Frequent breathing in dogs. What to do when your dog is breathing heavily and frequently. Is it dangerous

A healthy dog ​​breathes heavily, often sticking out its tongue, simply because it does not have sweat glands, and it normalizes its heat exchange and cools itself in this way. After active walks, games with the owner or other animals, this happens all the time.

If a dog is in an unfamiliar place for the first time, among unfamiliar people, at an appointment with a veterinarian, surrounded by other animals, then it will be restless, trembling, and breathing heavily, which is also not a pathology. Calm your pet, show that you are nearby, that you are with him. Sometimes dogs can begin to behave restlessly at night, breathing heavily, whining, wheezing. Don't worry, your pet just had a bad dream, who doesn't?..

Sometimes the dog breathes heavily when at rest, sometimes intermittently or at regular intervals. Difficulty breathing may be accompanied by other alarming symptoms: fainting, attacks of suffocation, or pain in different parts of the body. Cases that require increased attention from the dog owner:

  • the dog has overheated, suffered a heatstroke, in this case it is looking for shade, drinking a lot, the animal may be disoriented;
  • the pregnant female begins to breathe heavily, behaves restlessly before labor begins, whines, tries to get up;
  • the cause may be mechanical damage to the chest caused by a blow or in a fight with other dogs; bruises and bruises are sometimes observed on the body;
  • after surgery or an illness, the dog may breathe heavily, with its mouth open, which in some cases indicates complications or a deterioration in the animal’s condition;
  • a heart attack can cause an animal, especially an old one, to stand up, fall, lose consciousness, wheeze, turn blue, asphyxia;
  • during childbirth, the bitch trembles, breathes heavily, with her stomach, especially if the puppies that appear are stillborn, indicates that she cannot give birth on her own;
  • after giving birth, a nursing bitch, especially with numerous offspring, breathes heavily, gets up, tries to leave, her coordination is impaired, the cause is eclampsia;
  • the dog is trembling, shaking, does not allow touching the stomach - the cause may be an expansion of the stomach, its torsion;
  • with asthma, bronchitis, the dog breathes heavily, coughs, suffocates;
  • polyps, a tumor in the nose or nasopharynx also causes difficulty breathing and develops gradually over a period of time.

Help your pet

What to do in these cases? How to help your pet? You need to clearly distinguish when you can handle it yourself, and when the help of a veterinarian is vital for your dog.

If the dog is overheated, then take it to a cool place, put a cold compress, wipe it with cold water, do not limit its drinking, do not force it to eat, it will recover in a few hours. On the eve of giving birth, calm the bitch down, pet her, find a comfortable place for her, but if problems start during the birth process, then immediately, with extreme caution, take her to the doctor.

A visit to the veterinarian is also indicated for problems with lactation, especially with numerous offspring and accompanying symptoms of glucose and calcium deficiency. If your old man has a heart attack, carefully wrap him up, apply heat to his paws, inject him with a heart medication, do not move the animal and urgently call a specialist. Problems with the respiratory system or gastrointestinal tract will also not be solved without a visit to the veterinary clinic or calling a veterinarian to your home.

Be attentive to your animal, pay attention to changes in its behavior, mood and well-being. Symptoms as harmless as rapid, difficult breathing can sometimes be an indicator of very serious illness in your pet. Don't hesitate to visit the veterinarian or call a doctor. It is in your power to prevent a tragic end to your pet’s life. We are responsible for those who love us so devotedly and selflessly.



Dogs do not have sweat glands; they cool themselves by breathing. The higher the temperature, the more intensively their air conditioner works. Look for a cooler place. The nose is usually warm and dry when sleeping.


so it's breathing from the heat, try slightly moistening the wool. and vaccinations should have already been done without them it’s dangerous to take them outside

No data

Well, as far as I understand, his heartbeat is several times higher than yours, and his lung capacity is much smaller, I’m certainly not a philologist, but this is obvious... and his nose is warm because he’s sleeping))) - they all have it like that ...)))


squeak in PM! I'll help you as a veterinarian!

people, help! My puppy, when he sleeps heavily and breathes quickly, is this normal? Or what is it? (Labrador


Marina Kutsenko

Dogs also twitch their paws in their sleep, as if they are being rude. They also chew and smack funny. They dream. And if this really bothers you, then go to a veterinary hospital. They will answer you there. (Veterinarians are often much more attentive than human doctors). Good luck in the difficult, but amazing and rewarding task of raising a dog!

Crazy angel

If your home is hot, or warm enough, then this is normal... Maybe he was dreaming about something. If something was bothering him, he would let you know...

Irina Irochka

I'm dreaming about something...


First, take the temperature, it is also possible that he is feeling hot (unless, of course, he has lost his appetite and activity). If there are other problems, the heart may be...

Mikhail Strakhov

sleeps and especially breathes - it’s good, it stops - it’s bad

he's probably hot

Sonya Nazarova

probably the baby was scared of something... this usually happens... maybe something unusual happened in his life and he sees it in a dream

Why does a dog breathe frequently and shudder constantly in its sleep?!.. sometimes with sound.



I have dreams about running after a cat or from a pack of dogs)))


sees dreams


I once had a dog, a boxer. But what bothered me was not that she shudders in her sleep and breathes quickly, but that the dog farted quite loudly and smellily. For this I beat him with a slipper, but he still farted and mocked me, the brute!

Little fox

she is dreaming)))

Ours does it too)
sometimes even in a dream he seems to be running somewhere) probably after cats))

Went to a monastery:3

Because she dreams. For example, delicious food Chappi - dog food hearty meat lunch (meat abundance)

Anton Kalashnikov

I'm dreaming about something scary.

Irina Merezhko

I'm dreaming about something.

mademoiselle danielle

Yes, she is dreaming about something. Either he is running somewhere, or he is seeing something from what he recently experienced.

Alexandra Tyulikhova

Of course I’m dreaming) there’s my one, he’ll growl in his sleep, then whine))) all dogs do this))) they’re still alive))))


She must be dreaming about something. mine does this too in my sleep))))

So why

This is his friend, ask him what’s bothering him.


She's dreaming about something)

We adopted a kitten today, it’s active, plays, etc. But in his sleep he breathes often, goes limp and his eyes roll back. If you wake up, it's fine.



“But in his sleep he breathes often, goes limp and his eyes roll back.”
Why are you disturbing the kitten's sleep? During REM sleep, you behave the same way. .
and cats move their eyes in their sleep - and when they are woken up, they really don’t like it. phase
in humans:
REM sleep phases make up 20-25% of night sleep, about 90-120 minutes, one phase lasts 10-20 minutes and alternates with a slow-wave sleep phase. During REM sleep, larger muscle groups are relaxed and brain activity is activated. In this phase, intense, with increasing amplitude, movement of the eyeballs is observed.

Dmitry Shekhovtsov

Do not worry. You sleep about the same, he also dreams.

Olechka Dunaeva

Maybe I'm dreaming about something. Animals can be very restless in their sleep. In my dreams, my dog ​​sometimes moves his paws at breakneck speed, as if he’s catching up with someone, shudders, whines and barks!)

Count de Wall

Look at yourself while you sleep!
Stop terrorizing the kitten.

Smith JJ

Maybe it's just hot. The main thing is that after sleep he runs and frolics!

"darth SION"



cats all sleep like that. It's even funny to watch :)

Peter Vodkin

Just a little one. And then don’t forget that they also have different dreams.

Alexey Basalaev

He sees his mother in a dream

Alexey Korenkov

Everything is fine. . I have had a cat since childhood and still sleeps like this. . Sometimes you pick it up and it feels like there are no bones. . And everything will wake up fine. . Even funny. .))

Natalya Yabloshevskaya

Probably just a baby! Gets tired!


He's the one who's being so crazy.

Elizaveta Parshina

call the vet clinic and ask)
they'll tell you for sure)

Anka Denisova

since the kitten is still small, it means that most of the time a day it acquires new information and learns a lot of new things. This means his dreams will be rich!
When you have had a busy, impressionable day, you also sleep restlessly)

Why do dogs pant frequently?



Why do dogs pant frequently? When people are hot, millions of tiny sweat glands deep in their skin produce sweat, which evaporates into the air and thus cools the skin. However, dogs have very few sweat glands. Therefore, in order to cool down, they breathe very quickly - this produces a similar effect. Rapid breathing creates a strong flow of air, which removes moisture from the dog's lungs and mouth. Evaporating moisture carries away some of the dog's body heat. Like a sweating person, a fast-breathing dog usually needs to drink water to maintain proper fluid levels and support cooling processes in hot weather.


Olga Zayarnova

Hot, stress, pain

Crazy angel

Because they're hot...


their heart beats twice as fast


They breathe frequently when they are hot. They do not have glands for sweating. Cooled through the tongue.


hot, stress, fear


In principle, their breathing rate is quite high. And the heart rate is higher.. and the temperature.. and it’s hot in their houses.

Shortness of breath is a breathing disorder and a physiological reaction to oxygen starvation of the body, manifested by frequent, compressed, jerky breaths with an open mouth. A dog's breathing with its mouth open may have understandable reasons that do not threaten the life and health of the pet. Severe shortness of breath in a dog, which is pathological in nature, is a consequence of the disease and an accompanying syndrome.

Important! All diseases that cause severe shortness of breath cannot be diagnosed, much less cured, exclusively at home. If you notice any alarming symptoms, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

In a global sense, the causes of shortness of breath in dogs can be divided into several groups.

Respiratory– diseases, injuries, infections, disruption of internal organs. Necessary: ​​first aid, symptomatic relief, oxygen therapy, extensive treatment.

Pathology of the central nervous system– disruption of brain function, hematomas, cysts, tumors, electrical injuries. A reliable method of diagnosis is MRI, in the absence of equipment, an algorithm, as in the case of cardiogenic nature.

Metabolic disorders– toxins that are not removed from the body have a detrimental effect on the circulatory system (diabetes), the genitourinary system (toxicosis due to renal failure), and the liver (insufficient purification and enrichment of the blood). Special risk group, complications after piroplasmosis. It is necessary to do blood and urine tests, ultrasound, and liver tests.

Read also: Paralysis in dogs: causes, treatment and prevention

Physiological– obesity, low endurance due to violation of maintenance standards.

Shortness of breath after childbirth, the phenomenon is acceptable, but it should not be accompanied by fever, postpartum blood loss, vomiting, or loss of coordination. If the birth was difficult and shortness of breath persists for more than a day, consult a doctor immediately. If left untreated, all causes of chronic postpartum dyspnea lead to death.

Anemia– oxygen starvation of all tissues due to an insufficient number of red blood cells (), shortness of breath is observed when the dog is at rest. Treatment includes adjusting the diet, identifying metabolic abnormalities, and a therapeutic course of vitamins and microelements.

– danger, fight, threat to the life of the owner is accompanied by the production of stimulating hormones. Frequent open-mouth breathing stimulates the heart muscle and blood flow rate. Severe stress should not be taken lightly; the dog must be reassured, isolated in a cool room, kept close at all times, rhythmically stroking the chest, and wiped with a dry towel if the fur feels damp to the touch.

If the cause of shortness of breath is stress, the dog should not be forced down, forced to drink or eat. Refusal to lie down may be due to the lungs being overfilled with oxygen; putting the animal down forcibly can provoke rupture of the lung tissue. Even if the dog is very hot and refuses to drink, do not insist; a sharp contrast in the temperature of the water and internal organs can cause collapse of the lungs, the development of pneumonia, and edema.

Important! The development of secondary symptoms - cyanosis, fainting, loss of coordination, pain, aggression, coughing, wheezing, vomiting, spitting blood - require immediate veterinary intervention, including surgery.

Read also: Patella - displacement of the kneecap in dogs

Pekingese, pugs, bulldogs, and sometimes Shar-Peis breathe with their mouths open when walking and even while sleeping. The deviation has no pathological basis and is associated with an initially defective structure of the nasopharynx. Breeds with flat noses not only experience shortness of breath, but also snore. Naturally, treatment in this case is not required, however, close monitoring of the dog’s health is important. An upturned nose and a runny nose are exactly the case when a harmless cold turns into serious breathing problems.

Types of shortness of breath in dogs

A dog that has undergone severe physical exertion opens its mouth to quickly recuperate. After a walk, where the pet ran for fetch and played with other animals, fatigue and mouth breathing are absolutely normal. Shortness of breath in a dog in a calm state is an alarming symptom; the first thing you need to pay attention to is the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

  • Expiration– short inhalation and heavy, drawn-out exhalation, often incomplete. Wheezing and wheezing may occur. Indicates a narrowing of the lower bronchi, possible causes are asthma, bronchitis.
  • Inspiration– a sharp short or heavy drawn-out breath. Possible causes are swelling of the respiratory tract, including the lungs, trauma, or entry into a foreign object.
  • Mixed type– acute condition, inhalation and exhalation are difficult, attempts to breathe are accompanied by strangled sounds, spasms, and coughing. Possible causes are acute inflammatory process, pulmonary edema, progressive pneumonia.

In a calm state, the dog breathes quietly through its nose. Breathing forcefully through the mouth while running or in hot weather allows the dog to remove excess heat through the lungs.

In a calm state, a dog’s deep, convulsive breathing indicates the presence of some problems in the animal’s body. Why is the dog breathing heavily?

Causes of heavy breathing

Heavy breathing in a dog can occur for many reasons:

  • She could overheat and even get heatstroke
  • The dog may be nervous, for example in an unfamiliar place, in transport, at an appointment at a veterinary hospital
  • Mechanical damage is also possible: injury or bruise to the chest in an accident, fall or as a result of a fight
  • In an overheated or older animal, panting may be associated with an incipient heart attack.
  • A pregnant bitch may begin to breathe heavily and rapidly before labor begins. This can also happen during lactation, when the mother suckles the puppies heavily.
  • Heavy breathing can also be associated with the following critical situations: - airway obstruction and pulmonary edema; - gastric dilatation and torsion; - with a lot of puppies.

Associated symptoms

If a dog is overheated, it will look for a cool place, drink a lot and refuse to eat. In the case of a chest injury, you may notice bruising or the dog will be weak and whine in pain when the chest is touched. If your dog is having a heart attack, he may panic. If the animal has dilation and torsion of the stomach, it will experience pain in the abdominal cavity.

With obstruction of the respiratory tract, the dog coughs, takes a forced pose with its elbows apart, and its mucous membranes turn blue. If the cause is eclampsia associated with lactation, then the bitch can leave the puppies and hide from the light. She may experience convulsions and clumsiness in movements. This is due to a sharp drop in glucose or calcium in the body.

What to do if your dog is breathing heavily?

  1. If, along with heavy breathing, the dog has other alarming symptoms: it is restless or too lethargic, whining in pain, it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian at home or very carefully transport the dog to.
  2. If a dog had a difficult birth and, moreover, stillborn puppies, the reason for the deterioration of its condition may be that it did not give birth to all the puppies. An urgent operation is needed to rid the bitch of intoxication in the body. In many cases, delay can cause collapse, which will lead to the death of the dog.
  3. If there are no other symptoms, but the dog is breathing heavily in unnatural situations, you need to conduct a cardiac examination (ECG for large breeds and cardiac ECHO for small breeds). This will help rule out or identify heart problems that may be causing shortness of breath.
  4. It is also advisable to take an X-ray in frontal and lateral projection in order to exclude or identify problems of metastasis, respiratory nature and, additionally, the heart.

Is your pet breathing frequently? This can be either a normal physiological phenomenon or a symptom of illness and health-threatening conditions. When should you worry and take action? Let's get a look.

Your dog is a member of the family, everyone’s favorite. Therefore, you must know and be able to assess the health status of your pet.

The first thing you should pay attention to is how your dog breathes. In a calm environment for a dog, the animal breathes with its mouth closed, without any noise. However, due to the structure of their muzzle, some dogs may wheeze when breathing, or even “grunt” while sleeping. These are, for example, pugs.

Rapid breathing in dogs can be a sign of illness.

The normal breathing rate for a healthy dog ​​at rest is 10-30 breaths per minute. But this frequency is arbitrary. It depends on the size of the dog and its age:

  • Small breeds – 15-30 per minute
  • Large breeds – 10-20 per minute

Dogs such as the Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, and other “huge” breeds have the following breathing rate: 8-20 breaths per minute.

Important! Puppies breathe more frequently than adult dogs. Bitches also breathe more frequently. Breathing depends on the position the dog takes while resting.

Physiological increase in breathing in dogs

A dog's breathing is affected by many external factors. For example, heat. Under such conditions, the number of breaths can reach 160 beats per minute. Especially after active games, during physical activity.

A dog's breathing is affected by many factors, such as active play.

When restless or excited, the dog's breathing becomes faster. Breathing status is also affected by time. At night the dog breathes less frequently.

The character of the animal matters. Restless dogs with a mobile nervous system breathe more often.

Note! It's normal for a dog to have rapid breathing after giving birth! The bitch's uterus contracts and milk begins to secrete. In this case, the dog does not show symptoms of the disease

Rapid breathing in a dog as a symptom of illness

Breathing disorder in dogs has a variety of causes, ranging from infection to heart disease.

The main causes of tachypnea (rapid breathing) in dogs:

  1. Infections that can lead to complications such as pneumonia
  2. Foreign body obstructing the airway
  3. Heart failure
  4. Inflammation of the nose, larynx, trachea
  5. Bronchitis, blood clots, cancer
  6. Trauma, diabetes and other causes

Rapid breathing in a dog can be a result of serious illnesses.

Symptoms to watch out for

If your dog's rapid breathing is caused by illness, you may notice a change in the animal's behavior. The dog trembles, feels weak, and lies down all the time. In addition, you may notice the following signs:

  • Wheezing, restlessness, trembling
  • Cough, shortness of breath
  • Bluish discoloration of gums
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting, diarrhea

Important! If your dog has great difficulty inhaling and exhaling, this is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of rapid breathing in a dog

First you need to exclude external factors: stress, heat, anxiety. After this, take the animal to the clinic. It is important to create peace and comfort for the dog. But don't overdo it! Do not try to force water on an animal, it can be dangerous. You wish him well, but a sick and frightened dog can behave unexpectedly.

At the veterinarian

If a dog has difficulty breathing, then the main task is to supply oxygen. This is done using an oxygen mask or placing the animal in an oxygen chamber. At the same time, the veterinarian will begin an examination - listen to the heart, measure the pulse.

To identify the causes, the veterinarian conducts a series of studies.

To identify the cause, use:

  • X-ray (exclusion of a foreign body in the respiratory tract and tumor)
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • A general and biochemical blood test is required

Therapeutic techniques

Further treatment for the dog depends on the identified cause of the rapid breathing. In severe cases, the dog is hospitalized. Sedatives are prescribed, and diuretics can be used to relieve pulmonary edema.

Oxygen therapy has a good effect. If infection occurs, antibiotics are prescribed.

Infusion therapy is indicated for dehydration and systemic diseases.

Home care

The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of your doctor.

  1. Give your animal medications on time. Do not self-medicate, do not introduce new medications that have not been prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Make sure your dog always has water in his bowl
  3. Take your dog for checkups more often
  4. Provide your pet with peace and cool air in the room

After recovery, be sure to take longer walks with your pet.