The child has a high temperature and cold extremities. Why does a child have cold feet and hands against a background of elevated temperature?

If a child has cold hands and feet at a high temperature, this is a sign of a worsening condition. The situation requires an immediate solution. Obviously, the temperature continues to rise at this moment, and it is not necessary to waste time on measurements. You will carry them out later by completing the initial list of actions, which is given below.

Icy hands and feet when body temperature rises are the result of vascular spasm. If the condition worsens, convulsions are possible. Wrong actions of parents can lead to the death of a child. If the baby is less than a year old and the temperature has risen above 39 o, the hands and feet are cold, you need to go to the nursery emergency assistance. Do not waste time waiting for doctors, provide first aid immediately.

Mistakes made by adults when a baby has a high temperature

High fever and cold extremities are symptoms in which the child feels severe chills. If the baby is old enough, he tries to cover himself with a blanket, if he is very little, he cries when adults try to undress him. There are two options for the wrong behavior of older relatives in such a situation:

  1. Adults try to wrap up the baby. You need to understand that the feeling of cold at this moment is subjective, it is impossible to freeze at a body temperature of 39 and above, and with an extra blanket or warm pajamas you only increase the readings on the thermometer.
  2. Adults begin to apply cold compresses or, even worse, douse the child ice water. Natural reaction to the cold environment is the outflow of blood to the internal organs - the heart and brain. That is why on a frosty day our hands are cold, and our cheeks turn red, an indicator of increased blood flow in the vessels of the head. By creating a temperature shock from the outside, you put extra stress on the heart and brain, which can lead to fatal. And adding to cold compress vodka or vinegar, you introduce excess toxins into a weakened body, which are perfectly absorbed through the delicate baby skin.

First aid rules

If the child heat and at the same time cold hands and feet, you need to act in two directions: reduce body temperature and fight increasing dehydration.

  1. Undress the sick baby down to his underpants and T-shirt. If the baby is still wearing a diaper, take it off: due to dehydration, the child most likely will not pee, but the body temperature will drop by about half a degree.
  2. Give your child an antipyretic.
  3. Put cotton socks on your feet and wool socks or another pair of cotton socks on top. Socks should be loose enough to not restrict blood flow.
  4. Place a heating pad or a bottle of water under your feet. warm water. Socks combined with a heating pad will relieve the chill.
  5. Offer water, fruit juice, or any drinks at room temperature. If the baby has a fever, offer the breast, while increasing the fluid intake yourself so that the milk is less dense.
  6. As scary as it may seem, lower the room temperature. Optimal mode at this moment - 18-20 o C. If the baby is sick, put a thin cotton cap on the head. The main thing is the absence of drafts. Open the window by closing the door, or open all the windows in other rooms of the apartment, leaving the door to the room with the child open.
  7. Turn on the humidifier or run wet cleaning with a very wet cloth, on working batteries central heating lay down damp towels, water the flowers in the room generously.
  8. After completing all the steps described above, measure the temperature. Do not worry that the readings will be incorrect - the medicine will not take effect earlier than 20 minutes after administration.

How to give medicine correctly

If a child has cold feet and hands, and the temperature is above 39 o, it means that it is rapidly rising. Rectal suppositories are not suitable in such a situation, because active substance Absorbed very slowly through the intestinal wall. Suppositories are an excellent form of medication “at night” when there is concern that the temperature will rise during sleep, but not in the situation described.

Cold hands and feet in a child with a high temperature are a reason to take an antipyretic drug orally. Choose drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. In this state, the baby may vomit from the sweet syrup. Therefore, give it a little at a time, diluting it with water or injecting 1 ml per cheek from the attached dispenser syringe.

In the described condition, doctors recommend giving the patient a drug to relieve spasms. Usually this is No-Shpa. You can calculate its quantity by weight. Usually a two-year-old child is given no more than half a tablet. It is quite difficult to swallow it in this state. Crush the required part of the tablet into powder (for example, with the wide side of a knife), mix with a small amount honey and water, draw the resulting mixture into a measuring syringe or teaspoon and give it to the child.

What to do if there is no result after taking an antipyretic

It happens that more than an hour has passed since the last dose of the usual Panadol or Nurofen, but no more than 4 hours, and there is no improvement. The chills persist and the extremities remain cold. There is only one conclusion: the drug was not effective enough. This is a clear sign of the need to go to the emergency room. Often, over the phone, the doctor will suggest giving the baby Analgin with No-Shpa. Oddly enough, the usual, cheapest Analgin tablets relieve fever very well in such cases. It is calculated by weight: 10 mg per 1 kg. One tablet usually contains 0.5 g, one gram contains a thousand mg. Thus, a child weighing 15 kg needs a little less than a third of an Analgin tablet. It is often also recommended to give an age-appropriate dose of Tavegil or Suprastin.

N.B. On average, the result of taking an antipyretic appears in 40-60 minutes. Do not conclude that the medicine is ineffective before this time.

You should not expect that taking an antipyretic will lower your temperature to 36.6. If, as a result of using the drugs, you see 38 - 38.5 on the thermometer, everything is fine. You cannot give the medicine more often than indicated in the instructions (no more than 5 times a day). Temperature 38 o with warm arms and legs, calm baby- a sign that the body has activated protective functions and successfully fights infection.

You cannot force feed a baby with a fever. When he gets better, he will ask for food himself. However, it is extremely important to give your child something to drink. If he categorically refuses liquids, pour water into his cheek in small doses. Monitor the volume of urine excreted.

What happens when the ambulance arrives

Often parents are afraid to call emergency services because they don't want to go to the hospital. There is no need to delay your decision due to such concerns. A specialist will speak to you over the phone and will be able to give advice that is relevant at that moment. An ambulance will only be sent if necessary. Having assessed the baby’s condition based on the signs you described, the consultant can simply take control of you.

If the presence of a doctor is still necessary, the team will not take the baby away without your consent. The doctor will examine the little patient on the spot. Maybe he'll inject him necessary drug. Usually a lytic mixture is administered. It contains Analgin (relieves fever), Diphenhydramine (antihistamine) and Papaverine (dilates blood vessels, relieves spasms).

Every person has experienced an increase in body temperature at least once in their life. This can happen by various reasons. Most often, the thermometer level rises when the body is damaged by viruses and bacteria. It is worth noting that many pathological microorganisms begin to die when the temperature reaches 38 or 39 degrees. This is how a person fights the disease and gains immunity. Sometimes it happens that the patient has hands and at the same time. What does this mean and how to behave in this situation? You will learn about this from the presented article.

Temperature and cold hands and feet: what does it mean?

Doctors call this state white fever. All because skin At such a moment, people become very pale. This pattern is explained quite simply.

If a person has a fever and cold hands and feet, then this indicates that blood vessels spasm. The necessary oxygen collects around vital organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.). In this case, there is a strong outflow of blood from the legs and arms.

At this point, a person may experience some weakness, dizziness, chills and other symptoms. The head and forehead remain hot.

Does this condition need to be corrected?

If a person has a fever and cold hands and feet, is it necessary to provide him with help? Surely many people know that doctors do not recommend using any antipyretics until the number 39 appears on the thermometer. After all, that’s when it happens independent struggle the body with infection and the development of immunity. However, this case is an exception. Everyone needs to know about this.

With absence timely assistance When a person has a fever and cold hands and feet, cramps may begin. At-risk groups include young children and the elderly. They need to carry out measures to correct this condition even when the thermometer shows 37.5.

What to do?

If the temperature is 40 (cold feet and hands), then you should call emergency help. Be sure to tell doctors that a person is experiencing vasospasm. Maybe, medical staff will not notice this symptom on its own.

If you have cold hands and feet, you can try to fix it yourself this situation. In this case, it is necessary to regularly additional dimensions. Make sure that the thermometer level does not rise too quickly.

With such vascular spasm, conventional antipyretic compounds may be powerless. You need to prepare the so-called lytic mixture. Doctors prefer to administer drugs intramuscularly. This method allows you to quickly bring the patient to his senses. However, you can also use standard medications in the form of capsules and tablets. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the dosage of one or another ingredient. So, the patient has a temperature of 38, cold hands and feet. What should you do in this situation?

First step: relieve the spasm

First you need to take medications that relax smooth muscles. The most commonly used tablets are “No Shpa” or “Drotaverine”. You can also insert one Papaverine suppository into the anus. It has a similar effect.

If you do not have such medicines on hand, then you need to warm your limbs yourself and increase blood flow in them. To do this, put it on the patient and rub the feet. Some people use a variety of different ones. However, doctors strongly do not recommend doing this in this way.

Step Two: Use an Antihistamine

If a person has cold hands and feet, and also has chills, then after use antispasmodics you need to take antiallergic drugs. These include Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin and many others.

These medications will enhance the effect of antispasmodics and prevent the development allergic reaction. This is very important when we're talking about about the treatment of young children. Many babies are prone to adverse reaction for antispasmodics and antipyretics.

Third step: lowering the temperature

When the spasm is relieved, you need to use regular antipyretic drugs. You can judge that the body is ready to take such drugs by the condition of the limbs. When the spasm is relieved, blood circulation is restored. So, the legs and arms become warm, and the skin turns pink.

You can reduce the temperature by any usual means. This includes drugs prepared on the basis of paracetamol (Cefekon, Theraflu, Coldrex). Also wide application have medications with active substance called ibuprofen (“Nurofen”, “Ibufen” and others). If desired, you can take “Nise”, “Nimulid”. These juices are also anti-inflammatory.

Use of lytic mixture

If you have the opportunity to administer drugs intramuscularly, then you should use this method. It will allow you to quickly bring the patient to normal condition and prevent seizures.

For cooking lytic mixture you will need the same medications: antispasmodics, antihistamines and antipyretic compounds. Most often, doctors use the drugs “No Shpa”, “Diphenhydramine” and “Analgin”. All these compositions are taken in equal proportions in the amount of one milliliter. Medicines must be mixed in one syringe. After this, inject the mixture into the gluteal or thigh muscle. Within a few minutes you will notice an improvement. The patient's legs and arms will become warmer, and the temperature will begin to gradually decrease.

High temperature and cold extremities: common mistakes

Many people don't know elementary rules which must be observed during white fever. Wanting to help, loved ones only worsen the patient’s condition. What do you need to remember when lowering the temperature under such circumstances?

  • Never use alcohol solutions for wiping. With a normal increase in temperature, this method is effective. However, this case is an exception to the rule. Liquid evaporating from the body will only intensify vascular spasm.
  • Don't try to accept double dose antipyretic without the use of antispasmodics. In this case, you will only get an overdose a certain drug, which will further worsen your health. Most antipyretic drugs for vasospasm are powerless.
  • Do not try to undress the patient and cool him (for example, sit him in a cool bath). This will lead to increased spasm and convulsions.
  • Give the patient more fluids. Ideally, these will be warm cranberry fruit drinks and herbal decoctions.
  • If the body temperature does not drop within one hour after all the measures taken, and the limbs do not want to become warm, then it is worth calling ambulance. If convulsions and loss of consciousness occur, you should not hesitate for a single minute.
  • At re-development similar events, do not let the situation worsen. Start reducing the temperature using the methods described above already when the mark on the thermometer reaches 37.5 degrees.

Follow all the rules for reducing your temperature during white fever and be healthy!

“The child has a high fever and cold extremities, what should I do?!” - Good question for the district pediatrician. The situation itself is non-standard, because if we are talking about a common cold or something else, the temperature of the child’s whole body rises. And here the limbs remain cold. As if the blood does not have enough strength to warm them up, or is this really a sign of a dangerous disease?

Why does my child have a high fever, but his arms and legs are cold?

The age of the child is not of fundamental importance. Unfortunately, children get sick at any age, even in the first months of life. It is more important to know the reasons and other important points related to temperature.

  • when the baby is only a couple of months old, it is important to measure the temperature after eating, waiting until he wakes up, and waiting a few minutes after bathing. Otherwise you will get increased performance;
  • It is better to calm a crying child first before measuring, the baby should be in a calm state;
  • When taking measurements with fashionable thermometers, it is worth remembering that when measuring in the mouth, subtract -0.5 degrees from the result obtained, and when measuring in the butt up to -1 degree. Therefore, an ordinary thermometer does not lose its relevance;
  • Mercury thermometers are still the best and give accurate results.

When to call your doctor:

  • a 3-month-old child with a temperature of 39+;
  • the baby is lethargic, does not want to drink, pees rarely and his urine is dark;
  • antipyretics do not help;
  • with a fever, the child vomits and has diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

It is important to observe the child’s behavior, noting all accompanying signs:

  • cold extremities;
  • weakness;
  • sluggish movements;
  • deterioration in general health.

Perhaps he has vasospasm, so to the extremities needed blood the tide is bad. The process of heat exchange is disrupted, which can also cause convulsions. The child has a high fever and cold extremities, feeling discomfort, the heart works faster, trying to help the peripheral vessels, but the spasm does not allow the blood to pass.

Sometimes this happens when:

  • the child suffers from disorders of the central nervous system;
  • his blood pressure is low;
  • dehydration.

What to do if a child with a fever has cold extremities?

Call the doctor, call an ambulance. All possible reasons similar condition quite serious and require professional help. While waiting for doctors, you should not try to bring down the temperature using the usual methods - wiping with cool towels, wrapping, this will complicate the situation. To help your child somehow, you can do:

  • give No-shpu (the dosage according to age is written on the drug), of course, if the baby gets sick, it’s not worth the risk;
  • antipyretic (usually paracetamol or ibuprofen) again a link - if it is not the baby who is suffering;
  • try to drink more often (all ages);
  • wrap in a blanket, but so that air can flow in (also suitable for everyone).

There are other medications for treating infants and they should be given only after consulting a doctor.

Procedure: No need to start taking medications right away. When the baby’s temperature rises, he shudders and turns pale; the problem may be heat exchange disturbances, a sharp decline temperatures will only intensify the spasm.

The child has a high temperature and cold extremities - no panic. Fear in the mother's eyes, her powerlessness, tears or hysteria will only worsen the situation. Even one-month-old babies perfectly sense their mother’s mood and feed off of it. Calm and positive approach! After calling for help, calm the child, hold him in your arms or cuddle him, rub and massage the limbs. If there is a nurse nearby, tell him to inject 2% papaverine (if it is not a small baby who is sick). Later, introduce Nurofen, they are sold not only as tablets, but also as suppositories. This is better; the medicine will enter the bloodstream without going to the liver on the way from the child’s stomach. When calling an ambulance, do not let the doctors inject analgin. A seemingly harmless medicine reduces hemoglobin, and this then has a detrimental effect on the number of leukocytes.

Instant antipyretics can cause significant harm. Pediatricians also do not advise rushing with such drugs. Usually the temperature rises while the body is fighting some virus. Doctors give the body time to fight the scourge.

What is special about fever? With it, the temperature will rise, but the extremities will remain cold, the peripheral vessels will narrow and will not allow enough blood to flow to them.

Why is such a fever dangerous?

In infants, especially at high temperatures, their limbs do not immediately become cold. Sometimes the child has a high fever and cold extremities, and sometimes there is just a fever and the body is convulsing. These are some of the parts of the child’s brain that will react to the resulting spasm in the blood vessels. This condition may be accompanied by suffocation, the baby bites his tongue, or blistering discharge is visible from the mouth. Those parts of the brain that can cause seizures are responsible for breathing. A spasm is an atypical state for the body, and it “fails.”

What moms say

“Semyon often experiences this: the temperature soars to forty, but his hands and feet are simply icy. He behaves calmly - runs, laughs, plays. The appetite may decrease, but not by much. I didn’t think before that the condition required serious intervention, so I wasn’t afraid. After all, I didn’t notice any deviations in behavior. I give an antipyretic every few hours, usually before bed. When he sleeps, I insert candles. It’s good that my son rarely gets sick.”

Anna, 30 years old

“I couldn’t really understand what was happening! The forehead is hot, the body is hot, the hands are icy. She constantly gave antipyretic medicine and rubbed it vigorously. They also recommended the popular No-shpa, but I was afraid, it was too small... I simply called an ambulance - they gave me an injection and the temperature immediately went down. Never delay in calling an ambulance! Especially when the child is no more than 3 years old!”

Lana, 24 years old

“No antipyretics or rubbings helped us much. She gave syrups, lit candles, nothing. Of course I was scared. I called the ambulance. They arrived, gave me an injection, and it didn’t last long. Aspirin saved the day!”

Oksana, 28 years old

It is important to take seriously the situation when a child has a high fever and cold extremities.If this happens periodically, take your child to an appointment. Perhaps he has a vascular disease or a problem in a part of the brain. This does not happen on empty space and it is important to remember this!

The number 38 will not scare an experienced mother: initial stages treatments have been practiced to the point of automaticity. But when the mercury steadily creeps up, and your hands and feet, on the contrary, get cold...

This terrible symptom some kind rare disease or an individual reaction of the body? How is it that the fever increases and the limbs are frozen? How to help?! Wrap up and turn on the heaters or open the windows? Should I call a doctor or wait?

So what to do?

In order not to be embarrassed in a critical situation, we will sort it out now.

White and red fever: what is it?

Fevers (and in language we understand, an increase in temperature above 37°C) are white (cold) and red (pink, hot).

Cold extremities occur exclusively with white fever. We will talk about her.

Dear moms and dads!
There is no need to mock the pediatrician’s psyche by declaring that the baby has “delirium tremens.” Delirium tremens, it is also “delirium”, but in common parlance “squirrel” is a different condition. It arises due to sharp fall blood alcohol level. So, let’s dwell on the term “white fever” and, in order to avoid confusion, we will use it.

Why does the body turn on cooling mode?

White fever is when a child has a fever and his feet and hands are cold.

The mechanism is simple: the temperature rises and blood circulation centralizes. Due to spasm of peripheral vessels increased blood flow to vital important bodies (brain, lungs, heart, etc.). And the limbs become cold, because... heating them is now not an important task for the body.

Hands need to be warmed.

Why is this dangerous? Thermal production (heat production) increased due to fever. Heat transfer (removal of unnecessary heat from the body) fell due to spasm of peripheral vessels. As a result, the little one overheats even more.

Consequently, we have two tasks: to increase the low, and to bring down the high. We're working!

Larisa (child 2 years old):

“My Syomochka is always like this: the temperature is under forty, and his hands and feet are icy. At the same time, he does not show any signs of illness: he plays and laughs. Maybe he just eats less than usual. I didn’t know that this condition was dangerous, so I wasn’t particularly afraid. I give antipyretics every 5 hours, always at night.”

How can you help your child cope with this condition?

All actions are the same as at normal temperature. Whether your hands/feet are hot or cold is the second question. There is one exception - see the paragraph “What to get from the first aid kit”.

Find out where the temperature came from viral disease or bacterial - leave all this dancing with a tambourine to the pediatricians.
And we calmly carry out our “helping” algorithm.

First of all - regime and diet!

We work strictly according to Komarovsky! Our goal is cool (open the window or set the windows to ventilation mode) and humid (humidifier helps) air. Don't have a humidifier? We dust and wash the floors in the nursery a couple of times a day. Everything to make it pleasant for a sick child to breathe, and easy to give away the extra degrees.

At the same time, we do not turn the child into a frozen semi-finished product.

You probably can’t do without wool socks.

Give him socks, his favorite pajamas, a blanket. To a precious person it should be warm. Otherwise, sweat will not form, heat will not be lost, and the thermometer will not move.

To sweat effectively, a child needs a large number of liquids. So, we'll have something to drink. Compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions, water... We pretended to be a parrot and offered, offered, offered.

You need to drink a lot!
Even if you don't want to.
So that the disease goes away.

Are your kids insistently demanding dinner? Feed him, but sparingly and with light food.

Don't ask for food? Don't translate products! The child's body is busy - it fights the enemy and cannot waste resources on digestion. If the evil virus defeats the dragon, it will want to eat, then treat it. Don’t your wives run to the riot police on special missions with trays? Same approach here.

If you want, wipe with water at room temperature, the main thing is WITHOUT additives.

Lana (child 1 year and 3 months):

“I don’t understand anything, the temperature is high, and my hands and feet are simply cold! I give an antipyretic, I rub my limbs with vodka, they also recommended No-shpa, but it’s somehow scary.”

What to get from the first aid kit?

Look closely first at the child, then at the thermometer. If at 38.5 °C your son plays cheerfully and runs to the toilet “in a small way” no less often than usual, you can hold off on taking the pills.

If even at 37.5°C he is sluggish and passive, despite all your tea and airing manipulations, then it’s worth rummaging through the medicine drawer. Each baby is individual, so you need to focus on the condition specific child.

And in our pharmaceutical arsenal we only have paracetamol and ibuprofen. .

Remember, for “white” fever it is better to give syrups. Suppositories, due to the same vasospasm, will not have the desired effect.

Oksana (child 2 years and 8 months):

“Nothing helped us: no rubbing, no candles, no syrups for fever. I was terribly scared. I had to call an ambulance. They gave an injection, but it also didn’t help for long. What saved us was regular aspirin.”

What if there are cramps?

Such insidiousness also happens, especially when the temperature is high 39 and there is a predisposition to this matter (i.e., convulsions have already happened before or one of the parents can remember similar episodes from their childhood).

Let's remember the basics of first aid:

  • put the child in safe place and on the side;
  • Do not hold the person too tightly, only slightly fix the head so that there are no injuries;
  • call a doctor.

Everything about febrile seizures ah - .

In what situations should you urgently call “03”?

Our motto: "Do not be shy". A sick child is a reason to forget about all the “It was inconvenient to disturb”, “We thought it would go away on its own” and other excuses.

But calling a pediatrician home for every sneeze is blasphemy. Therefore, let's determine when there are reasons to hang up the phones, and when you can humbly walk to the clinic yourself.

We call a doctor if:

  • the baby is not yet 3 months old;
  • his fontanel has sunk;
  • you cannot give your child something to drink on your own;
  • found ANY rash on the baby’s body;
  • the baby is crying, but there are no tears;
  • the child complains of a severe headache;
  • the general condition of the child is rapidly deteriorating;
  • nausea, diarrhea, and cramps were added to the temperature;
  • no effect* from medications;

* The effect is not an instantaneous drop in temperature to 36.6°C. We will be satisfied with a decrease of 1-2°C, this shows that antipyretics are working.

Are you worried? Are you afraid of missing important symptoms? Take your child to the clinic. If he is able to play and jump, a short walk won't hurt.

Does your child's condition worry you? Is he lying down and not really in the mood to walk a kilometer or two? Call your pediatrician.

Have you expanded your “temperature horizons”? Is it no longer so scary to feel your child’s cold hands?

Well, fine. To visualize and consolidate knowledge - short video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Calm parents are like a special forces unit: they act clearly, harmoniously and armed. , For example.

Ibuprofen is effective!

Need an action plan? Please follow me, let's find out more about temperature.

Illnesses in young children often resolve with an increase in temperature. The child, as they say, is “on fire.” His breath and the surface of his body become hot, and the baby’s face turns red. However, it also happens that at a temperature above 38.5 degrees, the child’s hands and feet are cold. Why the usual scheme does not work, what is happening in the baby’s body, whether it is necessary to lower the temperature - questions for which we will look for answers together.

Increased temperature during illness - normal phenomenon. But if it is accompanied by cold hands and feet, then parents need to take additional measures treatment of the baby

What happens to a child’s blood circulation at high temperatures?

Monitoring the child’s condition at high temperatures is the main task of parents. It is unacceptable to ignore the slightest changes in the functioning of his body. Cold legs and arms in this case indicate generalized vascular spasm. Illness and high temperature disrupt blood circulation, it slowly reaches the extremities. There is also a malfunction in the baby’s thermoregulatory system, and sweating worsens.

The process of increasing temperature triggers the production of interferons called upon by the body to fight the virus. Active activity interferons leads to a rise in temperature beyond 38 degrees, and fever begins. What is happening suggests that the body is gaining strength and effectively destroying viruses. Maximum amount interferons are produced on the 2nd day of illness. Knowing this, pediatricians do not recommend lowering the temperature on the first day; it is better to wait 2 days.

Cold hands and feet at high altitudes temperature indicators This is not typical for all children. However, some children under 4 years of age suffer from febrile seizures. This is the reaction of the baby’s brain to the resulting vasospasm. Such cramps look much worse than just cold arms and legs. The child suffers from hypoxia and suffocation, tongue biting may occur, and bubbly discharge appears from the mouth. This rarely happens, but parents should be prepared for a similar development of the situation if they notice coldness in the extremities of their son or daughter.

Cold hands and feet of a child at a high body temperature indicate vasospasm

What should parents do?

The first priority is to quickly warm the baby. It would seem, where else to warm up when the offspring is “burning” and the thermometer shows 38 degrees and above. By covering your child warmly, you will help relieve the spasm faster. The room temperature should be within 20 degrees. Put your baby in warm pajamas and cover him with a blanket. If the increase continues and reaches 38.9-39.5 degrees, remove the blanket and warm only the extremities.

Additional measures to warm the hands and feet will help restore blood supply. Place a heating pad under your baby's feet. At the same time, start rubbing your hands. Rub vigorously to get the blood flowing.

Organize for your little one drinking plenty of fluids. Chills and fever remove a lot of fluid from the body; it is necessary to quickly replenish these losses. The drink should be warm; cold and hot drinks should not be given. Prepare medicinal tea with linden, chamomile or raspberry. Cook unsweetened dried fruit compote. Good for drinking cranberry juice and rosehip tea.

When you have a cold, you need to drink plenty of fluids, as the body loses a lot of fluid.

What you can’t do with such a reaction is try to do the opposite. No mechanical attempts to relieve fever. Replace cold compresses with warm ones. If using vodka or vinegar, warm it first. You should not open the baby; cover it as described above. It is also impossible to place your child on a cold, wet sheet. Act calmly and competently.

What medications can relieve spasms?

Spasm of the limbs, leading to chills, is relieved with the help of antispasmodics. As a rule, Papaverine or No-Shpu is used. The drugs affect the sweating process, bringing it back to normal, which helps reduce the temperature. Medicines are serious, so you should not use them yourself. Call a doctor at home so that he can examine the baby and make a final decision on prescribing a specific antispasmodic.


The drug No-shpa has an antispasmodic effect, but it must be used strictly according to a doctor’s prescription

The working substance of No-Shpa is drotaverine. Possesses vasodilating effect. No-Spa is not one of the main antipyretics. The drug is not without side effects and contraindications; it should be taken with caution. Experts point out that the drug is taken only in isolated cases when other medications have not helped. No-Shpa is approved for the treatment of children after 1 year. Relief from spasm lasts about 4-8 hours. There is enough time to lower the temperature and return warmth to the baby’s feet. Drug dosage:

  • children from 1 to 6 years old can be given 1-3 tablets (40-120 mg) per day, at regular intervals;
  • a dosage of 1/3 tablet requires maintaining an interval between doses of 3 hours. For 1/2 tablet at a time, increase the interval to 4 hours between doses;
  • The daily norm for 6-12 years is 2-5 tablets per day. A single dose is equal to 1/2 tablet.

You can give No-Shpa to your child at a high temperature before or after meals. It is forbidden to use the antispasmodic in children with renal, cardiac or liver failure. No-Shpa is also contraindicated for low blood pressure, bronchial asthma and not digesting lactose. Please note that a rise in temperature may be associated with other diseases. If the baby complains of abdominal pain, perhaps 38 degrees is associated with exacerbation of pancreatitis, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed depending on age little patient

The body of young children can become allergic to drotaverine. Most often these are found side effects like constipation or vomiting. There have been cases of insomnia and disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (low blood pressure and tachycardia). If this antispasmodic makes you wary and you would not like to give it to your baby, use the safer Papaverine.

Papaverine is approved for use in infants from 6 months of age. The product is available in in various forms: tablets, suppositories, injections. Buy a special children's version of Papaverine in pharmacies to avoid an overdose of the medicine. The antispasmodic should be taken approximately 20 minutes before using antipyretic medications. If you do not strictly observe the interval, vasodilation will occur later and thermoregulation will not be restored in time. Permitted daily doses of the drug:

  • for a child under 2 years old – 5 mg 2 times a day;
  • 2-4 years – 5-10 mg 2 times a day;
  • 5-6 years – 10 mg 2 times a day;
  • 7-9 years – 10-15 mg 2 to 3 times a day.

Papaverine can be taken both in tablets and in the form of suppositories. In this case, it is necessary to comply exact dosage medication prescribed by your pediatrician

The serious nature of antispasmodics obliges parents to give them to their baby only as prescribed by a doctor. It is especially important to consult a doctor when taking medications for the first time. Considering that No-Shpa and Paracetamol go well together, they are practiced joint reception with a temperature rising above 38.5 and signs of cold extremities. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient.

An increase in body temperature is an absolutely normal protective reaction of the child’s body, due to which protective mechanisms are more quickly activated to help cope with pathology. Often, parents can determine whether the body temperature has risen, without a thermometer, by feeling the child's skin. Usually the forehead, temples, arms, and legs become hot. But there are also situations when, at high temperatures, the child’s limbs remain cold. What causes this phenomenon, whether it is normal, and what should be done about it, we will consider further.

Why does my child have a high fever, but his arms and legs are cold?

If, when the temperature rises, the skin turns pink, becomes moist, or warms, this means that in children's body a balance is maintained between heat production and heat transfer. Those. V environment The same amount of heat is released as that produced by the body. In such situation general health in a child, the disturbance is insignificant, and this is a relatively favorable circumstance that does not always require the use of antipyretic drugs.

When a child has a high fever, cold hands and feet, pale skin, and chills, this is more dangerous phenomenon. Also in this case it is observed:

  • severe weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • pronounced deterioration in the child’s well-being.

The cause is a spasm of peripheral vessels, which leads to disruption of heat transfer processes and can cause seizures in a child. This can also be explained by the fact that at elevated temperatures, the blood becomes more viscous, and its movement in the capillaries slows down sharply. Often this situation can occur when:

  • abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system in the child;
  • low blood pressure;
  • lack of fluid in the body.

What to do if a child with a fever has cold extremities?

First of all, of course, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance. Under no circumstances should you use physical cooling methods in this case (wiping with water, wrapping in a damp sheet, etc.), this will only worsen the situation. Usually for To reduce the temperature and alleviate the baby’s condition, it is recommended to do the following.

I’ll just add why you should never wipe down children with white fever.
As already written above, with white fever the child has spasms peripheral vessels- skin vessels. At the same time, the skin loses its ability to normally remove heat, and the picture is when the child inside overheats, but the heat is not removed. Any rubbing (even with plain water) increases spasm of skin blood vessels, and can lead the situation to a direct threat to the child’s life. Why this happens is quite clear if you know a little physics - water, and especially water with vodka or vinegar, actively evaporates and sharply cools the skin. Which only increases vascular spam, as I already said.

Now directly about vodka and vinegar, that is, why you can’t wipe children with pink fever water with these substances (after all, in theory, if it’s pink, you can wipe it off?). Here again I will not make a comment, but will quote, this time, the famous pediatrician, Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky.

“When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air.
Two required actions:
1. Drink plenty of fluids - so that you have something to sweat.
2. Cool air in the room (optimally 16-18 degrees).

If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.
When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. The skin temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs increases. And this is extremely dangerous!
You cannot use so-called “physical cooling methods” at home: heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor's visit, it is possible, because before (before physical methods cooling) doctors prescribe special medications that eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. At home, you need to do everything to prevent spasm of skin blood vessels. That's why

Cool air, but warm enough clothes.

Particles of heat are carried away from the body by evaporation of sweat and thus the body temperature decreases. Several methods have been invented to speed up evaporation. For example, place a fan next to a naked child; rub it with alcohol or vinegar (after rubbing, the surface tension of sweat decreases and it evaporates faster).
People! You can’t even imagine how many children paid with their lives for these rubbings! If the child has already sweated, then the body temperature will drop on its own. And if you rub dry skin, this is madness, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol (vodka, moonshine) - alcohol poisoning was added to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning.
The conclusion is obvious - never rub anything. And fans are also not needed - the flow of cool air, again, will cause a spasm of the skin blood vessels. Therefore, if you are sweating, change your clothes (change them) into something dry and warm, and then calm down.”

An elevated body temperature is an indicator that the body has activated its immune protection, and now the fight against the disease is underway. However, there are situations that require special attention. Thus, an increase in body temperature in a child, during which cooling of the arms and legs is observed, is precisely of this type, because it is necessary to select the appropriate treatment and know what is strictly contraindicated. You can learn about these and other features below.

What temperature is considered elevated for a child?

Indicators elevated temperature vary depending on the age of the child. So, in infants the condition is considered normal when the mark on the thermometer does not exceed 37.3, and for older children the ideal value is 36.6.

The temperature can be elevated if it exceeds 37. It is important to know that above 41 degrees is life-threatening, so in such a situation it is necessary urgent help doctor

For accurate measurements, you should follow some recommendations. First, remember that temperature is not taken for 30 minutes after eating, waking up, water procedures. Secondly, the child must be calm. Thirdly, take into account the fact that it is higher in the oral cavity and in anus, than in axillary area. The most accurate thermometer is considered a mercury thermometer.

Why do children's hands and feet get cold when their temperature rises?

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Rubbing and warming the extremities, drinking plenty of fluids and other methods

What absolutely cannot be done?

At elevated temperatures and cold extremities the following is contraindicated:

  1. Trituration alcohol solutions, because the liquid, evaporating from the skin, increases vascular spasm, which is one of the reasons for cooling the extremities. This method considered effective in combating high fever.
  2. Use of only one type of medication. IN in this case the most effective is complex treatment: antipyretics along with antispasmodics.
  3. It is forbidden to try to cool the patient, for example, by taking a cold bath.

In what cases should you immediately call an ambulance?

If convulsions, loss of consciousness, or hallucinations occur, you should urgently call an ambulance. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if there is no positive effect after procedures aimed at reducing body temperature and increasing the temperature of the extremities.

“The child has a high fever and cold extremities, what should I do?!” — A good question for the district pediatrician. The situation itself is non-standard, because if we are talking about a common cold or something else, the temperature of the child’s entire body rises. And here the limbs remain cold. As if the blood does not have enough strength to warm them up, or is this really a sign of a dangerous disease?

Why does my child have a high fever, but his arms and legs are cold?

The age of the child is not of fundamental importance. Unfortunately, children get sick at any age, even in the first months of life. It is more important to know the reasons and other important points related to temperature.

  • when the baby is only a couple of months old, it is important to measure the temperature after eating, waiting until he wakes up, and waiting a few minutes after bathing. Otherwise you will get increased performance;
  • It is better to calm a crying child first before measuring, the baby should be in a calm state;
  • When taking measurements with fashionable thermometers, it is worth remembering that when measuring in the mouth, subtract -0.5 degrees from the result obtained, and when measuring in the butt up to -1 degree. Therefore, an ordinary thermometer does not lose its relevance;
  • Mercury thermometers are still the best and give accurate results.

When to call your doctor:

  • a 3-month-old child with a temperature of 39+;
  • the baby is lethargic, does not want to drink, pees rarely and his urine is dark;
  • antipyretics do not help;
  • with a fever, the child vomits and has diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

It is important to observe the child’s behavior, noting all accompanying signs:

  • cold extremities;
  • weakness;
  • sluggish movements;
  • deterioration in general health.

Perhaps he has a vasospasm, so the necessary blood flows to the extremities poorly. The process of heat exchange is disrupted, which can also cause convulsions. The child has a high fever and cold extremities, feeling discomfort, the heart works faster, trying to help the peripheral vessels, but the spasm does not allow the blood to pass.

Sometimes this happens when:

  • the child suffers from disorders of the central nervous system;
  • his blood pressure is low;
  • dehydration.

What to do if a child with a fever has cold extremities?

Call the doctor, call an ambulance. All possible reasons This condition is quite serious and requires professional help. While waiting for doctors, you should not try to bring down the temperature using the usual methods - wiping with cool towels, wrapping, this will complicate the situation. To help your child somehow, you can do:

  • give No-shpu (the dosage according to age is written on the drug), of course, if the baby gets sick, it’s not worth the risk;
  • antipyretic (usually paracetamol or ibuprofen) again a link - if it is not the baby who is suffering;
  • try to drink more often (all ages);
  • wrap in a blanket, but so that air can flow in (also suitable for everyone).

There are other medications for treating infants and they should be given only after consulting a doctor.

Procedure: No need to start taking medications right away. When the baby's temperature rises, he begins to shiver and turns pale; the problem may be heat exchange disturbances; a sharp drop in temperature will only intensify the spasm.

The child has a high temperature and cold extremities - no panic. Fear in the mother's eyes, her powerlessness, tears or hysteria will only worsen the situation. Even one-month-old babies perfectly sense their mother’s mood and feed off of it. Calm and positive approach! After calling for help, calm the child, hold him in your arms or cuddle him, rub and massage the limbs. If there is a nurse nearby, tell him to inject 2% papaverine (if it is not a small baby who is sick). Later, introduce Nurofen, they are sold not only as tablets, but also as suppositories. This is better; the medicine will enter the bloodstream without going to the liver on the way from the child’s stomach. When calling an ambulance, do not let the doctors inject analgin. A seemingly harmless medicine reduces hemoglobin, and this then has a detrimental effect on the number of leukocytes.

Instant antipyretics can cause significant harm. Pediatricians also do not advise rushing with such drugs. Usually the temperature rises while the body is fighting some virus. Doctors give the body time to fight the scourge.

What is special about fever? With it, the temperature will rise, but the extremities will remain cold, the peripheral vessels will narrow and will not allow enough blood to flow to them.

Why is such a fever dangerous?

In infants, especially at high temperatures, their limbs do not immediately become cold. Sometimes the child has a high fever and cold extremities, and sometimes there is just a fever and the body is convulsing. These are some of the parts of the child’s brain that will react to the resulting spasm in the blood vessels. This condition may be accompanied by suffocation, the baby bites his tongue, or blistering discharge is visible from the mouth. Those parts of the brain that can cause seizures are responsible for breathing. A spasm is an atypical state for the body, and it “fails.”

What moms say

“Semyon often experiences this: the temperature soars to forty, but his hands and feet are simply icy. He behaves calmly - runs, laughs, plays. The appetite may decrease, but not by much. I didn’t think before that the condition required serious intervention, so I wasn’t afraid. After all, I didn’t notice any deviations in behavior. I give an antipyretic every few hours, usually before bed. When he sleeps, I insert candles. It’s good that my son rarely gets sick.”

Anna, 30 years old

“I couldn’t really understand what was happening! The forehead is hot, the body is hot, the hands are icy. She constantly gave antipyretic medicine and rubbed it vigorously. They also recommended the popular No-shpa, but I was afraid, it was too small... I simply called an ambulance - they gave me an injection and the temperature immediately went down. Never delay in calling an ambulance! Especially when the child is no more than 3 years old!”

Lana, 24 years old

“No antipyretics or rubbings helped us much. She gave syrups, lit candles, nothing. Of course I was scared. I called the ambulance. They arrived, gave me an injection, and it didn’t last long. Aspirin saved the day!”

Oksana, 28 years old

It is important to take seriously the situation when a child has a high fever and cold extremities.If this happens periodically, take your child to an appointment. Perhaps he has a vascular disease or a problem in a part of the brain. This does not happen out of nowhere and it is important to remember this!