What does a positive Valsalva maneuver mean? Valsalva test and maneuver: the essence of the method, scope of application

The Valsalva maneuver reflects the autonomic response nervous system in response to its stimulation.

Used as an emergency method for relief paroxysmal tachycardia, and as a diagnostic technique in urology, gynecology, otorhinolaryngology.

The method consists of changing hemodynamics, intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure in response to breath-holding.

This happens as follows:

  1. First done deep breath through the nose, then the patient tries to exhale while closing his nose and mouth. There is a change in pressure between the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
  2. At the beginning of the tension, large veins collapse, venous pressure decreases, as a result of which the blood flow into the heart decreases, and the ejection of blood from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary artery. It turns out that arterial pressure falls, but the pulse compensatory increases in order to restore adequate hemocirculation due to more frequent heart contractions.
  3. 15-20 seconds after the period of straining, the patient makes a full, slow exhalation. At this time, blood flow to the heart is restored, and the reduced pressure increases. Receptors in carotid artery those responding to fluctuations in blood pressure respond to changes by irritating the vagus nerve nucleus in the brain. This, in turn, significantly reduces the heart rate.

The concepts of “valsalva maneuver” and “valsalva maneuver” are often used. The only difference between them is to whom these terms are applied.

A test, also known as the Valsalva maneuver, is an action performed by a doctor for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.

A reception is the actions of the patient himself, which he performs independently to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The Valsalva effect is said to occur when, when holding your breath and straining, rhythm disturbances, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and possible fainting occur. It often develops when lifting heavy objects, playing sports, or going to the toilet. These symptoms occur as a result of a short-term increase in blood pressure to high levels. It is not considered a pathology, but physiological feature body.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of the Valsalva maneuver:

  • Risk assessment sudden stop heart due to the influence of the vagus nerve on the heart.
  • Differential diagnosis of tachycardia (with simultaneous ECG recording).
  • Studying the consistency of venous valves in venous system lower limbs(in combination with ultrasound examination).
  • Restoration and study of patency auditory tubes with otitis media, eustachitis, as well as a decrease in pressure in the middle ear cavity during an airplane flight or scuba diving.
  • Emergency care for paroxysmal tachycardia.
  • Diagnosis of varicocele.
  • Diagnosis of urinary incontinence.


  • Signs of acute cardiovascular failure: pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, impaired consciousness, drop in blood pressure.
  • Thromboembolism of arteries of any location.
  • History of myocardial infarction or stroke (stroke).
  • Diseases of the arteries and veins.
  • Any acute diseases.
  • Stage II heart failure.
  • Proliferative retinopathy.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease.
  • Sepsis.

How and in what cases is it done?

This technique is used in various areas medicine, let's look at each case in more detail.


When performing an ultrasound scan of the veins of the lower extremities to identify venous insufficiency Valsalva maneuver is used. During the test, a slight stagnation of blood occurs in them due to a decrease in pressure in the venous bed.

The fact is that the legs are the area furthest from the heart, so blood circulation is a little slower and more difficult than in other parts of the body. Blood flows here not due to the speed set by the heart, but due to contraction skeletal muscles, which seem to push blood through the vein. To prevent blood from returning in the opposite direction, there are valves in the vessels that prevent retrograde blood flow.

Whether stagnation of blood in the veins will be pronounced depends on the valve apparatus, which should not allow blood to pass in the opposite direction. If the valves are unable to close and remain closed, Doppler ultrasound will determine the reverse flow of blood and dilation of the veins during the test. A positive test indicates the risk of developing varicose veins.


In urology, this method is used to diagnose varicocele - varicose veins veins spermatic cord. At the initial stage, this disease can be detected by creating iatrogenic overflow of the veins of the spermatic cord with venous blood.

These conditions occur during the Valsalva maneuver. In the scrotum, the testicle and the strands of veins with varicose veins coming from it are palpated. This examination is carried out by urologists during a preventive examination of men.

Valsalva maneuver in combination with ultrasound diagnostics is a modern alternative to outdated X-ray examination.


In cardiology, the sample is used for ECG registration. The subject of study is the length R-R intervals on the cardiogram, or more precisely, the ratio of the duration of the longest interval to the shortest. The lower this ratio, the higher the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

The Valsalva maneuver is used by doctors to auscultate the heart. In particular, with tricuspid valve insufficiency, during the test, the systolic murmur subsides or disappears altogether.

Irritation of the vagus nerve and subsequent reflex decrease in heart rate becomes emergency care with paroxysm of supraventricular tachycardia.

It is an analogue of vagal tests (cough and vomiting reflex, carotid sinus massage).

Also used for differential diagnosis arrhythmias:

  • if after the test the rhythm is restored or the heart rate noticeably decreases, then sinus or supraventricular tachycardia is occurring;
  • in case of ventricular arrhythmia, the test is negative.


Used in gynecology to diagnose urinary incontinence in women. With a full bladder, the woman inhales and strains. With dysfunction of the urethral sphincter, drops of urine are released from the urinary canal.

This occurs due to an increase intra-abdominal pressure, which squeezes the full bladder. If the sphincter is not closed enough, or opens with slight tension, the doctor will see drops of urine.

This method is also used in obstetrics in the second stage of labor to increase the effectiveness of a pregnant woman’s pushing.


While straining at the height of inspiration, the patient is asked to try to release air through the ears, without exhaling the air itself. In this case, the Eustachian tube (the tube connecting the nasopharynx with the ear cavity) is “blown.”

This technique is used by divers and those who fly on an airplane. When atmospheric pressure decreases, a pressure difference occurs between the outside and inside the ear cavity, and a feeling of fullness appears in the ears.

In otolaryngology, this method is used to check patency eustachian tubes.

At purulent otitis with perforation of the eardrum, the Valsalva maneuver helps to evacuate pus from the ear. IN the latter case The use of the technique is possible only after the recommendation of an ENT doctor.


If pleural damage is suspected during surgery thoracic region spine under conduction anesthesia, the doctor asks the patient to strain while exhaling. If the layers of the pleura are damaged, then during straining a whistle of air passing through the pleural cavity. This happens due to a decrease in pressure in chest cavity and air flow through the resulting defect.

Before the appearance highly informative methods diagnostics (for example, CT with angiography), identify vascular pathology it was difficult. That’s why the sample was previously used for diagnosis congenital anomalies cerebral vessels, for example, malformations. During its implementation, patients noted the appearance or sharp increase in headache.

Technical characteristics of the method

The basis of this diagnostic technique is a phenomenon such as a change in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure, which develops in the patient during pushing. The cause is changes in hemodynamics vascular bed. Conditionally diagnostic examination divided into 4 phases. The first 2 of them correspond to the time when the patient is asked to push. As a result of tension, a mechanical process of spasm occurs large vessels central and peripheral venous bed, which in turn leads to a decrease in the volume of blood flowing directly into the heart. Clinically, this is manifested by a drop in blood pressure due to a decrease in the amount of blood leaving the heart. There is also a reflex increase in heart rate.

The subsequent phases are a period of relaxation. At this time, the volume of blood flowing directly to the heart also normalizes. The result is an increase cardiac output and an increase in blood pressure. As a result nerve impulses, which are activated from nerve endings located in the carotid artery and transmitted through the brain to the vagus nerve, resulting in a decrease in heart rate. This is how he reacts healthy body on increased load, as a result the reaction will be considered negative.

What does it look like positive test? With the development of a pathological process in the heart area, for example, after a myocardial infarction, structural changes occur in muscle tissue. As a result of this, the heart muscle is no longer able to change the rhythm of contractions over a certain time in response to impulses sent vagus nerve. This is recorded as a result of testing.

Another effect that normally manifests itself during pushing is an increase in pressure in the venous bed of the lower extremities. If pathological processes develop in the area of ​​the valves of the femoral and ankle vessels, this test will reveal a retrograde flow of blood, that is, it begins to move through the vessels in the opposite direction.

A similar test can be used in otolaryngology, but here it will not have a diagnostic, but more therapeutic effect and will be called not a test, but a therapeutic technique. Straining the patient, except for the impact on organs of cardio-vascular system, causes an increase in pressure in the nasopharynx. This in turn leads to the opening of the so-called Eustachian tubes, an increase in pressure directly in the middle ear. If it develops here inflammatory process with suppuration, then increased pressure helps to break through eardrum with the outflow of purulent masses. As a result acute period inflammation subsides, which leads to a decrease in pain symptoms.


The basis of this test is a deep breath followed by an exhalation. However, in diagnosing various pathological processes The research methodology differs slightly:

  1. In cardiological practice, the patient’s load and relaxation is carried out not only under the supervision of a doctor, but also with the use of special diagnostic equipment. During the examination, the patient can be in either a lying or sitting position. He is asked to take a deep breath, and then, slowly, exhale (the time is regulated) into a narrow mouthpiece. Then it is suggested to restore breathing. The entire period of the study is monitored by blood pressure and electrocardiography is performed.

  • The Valsalva maneuver for pathological processes in the vascular bed is preceded and ends with a repeat ultrasound examination. During testing, the patient is asked to take a deep breath in a standing position and then exhale through the nose. The mouth must be closed. As a result, muscle tension occurs in the chest and abdomen. It is during the period of relaxation of the patient that the condition of the vascular bed of the lower extremities is examined, that is, a Doppler study is performed.
  • In urological practice, the Valsalva maneuver is performed during almost any preventive examination of men. It is intended for diagnosing a disease such as varicocele. It is characterized by dilation of the veins in the testicular area. To conduct testing, the patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold his breath for a while. It is at this time that the doctor performs a palpation examination of the scrotum slightly higher than the testicles.

Decoding the result obtained

Both the appointment for examination using the Valsalva maneuver and its interpretation are made only by the attending physician, taking into account the main and accompanying illnesses. This study is prescribed especially carefully in cardiological practice. However, the patient may ask on the basis of what data the cardiac diagnosis is confirmed or refuted. So, for example, when pathological conditions, characterized by serious organic lesions heart tissue, the doctor can determine possible risk emergence premature death in the following way:

  1. Using an electrocardiogram, 2 main diagnostic indicators are determined - these are the shortest and longest intervals between ventricular contractions.
  2. The ratio of their values ​​is compared with the standard, which should exceed 1.7.

In the case when this indicator will be less than the norm, but will not fall below 1.3, then the patient will be told that he is in the so-called borderline state. And with a lower value, they claim an increased risk of developing fatal outcome due to heart problems. The main reason for this condition is considered to be a decrease in the nervous response to adequate stimulation of the vagus nerve branch.

If we talk about the criteria for assessing the patency of the vascular bed of the lower extremities, then the diagnostic method has significant differences from that described above. Here, the calculation of the result is based on Doppler ultrasound data, which shows the speed of blood flow through the vascular bed. In the case when the indicator obtained during the study exceeds 30 cm/s, the doctor claims an increase in pressure in the bloodstream. This is what it is diagnostic criterion development of pathology.

Indications for use

As a diagnostic technique, the Valsalva technique can be prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • to diagnose tachycardia, in this case it is combined with simultaneous electrocardiography and blood pressure measurement;
  • for myocardial infarction this method helps predict the likelihood of death;
  • diagnostics will help to assess the condition of the venous valves of the lower extremities; the study is carried out in combination with Doppler sonography;
  • you can use the Valsalva maneuver for varicocele as an emergency diagnosis of pathology on early stages its development;
  • in otolaryngology, a similar technique will help diagnose the presence of hearing aid patency disorders.

The Valsalva technique can also be used to relieve various pathological conditions:

  1. In cardiological practice, doctors recommend that patients with certain types of tachycardia, such as sinus or supraventricular, in a simple way stop an attack of rapid heartbeat.
  2. When scuba diving to great depths this technique will help fight the unpleasant sensation that occurs due to increased pressure in the middle ear.
  3. Similarly, you can remove the difference in pressure inside the ear when an airplane takes off or lands on the ground.

Possible contraindications

Let us immediately decide that it is unacceptable to use the Valsalva technique to stop an attack of palpitations when it is combined with pain in the heart area, a drop in blood pressure, or the development of suffocation. In this case, the sick person needs to call a doctor as quickly as possible.

As diagnostic study Valsalva maneuvers are not prescribed for the following diseases:

  • patients in acute stage heart attack or stroke;
  • when diagnosing a formed vascular thrombus in the area of ​​large arteries;
  • if there was a vascular bed of the legs;
  • for acute surgical pathologies requiring immediate surgical intervention;
  • Contraindications include some eye diseases, such as proliferative retinopathy;
  • any infectious pathology especially one that is accompanied by a feverish state;
  • at any chronic disease, which is in the acute stage.

The Valsalva maneuver is strictly prescribed by the attending physician for the purpose of specific research and diagnosis. It is not recommended to do it yourself, only under the supervision of a specialist.

Medical tests and studies do not come to us out of nowhere. Before becoming available to society, they undergo many tests and checks, and only then begin to serve people for diagnostics. various diseases. The Valsalva maneuver is not as popular as, for example, a clinical blood test. This test is used for highly targeted diagnostics. The test is especially often done for varicose veins and some other diseases.

Valsalva maneuver - historical background

Otherwise, this test is called Valsalva stress. This test is named after the famous anatomist Antonio Maria Valsalva. Initially, the test was aimed at removing pus from otitis media from the middle ear. But today it is used by drivers, airplane passengers, and doctors in the treatment of varicose veins and other diseases. The method is that a person inhales forcefully, provided that the mouth and nose are closed. Often this test is prescribed together with other examination methods. This is done with the aim of setting the correct and accurate diagnosis. The test is informative when used with ultrasound and electrocardiogram.

How is this method used for varicose veins?

Medical examination for varicose veins begins with a doctor’s examination, palpation and medical history. In addition to the methods listed above, you may need a Valsalva maneuver, which allows you to determine the pathology of blood vessels and the functionality of the valve apparatus in the venous system.

At the first examination, the phlebologist determines the presence of “stars”, redness nodes and other changes. After the initial examination, this specialist often prescribes an ultrasound of the veins, which is safe and painless method diagnostics, helping the doctor assess the general condition of the blood vessels and identify the presence of blood clots. May need additional examination by using:

  • deep research method - ultrasound scanning (color duplex scanning);
  • studies of the direction of blood flow, blood flow speed, blood pressure and volume - ultrasound examination (Dopplerography), this method makes it possible to see structural changes in the walls of blood vessels;
  • USAS (ultrasound angioscanning);
  • three-dimensional X-ray - spiral CT (computed tomography);
  • phlebographic studies;
  • laboratory (blood test, which has a very important) and other studies.

When a Valsalva maneuver is performed, arterial pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) are measured over a certain period of time. In this case, the patient must lie down (take horizontal position) and inhale through the tube to which the pressure gauge is attached. It is prohibited to carry it out outside the hospital, due to a possible sharp decrease in pressure in the heart. Thanks to this study, you can see a picture of the enlarged diameter of the veins, and also understand whether there is reflux.

A lot depends on a correctly collected medical history, so the doctor carefully examines the patient, finds out heredity, past illnesses, are there any problems with endocrine system, as well as living conditions, food, and work. Information about pregnancy and childbirth is important for women.

Application of the method for varicocele

Men may develop varicose veins of the ovaries and spermatic cord. This disease is called varicocele. It is most diagnosed among men. The disease occurs in three stages. When using the Valsalva technique, the doctor has the opportunity to see pathological changes even during preventive examination(age does not matter). Such a diagnosis will make it possible to identify the presence of a problem, even in the absence of any symptoms. The doctor palpates the ovaries to identify or, conversely, determine the absence of varicose veins. To identify the true state of the ovarian vein system, the Valsalva maneuver for varicocele is done while standing and lying down, while the doctor examines the veins and makes a comparison.

Features of ultrasound with Valsalva maneuver

Ultrasound examination is also informative method diagnostics It can be used to examine almost any human organ. If the Valsalva maneuver and ultrasound are performed together, the patient will definitely need to stand. First, the doctor examines the patient in general. In this case, the thickness of the veins and their consistency are determined. After general examination The patient, at the doctor’s request, tenses his muscles and inflates his stomach. If varicose veins are present, the doctor observes an increase in the vessels changed due to damage and identifies soft elastic nodes. When performing an ultrasound, the Valsalva maneuver makes it possible to determine how the blood flow in the opposite direction is disrupted, and, of course, the dilation of the veins.

What does a positive test mean?

IN circulatory system There are venous valves - a kind of “locks” that close when blood passes through them and prevent it from going back. When the “locks” are faulty, the blood flows down and stagnates there. If the Valsalva maneuver is positive during the examination, it means that there is a deficiency in the functioning of the valves. When registering reverse blood flow, the doctor diagnoses a deficiency in the functioning of the valves of the superficial vessels. Based on the results of the medical test, further manipulations or drug therapy are prescribed.

Valsalva maneuver is negative - what is it?

But the results of this examination can be not only positive, but also with a minus sign. If the Valsalva test for varicose veins is negative, it means that there are no anomalies in the veins being examined. The patient can be happy with this outcome of the examination.

For what diseases is this test still used?

This medical test can be used not only for varicose veins. There are certain standards for this test when various diseases. It is often prescribed in the following cases:

  • if diagnosis of certain types of tachycardia is necessary, it is carried out in conjunction with an ECG;
  • the test is carried out if it is necessary to assess the function of the valve apparatus of the veins in the legs; it is also carried out not alone, but in conjunction with a Doppler examination;
  • it is also used when it is necessary to determine the patency of the patient’s auditory tubes.

In medicine there is the concept of Valsalva maneuver and maneuver. They must be distinguished, since the sample is prescribed by a specialist for examination and making a specific diagnosis. Most often, it does not even go away on its own, but with some other study. The Valsalva maneuver is necessary to eliminate unpleasant sensations or conditions, for example, a sharp change in pressure, altitude, or rapid heartbeat.

Varicose veins in the testicular area, called varicoceles, do not actively manifest themselves on early stages diseases, and a superficial external examination of the affected area does not always provide reliable data on the diagnosis. But there is a test in which pathology is detected even in its infancy. This test is named after the anatomist Antonio Valsalva. The Valsalva maneuver for varicose veins has proven itself in medical practice, it is also used with this type of this disease, like varicocele.

What is the Valsalva maneuver?

This is a procedure that increases internal pressure in the areas of the middle ear, chest And abdominal cavity. The pressure change is achieved special regime breathing - a person inhales air, holds it for a while, and then slowly exhales. At the moment of inhalation, blood flow to the abdominal and groin area decreases, tension is created, and heartbeat. In subsequent phases, breathing normalizes, which leads to a sharp increase in blood flow, increased vascular tone and a decrease in pulse. Inhalation and breath holding correspond to phases I and II, and exhalation and normalization of breathing rates correspond to phases III and IV.

Based on the difference in heart rate during breath-holding and the relaxation phase, the Valsalva ratio is calculated. During such changes, pathological processes in the vessels of the lower extremities become clearly visible, therefore the Valsalva maneuver for varicocele is actively used as a relatively safe and reliable method diagnosis of varicose veins.

There are different variations of the test, differing in the position of the patient’s body during the procedure and breathing mode.

Application of the Valsalva maneuver for varicocele

The Valsalva maneuver for diagnosing varicocele is as follows: first, the patient is interviewed to inform about the presence or absence of contraindications. Despite the relative safety of the Valsalva method, this test can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being if pain in the heart and predisposition to sudden changes pressure under negative external influences.

Also contraindications to the procedure are acute infectious diseases, blocked veins in the legs, retinopathy and some other eye diseases.

If no contraindications are found, the doctor proceeds with the actual procedure. To do this, the patient must take straight position lying or standing. Then he is asked to draw air into his chest and tense, closing his mouth and nose. After a few seconds, this tension leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and vasospasm, which creates good conditions to study the condition of the arteries in groin area. The patient then breathes into the tube for a few seconds. The tube is connected to a barometer to regulate the strength and frequency of breathing. The heart muscle tries to neutralize vascular spasm and increases their blood flow. At this time, the doctor manually palpates the testicles in the area above the scrotum and looks for damaged vessels.

If the phlebologist finds “stars” on the veins and swelling of the arteries, then a ultrasound examination to clarify the diagnosis. During an ultrasound, the Valsalva maneuver is also taken, but this method has some specifics. Only a standing position is allowed; manual palpation is not performed; instead, characteristics such as heart rate and blood pressure are examined with an ultrasound device. Additional dimension the state of the vessels is carried out in the stage of complete rest before the start of the test. Ultrasound can detect not only external, but also internal signs varicose veins, for example, a change in the direction of blood flow, indicating insufficient power of the valves in the vessels.

Positive and negative Valsalva maneuver

The result can have two degrees: positive and negative, as well as a number of borderline states that will indicate a predisposition to pathologies or their presence at the earliest stages.

  • Positive Valsalva maneuver is placed when damage to the veins is detected during palpation, with their uneven swelling, manifested by “stars” and blood clots. At ultrasound examination the presence of reverse blood flow will be detected in the second phase, which will be a sign of disruption of the vascular valves.
  • Negative Valsalva maneuver indicates the absence of pathological processes in the vessels. In this case, during palpation, “stars” and swellings in the veins will not be detected, the size of the ovaries will be the same. A positive ultrasound result indicates normal changes tone in the vessels in the first and second phases of the test, also positive result indicates the absence of retrograde blood flow.

With the Valsalva maneuver, registration is possible systemic violations, not directly related to varicose veins, but indicating the presence of cardiac pathologies. In this case, the index of pressure difference between the phases of tension and rest will be unnecessary, and sometimes mild disturbances of well-being, dizziness and nausea appear. This index is determined by simultaneously performing a cardiogram with a Valsalva maneuver.

The Valsalva method has wide application and is used in the diagnosis of diseases in the field of otolaryngology, for the treatment of inflammation of the ear cavity, to normalize internal pressure when diving and traveling by plane.

Has no noticeable symptoms initial stages, therefore diagnosing it at this stage of development is very difficult.

However, there are some techniques that help detect pathology at the beginning of its development. One of them is the Valsalva maneuver, what it is, how it is carried out and is deciphered further and we'll talk.

Valsalva maneuver- diagnostic technique used by specialists in various fields medicine to identify pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, ENT organs, etc.

Using the Valsalva maneuver, it is possible to determine some pathological conditions

Reference. The diagnostic technique bears the name of its discoverer, the Italian specialist A.M. Valsalvas.

The essence this test consists of straining, that is, trying to forcefully exhale while closed nose and mouth.

The procedure is simple and does not take much time. The patient must do the following:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Tense yourself while closing your nose and mouth.
  3. Then breathe for a few minutes into a special tube.

The procedure is divided into 4 phases (from the moment the exhalation begins), at each of which certain changes occur in the patient’s body:

  • Phase 1 (exhalation)- there is an increase in pressure in the chest and abdominal cavity. Duration - 3 seconds;
  • Phase 2 (increased respiratory tension)- Blood supply to the heart muscle becomes maximum. There is an increase in the transparency of the lungs. Duration - 6-7 seconds;
  • Phase 3 (beginning of the relaxation period)- decreased pressure in the chest cavity, increased blood flow to the heart. Heartbeats become rarer and deeper. Heart size and transparency lung tissue return to their original position;
  • Phase 4 (end of the relaxation period)- the process of restoration of venous return and cardiac output.

Changes in blood pressure and heart rate depending on the phase of diagnosis

During diagnostics in this way, pulse and blood pressure must be monitored.

The results of such manipulations help specialists assess the patient’s condition and diagnose certain diseases.

Test method for varicocele

Before performing the procedure, a specialist in mandatory conducts a thorough survey of the patient to determine possible contraindications.

The fact is that despite the safety of the test, if there are contraindications, it can threaten a significant deterioration of the condition.

It is not recommended to perform the Valsalva maneuver on your own.

If there are no contraindications, then the doctor performs a Valsalva maneuver for varicocele, which looks like this:

  1. The patient lies down or sits down.
  2. Takes a deep breath, closing your nose and mouth.
  3. Fixes the position for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Next, he breathes into a special tube, which is connected to a barometer to control the strength and frequency of breathing.

At this time, the specialist performs manual palpation of the testicles in the area above the scrotum and determines the presence of damaged vessels.

Important! The procedure cannot be performed outside the hospital due to a possible sharp decrease in pressure in the heart.

If the doctor finds certain pathological changes, then an ultrasound is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Interpretation of results

The result of the procedure can be of two types: positive and negative.

Can also be determined borderline states, which indicate a person’s propensity for the disease or its presence on initial stages development.

A positive test indicates the presence of pathology, a negative test indicates its absence.

Reference. Decoding should be performed only by the attending physician, taking into account general condition the patient and his concomitant diseases.

Positive test

Before deciding what a positive Valsalva maneuver means, let’s touch on anatomical structure veins

The venous system has special valves that ensure normal blood flow. When these valves begin to malfunction, blood flows back in the opposite direction, which leads to the formation of stagnation.

So, if a positive test is determined, this indicates a malfunction valve system.

In addition, pathological reverse blood flow (determined by performing a Valsalva test during an ultrasound) can also indicate problems with blood vessels.

A positive diagnostic result indicates the presence and development of varicocele

Based on the results of the procedure, the specialist may prescribe further examinations or select a drug treatment regimen.

Negative test

Negative result this survey indicates that no abnormalities were found in the vessels examined.

In such a situation, they are not determined swollen veins, which means the process of blood circulation and the operation of venous valves is normal.

Indications for the Valsalva test

The Valsalva test is used in various fields of medicine to check or study the following conditions:

The technique is used in different areas medicine

  • determination of the patency of the auditory tubes;
  • diagnosis of tachycardia;
  • diagnosis of varicocele and severity of the genital baroreflex;
  • assessment of the functioning of the venous valve system of the legs and determination;
  • determination of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • risk assessment fatal outcome after a heart attack.

In addition, the Valsalva maneuver helps eliminate discomfort among divers when diving to depth.

This technique will also help reduce pressure in the middle section. auditory analyzer during takeoff/landing of an aircraft or during sharp jump atmospheric pressure indicators.

Important! A distinction must be made between the Valsalva maneuver and the maneuver.

The first is prescribed by a specialist for examination and carried out in a hospital, while the second is designed to eliminate discomfort and can be performed independently.


The following pathological conditions are contraindications to performing such a diagnosis:

The list of contraindications for the test is quite extensive.

  • any disease in the acute phase;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • heart failure stage 2 or higher;
  • brain vessels;
  • sepsis;
  • retinopathy;
  • fever;
  • acute infectious diseases.

It is also prohibited to perform such a test in the presence of tachycardia with chest pain, a sharp decline Blood pressure, loss of consciousness.


The Valsalva technique is in an informative way, which makes it possible to determine the presence of varicocele at a stage of development when they are not yet observed visual signs diseases.

Early diagnosis of any disease, especially varicose veins, allows effective therapy and prevent progression of the pathological process.