Treatment of runny nose with homeopathic remedies. What do you know about treating colds with homeopathic medicines: revealing the secrets

Homeopathy – separate species medicine that offers treatment with highly diluted drugs. Moreover, the dilution in some drugs reaches such a level that in finished product molecules of the main drug are completely absent.

    Modern medicine speaks of homeopathy as imaginary treatment, there are several explanations for this:
  • the presence of strong dilution of drugs in homeopathic preparations - therefore, there is nothing to treat;
  • during the manufacturing process, the percentage of the main drug is minimized, but dust particles and test tube molecules get into the solution, the effects of which are unpredictable;
  • homeopaths claim that water remembers the medicines that were present in it, but “forgetting” water is a proven fact.

Medical organizations ( World organization health, Scientific community) equate the effect of homeopathy with the placebo effect.

Note! In the last century, placebo studies were conducted - patients were treated with tablets with simple lactose - as a result, the patients recovered.

Interestingly, a certain percentage of subjects noticed improvements even after revealing the truth to people. Then scientists explained this fact by the faith of patients in the treatment method itself.

Principles of homeopathy

Diluted drugs are used as a treatment method, but there are principles for selecting a specific drug for a patient with a specific disease.

    Homeopathy treatment adheres to the principles:
  • Similar treatment – ​​a substance is used as a medicine, which in the body of a healthy person causes symptoms as in the patient.

Such a drug seems to shake up the body, causing an immune response that cures both the administered vaccine and the original disease.

  • Treatment of a specific person - selection of funds is made after a detailed study of the patient’s chart. What helps one will do nothing for another.
  • Testing of homeopathic remedies is carried out only on healthy people, negligible doses are used. One of the most famous studies is the treatment of a tumor from a bee sting with a drug based on bee venom.

Nowadays, there are homeopathic pharmacies that sell drugs mainly own production. The selection of drugs is carried out according to the principle of similarity - the patient’s complaints and the basis of the drug are compared.

Effective homeopathic remedies for colds

Homeopaths cure colds and associated symptoms– runny nose, cough, general weak condition. With the help of anti-cold homeopathic remedies it is relieved heat and inflammation.

Note! Aconite has side effects - at the beginning of use, exacerbation of existing ailments and allergies may occur.

  • Fitolyakka– restores sore tonsils, has a beneficial effect on enlarged lymph nodes and other glands. Helps with colds, sore throat, and sore throat.
  • Tonsilotren – also against inflammation of the tonsils, excellent for acute tonsillitis, cold. The drug is distinguished by its trouble-free tolerability and high efficiency.
  • Influcid– homeopathic remedy against colds, acute respiratory infections and fever during colds from the largest German manufacturer homeopathic medicines.

In addition to these, homeopathic solutions such as bryonia, camphor, baptisia, dulcamara and gelsemium are common in the treatment of colds.

Note! When selecting homeopathic remedies, an important influence is exerted psychological type patient - for example, a certain remedy helps only a choleric person, but not other types of character.

Medicines are produced in the form of granules, tablets, dragees and drops. For children, drops are generally recommended; when prescribing dragees or tablets, they need to be mashed in a spoon and dissolved in boiled water.

Many companies view herbal medicine as a branch of homeopathy. They produce both herbal products and mixtures of homeopathic remedies with herbal dilutions.

This approach allows you to combine treatment of the disease and encourages the body to fight independently.

For example, infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are added to homeopathic medicines - good for sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils.

Rosehip is often added - it is rich in vitamin C and has the ability to form antibodies that protect the body from infections.

Medicinal fees

Herbal medicine uses the power of nature to defeat diseases. Decoctions and infusions are mainly used, but herbal ointments and rubbing directly with the plant also help.

How to prepare homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies can be made by hand; the technology is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but technically simple to perform.

The main material of the medicine is ground with sugar in a mortar until smooth. Depending on the desired degree of dilution, the grinding process with sugar is repeated the required number of times.

    Liquid substances are diluted with water, dilution can be:
  • Decimal– 1 part of the substance is diluted with 10 parts of water. The procedure is repeated until the required degree of dilution. The next step is to take 1 part from the first step and dilute it with 9 parts of water, and so on.
  • Hundreds- the same procedure, but the substance is diluted with 99 parts of water.

The frequency and quantity of administration depends on the degree of dilution. Basically, with a simple course of the disease, decimal dilutions are used with a course of 3-5 days, centenary dilutions are used large courses during treatment chronic diseases.

Note! Dilutions of type C12 (12 hundredth stages) and more no longer contain molecules of the main substance - the memory of water works, which “remembers” the necessary molecules.

Homeopathic remedies rarely excite side effects, But rare cases known. Therefore, it is better not to try to create a drug with your own hands - pharmacists are well versed in the actions, indications, dilutions and dosages of drugs.


Official medicine is trying to prove that homeopathy is more influence on a person’s psychology, on his ability to recover, believing in his own strength.

But there is no denying the powerful healing properties of homeopathy – and who cares how it works. Nobody asks how they work medications, if they really defeat the disease.

For your reference, photo and video materials have been added to the article for a better understanding of the topic of homeopathy and the fight against colds.

Homeopathy: treating colds with safe methods

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Cough with sputum: quick and effective treatment

Flu This acute illness, the body's reaction to viral infection. In the autumn-winter period, the spread flu often takes on epidemic proportions. Attempts to treat flu vaccines and others medications led to numerous influenza virus mutations, and the fight against it was elevated to the rank of a national problem.

Usually people are sick flu, complain of headache, fever, chills, muscle and joint aches, fatigue, sore throat and cough. There is minor nasal discharge and fatigue is greater than with common cold or runny nose. Some types of influenza may be accompanied by gastrointestinal problems: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (diarrhea). Incubation period flu can last up to three days.

Treatment of influenza with homeopathy.

Aconite— Applicable on initial stage diseases. A sharp, intense onset of the disease. After exposure to dry cold wind. Extreme agitation, anxiety and fear. Fever. Diseases often occur localized in chest; diseases respiratory tract- quite a common occurrence. Frequent, hard pulse. Choking cough.

Belladonna- At the initial stage of the disease. A sharp, intense onset of the disease. Flaming, hot, red face. Fever. Sensitivity to light. Hothead, while the hands and feet are cold. Often accompanied by diseases of the throat or tonsils. Rave.

Ferrum phosphoricum
- At the beginning of the disease against the background of fever and with complete absence other symptoms. Flaming cheeks.

Gelsemium- Worse in warm, damp weather. Slow onset of the disease. Slight temperature. Feeling of heaviness, weakness, fatigue, dizziness. The child behaves quietly; prefers to be alone. The eyes close, the child can hardly keep them open. There is no thirst. Limbs and back hurt. Slow, weak pulse.

Eupatorium— Deep, aching pain in bones and muscles. Inflammation and pain, as from a bruise or fracture. Very restless, but prefers not to move, worse from slightest movement. Pain in eyeballs. Sneezes: nose is running. Headache in the back of the head and a feeling of heaviness in the head after lying down. Cough with chest pain. Hoarseness.

Arsenicum album ( Arsenicum album) - Exhaustion. Restlessness and excitement. The child is thirsty and drinks in small sips. Chills. Burning pain. Often accompanied by burning lobes in the abdomen.

Babtisia- Rapid onset of illness, unexpectedly felt loss of strength. Flu, accompanied by indigestion and diarrhea. pain, rapid breathing. Devastated look. High temperature, drowsiness.

Bryonia- Thirst, dry mouth. Worse with any movement. The child wants to be left alone. Chest pain when coughing. The problem always starts in the nose and upper respiratory tract and goes down to the lungs.

Dulcamara— After exposure to cold, wet weather. Copious mucous discharge. Frequent urination.

Nux vomica— The child has a very high fever; it should be kept warm. Chilliness at the slightest movement; the child lies under the blanket, but as soon as he moves, he shudders. Chill after drinking.

Pulsatilla- Feverish state, with no thirst. Prefers Fresh air; cannot be in warm, stuffy rooms. Quiet, whiny, doesn't want to be left alone.

Rus toxicodendron ( Rhus toxicodendron) - Very severe restlessness after exposure to cold, damp weather.

Sulfur- Tendency to recurrent illnesses. The child is burning hot, wants fresh air, but avoids drafts. The legs are burning, the child does not want to be covered. Drowsiness.

Take three grains of the 30c potency every four hours until you see improvement. If improvement does not occur after three doses of the drug, choose another medicine. After improvement occurs, repeat a new dose of the drug only if the original symptoms begin to return.

Homeopathic remedies for colds
Everything is changing here. If at the first stage, energy is reduced and should be increased with the help of Gepar Sulfur, then in the acute phase, on the contrary, a “reduction in energy” is required. However, it should be noted that you should “start reducing” only after the temperature has risen to 39. Here it is necessary to explain the situation. Usually we perceive any increase in temperature as a dangerous situation.

But this is precisely where our “medical literacy” manifests itself. The body raises its temperature to eliminate the disease as quickly as possible. Therefore, the immune system copes with its tasks quite well when the temperature rises to 39. If we begin to “bring down” the temperature earlier, we will not allow the immune system to completely eliminate all foci of the disease in the body. It’s as if the immune system “will not have time to heal you.” And these “foci” usually give consequences with possible complications.

However, if you are “relatively healthy”, you do not have severe chronic diseases, then the temperature rises so quickly that there is usually no need to raise it to 39. The same applies to children. A child’s growing body has a very large supply of immune forces, and unless your child is “chronic,” then the acute phase increases very quickly.

So. If the temperature has risen to 39, it is necessary to carry out homeotherapy “to decrease”. The recommendations here are extremely simple: the homeopathic triad, or Antigrippin, is the best remedy in this case. Fortunately, many local doctors are already familiar with its medicinal properties. So last year, during the “autumn outbreak of acute respiratory infections,” several doctors on television recommended the use of Antigrippin as the best remedy.

Homeopathy basically works along the lines of monopreparations, when only one thing is taken at a time medicine. However, this scheme is directly related to chronic cases. Antigrippin is one of the most striking examples effective application complex drug in acute conditions. It is usually called triad because it contains three drugs: Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna.

In this group, Aconite is the leading drug, since in its pathogenesis (or action) it is an antipyretic drug. However, this understanding of the drug somewhat narrows its use. Aconite is an “Antiyan” drug; it has a “lowering” and “calming” effect in relation to all bright and active conditions. So, for example, if your temperature has increased, not your blood pressure, and you and I have not a temperature, but a hypertensive crisis, Aconite will also help. If you or someone close to you is in an excited state (after suffering stress or anxiety) - here Aconite will have its healing effect.

Therefore, many homeopathic doctors at the time of a temperature crisis do not use Antigrippin, but Aconite, since in this case its calming effect will be more pronounced. However, at temperature, the effect of Belladonna and Bryonia, which are part of Antigrippin, should be taken into account.

Thus, Belladonna, unlike Aconite, which relieves the “general rush” or “general excitation,” is actively active precisely in the initial phase of excitation. If Aconite removes the “tide” itself, then Belladonna counteracts its rapid and vibrant development. Relatively speaking, if Aconite “relieves the temperature itself,” then Belladonna counteracts its “jumps and pulsations.” And since the pathogenesis of Belladonna is also the relief of headaches in the frontal part, its use is understandable for various “ARI-like” conditions.

Finally, Bryonia, being an “antispasmodic” drug, counteracts the manifestation muscle spasms, various types"myositis-like" symptoms. In addition, this drug is a “liver” drug. And since with any exacerbation we are always talking about intoxication, for which the liver is mainly “responsible”, its inclusion in the Antigrippin complex is also natural.

So what if we're talking about just about an increase in temperature, Aconite alone is enough, but since the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and influenza are more complex, it is better to use this particular complex - Antigrippin.

We have already talked several times about diseases, calling them “acute respiratory infections” and “flu-like”. This may not be very correct, but it is practically quite understandable, and it has a homeopathic meaning. Temperature crises in both cases are similar. The scheme for using homeopathy is the same. Therefore, here it is not so important for the patient to clarify the form of his disease as the cure is important. Moreover, identifying an infection, let alone its “recognition” as an active virus, takes time, and before that, even if there is a suspicion of influenza, the diagnosis will be acute respiratory infection.

However, let's repeat it again. Homeopathic triad, or Antigrippin, completely blocks and relieves a severe temperature crisis, regardless of its etiology, be it acute respiratory infections, influenza or various shapes virus. So the identification of “active infection” should be left to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health. You and I need:
Dynamize 6 peas of Antigrippin per 100 g of water, stirring it 50 times clockwise and 50 times counterclockwise. Dissolution of the remaining sugar grains should not be expected, since this is not a process of preparing sweet tea, but a process of dynamization of the homeopathic medicine, in which the homeopathic medicine located in the grains transfers its medicinal properties to the water. Patients very often say that, without knowing this, they believed that the peas needed to be completely dissolved. In general, this does not cause much damage to the effect of the drug, but it does not improve it. So 50 times clockwise, 50 times back - this is a completely necessary and sufficient procedure for dynamizing the preparation into water.

Reception regimen: Take a teaspoon every 20 minutes until the temperature drops. As we have already said, the speed of relieving a temperature crisis depends on the person’s immunity. For children you will need no more than an hour. For adults - maybe an hour. Unless we are talking about the patient having chronic diseases. Here, the crisis can drag on for 2-3 hours; moreover, after some time a re-exacerbation may occur. These “temperature jumps” are fully justified by immune depression in chronic diseases, the mechanism of which we are not able to discuss in detail here. The main thing: you shouldn’t be afraid of this, you just need to repeat taking Antigrippin.

We have reviewed the composition of Antigrippin. For homeotherapy, it is extremely important that the patient is familiar with the action of the drug, then his “inner strength” helps the action of the homeopathic drug. However, there is another “subtlety”. During epidemics of influenza and colds, when you arrive at a homeopathic pharmacy, you may not find Antigrippin in it, but at least“exactly today” when you desperately need it. There is no need to be upset here: 2 peas of Aconite + 2 peas of Belladonna + 2 peas of Bryonia per 100 g of water will give you exactly the same pattern of action. It’s just that in this case you will create the homeopathic complex Antigrippin, or the triad, yourself. Although, of course, it is always better to have Antigrippin in home medicine cabinet, since it relieves well any severe conditions: overheating in the sun, allergic exacerbations, conditions accompanying insect bites.

After the temperature is removed, the phase of recovery from the disease begins. Here, as a rule, there is a relief of the patient’s condition and a certain reassurance to those around him. However, for a homeopathic doctor, this is where the “real work” begins. ".ANTIGRIPPIN REMOVE TEMPERATURE, RELIEF INFLAMMATION

Nikitin S.A. Home homeopathic first aid kit


  • "Number of Peas"
  • Home testing
  • Selection of dilutions
  • Subacute conditions
  • Acute conditions
  • Repeat courses
  • Importance of drugs
  • Agaricus muscarius ***
  • Aconitum napellus ***
  • Actea racemosa**
  • Aloe
  • Alumina
  • Anacardium orientale**
  • Antimonium crudum
  • Apis mellifica ***
  • Argentum nitricum ***
  • Arnica ***
  • Arsenicum album ***
  • Arum triphyllum
  • Aurum ***
  • Baptisia tinctoria
  • Barita carbonica**
  • Belladonna**
  • Berberis vulgaris**
  • Borax
  • Bromum
  • Bryonia alba**
  • Veratrum album**
  • Hamamelis virginica
  • Gelsemium sempervirens
  • Gepar sulfur ***
  • Glonoin ***
  • Graphite**
  • Digitalis purpurea**
  • Drosera rotundifolia**
  • Dulcamara**
  • Ignacy Amara**
  • Iodum
  • Ipecac ***
  • Cactus grandiflorus**
  • Calcarea carbonica**
  • Calcarea fluorica**
  • Calcarea phosphorica**
  • Cantharis**
  • Carbo vegetabilis ***
  • Cuprum ***
  • Kali bichromicum**

A runny nose is a common problem that, if left untreated, can lead to serious adverse consequences in the form of chronic diseases, inflammations paranasal sinuses nose Among the many modern medical supplies In the fight against disease, a special place is given to homeopathic medicines. Common homeopathy for a runny nose is aimed at activating metabolic processes in the nasopharynx, regeneration of damaged tissues, promotes recovery.

The complex effect of homeopathic remedies on the body is manifested by:

  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating;
  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Homeopathic remedies do not cause irritation or a feeling of dryness, help get rid of nasal discharge, restore breathing and smell function, relieve cough, and treat the disease. The composition of the drugs includes only natural ingredients that don't give allergic reactions and don't call side effects. Therefore, they are often used for colds in children and pregnant women. IN initial stages homeopaths prescribe treatment for diseases according to the following scheme: for 2 hours every 15 minutes, according to an individually selected dosage depending on the causes, symptoms and characteristics of the body.

Classification of funds

Experts distinguish between types of medications:

  1. Facilities local application. The action occurs directly at the injection site - these are sprays and nasal drops.
  2. Medicines for systemic use. They exert their effect after penetrating through the digestive system into the bloodstream - these are tablets.
  3. Dosage forms designed to get rid of allergic rhinitis.
  4. Remedies used for colds and runny nose complex therapy.

Homeopathy against runny nose

The group of drugs includes medications, which include essential oils. They have a therapeutic and antiseptic effect. For greater effectiveness in treatment, tablets and drops are used simultaneously.

Tablet forms of such drugs:

  1. “Corisalia” is an effective remedy for colds in adults and children; the duration of treatment should not exceed five days.
  2. "Sinupret" - the drug relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, eliminates nasal congestion, brings it back to normal in case of viscous secretion, eliminates cough, has an immunomodulatory effect in case of colds. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age and breastfeeding mothers. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.
  3. "Cinnabsin" - a remedy for sinusitis in acute and chronic form, frontal sinusitis, to prevent relapses and exacerbation of the disease, in order to strengthen the immune system. Admission is limited to children under three years of age and pregnant women. The treatment period is 10 – 14 days.
  4. "Oscillococcinum" - the product is produced in the form of dragees white, used on different stages illnesses (acute respiratory infections, cough, flu), for prevention.

Local acting drugs

  1. “EDAS-131” is well tolerated by children and adults, helps reduce inflammation of the nasal cavity during colds, prevents repeated relapses, normalizes the condition immune system, actively fights against any type of runny nose.
  2. “Delufen” is a non-addictive spray used in adults and children for sinusitis and rhinitis of bacterial, viral and vasomotor origin.
  3. "Larinol" - bee powder royal jelly, drone larvae, calamus rhizomes. Indicated as part of the treatment of laryngitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis.
  4. "Euphorbium Compositum" is a nasal spray with a dosing device, a complex homeopathic remedy based on minerals and herbal remedies, used to treat rhinitis, otitis, eustachitis and sinusitis. It has a moisturizing effect on the mucous membrane, an anti-inflammatory effect, and restores the mucous membrane in case of drug-induced rhinitis.

Homeopathic remedy for runny nose allergic origin: Rhinital tablets; "Luffel" comes in spray and sublingual tablet form.

Common, widely used drugs

"Sabodilla" - used to treat rhinitis of various etiologies and pain in the forehead area.

"Euphrasia" is a medicine that treats nasal discharge.

"Allium sulfur" - effective drug V acute period runny nose, which is accompanied heavy discharge from the nose and sneezing.

"Stikta" - used for diseases with difficult to separate mucus, fights the feeling of gagging and nasal congestion, eliminates cough.

"Aconite" - the drug is prescribed for colds with fever. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the effect of the medication is observed within a few days.

"Allium cepa" - a homeopathic remedy is prescribed for a runny nose with copious mucous discharge.

"Arsenicum album" - indications for use this tool serve rhinitis, cough, acute respiratory infections.

"Arum triphyllum" - healing effect renders with chronic runny nose, sinusitis, in the composition complex treatment and only after examination by a doctor.

To the group of homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of runny nose complex therapy, as well as with for preventive purposes in adults and children include:

  1. "Aflubin"
  2. "Anaferon"
  3. "Influcid".

Drugs for quick recovery

Many who recognize homeopathy always have a set of three in their medicine cabinet. irreplaceable means: “Traumel S”, “Lymphomyosot” and “Engystol”.

  • "Traumeel S" - remedy broad action on inflammatory process different localization. Usage this drug in treatment helps to increase the recovery rate without the use of antibiotics. The medicine contains two echinacea different types(narrow-leaved and purple), which contributes to a strong immunomodulatory effect. It is used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, flu and treatment of: otitis media, tonsillitis, rhinovirus pathology, cough, sinusitis. The solution (ampoules), tablets and ointments are produced.
  • "Lymphomyosot" is a complex, sought-after drug that has effective immunomodulatory, lymphatic drainage and detoxification effects. The remedy is used in case of acute and chronic diseases respiratory system: tonsil hypertrophy, cough, rhinitis, catarrhal sore throat, tonsillitis. It is produced in ampoules for injections and in drops that are prescribed under the tongue.
  • "Engistol" is a drug that has a direct immunomodulatory, antiviral and detoxifying effect. All components of this drug are capable of increasing the body’s defenses against acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis, cough), otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngitis, and stimulate the body to self-cleanse. Available in tablet form and solution.

You can recover quickly using this recipe: medicine is taken into a syringe from three different ampoules (Lymphomyosot, Traumeel S, Engistol), shaken well and injected intramuscularly. One or two such injections are enough to cure cough and acute rhinovirus pathology. If it is not possible to give an injection, it is permissible to use such a composition as a drink or in the form of tablets, according to the age-specific dosage.

Complexes of drugs can be taken to prevent colds once a day. All homeopathic medicines for a runny nose are prescribed in ultra-small doses. Their appointment is carried out an experienced doctor homeopath individually for each patient. Treatment lasts longer than traditional medications, but there are no side effects.

During a flu epidemic, HOMEOPATHY is very helpful!

Millions of people around the world trust homeopathy, turning to a homeopathic doctor when they feel sick or sick, rather than going to a regular hospital. There is nothing strange about this, homeopathic remedies:

  • Dont Have side effects,
  • provide gentle treatment without harm to the body,
  • are a powerful prevention of viral infections,
  • strengthen the immune system

Numerous studies and case studies have confirmed the competence of homeopathy and the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. The absence of contraindications and side effects makes them universal safe medicine, applicable to everyone - ADULTS AND CHILDREN.


An ordinary medicine either suppresses or stimulates some process. Homeopathic medicineregulates. And the most interesting thing that regulates the processes is the ORGANISM ITSELF.

Homeopathic medicine gives an impulse, that is, it activates natural forces ORGANISM to self-healing. Thus, HOMEOPATHY helps the body COPE WITH THE DISEASE ITSELF.

In homeopathy, the basic principle of medicine is fully realized - to treat the patient, not the disease..


Homeopaths cure colds and associated symptoms - runny nose, cough, general weak condition. With the help of anti-cold homeopathic remedies and their reasonable combination High temperature and febrile conditions are relieved.

Treatment with homeopathy is as gentle and harmless as possible. It corresponds to the main principle of medicine - don’t lie. Rest assured, day by day you will feel better until the disease completely disappears. And this is without harming your health!

HomeIt is important to follow the dosage and regimen prescribed by the doctor.


As in traditional medicine, self-medication is strictly not recommended. Only qualified specialist will be able to correctly select a homeopathic remedy based on the symptoms, characteristics of the body and the age of the patient.
Dr.Kramar clinic has a higher medical education and has perfect knowledge about medicines. Thanks to his extensive experience and knowledge, he successfully treats not only adult patients, but also children.


So what other homeopathic remedies can help with colds and flu?

ACONITUM (acon) – suitable for rapid development illnesses due to exposure to cold and dry air.
Symptoms: severe sneezing, fever, anxiety, severe fear.

GELSEMIUM (gels) - at slow development diseases.
Symptoms: fatigue, weakness, heaviness of the eyelids, chills along the spine, headache, distant look, apathy, lack of thirst.

Symptoms: incessant watery snot, red nose, and because of the discharge the edges of the nostrils and lips burn, a feeling that the eyes and throat are a little itchy, frequent sneezing.

Symptoms: slight discharge from the nose - it is clogged, burning in the nostrils, weakness, thirst for water in small quantities, anxiety, nervousness, cold. At night, between 22:00 and 2:00, the symptoms intensify.

BELLADONNA (bell) – corresponds fast development of the disease.
Symptoms: swollen, painful and hot nose, the face is red and hot, dry skin, great sensitivity to noise, high temperature and thirst.

BRYONIA(bry) corresponds slow development of the disease.
Symptoms: frequent sneezing, red eyes, a lot watery snot, dry mouth, desire to drink a lot cold water, a feeling of internal coldness, pain in the chest, which intensifies from movement or a deep sigh, you want to be left alone in complete peace.

CHAMOMILLA (cham) – mostly suitable children.
Symptoms: temperature, anxiety, goose pimples, thirst, grumpiness.

Symptoms: a little discharge from the nose, watery eyes, sensitivity in the eyes, a lot of discharge at night and when lying down, cough stronger during the day, weaker at night.

HEPAR SULPH (hepa) – corresponds rapid development illness caused by exposure to cold and dry air.
Symptoms: colds develop from the throat to the ears. During swallowing, pain is felt in the ears too. The throat hurts, as if there was a bone stuck in it. Additional symptoms: phlegm in the throat becomes thick and foul-smelling, the nose is red and painful, severe sensitivity when touched. Internal feeling of coldness, accompanied by sweating.

Symptoms: frequent sneezing, runny nose during the day, and at night the nose can become clogged, a feeling of internal coldness that is not easy to reduce, anxiety, problems with digesting food, heartburn, severe nervousness when waking up, symptoms worsen at home, when getting out of bed, and weaken on the street.

Symptoms: dry coughing, with tingling, and talking worsens the condition, a high temperature that is not felt outside, a feeling of internal coldness, a desire to drink cold drinks, which, when heated in the stomach, can cause vomiting.

Symptoms: discharge into large quantities, which change throughout the day and throughout the illness, both in color and consistency: transparent, green, thick, liquid, feeling of internal cold, don’t want to drink, sensitivity, sadness (sadness), desire to cry, want the sympathy of loved ones and be hugged. The symptoms are worse in a warm and crowded room, morning and evening, after fatty meals. Symptoms are better by standing, in a cool room or outdoors, and by cold food and drink.

RHUS TOX (rhus)
Symptoms: restlessness and nervousness, muscle pain, feeling of stiffness, hard to find comfortable position, a feeling of internal coldness, which is aggravated by cold and damp air and relieved by compresses.

SPONGIA (spon)
Symptoms: severe and dry cough, severe sensitivity in the throat, hoarseness, cough worsens at night, when swallowing and talking. Warm drinks may improve the situation.


Few people know that when selecting homeopathic remedies, in addition to symptoms, great value has a person’s psycho-emotional state, especially for children. The homeopath’s task is to choose the most optimal one from these 14 drugs. And only by collecting all the factors together, the homeopathic doctor will prescribe the correct combination of drugs and their dosage.


The cost of an appointment with a detailed consultation and prescription of a treatment regimen is 4,000 rubles.


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