How does corpus luteum deficiency manifest itself and does pregnancy occur with this diagnosis? What does corpus luteum deficiency mean?

Every month after ovulation female ovary iron is formed, which is necessary for the full development of a possible pregnancy.

Why is there sometimes no corpus luteum on an ultrasound, even if the diagnosis indicates pregnancy? Is this fact dangerous for the development of the fetus? You will find the answer to these and other questions that concern expectant mothers in our article.

Every monthly cycle Follicles mature in a woman’s ovaries, most of which die by the time of ovulation. One of them remains - the “strongest” one, which continues to develop, increasing in size. He is called . It is in it that the egg matures, which, after meeting the sperm, will be fertilized.

As soon as the dominant has reached the right size, it ruptures and the egg is released into the lumen of the fallopian tubes.

In the place of the former dominant follicle blood begins to accumulate. Special cells resembling grains appear in it, which actively produce lutein. It is this temporary neoplasm that is called the corpus luteum, since it has a characteristic yellow color.

How long does VT live?

The lifespan of a temporary gland directly depends on whether fertilization has occurred.

will exist throughout the first trimester, actively producing progesterone. Thanks to this hormone, the uterus does not contract, but ovum can be safely and promptly fixed in its cavity. In this case, progesterone blocks subsequent ovulations and has a beneficial effect on the growth of the uterine endometrium.

With the onset of the second trimester, when the formed placenta takes on the “responsibilities” of the luteal body, the temporary gland ceases to exist. However, in some women, ultrasound recorded its existence until the very birth. This fact does not indicate any pathological abnormalities, since pregnancy in this case develops safely.

The temporary gland is usually located on one of the ovaries, although cases of its development on both organs have been recorded. In this case, there is a possibility of conceiving twins (but this is just a probability, you should not take this as a fait accompli).

The amount of progesterone that it can “supply” into the female body depends on the size of the corpus luteum. If there is a deficiency, there is a real threat of termination of pregnancy or its failure. proper development.

In the event that the sperm and egg do not meet during ovulation, corpus luteum, having existed for up to two weeks, dies. With its death, the amount of progesterone produced by it decreases, the cycle ends and the next menstruation begins.

Corpus luteum and ovulation

I would like to note that the corpus luteum is necessary not only for the proper development of pregnancy, but also for its onset. That is, if the temporary gland is absent during the luteal phase, this indicates the absence of ovulation, and therefore the impossibility of pregnancy.

There is another reason why there is no corpus luteum after ovulation. She is connected with age characteristics women. Thus, in adolescents and women during menopause, the lifespan of the temporary gland is significantly lower than in women of reproductive age.

One to three cycles per year without ovulation and without VT – absolute norm. But if this happens every month, you need to look for the cause and treat it. Most often this pathology is associated with changes hormonal levels. Contact an endocrinologist and gynecologist, they will prescribe an in-depth examination.

VT during pregnancy

On early stages During pregnancy (12-13 weeks), women are recommended to undergo ultrasound diagnostics. In some cases (if the doctor suspects possible violations) are sent for an ultrasound even earlier. This test is painless and does not pose a threat to health. expectant mother and her unborn baby.

Ultrasound allows you to see at the earliest stages the correct development of the fertilized egg, the condition of the ovaries and the uterine cavity.

They are one of the main criteria for determining the correct development of pregnancy. We have already talked about what this little temporary iron plays main role in the production of progesterone, without which the natural development of the fetus is impossible.

The less iron, the less quantity it can produce the right hormone. The less progesterone in a pregnant woman’s body, the less chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

If the diameter of the corpus luteum is less than 10 mm, then doctors diagnose its insufficiency. In case it is excessive large sizes(more than 30 mm) is a signal about the presence of a cyst.

Both the first and second deviations from normal indicators undesirable during pregnancy. However, cystic changes, as a rule, do not threaten the development of the fetus. After all, in in this case The temporary gland produces the required amount of progesterone, therefore, the fetus can develop normally. And after a few months, the cyst resolves on its own, without any impact. medications. The only recommendation for such a diagnosis is regular monitoring by a gynecologist.

If the corpus luteum is not visualized or its size is too small, it is necessary to urgently begin drug therapy, since in this case there is a high probability of termination of pregnancy.

Pregnancy, but no corpus luteum?

Let's look at the main reasons why there is no corpus luteum during pregnancy.

Let us immediately make a reservation that such a formulation is not entirely correct. The fact is that conception is impossible in the absence of a temporary gland. And if the luteal body is not visible on ultrasound for several cycles in a row in a woman reproductive age, we're talking about about the absence of ovulation. Therefore, pregnancy cannot occur in this case.

Therefore, if the test is positive, but there is no corpus luteum, this can be a serious signal about serious problems for fetal development.

What does it mean? How dangerous is such a deviation from the norm for the proper development of pregnancy?

If the doctor was unable to see the corpus luteum on an ultrasound, this may be due to several reasons:

  • The device on which the diagnostics were carried out is outdated;
  • The doctor “reviewed” the VT. Ultrasound diagnosticsdelicate process, on the verge of art. It happens that existing gland The doctor just didn't notice.
  • Diagnosis was carried out after the placenta had formed and the temporary gland had stopped developing (after 13 weeks of pregnancy);
  • There is no pregnancy;
  • The size of the luteal body is so small that it cannot be visualized.

Serious therapy is needed only in the latter case, since such small sizes will not allow the hormone to produce the required amount of progesterone. And in its absence or deficiency, pregnancy will not be able to develop.

Hormonal support for progesterone deficiency

However, even if the corpus luteum is insufficient, women should not despair. Modern medicine offers wide range medications, containing all the necessary hormones that will help normalize hormonal levels. First of all, we'll talk about replenishing insufficient amounts of progesterone.

These medications artificially maintain the required amount of progesterone. They are taken until the placenta is formed.

The most popular drugs in this series are Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Although the effectiveness of these medicines It has long been proven that they should be used strictly on the recommendation and under the supervision of a gynecologist. This is due to two reasons.

Firstly, only a doctor, based on individual characteristics patients, can calculate the right dosage medicines.

Secondly, for greater effectiveness, the drug is taken only at a certain time.

In addition, the diagnosis of “progesterone deficiency” cannot be made only based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics. Considering that the reasons for deviations from normal indicators are not always associated with pathological processes, the doctor will prescribe additional laboratory research. After a blood test, which will show in detail clinical picture the amount of necessary hormones in a woman’s blood, conclusions will be drawn about the need for hormonal treatment.

If there is no corpus luteum, but there is a pregnancy, and its term exceeds 12 weeks, there is nothing to worry about. The temporary gland fulfilled its function, transferring its “powers” ​​to the formed placenta, and happily regressed. This diagnostic picture is considered natural, and there is no need to worry about the absence of the luteal body.

Correct monthly work of the small temporary gland guarantees the full development of the fetus. The corpus luteum is one of the important links in the chain reproductive organs female body. Therefore, it is important for women planning a pregnancy to know how its development occurs.

A early diagnosis Any deviations from the development of the luteal body will allow us to correct its work with the help of hormonal therapy.

Consultation with a gynecologist

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers patients’ questions.

I’m already 19 days late, tests with two strips. Two weeks ago, at an ultrasound, I was told that there was no VT, most likely just hormonal disbalance. At that time, tests did not show pregnancy.

— No menstruation, high hCG, two-line tests, nausea. And do you still have doubts? The VT could simply not be seen. Go to your gynecologist, you may need additional tests for hormones. Take your prenatal vitamins now, at a minimum. folic acid.

— Ovulation was on May 12. May 29 - positive test for pregnancy. On June 3 I went for an ultrasound. A fertilized egg was discovered in the uterus (the term was set for 3 weeks), but the corpus luteum was not seen in the ovary. There are all signs of pregnancy. Why is there no VT?

- Ultrasound - very subtle method diagnostics If there is a pregnancy, then there is a corpus luteum, the doctor might simply not see it. Donate blood for b-hCG, and repeat the test two days later. If everything is in order, the result will double. You may need to take a progesterone test (see your doctor for a referral). Next ultrasound- at 12-13 weeks. At the same time, you will be prescribed a screening (special blood test) that will show whether the pregnancy is developing normally

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum is a common cause of problems with menstruation, complications during pregnancy, and even the inability to become pregnant. - temporary gland arising from the follicle. When at the beginning menstrual cycle an egg emerges from it, and a gland is formed in this place, which produces hormones necessary for conception, as well as for the successful completion of the gestation period.

The hormones produced by the corpus luteum are progesterone and estrogen. If the gland is formed correctly, then active production of progesterone begins, a substance that creates the possibility of pregnancy. Under the influence of the hormone, the uterus begins to transform and becomes ready for egg implantation. The endometrium swells, contraction of the fallopian tubes is observed, which promote the zygote, the cervix becomes wider so that the fertilized cell can penetrate inside. At the same time, progesterone relaxes the uterine muscles. The uterus becomes capable of actively expanding.

New follicles do not mature under the influence of the hormone. Mammary glands become capable of producing milk. In addition, estrogen prepares the body for future motherhood.

If fertilization does not occur, then the corpus luteum ceases to function, since its work and development are controlled by the substance produced by the embryonic membrane. When the command for further development is not received, then education ceases activity.

If pregnancy has occurred, the gland continues to produce hormones until the placenta is completely formed.

The appearance and functioning of the corpus luteum can be divided into a number of stages:

  • the corpus luteum originates in the ovary in which ovulation occurred;
  • the gland grows and develops;
  • production of the hormone progesterone by a full-fledged endocrine gland;
  • the corpus luteum stops functioning, this happens at the beginning of the 2nd trimester.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, hormones are produced very actively. grows to approximately 1-3 cm in diameter. Doctors should note the size of this gland when expectant mothers undergo an ultrasound procedure. This is an important factor in ensuring that the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Deviation of sizes in any direction is a sign that monitoring the woman’s condition should become more attentive.

If fertilization of the cell does not occur, then the iron decreases. By the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, it disappears.

Pathology of the development of the corpus luteum

Most often diagnosed following reasons and problems in the work of this body.

  • cyst;
  • ​functional failure.

The first problem is not too dangerous. This formation does not have the ability to degenerate and does not threaten oncological diseases. It occurs when the wall of the follicle stretches and forms a cavity that can fill with fluid.

Circumstances causing the appearance such education may be:

  • improper functioning of the ovaries (the circulatory or lymphatic systems are disrupted);
  • problems arising as a result of infection of the genital organs;
  • effects on the body of certain medications (hormone-containing);
  • influence harmful effects at work;
  • emotional stress;
  • malnutrition, poor eating habits.

The cyst does not interfere with fertilization and the ability to become pregnant. In this case, the corpus luteum can produce required amount hormones. This state of affairs most often does not require any treatment. In most cases, the cyst resolves on its own. She doesn't cause any inconvenience. You just need to be careful when various types physical activity so that a rupture does not occur and its “leg” does not twist.

But sometimes a complication of this condition occurs - the cyst ruptures. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is necessary. Symptoms of the disease: sharp pain and bleeding.

A twisted cyst stalk is a circumstance that cannot be ignored.

Surgery can prevent tissue necrosis.

Signs of a problem include discomfort in the lower abdomen: heaviness or the presence of pulling painful sensations. Also, one of the symptoms may be a failure of monthly cycles or the presence bloody discharge. The diagnosis is confirmed using ultrasound examination, upon examination by a gynecologist, according to the results laboratory tests(study of hormonal levels).

A little big problem represents insufficient functionality of the corpus luteum. The consequence of this condition may be:

  • impossibility of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy failure;
  • there is a threat to the child's life.

If the corpus luteum does not function long enough, then the hormones produced will not be enough for the body to be ready to function during pregnancy. The fertilized egg either does not have time to attach itself to the wall of the uterus, or is rejected as a foreign body. If the gland is present and functioning, but produces few hormones, this affects the development and nutrition of the fetus, since the placenta is not formed correctly. Most often, spontaneous abortion occurs during the first or second trimester.

Modern medicine has the ability to cope with this problem. A woman who has been diagnosed with corpus luteum deficiency conceives, carries and gives birth healthy children. However, this requires constant medical supervision. It is also necessary to take hormonal medicines.

Therapeutic measures for insufficiency or absence of the corpus luteum

The methods used by specialists to establish pathology today are the following procedures:

  1. An analysis that determines the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood serum. The study is repeated several times to ensure that no errors occur.
  2. Ultrasound examination, which can measure the size of the ovary, the presence of the corpus luteum in it and its size.
  3. In case of problems with the menstrual cycle or constant “disruptions” of pregnancy, it is recommended to perform an endometrial biopsy. This must be done at a certain time (26 days from the beginning of the monthly cycle).

The solution to diagnosed glandular deficiency is to take medications that contain progesterone. A doctor must prescribe medications. It is important to determine which drug is suitable in a particular case, to establish exact dosage and appointment time hormonal medications. Before the appointment, the specialist must carry out a series of special examinations. Treatment is accompanied by careful monitoring of the body’s condition and determination of the level of hormones in the blood. The course of treatment is quite long. It is not prescribed only based on the results of an ultrasound examination.

Sometimes the presence of a corpus luteum is not determined during this procedure, even in the presence of a confirmed pregnancy. This can be explained by two reasons: either a lack of research (for example, poor-quality equipment), or small size the gland itself. The second case is a manifestation of the pathology of the corpus luteum, which leads to a lack of hormones and requires timely therapy. It must be remembered that the absence of the corpus luteum is a factor that makes pregnancy impossible.

The quality functioning of this gland is one of the factors that predetermines pregnancy and normal development fetus But if hypofunction of the corpus luteum is detected, this is not a “sentence” that makes the birth of a child impossible. Constant monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother and the influence of modern medications will allow you to carry and give birth to the baby without complications.

This is a temporary gland in a woman’s ovary, formed at the site of the follicle from which the mature egg was released. And they called it that because it is filled with liquid yellow color containing hormones. Without the corpus luteum, pregnancy and normal childbearing are impossible.

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How does the corpus luteum appear?

Regularly, every month in one of the woman’s ovaries childbearing age the egg matures. It develops in the follicle during the first half of the menstrual cycle. After maturation, the follicle bursts and the egg is released into abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation.

While the egg moves through the fallopian tube, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle, producing estrogen and progesterone. The latter is especially important - after all, it is he who prepares the woman’s body for conception and pregnancy.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum actively produces progesterone, which promotes pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum atrophies, progesterone levels drop sharply and menstruation begins. And in the ovary the process of maturation of the next follicle is initiated.

Functions of the corpus luteum

Influenced progesterone(also called the pregnancy hormone), the endometrium of the uterus grows and swells, preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg - a zygote. The fallopian tubes contract slowly, advancing the zygote, the cervix dilates to allow a large female reproductive cell to pass through.

But progesterone, on the contrary, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, preventing it from contracting. Under the influence of hormones from the corpus luteum, the glands of the uterus secrete first a mucous secretion, which increases the passage of sperm, and later another, which promotes the penetration of the zygote into the wall of the uterus. The uterus itself is preparing for active expansion.

Progesterone inhibits the maturation of subsequent follicles and prepares nervous system women to bear a child. Alveoli, the glands that produce milk, begin to develop in a woman's breasts.

The functioning of the corpus luteum itself is controlled by hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin), produced by the membrane of the embryo. Thus, if fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum does not receive the “order” to grow further and degrades.

If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum will develop and produce hormones until the placenta is fully formed, approximately until –16 weeks of pregnancy. Then children's place will take over the production of progesterone and estrogen, and the corpus luteum will be reduced. However, for some women, it persists until childbirth.

At ectopic pregnancy The corpus luteum grows slowly. This is due to the fact that the embryo attached to in the wrong place(tubal wall, ovary, abdominal cavity...) there is no opportunity to develop normally. The chorion (membrane) grows incorrectly, so hCG is released in insufficient quantities.

What are the disorders in the development of the corpus luteum?

The main deviations in the normal formation of the corpus luteum are:

Functional impairment;
- cyst.

Both diagnoses are made after comprehensive examinations, which include ultrasound, blood tests for progesterone and hCG levels, gynecological examination, and study of the basal temperature chart. A woman is not at risk of harm from ultrasound during pregnancy. this moment ultrasound is the most informative and absolutely safe method studies of the fetus's condition. It can be performed as many times as needed and at any stage of pregnancy.

Corpus luteum cyst is considered a harmless disease and rarely requires treatment. But it is better to detect the insufficiency or absence of the corpus luteum as early as possible, since this pathology threatens termination of pregnancy in the early stages or further development placental insufficiency.

Hypofunction of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

Insufficiency of corpus luteum function during pregnancy is very serious violation. It leads to the inability to get pregnant, to spontaneous abortions, to a threat to the life of the fetus if the placenta has formed abnormally.

An incomplete cycle of the corpus luteum phase is one of the causes of infertility. If the corpus luteum develops in less than ten days and dies, then the amount of progesterone it produces is simply not enough to prepare the mother’s body for pregnancy. The zygote may not have time to penetrate the uterine wall during this time. Or the uterus will reject her, like foreign organism if the hormonal background is formed incorrectly.

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum during pregnancy is a reason for emergency medical intervention. Functional deficiency of the corpus luteum means that it produces fewer hormones, primarily progesterone, than are necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency can significantly affect the formation of the placenta and the nutrition of the fetus. But most often, low level pregnancy hormone leads to miscarriage in the first or second trimester.

Absence of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

Sometimes on ultrasound the corpus luteum is not visualized at all, although the fact of pregnancy has been established. As a rule, this indicates a very small corpus luteum during pregnancy and requires immediate hormonal correction. Normal sizes the corpus luteum is 1–3 cm. If it is smaller, then less hormones enter the mother’s body. This means that the life of the unborn child is in real danger.

Treatment for functional deficiency or absence of the corpus luteum

Treatment of the disease is carried out with hormonal drugs, usually containing progesterone. There are a lot of such drugs, but you can only determine which one is right for you professional doctor after the various analyzes and examinations.

With hormonal therapy, not only the dosage matters, but also the timing of taking the medication. If corpus luteum deficiency is the cause of infertility, the doctor will prescribe an appointment hormonal drugs after ovulation. The time of ovulation needs to be known exactly, because progesterone suppresses it.

If you have already had miscarriages and there is a suspicion of hypofunction of the corpus luteum, then at the first signs of pregnancy you should consult a doctor. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, hormonal adjustments will be required to maintain the pregnancy. It will take a long time to be treated until the placenta is completely formed. Naturally, treatment should be accompanied constant monitoring blood hormone levels.

Sometimes the corpus luteum develops incorrectly. The walls of the follicle from which the mature egg has emerged begin to thicken and stretch, and internal cavity is filled in serous fluid. A tumor-like formation is formed - a corpus luteum cyst. However, there is no need to panic - a corpus luteum cyst never degenerates into a malignant formation.

Causes of corpus luteum cysts can be:

In most cases, the cyst does not interfere with the development of pregnancy and does not require medical intervention, since it is a modified corpus luteum and secretes sex hormones in sufficient quantities. Usually after two to three months it begins to resolve on its own and disappears completely.

The size of the cyst usually does not exceed 6–9 cm; it rarely causes concern to a pregnant woman. But the doctor will still monitor her, and the woman will recommend moderate physical activity and careful sex so as not to cause rupture of the cyst or twisting of its leg.

Diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is carried out using ultrasound, gynecological examination, hormonal analysis, laparoscopy. A woman can feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen or side. If the pain is always localized in one side, then this may be a symptom of an ovarian cyst. Another sign is menstrual irregularities, bleeding outside of critical days.

A corpus luteum cyst can be eliminated on its own, so usually it is not touched, but only observed. If there is no hope for spontaneous atrophy, then the cyst is removed using laparoscopy.

Cyst rupture- the most serious complication of this disease. He is accompanied acute pain, bleeding and requires surgical intervention. A ruptured, untreated cyst can lead to the development acute infection internal organs.

Twisting of the cyst pedicle also requires surgical treatment, because compression of tissues leads to their necrosis.

Thus, main danger The problem associated with the corpus luteum during pregnancy is its lack of functionality. But you shouldn’t be upset - the level of development modern medicine helps women bear healthy child even with corpus luteum deficiency. It’s just that in this case, in order to maintain the pregnancy, you may need to take hormonal medications. And only a doctor can choose their dosage - trust him.

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The outcome of pregnancy is influenced by many factors, including the full functioning of the corpus luteum.

Many women have no idea about the existence of this gland, which is re-formed in their body every month.

Without it, the birth and development of a new life is impossible, therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the work of the corpus luteum requires control and, if necessary, correction.

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland formed in the ovary and produces “pregnancy hormones”.

During ovulation, the follicle in which the egg matured ruptures and yellow tissue begins to grow in its place.

This color is colored by a special pigment - lutein, which is why the corpus luteum is also called luteal.

The corpus luteum synthesizes the hormone progesterone, which prepares the body for possible conception.

The presence of the corpus luteum during the period of expected delay is indirect sign pregnancy.

There are several stages in the development of the corpus luteum:

  • Origin.

The corpus luteum is formed only in the ovary in which ovulation occurred. IN in some cases, if 2 eggs mature, a corpus luteum forms in each ovary.

Visualization of two corpora lutea on ultrasound is one of the signs of twin pregnancy.

  • A period of growth and development.

The duration of the first 2 phases of the corpus luteum does not exceed 4 days in total.

  • Progesterone production.

The corpus luteum turns into a full-fledged endocrine gland which starts.

  • Degradation of the corpus luteum.

If conception does not take place, after a few days the luteal body decreases in size and dissolves. It completely disappears by the beginning of the next menstrual cycle.

To maintain its work, it is necessary, which is produced by the fetal membranes. That is, to preserve the corpus luteum, pregnancy must occur.

The luteal body is responsible for the production of hormones until 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, then the placenta takes over this function. At the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, after the final formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum resolves.

Sometimes it persists throughout the entire period of gestation, and such cases are not a pathology.


In the first weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum intensively produces hormones and increases to the size of a large cherry.

By the end of the first trimester, the size of the corpus luteum begins to decrease, and then it completely disappears.

They support the normal development of pregnancy until the placenta begins to produce the required amount of hormones. Not only the dosage matters, but also the timing of taking the drugs, so start hormonal therapy You can't do it without a doctor's prescription.

The effect of corpus luteum cyst on pregnancy

The size of the corpus luteum exceeding the upper limit of normal indicates the occurrence of a cyst. During an ultrasound, a neoplasm measuring 30-90 mm, filled with liquid, is diagnosed.

The causes of cystic corpus luteum during pregnancy are not fully understood. The likelihood of its development increases in case of disturbances in blood and lymph circulation in the ovary.

Corpus luteum cyst does not have any effect negative influence on the course of pregnancy, because it does not affect the ability of the corpus luteum to synthesize progesterone.

Depending on which ovary the corpus luteum formed in, the cyst may cause pain in the right or left side of the abdomen. The pain intensifies during physical activity, sexual intercourse or brisk walking.

A complication of a corpus luteum cyst can be its rupture or torsion.

In the first case, its contents will enter the abdominal cavity, in the second, tissue death (necrosis) of the cyst will begin. These pathologies are eliminated through surgery, while pregnancy continues.

Corpus luteum cyst requires additional monitoring using ultrasound to monitor the dynamics of its development. In most cases, it resolves on its own along with the corpus luteum in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Is pregnancy possible without the corpus luteum: why is it not visualized on ultrasound?

In some cases, the patient may be faced with two mutually exclusive diagnoses: there is pregnancy, but there is no corpus luteum.

The formation of the luteal body is a mandatory sign of ovulation. Therefore, the absence of the corpus luteum throughout the menstrual cycle means anovulation, which makes pregnancy impossible.

The corpus luteum may not be visualized on ultrasound for 2 reasons:

  • an outdated device that does not allow the doctor to see the corpus luteum;
  • small size of the corpus luteum, which is a sign hormonal deficiency. This condition requires appropriate treatment.

Progesterone support is not prescribed based on ultrasound results alone. To confirm hormonal deficiency, blood test results are needed.

Full functioning of the corpus luteum is a necessary link in the chain of factors responsible for favorable development pregnancy. If irregularities in its work are detected, there is no need to be upset: drug support and monitoring the condition of the expectant mother will allow the pregnancy to proceed without complications.