can also manifest themselves in different ways: in the form of eczema, diarrhea, urticaria, pain in the abdominal area. In addition, other symptoms may be present: swelling of the mucous membranes, suffocation, fever, and other types of skin rashes. The most terrible condition is anaphylactic shock, as it develops much faster than in adults.

It should be noted that allergic reactions in children appear very quickly - within a few hours. In order to help the child cope with the situation in the least painful way, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the irritant. Then you can only use medications prescribed by your doctor (antihistamines). In addition, medications should only be given to a child if there is a real threat to life.

You should also prevent the occurrence of allergies. It consists of following a diet, eliminating the source of irritation, and periodic treatment. Naturally, children with such a diagnosis must be registered with an allergist.

How is an allergy determined?

Of course, if any symptoms of pathology appear, you must consult a specialist. Naturally, an allergic reaction on the skin is visible to the naked eye, but the doctor will tell you how to treat it correctly so that there are no complications.

Various methods are used for diagnosis.

1. Skin test. It is performed quickly and very simply, and the study allows you to find out which stimulus was effective. To do this, you should introduce a small amount of different allergens into the skin and observe the body's response. Typically the procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. Such tests can be done at any age and only under the supervision of a specialist. Before the study, you should not take antihistamines for two days. There are also application tests that give a more accurate result.

2. A thorough blood test to determine the amount of IgE antibodies in the blood. It should be carried out if the first type of research did not provide the necessary picture. The result is usually ready within one to two weeks. The disadvantage of this test is that it cannot determine how severe an allergic reaction a patient may have.

3. Provocative test. This method allows you to quickly detect the allergen and make an accurate diagnosis. In order to cause a reaction, a specific irritant is used, so the test should only be carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors who can quickly help in the event of a severe attack.

Naturally, many allergies can be detected with the naked eye. However, you must be absolutely sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. Remember that it can save your life and make it more comfortable.

What is an acute allergy?

Usually, in this condition, the immune system reacts to the irritant instantly. Moreover, the answer can be very strong. In some cases, you even have to call an ambulance. This could be an allergic reaction to a wasp sting, as well as other insects (or animals), or to some other irritant.

It should be noted that such a response of the body can be very strong, it can lead to anaphylactic shock. In this case, the person loses consciousness, his blood pressure drops and breathing often stops. Therefore, you must begin resuscitation measures immediately. Your first aid kit must have quick-acting medications that will help relieve symptoms or wait for an ambulance. In any case, the attending physician must be notified of the incident.

First aid

An acute allergic reaction can be very dangerous and even lead to death, so you need to deal with the pathology responsibly. There is no point in delaying the elimination of this rather serious condition. However, before the doctors arrive, you must perform certain manipulations that will prevent the occurrence of the most severe symptoms. Let's consider the question of what first aid should be for allergies, as well as how it should be treated.

So, if you have intolerance to certain foods, then washing the stomach with a special aqueous solution of salt or soda will help get rid of the symptoms. In addition, a cleansing enema can relieve an allergic reaction. The water must be warm. In this case, you can add vegetable oil to the liquid. In order to eliminate the effect of produced toxins on the body, you can take the following drugs: Fenistil, Enterosgel, Zyrtek. They also help stop the release of histamine in large quantities, so an acute reaction does not develop. After such an attack, you need to adhere to a certain diet for several weeks that will help restore the body. Try not to eat certain foods (honey, nuts, milk, fish, eggs, fried and smoked foods).

Help for allergic reactions to medications should be immediate. Especially if the medicine was administered intravenously. Naturally, before using the drug you should read its instructions, although certain reactions have been observed even to antiallergic tablets.

The body's resistance in this case can cause serious consequences. Most often, the symptoms of this pathology are various skin rashes, bronchial asthma or rhinitis. In this case, you cannot self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough diagnosis using all the necessary tests. Also, do not take any more medications that caused you to experience symptoms.

An allergic reaction to a wasp or other insect sting most often manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching and redness of the skin. Additionally, some toxins that enter your body through saliva can cause a severe response, including angioedema and anaphylactic shock. In any case, you should first remove the insect sting. Next, apply a cold compress to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes - this will reduce swelling. If the bite is on a limb, try to apply a tourniquet above this area to prevent the poison from spreading further. At the same time, do not forget to loosen it every 30 minutes. An allergic reaction to a bite in children can be very severe. In any case, you will have to use some kind of antihistamines (Fenistil, Zyrtec). Also, try to avoid encounters with insects.

If you are allergic to dust, pollen or animal fur, you may experience a runny nose, cough, pain in the eyes, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as angioedema. In this case, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the irritant, wash off the particles that cause the body’s response from the body and clothes. You will definitely need to take antihistamines and call an ambulance (if measures taken on your own do not have an effect).

You can relieve an allergic reaction quite quickly, but do not forget that such a pathology must also be treated.

Features of treatment

So, you can eliminate the primary symptoms of allergies with the help of certain medications. However, pathology cannot be left untreated. Only in this case will you be able to reduce the body’s reaction to the irritant the next time you encounter it. This is especially true for the immune system’s response to dust, insect bites, and pollen, because these factors are almost impossible to completely eliminate.

So, the first rule of treatment is to avoid contact with the allergen. Next, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis and only then proceed to complex therapy. The drugs help eliminate symptoms and also reduce the degree of the body's reaction. The most effective medications are: Claritin, Loratadine, Tavegil, Suprastin, Telfast. They are applied first. These drugs block the action of histamine. Naturally, each of them has certain side effects (drowsiness, nervousness, dizziness), so the doctor must select the most optimal and safest remedy.

If you have a stuffy nose or difficulty breathing, then you will need the following medications: Oxymetazoline, Pseudoephedrine. However, they have some contraindications (age under 12 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypertension). In addition, these medications should not be taken for a long time.

For the treatment of allergic or common bronchial asthma, the inhibitor “Singulair” is most often used. In addition to the drugs presented, there are other hormonal medications that can eliminate allergy symptoms. However, they should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Improper use of hormonal drugs can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In addition to direct-acting medications, you need to take vitamin complexes and immunotherapy procedures, which will help reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergen.

To treat skin manifestations, ointments and creams are used along with oral medications. Timely treatment will reduce the severity of the reaction.

Folk remedies and allergy prevention

The presented pathology must always be under control. Various means are used for this. If you have an allergic reaction, treatment may be folk remedies. That is, home remedies also provide a good effect. Naturally, you should definitely consult a doctor and use unconventional methods of eliminating allergies only after it has been resolved. Otherwise, you can significantly worsen your condition. We present to your attention the most effective recipes, long tried by users.

1. Grind the eggshells using a coffee grinder and take a quarter of a teaspoon. For children, the dose can be reduced by half. In addition, try to dilute the raw materials with a drop of lemon juice. This remedy should be taken until the reaction disappears. That is, this method of treatment is suitable for those people who suffer from skin rashes.

2. Activated carbon will help remove some toxins from the body that can cause allergies. However, it is better to use white tablets as they are more effective. The medicine should be taken every morning. Moreover, it does not matter at all how exactly the reaction manifests itself. In addition, activated carbon can be taken regardless of the type of allergy. If you have an acute attack, taking a large number of tablets will help reduce the severity of the reaction.

3. St. John's wort will help reduce the manifestations of allergic rhinitis and lacrimation. To do this, you need to fill half a liter jar with fresh grass and fill it with alcohol (vodka). The mixture should infuse for about three weeks in a cool place. You should drink the mixture several times a day, 1 small spoon.

4. Chalk is an effective remedy for eliminating skin manifestations of pathology. It is enough just to periodically lubricate the affected areas with it. If the reaction is accompanied by severe itching, then it is better to first wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide and then sprinkle it with crushed chalk.

5. Garlic and celery are beneficial. To do this, squeeze the juice from the plants and put it in the refrigerator. You should take it one tablespoon several times a day before meals. This remedy is suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It is better to grate the garlic on a fine grater.

6. Chamomile decoction, infusion and lotions are effective. They should be used to treat skin lesions.

However, treatment is not the only thing you should do. In order for allergic attacks to torment you as little as possible, it is necessary to take various preventive measures:

Avoid any encounters with irritants;

Try to stick to the diet prescribed by your doctor;

Give up cigarettes and alcohol;

Exercise or play sports;

Try to carry out wet cleaning daily (if necessary, the procedure is carried out even several times).

Naturally, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. To do this, use fresh vegetables and fruits, multivitamin complexes. At the first symptoms of an allergy, try not to delay and take the antihistamine prescribed by your doctor.

These tips will help you quickly cope with a reaction to an irritant and significantly reduce its manifestation. But it is necessary to remember: any treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Be healthy!

Allergy sufferers, as a rule, know what factors lead to an exacerbation of their disease, and they know how to behave during an attack. If an allergic reaction occurs for the first time, and there is no specialist nearby, there is a direct threat to a person’s life. Therefore, everyone should know what emergency care is and how to provide it at home.

Allergic reactions can vary in symptoms and severity. The greatest danger is anaphylactic shock and rapidly developing Quincke's edema. At the same time, the number of people suffering from allergies is growing every year. Your knowledge and support can always be useful to a loved one. However, it should be remembered that in case resuscitation is needed, you must call an ambulance! Traditional medicine should be used only after the direct threat to life has passed.

  • What to do if you are bitten by insects?

    Allergy to insect venom is one of the most dangerous. It can lead to death of the patient. First aid for allergic reactions in this case looks like this:

    • if a wasp has bitten, tear the insect away from the person’s body (it can bite several times);
    • If a bee stings, you should quickly remove the sting from the skin;
    • if the bite site is located on the leg or arm, a tight bandage should be applied over this place, and the limb itself should be raised above the level of the heart;
    • apply ice or a cold compress to the bite site;
    • give the victim a large dose of calcium;
    • if an allergy sufferer has a syringe with adrenaline or an antihistamine, be sure to use this remedy;
    • Constantly monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, begin artificial respiration until emergency help arrives.

    For mild allergic reactions to insect bites, home treatment is carried out using traditional medicine.

    Peony root

    Dried peony root should be ground into powder or finely chopped. This remedy is given to the patient one tablespoon every 4 hours. Wash it down with plain water or warm milk.

    Ephedra bispica

    The herb Ephedra bispica quickly removes poison and allergens from the body. Both dry and fresh plants are suitable. Boil it in water (in the proportion of 10 g per 300 ml of liquid, boil for 10 minutes), cool to a comfortable temperature and take 150 ml every 2 hours. Additionally, make a lotion from ephedra decoction for the site of a bee sting.


    There is no better cure for poison than mumiyo. If you are allergic to bee stings, you should quickly give the patient a glass of water to which 5 crushed mummy tablets have been added. Additionally, dilute one tablet with a small amount of water, and apply the resulting paste to the bite site.

    If you have mumiyo not in tablets, but in its pure form, then use a 5% solution of this product for oral administration. You can drink no more than 3 glasses of this medicine per day.

    What to do in case of anaphylactic shock?

    In extreme situations, when the body comes into contact with an allergen, anaphylactic shock occurs. The cause may be insect poison, certain foods (eggs, seafood, nuts, chestnuts, oriental spices), medications (usually penicillin). Symptoms of shock may appear in a few seconds or several hours, depending on the characteristics of the body. The faster the reaction, the higher the threat to life and health. Anaphylactic shock is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • numbness of the face and palate;
    • itchy skin;
    • difficulty breathing (swelling of the larynx);
    • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
    • sometimes - loss of consciousness and convulsions.

    Emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock is the administration of adrenaline. This is the only drug to save people's lives. If you don't have adrenaline, call the doctors and monitor the patient's condition. In severe cases, he will need to do artificial respiration and cardiac massage.

    Traditional medicine can be used only after the patient has been discharged from intensive care. They are aimed at quickly restoring health, maintaining immunity, and cleansing the body. There are many effective recipes, we will give only a few of them.

    Rose hip

    Since the heart suffers the most during anaphylactic shock, you need to support its work with the help of rose hips. Both berries and flowers of this plant are suitable. Compote is prepared from the berries, and tea is made from the flowers. The usual dosage is a tablespoon of raw material per liter of water.


    For all types of allergies, it is recommended to take marigold flowers. It is best to find a black plant variety, but regular orange flowers will do. They are dried and ground to a powder. Give this powder a tablespoon each time before meals. If the patient is not allergic to honey, then it can be added to the powder - this will provide an additional therapeutic effect.


    To prevent further attacks of anaphylactic shock, undergo treatment with iron ore herb. You can prepare infusions, decoctions, and alcohol tinctures from it.

    A decoction is prepared by boiling a tablespoon of herb in 1 liter of water in a steam bath. Boil the product for 10 minutes, pour into a thermos, leave for 1 hour, drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day. The drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

    An infusion is obtained from 2 tablespoons of herbs and 1 liter of boiling water. After keeping the mixture at room temperature for 3 hours, strain it and drink 250 ml 3 times a day.

    An alcoholic tincture is prepared from 30 g of herb and 500 ml of vodka. The product should be infused for 5 days, after which it is taken a teaspoon three times a day.

    What to do if you have a food allergy

    First aid for food allergies is as follows:

    • induce vomiting in the patient (by inserting 2 fingers into the mouth and pressing on the root of the tongue);
    • let him drink a large amount of water (it is advisable to add potassium permanganate or baking soda to it, but the solution should be weak);
    • large doses of calcium help alleviate a person’s condition;
    • In case of loss of breathing and heart rate, perform resuscitation.

    If the patient does not need emergency care (he is conscious, heart rate and breathing are not disturbed), you can look after him yourself. We will offer several remedies that will help remove the allergen from the blood at home.


    Brew bearberry herb in boiling water (a teaspoon per glass of water), leave for 15 minutes, then let the victim drink in small sips. If you add a pinch of cinnamon or coriander to bearberry tea, the potion will become even more effective.

    carrot juice

    Carrot juice is good for food allergies. It is best to add honey to it (a tablespoon per glass of drink), a pinch of ground ginger root or a pinch of turmeric. You need to drink this drink 4-5 times a day, one glass.


    Grindelia herb will quickly remove allergens, reduce histamine production, and improve the patient’s general condition. Brew it in boiling water (10 g per 200 ml of water), cool to a comfortable temperature and give it to the patient as often as possible.

    Quincke's edema

    Sometimes allergies lead to angioedema. Fortunately, this reaction develops gradually, so you have time to help the person.

    It manifests itself as painless swelling in the mouth, tongue, cheeks and throat. Changes may also appear on the eyelids, arms, legs and genitals. This is what first aid for allergies with Quincke's edema should look like:

    • unbutton the patient’s clothes and provide him with a flow of fresh air;
    • the victim must remain in a sitting position;
    • give him any remedy that relieves swelling;
    • if the condition worsens, you will have to give an injection of adrenaline, artificial respiration and chest compressions.

    If Quincke's edema does not threaten a person's life, you can do without a doctor and relieve painful symptoms at home. There are several proven means for this.


    Horsetail has a pronounced diuretic effect, so it quickly relieves swelling. Make a concentrated tea from this herb (1-2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water) and give it to the patient. If you don't want to wait for the tea to brew, grind the dry herb, mix with honey and give it to the victim to eat.