Emperor death devil combination. The meaning of the devil lasso in upright and inverted positions, combinations with other cards. With the suit of Wands

The Devil (Demon, Satan) is the 15th arcana in the Tarot deck. It symbolizes the trap into which the questioner has fallen. A person strives to get rid of bondage, but he does not have the strength to resist circumstances.

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The devil symbolizes the dark side of other cards: lust, seduction, greed. This lasso offers instant pleasure, a quick solution to problems. But if the questioner succumbs to temptation, he will soon face destruction in his life.

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    Symbolism of the card

    In most classic decks (Rider-Waite, Universal Tarot, Lo Scarabeo deck) in the center of the lasso you can see the image of the Devil with his classic attributes: horns, wings, an inverted pentagram. He sits on a huge cube, to which prisoners - a man and a woman - are chained with iron chains. They suffer, but their postures are calm. Their freedom is limited, they are completely dependent on the will of the terrible Devil.

    All three figures repeat or parody poses that can be seen on the Hierophant card. The devil is a mirror image of this lasso. His image is a contrast or sarcasm of the blessing that the High Priest gives to people.

    In some Tarot decks, the deep meaning of the arcana is revealed through one of the essential attributes of the Devil - fire. But this is not hellfire. Tarot readers believe that the lasso reflects the real world rather than the mythical depths of Hell.

    The presence of fire means that a person is not freed from cause-and-effect karmic relationships. To receive retribution, you do not need to wait for the Supreme Court. It is already happening on Earth, and a painful fire will burn everyone who commits an unpleasant act.

    The suffering of people is the hellish fire that is in the hands of the Devil. It is through suffering that people become attached to the material world.

    In some decks, the Devil has horns - a sign of his animal, instinctive nature. It gives rise to incontinence, weakness in the face of passions. The same horns are depicted on captives. Their meaning is the same, but with less intense expression. Men and women can be depicted with tails. The brush of a man's tail is a hellish flame of anger. A woman's brush is a bunch of grapes: a sign of dependence on material well-being and lust.

    The Devil's wings represent independence - he can break off and fly away at any moment. The ball says that it is impossible to hide from temptation anywhere: the whole Earth is a vale of suffering.

    General value

    The devil says that the questioner does not control the situation in which he finds himself. With his behavior he can bring himself into big trouble.


    The card indicates that at a certain segment of his path a person has chosen the path of self-destruction (or there is such a prospect). Arkan warns that in indulging his whims the querent goes beyond all possible boundaries. There is abuse of power (including erotic power), submission to another person, or dependence on something.

    The devil speaks of an oppressive environment. A certain personality or weakness gains too much power over the querent, depriving him of freedom of creativity. Sometimes we are talking about the destructive influence of bad people.

    The way the questioner is acting now is leading to the destruction of his life. There is a temptation to forget about all the rules under the influence of external circumstances, fear, and psychological pressure. The temptation is great to stop working and indulge momentary lust.

    The devil is a warning to the questioner to return to the right path as quickly as possible: if you continue to persist in indulging in weaknesses, there will be an inevitable retribution for this.

    According to the Arcana Devil, psychological obsession and physical dependence occur. These may be passions that harm the performance of everyday duties, the temptation of dishonest acquisition. Sometimes there is no turning back (an option for drug addiction).

    Upside down

    The description of the Devil arcana in the reverse position is similar to the direct one: the card in both cases indicates dependence. But here the situation has practically no way out. The questioner had a chance to find possible solutions, but at one time he did not take advantage of them, ignored the signs of fate and now fell into a trap.

    The card speaks of a subtly thought-out lie, the sophistication of some unscrupulous person. Other arcana in the reading will indicate those areas where betrayal can be expected. But often one deception leads to another, and the questioner remains in the carousel of lies.

    Inverted, the Devil indicates unrestrained passion when obsessive aspirations begin to be realized. If in the upright position the lasso indicates those temptations to which a person may not succumb, then in the reverse position we are talking about actions.

    The card can describe negative aspects of character that have taken root over many years, which have turned into psychological complexes and prevent a person from living a normal life. The querent is deprived of the opportunity to choose due to missed chances or due to the fatality of the circumstances themselves.

    Work and career issues

    Most often, the Devil lasso says that a person has “sold his soul” and is in subordination from which he has no way to get out. The field of activity can be any: politics, show business, production area. In any case, there is a strong dependence on another person or serious pressure.

    Circumstances force the questioner to commit actions that he will seriously regret in the future.

    The devil indicates that a person can easily become a victim of manipulation and be involved in illegal operations: theft, corruption, intrigue, breaking the law. We can talk about data falsification, shadow accounting, and making confidential information public. This is often followed by ruthless exploitation.

    In an inverted position, the lasso indicates unseemly activities: theft or fraud, prostitution, witchcraft. For an employee of an organization it means non-payment of earned money. If a person works in a team, meanness awaits him. Other cards in the layout will show from whom exactly to expect deception. But the Devil always says that a person drives himself into a trap and allows others to fool him.

    Financial situation

    If the querent's question concerned the possibility of gaining material stability, the Devil is a relatively positive card. He promises the achievement of financial goals, although not by the most godly means.

    The card symbolizes profit, corruption, and payment of interest. It indicates that a person’s efforts are concentrated only on achieving material well-being.

    The situation of financial dependence (typical of kept women) also follows this same arcana. The card indicates a constant pursuit of new acquisitions, accounting fraud, and enrichment through the slave labor of others.

    In an inverted position, the Devil indicates dishonest business, accompanied by great risk. It usually involves a lot of other people. In fact, we are talking about illegal scams. Inverted, the lasso predicts that the querent will be betrayed in a certain situation. If there are Strength or Emperor cards next to the Devil, we are talking about threats and blackmail.

    Love and relationships

    The devil speaks of strong attachment, instinctive attraction, passion. The card often falls out to those who decide to enter into intimate relationships on the side, or to those who have lost their heads because of love.

    The desires that engulf a person are so powerful that they completely drown out the voice of reason, making it difficult to adequately assess the current situation. The partner turns into an object of fatal passion, highlighting all the shadow sides of character in the questioner.

    The primitive energy of a love affair makes a person forget about everything, lose himself in its abyss.

    The same lasso runs through tyranny on the part of the partner. Relationships are built on dependence, which is based on fear. There is material dependence, blackmail, betrayal, jealousy, and manipulation. A typical situation is deprivation of honor and immorality. Even if the Devil provides thrills for a while, in the end he brings torment and sorrow. Looking back many years later, a person will think with regret that this dark spot in his biography might not have existed.

    In an inverted position, the card indicates the presence of dependence in a relationship that is always built on fear. There is mutual aggression and sexual perversion in the couple. If the Devil is the significator of one of the partners, this means that it is he who provokes aggression in the couple. If the Arcana Two of Cups appears in a reading, this is a sign of constant betrayal.

    The Three of Cups next to the Devil indicates alcoholism.

    For single people, the Devil symbolizes the impossibility of building a normal family union, since a person builds all relationships in his life on aggression. In this case, creating a family is possible only with an uncomplaining, submissive person.

    Health issues

    Sometimes the Devil points to damage, a love spell or other influence of black magicians. In this case, confirmation of other cards in the layout is necessary - the use of witchcraft is indicated by the Hanged Man (a sign of a love spell), the Magician, and the High Priestess.

    The devil speaks of serious health problems caused by addictions, bad habits, and weakness of will. Drug addiction, alcoholism, and sexually transmitted diseases pass through this lasso. When present, the Death or Peace card indicates physical death.

    Personality characteristics

    Arcanum Devil indicates an extremely attractive, magnetic person who knows how and loves to make money and values ​​material comforts. This person treats everything with a bit of humor.

    To achieve his goals, the person designated by this lasso uses any means - intrigue, deception, manipulation. But even so, others are often fascinated and fall in love with such a person.

    The characteristics of a person whose significator is the inverted Devil are different: the card indicates a gloomy, depressed person. He is surrounded by an unpleasant halo. Sometimes she is a vulgar person, prone to various addictions.

    Card of the day

    As a card of the day, the fifteenth lasso has several different interpretations. He points to:

    • The need to exercise caution. It is important to carefully consider each step. You should not accept tempting offers without considering their consequences. If there is even the slightest doubt, you should postpone all business and travel.
    • A surge of negative emotions. A person on this day can be extremely irritated and touchy. You cannot blindly obey your feelings. It is recommended to postpone making important decisions until another day.
    • Meanness on the part of any person. These can be both close people and complete strangers. You need to be suspicious of everything. When leaving the apartment, you should check its security: on such a day there is a high risk of break-ins and thefts.

    Card advice: refuse dates or meetings with other people. Communication will be associated with deception and meanness. The meeting itself may not take place due to the partner’s deceit.

    Combinations with other cards

    The Devil highlights the shadow side of other cards. In many cases, it is interpreted depending on the lasso that is next to it:

    • the meaning of the Death card adjusts towards an obsessive desire for change;
    • the Strength card next to the Devil is interpreted as an unreasonable use of aggression;
    • with the Chariot speaks of bravado and selfishness.

    Major Arcana

    In combination with the major arcana, the Devil has the following interpretations:

    Arcana Meaning
    FoolMadness. State of drug intoxication. Proactive action needed
    1. 1. Warlock. A deceiver, a scoundrel.
    2. 2. Bad addictions and complexes prevent you from achieving your goals
    High Priestess
    1. 1. Witch. Skillful manipulation.
    2. 2. The situation is extremely difficult. You should seek help from other people
    1. 1. Shadow profit.
    2. 2. Difficulties along the way
    EmperorCircumstances put pressure on the questioner. Corruption schemes. Political intrigue
    HierophantFalse guru. Sectarianism, Satanism.
    LoversA love affair based on sex or aggression. Emotional dependence. It is necessary to either break up or gain control over yourself
    1. 1. Personal growth is hampered by selfishness.
    2. 2. A person is under the influence of others, his will is limited
    JusticeInjustice. Inability to overcome difficulties on your own
    Wheel of Fortune
    1. 1. Gaming addiction.
    2. 2. Loss of trust of important people
    ForceA desperate struggle against manifestations of addiction, carnal passion. Strong aggression
    HermitGive in to temptation. Extremes in self-development
    HangedInability to change the situation. The temptation that led into a trap
    1. 1. Wrong choice leading to complete destruction.
    2. 2. Constant desire for change, “fear of fate”
    1. 1. Hangover syndrome.
    2. 2. Brewing internal rebellion
    1. 1. Get into a financial pyramid. Think only about yourself.
    2. 2. The Fall
    StarEven at the bottom of Hell there is room for hope for the best
    1. 1. Theft, deception. Insanity.
    2. 2. Dependence on a female person
    1. 1. Illuminate the dark side of life.
    2. 2. Dependence on a male person
    CourtGet help breaking addiction
    1. 1. Put an end to the sins of the past, get off the slippery slope.
    2. 2. Obsession

    Minor Arcana

    If there are figure cards (Pages, Queens or Kings) next to the Devil, you should expect negative manifestations from your own environment. Usually this is envy, aggression, deceitful actions. The gender of the person you should be wary of will be revealed by the dropped lasso.

    With the suit of Swords:

    • Ace is an obsessive thought.
    • Two - feel helpless.
    • Three is a manifestation of aggression; sadomasochism.
    • Four - to chicken out in a difficult situation.
    • Five is a disgrace.
    • Six - desperate attempts to "get involved".
    • Seven - petty theft; unclean deeds.
    • Eight - a load of guilt; neurotic state.
    • Nine - severe panic.
    • Ten is a criminal.
    • The page is a flatterer and slanderer.
    • Knight - promiscuity.
    • The queen is a lie to the face.
    • The king is a treacherous man, ready to do anything for his goal.

    With the suit of Wands:

    • Ace is a libertine, an adulterer; give in to incitement.
    • Two - skillfully set traps; The devil is to be found in the little things.
    • Three - there were more difficulties than expected.
    • Four - speculation or conflict.
    • Five is an aggressive environment.
    • Six - succumb to deception, trust an unworthy person.
    • Seven - take the position of a slave.
    • Eight - submit to the will of another person.
    • Nine - unjustified suspicion, reaching the point of paranoia.
    • Ten - people-pleasing; alcohol abuse.
    • Page - a cruel miscalculation.
    • Knight - behave without regard to the consequences.
    • Queen - to be depressed.
    • King - succumb to vices.

    Combinations with the suit of Cups (Cups):

    • Ace - betrayal in love; unhealthy relationships.
    • Two - false promises; destructive love affair.
    • Three - doing nothing, laziness.
    • Four - receive an unworthy offer.
    • Five - losses that had to be faced due to bad addictions.
    • Six is ​​a person who has suffered from alcohol or drug addiction in the past.
    • Seven - unclean thoughts.
    • Eight - the fight against a bad habit.
    • Nine - bulimia, alcoholism; inability to resist passions.
    • Ten is a negative bias in the family.
    • Knight - receive a dirty offer.
    • The page is a liar.
    • The Queen is an immoral woman.
    • The king is a dishonest man.

    Combinations with the suit of Pentacles:

    • Ace - money laundering; financial dependence.
    • Two - dangerous money manipulations.
    • Troika - trading on the black market.
    • Four - love of money, excessive greed.
    • Five - serious difficulties with money resulting from personal degradation.
    • Six is ​​favor, behind which selfish motives are hidden.
    • Seven - money speculation.
    • Eight - engaging in underground trade.
    • Nine is a fortune acquired through unrighteous means.
    • Ten is a crime clan.
    • A page is a person who cannot be trusted.
    • Knight - illegal extortions.
    • The queen is a cunning, calculating female person.
    • The king is the head of a mafia clan.

    The devil personifies evil, seeking to disrupt the divine order in human life. He tempts directly or influences through fear. But in any case, the Devil tries to lead the questioner astray from the path of his true destiny.

    Through the Arcana Devil Tarot, you are advised to be patient and achieve success on your own. You should not give in to temptation, even if it is very attractive. The card recommends continuing your journey and not being afraid of hard work.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

This Arcanum is related to everything that is traditionally associated in a person with the concept of sin. Greed, intemperance, uncontrollability of rude instincts - all this is under the “jurisdiction” of the Devil. This card is also interpreted as a dead end situation that has developed either for subjective reasons (personal susceptibility to passions) or for objective reasons (human dishonesty, optionality, or some circumstances “against”).

And, of course, the Devil is sexuality, but sexuality is vicious, tending toward perversion, or simply irresistible.

Some clarifications in the interpretation of the Arcana can be brought by the cards located next to it. For example, the Devil with the Jester means exposure to alcohol or drugs, with the Hierophant - subordination to bad authorities (sects, informal associations of a negative kind), with the Wheel of Fortune - a huge craving for gambling.

Inverted position

The inverted Devil does not change its negative connotation, but demonstrates slightly different shadow sides of human nature - weak or broken will, failure of plans, serious illness, fear of the unconscious. Pay attention to some combinations with the Devil in an inverted form, namely: with Strength (submission to brute force, powerlessness before it), with the Priestess (fear of witchcraft), with the Moon (insanity or even insanity). In the case of an inverted Arcanum, the passions raging in a person’s soul may not be as strong as with its upright position. However, this is a controversial issue. For the resentment due to our own powerlessness, the thirst for revenge on the one who put us in a dead end or shameful situation, can be very great.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the personal sphere, the Devil symbolizes a vicious relationship, a union based solely on sexual attraction, fascination with a person who is completely unworthy of it. And also - a marriage of convenience, when behind words of love and promises of fidelity there is a desire to acquire material wealth, and perhaps throw their owner out of his life as unnecessary. Very traditional in this regard is the combination of the Devil and Lovers (this combination means a relationship in which we are talking only about sexual attraction without a drop of romantic and bright feelings).

Inverted position

The inverted Devil for such layouts denotes a relationship based on the weakness of one partner and the strength of the second. That is, one of them demonstrates despotism, sophisticated mockery towards the other, or blackmails him with his own weaknesses (“I can’t live without you,” “I won’t survive,” “you’ll find out then,” etc.) The second at the same time turns out to be a victim, involuntary or voluntary, and endures, agrees, submits... And it is the inverted Devil that best describes the situation when one person achieved another with the help of a love plot (especially in combination with a Magician).

Pay attention also to the combination “inverted Devil - Chariot”; it says that the union of people is far from equal and in it one person openly pushes the other around.


Straight position

This Arcana for a career indicates corrupt actions, intrigue, and illegal transactions (naturally, including in combination with Justice). In addition, the Devil testifies to a tempting offer, which, if accepted, will force a person to commit illegal or immoral acts. And one more thing: The Devil in Combination with the Empress means shadow sources of income, with the Emperor - participation in a certain structure, well thought out and organized, but engaged in some prohibited operations (for example, in a mafia group).

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Devil is powerlessness against intrigue and “snooping”, the lack of the right to vote in the team. This is a despotic boss or serious problems with supervisory authorities. The combination of the inverted Devil with the Hanged Man suggests that it will not be possible to get out of the current vicious circle very soon, and with Death - that non-resistance to other people’s vice and evil will lead to the most destructive consequences.

Don't be afraid to shine a light on what seems dark and unknown. It is necessary to fight evil, because the situation has not always gone as far as it seems. Of course, we ourselves often commit actions that are not at all disrespectful. But let this become a reason not to cry over your own imperfections, but an impetus to take the path of self-improvement even more firmly.

Each Tarot lasso carries a specific meaning. Depending on the issue and the position of the card, it can be positive or negative. The devil is not the best lasso. He embodies various temptations and human vices. This is a symbol of the animal part of human essence and its shadow side. But don’t be upset, any card is just from one state to another.

General plot

In traditional decks based on the Rider-Waite drawings, the card depicts the Lord of Hell himself - the Devil. He looks like a red horned monster. A pentagram is drawn between its horns. One of his hands holds a torch, the other is raised. In front of him are two nude figures - a male and a female. Some tarot readers believe that these are Adam and Eve. Their faces do not express any negative emotions. On the contrary, they are happy with their lot.

The central figure of the arcana is the supreme demon. It looks like a goat that stands on its hind legs. Satan sits on a black stone cube. His wings are similar to the wings of bats. A mixture of several animals means a violation of the natural order, turning everything upside down. It's like a violent symbiosis. From the point of view of interpretation, these are manifestations of violation of any laws and we are not talking about legal ones. All over the world there are laws of balance, divine, etc.

Satan's face is distorted into a grimace. This is the embodiment of the desire to destroy everything, the thirst for suffering and torment. Wings are a threatening element.

Man and woman become victims of their own vices. They are chained to the cube and this symbolizes their weakness in the face of passions. They cannot escape the negative sides of their personalities, vices, and weaknesses. The lovers look at each other with delight, and meanwhile the demon brings a lit torch to their backs. They risk burning out in lust and vice.

The pentagram is the Star of David. It consists of two triangles and has different meanings. This is a reflection of heaven and earth, the four elements, masculine and feminine, etc.

The devil covers the star with his back, thereby depriving people of the opportunity to pay attention to the laws of the universe.

In the Egyptian Tarot, Typhon is depicted instead of Satan. He is the incarnation of Set, the god of evil. But he is still wise and helped Ra in battle. The Dragon deck uses the serpent Apok. He was the personification of chaos and darkness and it was he who was defeated by Ra.

Basic meaning


  • Materialism.
  • Refusal.
  • Temptation.
  • Fear.
  • Hate.
  • Devil.
  • Satan.
  • Violence.
  • Bandage.
  • Sexual aggression.
  • Worldly desire.
  • Ignorance.
  • Blindness.
  • Deception.
  • Impotence.
  • Unusual sexual interests.

Classic interpretation of the arcana Devil - the querent does not have the situation under control and this threatens him with a number of troubles. He is either already on the path of degradation and destruction of himself, or will do so in the near future. A person too often follows his weaknesses and indulges his whims. Sometimes this is a sign that the questioner is abusing power.

It's worth knowing:

In some cases, the card indicates the presence of dependence on someone.

The card forces a person to behave atypically, causing harm to himself, but at the same time the person himself is sure that he is acting for his own good. The interpretation of this lasso is not the easiest thing, since all tarot readers attribute different meanings to it:

  • fear;
  • instincts;
  • dark past.

All this can be combined under one thesis: the querent is in a situation of dependence on someone or something. Often it is an obsession that drives you crazy and deprives you of your sanity. The devil gives direct advice: come to your senses, get back on the right path.

Personal level

The questioner is obsessed, but the scale of this may vary. In any case, he is overcome by strong feelings or obsession. All this has a destructive effect on the individual. If we consider the appearance of the lasso on a spiritual level, then a person will have to face the shadow part of his personality. This is a difficult test, since not everyone can accept their involutionary side.

Features of manifestation:

  • evil intentions;
  • prospects are not considered;
  • actions at random.

A person makes every effort to realize his desire. It seems to him that everything is about to change. All he has to do is take possession of a person and everything will work out. This is the main trap of the Devil. This card is always accompanied by self-digging and weak will.


In a bad scenario, the lasso indicates that the querent will become a slave to his base habits. For example, he becomes addicted to comfort and endlessly buys luxury things.

Some tarot readers do not agree with the negative interpretations of the lasso. They believe that it just means some kind of test or exam. If you go through it consciously, then life will change for the better, changes will take place at the personal level. Plus a person learns to fight temptations.

Work issues

In professional matters, the card has two different meanings. Rarely does it indicate the need to pass some test for career growth. Much more often it becomes the embodiment of the fact that a person fell into slavery to someone. He is either under a lot of pressure, or he is dependent. The situation often forces him to act atypically.

There is a high probability of becoming a victim of compromising evidence or clever manipulation.

The lasso rarely becomes an indicator of open bullying; most often it does not manifest itself at all. The team can be nice and welcoming. The querent will be involved in dubious matters, shady deals. Sometimes getting easy money. A person becomes obsessed with them and tries to repeat it.

Arkan sometimes points to a real workologist.

The very concept of dishonest deeds is interpreted very broadly. Advertising, to some extent, is also the embodiment of deception. The lasso involves fraud, false courses, etc. Sometimes the card portends failure in business.

If we consider the Devil in a more spiritual sense, then during the test of strength all of a person's moral beliefs will be tested. He will be tempted by money, power or career advancement. The peculiarity of this card is that all dark deeds are carefully veiled.

For those looking for a job, the lasso also does not bode well. A person risks becoming a victim of deception or manipulation. Shell companies, shady deals, etc.

In terms of finances, the lasso is quite positive, the answer is clear: there will be money. But how they will be obtained is another question. This card serves as an indicator of corruption, the ability to make money and cunning manipulation. But she warns about the likelihood of degradation.

Meaning in love and relationships

Relationships go according to the Devil and what other ones! True, they are often not a joy. The card usually becomes an indicator of betrayal when a person is tempted by an unfree partner and he completely loses his head in an effort to take possession of the desired object.

At this time, the querent cannot adequately assess the partner, his essence. The map runs through obsession with sex, finances and other forms of addiction. In such a connection, a person betrays his principles and does not remember them. To some extent, various sexual anomalies may appear.

After the questioner achieves what he wants, even if it is only sex, he will begin to be tormented by the feeling “it would be better if this did not happen.” To some extent, this is also an experience, but over time the querent will begin to be visited by thoughts of “it could have been done without this.”

The devil attracts with flirting, games, promises. For an established union, he presents trials in the form of lust, despotism and other events. In some cases, the lasso becomes a divorce. During its course, all the unpleasant sides of the union will be exposed, all the dirty laundry will be aired.

Reversed position

In the reverse position, the Devil loses its negative meaning. A person seems to understand all aspects of his life. He is ready to change for the better, to get rid of illusions and doubts. The depravity of the existing connection appears before him in all its glory and the querent can break it.

This is not a full-fledged victory yet, just the beginning of the journey. But the questioner is ready to fight his weaknesses, his shadow personality and consciously suppress it. On the spiritual plane, the insight descended on him that any material thing is beneficial compared to the immaterial sphere. There is no longer a desire to earn money, gain power or a partner at any cost.

However, the card also has a negative meaning in the reverse position. First of all, she points out that a large number of the questioner’s actions are made for selfish reasons. The influence of greed is also possible. You have to make a choice between finances and personal happiness.


Perhaps the querent is under someone's influence.

In order to get rid of depression, you will need to make every effort to get rid of the “chains”. The card warns that the votary risks becoming a victim of strange sexual relationships.

If a person behaves in the spirit of the arcana (an experienced seducer, a fraudster, etc.), then he will be exposed and accountable for his actions.

Health issues

Not the most favorable card for issues of well-being. In some cases, it appears after exposure to black magic and the lasso may indicate damage or other curses.

The traditional interpretation of the Devil is health problems that are caused by bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, drugs - all this negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Binge eaters also run the risk of obesity and related problems such as diabetes. Lovers of sexual relations are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

The card's direct advice is to stop indulging your whims and resisting them. Life is hard to change, but it's worth it. Setting a goal and achieving it will help with this.

Sometimes the lasso suggests stopping and reflecting on what a person has turned his life into. Is this how it should be? It's time to start changing something.

At the level of consciousness, the querent finally understands his unsightly side and acknowledges it. To some extent, this is an introduction to the feeling of shame. It is not necessarily something that people condemn, but rather something that confuses a person. In any case, this becomes the basis for discussion. Such reflections become a reason for spiritual growth and healing of spiritual wounds.

Card combinations

The Devil himself is not an easy card. It confronts a person with many things. Also, proximity to certain cards can change the meaning of the layout. So, when the Jester appears, the querent risks acquiring a vice that will lead him to mental problems. This often means drugs or alcohol. Something will disturb a person near the Magician. This is not only various kinds of addictions, but also some kind of sensuality towards another person. Sometimes under this combination they see a dark magician who manipulates the questioner.

Major Arcana

The Popess (in some decks the High Priestess) warns not only of the dangers of black magic, but also of strong sexual temptation. Moreover, the threat will come from a woman. The Empress is an indicator of shadow income. Often she becomes the significator of a lady who conducts her affairs in a dishonest manner. The Emperor has a similar meaning, only the female figure is replaced by a male one. Often this is an indication of a criminal leader.

The Hierophant, together with the Devil, appears in situations where the querent is taught the wrong thing. This is a card of false prophets and teachers. The combination with Lovers gives a hellish mixture - there will be a relationship, but their basis is hatred of each other or sex. The prospect of such a union is obvious.

The Lord of Hell removes all the positive power of the Chariot - therefore, no matter how much the querent strives, his goal remains unattainable. With the advent of the Force, the fight against temptation and other vices becomes more difficult. A person is struggling with addiction, and time will tell whether he will emerge victorious from the battle. The hermit warns that if the querent continues to indulge in vices, he will find himself alone.

The Wheel of Fortune often appears in readings and, when adjacent to the Devil, indicates the presence of a gambling addiction. It takes on serious forms and can threaten his life and cause serious material losses.

The Tower testifies to a completely fatal state of affairs. The cause of its destruction will be vice. The man himself created the situation and now watches how everything collapses. Often this combination indicates a financial pyramid.

Minor Arcana

With different suits the lasso manifests itself differently. Next to the Ace of Wands, its sexual manifestation intensifies. The questioner will be under the influence of a sensualist and provocateur. To some extent, he can be described as a person who is very eager for sex. Neighborhood with a deuce increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of intrigue and intrigue. Three brings even more problems. The position of a slave is indicated by seven.

The situation is no better with the suit of cups. Ace indicates some unhealthy relationship that does not bring anything good. A deuce indicates vicious relationships and false promises. Three becomes an indicator that a person spends too much time in idleness. The 6 of Cups indicates a person who has had addiction problems in the past. But the 7 of Cups already indicates the risk of becoming an alcoholic or drug addict.

The suit of swords by and large denotes different bad people. A murderer passes through the ten, but the page is envious. The Queen of Swords becomes an indicator of hypocrites. The king, on the other hand, indicates a person who is obsessed with the thirst for power and is not embarrassed by any moral principles.

Prediction for the Order of the Golden Dawn

  • materiality;
  • temptation;
  • obsession;
  • deception;
  • mistrust;
  • sexuality;
  • force;
  • cunning;
  • devilry.

Associated symbols are sovereignty and material beauty (and therefore false radiance). Salt acting through Capricorn on the Lord of the Gates of Matter, Child of the forces of Time.

Although this card represents the productive energy of life, it is also the limitations within which manifested life must work. Consequently, the meanings of obligations, responsibilities and limitations apply.

In matters of employment, hard work where a person must remain in the profession with little hope of leaving it for a while.

In business, the economy and success are within current conditions, but strength and growth are depicted. In relationships there is sexual attraction, sexual activity, karmic connections, sexual harassment.

Often the questioner will be dealing with greed in others, or in himself, and only with concern for himself. Here it is necessary to warn that you need to take care of yourself. The Devil card also suggests that a person must learn to master his own power and master himself and his environment.

Affirmation card: I am my own master, I am the master of my life.


Pluto as a sign of dark power.

Straight position:

The DEVIL symbolizes the dark side of all things, predestination, fatality, mystery. The devil lurks in the shadows, but not going there is cowardice. Remembering evil, we must also remember that fire can be both light and hell. The card speaks of a thirst for material or physical well-being, power, wealth. Sometimes it means slavish dependence on erotic desires.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: abuse of power, your efforts are aimed at achieving material wealth, erotic connections.

15. Devil (upright position)

General value:

A card of doom that you don’t know how to avoid. A map of karmic attachments that are not initiated by higher powers, but are molded by random processes and human limitations. Map of love of life and enjoyment of life, material pleasures. Abilities and interest in witchcraft and magic. The desire for higher truths, knowledge, and acquisition of secrets.


1. Profits (often loans or promises of profit), or “left” money. Criminal business, brothels, gaming establishments. Success may be temporary, but right now everything is good. Sexual affairs at work.

2. Health is abused, but it still holds up.

3. Sex to the point of perversion: they are so fed up with the usual that they are looking for any novelty. May indicate a civil marriage.

4. Sanguine people. They love to live with taste. They appreciate beautiful little things, subtleties, and aesthetics.

Can be a good cook.

They love hiking and traveling. Speakers. They like to talk about high topics (often with understanding of the issue). Psychologists (they know which string to pull).

Craving for the mysterious: they often become esotericists, adherents of some teaching.

Possible tendency towards homosexuality.

5. Advice: Pay more attention to the material side of life, its joys, sex.

Warning: you will have to pay for the fun in the end.

Can mean the danger of deception (in combination with an inverted Priest, Moon or Jester).

6. On the merits: “yes” to material questions, with a warning about free cheese.

It may mean the confusion of the situation, the unknown. A person takes wishful thinking or the question is not about that.

A map of secret knowledge or mastery of it (usually witchcraft). May indicate sects or old religions (old gods).

15. Devil (reversed position)

General value:

It's time to pay up. It may mean a situation of abandoning material interests in favor of spiritual ones.


1. Loss of money, loss of income. Entering a monastery (sect). Unfulfilled expectations.

2. Bad. May mean sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction. Destructive magical effects.

3. May mean a preference for spiritual communication or sexual incompatibility. Relationship fatigue.

4. Suspicion, despair, feeling of collapse, painful perception of reality.

5. Advice: think more about the spiritual.

Warning: danger of loss of material wealth.

6. Material issues – losses; spiritual issues - acquisitions (for example, gaining experience as a result of losses). May be one of the classified information cards, especially if it appears as a confirmation card.

General value:

Of all the Arcana of the Tarot, the Devil seems to be the most difficult to understand, because it is different for everyone. What can be considered common to all, perhaps, is only a situation of dependence on someone or something, weak will, shameful failure of good intentions, as well as actions committed contrary to one’s own beliefs. The Devil, as it were, personifies the dark side of several cards: for the Magician it is black magic, for the Priestess - part of her negative archetype, for the Priest - hypocrisy, money-grubbing under the guise of a saint, for Lovers - a struggle for power or the degeneration of partnerships into pure sex, lust without the slightest a sign of love, for Justice - corruption or the inability to admit one’s own wrong. He also personifies exorbitant greed as the opposite side of Strength, immoderation as opposed to Temperance, and rules various regions of the Unknown Edge of the Moon map. As a tempter, he most often appears before us under one or another attractive guise. One way or another, this card shows that we are playing with fire and must be damn (!) careful not to get burned. At a deep level, it means that our question affects, first of all, the shadow sides of our personality.


Here the Devil shows that our moral strength, our convictions and good intentions are seriously tested, if not tempted. At the same time, we can even talk about things that are profitable for us, but only due to the inexperience or gullibility of the business partner. It may also be that we are offered to do something that is contrary to our beliefs (weapons, drugs, environmental pollution, etc.), and if we refuse, we may be “charged” for a large sum or “fired” from work. The devil, of course, is cunning enough to give us this or that excuse, to clothe black deeds in white clothes, to give them a noble coloring, removing our last doubts with the old slogan of the executioner: “If I don’t do this, someone else will find one.”


The Devil shows that we have finally become intimately acquainted with our own shadow side. Some events occurred as a result of which we realized our dependence and lack of freedom. In rare cases, this can be fanaticism, a thirst for power, an irresistible desire to kill someone, or moods such as sadism or masochism. However, most often we are talking about completely ordinary things, which we are ashamed of because they are too primitive, and, nevertheless, we cannot get rid of them in any way: chronic unreliability, unjustified lies, drunkenness, kleptomania, whatever. Or at the mental level - in the form of some kind of fixed idea, with which we are already tired of everyone, or even an entire philosophy, the basis of which is the search for “evil” and its causes exclusively in other people, in life circumstances, in the character of the era - anywhere , just not in yourself. Although, as you know, everything that we find in people, circumstances and eras is only our reflection.

Personal relationships:

Here the Devil turns into his most attractive side. Meaningful promises, teasing flirtation, sensual passion - these are his lures. However, here too this card serves, first of all, as a warning: you are playing with fire! and sooner than you think, you will have to remember the words of Schiller, “We sin for a moment, but we repent all our lives.” In addition, it, of course, points to all sorts of other deviations from a true, cordial partnership, be it the strange antics of one or both partners, silent submission or, conversely, loud despotism, cruel lust or subtle mockery.

In a love relationship

The devil represents the power of temptation and seduction, as well as promiscuity and a consumerist attitude towards a partner. The appearance of this card will indicate who seduced whom or who is ready to be seduced and be seduced further. In most cases, it will foreshadow betrayal and indicate a tendency towards love affairs. At the same time, the Devil favors light romances and intrigues, from which one cannot expect a serious relationship. However, the appearance of the Jester or the Sun may indicate that this affair will end in an unexpected pregnancy. Moreover, the appearance of the Devil suggests that relationships are characterized by lies, fear and inability to express sincere feelings. In the vicinity of some cards there will be complications corresponding to the nature of these cards. The Devil falling on a partner is already a reason to be wary, since it does not promise a cloudless relationship. However, this may not be easy, since the Devil is damn attractive and requires the ability to cope with self-delusion and self-deception. If the Devil is on the part of the fortuneteller, he will indicate that he is not too honest about his partner and is ready to get him at any cost. The presence of the Hanged Man or the Moon nearby indicates alcohol or other addiction. The Emperor, Chariot and Tower, adjacent to the Devil, will talk about aggressiveness, jealousy, tough temperament, a tendency to scandals or assault. The Pope, Justice and Strength standing nearby will indicate strict control and suspicion, while the Pope, Priestess, Hanged Man and the Moon will indicate emotional dependence, reaching the point of psychological slavery.

XV. The Devil in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - intoxication; narcotic dope.

With the “Magician” card - manipulation; black magician.

With the “High Priestess” card - black magic.

With the “Empress” card - shadow income.

With the “Emperor” card there is an overwhelming situation; shadow structure.

With the Hierophant card - a false teacher.

With the “Lovers” card - relationships based on sex or hatred.

With the Chariot card - violence.

With the “Strength” card - the fight against addiction.

With the Hermit card - loneliness due to vice.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - gambling addiction.

With the “Justice” card there are problems with the law.

With the Hanged Man card - repentance; powerlessness to change anything.

With the “Death” card there are devastating consequences.

With the “Moderation” card - a hangover.

With the “Tower” card - a financial pyramid.

With the “Star” card there is little hope.

With the Moon card - deception, theft, insanity.

With the “Sun” card - highlight everything that is dark; pull the “skeleton” out of the closet.

With the “Court” card - help.

With the “Peace” card - leave the dark past behind.


With the Ace of Wands card - to tease, provoke.

With the card “Two of Wands” - build intrigues.

There are more problems than expected with the Three of Wands card.

With the Four of Wands card - deception, crisis in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - a showdown; hostile and dishonest environment.

With the Six of Wands card - self-delusion; trust a deceiver.

With the Seven of Wands card - abuse of power.

With the Eight of Wands card - violence.

With the Nine of Wands card - excessive suspicion.

With the Ten of Wands card - abuse.

There are miscalculations with the “Page of Wands” card.

With the Knight of Wands card - irresponsible behavior.

With the Queen of Wands card - depression.

With the “King of Wands” card - vanity, depravity.

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The Devil card (xv) has negative characteristics in Tarot readings and should serve as a kind of warning. Neighboring cards and the entire layout as a whole clarify the meaning of the lasso and the essence of the warning it sends. According to the Tarot, the Devil in combination with other cards rarely changes its main meaning, with the exception of the last arcana of the World.

general characteristics

The main characteristics of the Devil are the ability to deceive and tempt. Seducing with false benefits, it makes a person lose something truly valuable and become dependent on his own desires. This is a card of power, material values, sexual pleasures. The devil damages spirituality by forcing a person to follow negative behavior patterns.

The planet of this arcana is Saturn. This is the abode of karma, forcing one to repay debts and be responsible for past sins.

Often the human addiction that the Devil points to is karmic. It can arise contrary to logic and common sense.

In relationships and emotions

The devil in the reading indicates an unhealthy love relationship built on manipulation and lust for power. One of the partners is dependent on the other or both are in the grip of a destructive passion. Such relationships are characterized by jealousy, manipulation, obsession, and perversion.

The main emotion of this arcana is fear. The feeling of fear underlies any type of destructive behavior: alcohol and drug addiction, sexual perversion, tyranny and submission. Fear arises from the loss of connection with one’s spiritual essence (“selling the soul”) as a result of temptation by momentary pleasures.

In finance

In money matters, the Devil plays two roles, each of which leads to negative consequences. In the first meaning, it symbolizes financial fraud or dependence, as a result of which a person will be deceived and suffer losses.

In the second meaning, the Devil symbolizes the questioner himself as a cunning manipulator who makes a profit by deceiving others. In this state of affairs, a person will be lucky with money, but at the same time he will lose something more valuable (health, love, family, etc.). In addition, negative karma accumulates, which will have to be worked off hard.

With the major arcana

The Devil, when combined with other Tarot cards, takes on additional meanings.

  • Jester (or Fool) - in combination with the Devil indicates an inadequate psychological state, insanity, madness (as a result of taking drugs, alcohol intoxication, destructive behavior). In some cases, the Jester talks about the immorality and unreliability of a person.
  • A magician in this combination means dark witchcraft or special power and power over people. A magician in the company of the Devil sometimes indicates a hoax. In some cases, the Magician is internal or external obstacles to achieving what is planned.
  • The High Priestess in company with this lasso promises temptation and troubles from a woman. Often this combination indicates black love magic. This is a sign of strong sexual temptation that is difficult to resist.
  • The empress denotes a fraud. Cards indicate concealing income or obtaining it illegally. The Empress indicates that someone is dishonest in everyday relationships and affairs.
  • Emperor has a similar meaning, but instead of a woman, a man comes to the fore. Sometimes this combination indicates a corrupt government or criminal organization. The Emperor also symbolizes a situation that is oppressive.
  • The Hierophant (or High Priest) in combination with the fifteenth lasso symbolizes false teaching. The questioner falls under the influence of a false teacher or is one himself. Sometimes the combination of cards indicates simple delusion, and sometimes it indicates immoral and dangerous teachings.
  • Lovers in combination with this card speak of the primacy of passion and sexual attraction in a relationship. In particularly severe cases, the combination of cards indicates a perverted and dangerous relationship in which one partner dominates the other. Sometimes Lovers in such a neighborhood talk about strong hatred between people.
  • The Chariot denotes a weak will that prevents you from achieving your desired goal. Sometimes this combination speaks of violent actions (physical, moral or sexual violence). In some scenarios, she warns of troubles while traveling.
  • Strength next to this lasso indicates increased temptation or addiction. Often a combination of cards speaks of a strong passion that cannot be controlled. The fight against negative circumstances and one’s own passions becomes tougher.
  • A hermit in such a neighborhood characterizes a state of loneliness due to misdeeds or vicious inclinations. Sometimes the Hermit denotes rejection, and sometimes voluntary withdrawal from society as a means of combating vice.
  • The Wheel of Fortune next to this lasso indicates a gambling addiction. The player is too gambling and makes bets without using common sense. The Wheel of Fortune speaks not only of an addiction to the casino, but also of a certain character who is too carried away in the pursuit of winnings and success.
  • Justice in combination with the Devil turns into its opposite. The situation does not allow justice to be achieved through the law, which entails illegal actions in an attempt to solve the problem.
  • A hanged man next to this lasso speaks of an unjustified sacrifice or an act that causes belated regret. Circumstances cannot be reversed, and repentance is the only thing that remains.
  • Death in this combination speaks of dramatic changes of a negative nature. Sometimes the presence of Death next to this lasso indicates a dark magical effect that has reached its goal. Also, Death and the Devil indicate attempts to achieve change through money or sex.
  • Moderation in combination with this lasso indicates the end of the period of abstinence. The cards also indicate abuse of alcohol, sex, food, etc. The combination of cards symbolizes both the process itself and its negative consequences.
  • A tower next to the Devil denotes a process of destruction with fatal consequences. The positive aspect of destruction, which makes way for the new, is missing. The tower in this combination speaks of the collapse of something useful and necessary, for example, relationships, friends, a creative project, an enterprise.
  • A star in this position gives hope for getting rid of addiction. This is not a guarantee of victory, but a desire to fight and win. The star in the reading shows that healing is real. There is a chance to get rid of addiction and change your life.
  • The Moon in combination with the Devil speaks of perverted perception and illusions. The combination of cards indicates the captivity of black magic, narcotic conditions and one’s own unhealthy beliefs. Sometimes the Moon denotes sexual dependence on a certain woman.
  • The sun in this combination has several meanings. Sometimes these cards indicate dependence on a man. The Sun and the Devil talk about the need to bring the secret to light. In addition, the energy of the Sun brings clarity to a confusing situation. In general, the alignment is favorable: the Sun indicates assistance in the fight against dark forces.
  • Judgment in combination with the Devil means a period of accountability for wrongdoing. The Court card is the passing of a verdict that cannot be challenged. Sometimes the Court card in this position speaks of the habit of judging and criticizing others.
  • Peace in combination with this lasso is a good sign. The World card symbolizes getting rid of negative addiction. This is liberation from someone's power and the beginning of a new life. Peace and the Devil are a sign of a long, persistent, but successful struggle against evil.