Discharge during pregnancy is green. Why does green discharge appear during pregnancy? Reasons for their appearance during gestation

A woman's body undergoes transformation throughout the menstrual cycle. Mood, hormonal levels, and discharge change. Even body weight may differ. All this is physiology and has no deviations from the norm. But often representatives of the fairer sex are tormented by colors. They can be slimy, thick, creamy or mixed with curd masses and foam. in such cases it is an additional alarming symptom. Women are especially concerned about the color of discharge during pregnancy. What to do if in the early stages a woman detects mucus of an unusual color? Is it dangerous? This article will help you answer this question. You will also find out why yellow-green discharge appears during pregnancy.

Physiology: conception and plug formation

Discharge during pregnancy (in the early stages) especially often frightens women. But there is no need to panic; in most cases, all these phenomena turn out to be normal. Immediately after the fertilized cell attaches to the wall of the reproductive organ, active thickening of the mucus begins in the lumen of the cervical canal. In this place, discharge will accumulate throughout the entire nine months. Before birth, the lump will come out in the amount of two tablespoons.

The mucus that has not collected in the birth canal is expelled. That is why an observant woman can detect unusual things during pregnancy. In the early stages, they should be alarmed only when an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency are present. In any case, the expectant mother will soon have a visit to the gynecologist, during which she needs to talk about disturbing manifestations.

Taking medications, hormones

Doctors warn: do not listen to the advice of friends and experienced acquaintances; if you have the slightest doubt, contact a medical institution. Only then can you be absolutely sure of the normal course of pregnancy.


All expectant mothers become suspicious. Often, ordinary and normal vaginal discharge is mistaken for pathology by the woman herself. As a result, panic begins. With unnecessary worries, you can cause additional harm to your condition. So don't get lost in guesswork. If you experience unusual discharge or other concerning symptoms, go to the doctor and clear up your doubts. The doctor will be able to clearly determine whether the existing signs are a pathology or whether it is not as dangerous as it seems. Have an easy pregnancy, don’t get sick!

Modern women, regardless of whether they are pregnant or not, are usually divided into two large groups. Some people immediately go to the doctor if they feel the slightest discomfort. While others, even in the presence of severe pain, cannot be forced to go for a consultation. When it comes to expectant mothers, the first option is definitely better. After all, with the onset of pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her life and health, but also for her baby. A woman’s immunity during this period is more weakened, and the likelihood of developing any infection is much higher.

One of the most reliable signs of the onset of pregnancy and its course is the presence of discharge. This is due to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. Their structure and character can be completely different, and the color can vary from pink or even brown and green. Changes in color and character always indicate changes in a woman’s body associated with another hormonal surge, the state of the baby’s health, or the state of health of the mother herself. Today I propose to discuss the option when you noted the presence of green discharge. Let's find out if they are dangerous and what to do about this phenomenon?

With the beginning of the gestation period, a woman tends to have discharge that is completely different in color and structure. They can range from white, clear, yellow, and even green. Do not rush to think about the bad if, in addition to the color, you do not have a feeling of itching and burning of the external external genitalia. Most likely this is just a feature of your body. And then, often accumulations of yellow mucus can, under certain rays of light, produce a color that will approach green.

But on the other hand, greenish discharge during pregnancy, whether with or without an odor, may indicate the development of an infection or inflammation of the genital tract. Especially if, in addition to this symptom, you are worried about a number of other unpleasant sensations in the external genital area. The clots themselves do not pose any danger to either the baby or the mother, however, the disease or infection that they cause can lead to negative consequences in the development of the child and even in some cases become a threat of miscarriage.

Reasons for their appearance during gestation

There is a fairly large list of reasons that can cause this type of symptom to appear. However, it is immediately worth noting that a doctor and a series of studies conducted by him can help establish the exact cause.

  • Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa. This phenomenon could occur as a result of non-compliance with the douching technique, rough sexual intercourse, or after an examination in a gynecological chair.
  • Vaginal dysbiosis. This disease often occurs during pregnancy; it is accompanied by green discharge and a fishy odor; treatment in the early stages of this disease is postponed to a later period.

  • Sexual infections. Even if you took smears and various tests when planning pregnancy, this does not mean that the disease could not manifest itself or develop a little later. In this case, the expectant mother may be accompanied by copious, foamy discharge, green or yellow-brown in color, which indicates the possible development of bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. If you observe scanty clots of mucus, this may indicate the initial stages of the development of the disease and require immediate consultation with a doctor.
  • Inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, the expectant mother will additionally be accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of wetness, burning and itching. In the case of an inflammatory process of the ovaries or fallopian tubes, the clots acquire a yellow, rich, possibly greenish tint. This disease is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

  • Thrush– the most common disease during gestation, which occurs in almost every woman. It is accompanied by the appearance of cheesy clots of yellow, sometimes green, color.
  • The presence of chronic inflammatory pathologies in the body. For example, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others.

  • Antibiotic treatment, which subsequently causes vaginal dysbiosis and, accordingly, entails the appearance of itching and unusual discharge.
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards.

Any reason for the appearance of this kind of clots during pregnancy is not a reason to panic. Since, firstly, infectious diseases do not always pose a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother or baby. And, secondly, modern medicine can cope with any disease at any stage of pregnancy. In any case, if changes of any nature occur in the body, you should consult a doctor. A disease that is diagnosed early is much easier to treat.

Nature of the discharge

Depending on the nature of the discharge, it will be much easier for the doctor to diagnose its cause. Let's look at the possible options:

  • mucous clots with a green tint talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.
  • If they are dark green in color, then this most likely indicates the presence of a bacterial infection, which, in turn, indicates the accumulation of pus.
  • Heavy green discharge during pregnancy, most likely, are the result of the development of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Light green, especially if they also have a fishy smell, indicate vaginal dysbiosis.
  • White-green patches can occur as a reaction to synthetic underwear, panty liners or household chemicals. After identifying the irritant and eliminating it from life, these symptoms go away on their own.

What to do?

First of all, if you notice any changes in your body during pregnancy, you should immediately contact your doctor. You are now responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of the little man who lives inside you. Therefore, do not self-medicate, nor should you resort to traditional medicine.

By the way, the latter, in the presence of such symptoms, most often recommend douching. And choosing the wrong temperature can lead to irritation and contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which in turn threatens miscarriage or the onset of pregnancy loss.

Also pay special attention to hygiene. In addition, check: perhaps changing the washing powder or different laundry will help solve this problem.

After consulting a doctor and as prescribed by him, it is necessary to take an analysis to study the microflora of the vagina. In this way, the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon will become reliably known.

After the doctor conducts the necessary research, you will be offered an alternative treatment option. Modern medicine makes it possible to select drugs that do not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother. However, if light green discharge during pregnancy is the result of a disease that requires the use of more serious medications, then such procedures are usually postponed until the second trimester. The time of the first trimester is usually considered, and by the beginning of the second the placenta will have time to form, which can protect the baby from the influence of drugs. And then all the vital organs will be formed, and the risk of the drug influencing the further development of the baby will be minimal.

Video: infections during pregnancy

Every woman expecting a baby should take special care and attention to her health. Any change in your usual state should be a reason to consult a doctor. I suggest you watch a video in which the doctor talks in detail about the infections that are sexually transmitted during pregnancy. In addition, you can learn some tips that will be interesting and useful in this situation.

Detection of greenish discharge during pregnancy should alert a woman. This shade is characteristic of infectious diseases, and may also indicate leakage of water and the onset of labor. The expectant mother simply must be health literate so as not to miss dangerous symptoms during such a crucial period of her life.

What gives vaginal secretions a green tint?

Normally, in a pregnant woman, immediately after the delay, the discharge becomes abundant and gradually thickens; in the early stages up to 12 weeks, it is scanty, white or cream-colored, and odorless. In the second trimester, liquid transparent mucus is noted, which increases in volume towards the end of pregnancy.

A light green or yellowish tint in rare cases may be normal. Provided there is no fishy or rotten smell, abdominal pain, or itching. This is due to the intake of vitamins and medications, food, as well as leakage of urine, which mixes with the secretions on the underwear.

The rich green or light green color of the secretion is given by the presence of infection in the body. Dead bacteria and leukocytes color the mucus in an unusual shade. Purulent inflammation is characterized by copious thick yellow-green discharge with an unpleasant odor. The pathological fluid irritates the mucous membrane, causing itching, scratching and burning.

Attention! According to reviews from women, it was during pregnancy that they experienced thrush, bacterial vaginosis, or other infectious inflammations. Although there were no symptoms before this.

What pathologies are characterized by green discharge?

In 90% of cases, any shades of green indicate a disease of inflammatory origin. This is an infection, an exacerbation of a chronic infection or dysbacteriosis. Any of these conditions is dangerous for a pregnant woman. Based on the general clinical picture, we can assume what caused the unusual color of vaginal mucus.

In fact, this is dysbacteriosis only in the vagina. The bacteria that populate the mucous membrane and provide local immunity contain a small number of pathogenic microbes. The most common culprits of vaginosis are gardnerella, but staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci and others can also lead to pathology.

Causes of the disease:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Improper hygiene, both excessive and insufficient;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Stress.

Symptoms of vaginosis:

  • The smell of fish;
  • Itching of the vulva and vagina.

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and trichomoniasis, appear a few days after sexual intercourse with an infected person. In women, they are sometimes virtually asymptomatic. In the acute period, the following signs are noted:

  • Abundant watery yellow-green, light green and yellow discharge;
  • Strong unpleasant odor;
  • The liquid contains bubbles and is foamy;
  • Swelling, redness of the vulva;
  • Itching.

Attention! A clear picture of discharge in various diseases can be seen in the photo.

Other bacterial infections

Venereal chlamydia and mycoplasma or opportunistic ureaplasma do not show too obvious symptoms:

  • Scanty thick or, on the contrary, abundant transparent greenish or gray discharge;
  • Sometimes there is no smell or there is a slight unpleasant aroma;
  • Moderate itching inside the vagina and on the external genitalia.

Such bacteria are very difficult to detect because they live inside cells. Even Trichomonas can bring chlamydia into the body.

Inflammatory processes

In most cases, this is a consequence of chronic infections that have led to changes in a specific area. Blood flow increases, the area becomes swollen, red and hot. The body fights pathogens, resulting in snot-like discharge that is green, brown, or even brown. They irritate the mucous membrane, causing itching, burning and discomfort.

Advanced thrush

If candidiasis is not treated for a long time, the protective mechanisms of the vagina are significantly reduced. Along the way, bacteria can multiply, which gives a green tint and an unpleasant odor. Thrush develops very actively in the body of a pregnant woman due to the most favorable conditions during such a period. The secretion may look like dense lumps or flakes in the mucus. In addition, it is accompanied by severe itching, especially at night. The surfaces are swollen and red.

Interesting fact! During pregnancy, the environment in the vagina is more alkaline, which is very favorable for the development of candidiasis.

Endocrine causes

The production of any secretory fluids is controlled by hormones, so an imbalance or taking appropriate medications can provoke a change in the shade, quantity and consistency of the discharge. In this case, there is no unpleasant odor, burning, itching or discomfort.


During pregnancy, the body's reactions can worsen, and even usual hygiene products cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • Severe itching;
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membranes;
  • Rash on the genitals and body;
  • Copious liquid discharge, pale green, odorless;
  • Runny nose;
  • Tearfulness and eye irritation;
  • Sneezing.

Taking antihistamines will quickly relieve symptoms. However, repeated exposure to the allergen will again lead to unpleasant symptoms. Allergies are caused by synthetic underwear, soaps, creams, gels, vaginal suppositories and more.

Protective mechanisms can also turn on when the mucous membrane is damaged. This happens with rough movements during a gynecological examination, sexual intercourse, douching and other manipulations. Then, immediately after aggressive exposure, the production of vaginal secretions increases. The discharge is watery and profuse, usually transparent, but a slight greenish, yellowish or gray tint is allowed.

Carefully! Trauma to the mucous membrane can cause inflammation, bacterial vaginosis or thrush.

How to treat infections during pregnancy?

Some patients mistakenly believe that the use of antibiotics during pregnancy is unacceptable. However, the proliferation of pathogenic microbes is much more dangerous than the conventional harm from drugs. Infection of the fetus in 90% of cases occurs only during childbirth and causes conjunctivitis, severe skin infections, pneumonia, etc. in the child. Therefore, treatment is carried out during pregnancy. Most drugs are contraindicated in the first trimester, which is why therapy is sometimes postponed or milder agents are selected.

To get rid of pathogenic bacteria forever, in most cases it is enough to use one drug for 5-10 days. Vaginal suppositories are usually prescribed for pregnant women.

Liquid green discharge in the third trimester is a dangerous sign

Such a symptom in the later stages may be leakage of amniotic fluid. This does not necessarily mean that the woman will go into labor. But a lack of amniotic fluid will lead to the death of the baby in the womb. Usually there is a lot of such discharge, it is watery and transparent, perhaps with a slight green tint. The smell is normally neutral, but if the water is infected it will be unpleasant.

In such a situation, especially if there is excessive or weak activity of the child, or abdominal pain, you should call an ambulance. Particularly anxious women can purchase test pads at the pharmacy, which change color when amniotic fluid gets on them.

Attention! sometimes they transform to such an extent that they frighten a woman.


It is possible to find out the exact reason why green vaginal discharge occurs only through tests. Each infection requires an individual selection of the drug. Self-medication can lead to the disappearance of symptoms, but the disease will remain and become chronic.

When pregnancy occurs, the female body undergoes a large number of different changes. Some transformations cause discomfort and sometimes even pose serious health risks. Expectant mothers are especially concerned about yellowish or green discharge during pregnancy. If green discharge appears during pregnancy, it is better to immediately visit a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the exact cause of the pathology and prevent complications.

Is green discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

Discharge from expectant mothers is considered normal if it has a transparent mucous structure without any particular odor and without inclusions. If you notice that the nature of vaginal secretion has changed, you should pay attention to this fact and report your observations to your doctor.

During normal pregnancy, green discharge with or without odor is not dangerous. The main danger lies in the disease indicated by green discharge. Therefore, it is so necessary to identify the cause of this symptom as early as possible.

Causes of green discharge in women at different stages of pregnancy

Green discharge during pregnancy can occur as a result of many different unfavorable factors. The pathological process is caused by inflammatory reactions in the genitals, infection, hormonal disorders, vaginal trauma, allergies, cervical erosion, thrush and many other diseases.

Green, odorless discharge during pregnancy appears even after using antibiotics that negatively affect the vaginal microflora. In most cases, green discharge during pregnancy is easily cured, but some pathologies are very dangerous for the health and life of the embryo in the womb, and therefore require urgent drug therapy.

  • Bacterial vaginosis. Most often, light green discharge during pregnancy appears due to bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis - a disturbance in the composition of the vaginal microflora that is not accompanied by inflammation. Since the immunity of pregnant women is weakened, beneficial bacteria in the genital tract are replaced by pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to light green discharge, similar to foam, with an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the stench of rotten fish, with vaginosis there is pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during urination and intimate intercourse. Due to the disease, intrauterine infection of the embryo, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and miscarriage can occur.
  • Colpitis. Specific colpitis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms: gonococci, trichomonas, candida, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma. The causative agents of the nonspecific disease are streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and other opportunistic bacteria. The infection is activated in the body of a pregnant woman due to stress and a sharp decrease in immunity. With colpitis, greenish pus with an unpleasant odor flows from the vagina. Sticky yellow-green discharge during pregnancy indicates trichomoniasis. When urinating and intimate intercourse, pain occurs, the genitals become red, swollen, itchy, and sometimes the body temperature rises. The disease can lead to polyhydramnios, intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus or even its death, miscarriage.
  • Gonorrhea. A sexually transmitted infectious disease is extremely dangerous for the expectant mother and the child developing in her womb. It can worsen the functioning of the placenta and cause premature expiration of amniotic fluid. With gonorrhea, intrauterine infection of the embryo often occurs, leading to its death. A pregnant woman first experiences pain when urinating and begins to visit the toilet too often. After some time, light yellow or yellow-green discharge appears from the genital tract, similar in consistency to cream. Every day the discharge becomes more abundant, accompanied by itching and swelling of the genitals. A woman with gonorrhea should urgently undergo hospital treatment.
  • Inflammatory processes. Yellow-green, odorless discharge during pregnancy is a sign of inflammation of the cervix and appendages. Most often, pregnant women suffer from cervicitis, salpingitis, and adnexitis. The discharge may appear as whitish mucus or greenish pus. There is severe itching in the genital tract, and a burning sensation occurs when urinating. Body temperature may increase.
  • Chorioamnionitis. This disease, which develops in the last months of pregnancy, is an inflammatory reaction on the fetal membrane. If chorioamnionitis is not treated, the pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation penetrate the amniotic fluid and further infect the embryo. In addition to light green discharge with an unpleasant odor and sometimes mixed with blood, pregnant women feel worse and their body temperature rises sharply.
  • Green amniotic fluid. Green discharge during pregnancy may be a symptom of minor rupture of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor, since the baby in the womb is in serious danger. If the amniotic fluid takes on a greenish tint, then the fetus most likely suffers from chronic hypoxia. When the baby developing in the stomach does not have enough oxygen, his rectum relaxes and releases feces into the amniotic fluid. They are the ones that color the liquid green.
  • Frozen pregnancy. Yellow-green discharge during pregnancy sometimes signals the death of the fetus. When an embryo dies due to an infection, hormonal imbalance or chromosomal abnormality, the woman experiences severe cramps in the lower abdomen, her body temperature rises sharply, and a significant increase in white blood cells is observed in a blood test.
  • The use of antibiotics, which often cause vaginal dysbiosis (manifested by itching and discharge).
  • Mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes of the genital tract, which may occur due to improper douching or rough sexual intercourse.
  • Violation of personal hygiene.

There is no need to worry about green discharge during pregnancy. You must understand that not all gynecological infectious and inflammatory processes pose a direct danger to the unborn baby. In addition, these diseases can be treated with modern medications that can be used during pregnancy. But treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Nature of green discharge

Discharge during pregnancy has some characteristics:

  1. White-green discharge in expectant mothers may appear due to an allergy to low-quality underwear made from synthetic materials, laundry detergents, as well as personal hygiene products and pads. In this case, green discharge during pregnancy is caused by external irritants; the discharge will return to normal after they are eliminated.
  2. Green discharge during pregnancy of a mucous consistency with a dark tint in pregnant women indicates inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Dark green discharge during pregnancy indicates that there is a bacterial infection in the body caused by the accumulation of pus.
  4. Intense green discharge during pregnancy appears as a result of sexually transmitted infections, for example, gonorrhea.
  5. Light green discharge with a fishy odor during pregnancy signals vaginal dysbiosis, and green mucus indicates an acute vaginal infection.


Normal discharge during pregnancy

After the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, the pregnant woman’s body begins to adapt to her new position. Due to the increased content of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy, the production of mucus by the endometrial glands increases, due to which it softens and swells. This protects the fertilized egg from damage. A whole network of new blood vessels grows, feeding the fetus through the placenta. The amount of mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal of the cervix increases. This creates a barrier to infection. The discharge becomes more intense.

At first, they have the same appearance as in the second phase of the cycle: the mucus is thick and has a beige tint. By 7-8 weeks, leucorrhoea becomes more liquid, due to the fact that the estrogen content in a woman’s body increases sharply. The placenta begins to produce them. Estrogens are involved in the process of preparing the mammary glands for lactation, and also ensure the development and growth of the fetus. Liquefaction of mucus facilitates the subsequent passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Abundant liquid discharge is considered normal during pregnancy if it is not brightly colored, does not have an unpleasant odor, and does not cause discomfort in the woman’s genitals. The appearance of a faint yellowish or greenish tint is not necessarily a sign of disease.

A tint may appear if mucus mixes with urine. It turns greenish when a pregnant woman takes some medications (for example, vitamins). Green dye is found in some products (confectionery, food additives).

Discharge of this color also appears when using cosmetics for the care of the genitals (allergies or inflammation of the mucous membrane). The cause of the anomaly may be the use of synthetic underwear.

During pregnancy, the discharge may turn green after sexual intercourse.

If the greenish color does not disappear, they acquire an unusual odor, and cause discomfort, then the pregnant woman must inform the doctor about this and undergo an examination.

What pathologies do green discharge indicate?

The reason for the appearance of green discharge during this period may be:

  • diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory and infectious);
  • violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora (dysbacteriosis);
  • injuries to the external genitalia;
  • pregnancy pathologies.

Inflammatory diseases

The greenish color of the leucorrhoea is due to impurities of pus. Chronic diseases may have existed even before pregnancy. After its onset, the immune system weakens sharply. This is a natural process that prevents rejection of the fetus as a foreign organism. A weakened immune defense promotes the development of pathogens and often causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina (colpitis) or cervix (cervicitis).

Warning: During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate for these or any other diseases. This leads to the spread of the inflammatory process into the uterine cavity, infection of the fetus and its death. Mechanical impact on the cervix during douching or other manipulations in the vagina causes miscarriage.

With colpitis and cervicitis, discharge during pregnancy is green or yellowish and has an unpleasant odor. Diseases spread to the urinary system. Urination becomes frequent and painful, and the temperature may rise.

Infectious diseases

The cause of the disease may be an exacerbation of a chronic infection, the pathogens of which were dormant in the body. Their development is provoked by a weakening of the immune defense.

Some types of infectious diseases can be contracted both sexually and through household contact. Such diseases include thrush. Decreased immunity can provoke the proliferation of Candida fungus, especially when a woman takes antibiotics. Discharge from thrush is usually white and cheesy. Their irritating effect on the mucous membranes leads to an inflammatory process and the appearance of a green tint.

The appearance of a bright greenish-yellow color in the discharge in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) is especially characteristic. These include, for example:

  • trichomoniasis (foamy green or yellow discharge);
  • gonorrhea (purulent layered green-gray discharge);
  • chlamydia (yellow mucous purulent discharge with a green tint);
  • ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis (cause inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix).

During pregnancy, it is important to carry out timely diagnosis and treatment, since such diseases cause infection of the fetus through amniotic fluid or during passage through the birth canal. Birth may occur prematurely. In addition, the likelihood of acute inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis) and further spread of the process into the tubes and ovaries after childbirth increases. Leucorrhoea in these diseases, as a rule, has an unpleasant odor, causes itching and burning in the external genitalia, and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Video: Why thrush is dangerous during pregnancy. Is it necessary to undergo treatment during this period?

Vaginal dysbiosis

This is not a disease, but a condition that contributes to the occurrence of infectious diseases (thrush, gardnerellosis). It is associated with the death of beneficial microflora as a result of weakened immunity, improper care of the genitals, taking antibiotics and some other medications. Bacterial vaginosis, as this condition is also called, is characterized by the appearance of liquid, foamy, dark yellowish-green discharge with a fishy odor.

Complications of pregnancy

Green discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of dangerous complications, such as inflammation of the membranes, leakage of amniotic fluid. Such processes often cause fetal hypoxia and infection. A woman has a miscarriage or premature birth, and endometritis may occur. At the end of pregnancy, when greenish liquid discharge appears, the woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of diseases during pregnancy

By observing the nature of the discharge, we can make an assumption about the reason for its appearance:

  1. Light green discharge can occur with thrush. They have a consistency similar to cottage cheese.
  2. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, liquid light green discharge occurs when the membranes of the fetus are damaged and water leaks. There is no smell.
  3. Dark green discharge is a symptom of vaginal dysbiosis. The dark color is also given by blood impurities that enter the mucus from damaged vessels of the mucous membranes (with cervicitis, cervical erosion).
  4. Yellow-green, brightly colored discharge always appears as a result of inflammation or infection of the genital organs.
  5. Discharge with an unpleasant odor is also a sign of pathology. If they have a fishy odor, it is bacterial vaginosis. A sour smell indicates thrush. Discharge containing pus or blood impurities has an unpleasant odor.

To accurately diagnose diseases during pregnancy, a routine examination of the vagina is performed, as well as colposcopy, during which an additional device is used that illuminates the surface and magnifies the image.

A vaginal smear is taken for examination under a microscope, and a bacteriological analysis (culture) is performed to determine the type of bacteria. A general blood and urine test for leukocytes is done (to detect inflammatory processes). Blood tests are carried out for antibodies to various types of pathogens. To detect hidden infections, blood is examined using PCR.

If necessary, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed.

Video: Sexual infections during pregnancy, complications, doctor’s recommendations


When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the danger of pathologies that cause the appearance of green discharge during pregnancy, as well as the possibility of using various medications.

In the 1st trimester, the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs orally is extremely undesirable, as it can affect the formation of organs and systems of the fetus. During this period, inflammatory and infectious diseases are treated with topical drugs (they are used in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments).

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the least toxic drugs approved for the treatment of pregnant women are used for internal use, and the minimum doses are prescribed. When prescribing antibiotics, antifungal agents (nystatin) as well as drugs with lactobacilli (Linex) are used simultaneously.

Products are used to strengthen the placenta, which produces substances that protect the fetus from infection. Such medications include drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism, and vitamins.

Doctors warn about the dangers of self-medication during pregnancy (with folk remedies or, especially, medications not prescribed by a specialist). If, in the presence of green discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen appears, pain in the vagina, and the temperature rises, then you should visit a doctor immediately.