What to say when hired as a sales manager. How to pass an interview for a leadership position? What candidates don't know

About the features of an interview for a manager position

Manager is one of the most popular vacancies in the modern labor market. A sales manager can work with both wholesale and retail clients, but interview questions for a manager position are almost always the same. We will look at the basic questions that will help you prepare for an interview for this position. Of course, there are specific questions for such an interview. You will learn how to successfully pass an interview for a manager and get acquainted with the most popular questions during such an interview.

How to pass an interview for a manager

You can get acquainted with the main interview questions. We will look at some questions that are aimed at identifying the level of knowledge and competence of the manager. During interviews for manager positions, case situations are often used.

1. How are you going to look for clients for our company?
This is a standard question for a manager who will search for and attract clients. A win-win option in this case would be if you name all the ways you know of finding and attracting clients, including “cold calls” and preparing commercial proposals for clients.

2. Do you know the stages of sales well, which, in your opinion, is the most difficult and why?
We will not dwell in detail on the sales stages. But in sales, the most difficult stage is working with objections and, according to some opinions, identifying needs, since if you make a mistake at this stage, then further dialogue with the client may not work.

The stage of identifying needs deserves special attention. You must ask the client as many questions as possible in order to offer the client exactly what he needs.

3. What will you do if the client says after the presentation, “Thank you, I’ll think about it.”
Many candidates during an interview for a sales manager vacancy make mistakes when answering this question, answering “Okay, think about when I can call you back and find out your decision?”

In fact, you should ask the client "What bothers you?" “What exactly makes you think (what do you need to think about), perhaps you still have some questions that I can answer?

In this case, it is categorically impossible to simply let the client go. You simply skip working with objections and give the initiative to the client, that is, you are no longer the leading link in the dialogue.

You can construct your answer differently, for example,

“I, of course, understand that to make a decision you need to think about how to weigh the pros and cons. I can help you make your choice. I am ready to come to you in the near future to discuss our proposal with you ".

4. What is the presentation of the product based on?
After identifying the needs, when all the client’s desires are already known to us, we proceed to the presentation of the product. So, the presentation of the product should be based on the formula “Properties - benefits”. That is, when presenting a product or service, we often use a combination of phrases “This will allow you”, “With the help of it you can”. It is important not just to sell a product, but to show the client a clear benefit that he will receive when purchasing this product or service.

5. Sell me....(pencil, umbrella in the desert, etc.)

This question is a classic sales manager interview question. The purpose of this question is to identify your level of professional competence as a sales specialist. This question is not as simple as it seems at first glance; you will receive many objections in response.

Your task is not to get lost, but to respond correctly to them, bringing more and more new arguments in favor of the product or service being sold.

It is necessary to ask as many counter questions as possible to the potential buyer, gradually leading to the conclusion that the pencil is simply necessary.

An example of such a dialogue for retail sales.

Good afternoon Thank you for visiting our store, we have a wide range of pencil options for all occasions.
I see that you need a pencil, right? (Yes)
Okay, what kind of pencil do you need? (color, shape, features)
What would you like to use this pencil for? (purpose)
What budget are you looking for?
After you have received all the answers, make a presentation of the product. For example: “We have an excellent red small square-shaped pencil, its compact size will allow you to carry it with you and have it at hand at any moment, the original shape is very convenient to use and will allow the pencil to break less and your hand to get tired less. However, this shape will attract the attention of others, while its cost is only 49.90".

Are we making a purchase?

6. What personal qualities, in your opinion, should a successful sales manager have?
You can name countless different qualities that you know of, but without confidence, determination and persuasiveness, a sales manager is unlikely to be effective and successful.

These are the qualities employers want to hear. Remember these 3 important qualities!

7. Situation - case.
The client says that he has a supplier and is completely satisfied with him. What are your actions?

An answer to this case question could be as follows: “We would also very much like to become your regular supplier. What is needed for this?”

Or this: “Are you ready to consider an alternative proposal?” or this: “I understand that a company like yours most likely already has a permanent and reliable supplier, but our offer may be a good alternative for you.”

Interview questions for a sales manager, of course, can change in accordance with the company's needs for professional personnel and the skill level of the required specialist. You can use these questions and answer options as preparation for additional interview questions.
We discussed the main questions in the article Questions and Answers during an Interview. We really hope that the questions and case situations that employers most often use during interviews will not only allow you to find out how to pass an interview for a manager, but also get the desired job offer. Good luck with your interview!


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This question is probably the most common, and it would not hurt to answer it, not so much for HR, but for yourself. Think about how you plan to develop. On the one hand, you need to set yourself impressive prospects, and on the other hand, you shouldn’t get too far off the ground. Your goal should “ignite” you, then by telling someone else about it, you will be able to not only make an impression, but also bring your achievement closer.

What are your worst and best character traits? Crystal honesty is not the main thing when answering these questions. Here's an interesting way to determine your qualities, the answer to which will certainly not disappoint: write down your 10 best (your favorite) qualities in a column. Now divide them into 5 that others admire and 5 that seem dubious to people or are not suitable for your profession. The first are your best, and the second are your worst character traits.

Can you cheat? This is a difficult question, and it is better to come up with an answer to it in advance. There is no need to say “yes” or “no” directly unless your unerring instinct suggests otherwise. It is necessary to give abstract reasoning, quite clear, but also quite vague at the same time. It is clear that a sales manager sometimes deceives clients, or at least to a large extent disingenuously with them. But saying that yes, you can cheat is usually not the best move in an interview. Just like answering “no,” it may indicate that you are simply an inexperienced idealist.

Your best deal. Invent one or embellish an existing one that you are proud of. Just don’t overdo it, because nowadays everything can be checked. If you tell by giving names and dates, then the truth must prevail. You can come up with difficulties in negotiations, additional issues that prevented you from concluding a deal.

Are you stress-resistant? You must be stress-resistant. But the problem is that the HR person may try to test this by yelling at you or criticizing your appearance. Prepare in advance for such a turn of events, imagine that it is a theatrical production. That is exactly what it is. Smile and laugh it off if you hear verification claims.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Set yourself up to win before you go to the interview. It is very important for a sales manager to demonstrate unshakable self-confidence.

“Bad” advice for a manager is practical solutions to improve sales performance. In the second part of the series, we will look at the importance of teamwork.

Let's continue our acquaintance with “bad” advice for a sales manager. The second tip helped me easily exceed the plan for the trial period - instead of 300 thousand, I sold 1 million. What is this secret that helps achieve 330% efficiency?

Once an employee, two employees...

And it’s not a secret at all, I’ll tell you. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the entire history of mankind.

Could one primitive man drive a mammoth? Hardly. So people gathered in groups when they went hunting. Two hunters alone are a hungry tribe. Two hunters working together - a roasted ham over a fire.

You should work in the same way in a modern company. When you try to do everything alone, something will work out. But the magnitude of this “something” will be much greater if we combine our efforts.

Hey, let's go!

Don't try to pull the sales locomotive on your own. Use everyone who can help you succeed.

In my case, sales started after the company organized an on-site seminar. Educating potential clients not only involves making introductions and getting contacts, but also puts your specialist lecturers one step above. In the future, their expert opinion will be listened to more carefully.

If the client respects what your specialist says, why should you be an unnecessary middleman? Combine them and the result will pleasantly surprise you. You will get not just a ready, but a loyal client who values ​​​​cooperation with your organization.

Does the head of the center or sales department expect an increase in orders from you? Let him make a sufficient contribution himself. Use his experience and authority in personal meetings with clients: the higher the status, the easier it is to attract a buyer.

In small companies where you can communicate almost familiarly with senior management, use this resource. Who, if not the CEO or CEO, can best help you convince a major client? And in large organizations, resort to manipulation of the known.

Be effective and remember to involve others: working alone will never bring you your best!

Another “bad” advice for a sales manager: by working less, you earn more. Why can’t you give 100% if you want to achieve maximum efficiency?

Let's continue our acquaintance with “bad” advice that optimizes the work of a sales manager and increases its efficiency. In this part of the series, we will examine a very contradictory rule: the managers themselves will like it, but will be viewed with hostility by the majority of managers.

Who said you have to work hard?

The boss or director requires constant concentration from his subordinates. This is understandable: the main task of a manager is to achieve corporate goals. He dreams of increasing sales, an inexhaustible flow of new clients and corresponding bonuses for the success of ordinary employees.

The manager a priori follows the second of the “bad” pieces of advice – he works with someone else’s hands. At the same time, he is no less interested in sales than the manager himself: plans are put in front of him in the same way and they are required to fulfill them. Is it surprising that your boss forces you to work every minute of your working day?

Work less, earn more

Constant involvement in the work process is ineffective, no matter what the director says. You've heard about Pareto's law, which has another, “digital” designation – the 20/80 law.

This law explains why you can't give 100%. Your initial efforts produce impressive results, but as time goes on, their effectiveness decreases. Why work at 100% and get 100% of the output, if you can work at 20% and achieve 80% efficiency?

Someone might object: in the first case the result is greater than in the second. This is not true: it is larger only in absolute terms. Imagine that in each of your work processes you gave 20%: here plus 80%, there plus 80%... As a result, the total result will make you pleasantly surprised.

In cold selling, this rule has explosive potential to increase efficiency. Instead of mindlessly calling potential clients from your database, do some analytical work. Cut off unfavorable counterparties: shelve all “difficult” and inadequate ones, as well as those who have distinguished themselves with an dishonest payment culture.

Find out the reasons that brought existing clients to you. When communicating with potential partners, focus on them. If the first couple of calls don't get you any closer to a sale, put that client aside. Don't waste your time.

In cold sales, the Pareto rule can be formulated as follows: do not work out 100% of your base. Focus your efforts on the 20% that are truly worth your effort. Achieve maximum efficiency by working less!

After reading this article, you will be able to select employees who will not shift responsibility to others, see the true motives of the candidate hidden behind lofty words, and find a manager who will manage firmly but fairly.

It is not your job to correct the shortcomings of humanity. If you hope to change your life partner over time, it is better not to get married. This also applies to work: do not hire people who will have to be remade. Continue interviews until a worthy candidate emerges. In the article we will consider sales manager interview questions, which will help you find a worthy candidate.

The interview tests prepared by the editors of the Commercial Director magazine will help determine the key character traits of your candidate.

MDMQ test, which in 10 minutes will show how a person will act in a difficult situation

Finding real talent takes effort. For example, the giants Google and Microsoft conduct unusual interviews for this. Applicants are asked few questions, but they are “tricky.”

So, Google asks candidates:

  • “How many golf balls can fit on a school bus?”
  • “You have been reduced to the size of a coin. Your mass has decreased proportionally, but you have retained your original density. Then you were thrown into an empty blender. The blades will start moving after 60 seconds. What will you do?
  • “How much does it cost to clean every single window in Seattle?”

Microsoft asks these questions:

  • “Why is the manhole cover round?”
  • “You have an opaque box with three light bulbs in it. Switches outside. How do you determine which switch corresponds to which light bulb if the box can only be opened once - and only after the positions of all the switches are fixed?
  • “How to check the operation of the salt shaker?”

What is of interest to employers is not the answers, but the candidate’s way of thinking and his reasoning. Domestic managers do not lag behind their Western colleagues and give applicants a real shake-up.

  • Interview rules: recipes for competent self-presentation

What interview questions will help determine the usefulness of a sales manager in advance?

At Splat, during interviews they ask questions: “What can you teach us?” and “Who is your authority?” Open-ended interview questions give the prospective sales manager the opportunity to show their true colors. Any answers are interesting, the main thing is to see how a person thinks. Some answer that they will help you learn MS Excel, and others say that they will teach you to see beauty or unite people. The answers to the question about authorities are also assessed. This could be parents, someone close to you, a friend, a famous person, etc. It is important that there is such a person. The absence of authorities speaks of narrow-mindedness, unwillingness to think and learn broadly, or pride.

11 questions you should ask during an interview at least once in your life

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Reed Hoffman and other CEOs of the world's most famous companies ask unconventional interview questions to see how candidates think and handle problems in real time. Some questions may seem strange to you, but they really work.

Download a list of non-standard interview questions in the article in the electronic magazine “Commercial Director”.

How to check a candidate's honesty during an interview

During interviews at Glinopererabotka, candidates are tested for honesty. To do this, they ask one question: “You have plans for the evening - you are going to go somewhere with your family (girlfriend, boyfriend). But you receive an urgent task that will force you to stay late at work. Personal plans will have to be cancelled. What will you do?" There is no single correct answer - the main thing is that it is honest and reasoned. The falseness is always felt. Sometimes they also ask: “You are faced with unfair reproaches from management against you. How will you react? The answer is evaluated similarly to the first.

  • 6 tricky interview questions that will catch you off guard

How to find out if a person is ready to look for solutions

There are people who blame everyone around them, but not themselves. This habit also manifests itself at work. For example, the company “Aibolit Plus” was faced with the following situation: one of the candidates, having decided to prove herself, began to criticize the organization’s strategy and approaches to work. She stated that the Moscow company has nothing to do in the region. At the same time, she did not give any arguments, although she was asked why she thought so and what she would advise. The conclusion is this: the applicant saw only the bad, but did not offer options on how to do better. This suggests that a person will always find reasons why the plan is not implemented and the branch does not develop. Such an employee should not be hired.

How to understand the applicant's thoughts

In work, it matters how coherently and logically people express their thoughts. Communication skills and clarity of presentation are especially important in sales. Often the outcome of a transaction depends on the ability to speak. To assess such skills, Barcelonaner asks applicants to write an essay on any topic. Written speech shows the ability to think structurally, designate and develop an idea, and support it with arguments. If a person writes in this style, then he works the same way: sets a goal, identifies stages and consistently moves forward.

A written test is the key to a person's character. If a candidate claims that he is a responsible employee and an expert in his field, but leaves out elementary commas, this is an indicator. Negligence in writing will sooner or later manifest itself in a negligent attitude towards one’s duties.

How to test a candidate's leadership qualities during an interview

At the Glinopererabotka company, to evaluate candidates for a management position, they ask the question: “The subordinate did not complete the task on time. Your actions?". If the answer is “I’ll do it myself in the interests of the company,” they refuse to cooperate with such an applicant. It doesn’t matter what he adds to what was said (for example, he promises to punish the employee). A manager should not fulfill the duties of his subordinates.

To understand how tough a person came to the company, they ask: “A subordinate was rude to you. What will you do?" If a candidate says: “I will educate, explain that the rude person did wrong,” he is cut off. The following answer is expected from a potential manager: “I will stop you severely, I will impose penalties, and if it happens again, I will fire you.” There is no place for liberalism in production.

  • Leadership Development: Ways That Will Change Your Mind

Interview questions to test the self-esteem of a sales manager

HR managers ask applicants to name three of their shortcomings. Candidates talk about perfectionism, excessive demands on themselves and others, a large share of time devoted to work at the expense of their personal life, etc. These are cliched phrases that do not correspond to reality. BBDO Group asks people to tell us about two personal growth trainings and two professional trainings that they would like to attend, given an unlimited budget and time. The answer shows the potential employee’s weaknesses and desire to develop. For example, if an applicant names time management training, it means he has problems with self-organization.

Four non-standard questions and two interview tasks

“If you could be any superhero, who would you choose?” The answer will allow you to understand what qualities a person considers the most important and valuable.

“Graphically indicate your professionalism.” Draw a square and explain that this is a “professional field.” Say that a person who has mastered a profession 100% shades the entire square. Ask to paint the portion of the figure that corresponds to the candidate’s professional level. Usually no one shades the square completely. Then ask why the part was left unpainted, and the person will tell you about his shortcomings.

“What is the main reason that pushes you to change?” When choosing a new job, a person wants to change something in life, and perhaps in the work environment or in relationships with people. This way you will find out what the candidate’s priorities and motivation are.

“If I call your former boss, what will he say about you?” When answering this question during an interview, the applicant for the position of sales manager should look at himself from the outside. In addition, he will have to give a reason for changing jobs.

“Explain to your eight-year-old nephew what a database is in three sentences.” Instead of “database,” you can use another term related to the candidate’s work. How quickly and clearly a person explains the essence to the uninitiated will help evaluate professionalism.

“How will you become part of our team?” A new employee requires attention because he still doesn’t know much about the technology of working in the company. To do everything correctly, you will have to interact with a team that will explain something, give advice, and help. The answer to such a question will show whether the candidate thinks about this, whether he understands how his behavior in the first months will affect future relationships with colleagues.

Based on materials from the magazine “General Director”

Today's labor market realities, on the one hand, inspire us that there are more than enough sales specialists looking for work; on the other hand, a considerable proportion of these specialists, unfortunately, are not effective “sales people.” How to assess the competencies of a sales manager at the interview stage so as not to make a mistake when hiring a key specialist?

Let's look at the main criteria that should be carefully assessed when deciding to hire a sales specialist.

The logic of career building

Even at the resume assessment stage, it is necessary to analyze the candidate’s professional experience. If a candidate moved from sales to process activities (financial management, engineering, technical support, etc.), it is quite possible that his “sales” competencies are very weak, or he is not sufficiently motivated to work in sales, or, perhaps, process-oriented, which is unacceptable for an effective sales manager. It is necessary to find out the reasons for such dramatic changes in his career and draw the right conclusions.

It is also necessary to assess the dynamics of the candidate’s career growth in accordance with age. If a candidate is over 40, and his professional experience includes only positions of specialist managers, without managerial functions, it is worth thinking: why has the candidate not reached a higher career level? Either he did not strive for career growth due to fear of responsibility, or his professional achievements were not noted by management, or he lacked managerial qualities. We cannot exclude the possibility that the candidate is only interested in sales and did not consciously move to a higher level. The last reason should not be confused with the candidate’s rigidity, fear of leaving the “comfort zone” - these are already negative signals when assessing the candidate.

Frequency of transitions from Company to Company

For a sales manager, in my opinion, a discount should be made when assessing his stability from the point of view of choosing an employer. As a rule, a good “sales person” is motivated by money, but, unfortunately, the motivation system for the sales department is not always transparent, understandable and fair. In conditions of inadequate motivation, a sales manager “burns out,” as a rule, after a year of work. There may be other objective reasons for changing employers, so it is important to thoroughly find out why the candidate changed jobs.

It happens that candidates are disingenuous by not voicing the real reasons for leaving; it is quite difficult to verify this. Therefore, it is important to create a trusting atmosphere during the interview. It is not a fact that even after this the candidate will talk about everything in spirit, but the chances that he will be more open will increase significantly.

Self-presentation skills

This issue requires careful and comprehensive consideration. On the one hand, if a candidate can position himself competently, this is certainly a plus. But it is necessary to understand that the candidate could simply carefully prepare for the interview, or attend a sufficient number of them, before coming to you. In this case, an experienced recruiter will hear “memorized phrases”; they, as a rule, are difficult to integrate into the structure of the narrative when the interview is carried out competently by the recruiter.

On the other hand, we must not forget that an interview is usually stressful for the candidate, and therefore he cannot always show off a bright self-presentation.

Therefore, in the process of the candidate’s answers, more attention should be paid to the structure and consistency of the narrative.

Numerous digressions, avoidance of answers, the manner of answering a question with a question, an overly long story filled with numerous details should be considered as negative factors.

Company Level

This assessment criterion should be considered in three directions:

  • Number of the Company.

If a candidate has worked in small organizations, it will be difficult for him to integrate into a large structure, since the level of communications, approvals and time frames in solving certain problems differs significantly.

  • Client level.

Decision makers (decision makers) at different levels are different. If a manager concludes a deal for a million rubles, one circle of people communicates with him, if for 30 million, the circle of people, firstly, expands, and secondly, the level of negotiations becomes more complicated. As a rule, large organizations are focused on tangible financial results and attracting large key customers, so the “sales people” there are stronger and more experienced.

Of course, there are exceptions; in this case, you need to analyze the candidate’s sales volumes within a particular Company.

  • Company mentality.

Yes, there is such a concept; it includes corporate culture, Company policy, leadership style, workplace organization.

For example, if the previous employer had an “office” system, it will be difficult for the candidate to adapt to the “open-space” format. Or, for example, if a candidate previously had a democratic leader, it will be almost impossible for him to adopt an authoritarian leadership style.

I recently interviewed a candidate who left a large construction company due to the constant use of profanity in communication between colleagues.

Here it is important to provide the candidate with the opportunity to assess his strength: whether he can adapt and accept the “rules of the game” of the new employer. The main thing is to voice all the nuances to the candidate “at the entrance” so that there are no unpleasant surprises for him after he becomes an employee of the Company.

Adequate self-esteem

Basically, this criterion is expressed in the cost of the candidate, in the level of his salary expectations. If a sales manager wants to earn 35 thousand rubles, then he is not a sales manager. If a sales manager expects a monthly financial remuneration of 300 thousand rubles, he is either a good sales manager or an inadequate person.

How to understand how adequate a candidate’s self-esteem is? It is important to clarify two points:

1. How much the candidate earned at his previous job.

Perhaps his income was close to the amount indicated on his resume, then there are no questions, everything is quite understandable. Again: if the candidate does not embellish reality.

2. Whatever “fix” would be comfortable for him.

If a candidate names a salary that is close to his expected income level, this is a bad indicator. Any sales manager wants to earn money, so he will tie his income to a percentage of sales. Of course, a low level of a fixed amount is not good, but during the interview process it is important to understand whether the candidate is focused on salary or is ready to tie his financial reward to the results achieved.

It is worth noting the following negative factor when assessing a candidate: if a candidate voices the amount of his monthly expenses, this may indicate his immaturity and passive life position.

Confidence in your strength

A successful salesperson is full of self-confidence. He has sold, sells and will sell, he, as a rule, has no negative sales experience, he is ready to cope with any non-standard situation, he has everything that is necessary for effective sales.

A true salesperson will never prepare for failure in advance. This can be understood by the questions he asks. If they are of an organizational nature or relate to the specifics of the product, you can breathe easy: the candidate does not feel afraid of the sales process itself.

A candidate who is unsure of his abilities asks “guaranteeing” questions. He asks you whether a customer base is available, whether you need to make “cold calls”, what will happen if he doesn’t sell, who will teach him the specifics of selling this product - this means that he is either not fully competent or has negative sales experience, and more precisely, “non-sales”.

In a word, if the candidate’s questions come down to external factors and possible failures, it is unlikely that a true salesperson is sitting in front of you.

Professional passion

Ask the candidate to describe the most difficult deal they have ever dealt with. He will talk about it in an interesting, “tasty” way; his eyes will sparkle, remembering his recent victory.

Another enthusiastic salesperson, if the conversation is structured correctly on the part of the recruiter, will begin to voice possible options for finding clients, potential markets, and will ask about competitors.

Mixed reference

As we all know, internal reference is important for managers, external reference is important for performers. For a sales manager, a “skew” in one direction or another can have negative consequences for sales. If the reference is internal, he may not have enough flexibility when interacting with the client, and he will not always easily accept management decisions. If external reference predominates, he will not be able to “press” the client, will follow his lead, will not be able to express his position or enter into a constructive discussion.

We need a golden mean. If, nevertheless, a “skew” can be traced, it is allowed in the direction of internal reference. People with internal reference, as a rule, have leadership qualities, the ability to defend their own position, they are charismatic, stubborn and efficient. All of the above qualities are decisive for a successful sales manager.

Sales specifics

It is necessary to find out how the candidate’s professional experience will fit into the specifics of the new Company.

If a candidate worked in consulting, it is not a fact that he will be able to effectively sell engineering equipment. And vice versa. Product and service are psychologically different things. Both for the client and for the sales manager. Quite often, candidates’ resumes contain organizations with different areas of activity. In this case, the risks of ineffective work in a new place are significantly reduced.

Or, if the candidate built distribution, it will be difficult for him to carry out direct sales, since the specifics are significantly different.

You can also note candidates with experience in FMCG (sales representatives working in the “fields”): the level of negotiations in this market is usually quite low.

B2B and B2C sales should not be strictly divided by levels of complexity: interaction with clients occurs at a decent level, in both areas there is an active search for clients, in addition, B2C sales have a relatively recent history, so candidates’ resumes usually include a share of work in B2C sales , is small.

Cycle, dynamics and sales volumes

There are different sales cycles, different sales dynamics and, naturally, different sales volumes. All these indicators should be clarified and analyzed during the interview.

For example, in companies providing certification services, the sales cycle can range from 1 to 3 years, from negotiations to payment for services by the client.

A manager who knows how to manage a long sales cycle can easily cope with a short cycle, but the opposite can be more difficult.

In transport companies, sales dynamics are low for the first six months: the client “tests” the contractor to ensure compliance with deadlines and cargo safety, and only after that begins full-fledged cooperation and provides tangible volumes.

Sales dynamics should be taken into account to a greater extent during the sales manager’s adaptation period: you should not set ambitious sales plans from the first month. Sales dynamics have little impact on professional experience.

Sales volumes, I think, do not require explanation, but it is important to understand that if your Company carries out millions of transactions, the decision to hire an employee with experience in selling low-cost products and services is reckless.

Firstly, It is psychologically difficult to handle large sums out of habit.

Secondly, Let me remind you once again about the level of negotiations: depending on how much the client is willing to part with, the circle of decision-makers changes dramatically and the level of negotiations, accordingly, too.


A good salesperson's main motivator is money.

We can talk as much as we like about interesting tasks, career prospects, etc.: a sales manager wants to earn money.

He is ready to give his all, stay after work, go on business trips, bring results, but for this he will expect a decent financial reward.

Therefore, it is very important that the Company has an adequate, transparent and understandable motivation system for sales managers.

There are examples when key sales specialists left the Company because they reached the financial “ceiling”: they bring in large clients, but their level of payment remains the same, because the motivation system has a number of conscious or unconscious shortcomings.

On the other hand, there are examples of managers reaching a financial “comfort zone” - a certain psychological “maximum” that is enough for them to live quite comfortably. Such managers, consciously or unconsciously, reduce their activity, switch to process actions and become less effective.

The “ceiling” hinders strong “sales people”; the “comfort zone” reaches the “average”.

Analyze the situation in the sales department and decide what kind of motivation will work for you.

Result oriented

There's nothing scarier than a process-oriented salesperson. They are guided by the principle “if something is done, something will happen.”

They make cold calls honestly, often even more than high-performing managers; send out commercial offers, analyze the customer base, monitor competitors, and write reports.

Such managers, as a rule, have a sufficient number of intermediate results: the client ordered a trial batch, the client requested a commercial proposal, etc. But, most likely, the intermediate results will remain intermediate. The effectiveness of such a specialist will be spontaneous, he will lose clients and fail deals, and all because he is not results-oriented.

How to identify an effective manager?

Results-oriented sales managers communicate results in measurable terms. They name numbers, deadlines, remember their clients perfectly, sometimes know more about them than necessary: ​​what kind of cognac Ivan Ivanovich likes, what breed is Svetlana Petrovna’s favorite dog, when is Serafima Sergeevna’s daughter’s birthday.

Non-process-oriented specialists, accordingly, will describe the process: “walked, called, sent,” etc.


If a candidate for a sales “manager” vacancy solemnly tells you that he has a customer base, do not rush to rejoice. This speaks primarily of his dishonesty towards past employers. He was selling the Company's services, not his own? And when he left, he “took” his portfolio of clients with him. We all have a certain pattern of behavior in certain situations. Think about it: are you facing the same fate that befell your previous employer?

Transitions from competitors to competitors should not be assessed positively either. Such an employee is a risk factor for your Company in terms of maintaining confidential information and customer base.

A number of Companies have already abandoned the practice of “poaching” sales specialists, primarily for security reasons, but also for the purpose of complying with business ethics.

Effective use of sales tools

  • Managers with an "aspiration" attitude.
  • Managers with an avoidance attitude.

How to find out the position of a sales manager?

Ask them one simple question: “Do you think cold calling works?”

Managers with a drive attitude will always answer that cold calling works.

They will ask clarifying questions about delivery times, terms for agreeing contracts - in a word, they will focus on quality, efficiency and the level of interaction between the selling and supply departments, so that nothing prevents them from selling and there are no problems with customer satisfaction. They will also be interested in whether they will need to engage in follow-up with the attracted client.

They save their time and work for results, without referring to external circumstances.

Managers with an “avoidance” attitude will say that “cold calling” is a thing of the past; they will ask in detail about discounts, installment plans, and possible problems in interaction with the client.

It is important to be able to identify a candidate’s “avoidance” attitude. For such managers, difficulties have a demotivating effect. Prices for products have increased, negotiations have gone wrong, the client has been rude - and he already gives up, the manager sighs and complains about injustice, while often taking an accusing position.

The avoidance position is manifested in the candidate’s concentration on negative experiences, in voicing external circumstances that prevented him from performing certain tasks.

Thank you for your attention,

Good luck to you and the right people!

Good afternoon, dear friend!

There are things that most job seekers don't even know about. Today your humble servant will sit on the other side of the “barricades”. To your usual place, opposite the applicant. This will make it easier to answer the question “ How to properly pass an interview for a leadership position?

It would be more accurate to talk about one tool that is used by experienced, competent recruiters. Sometimes you'll come across some like this :)

This method is reading the candidate's metaprograms.

These are mental models, filters through which a person passes information and draws conclusions. They determine his thinking and behavior.

Everyone knows the example of a glass that is half full of water. One person thinks it is half full, another thinks it is half empty. They have different poles of metaprograms.

The idea is that managers have certain preferences in the meta-program profile. My task as a recruiter is to determine this profile and compare it with the optimal one for the position for which the candidate is applying.

I do this: I invite the interlocutor to talk about himself and record the meta-programs for constructing his phrases.

Then I ask and also watch his speech. After the conversation I draw conclusions.

Now let's talk more about metaprograms. There are many of them, but we will look at 4 of the most important.

You don't need to delve too deeply into this topic. Just understand the meaning and relationships of the poles of the meta-program in order to try to monitor your speech.

1. Type of motivation: desire/avoidance

For a person, the main incentives are either achievements or avoidance of problems.

“Achievers” pay more attention to their goals. They face problems with an open visor, considering them an inevitable companion and even an assistant in their work.

Those who are prone to avoidance focus their main efforts on avoiding problems and punishment.

The question might be: “Describe your ideal place to work.” Or similar.

The first type will say: work with interesting, complex tasks, prospects for professional growth.

Second: working with clear indicators, criteria for reward and punishment, in a non-conflict team.

The first one uses “leadership verbs” in his speech. I organize, I delegate, I motivate.

The second prefers careful formulations, such phrases as “I had to do...”, “I had to...”.

For most leadership positions, an achievement-oriented profile is preferred.

The ratio of the poles of this meta-program is 8 to 2. That is, in 8 cases out of 10 I would like to record behavior characteristic of a person of “achievement”.

This does not mean that it is time for a leader with a prevailing avoidance motivation to shed his career. Such people can perform well in positions related to control and auditing. They are usually attentive to details.

2. Type of reference: internal/external

It shows whether a person is more focused on his own or someone else’s opinion when making a decision. What is more important to him?

People with internal reference usually decide for themselves what to do, based on their experience and intuition. “I decided to do this:...”

Managers with predominant internal reference good at positions of TOP managers, project managers, creative areas of work.

At predominant external reference, the manager relies more on the opinions of colleagues, management, and some statistical data. “Based on the analysis, I proposed... the executive director supported me.”

People with a predominance of external reference are more suitable for working with clients, as well as for positions that require high executive discipline.

Answers: “Experience suggested”, “I just see it this way...” are recorded in the internal reference.

For most positions in my “talmud” preferred pole ratio internal/external reference 6 to 4.

Your task is to determine what type of reference is preferable for the position for which you are applying and build your examples and phrases from this.

3. Focus in work: process/result

A question like this is asked: “What do you enjoy most about your job...?”

A process-oriented person primarily describes the process itself. In his speech, the lion's share is occupied by verbs of the imperfect form - organized, analyzed. Or nouns: provision, attraction, etc.

The person of “results” uses verbs of the perfect form: built, organized, accomplished. They are also called “leadership” verbs.

An attraction to the process is not a disadvantage, but for a manager, what is primarily important is effective work. We talked about this in the article

That's why The preferred ratio of process/result poles, for most positions, is 3 to 7.

4. Level of activity: activity/reflexivity (passivity)

Here, I think, it is clear without detailed comments.

The question could be: Describe your first day at work?

Active in his speech uses the first person in the active voice. “I do, I propose, I begin.”

Reflexive people prefer the plural: “We do, we offer.” Uses phrases such as “We must do”, “They will tell us”, impersonal forms such as “It will be done”.

For a manager, the preferred ratio of activity/reflexivity poles is 8 to 2.

Much depends on the position you are applying for. Based on this, select examples and how you will answer the questions.

But still. The manager must have leadership qualities. You will never go wrong if you build your image as a leader on a leadership basis.

In the meta-programs we are talking about today, the leadership poles are aspiration, internal reference, result, activity. Start from this.

  1. When talking about your professional experience, place more emphasis on the topic than on solving current problems. Choose relevant examples.
  2. In your speech, try to use less cautious phrases: “It seems to me,” “As if,” “Probably.” They conflict with the image of the leader.
  3. Try to use the particle “not” less. It is not perceived by our subconscious. For example, many people hear “not difficult” as “difficult”.
  4. Eliminate words with a strong negative meaning from your speech: Horror, trouble, nightmare, etc. They create unnecessary tension.
  5. Use more “leadership verbs.”

For example

It may not work out right away, because it is very difficult to consciously control your speech. But with training and practice, you will eventually learn to structure your speech in the right way. And broadcast the image of a manager-leader not only to pass an interview, but also in everyday work.

Paying attention to the construction of your speech is important not only for an interview. Your internal attitudes towards leadership behavior will gradually change.

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