The sleep hormone melatonin: why its deficiency is dangerous and how to replenish reserves. Serotonin and melatonin are responsible for our sleep

Darkness sends a signal to our brain that it is time to sleep, so it is advisable to avoid exposure to various light stimuli, such as television or mobile phones, immediately before bed.

Melatonin is a hormone that is responsible for many functions in our body. In particular, the level of melatonin is important for the processes of sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, it is very important to maintain melatonin levels. This, in particular, will allow you to get a good night's sleep and avoid sleep problems, such as insomnia. And in our article today we will tell you how to do this. Do not miss!

Melatonin: what you need to know about it?

So, as you understand, Melatonin is a very important hormone. He is responsible for various functions, in particular, for regulating sleep-wake cycles.

Melatonin is produced at night in the pineal gland of the brain. At the same time he:

    firstly, it regulates the heart rate and blood pressure.

    secondly, it relaxes the retina of the eyes.

    thirdly, it participates in the process of liberation from free radicals.

Melatonin is distributed throughout the body and synchronizes circadian (daily) rhythms. Thus, when melatonin levels are normal, we can sleep well and regain our strength.

The main problem associated with this hormone is the decrease in its levels. For example, if we long time We are exposed to stress, we eat incorrectly or insufficiently, we behave sedentary lifestyle life or “overload” ourselves with exposure to artificial light at night. IN As a result, insomnia may develop.

Melatonin also stimulates the production of growth hormone and tissue and muscle restoration. This is why children need more sleep than adults. And also, if we are sick or too tired after working out in the gym, then our body itself “asks” for rest (usually a few hours more).

Moreover, other functions of this hormone should be noted:

    It regulates appetite.

    Participates in the development and functioning of the testes and ovaries.

    This is a powerful antioxidant.

    Strengthens the immune system.

Melatonin and serotonin

On the one hand, the action of these hormones seems to “contradict” each other, but on the other hand, they work together, and therefore the values ​​of both should be normal.

    Just as melatonin production is stimulated in dark time day, light promotes the production of serotonin.

    The retinas of our eyes capture light, which is “transmitted” to the pineal gland. In this case, the production of melatonin stops and the production of serotonin begins.

    In the dark the reverse process occurs.

It is important to know that artificial light cannot fully replace the function of natural light. That's why in winter, for example, we want to stay in bed longer and rest (not only from the cold). In the summer, on the contrary, we get up more energetic and cheerful and, accordingly, have time to do more.

When there is not enough serotonin in the body, a person develops a craving for high-calorie foods , which, of course, are not at all healthy: cookies, sweets, chocolate, ice cream, etc.

Low melatonin levels, in turn, lead to the development of insomnia and other sleep disorders. The rest turns out to be of poor quality. A an excess of this hormone, on the contrary, causes drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy, etc.

It is also necessary to mention another important hormone that will help you understand the importance of melatonin and serotonin: cortisol. The latter is also known as the “stress hormone”. In particular, he responsible for increasing or decreasing symptoms this state . It also has a significant effect on the alternation of sleep and wakefulness cycles.

Some people experiencing stress need more long sleep. And others, unfortunately, simply cannot close their eyes. This happens because cortisol has caused an imbalance in the production of hormones responsible for our rest and activity.

Foods that affect melatonin levels

Food has a very important for the level of these hormones. Since with its help we can sleep the recommended 7-8 hours a day.

We can also help our body produce melatonin by eating:

  • Nuts
  • Chicken eggs
  • Legumes
  • Oatmeal and barley
  • Corn

It would also be nice to add to your diet, for example:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potato
  • Red wine
  • Dairy
  • Tuna

Healthy Habits to Regulate Melatonin Levels

In addition to balanced and healthy eating, it is advisable to have useful habits. They help normalize the level of this hormone in the body:

1. Sleep in a dark room

It is advisable that the bedroom have curtains or blinds that do not let in sunlight.

So, darkness will give our brain a signal that “it’s time to sleep.” A dark room guarantees a calm and complete, restorative sleep.

2. Don't watch TV before bed

In addition to the light that comes from this device, certain scenes, sounds or news “awaken” our brain and do not allow you to easily fall asleep.

That’s why it’s good not to have a TV in the bedroom at all. The same applies to using mobile phones and tablets before bed. Try not to use them at least an hour before bed.

3. Don't exercise in the evening

Sport is very good for health, of course. However, if you do it in evening time, the body and mind are stimulated. Therefore, the body needs more time to calm down and fall asleep.

The next morning you will have a very hard time waking up because your body simply won’t have enough time to recover from your evening workout. Therefore, it is better to complete any activity with the onset of evening, no later.published .

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Surely it will not be a revelation to anyone that a lack of melatonin can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health. The hormone melatonin is a very important compound that is necessary in order to regulate a number of physiological processes occurring in the body.

The main role of the so-called sleep hormone is to facilitate the process of falling asleep and eliminate drowsiness in daytime. Thus, melatonin is responsible for an adequate sleep rhythm.

In addition, this hormone affects the functioning of systems such as:

  • cardiovascular;
  • immunity;
  • endocrine system;
  • digestive;
  • and, finally, on the functioning of the brain.

By influencing the functioning of the systems listed above, melatonin helps prevent the occurrence of stress, and also reduces the process of cell withering, regulates the level of blood pressure, counteracts the formation cancer cells, regulates body weight and reduces headaches and toothaches.

Melatonin production by the body

According to scientists, the hormone melatonin is produced in the body at the moment when a person sleeps. The pineal gland of the brain, which is called the pineal gland, is responsible for its production. To be more precise, the pineal gland does not produce melatonin, but only produces serotonin, which serves as its basis.

During the day, when a person is awake, under the influence of the sun's rays, the amino acid tryptophan is transformed into serotonin. It is for this reason that it is very important to spend at least an hour every day in fresh air. The more serotonin produced during the day, the more melatonin the body will produce at night. This is only possible if the person rests and sleep duration is at least 8 hours.

If an individual has developed prolonged depression and he suffers from insomnia, then experts recommend that such people spend at least 8 hours in the fresh air every day. Only in this case will sleep become healthier, hormone production will increase, and melatonin levels will return to normal. In this case, there will be no need to take sedatives medicines.

Consequences of sleep hormone deficiency

Scientists have found that daily norm melatonin production ranges from 30 to 35 mcg. If it happens that a deficiency of the sleep hormone occurs in the body, then patients experience the following symptoms:

  • a person begins to suffer from insomnia;
  • the immune system weakens, which leads to frequent colds and viral pathologies;
  • deficiency of the sleep hormone leads to increased blood pressure;
  • such patients experience frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • lack of (melatonin) contributes to a decrease in the level of performance;
  • Patients develop a feeling of anxiety and a state of despair.

These are the very first signs that indicate a malfunction of the pineal gland, which serves as a good reason for adjusting your lifestyle, increasing the duration of night sleep, changing your diet and eating habits, as well as seeking medical advice.

As you know, the sleep hormone does not accumulate in the body - only its production and consumption occurs during the day. In this regard, one day normal sleep will not allow to provide normal work body for a week.

If there is a deficiency of this hormone in the human body, the following consequences begin to appear:

  • the first signs of the aging process appear, including wrinkles, sagging skin and changing their color;
  • lack of melatonin affects weight gain;
  • representatives of the fair sex experience menopause very early;
  • Scientists have been able to prove that women with melatonin deficiency have a high likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Ways to Increase Sleep Hormone Production

IN in this case the palm belongs to such a product as cherry. Cherries can be consumed both in the form of berries and in the form of juice. In addition, increase the level specified connection in the body is possible by consuming strawberries and pomegranates.

At the same time, fruits such as banana promote the production of serotonin and melatonin. It contains a huge amount of potassium and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the mood and help a person relax.

Increased production of the sleep hormone can occur through vegetables such as carrots, radishes, tomatoes, corn, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Sleep hormones produced at the required level can be ensured through foods such as rice, oats, whole grain bread and rolled oats.

In addition to knowing what foods can eliminate the problem of melatonin deficiency in the body, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​what foods, on the contrary, the consumption of increases a person’s chances of developing such a deficiency. This includes strong coffee, alcoholic drinks, nicotine, as well as strong tea.

Quite often, the situation in practice is such that the sleep hormones produced due to the foods consumed are not enough. In this case, the attending physician prescribes patients to take certain medications. After all, it is quite possible to compensate for the lack of melatonin by taking tablets or administering injections. An example of drugs in the form of tablets to compensate for the lack of a sleep hormone is the drug Melaxen.

It is quite enough to administer serotonin intravenously so that it is subsequently synthesized into the sleep hormone. Thus, it will be possible to eliminate the problem of insomnia and improve the patient’s condition. It is thanks to the treatment tactics developed by the attending physician that such an unpleasant situation can be resolved.

However, accept medicines raising melatonin levels should be done with caution. In this case we're talking about about women bearing a child, allergy sufferers, as well as patients with hormonal imbalance and the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Until today, experts have not been able to fully determine which side effects may occur after such medications. Of course, critical conditions and deaths were not observed among patients. However, patients taking these medications have experienced nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset. Doctors recommend intravenous administration of the hormone to those patients who suffer from chronic insomnia and who have deviations in the work of vital important organs and systems.

As you can see, melatonin deficiency can become a really serious problem for every person. If a person begins to exhibit any of the symptoms listed above, then in this case it would not hurt to seek advice from a specialist and undergo necessary research. It is better to do this as early as possible so as not to make the situation chronic.

How to fall asleep quickly and get a good night's sleep? Sleep hormone.

An interesting fact from one popular newspaper: over the past 2 months, cases of turning to psychologists and psychotherapists due to increased depressive states, insomnia, increased anxiety, panic attacks.

And this is due to the lack of daylight hours.

Winter is already the darkest time of the year, and in Moscow this December the sun appeared from behind the clouds for only 18 minutes throughout the entire month.

And I, as an organic psychotherapist and qigong instructor, would like to highlight the bodily and hormonal component of such states.

In my opinion, since the psyche is inextricably linked with the body, it is not enough psychological work to overcome the above conditions. It is necessary to regulate bodily functions, combine internal biological rhythms with natural ones, but simply to establish a routine of life.

It is important that basic bodily needs are satisfied. If you didn't get enough sleep, remember what the consequences are the next day.

Living in harmony with Nature, we gain access to enormous resources, and if we live perpendicular to the rhythms of life, then wear and tear of the body and exhaustion of the psyche are a natural result.

This requires knowledge and understanding of body chemistry, bodily and natural rhythms. Then the person himself can significantly help himself.

Is our wellness, health and longevity are inextricably linked to hormone levels serotonin And melatonin. They control many vital physical and mental functions.

The hormone serotonin. Serotonin is also called the “happiness hormone”. His high level causes the experience of such states as happiness, ecstasy, euphoria.

If a person has been impaired for a long time psycho-emotional reactions, this may be due to a decrease in the amount of serotonin in the body:

  • constantly Bad mood, depression, gloominess and, as a consequence, the onset of depression;
  • insomnia;
  • diffidence;
  • false fears, inexplicable anxiety, panic attacks;
  • strong craving for sweets;
  • spontaneous muscle pain;
  • convulsions and painful sensations in the lower jaw;
  • frequent migraines;
  • causeless intestinal disorders;
  • obesity.

But serotonin is not only necessary for the development of positive emotions, it has much more functions. Good memory, sustained attention, adaptation in society, resistance to stress, labor activity, metabolic processes, blood clotting, good sleep- all this is impossible without the participation of serotonin.

A person synthesizes the hormone independently. It is produced during daylight hours, and building material for him is tryptophan. Therefore, it is imperative to be outside during the day and eat foods rich in tryptophan.

Physical activity is also necessary to produce serotonin.
Meditation also helps with this. Qigong is perfect, combining physical activity and meditation and restoring internal energy balance.

Basis for melatonin is serotonin, so a lack of the happiness hormone leads to melatonin deficiency.

Melatonin- a hormone of the pineal gland that regulates the sleep-wake rhythm, it is also called the “sleep hormone”.

This is a unique substance of endogenous origin that significantly prolongs life and inhibits development serious illnesses. Melatonin protects the body from cancerous tumors, controls the immune system, helps the body adapt to stress, changing time zones during flights, normalizes blood pressure, thins the blood, helps normalize weight by stimulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, reduces the load on the heart, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces the level of “bad cholesterol”.

You understand how a deficiency of this hormone will affect you.
Sleep disturbance, weakened immune system, low threshold stress tolerance, disease development.

Sexual disorders are also often caused by melatonin deficiency. IN in some cases It is enough to follow a sleep and rest schedule to increase potency and stop the symptoms of menopause.

Melatonin begins to be produced around 20:00 in the evening, and from midnight to 3:00 in the morning the peak of this process lasts, after which, with the onset of dawn, melatonin secretion decreases.

Melatonin is produced per night in the amount of 30 mcg, this is enough for the next day, after which the unspent remains of melatonin are eliminated from the body. It's important that you stay in the dark artificial lighting stops its production.

You cannot stock up on melatonin for future use or consume more than the body needs.
To ensure this cycle it is necessary:

  • eat foods rich in tryptophan;
  • spend at least an hour and a half outside during the day;
  • go to bed before midnight or, if the rhythm of life does not allow otherwise, around midnight, and spend the time in sleep when melatonin is produced.

I will write about foods rich in tryptophan in the next article. In the meantime, I recommend adjusting your bedtime and getting up in the morning.

I warn you that if you are used to going to bed after midnight, it will take several days for your body to adjust. Possible discomfort.

But don't give up! Remember how you will benefit yourself if you create one good habit– support the body’s production of these powerful hormones of joy, health and longevity!

Qigong exercises will also help you adjust to the correct rhythm. Do an exercise before bed to calm the nervous system and improve digestion, and Six Healing Sounds. And come to qigong classes on Wednesday, as usual, from 19:00 to 21:15.

Those who cannot join us in the group, but wanted to learn qigong - you can purchase a video of a full qigong class, record it and practice with me.

You don’t have to do everything at once; master the exercises gradually, taking into account your condition and real time. During the classes, I explain in detail how to perform them.

Step by step, develop your ability to manage your well-being and improve your health!

Alla Krylova.

Sleep hormone - hormone production activity begins around 8 pm, and its concentration peaks when melatonin is produced in large quantities, falls between midnight and 4 a.m.

You can’t get enough sleep a few days in advance and stock up on melatonin.

Many people have already heard about the sleep hormone melatonin. It is also called the hormone of life or longevity. Scientists are still studying the properties of this substance, but positive impact it on the human body and its necessity for normal life have already been established.

Melatonin appears in the human body:

  • comes with some food products;
  • may come in the form of special medications and supplements.

Melatonin production in the body

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland

When considering how melatonin is produced, its production is most often associated with the pineal gland or pineal gland. Under the influence sunlight The amino acid tryptophan is converted into serotonin in the body, which turns into melatonin at night. After its synthesis in the pineal gland, melatonin enters cerebrospinal fluid and blood. Thus, for all these transformations, it is necessary to spend half an hour or an hour outside every day during daylight hours.

The amount of hormone produced in the pineal gland depends depending on the time of day: At night, about 70% of all melatonin in the body is produced. It is worth saying that the production of melatonin in the body also depends on lighting: with excess (daylight) lighting, the synthesis of the hormone decreases, and with decreased lighting, it increases.

The activity of hormone production begins around 8 o'clock in the evening, and its peak concentration, when melatonin is produced in large quantities, occurs between midnight and 4 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, it is very important to sleep in a dark room during these hours. The adult body synthesizes about 30 mcg of melatonin daily.

To increase melatonin levels naturally, you need to adhere to several important rules:

  • try to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night;
  • if there is a need to stay awake after 12 o'clock at night, you should take care of dim lighting;
  • ensure that you have enough sleep to recuperate;
  • Before going to bed, turn off all light sources and draw the curtains tightly. If it is impossible to turn off the light, use a sleep mask;
  • When waking up at night, do not turn on the light, but use a night light.

Scientists have now proven that melatonin is produced not only in the human pineal gland. In addition, to ensure vital processes and regulate the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the amount of melatonin produced in the human brain would not be enough. Therefore, two components of the melatonin production system are considered: the central one - the pineal gland, where the synthesis of the sleep hormone depends on the change in light and darkness, and the peripheral - the remaining cells in which the production of melatonin is not related to illumination. These cells are distributed throughout the human body: wall cells gastrointestinal tract, lung cells and respiratory tract, cells of the renal cortex, blood cells, etc.

Properties of melatonin

The main function of the hormone melatonin is to regulate circadian rhythm human body. It is thanks to this hormone that we can fall asleep and sleep soundly.

But with further and careful study of melatonin and its effect on the human body, scientists have found that this substance also has other important and beneficial properties for humans:

The role of melatonin in the body is enormous. With a lack of melatonin, a person begins to age faster: accumulation free radicals, body weight regulation is disrupted, which leads to obesity; in women, the risk of early menopause increases, and the risk of developing breast cancer increases.

It is important to remember that melatonin does not glow in the body, i.e. You can’t get enough sleep a few days in advance and stock up on melatonin. It is important to adhere regularly correct mode sleep and wakefulness and monitor your diet.

Melatonin in food

The hormone melatonin is produced in the body when varied diet, which must contain carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and vitamin B6. Melatonin is found in some foods pure form, in others - the components necessary for its synthesis.

Talking about which foods contain melatonin finished form, it is definitely worth mentioning corn, bananas, tomatoes, rice, carrots, radishes, figs, parsley, oatmeal, nuts, barley and raisins.

Amino acid tryptophan found in large quantities in pumpkin, walnuts and almonds, sesame seeds, cheese, lean beef and turkey meat, chicken eggs and milk.

Foods rich in vitamin B6: bananas, Walnut, apricot, beans, sunflower seeds, lentils, red bell pepper.

Large amounts of calcium found in legumes, skim and whole milk, nuts, figs, cabbage, rutabaga, soy, oatmeal and other useful products.

It is worth noting that the production of melatonin in the body stops when consuming alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, as well as certain medications: those containing caffeine, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, sleeping pills, anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants.

With age, the amount of sleep hormone produced decreases. This leads to sleep disturbances: night awakenings, poor sleep, insomnia. If the lack of melatonin in a young body is practically not felt, then after 35 years its lack can affect a person’s well-being. published

Hormones in the human body can have a tremendous impact on his well-being, mood and appearance. Every day, everyone feels the effect of two hormones - serotonin and melatonin. They regulate the sleep-wake cycle and are natural antidepressants.

Basic properties

Serotonin and melatonin are two biologically opposite in action active substances, which are strongly interconnected. Each of them is produced in the brain by the pineal gland ( endocrine gland). During daylight hours, especially under the influence sun rays, serotonin is formed. During the day it accumulates, and with the onset of darkness it is processed into melatonin. Thus, these two hormones are very closely related to each other - a lack of one substance entails a deficiency of the other.

Serotonin performs many functions in the body important functions. He actively participates in activities nervous system, namely, transmits impulses at the synapses of neurons. In combination with other hormones, serotonin is capable of creating a whole range of different moods: pleasure, joy, love, euphoria.

Functions of melatonin

Melatonin functions as a universal regulator biological clock. It synchronizes the activities of all organs with sunlight. When light, whether artificial or natural, hits the retina, the brain sharply reduces the production of melatonin. Therefore, in order for it to be synthesized in sufficient quantities, one condition is necessary - absolute darkness. Thanks to this feature, it received a second name – “sleep hormone”.

A lack of melatonin in the brain provokes insomnia and can lead to premature aging. The fact is that high concentration of this hormone in the brain triggers the renewal of all the body’s resources for cellular level. According to scientists, melatonin is powerful antioxidant and is able to maintain skin elasticity for a long time and delay the onset of menopause in women.

Application in medicine

The natural production of serotonin and melatonin does not always meet the body's needs, and their deficiency can lead to a deterioration in the quality of life. Therefore on pharmaceutical market drugs containing synthetic analogues hormones. But only some of them are registered as medicines, the rest are considered dietary supplements.

Despite obvious benefit, brought by serotonin and melatonin, it is extremely undesirable to use them independently. It may in an unexpected way affect the state of the body as a whole, because extensive research has not been conducted on this topic.

IN medical practice These two biologically active substances are used in the treatment of such disorders:

  • Insomnia.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.
  • Chronic fatigue and depression.
  • Violations menstrual cycle among women.

Additional intake of serotonin and melatonin helps to quickly adapt to sudden changes in time zones, and is indispensable for people with irregular work schedules.

Research has identified a link between reduced melatonin and cancer. This is confirmed by the fact that melatonin stimulates the production of special white blood cells in the brain that can fight cancer. Therefore, this hormone is used in combination with cancer drugs to enhance their effects, and after chemotherapy to reduce side effects.

Dosage and contraindications

Average daily dose melatonin ranges from 1 to 5 mg. Treatment should be prescribed only after full examination and no contraindications.

Serotonin is a transmitter of impulses between nerve cells. The psycho-emotional state of a person, motor and brain activity. In addition, it increases the level of self-control and emotional resistance to stress. Third generation antidepressants were created based on this mechanism.

When serotonin enters spinal cord, this manifests itself in a burst physical activity, and the muscles become toned. As a result, performance increases significantly.

An interesting feature of serotonin is when the brain synthesizes it in large quantities, this creates a feeling of satiety. Lack of serotonin causes low mood and constant unreasonable feeling hunger, the so-called serotonin fasting.

To partially control its amount, it is important to know that the synthesis of serotonin in the brain increases due to essential amino acid– tryptophan. This substance is not produced by the body, but is found in many foods:

  • chicken meat;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • beans;
  • buckwheat;
  • chicory.

High-carbohydrate foods are considered record holders for tryptophan content: dark chocolate, bread, pasta.

It has been proven that massage can increase the synthesis of serotonin in the brain by 30%, and at the same time reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone).

Melatonin plays an important role in the body:

  • Serves immune system signal about the appearance of harmful cells.
  • Activates the thymus and thyroid glands.
  • Reduces adrenaline levels in stressful situations.
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • It causes drowsiness in the dark, which is why it is called a sleep hormone.
  • Helps adapt to changing weather and climate.
  • Increases life expectancy.
  • Helps strengthen bones.
  • Reduces the likelihood of seasonal depression.

The benefits of melatonin are obvious, but with age, its amount steadily decreases. This is why many people develop insomnia in old age. To naturally increase the level of melatonin production, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • Eat foods containing tryptophan more often - bananas, cherries, oatmeal, milk.
  • Have one fasting day a week.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Reduce consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages, which affect brain function.
  • Goes to bed before midnight.
  • Make sure there is as little light as possible in the bedroom at night.

The brains of newborn babies produce several hundred times more melatonin than adults. Thanks to this ability, young children sleep much longer and more soundly.

Do not forget that melatonin production directly depends on the amount of serotonin. Therefore, you should try to walk more often during the daytime. IN winter time It will be useful to organize a sufficient level of illumination in the room using several light sources.

The brain, where hormones are produced, is not yet fully understood. But even these data make it possible to verify that the mechanisms laid down by nature bring many benefits to the body. To do this, you just need to be able to treat yourself with care and lead correct image life.