It is possible to have periods during pregnancy. The process of menstruation during pregnancy

Menstruation and pregnancy are essentially contradictory phenomena, most women believe. And they are right. But there are some situations that you should be aware of, both in the case of planning a pregnancy and in the case of unprotected sexual intercourse and the risk of unwanted pregnancy. To understand the essence of the changes occurring in the body, we will touch on some issues of anatomy and physiology.

The wall of the uterus consists of three layers: the endometrium, the myometrium (a muscular layer consisting of multidirectional smooth muscle fibers) and serosa(outer shell).

The endometrium is the inner mucous layer of the uterus, which changes its structure and thickness depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. It has two layers: basal (main) and functional. The functional layer is actively transformed according to the phases of the cycle and is responsible for preparing the site for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Let's look at how the endometrium changes during the cycle. Menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation, during which the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected and the basal layer is exposed. Then, until the middle of the cycle, the functional layer gradually grows, increasing its thickness and density. Starting from the middle of the cycle, the woman’s body prepares for theoretically possible attack pregnancy. The functional layer of the endometrium, under the influence of hormones, becomes juicy, loosened and prepares for implantation of a fertilized egg.

If fertilization occurs and the egg is implanted into the endometrium, then hormonal changes begin, aimed at maintaining the pregnancy. The functional layer is gradually transformed further, taking into account the growth of the embryo.

If fertilization does not occur, then the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected “as unnecessary” - this will be menstruation.

During pregnancy, the function of maturation of the next egg is “switched off” due to hormonal changes (the level of human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, prolactin and progesterone increases). Thus, it becomes clear that full menstruation and pregnancy are incompatible.

Normally, there should be no menstruation or other bleeding during pregnancy. However, there are some exceptional situations when the so-called “ color pregnancy", that is, on early stages present cyclic bleeding, but the pregnancy is developing normally.

When is spotting present at the scheduled time and the pregnancy is progressing normally?

1. Implantation period. During the implantation period, the fertilized egg is implanted into the prepared loose and juicy endometrium. Abundant blood supply to the inner mucous layer of the uterus can lead to bleeding. Bloody discharge is usually moderate in amount, red (not dark), observed for several days, ending in spotting scanty discharge. IN classic version norms (and with the current level of gynecological morbidity this is becoming less common), ovulation is observed on the 14th day from the beginning of the cycle, implantation occurs on days 5 - 7. However, ovulation may be “late”, and implantation may occur a little later (more on this option below) and implantation bleeding coincides in time with the date of the expected menstruation.

2. Pregnancy before menstruation. The common belief that it is impossible to get pregnant before menstruation is again based on the knowledge that ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. But, as already mentioned, ovulation can occur later than the 15th day, and sperm retain their fertilizing ability for about 7 days. And if fertilization occurs in the days before menstruation, then the body “does not have time to cancel” the bleeding. And the delay will happen next month.

It is also possible to become pregnant during menstruation; only the first day of menstruation can be considered relatively “safe”. But sexual intercourse during menstruation is not in itself better situation for the female body, so relying on this knowledge is not recommended.

3. Late implantation. A fertilized egg can “wait” for implantation for up to two weeks and simply does not have time to penetrate the endometrium before menstruation. Pregnancy progresses, and menstruation comes on time and looks like normal for a given woman.

Hormonal changes at this stage of development there is no pregnancy, which means that menstruation does not cancel. A delay in menstruation occurs for the next cycle and the expected gestational age, to the patient’s surprise, is not 4 - 5 weeks, but 8 - 9 weeks.

4. Maturation and fertilization of two eggs at the same time. If the eggs are not implanted equally deeply, then one of them may be rejected. In this case, menstrual-like bleeding will occur against the background of a progressive singleton pregnancy. The pregnancy test will be positive, the hCG will correspond to the period for a singleton pregnancy.

5. Bleeding from the cervix. Bleeding that coincides in date with the expected menstruation, but arose as a result of an examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse. Bloody discharge may be associated with increased vulnerability of the edematous mucous membrane of the neck (during pregnancy, the mucous membrane swells, is abundantly supplied with blood and is easily damaged by mechanical stress) or with various pathologies cervix.

Warning symptoms

If you did not use protection or there were errors in taking oral contraceptives, your period came on time, but:

1. menstruation is short, less abundant or present in the form of spotting,

2. menstruation came 2 - 7 days earlier,

3. menstrual flow had unusual color: dark, brown or, on the contrary, light pink, watery,

4. menstruation was accompanied by unusual sensations (more pronounced pain above the pubis and in the lower back, nausea, irregular bowel movements, dizziness, changes in breast sensitivity)


Some women experience the listed sensations from cycle to cycle; it is the newly appearing symptoms that should alert you.

Coitus interruptus, calendar and temperature methods are not any reliable methods of contraception.

Whether you plan to continue the pregnancy or intend to terminate it, in any of the above cases, you need to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Menstruation during pregnancy

How to distinguish between normal and pathological if you know about your pregnancy? On your own, you will not be able to distinguish a threatening situation from a safe condition, so the final decision always remains with your doctor.

There are symptoms that should alert you at any stage of pregnancy, and in combination with bleeding similar to menstruation, especially:

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back (such pain may indicate an impending miscarriage)

Pain in the right or left iliac region, tension of the abdominal muscles in the area of ​​pain (it is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy)

General weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting (you must consult a gynecologist and surgeon).

When specified symptoms you can contact your antenatal clinic, or call an ambulance. It all depends on the severity of your symptoms. You should never refuse additional consultations with specialists (general surgeon, infectious disease specialist and others) and the proposed treatment in a daytime or round-the-clock setting.

An emergency condition in which it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and go to the nearest maternity facility is profuse bleeding from the genital tract in combination with or without abdominal pain. In this case, waiting to see a doctor for consultation and moving actively is simply dangerous; you not only risk losing the pregnancy, there is a danger to your health, and, in critical situations, danger to life. Bleeding associated with the female reproductive system can be very massive and fleeting.


Menstruation (or similar bloody issues) during pregnancy is always a reason to immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. It happens that a woman, having listened to the advice of strangers, believes that menstruation in the early stages of pregnancy is something that “happens” and “it happens to everyone.” However, the cases of “safe” bleeding during pregnancy described above are rather an exception and very rare situations.

1. If you suspect pregnancy, but don’t know for sure about it, you need to:

Make an appointment with a gynecologist (bimanual examination, examination of the cervix in the speculum to exclude bleeding due to cervical pathology, taking a smear),

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (search ovum and its location, in the uterus or ectopically, determining the heartbeat of the embryo).

2. If you know you are pregnant and have your period:

Urgent examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist,

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (search for the ovum, its location, exclusion of a combination of uterine and ectopic pregnancy, the presence of a heartbeat of the embryo/embryos, the presence of retrochorial hematoma and signs of detachment of the ovum),

Colposcopy (examination of the cervix using a microscope), used strictly according to indications, if there is a suspicion of serious pathology cervix, which may require treatment despite pregnancy and delay treatment until postpartum period it is forbidden.

Possible complications:

In order to calm down and safely carry a pregnancy to term, it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons bleeding during early pregnancy. This:

1. threat of miscarriage with detachment of the ovum or the formation of a retrochorial hematoma

2. outside intrauterine pregnancy(discharge is darker and accompanied by pain in lower parts belly)

3. pathologies of the cervix and external genitalia.

If the main causes of bleeding are excluded, dynamic observation shows that the fetus is developing normally, then you should calm down and just regularly see your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Occasional cases have been described in which regular periods were present from early to late stages of pregnancy, the child developed normally, and there was no threat to pregnancy. There is no exact explanation for this, nor are there enough cases to study.

You are responsible for your pregnancy, and you should not make any decisions based on the experiences of others. Register with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks, regularly visit the doctor and follow the recommendations - this is up to you. If you have any doubts, complaints or questions, always consult your doctor. An unusual course of pregnancy is not always a pathology, but to make sure of this, efforts must be made. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist Petrova A.V.

In order to understand that something is wrong in a pregnant woman’s body, you need to know her physiology. Monthly on female body the egg matures. She's at in good condition woman's health is ready for fertilization. If this does not happen, the cell is destroyed and comes out with the remains of the endometrium of the uterus. The discharge is bloody and is called menstruation.

If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, pregnancy occurs. A woman's body is completely rebuilt. A special place for the future embryo is prepared in the uterus, and all the body’s forces are aimed at preventing the uterus from rejecting the embryo. For this reason, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced.

It performs two main functions:

  • Stimulates the growth of the endometrium (inner walls of the uterus) so that the embryo can easily implant and securely attach to the surface.
  • It prevents the walls of the uterus from contracting and rejecting the embryo.
During this period, eggs stop maturing in the ovaries. And in the uterus, the processes of growth and rejection of the inner lining, which are responsible for the onset of menstruation every month, stop. Bloody discharge during pregnancy is not actually a period.

Causes of menstruation during pregnancy

Doctors call menstruation only uterine bleeding in the first month of pregnancy. Later this obvious pathology, threatening the life of the fetus and even the mother. Among its possible causes are various diseases, violation hormonal levels. This process can also signal that the ovum is detached.

Why do you get your period in the first 30 days during pregnancy?

The appearance of blood from the genitals during pregnancy, regardless of the period, requires consultation with a doctor, as well as full examination. During the first month after fertilization of the egg, the onset of menstruation is the least dangerous.

The reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Implantation bleeding. When an egg fertilized by a sperm is immersed in the endometrium, minimal damage to the vessels lining the fundus of the uterus occurs. In this case, scanty bleeding may occur. This is not menstruation, and this phenomenon does not threaten the fetus. Happens in 20-30% of women.
  2. The fertilized egg did not have time to attach. This happens if conception occurs at the end or middle of the cycle. The journey of a fertilized egg to the uterine endometrium usually takes 1-2 weeks. Thus, despite the fact that conception has occurred, the hormonal background may not have time to adjust. For this reason, menstruation begins.
  3. A sharp drop in hormones. Estrogen levels may drop by various reasons: endocrine disorders, inflammatory processes, viral infections, suffered stress. In this case, menstruation occurs at the expected start of menstruation. Sometimes this anomaly lasts 3-4 months. This increases the risk of miscarriage.
  4. Release of two eggs from the ovary. Sometimes a malfunction occurs in the body, which consists in the fact that eggs mature in two ovaries. They take turns entering the uterine cavity. If one of them meets a sperm, then pregnancy occurs - a fertilized egg is formed. The second one is rejected by the uterus, and menstruation occurs.
  5. Rejection multiple pregnancy . It's pretty rare pathology, in which two embryos are initially formed. One of them develops as expected, and the second is not accepted by the body for some reason. When it is rejected, bleeding occurs.

Why can menstruation occur late during pregnancy?

On later pregnancy (2-9 months) menstruation cannot occur. Any bleeding is uterine pathologies which lead to a serious risk of miscarriage. Even if spotting occurs in the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks from the moment of fertilization, this is not simple menstruation, and endometrial detachment. It requires urgent consultation with a doctor and bed rest.

Reasons may include:

  • Sex hormone imbalance. Rejection of the fertilized egg can be caused by a deficiency of progesterone or an excess of androgens. This is accompanied by spotting meager character. They are not painful and usually occur with movement and daytime. To preserve the fetus, you need to take special medications.
  • Abortion. During spontaneous termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, a woman experiences cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, miscarriage or spontaneous abortion occurs before 12 weeks. In such cases, you cannot hesitate and you need to urgently contact ambulance. It is important to remember that heavy periods with strong pain syndrome Can't happen during pregnancy! The ability to save the fetus depends only on the speed of reaction of the woman and doctors.
  • Frozen pregnancy. When pregnancy stops developing for a number of reasons (genetic, hormonal disorders, stress, viruses), a woman experiences spotting and spotting. As a rule, this happens at 3-4 weeks, 8-11 or 16-18.
  • . This serious violation, which can cause severe consequences. In this case, the egg fertilized by the sperm is implanted not in the uterus, as expected, but in fallopian tube. As the embryo grows, it becomes crowded and the tube may rupture. Then profuse internal bleeding occurs, which is life-threatening for the woman. IN modern conditions It is almost always possible to save the victim, but she reproductive functions may be truncated because it is impossible to restore the fallopian tube.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus. Bleeding during pregnancy can cause saddle shape uterus, endometriosis, fibroids. Typically, the embryo with such pathologies is poorly or incorrectly attached to the walls of the organ. In such cases, bearing a child should be under the strict supervision of a gynecologist.
  • Cervical infection, placental abruption. These disorders can cause inflammation and bleeding. A doctor can stop these processes by prescribing special treatment.
  • Mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina. This is a fairly common cause of bleeding. This happens after a doctor’s examination and taking swabs from the cervix. There is also the release of a few drops of blood during cervical ectopia and careless sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the genitals during pregnancy are abundantly supplied with blood, and the mucous membranes become more sensitive to mechanical irritants. Such bleeding is not dangerous, but also requires consultation with a specialist.
  • Hydatidiform mole. It's pretty dangerous violation normal course of pregnancy. In this case, there is no embryo in the uterus or there are only some parts of it. It can eventually degenerate into chorionepithelioma, malignant tumors. Bloody discharge in such cases is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Most often, hydatidiform mole occurs in women over 35 years of age.

Types of menstruation during pregnancy

“Color pregnancy” or “fetal ablution” is how menstruation after conception is called in medical circles. Such bleeding different dates have their own distinctive features, can be scanty, abundant, painful, long, short, and so on.

Scanty periods during early pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, menstruation can often be mistaken for normal, planned. She does not have significant differences from the usual menstruation: nipples become hard, mood changes quickly, taste preferences change, eating headache, feeling of drowsiness, increased appetite.

If you suspect pregnancy, you can safely use the test. Drainage of blood will not affect the result in any way since the test is sensitive to human chorionic gonadotropin human (hCG). Its level increases both in the blood and in the urine.

Light, spotting discharge during early pregnancy can provoke a hormonal imbalance. Such bleeding is usually observed during movements and during the daytime. At night during sleep they end. Painful sensations they don't call.

It can also “smear” during an ectopic pregnancy. However, unlike the previous reason, this pathology is accompanied by severe pain. This occurs due to a ruptured fallopian tube and internal bleeding.

Don't worry too much if the discharge is brownish or dark red. As a rule, such “washing of the fetus” takes place on its own within a short time. However, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Heavy periods during pregnancy

The expectant mother should know that a few drops of bloody discharge on her underwear is not a reason to panic. And here heavy menstruation- this is, of course, a serious pathology.

During a miscarriage, the fertilized egg separates from the endometrium. At the same time, the aloe opens uterine bleeding, often with admixtures of lumps and tissues. A woman complains of severe aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes an abortion can be complete, when the entire fertilized egg comes out without any residue.

In some cases, an incomplete miscarriage occurs, when part of the embryo remains in the uterus. If the cavity is not cleaned out in a timely manner, it may cause bleeding again. Urgent medical intervention for initial stages A miscarriage often gives a chance to save the child.

An ectopic pregnancy may also be accompanied by severe bleeding. The pain is cramping. This serious pathology is difficult to recognize on early stages. It is accompanied by all the same symptoms as a normal intrauterine pregnancy: toxicosis, weakness, engorgement of the mammary glands, increased fatigue, height basal temperature.

At placental presentation the fetus is the latter located in the zone internal pharynx. Bleeding in this case occurs at 2-3 months of pregnancy and is usually very heavy. It is possible to save the child, but with careful adherence to bed rest and taking special medicines.

With severe scarlet bleeding, which is accompanied by pain of different nature, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Can menstruation occur during pregnancy - watch the video:

Menstruation during pregnancy is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Especially if the discharge is accompanied by pain and is abundant. The sooner you undergo examination and examination, the greater the chance that you will save the life of the baby and your women's health.

Human physiology is amazing and complex, especially for us women. The female body is one big mystery, and although doctors have studied it inside and out, curious cases arise every day. medical practice, contrary to all norms. These include menstruation during pregnancy.

Menstruation concept

To understand the unusual nature of this phenomenon, you should clearly understand the principle of operation of the female reproductive system. We all know that the work of the body of the fair sex is cyclical, and the first day of the cycle is considered to be the first day of menstruation. In the middle of the cycle (approximately on the 14th day), the egg matures, ready for fertilization. At this time, the lining epithelium inside the uterus increases in size and becomes loose, preparing for the attachment of a fertilized egg. The egg gradually moves along fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, and if conception does not occur, it is destroyed and comes out along with the sloughing layer of epithelium in the form of monthly bleeding. The cycle resumes.

Conclusion: menstruation is a clear sign that pregnancy has not occurred; it is the process of releasing a destroyed egg, cleansing before a new cycle.

Why do I get my period? I'm pregnant!

Can I get my period during pregnancy? Obviously not. It is logical to assume that menstruation in the literal sense of the word (the release of rejected endometrium and unclaimed eggs) cannot occur during a woman’s pregnancy due to physiological reasons. This is normal and in theory. In practice, everything is completely different: approximately 10-20% of pregnant women experience periodic or regular periods both in the first trimester and until childbirth. Paradox!

In particularly curious cases, a lady finds out about her “interesting situation” at a very serious period of 4-5 months, when the baby began to move and the stomach began to protrude indecently (no longer looks like overeating and intestinal problems, right?).

But there is also the opposite situation, when a woman knows exactly what is brewing inside her. new life and is surprised to discover the regulations that arrived exactly according to the “old schedule”, as if there was no pregnancy at all. And experts found their explanation for everything.

Is this menstruation?

To be honest, calling the bleeding that is sometimes observed in pregnant women menstrual bleeding is not entirely correct. Bleeding, yes, but not menstrual bleeding. Do we ladies figure it out? That’s why we call them as we are used to: menstruation.

But the point is not in the name, but in the very nature of such secretions. From a school biology course, and in personal experience We know very well that a delay in regulation is the first sign of fertilization, that during pregnancy and lactation there are no periods and this is normal. So such a phenomenon in a pregnant woman is not the norm.

Overwhelmingly similar cases Women experience spotting (occurring for a number of reasons), which they can mistake for menstruation (they can begin at the same time, last for several days and resemble true menstruation in volume, color, etc.). And all this is often observed in the first trimester.

Due to the prevalence of this phenomenon, some experts consider menstruation during early pregnancy to be a variant of the norm, BUT, only after examination for pregnancy-threatening conditions.

Conditionally safe causes of bleeding

In the first 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, a woman can actually experience real menstruation, which will not recur later. next cycle. This happens rarely, but still occurs especially among those who for a long time enjoyed ( birth control pills) before getting pregnant.

The reason for such random periods may be hormonal disbalance when a change in the level of the hormone progesterone triggers menstrual changes. Usually there is no threat to the fertilized egg in this case, but you can’t hope for hope.

In addition to erratic hormones, the following situations can occur:

✓ The woman had two ovulations, i.e. V different time An egg was released from each ovary. One was fertilized, and the other collapsed and came out bleeding;

✓ Late ovulation and fertilization, which occurred before menstruation began;

✓ Menstruation is caused by an egg somehow retained from a previous cycle while the “new” one is fertilized.

There are also bleedings caused by other reasons and having nothing to do with menstruation:

✓ implantation bleeding (loudly said) - scanty spotting or bloody discharge for 2-4 days, occurring at approximately 4 weeks of gestation at the time of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus;

✓ bleeding caused mechanical damage cervix or vagina during gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. Short-lived, meager.


When to sound the alarm

It is absolutely clear that normally there should be no bleeding during the entire period of gestation, especially after 12 weeks of gestation.

Blood from the genital tract is actually very warning sign(but not always, as follows from the information above), signaling signs that threaten life and health, threatening not only the fetus, but also the mother.

What does bleeding during pregnancy indicate:

  • ;
  • ✓ P fetal pathologies incompatible with its further development. No matter how hard we try, circumstances do not always accommodate our desires. Prudent nature ( natural selection– call it whatever you like) has thought through everything for us and is getting rid of her own mistakes. IN in this case, if during fertilization there are severe genetic mutations and disorders of embryogenesis, then further development a child is impossible, and the body itself terminates the pregnancy with a miscarriage; uterine incompetence.
  • Women whose organ has an abnormal structure, is underdeveloped or has physiological defects, may experience bleeding problems varying intensity. In this case, the uterus is not able to bear a child;
  • or – conditions in which the embryo or fetus has died in the womb or develops outside the uterine cavity. In any case it is required surgery;
  • Placental abruption may cause bleeding starting from the 13th week of gestation. This condition also requires immediate intervention specialists, since there is a high risk of blood loss in the woman and hypoxia in the fetus, including its death;
  • P tympanic skid- rare, but dangerous phenomenon, characterized by the formation of many bubble-like structures from the chorion of the fetal egg. They form in the macular cavity, on the ovaries in the form of cysts and come out along with bleeding. The danger of this phenomenon lies both in the termination of pregnancy and in the risk of formation malignant tumor, quickly metastasizing to the brain and vitally important organs;
  • G loss of one of the embryos during multiple pregnancy, while the second one can in relative order;
  • ✓ P placenta previa may cause bleeding varying degrees, this happens especially often in the third trimester, when the fetus is already quite large;
  • D malignant formations in the uterine cavity (polyp, fibroids, etc.) as well as endometriosis.

As you can see, there are many more threatening conditions than situations where “menstruation” does not cause concern. But this is precisely why a woman should be wary of any discharge similar to menstruation at any time.

Immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary for the following symptoms:

✓ pain of any nature in the lower abdomen, on its sides;

dizziness, nausea, vomiting;

heavy bleeding from the vagina;

the presence of dense clots, parts of tissue in the discharge;

unpleasant odor;

increased body temperature, pale skin.

At similar symptoms Call an ambulance immediately! You can't hesitate!

How is menstruation different from bleeding during pregnancy?

Visible similarity external manifestations can completely confuse a woman, which makes her think about the beginning of menstruation, even if she is confident in her situation. But, as we found out, it is very rare to have periods during pregnancy. How to distinguish bleeding from normal menstruation?

Non-duration. Bloody discharge generally lasts no more than 4 days;

No PMS symptoms(pulling pain, breast swelling, changes in mood, etc.). Although in some cases it is noted that breast swelling, on the contrary, does not go away;

menstruation CAN OCCUR in the first month (up to 5-6 weeks) of pregnancy due to disruptions reproductive system and are often observed once;

The nature of menstruation should be determined based on whether the presence of a developing embryo/fetus is diagnosed. If a woman does NOT know about her situation, menstruation may occur for some reason (see previous point). If a woman is definitely pregnant, then, in most cases, spotting is not menstruation in the direct sense;

bleeding from the vagina in an expectant mother in some cases does not pose a threat to life and health

profuse bleeding, accompanied by pain, dizziness, fever, etc. require urgent intervention doctors;

IN ANY CASE, if you detect discharge close to bloody, you should ALWAYS notify your supervising doctor.

remember, that timely appeal to specialists allows you to save the baby’s life, normalize your condition and manage little blood in the literal and figurative sense of the word. A negligent attitude towards yourself and your unborn child, ignoring the signs of your body, and hoping for self-resolution of the problem are unacceptable!

Don’t be shy about saying that something is bothering you, don’t hide even such intimate details from your doctor, don’t sacrifice your health for the sake of household chores and work. Remember that pregnancy is a huge responsibility for someone else’s life, which is placed on your shoulders, and you have no right to put it at risk! Health to you and your children!

Is this really possible? This question is often asked by women who are pregnant for the first time. Why does this happen, to whom and what does it threaten the unborn child with? Let's figure it out.

Bleeding in early pregnancy

Theoretically, menstruation at normal course pregnancy is not possible. But sometimes they occur approximately during the periods when menstruation is scheduled to begin. The nature of such bleeding differs significantly from the traditional menstruation for a woman. This makes us wary, because such a situation is a deviation from the norm and requires medical intervention.

Sometimes menstruation in the early stages misleads a woman. She thinks that everything in her body is going according to schedule and is unaware of her pregnancy. The situation is sometimes aggravated by the fact that the pregnancy test also gives negative result. Therefore, situations arise when pregnant women do not know about their situation until 3-4 months. Yes, this is rather an exception to the rule. But women should be aware of such situations. After all early diagnosis pregnancy is always the main factor in its preservation.

In order to argue for the impossibility of menstruation during pregnancy, you need to remember the anatomy. A woman's uterus consists of an outer mucous layer, a middle and an inner mucous layer (). Each of them fulfills its purpose. The mobile layer of the uterus, the endometrium, grows in the 1st half of the cycle in order to maintain pregnancy. That is, thickening of the endometrium is the basis for the normal attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus. During menstruation, the endometrium is completely rejected, because pregnancy has not occurred, and there is no need to create conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg. Mucus and blood come out of the uterus with menstruation. Thinking logically, one can understand that rejection of the endometrium during pregnancy in the form of bleeding can lead to miscarriage, since the fertilized egg can also be rejected. It turns out that menstruation during pregnancy is impossible, this is a pathology. And when they talk about bleeding during pregnancy, they mean a threatening situation for both the fetus and the expectant mother.

Causes of bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is always a deviation from the norm. However, sometimes (!) this situation is not so threatening. We are talking about slight bleeding during the period of attachment of the fertilized egg. After all, this important process sometimes accompanied by minor damage blood vessels inside the uterus, the consequence of which is spotting.

Scanty bleeding during pregnancy can occur when the fertilized egg does not have time to attach to the endometrium of the uterus. There are no hormonal changes observed during this period, the cancellation of menstruation does not occur, and the delay occurs only in the next cycle, that is, a month later.

Another reason for possible “periods” during pregnancy may be hormonal imbalances. This is fixed hormonal therapy, which is prescribed by the attending physician.

Consequences of menstruation during pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, pseudomenstruation is usually an indicator of detachment of the fertilized egg. The consequence of this may be self-abortion. With a small detachment and timely initiation of treatment, the problem can be overcome. IN difficult cases when bleeding is heavy, you need to apply a course intensive care with bed rest and medical supervision. Compliance with these rules is a decisive factor in preserving the child.

A sad diagnosis in which pregnant women get their periods can be. Then the attachment of the fertilized egg does not occur in the uterus, and as the fetus grows in the fallopian tube, where it is often attached, it may rupture. In this case, the woman is threatened internal bleeding With possible restrictions reproductive function in future.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

From Guest

It seemed like I had my period for a very long time. And only when I noticed that I had gained weight I went to the doctor, where I was diagnosed diagnosis - pregnancy. Moreover, the discharge continued until the 28th week. I was under the supervision of doctors all the time, I gave birth healthy baby, he is now 2 years old.

All representatives of the fairer sex know for sure from school that menstruation during pregnancy is an impossible phenomenon. After all, a delay in menstruation is the main sign that a woman will become a mother. However, women who will soon become mothers often experience bleeding from the genital tract. What is the nature of this phenomenon and how to behave in such a situation?

Everyone knows that once a month a woman’s body undergoes the process of maturation of an egg, which will subsequently await fertilization. If this does not happen, the egg is destroyed and its remains, as well as pieces of tissue that lines the walls of the uterus, come out in the form of bloody discharge. In the event of conception, the body directs all its forces to prepare a special place for the embryo and prevent its rejection by the uterus. In particular, in female body Progesterone production begins. Between the sixth and fourteenth day after conception, the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus. In this case, slight damage to the membranes of its walls may occur, which leads to mild or moderate bleeding, which lasts for a couple of days. But I would say it is very difficult to mistake these bleedings for menstruation. Once implantation is complete, the fertilized egg becomes an embryo and enters the rapid growth. Heavy bleeding, accompanied big amount clots may indicate a miscarriage, which means that for some reason the implantation process was not carried out. According to statistics, this happens at least once in most women’s lives, and they don’t even know about it.

However, it is true that mild to moderate bleeding can be observed in young women in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester). At the same time, they may not even be aware of their pregnancy, mistaking spotting for normal menstruation. This happens to about 10% of expectant mothers. When a woman realizes that she is pregnant and is having her period, for some reason in most cases she is in no hurry to see a gynecologist, considering this phenomenon to be absolutely normal. In addition, there are many examples where menstruation during pregnancy did not in any way affect the course of pregnancy and did not prevent the child from being born healthy. But these cases do not at all indicate the safety of this phenomenon. Menstruation during pregnancy is very dangerous because it can cause miscarriage and contribute to the development of serious complications from the expectant mother.

In early pregnancy, under the influence of progesterone and estrogen, blood flow to the cervix increases, which in rare cases may cause mild and short-lived bleeding. But if the bleeding is severe enough and is combined with spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently call an ambulance. In this case, the probability of miscarriage is very high.

Why do you have periods during pregnancy?
In fact, there can be many reasons for the occurrence of discharge during pregnancy. The most common are considered various kinds pathologies and hormonal imbalances. Besides, this phenomenon may indicate that detachment of the fertilized egg has occurred, which leads to the threat of miscarriage. The causes of discharge will be different at each stage of pregnancy. For example, menstruation during pregnancy occurs most often in the first trimester. By the way, it is during this period that this phenomenon is considered less dangerous than in the second half of pregnancy. Also, in some women during pregnancy, during the early days menstrual bleeding(if not interesting situation) small endometrial detachments may occur. During these periods, the risk of miscarriage increases significantly (these are weeks: 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.). Such bleeding cannot be called menstruation. The reason for the bleeding lies elsewhere. If even spotting occurs, you must see a doctor and adhere to bed rest to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Often, periods during pregnancy indicate a disruption in the body's production of progesterone. Corpus luteum, which is responsible for the production of this hormone, sometimes malfunctions, interfering normal development pregnancy. If there is insufficient quantity on the allotted days for normal menstruation Bloody discharge with endometrial particles may appear. In this case, it increases the risk that the uterus may reject the fetus. Reception medicines based on progestin analogues will help compensate for its deficiency. As a rule, with such a disorder, the threat of spontaneous abortion is eliminated, which makes it possible to the expectant mother carry the baby calmly.

Pathologies of fetal development or ectopic pregnancy serve common cause the occurrence of menstruation during pregnancy. According to statistics, one pregnancy out of sixty is ectopic. This situation in some cases can threaten a woman’s life. Over a long enough period of time, it can provoke severe internal bleeding, which is why if a woman develops severe pain in the lower abdomen and appendage areas, as well as vaginal bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. All this suggests that a woman needs to be careful during pregnancy and monitor the discharge. Discharge is considered normal if it is clear or whitish, no brown or bleeding there shouldn't be.

Sometimes there are cases when the attachment of the fetus does not go very well. This is especially true for women suffering from endometriosis or having a disease such as uterine fibroids. By attaching to such a place, the fetus cannot further develop into normal conditions, since the oxygen supply process becomes insufficient. Ultimately, this can lead to miscarriage.

But bleeding can be observed not only in the early stages of pregnancy, but also in the second half. However, they can lead to the loss of a large volume of blood and the death of the child inside the womb. This mainly occurs due to placental abruption, as well as due to infections in the cervix, which can become inflamed and begin to bleed. But almost all these diseases and infections can be successfully treated safe drugs, which can also be used during pregnancy. As a rule, treatment is carried out in inpatient conditions. Timeliness of treatment, as well as individual characteristics a woman’s body influence the final result.

Hyperandrogenism is hormonal disorder, which also leads to bleeding. Androgen is male hormone, in excess of which in the female body, detachment of the fertilized egg occurs, which, accordingly, in the absence of treatment, leads to spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Timely intake of medications that normalize androgen levels will help prevent the development of sad consequences.

It often happens that initially the pregnancy is multiple, that is, several embryos develop simultaneously in the woman’s womb. In this case, one of them develops normally, and the other, due to some reason, is rejected (pathology, etc.). In this situation, the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy indicates the rejection of one of the embryos.

Finally, I would like to note that any spotting during pregnancy is a cause for concern, because each of the causes that causes it is by no means harmless, and the consequences can be much more serious than you think. Therefore, there is no need to hope that someone once had the same thing and everything ended well. Even with feeling good, absence of pain and discomfort If you get your period during pregnancy, you should visit your doctor. Well, if the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower back, and they themselves become profuse, you should call an ambulance. Remember, timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid the loss of a child and the development of serious complications.