Low testosterone in women: symptoms, causes, treatment. What is the normal level of testosterone hormone in women? What value is considered normal?

Found only in the blood of men. However, it is not. It is also found in the female body. Deviation from the norm of testosterone in women entails Negative consequences, including for reproductive function. The reasons for the decrease and increase in hormone levels are different. Let's talk about this in more detail later.

Most people believe that testosterone is only found in the blood of men.

Testosterone levels in women are normal

The concentration of the hormone in the blood of women varies depending on external and internal influences. The level varies depending on the time of day (in the morning the level is higher, in the evening – lower), age and phase of the menstrual cycle.

During pregnancy, hormonal levels increase and by the third trimester its value becomes 3-4 times higher than normal.

Testosterone can be found either in a protein-bound state or in a free state. Related hormone is not metabolized and forms a pool (reserve). Its minimum concentration is observed in girls before puberty (0.05-1.8 pg/ml), the maximum is in puberty(4.1 pg/ml). Quantity free testosterone in women - about 2%.

When calculating hormone levels, both values ​​are taken into account, since changes in the level and ratio of bound and unbound testosterone make it possible to determine correct diagnosis.

Testosterone in a woman’s body: functions

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in a woman’s body

What is testosterone responsible for in women? For what functions of the female body is it needed?

The androgenic group hormone in question is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Smaller amounts are produced by the placenta and skin. The concentration of the hormone changes due to the work of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Testosterone in the female body is necessary for the following functions:

  1. Formation of the egg in the ovaries.
  2. Proper work reproductive system.
  3. Increases muscle mass.
  4. Formation of sufficient bone tissue density.
  5. Regulating the amount of adipose tissue and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Development of sexual desire.
  7. Regulation of protein, phosphorus, nitrogen, lipoprotein metabolism.
  8. Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  9. Endurance.
  10. Resistance to stress.
  11. Proper water exchange.
  12. Blood sugar control.

How does abnormal testosterone manifest itself in women?

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in a woman’s body. Fluctuations in testosterone concentration are expressed various symptoms, if present, you should immediately visit a doctor and donate blood for hormones.

Excess hormone: causes, symptoms

Normally, the concentration increases after physical work. A pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg. This pathology has a name: “Hyperandrogenism.” Based on its origin, the disease is divided into ovarian and adrenal. The causes of the pathology may be the following:

  • neoplasm in the ovaries;
  • ovulatory phase of the cycle;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • heredity;
  • pregnancy;
  • reception medicines.

All of the above conditions, with the exception of pregnancy, require testing and treatment.

Pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg

Diagnosing hyperandrogenism is not difficult. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Increased sebum secretion.
  2. The appearance of acne.
  3. Violation menstrual cycle.
  4. Body type by male type.
  5. The appearance of hair on the face and chest.
  6. Deepening of the voice.
  7. Increased aggressiveness.
  8. Enlargement of the clitoris.
  9. Increased physical activity.

Prolonged hyperandrogenism leads to dysfunction of the ovaries and threatens infertility.

Low testosterone in women: causes, symptoms

This pathology can provoke serious illnesses: diabetes, osteoporosis, endometrial inflammation, breast tumors, heart and vascular diseases.

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external).

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external)

TO endogenous reasons relate:

  • diseases of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heredity;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • age-related changes.

TO exogenous reasons The following can be included:

  • eating foods high in magnesium or zinc;
  • unbalanced or unhealthy diet;
  • consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking medications (for example, contraceptives, antifungals, anticonvulsants);
  • weight gain;
  • high or low physical activity;
  • insufficient sunbathing;
  • insufficient sexual activity.

If a woman's testosterone is low, the following signs appear:

  1. Brittle hair, nails, dry skin.
  2. Obesity in the abdomen, neck and arms.
  3. Decreased voice strength.
  4. Depression.
  5. Lack of sexual desire.
  6. Irritability, tearfulness.
  7. Decreased bone density.
  8. Infertility.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Sweating.
  11. Losing weight.
  12. Sleep disturbance.
  13. Decreased memory and attention

Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after testing

Treatment can be medication or with traditional methods. Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after testing. Self-Acceptance hormonal drugs can lead to serious consequences. Hormonal therapy involves the prescription of drugs (for example, Yarina, Digitalis).

If the reason for the change in hormone levels lies in the tumor, then the issue of surgical removal is considered.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, the diet should be adjusted. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be balanced, but you cannot limit yourself in food. The diet should include vegetables, meat, and seafood. Exercising will help reduce the concentration of androgenic hormone. Herbal medicine will also help in solving this problem: vitex, licorice root, black cohosh. These herbs lead hormonal balance back to normal.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, you should adjust your diet

At low hormonal level It is recommended to eat chicken meat, nuts, olives and fish. These products contain a lot of zinc, which is necessary to get rid of the disease. Products must have natural origin, they should not contain hormones.

Losing body weight can also help increase testosterone levels in women. If there is no effect from the listed measures, this indicates the need to prescribe testosterone-containing drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe such hormonal therapy.

For successful treatment You must stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Testosterone is a truly male hormone, an androgen, which is responsible for masculinity, strength, and the formation of primary sexual characteristics (meaning the genitals). Thanks to the influence of testosterone on the male body, its reproductive function is performed. Of course, even in the female body you can find a large number of testosterone. If it is above a certain norm, then this is a pathology. Also in the male body - reduced level testosterone hormone is considered a symptom of disease and hormonal disorder.

Androgens - what are they?

There are several types of male hormones, more precisely, they all belong to testosterone, being its components:

  • Dihydrotestosterone;
  • Androstenedione;
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone.

In the body of a man and a woman, testosterone is found in two states - free and bound. And therefore, if you take an analysis in the laboratory to determine the level in the body, then it is necessary to clarify what type of testosterone you have in mind or what type your doctor will look for.

Free testosterone in the human body is the result of metabolic processes. Its level is always within 2%. If a woman has hormonal imbalances, this is manifested by an increase in the level of free testosterone, male-type hair begins to grow on the body, there are no periods, and reproductive function is disrupted.

Important male hormone

Testosterone is a very important male hormone. He is responsible for how a man’s genital organs are formed, for his muscles, body, behavioral response, strength, endurance. Testosterone regulates sexual function and is decisive in a man’s ability to conceive.

If during puberty a young man has any physical abnormalities, then it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the level of the hormone testosterone and check whether everything is normal. At any stage of male development, hormonal levels can be regulated.

If a man has low testosterone levels, this is determined by:

  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Depressive state;
  • Dry skin;
  • Excess weight concentrated in the abdomen and hips;
  • Sexual dysfunction, a man's reproductive function is impaired.

Testosterone levels in men are: from 12 to 33 nmol/l.

Free testosterone – norm 4.5 – 42 pg/ml.

Biologically active testosterone – the norm is from 3.5 to 12 nmol/l.

Why is testosterone low?

Level male hormone may decrease due to:

  • Depression, stress, neuro-emotional state and unbalanced psychological state(injuries);
  • Abuse of alcohol, caffeine;
  • Poor nutrition (the diet contains a large amount of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, fast food, carbonated water);
  • Long-term treatment with medications that have by-effect– decreased testosterone (carefully read the instructions for all medicines that you are taking or are planning to take!);
  • Physical inactivity (office work most often involves sedentary image life, and after work, few men go in for sports or devote minimum time active loads);
  • Age (with age in men, testosterone levels decrease and this is a variant of the norm).

When testosterone is elevated, then...

Elevated testosterone levels do not at all indicate masculinity or benefits for the male body. On the contrary, everything that exceeds the norm harms the body. So, increased level testosterone can cause testicular atrophy in a man and.

If the level of the hormone is increased, then the man very often gets angry, loses his temper, has a large amount of hair on his body, has acne.

Woman and testosterone

As mentioned above, women have testosterone in their bodies. This hormone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. If testosterone is normal in the female body, then:

  • In the ovaries, follicles fully mature, from which an egg is then released, ready for fertilization (that is, the reproductive function is performed);
  • A woman’s mood is always normal - she is not aggressive (increased testosterone levels are responsible for aggression);
  • The sebaceous glands work correctly and there are no acne, pimples or boils on the body, face;
  • The skeleton is developed according to female type– wide hips, narrow waist, ample breasts.

The average level of testosterone in women is from 0.26 to 1.30 ng/ml.

Testosterone levels in girls under 20 years of age: from 0.13 to 3.09 ng/ml.

  • in women from 20 to 40 years old - o t 0.13 to 4.1 ng/ml;
  • in women from 40 to 59 years old – from 0.13 to 2.6 ng/ml;
  • in women aged 60 years and older – from 0.1 to 1.8 ng/ml.

If testosterone is low in a woman’s body, then...

  • concerned about the lack of orgasm and sexual arousal;
  • decreased sexual function;
  • weakness, lethargy of the body;
  • exposure to stress, depression, passive mood.

If testosterone is elevated in a woman’s body, then...

  • hair on the body is arranged according to the male type - mustache, beard, abdominal area, back, crotch;
  • rough voice;
  • acne, comedones on the face;
  • violation reproductive function– a woman cannot become pregnant;
  • scalp hair falls out;
  • the genitals are pathologically enlarged (meaning the clitoris);
  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted or absent;
  • If pregnancy occurs, it most often fails (miscarriage occurs).

Recommendation: if you are planning a pregnancy, both women and men need to take a blood test to determine the level of the hormone testosterone. IN otherwise, this may lead to prolonged attempts to conceive or severe consequences in the form of termination of pregnancy due to high levels of the hormone.

Where to go?

You can take testosterone yourself, without a doctor’s referral, in any laboratory. To do this, blood is taken from a vein. Preparation for the analysis consists of: no sexual contact 3 days before the analysis; giving up alcohol, smoking, and eating 12 hours before the test. Blood is donated in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Male sex hormones, androgens, only work correctly when they are present in the body in a certain amount. They change throughout life and depend on age. By the age of 18, the indicator reaches its maximum limits and remains at this level until the age of 30. Then, every year the amount of testosterone gradually decreases by 1-2%. In addition, there are many factors that reduce the androgen content in the male body. What level of testosterone should a man have at 30 years old? and older, and how to determine that something is wrong in the body?

Normal level

Many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in , which is affected by testosterone levels in men. This hormone:

  • promotes proper development genital organs in young men during puberty;
  • responsible for sperm production and sperm vitality;
  • forms masculine qualities in character and behavior;
  • participates in metabolic processes;
  • increases libido;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat deposits.

The amount of testosterone in men is normal, table

These are generally accepted standard indicators indicating that what is the normal level of testosterone in men there must be, and in which a deviation in one direction or another is already considered a pathology. So exceeding the level by 10% has a negative effect on a man. He becomes aggressive and hot-tempered. Such people have a tendency to violence, excitability, and unhealthy passion.

Free testosterone

Doctors highlight:

  • bound androgen, accounting for about 98% of the total;
  • free testosterone, which is active and responsible for correct work male body.

Free androgen deficiency leads to:

  • lipid metabolism disorders (obesity);
  • mental disorders, depression;
  • problems with the cardiac system;
  • decrease in bone and muscle mass.

Average free testosterone levels in men


  • the most high content sex hormones occur during adolescence;
  • normal testosterone level in men at 20 years old and up to 30 has average indicators;
  • after 40 years, free testosterone steadily decreases;
  • normal testosterone level in men at 50 years old and later approaches the lower limit;
  • in men who have crossed the 60-year mark, the amount of free testosterone is only a fifth of the lower value.

If the indicator is low

How to check testosterone levels in men, after all, people only think about the fact that some kind of malfunction is occurring in the body if the manifestations of pathology begin to interfere normal life, cause pain and others unpleasant symptoms. has the following signs:

  • the voice mutates, becoming a higher and more sonorous timbre;
  • there is no hair on the body and face (except for hair on the head, which indicates increased content testosterone);
  • fat deposits are formed according to the female type (fat breaks off on the stomach, chest and hips);
  • depression, irritability, insomnia occur;
  • memory and mental activity deteriorate;
  • the frequency of urination increases;
  • erectile function suffers, erections become sluggish and short-lived;
  • sperm production decreases;
  • possible increase in cholesterol and decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and wrinkled;
  • physical endurance noticeably decreases;
  • testicles become smaller;
  • hot flashes are observed, sweating increases.

If normal testosterone levels in men aged 60 does not reach standard values, then build muscle or lose excess weight it will be problematic for such a patient. First you need to solve the problem with hormonal levels, and then proceed to improve the appearance.

Low testosterone levels in men leads to the development of diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • prostate cancer;
  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • ischemia, stroke.

You should seriously think about how to increase testosterone levels in men, if the attraction to you disappears opposite sex, the quality of erection deteriorates, the person quickly gets tired, feels unreasonably irritable and nervous, and notices that after lunch he wants to sleep.

High rate

Not always high normal testosterone levels in men indicates the presence of pathology. In some patients, androgen levels increase without any changes during early puberty. Causes pathological condition lie in:

  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • pituitary adenoma;
  • prostate and testicular cancer;
  • excessive use of anabolic steroids for the purpose of building muscle mass.

In boys, increased androgen levels are manifested by premature puberty, wet dreams, brittle voice, rapid growth penis. IN severe cases with congenital adrenal dysfunction in 2–3 summer babies There is increased hair growth on the pubic area, legs, face and chest, involuntary erection, rapid muscle development.

Testosterone levels in adults men, exceeding the norm manifests itself in character. Such people suffer from mood swings, impulsiveness, and emotionality. They are physically very hardy, prone to increased sexual activity, relaxed in relationships with women thanks to long lasting erection. They have developed muscles, no excess fat deposits, increased hairiness on the limbs and chest, although a bald spot most often forms on the head.

What determines testosterone levels?

It has been proven that normal testosterone levels in men at 30 years is a certain threshold, reaching its maximum values, after which it invariably begins to decrease. This is inherent in nature. But other factors can accelerate the fall of androgen in the blood:

  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • physical inactivity;
  • life is stressful. Adrenaline produced in stressful situation, lowers testosterone levels in men;
  • irregular sex, promiscuity. The hormone is produced less if a man abstains from sex for a long time, regardless of the reasons pushing him to do so;
  • unbalanced diet. This is one of the main reasons why normal testosterone levels in men falls;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking, abuse of caffeine-containing drinks suppresses the production of the sex hormone;
  • genital injuries.

All these factors influence decreased testosterone levels in men any age. When problems with hormonal levels begin, the andrologist recommends first eliminating everyday troubles and then starting treatment, if necessary.

Except age indicator There are also daily androgen levels that constantly fluctuate. Usually celebrated in the morning high level testosterone in men, and in the evening it decreases. There is also a seasonal indicator, when the maximum level is reached at the end of summer, and the minimum is recorded in February - March.

It is noticed that sunlight increases the production of testosterone, and its lack inhibits the production of the hormone. In addition, there are drugs that reduce normal testosterone levels in men aged 40 and younger:

  • herbal erection enhancers taken excessively and uncontrollably;
  • strong painkillers that affect the hypothalamus, suppressing its activity (Codeine or Morphine);
  • some antidepressants, tranquilizers, old-generation antipsychotropic drugs.

Diseases that cause hormonal imbalance

Reduced normal level of testosterone in the blood of men may be a sign of serious pathologies:

  • hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction. These organs control androgen synthesis in the testicles. If any disturbance occurs in them, this affects the function of the testicles and contributes to testosterone deficiency. The disorder can be caused by: physiological factors (chronic fatigue), and diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • testicular dysfunction. Usually appears as a result various injuries or their complete removal. Inflammatory diseases suffered in childhood and adolescence also negatively affect androgen production;
  • male menopause, during which naturally goes down normal testosterone levels in men after 35 years;
  • Down syndrome, Kallman disease or Klinefelter disease negatively affect testosterone production. With such serious illnesses puberty in young men is greatly impaired, and the content of the sex hormone remains at a low level.

What examination do you need to undergo?

If present symptoms low level testosterone in men the patient is sent to donate blood from a vein to determine the amount of androgen. A testosterone levels in men rented out in the morning. In order for the verdict to be correct and error-free, on the eve of going to the laboratory, you should:

  • do not eat 8 hours before blood sampling;
  • the day before the analysis, do not engage in sports and do not overload the body with physical work;
  • abstain from smoking 8 hours in advance.
  • Ultrasound of the testicles and internal organs;
  • MRI of the head, pituitary gland and adrenal glands;
  • blood test for sugar and cholesterol.

Non-drug androgen increase

If the condition is not critical, then increase testosterone levels in men can be done naturally. Enough:

  • give up bad habits(if this is impossible, then try not to abuse them);
  • eat properly and nutritiously, including daily diet protein food, minerals, complex carbohydrates and vitamins;
  • exercise. It is not necessary to register in Gym. You can do exercises at home, jogging, doing pull-ups, lifting dumbbells or a barbell;
  • sleep the amount of time necessary for the body;
  • Avoid stress and communication with unpleasant people.

Treatment with drugs

Most men cannot, and sometimes are too lazy, to change their lifestyle, so the result of increasing androgen at home is low. For such patients, there are many drugs that supply the body required quantity testosterone and stimulating its production. The most effective drugs to increase testosterone levels in men:

  1. Nebido – intramuscular injections androgen, which are prescribed to patients suffering from hypogonadism. They are well tolerated by patients and gently increase testosterone without causing hormonal swings.
  2. Omnadren is an injection that binds and excites testosterone receptors of cells. A potent drug, which is used extremely carefully and under the supervision of specialists.
  3. Androgel in the form of a gel is used as replacement therapy for a lack of endogenous testosterone. After discontinuation of the drug, testosterone returns to primary levels within 3-4 days.
  4. Andriol in capsules, replenishing testosterone deficiency and regulating metabolic processes in organism. Recommended to be taken with fatty foods.
  5. Sustanon 250 in the form of injections helps to quickly build muscle mass, increase appetite, and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Important! You cannot prescribe such medications yourself. Only a doctor selects drugs that increase testosterone levels in men, based on individual characteristics and other factors ( chronic diseases, weight, test results, etc.). The specialist determines the dosage and course of treatment, which must be strictly adhered to. In this case, it is necessary to systematically monitor the hormone so that its content does not exceed permissible limits. The upper threshold is 25 nmol/l, and the lower threshold is 12.

Table of testosterone norms in men by age with replacement therapy it looks like this:

Except hormonal medications There are supplements that stimulate androgen production in the body:

  1. Vitrix, a supplement based on a herbal mixture that increases the level of androgen in the blood, improving potency without serious side effects;
  2. Parity – complex natural ingredients stimulating the production own testosterone in men, improves blood circulation, promotes sexual activity;
  3. Tribulus is used if normal testosterone levels in men at 50 years and older does not reach optimal values;
  4. Animal Test contains plant extracts designed to release free testosterone and normalize hormonal levels.

Diet for excess and lack of androgen in the blood

If in adolescence excess androgen is considered normal in the absence of pathologies, then overestimated normal testosterone level in men at 30 years old requires the attention of specialists. Androgen antagonist drugs are prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination of the patient. Such people are shown a certain diet, including a categorical refusal to:

  • meat products;
  • legumes;
  • sweet;
  • acute;
  • flour

There are foods that significantly lower testosterone:

  • beer containing natural estrogens, inhibiting androgen synthesis when used regularly;
  • any strong alcohol;
  • fatty meats that promote the transformation of testosterone into female hormone estrogen;
  • products containing soy;
  • coffee drinks;
  • products with big amount sugar and salt.

Of course it's not healthly food, therefore it is recommended to use it in limited quantities so as not to harm other organs and systems. For those who are interested in the question, how to increase testosterone levels in men, You should strictly avoid the following products and replace them:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • eggs;
  • greens;
  • red berries;
  • citrus fruits.

Testosterone levels in men vary by age, but if they cross the permissible limits, they begin serious problems. Therefore, it is necessary to contact specialists and not put off taking hormone tests for too long. After all, from timely treatment depends not only sex life, but also the quality of life in general.

For normal operation The male body needs testosterone. Under its influence, sexual characteristics arise and sperm are formed. Its sufficient level in the blood maintains an optimal metabolic state and affects behavior and thinking processes.

To assess hormonal status, the content of total testosterone and sex-binding globulin (SBG) in plasma is examined. Based on them, the free hormone index (FAI) and the amount of its active fraction are calculated. The norms for each indicator depend on age.

The importance of the hormone for a man

Effects of testosterone on the male body

The main amount of testosterone in men is produced in the gonads - testicles. A small part of this androgen is produced in the adrenal glands. Its production is under the control of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and brain. The newly synthesized hormone enters the bloodstream, where it combines with transport proteins- sex-binding globulin and albumin. About 2% of testosterone in the blood is in a free state. It is this fraction that is capable of exerting a biological effect.

The role of the hormone during the prenatal period is the formation and development of male sexual characteristics. During puberty, testosterone is responsible for changes in appearance - the appearance of a beard, mustache, hair in the armpits and pubic area. There is a growth spurt, increasing muscle, the voice becomes lower. Changes occur in the reproductive sphere - the testicles, penis, and prostate gland increase in size and develop. The process of sperm formation—spermatogenesis—starts in the testicles.

In adult men, under the influence of testosterone, mood and motivation increase, libido increases, and a special type of thinking is formed. The hormone has beneficial effect on fat metabolism, promotes protein formation, improves cell sensitivity to insulin.

Conducting and deciphering the analysis

Indications for testing testosterone in men:

  • infertility;
  • diagnosis of hypogonadism - a condition associated with androgen deficiency;
  • osteoporosis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • decreased libido.

Regulation of testosterone synthesis

Since the maximum level of the hormone in the blood is observed in the early morning, the analysis should be carried out no later than 08:00–10:00. Testosterone levels are determined twice.

The material is collected on an empty stomach. The day before the study, intense activities are excluded. physical exercise, exposure to stress factors, alcohol intake. Contraindications to prescribing a blood test for testosterone are viral and bacterial infections, exacerbation chronic diseases. The result obtained in this case may be unreliable.

To diagnose pathology associated with impaired testosterone synthesis, it is sufficient to determine the total fraction of the hormone. In order to calculate it active form examine the concentration of sex-binding protein. The free androgen index is calculated as a percentage using the formula: total testosterone level/DES level*100%.

To determine the degree of damage to the reproductive system, the content of pituitary gonadotropins is looked at along with this hormone. These include luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which regulate androgen secretion and spermatogenesis. Excessive production of gonadotropins in some pathologies stimulates testicular activity, and their deficiency inhibits it. With a decrease in testosterone production in the testes, the levels of LH and FSH increase, and with an increase, they decrease.

Decoding the results of the hormonal profile in men:

Total testosterone Gonadotropins - LH and FSH Interpretation
NormNormNo pathology
ReducedNormNormogonadotropic hypogonadism. Possible reasons- hyperprolactinemia, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other chronic diseases
ReducedReducedHypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Occurs when the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are damaged.
ReducedPromotedHypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Occurs with developmental anomalies, damage and diseases of the testicles
PromotedPromotedGonadotropin-secreting tumors of various locations
PromotedReducedAndrogen-producing tumors of the testicles and adrenal glands

Testosterone levels are normal

Changes in testosterone levels with age

IN different periods Men's testosterone levels are different throughout their lives. Its production begins in the fetus from the 9th week intrauterine development. After birth, the hormone levels in boys and girls are almost the same. An increase in its secretion occurs shortly before the onset of puberty, at the age of about 9 years. At the age of 18, androgen levels reach the average values ​​typical for an adult male.

The maximum level of the indicator is recorded at 25–30 years, then a gradual decrease in the amount of the hormone begins. At the age of 40, its concentration drops by 1–2% of the original level. The process of natural aging is accompanied by a decrease in total and free testosterone fractions. A significant increase in the level of sex-binding globulin, especially after 60 years, is aggravated by the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

Normal levels of total testosterone depending on age:

Free testosterone levels in men:

The concentration of sex binding protein affects the level of free testosterone. The higher it is, the lower the ISA and the amount of biologically active androgen fraction. With a decrease in DES in the blood, the free testosterone index increases. Increased synthesis of transport globulin is observed in thyrotoxicosis, hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis. A decrease in DES occurs in men when taking testosterone and glucocorticoids, hypothyroidism, excess insulin, and nephrotic syndrome.

Reference values ​​of SSG in at different ages are presented in the table:

Indicators of the free testosterone index.

Almost all testosterone in a woman’s body is bound to proteins, only its small part is found freely in the blood. That's why do 2 types of tests to determine androgen levels:

Level female testosterone depends on age, time of day, day of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, physical activity, taking certain medications, lifestyle and some other factors. In the morning its amount increases, in the evening it decreases.

The content of the hormone decreases in old age and increases after physical exercise.

What value is considered normal?

How much testosterone should a woman normally have?

Testosterone levels may vary from laboratory to laboratory. On average, the rate of free testosterone in fertile women ranges from 0.45 nmol/l to 3.75 nmol/l.

Deviations from these values ​​(3-4 times) are observed during ovulation and pregnancy, in all other cases they may indicate the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system.

The rate of total testosterone ranges from 0.24 nmol/l to 2.7 nmol/l in women of fertile age, and during menopause it decreases.

Reasons for deviations

An increase in free testosterone levels can be observed in the presence of:

  1. pregnancy and ovulation;
  2. hereditary factors;
  3. ovarian tumors;
  4. due to poor nutrition;
  5. due to taking anabolic steroids;
  6. as a result of long hormone therapy or taking contraceptives;
  7. chronic diseases;
  8. abnormalities in the functioning of the adrenal glands.

With the onset of pregnancy, a placenta forms in a woman’s body. Its cells produce additional testosterone, as a result of which during this period the amount of total testosterone increases, which refers to physiological norm. The most dangerous periods in this regard are the periods from 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy and from 13 to 23. During these periods, testosterone increases as much as possible, which can provoke a miscarriage.

Very interesting discovery made by Filipino doctors. It turned out that not only in women, but also in men who become fathers, testosterone levels also decrease. The results of blood tests of 624 men studied showed that androgen levels in new fathers decreased over a period of 5 years. Men who care for children at least 3 hours a day have even less testosterone. So, according to research, caring for young children helps suppress the production of this hormone.

Modern psychologists are sounding the alarm that an increase in the level of male hormone in women is provoked by morality modern society. Women are increasingly working for leadership positions, are engaged in politics and business, transfer to more late dates birth of children. The result is physiological changes in the female body.

Level determination tests

To determine androgen levels, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein.(in some cases, saliva is tested). In a woman’s body, only 2% is free testosterone, 44% is associated with globulin (SHBG), 54% is associated with albumin and other proteins.

Laboratory studies take into account all testosterone conditions, because the ratio of hormone fractions at various pathologies and conditions changes and is informative during illness.

If there is a suspicion of a deviation from the norm, the doctor prescribes a test for total testosterone, and if a deviation is detected, a test for SHBG.

When analyzing the amount of free testosterone, its increased or decreased level while the overall level is normal also indicates an imbalance.

Each hormonal laboratory uses various techniques. That's why Androgen level is determined in different units of measurement: ng/ml, ng/dl, nmol/l.

Sometimes situations arise when you have to compare data different analyzes in one patient, done in different places, and differing in units of measurement. For these purposes, special calculators have been developed for recalculating units of measurement.

Table of androgen indicators depending on age

The level of free testosterone varies depending on age. To make it easier to navigate the normal values, a special table has been compiled. What should the free androgen index be for the fair sex?

Normal androgen levels in girls:

  • 10-14 years more than 0.98 nmol/g;
  • 14-17 years within 0.36-1.54 nmol/g;
  • 17-20 years within 0.49-1.70 nmol/g;
  • over 20 years old 0.52-1.72 nmol/g.

Total testosterone does not depend on age and normally ranges from 0.26 to 1.3 ng/ml.

However, hormone levels change during fertile age and throughout the month. For women childbearing age its level is normal:

  • acceptable values ​​– 0.45–3.75 nmol/l;
  • average values ​​– 0.29-3.18 pg/ml;
  • follicle formation phase (on days 1-7 of the cycle) – 0.45-3.17 pg/ml;
  • ovulation phase – 0.46-2.48 pg/ml;
  • at the end of the cycle – 0.29-1.73 pg/ml.

What are the dangers of a lack or excess of a hormone in the blood?

Free testosterone in amounts below normal is considered a pathology, since it leads to various diseases. It may indicate the following problems:

May develop renal failure. Women with androgen deficiency are often depressed, get tired easily, and suffer from excessive sweating, do not feel sexual attraction, their hair, skin, and nails suffer.

Excess androgen causes menstrual cycle disruptions, infertility, acne on the skin, craving for increased physical activity, and excessive sexual activity in women.

WITH low testosterone female body cannot build muscle and burn fat.


To summarize, we can conclude that testosterone for women is very significant hormone. It is capable of greatly influencing the activities of all systems and individual organs. Ladies should never forget to monitor their hormone levels in order to avoid hormonal imbalances and more severe subsequent health problems.