The cat's stomach is full of fur, what should I do? How to remove fur from a cat's stomach at home. Effective paste for removing wool mats

Absolutely all cats are able to take care of themselves by licking their fur. This leads to the fact that the hairs enter the stomach in the form of lumps. Accordingly, it becomes polluted. You should consider in detail the question of how to remove hair from a cat’s stomach.


Pet care

Cats require constant cleaning of their stomachs from accumulated fur. This is especially true for long-haired four-legged pets. Their excessive independence leads to such a need, which manifests itself in the fact that they constantly lick themselves.

The owner will need to carry out special procedures and purchase appropriate products to help their pet get rid of hairballs at home.

What is the danger?

Many owners have a question about what danger hairs caught in the cat’s stomach pose to the cat’s body.

You should understand why the wool removal procedure is so important:

  1. Hairs entering the stomach bring with them a feeling of fullness. The cat loses his appetite, he begins to approach the bowl of food less often. And if it does, it won’t be for long, since the stomach is already full.
  2. The accumulation of hairs leads to complications in digestion. Excessive hair clogs the intestines, making them obstructed.
  3. Hairs that accumulate behind the fangs can eventually grow into the gums. This leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

How to get rid of hair

Cats that have a caring owner have nothing to fear. You should understand that you need to provide assistance to your pet and carry out hair removal procedures regularly. To do this, you can resort to some fairly popular methods.

Natural food

When living in a private house, the cat can freely walk around the yard. As noted, many pets are able to feel that ordinary green grass will help them get rid of hair. After the animal eats it, vomiting will begin. And it is at this time that the hairs, along with mucus and grass, will come out of the cat’s body.

Purchasing special feed

Many companies specializing in the production of food for four-legged residents produce special lines. They help to establish the procedure for removing hair from the stomach. This is due to the fact that the feed is impregnated with special plant fibers and oils. These substances help remove hairs in feces.

Such food should most often be given to pets during the molting period. You can choose products based on your cat’s taste preferences. It is worth understanding that it will be difficult to make a choice the first time, since not all products may appeal to your four-legged friend.


The procedure for removing hair from the stomach may be based on taking a special mineral complex. It includes plant extracts. They help cleanse the stomach of unnecessary hairs.

Among the extracted plants, the roots of licorice, plantain, and yarrow should be highlighted. The complex can also be made on the basis of violet and centaury. You cannot feed phytomines to an animal that is not yet 8 months old. For older pets, tablets should be given 2 times a week, 2 pieces.

Using the paste

Cliny paste can be used to remove hair. It contains vegetable oils. In addition, the paste includes a huge number of ballast elements. They have a pleasant smell and help improve digestion. Before feeding, the paste should be mixed with the regular food that you give your pet regularly.

It is best to give this hair remover during the shedding period. Basically, all cats without exception like Cliny paste. “Malt-paste” has also proven itself well.

Purchasing Special Herbs

Not only Cliny paste can be used to remove hair from the stomach. At the present stage, cleansing herbs are sold in specialized pharmacies. They just need to be sown in a pot and placed on the windowsill. You can choose a place where your cat likes to spend his time.

As soon as the sprouts hatch, the pet will begin to eat them. If he doesn’t pay attention to the plant, you can plant it next to the pot and show him the sprouts. After this, basically all pets begin to feast on cleaning products.

This herb is a natural product with which the procedure for removing hair from the stomach does not require your personal intervention. Sprouted sprouts can be fed to your pet, regardless of the time of year outside.

It should also be noted that the cleansing herb, like the paste, is rich in amino acids, minerals and B vitamins.

The video will show how cats eat grass.

Buying treats

Cleansing sweets are simple sticks. There is paste inside them. The taste of sweets may vary. Therefore, when purchasing, you should be guided by your pet’s taste preferences. Treats cannot replace vitamins and minerals. They act as a quality supplement to the main diet. They can be fed to picky eating animals.

Vaseline oils

At home, the procedure for removing hair from a pet’s body can be based on the use of petroleum jelly. This remedy is mainly used when the cat cannot go to the toilet “in a big way.” But you should not use a product to remove hair from the stomach. It is better to additionally consult a veterinarian.

You can purchase the substance at a veterinary pharmacy. It has a laxative effect, coats the intestinal walls and helps get rid of hairballs. The oil has the appearance of a clear, odorless liquid.

The product must be poured into the pet's mouth. This may require a syringe without a needle. A single dose includes 3-4 ml. In general, cats are not likely to like this withdrawal procedure. For this reason, an assistant may be required to hold the animal firmly.

Video “Wool removal”

How can you rid a cat of fur accumulated in its stomach? There are quite a lot of options. The main ones were discussed above. After watching the video, you will see how you can remove hair at home using Cliny paste.

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- There’s nowhere to go from your milk. There's milk in the washbasin.

- That's another thing. Now I’m going to get a second cow...

- How to wash?

- We need to get less dirty! And in general, some people wash themselves with their tongue.

"Three from Prostokvashino"

Cats are exceptionally neat and keep their coats clean without outside help. According to scientists, up to 30% of a cat's life is spent licking fur. During this hygienic procedure, the cat swallows some of the hairs, since these animals are physiologically unable to spit out.

Normally, hairs pass through the digestive tract and are excreted from the body in feces. But if there are too many hairs, they accumulate in the stomach, forming a lump. Sometimes owners see an animal burping on its own - such vomiting is not a pathology or a cause for concern; on the contrary, it brings relief to the animal.

But sometimes the digestive tract of a domestic cat, whose ancestors have lived next to humans for hundreds of years and fed on processed food, cannot cope with increased stress.

Particularly often, representatives of long-haired breeds suffer from problems with removing hairs that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. Also at risk are old and weakened cats, sedentary cats, those suffering from obesity, and metabolic diseases. During the period of rapid molting, problems can arise in completely healthy individuals. Therefore, every owner should know how to remove hair from a cat’s stomach.

What are the dangers of hairballs?

Hairs in the GI tract become a real health hazard when they form a clump that is too large to pass through the sphincters that lead from the esophagus to the stomach, and from the stomach to the intestines. In the language of professionals, such formations are called trichobezoars (hairballs in English). They threaten the cat with the following complications:

  1. Loss of appetite. A lump in the stomach gives a constant feeling of fullness; as a result, the pet is less likely to go to the bowl of food and does not receive enough nutrients.
  2. The normal digestive process is disrupted, trichobezoars irritate the mucous membrane, causing spasms and constipation.
  3. In rare cases, a trichobezoar can lead to obstruction in the small intestine.

When do you need help?

If your cat is restless, has lost interest in food, is plagued by a dry cough or vomiting, or has infrequent or painful bowel movements, trichobezoars may be the cause. Special products available in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies will help you remove them at home.

Preparations for removing fur from a cat’s stomach come in the following varieties:

  • specialized feed;
  • paste;
  • pills;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • grass.

Industrial feed

If the question arises for the first time about how to dissolve fur in a cat’s stomach, first of all you should pay attention to specialized food. Today, all top manufacturers offer special product lines for the removal of trichobezoars.

The most popular products in this category:

  • Eukanuba Adult Dry Cat Food Hairball Control;
  • Royal Canin Hairball Care;
  • Hill's Science Plan Feline Adult Hairball Control.

An animal accustomed to complete food eats such products voluntarily. In appearance and smell, they are no different from ordinary dry granules; wet options are also available for sale.

The peculiarity of such feeds is that they contain several types of insoluble fiber, prebiotics, flax and plantain seeds - all this improves the transit of wool through the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes the list of ingredients contains additives aimed at combating excessive shedding.

Another effective remedy for removing hair from a cat’s stomach is a paste. It is offered by the brands Gimpet, Cliny, Beaphar and others. The formula of these drugs is in many ways similar to that described above. It includes indigestible fiber, polyunsaturated oils, TGOS (transgalactooligosaccharides), psyllium seed powder, malt extract, combined in different variations.

The main difference from feed is the presence of glycerin and/or mineral oils (paraffin, petroleum jelly) in some pastes. The popular Cliny paste also contains silver ions, which have a pronounced disinfecting effect. What to choose depends on the individual characteristics of the cat. One may need gentle products based on malt extract, while the other will need a paste containing mineral oils.

If you have difficulty tolerating a particular drug, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. But, as a rule, if the instructions are strictly followed, paste-like products are quite effective and do not cause adverse reactions. You can offer pasta either in its pure form or with food. Manufacturers strive to make the taste of their products as attractive as possible to animals.

Tablet drugs

There are also tablets for cats against hair in the stomach. In Russian pet stores they are represented by the product of the “Fitomina” line from the manufacturer VEDA. It contains 12 plant extracts, natural minerals, L-carnitine, lecithin, taurine, sulfur.

Thanks to the multi-component formula, “Phytomins” not only promote the removal of trichobezoars, but also strengthen the health of the coat and prevent its excessive loss. In the foreign online store iHerb you can buy tablet drugs under the following brands:

  • Pet Naturals of Vermont - a natural product based on psyllium (psyllium husk), enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • Actipet - capsules for hairballs with the addition of psyllium seeds, papain, slippery elm and other natural ingredients.

Vaseline oil

For many owners, the solution to the problem of what to give a cat for fur in the stomach is ordinary petroleum jelly, which is sold in pharmacies. It has a laxative effect, promotes painless bowel movement and relieves constipation.

  • for a kitten - 1 teaspoon once;
  • for an adult - 1 tablespoon.

It is convenient to administer the product through an injection syringe with the needle removed. If the animal categorically disagrees with this method of treatment, it is better to back off and lubricate the cat’s paws with the drug, and she will gradually lick it off.


Experienced owners know that common grass helps cats remove hairballs from their stomach. While walking through the garden, the animal itself finds medicinal plants, eats them, after which the gag reflex quickly rids the cat of the “foreign body” in the stomach.

If you live in an apartment, you can purchase grass for cats at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It is sold both in finished form and in seed form. Just place the grass on the windowsill, and your pet will pay attention to the tasty and healthy treat.

What canned food tastes best for cats?

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Absolutely all cats are able to take care of themselves by licking their fur. This leads to the fact that the hairs enter the stomach in the form of lumps. Accordingly, it becomes polluted. You should consider in detail the question of how to remove hair from a cat’s stomach.


Pet care

Cats require constant cleaning of their stomachs from accumulated fur. This is especially true for long-haired four-legged pets. Their excessive independence leads to such a need, which manifests itself in the fact that they constantly lick themselves.

The owner will need to carry out special procedures and purchase appropriate products to help their pet get rid of hairballs at home.

What is the danger?

Many owners have a question about what danger hairs caught in the cat’s stomach pose to the cat’s body.

You should understand why the wool removal procedure is so important:

  1. Hairs entering the stomach bring with them a feeling of fullness. The cat loses his appetite, he begins to approach the bowl of food less often. And if it does, it won’t be for long, since the stomach is already full.
  2. The accumulation of hairs leads to complications in digestion. Excessive hair clogs the intestines, making them obstructed.
  3. Hairs that accumulate behind the fangs can eventually grow into the gums. This leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

How to get rid of hair

Cats that have a caring owner have nothing to fear. You should understand that you need to provide assistance to your pet and carry out hair removal procedures regularly. To do this, you can resort to some fairly popular methods.

Natural food

When living in a private house, the cat can freely walk around the yard. As noted, many pets are able to feel that ordinary green grass will help them get rid of hair. After the animal eats it, vomiting will begin. And it is at this time that the hairs, along with mucus and grass, will come out of the cat’s body.

Purchasing special feed

Many companies specializing in the production of food for four-legged residents produce special lines. They help to establish the procedure for removing hair from the stomach. This is due to the fact that the feed is impregnated with special plant fibers and oils. These substances help remove hairs in feces.

Such food should most often be given to pets during the molting period. You can choose products based on your cat’s taste preferences. It is worth understanding that it will be difficult to make a choice the first time, since not all products may appeal to your four-legged friend.


The procedure for removing hair from the stomach may be based on taking a special mineral complex. It includes plant extracts. They help cleanse the stomach of unnecessary hairs.

Among the extracted plants, the roots of licorice, plantain, and yarrow should be highlighted. The complex can also be made on the basis of violet and centaury. You cannot feed phytomines to an animal that is not yet 8 months old. For older pets, tablets should be given 2 times a week, 2 pieces.

Using the paste

Cliny paste can be used to remove hair. It contains vegetable oils. In addition, the paste includes a huge number of ballast elements. They have a pleasant smell and help improve digestion. Before feeding, the paste should be mixed with the regular food that you give your pet regularly.

It is best to give this hair remover during the shedding period. Basically, all cats without exception like Cliny paste. “Malt-paste” has also proven itself well.

Purchasing Special Herbs

Not only Cliny paste can be used to remove hair from the stomach. At the present stage, cleansing herbs are sold in specialized pharmacies. They just need to be sown in a pot and placed on the windowsill. You can choose a place where your cat likes to spend his time.

As soon as the sprouts hatch, the pet will begin to eat them. If he doesn’t pay attention to the plant, you can plant it next to the pot and show him the sprouts. After this, basically all pets begin to feast on cleaning products.

This herb is a natural product with which the procedure for removing hair from the stomach does not require your personal intervention. Sprouted sprouts can be fed to your pet, regardless of the time of year outside.

It should also be noted that the cleansing herb, like the paste, is rich in amino acids, minerals and B vitamins.

The video will show how cats eat grass.

Buying treats

Cleansing sweets are simple sticks. There is paste inside them. The taste of sweets may vary. Therefore, when purchasing, you should be guided by your pet’s taste preferences. Treats cannot replace vitamins and minerals. They act as a quality supplement to the main diet. They can be fed to picky eating animals.

Vaseline oils

At home, the procedure for removing hair from a pet’s body can be based on the use of petroleum jelly. This remedy is mainly used when the cat cannot go to the toilet “in a big way.” But you should not use a product to remove hair from the stomach. It is better to additionally consult a veterinarian.

You can purchase the substance at a veterinary pharmacy. It has a laxative effect, coats the intestinal walls and helps get rid of hairballs. The oil has the appearance of a clear, odorless liquid.

The product must be poured into the pet's mouth. This may require a syringe without a needle. A single dose includes 3-4 ml. In general, cats are not likely to like this withdrawal procedure. For this reason, an assistant may be required to hold the animal firmly.

Video “Wool removal”

How can you rid a cat of fur accumulated in its stomach? There are quite a lot of options. The main ones were discussed above. After watching the video, you will see how you can remove hair at home using Cliny paste.

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Of course, it’s very good that cats are so hygienic. They go to the toilet on their own and also lick themselves, sometimes this procedure takes the cat an hour. However, this is not always good, because graceful pets, especially long-haired breeds (Maine Coon, Persian breeds, bobtails, Siberian, Burmese, Somali, Norwegian and many other breeds), often collect fur in a cat's stomach, an accumulation of lumps occurs. Moreover, in quite large quantities, and it is necessary to remove the wool from there using various methods.

Many owners, when faced with this problem, have a logical question: . And also what symptoms, how to understand that there is an accumulation of hairballs in the stomach, and what conclusion to apply from there. The answer to all these questions, of course, is on the Internet. In this article? you will also find answers, but do not forget that before diagnosing and treating yourself, you first need to consult with a specialist.

Our veterinary center “YA-VET” provides a service of calling an experienced veterinarian to your home. This is not only convenient from the point of view of time planning for the owner, but also useful for the pet. After all, not all cats like to go somewhere else. Which can lead to shedding and hair loss, and if the animal begins to lick this fur, then there will be even more lumps and the disease will worsen. Our vet arrives within an hour and, after diagnosis, prescribes an individual course of treatment. This will help the pet shed fur, as well as return to its normal lifestyle without any health risks.

What danger does fur in a cat’s stomach cause?

Certainly, the main reason that cat develops hairballs, and she also vomits them - cleanliness. Already at the age of a month or two, the kitten begins to care for its fur on its own, carefully licking it. According to scientists cats spend about 10 percent of their time licking, of course, while awake. In addition to cleanliness they are thus regulate body temperature, especially during hot and humid periods of the year or in apartments with dry air. For example, in winter with central heating. A cat also licks itself when it is stressed and needs to relax and calm down.

To get rid of lumps naturally, the cat vomits them. However if something went wrong and a complication has arisen or there is just a lot of hair, a lump in the stomach can cause not the most pleasant consequences. Some owners mistakenly think that this is nature, which means everything will come out on its own without complications. If the problem is not identified in time and the necessary measures are not taken, which will undoubtedly be prescribed by an experienced veterinarian, then there is a risk that the treatment will become more complicated, as will the problem itself.

Why is fur in a cat's stomach dangerous?

    So let's look at why hair getting into the stomach and its accumulation is dangerous for your pet:
  • The wool that enters the digestive tract gives the cat a feeling of fullness, because it fills the stomach. Because of this, the cat is able to stop eating; complete exclusion of food and lack of appetite are common in this case. The cat will simply stop coming to the bowl. This is the main danger, because even if the animal approaches the bowl, it will not be for very long and treatment will only become more difficult if the problem is identified too late.
  • The intestines become clogged and it is difficult for food to pass through the tract to the end. Because of this, pain occurs in the stomach, problems with digestion appear, the cat is simply unable to go to the toilet on its own, which is why the body even begins to become intoxicated.
  • Sometimes hair gets stuck between your pet's teeth, and this can lead to them growing into the gums, which will only cause additional inflammatory processes. This will lead to infections and severe toothache.
  • Thus, such problems lead to gastritis and pancreatitis, which, of course, are treated, but they can be avoided. To do this, we will present below the symptoms that you need to know so that complications do not arise and the hairball in the cat’s stomach does not cause injury.

Vomiting in cats shows not only that they have malfunctions in the body and poisoning, but also that There's just too much hair And it's time to burp her. The only exceptions, of course, are hairless breeds of cats, for example, Sphynxes. However, if this happens often or does not happen at all, then you should contact an experienced veterinarian. Also if vomiting doesn't look like just a piece of fur, but has some impurities, you should also consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe an individual course of treatment.

The doctors at our veterinary center are real experts in their field, moreover, calling them to your home is much more convenient and beneficial for the cat. The doctor arrives within an hour, because our clinic has strongholds and branches in Moscow and the Moscow region. He always carries everything he needs with him.

Fur in a cat's stomach: symptoms

It is very important to identify symptoms in the first stages of the disease. This is not so easy to do, because hairballs in an animal, as well as their regurgitation, are a normal situation, which, if it malfunctions, is not always obvious to the pet owner.

    Next, we will look at the main symptoms that determine the presence of a deviation in an animal:
  • As already mentioned, the presence of wool in the stomach in large quantities gives a feeling of fullness, which, of course, is false. If it noticeably and often happens that the cat simply comes up to the bowl, eats just a little and leaves, then the fur is probably clogged up in the stomach and digestive tract. The animal also has problems with stool, or more precisely: constipation; it is difficult to go to the toilet when the intestines are clogged with hair. It is worth monitoring how often your pet goes to the litter box and in what volumes.
  • This point is a direct continuation of the previous one. Due to the fact that the cat does not eat, its immunity is depleted. The amount of vitamins and minerals is reduced, which means the coat acquires a painful dull color, becomes brittle and stiff.
  • It is worth paying attention to your pet’s behavior. If a situation often arises when the cat wants to burp, but cannot, this is a sign that too much hair has accumulated. You need to take a closer look after eating, since that is when this happens most often.
  • It is worth examining the cat's teeth and oral cavity. As already mentioned, wool can get stuck in the teeth, which means if it is there, then most likely there is excess in the stomach. Inflammation occurs, so it is necessary to clean the animal’s fangs of foreign objects.
  • The pet's mood also changes. Apathy, indifference to games, much more sleep and a sedentary lifestyle. A cat is quite capable of hiding in a secluded corner and sitting there for a long time. This serves as a signal that the pet is sick, although it is not necessarily caused by fur in the stomach, so you should contact the veterinarian in any case.

At the slightest symptoms, you should contact an experienced veterinarian, who will not only conduct a diagnosis, but also prescribe a course of treatment that will help the pet return to its usual lifestyle, appetite and the joy of playing with its owner.

How to remove fur from a cat's stomach

In order to effectively and competently remove excess hair from the stomach There are quite a large number of methods. The main ones will be given below. However, this does not mean that you have to do treatment yourself. Only an experienced veterinarian is able to prescribe the course of treatment and the timing required. in which it must be adhered to so that the illness passes as quickly as possible and without consequences for the pet. This also guarantees a complete recovery and, perhaps, the doctor will allow the owner to use this method even then, when symptoms recur. However, this is still not recommended and it is better to call the veterinarian at home once again to be sure that this is the correct diagnosis and there are no complications.

Basic effective methods to help remove hair from a cat's stomach

And so, the main most effective methods that can be prescribed to the owner in case of hair appearing in the stomach:

1 Firstly, this is, of course, natural green grass. The easiest way for those who live in a private house or come to the country. There, the best option would be to let the cat out for a walk in the backyard. Cats intuitively know that grass is medicine. This especially works for cats with long hair. After eating pure green grass, she vomits, and the vomit includes mucus and everything that has accumulated in the intestines that bothered the cat. 2 Of course, one of the most popular methods is special food. There are many companies that develop food specifically for cats with long hair. It helps restore the intestinal microflora and rid the animal of hair in the stomach and intestines. The food is impregnated with special products and oils, the fat content of which helps to coat the stomach and remove hair not through vomit, but through feces. Such foods are especially popular and widespread in the fall and spring, when almost all cats shed. The food is selected taking into account the specific tastes of the pet, so you will have to try a fairly large number of foods to choose the one that the animal likes.

3 Problems with hair retention in the stomach also arise due to insufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins in the pet’s body. Phytomines will help restore the balance of nutrients. They contain many useful minerals and, in principle, ingredients, there are elements of yarrow, violet, plantain, centaury, solyanka, celandine, licorice and others. They are suitable for pets that are more than six months old, or preferably more than a year old. They are given depending on the breed, age, as well as other characteristics of the pet’s body and specifics. They are identified and identified by experienced veterinarians who have encountered them. 4 The paste is also used to remove hair from the body, because it contains vegetable oil and ballast substances. They help improve digestion and restore intestinal microflora. Cats also love it for its pleasant smell. The consistency is a thick paste, similar to toothpaste. It is recommended to add small amounts to food. Again, it is worth noting that only veterinarians prescribe this method. 5 If you do not have access to fresh green grass in your backyard, or if the weather in your yard is unfavorable for such grass, then it is recommended to use special grass. It is sold in pet stores and serves the same purpose - to cleanse the stomach and make it healthier. Due to its naturalness and environmental friendliness, it can be used all year round and it will never harm your pet, but will only make it better. Thanks to vitamin B, as well as various amino acids and minerals, this method is practically a panacea for preventing large amounts of hair from entering the pet’s stomach. 6 With the help of special treats, which are crispy pillows with a healing filling, they also treat and help get rid of hair in the stomach and digestive tract of the animal. There are different delicacies for every taste: chicken, turkey, fish, just meat, as well as vegetables and various combinations. They are added along with the food as a pleasant addition that your pet will definitely appreciate. Even if the cat is picky and doesn’t like anything new, or doesn’t want to eat because it’s full, it definitely won’t refuse to eat such a healthy treat. 7 If the intestines are clogged and the cat is unable to go to the toilet due to constipation, then it is worth using Vaseline oil. It is given to the pet using a syringe without a needle. This liquid has an oily consistency and has no odor, is absolutely neutral, but useful due to its properties. It will envelop the stomach and digestive tract, which means it will be easier to go to the toilet. Most often they give about 4 milliliters, pouring it directly into the mouth using this syringe. However, only a doctor prescribes the exact dosage and time of treatment, because sometimes this simply does not bring benefit and will be a waste of time. 8 Walking in the fresh air also helps precisely because there are a lot of different herbs that have healing properties. The cat's nature is characterized by instincts about which herbs should be consumed and will help, and which ones are poisonous or simply cannot have a healing effect. In this way, the cat gets a way to heal itself; moreover, a walk in the fresh air also has a positive effect on the pet’s body and immunity. After such a walk, she vomits hair and everything is restored.

Which method to choose to accurately remove hair from a cat’s stomach?

As seen, there are many ways, but not all are suitable in each individual case. It's worth remembering that some are suitable and some will simply be a waste of time. Define, what will be useful for your pet and what will not Only a veterinarian who has already encountered a similar situation in his work can do this. Our expert will conduct home diagnostics and will prescribe an individual course of treatment according to the specifics of the cat on site. I am also ready to examine the cat for some time to understand whether such medicinal methods are beneficial or not.

Fur in a cat's stomach. Conclusion

It is very important to see a doctor to understand whether The pet has accumulated fur in its stomach or is it some other disease. After all, diagnosing, let alone treating, is very dangerous for a pet’s body and often leads to dire situations, only aggravating the situation. Also ingrown hair into gums has serious complications, which we must also try to prevent and get rid of. After all, in the future, in addition to the hair in the stomach, you will also have to treat infectious diseases and wounds in the mouth, which is not very pleasant in itself.

Our veterinary center has several reference points in Moscow and the Moscow region, which means that a veterinarian will arrive at your home within an hour. This is important, because unnecessary transportation can also aggravate the situation. Due to stress, the cat will begin to shed and this will increase the amount of hair in the intestines. Immunity will also decrease, which can lead to diseases and infections in the air or transmitted from other animals.

The visiting doctor will not only examine the pet and diagnose the problem, but will also determine the best treatment based on its individual characteristics. We work only using European technologies with the best experts in their field, this is what guarantees that pets are in safe and loving hands!

Cats, by their nature, are very clean animals that can spend days and days licking their fur and smoothing unruly, sticking out hairs with their rough tongue. On the one hand, this habit allows the tail to maintain its appearance in perfect condition, get rid of minor dirt and unpleasant odors, remove dead fibers and even relieve stress. But this medal also has a flip side. Due to the structure of the tongue, the cat swallows most of the fallen hairs, and sometimes this leads to serious illnesses.

The Danger of Hairballs in the Stomach

Accumulating in the stomach, wool forms dense hairballs that are not digested, are not excreted from the body and gradually clog the gastrointestinal tract. This is fraught with a number of problems. First, a hairball can cause your cat to experience both hunger and a false sense of fullness at the same time. The animal will often come to the bowl, but will not be able to eat the prescribed portion of food, since its stomach is occupied by a voluminous lump of lint. Secondly, hair can cause intestinal obstruction, a life-threatening problem that can only be solved through surgery. Well, thirdly, villi have a habit of accumulating behind the fangs and growing into the gums, provoking the development of dental diseases.

All of these cases can cause enormous damage to the health of your tailed pet. Such a seemingly insignificant problem as swallowed fur will not allow the cat to receive sufficient amounts of energy, vitamins and minerals, and will lead to exhaustion of the body and tooth loss. Therefore, it is very important to closely monitor the well-being of your pet and at the slightest sign of lumps in the stomach, immediately begin to remove them.

Signs of fur accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract

Understanding that your cat is suffering from hairballs in her stomach is not that difficult. One of the main signs is frequent vomiting, especially after eating. The cat may try to regurgitate the fur, practically pressing its head to the floor and coughing heavily at the same time. You shouldn’t scold your pet at such moments - it’s difficult and unpleasant for him now, he wants to quickly get rid of discomfort and feel relief. Therefore, even if the cat does vomit, it is best to simply remove the pile and immediately take care of the health of your pupil. It would also be a good idea to consider the contents of the vomit: if most of it is occupied by hair, then the problem is a clogged stomach. If not, you should contact your veterinarian for qualified help.

Signs of hairball accumulation may also include lethargy, poor appetite, irritability, dry cough, frequent trips to the toilet, constipation, and uncharacteristic dull hair. All this may indicate that the gastrointestinal tract needs cleansing, and, fortunately, you can help your tailed pet in this matter. After all, today there are many different products created specifically for removing hair from a cat’s stomach.

Means for removing hair from the stomach

Natural grass.
In the wild, cats often eat common grass to cleanse their intestines of lint. If your pet has the opportunity to go outside, he will be able to take care of his digestive tract on his own for most of the year. However, in winter, as well as for indoor cats who only see greenery through the window, you should think about growing fresh grass somewhere on the windowsill.

Grass seeds are sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies; they are sown in pots or trays, germinate very quickly and after 4-7 days your cat will be able to enjoy juicy, fragrant young grass. The grains can be purchased both in plastic bags and in containers with prepared soil, which greatly simplifies cultivation. In this case, you only need to fill the seeds with water, following the instructions, and wait for early germination.

The most important thing is that in the seed package you will not find weeds or plants potentially harmful to the animal. Grass for cats is usually a mixture of wheat, barley, oats and other grains, which contain not only fiber, but also B vitamins, amino acids, vegetable proteins, minerals and other valuable substances. Fresh green shoots help maintain the health of the animal, and also act as a natural, environmentally friendly “brush”. The eaten grass mixes with lumps of lint, removes them naturally or causes vomiting, along with which the hair accumulated in the stomach comes out.

Special therapeutic and prophylactic feed. If your cat doesn't want to eat grass, it doesn't matter. Today on the pet supply market you can find many tasty and nutritious diets that can help with hair removal. Such diets usually have a slightly increased fat content, they contain an increased portion of plant fibers and special oils that coat the stomach and facilitate the process of cleansing the digestive tract. The accumulated fur will be excreted in the feces without causing any discomfort or pain to the tailed cat.

Phytomines. In pet stores you can also find special mineral complexes - phytomins, consisting of plant extracts to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of cats. Typically, the preparation includes violet, hill solyanka, plantain, licorice root, celandine, centaury, as well as various vitamin supplements and minerals. Phytomines can be given to cats as early as 2 months of age; they have a very gentle effect on the digestive tract, do not cause a negative reaction in the body, and do an excellent job of removing hair from the stomach.

Malt paste. This is a natural, harmless and easily digestible product, which can be called one of the best methods in the fight against gastrointestinal clogging. The paste contains not only plant fibers, but also oil, ballast and ash substances, it improves the functioning of the stomach and intestinal flora, coats the walls of the digestive tract and helps to gently remove hair naturally. And most importantly, this product usually has a pleasant taste and aroma for cats, so they perceive it as a treat and enjoy eating it.

Cleansing treats. For true gourmets and fussy eaters, manufacturers have invented another original and effective remedy, disguised as a tasty treat. In many pet stores you can buy delicious crispy pads, inside of which a healthy filling is hidden - a paste with plant fibers and oils. Such a treat can taste like fish, meat, vegetables and other foods that the cat will happily gobble up. Of course, “pads” are not as useful as Malt paste or special food, but thanks to them you can not only rid your cat of hairballs in her stomach, but also pamper her with a tasty treat.

Vaseline oil. This medicinal product, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is desirable for every caring owner to have in a veterinary medicine cabinet. If a cat suffers from constipation due to a clogged stomach, experts recommend carefully feeding it 1.5-2 ml of petroleum jelly through a syringe. Thanks to its physicochemical properties, it envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, helps move hair and other waste through the intestines, relieves discomfort and protects the cat from pain during bowel movements. However, if your cat still does not get rid of constipation within 24 hours, immediately contact your veterinarian for a diagnosis.

How to protect your cat from hairballs?

Fur accumulated in the stomach causes a cat a lot of discomfort, so if you do not want your cat to suffer, it is best to take preventative measures regularly. This will not require much effort or too much time from you, but it will protect your cat from a number of problems and diseases.

Feed your pet high-quality professional diets. They have a balanced composition, include various vitamins and fatty acids, which help maintain the health of the coat and reduce the intensity of its loss.

During shedding periods (preferably every 3 months) supplement the animal’s menu with the means listed above – grass, pasta, vitamins or special food. Due to the high content of plant fibers, they will maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract and remove from it those small amounts of lint and other debris that have accumulated.

Brush your cat regularly with a slicker or furminator.. This simple and short procedure will remove up to 90% of lost hairs, that is, it will significantly reduce the amount of hair that your cat will swallow when licking. And among other things, combing improves blood circulation in the skin, improves nutrition of hair follicles and maintains the health of the coat.

Bathe your pet with strengthening shampoo at least during molting seasons. Although cats for the most part do not like to come into contact with water, and even more so with detergents, bathing will benefit your pupil. A high-quality shampoo and conditioner will make the fur incredibly beautiful and shiny, and will also strengthen it and protect it from excessive hair loss.

By following these simple recommendations, you can protect your cat from swallowing large amounts of lint, which means preventing the formation of hairballs in the stomach. Take care of your animal, monitor its well-being, take preventive measures on time, and an unpleasant stomach problem will never bother it again!

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