Tooth pain during pregnancy - what to do? Safe treatments. Dentistry for pregnant women. Treatment of toothache after childbirth

Pregnancy and breastfeeding greatly affect a woman's body. Weakness, lack of sleep and stressful conditions often become a kind of “pathogens” quite wide range diseases. One of the most common problems is a dental problem. Why do teeth hurt during breastfeeding and what to do in such a situation?

Causes of the problem

More often toothache at breastfeeding occurs due to caries and gum inflammation. The reasons for its occurrence are quite simple and understandable. First of all, this is a banal violation of hygiene rules oral cavity. After all, there are often times when a mother (especially in the first months of the baby’s life) is so immersed in caring for the newborn that she completely forgets about the need to also take care of herself.

And sadly, problems arise almost immediately. Especially when you consider that a woman’s body after pregnancy and during breastfeeding loses most of its reserves useful substances. Everyone knows that teeth need calcium. But the same calcium is extremely important for the child. And the baby fully receives everything he needs with mother’s milk. But at the same time, the mother herself has nothing left - and her teeth begin to deteriorate.

How and what to treat?

First of all, you should remember a simple rule: once dental problems start, they won’t go away.

Can be removed pain syndrome, but tooth decay or inflammatory process in the gums will still continue. Therefore, whether you want it or not, you will have to go to the dentist. Otherwise, you can not only lose a tooth, but also “earn” even more serious problems.

Many people believe that gum disease can be cured with simple rinses. Sometimes it actually helps. But in some cases, if the inflammatory process has developed too strongly, there is a high probability of losing a tooth, even a healthy one. Therefore, you should not resort to folk remedies: they can accompany treatment prescribed by a specialist, but in no case can they completely replace it.

As for caries, a small spot on the surface of a tooth, which initially many mothers may simply not attach importance to, can quickly develop into pulpitis in the absence of treatment and a lack of calcium. And then the conversation will not be about filling, but about tooth extraction.

Don't be afraid of the dentist - it's better to see him early stage development of the problem. After all, then everything will be much more complicated and greater.

Toothache is extremely difficult to endure. And a nursing mother should not do this. There are medications that can be taken even during lactation to relieve toothache. In particular, this is ibuprofen, paracetamol. Getting into milk in minimum quantity, they are not capable of harming the child. But despite this, you should not take them for more than 3 days in a row.

As for the treatment process itself, dentists cost local anesthesia using approved lidocaine or ultracaine.

If you are afraid that the drug will get into your milk, try to express it as much as possible so that the baby has enough to feed during your absence, and while the body removes the medicine.

What to do to avoid problems?

Prevention is the key to preventing the occurrence of many diseases. To avoid problems with teeth, a pregnant and then nursing woman must take strict care of herself.

Why does toothache occur during breastfeeding? Because the body does not have enough minerals and vitamins to maintain dental health. That is, enrich your diet with fish, dairy and fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables and herbs. If there are strict restrictions on food products (that is, the child has a banal allergy), you should definitely take a complex of vitamins and minerals.


Toothache is not only discomfort, but also weakness. It interferes with eating and sleeping normally. But strength is so tedious for a young mother. That's why. Under no circumstances should you endure pain; if it occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. Remember: the baby needs a healthy and happy mother.

How to keep your teeth healthy and shining Hollywood smile after childbirth? It's no secret that after childbirth, teeth lose their appearance and fortress. After giving birth, a woman will have to think about the condition of her teeth no less than during the entire period of bearing a child. Teeth are an indicator of the health of the entire body. And the mother will need to pay attention not only to the current state of her health, but to the diet for the entire future of breastfeeding. For full feeding your baby and you yourself will need something rich in minerals and vitamins daily menu. Low calcium content primarily affects the condition of hair, nails and teeth.

Where a child gets calcium from while in the womb and in the first months of life is beyond doubt. First from maternal blood, and then from mother's milk. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women are recommended to take medications containing calcium and vitamin D3, which is responsible for delivering calcium to its intended destination - to bones and teeth. These can be vitamins for pregnant and lactating women such as Materna or Pergnavita, or special complexes of calcium and vitamin D ( calcium D3, nycomed, calcide, calcinova etc.). Vitamins in pills are cheaper, but are absorbed a little worse than vitamins in capsules. At the same time, not only do you strengthen your bones, nails and teeth, the same happens to the bones, nails and teeth of the child. If you are breastfeeding, vitamin D3 from your milk enters the baby's body and prevents the development of rickets. At artificial feeding The baby gets both calcium and vitamin D from the formula.

  • If due to allergies or financial problems you cannot take vitamins, try to ensure that your diet contains enough calcium and vitamin D. To do this, eat eggs, fish, milk and butter with vitamin D, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products, buckwheat and oatmeal. It’s better to wash it all down with an orange or at least apple juice– this way calcium is better absorbed. A nursing woman needs about 1 g of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D per day.
  • If you need to support your teeth with calcium, then it is better to use a 10% solution of calcium gluconate (in ampoules): pour the solution onto a piece of cotton wool and put it in your mouth, holding it chewing teeth for 20 min. This method is often recommended for young children when the first signs of caries appear on their baby teeth.
  • Avoid too hot or sour food, do not drink too cold drinks, do not overuse sweets. All this is detrimental to delicate tooth enamel.
  • Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. IN postpartum period and during lactation, very sensitive tooth enamel is easily damaged. Therefore it is better to purchase toothpaste with fluoride, which will gently clean and whiten teeth.
  • Pay attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth at least twice a day (after breakfast and after dinner), for about 3 minutes. You should rinse your mouth after every meal, use decoctions medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, yarrow, St. John's wort, etc.
  • Use toothbrush medium degree hardness, if there is a risk of pulpitis or periodontitis, buy a soft one.
  • Do not take painkillers to relieve toothache! This may harm the baby's health. Spend timely preventive measures to avoid toothache and various diseases.
  • Good advice The dentist can give it too. If you regularly remove plaque, called tartar, from the surface of your teeth, this will help you protect your gums and preserve your teeth. Your dentist may advise you to rinse your mouth with disinfectant herbs or a special oral fluid - this will protect your gums from inflammation.

If you still fail to protect your teeth, know that you have a secret weapon in reserve. Stop breastfeeding, you can protect yourself with hormonal contraceptives. The estrogens they contain significantly normalize calcium metabolism, stop tooth decay and prevent the destruction of increased bone fragility in old age.

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Dental problems after childbirth are a very common problem. Often young mothers complain of aching pain and destruction of enamel. Carrying and feeding a baby is a serious burden on the body, which is why teeth so often crumble after childbirth.

But the problem cannot be left to chance. The sooner you see a dentist, the better your chances of maintaining a healthy smile.

The main cause of tooth decay is. To build the skeleton and body of a baby, a lot of this mineral is required. If little calcium comes from food, it begins to be washed out by the woman’s body. Skin, hair and nails, blood vessels and teeth suffer. That is why almost all expectant mothers are recommended to take nutritional supplements with calcium from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Often women have a question why not everyone has problems with teeth after childbirth, and even regular appointment Often vitamins with calcium do not help. The fact is that the likelihood of tooth decay also depends on the quality of the enamel. In some people it is thinner and more easily destroyed.

Don't forget that milk production also requires a lot of energy and calcium. Therefore, you should not stop taking vitamins immediately after childbirth. Just worth picking up new complex, more suitable for nursing.

Other significant reasons for tooth decay after childbirth include:

  • Lack of quality and regular dental care. Sometimes young mothers become so absorbed in their baby that they begin to pay less attention to themselves, brush their teeth quickly, and sometimes forget about it altogether.
  • Accompanying illnesses. , arthritis, diseases thyroid gland And diabetes may cause tooth decay. Often pregnancy and childbirth stimulate their exacerbation, which negatively affects the strength of tooth enamel.
  • Stress. The birth of a child in itself is a difficult moment that affects a woman’s lifestyle and well-being. Sometimes this is accompanied by a lack of milk, bad dream baby and discord in the relationship with the spouse. All this can cause teeth to crumble.

Have a negative effect on the condition of teeth bad habits. Most women stop smoking during pregnancy so as not to harm the fetus. But after childbirth, especially if the child is bottle-fed, many return to bad habit. This is dangerous because it contains cigarette smoke There are substances that provoke the loss of calcium in the body. Considering that a woman’s body has not yet fully recovered from pregnancy and childbirth, this can cause teeth to crumble.

If you were unable to protect your teeth and they began to crumble after childbirth, you should visit a dentist. He will determine the cause of the destruction and will be able to select adequate treatment methods. Modern filling materials and painkillers are absolutely safe even during lactation, so you should not be afraid of visiting a doctor.

If the mother is afraid that the anesthetic will penetrate into breast milk, can be treated without pain relief. Another option is to express the milk in advance and save it until the next feeding. Most drugs are eliminated within 3-6 hours, so the milk will definitely not spoil.

Some young mothers are afraid to take x-rays while breastfeeding. In fact, light irradiation of the jaw does not affect lactation or the quality of milk in any way, so there is no need to worry. Unfounded fears are much more dangerous during this period.

In addition to treatment existing problems, ask your doctor to recommend you suitable paste. There are a lot of them and choosing the right one can be difficult. You may need a paste with increased content calcium or fluoride or even a special remineralizing cream. It is also important to choose the right calcium supplement bioactive supplement to food.

How to eat properly if your teeth crumble after childbirth?

Proper nutrition can almost completely provide for a woman essential calcium. To do this, you need to consume more dairy products, sea fish and meat, wholemeal products and vegetables. It is advisable to give up sugar, which is a breeding ground for bacteria that destroy teeth, and take better care of them.

Fluoride has a huge impact on the quality of teeth. The body needs it in microdoses, and an excess, like a deficiency, is dangerous. Be sure to find out what the content of this element is in your local tap water; you may have to filter it and discard fluoride-containing pastes.

Do not forget that vitamin D is necessary for the normal absorption of calcium. It is produced in our body under the influence sun rays, the poem needs to be spent more time on fresh air. If you live in northern latitudes and there is not enough light most of the year, you can take the vitamin in the form of drops. There is also a lot of it in sea ​​fish and liver. Try to balance your diet, do not forget about dental care and visit the dentist on time - these are the main rules for maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile after childbirth.

Toothache during pregnancy is a common and unpredictable occurrence. Pregnant women complain of toothache, even if they had no dental problems before.


There are several reasons for toothache:

  • hormonal changes inevitable during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of a pregnant woman that occur with reduced immunity;
  • calcium deficiency in the maternal body during the formation of the skeleton in the fetus;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals if you do not take the necessary medications on time.

There are enough options for eliminating toothache in pregnant women in modern dentistry and traditional medicine. But if at the time of pain it is impossible to consult a doctor, before treating yourself at home, you should try to find out the cause of the pain.

Options for dental diseases

- a disease of the hard tissue of the tooth, externally manifested by the destruction of enamel. The reason for the appearance is poor nutrition, fluoride deficiency in the body, accumulated plaque, microbes and leftover food of carbohydrate origin. Symptoms of caries are manifested toothache, bad breath, as well as. In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature and swelling of the jaw.

- disease of soft dental tissues. Appears when an infection enters the tooth cavity. On initial stage manifests itself as aching or periodic pain in the teeth.

- oral disease. main reason appearance – caries not cured in time. Periodontitis causes small spaces to form between the tooth and gum, trapping food particles. This provokes an infection with enlarged gums and the appearance of acute toothache. Swelling of the lips and cheeks is observed.

is a very common disease among pregnant women that occurs when poor hygiene oral cavity, gum damage, tartar formation. Diseases of the circulatory and endocrine systems also contribute to the occurrence of gingivitis. gastrointestinal tract, allergies or vitamin deficiency. The inflammatory process begins with an increase in the number of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, with increased sensitivity and swelling of the gums; when brushing your teeth, reddened gums bleed. Typically, gingivitis precedes periodontitis, but complications are possible only in the absence of timely, competent treatment.

- an equally common disease in expectant mothers, which occurs due to a lack of B vitamins, zinc, folic acid, iron or selenium. Stomatitis can also be caused by dehydration, mechanical injury, allergies or hypersensitivity to foods, hormonal changes. Stomatitis manifests itself as ulcers on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue, on inside lips and cheeks. Erosion is painful, creating problems when chewing food and even when talking.

Epulis is a neoplasm on the gums, similar to edema, and is also a fairly common disease in pregnant women. Causes: gums injured by a fragment of a destroyed tooth or chronic inflammation, damage to the gums from tartar or inaccurate dentures. In expectant mothers, epulis also occurs when hormonal changes at 17 - 20 weeks of pregnancy. First, a small swelling appears near the tooth, covered with a pale pink mucous membrane with a lumpy or smooth, densely elastic surface. May bleed and hurt, grows slowly.

How to soothe a tooth at home

What to do if toothache haunts you during pregnancy? Here are 10 options for treating toothache without pills or a doctor.

  • Mix finely chopped onion and garlic with salt and apply to the sore tooth. Salt helps relieve inflammation, and onions and garlic have antiseptic properties. A noticeable reduction in pain occurs after 20-25 minutes.
  • A slice of fresh unsalted lard Apply to the problem area between the cheek and gum until the pain subsides (about 10 minutes).
  • Brew a mixture of oak bark, St. John's wort and calendula flowers, sage herb and rinse every hour for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Moisten cotton wool with propolis tincture and apply the swab to problem area for 5-10 min. Repeat until pain decreases.
  • You can use “Star” balm to treat teeth and gums.
  • Squeeze the garlic and attach it to your wrist in the pulse area. If a tooth hurts right side, the compress is applied to the left, and vice versa.
  • Moisten cotton wool with a vodka tincture of mint and raspberry leaves and apply compresses to the sore tooth.
  • Keep a tablespoon of St. John's wort flower oil in your mouth for 5 - 10 minutes. Mouth baths are repeated every half hour.
  • Honey and cinnamon are mixed in equal proportions by weight and applied to the tooth 4 - 5 times a day;
  • Small pieces of fresh red beets are kept near the tooth until the pain disappears.

Traditional treatment for toothache during pregnancy

How to relieve toothache during pregnancy, when remedies traditional medicine not effective? If the dosage is strictly observed, you can use the list of medications approved for pregnant women from a regular pharmacy:

  1. Analgin and metamizole sodium are its main components. To reduce toothache you need to take 1 tablet.
  2. Paracetamol, its active ingredient- paracetamol. Proven pain-relieving effect. Use 1 tablet up to 4 times a day.
  3. Spasmalgon with active main substances metamizole sodium and pitofenone. Suitable for mild and not very severe dental pain. Take 1-2 tablets after meals, with plenty of water.
  4. Nurofen with the main active ingredient ibuprofen. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for severe toothaches. For pregnant women, the dosage is 0.2 - 0.6 g 2 - 3 r. per day.
  5. Baralgin - active substances pitofenone and metamizole. Suitable for aching toothaches, relieves and prevents spasms. Use 1 - 2 tablets up to 3 times a day. per day.
  6. No-shpa with active substance drotaverine. This myotropic antispasmodic can eliminate any type of toothache. Dosage - 2 tablets 2 - 3 r. in a day.
  7. If there is a cavity on a carious tooth, you can put cotton wool soaked in dental drops or clove oil in there; a propolis mask placed around the problem tooth also helps relieve pain. The effect of propolis is similar in its characteristics to the effect of novocaine.
  8. Novopassit is a drug based on valerian with mild sedative effect will help relieve neuralgic toothache or calm the expectant mother before the dentist’s office.

Dental treatment during different periods of pregnancy

Toothache during pregnancy should not be a cause for panic, especially if there were no problems with teeth before. At the same time, choosing a method for relieving pain symptoms must be done with double responsibility, since it directly depends on the duration of pregnancy.

  1. First trimester. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop internal organs, parts of the brain and central nervous system. At this time, it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of medications, so if toothache occurs during pregnancy, early stages, you should try to remove it by rinsing with herbal decoctions or applying lotions. If the pain intensifies, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring dental treatment during this period can create a genetic predisposition to caries in a child, because the rudiments of teeth in the fetus are formed already in the sixth week of pregnancy, and by the fifth month their mineralization ends. Therefore, unbalanced nutrition, transferred common diseases, uncontrolled medication use and pathological pregnancy can change the normal formation of hard tissues of the fetus and resistance in the future to the effects of factors aggressive to the teeth.
  2. Second trimester. The safest period for dental treatment. Aching, mild or even acute pain can be relieved with painkillers. If treatment at home is ineffective, then the second trimester is the most favorable time for dental care. At 18-120 weeks, the placenta is fully formed and reliably protects the fetus from the effects of painkillers. If at acute pain there is a need for x-ray studies, then the mother’s stomach from the effect on the fetus x-rays securely covered with a lead apron.
  3. Third trimester. Just like in the first trimester, in this period there is a maximum “ critical periods"when the expectant mother and baby are most susceptible to stress factors. Therefore, toothache during pregnancy in the third trimester should be treated with the most gentle means, since a visit to the dentist risks ending premature birth. At the beginning of the third decade, as in the first trimester, you need to visit the dentist for scheduled inspection. He will suggest means of protection against dental diseases, clarify the rules for caring for the oral cavity during pregnancy, and perhaps suggest fluoridation of teeth - safe and effective method prevention.

Prevention of toothache during pregnancy

The most reliable and easy way avoid toothache during pregnancy – . By doing simple recommendations You can not only preserve, but also strengthen your teeth during pregnancy.

  1. When planning pregnancy or immediately after its establishment, you should visit the dentist to assess the condition of the oral cavity, as this may require changes in dietary and hygiene habits.
  2. Monitor your intake of vitamins containing calcium and fluoride, as well as fermented milk products and nuts. In this case, the skeleton that forms in the fetus will not affect the mother’s teeth.
  3. Pay serious attention to oral hygiene, adjust care products taking into account changes in the composition of saliva during pregnancy (viscosity, acidity, decrease in protective properties).
  4. Soft or medium hard Change your toothbrush monthly, and also use two toothpastes when brushing. One is with fluorine and calcium, the other is with antibacterial agents. After cleaning, rinsing with herbal ingredients(sage, oak bark, chamomile).
  5. Regularly after eating, you should brush your teeth and floss the spaces between your teeth.
  6. Massaging them with your fingertips will help improve blood circulation in your gums.
The main thing you shouldn’t do when dealing with toothache during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, is to endure it. By itself, if it disappears, it will not be for long, returning in a more acute form.

The child needs positive emotions, not the mother’s suffering, therefore, if you are unable to cope with the toothache on your own, you should not put off visiting the doctor, now many dental clinics They also provide reception at night. The main thing is to warn about your interesting position, if the doctor himself has not guessed, he can use drugs that do not penetrate the placental barrier and are quickly eliminated from the body.

Most people have a fear of visiting the dentist, especially if we're talking about about expectant mothers. Guided by superstitious prejudices about the prohibition of dental treatment during pregnancy, many women harm themselves and the fetus, suffer toothache and refuse to go to the dentist. In attempts to relieve toothache, painkillers, ointments and folk recipes, not always allowed for pregnant women.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a toothache?

If you experience toothache during pregnancy, the best decision is to consult a specialist. Pain in the mouth is a sign of dental diseases. You should not delay this process, because the easiest way to undergo treatment is to early stage caries - it can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy. Modern medicine has at its disposal a number of anesthesia drugs that do not harm the unborn child. Similar means are used for neglected dental problems: pulpitis, periodontitis and others.

Life situations are different and not everyone has the opportunity to see a doctor in a timely manner. In these cases, you should carefully approach the choice of drugs for pain relief. The expectant mother should know about prohibited medications and be able to cope with the disease at home.

Features of toothache during pregnancy

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During the formation of the fetus, the expectant mother's level decreases essential minerals and vitamins, resulting in destruction tooth enamel. This leads not only to the development of caries, but also to increased sensitivity of the enamel, gum inflammation and other problems.

A pregnant woman may not only have toothache, but also have the feeling that all her teeth are aching and have become too sensitive. Sometimes women note that their teeth ache, which makes it difficult to eat.

This is a sure sign of the presence of dental diseases or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. A qualified dentist can best answer a pregnant woman’s question about why her teeth hurt.

Possible causes of pain

There are plenty of reasons for toothache in a woman carrying a child. Even if she has undergone treatment in advance, the tooth may hurt under the filling or the fillings may begin to fall out. Powerful restructuring processes occur in the body, and all reserves are aimed at preserving the health of the unborn child. Factors predisposing to toothache in pregnant women:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • low calcium content (leads to the destruction of enamel and opens the way for bacteria);
  • toxicosis, vomiting (promotes increased acidity and the formation of plaque, which destroys enamel);
  • impaired metabolism.

All of these factors lead to diseases that result in toothache. Sources painful sensations I can be:

What painkillers can pregnant women take?

If a toothache occurs during pregnancy, but there is no opportunity to visit the dentist, the woman wonders what painkiller she can take. There are a number of medications approved for use by expectant mothers, but it is better to use them in in case of emergency and after agreement with the attending physician.

In 1-2 trimester

The most unfavorable period are the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the placenta is not fully formed and does not provide full protection to the fetus. Doctors do not recommend taking any medications in the 1st trimester. In cases where you cannot bear the pain, a one-time dose of a safe pain reliever will not harm. The table describes the approved drugs and their advantages and disadvantages.

Drug (analogues)AdvantagesFlawsTrimester in which it is approved for use
Paracetamol (Panadol)It has a pronounced analgesic effect and is considered the safest analgesic for pregnant women.Penetrates through the placenta. It has a number of contraindications.1 and 2, in the third with caution
No-shpa (Drotaverine)Does not affect the fetus. Relieves spasms well.Ineffective for toothache. Relaxes the uterus. Has contraindications.1 and 2, in the third trimester with caution
Aspirin ( Acetylsalicylic acid) (we recommend reading: )Reduces pain and temperature.May promote miscarriage and cause bleeding. There are many contraindications.second trimester
AnalginPowerful analgesic effect.Renders Negative influence for the fruit. There are a lot of contraindications.second trimester
Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-400)Very effective for toothache. Safe enough for the fetus.Penetrates through the placenta. Has many contraindications.1 and 2
Diclofenac (Olfen, Diklak)Relieves pain well.Penetrates through the placenta, there may be risks of miscarriage, negatively affects the fetus, toxic.1 and 2

Having studied the table, we draw conclusions: drugs based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are less harmless for pregnant women. Everyone famous drug Ketorol, although considered the most powerful painkiller, the official instructions indicate that it is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy. Paracetamol, according to WHO, is the drug of choice for relieving pain and fever in expectant mothers; it helps to quickly get rid of toothache before visiting the dentist.

In the later stages

It is much more difficult to choose a painkiller after the 30th week of pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, almost all analgesics are contraindicated for use by women carrying a child. There are many reasons for this, for example, Ibuprofen can worsen amniotic fluid, and Analgin can harm an unborn child.

What should mothers do? later? If the pregnancy is 30 weeks or more and you have a toothache, you can take painkillers only if there is a problem with a potential risk to the health of the mother, and this problem outweighs the risk to the health of the unborn child. These drugs are Paracetamol and No-spa. The painful sensations experienced by the mother are stressful for her and the child, it is better not to tolerate them and take a pill.

Home methods and folk remedies

In the case of pregnant women, the use of homemade and traditional methods treatment makes sense. When a tooth hurts during pregnancy, you can numb it simple recipes alternative medicine. It will be much safer than taking pills. It is forbidden to use warm compresses and rinse your mouth with cold solutions.

Rinse with baking soda and salt

Warm rinses are very effective in relieving pain at a time when you cannot take analgesic medications. The most popular rinse solution recommended by dentists is table salt And baking soda. The recipe is simple:

  • in 100 ml (half a glass) of warm boiled water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and soda;
  • in the absence of contraindications, you can add 3 drops of iodine to the solution;
  • rinse for 3-5 minutes, the more often the better.

Herbal infusions

In cases where the cause of pain is sore gums, rinsing with herbs will help. Herbal infusions They also help relieve tooth sensitivity. The following are well suited for these purposes:

You can mix all the herbs listed and brew at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. mixture per 500 ml of water, or prepare a decoction of one herb. Rinse your mouth after meals at least three times a day. This decoction will also be an excellent preventative against the formation of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Topical gels approved for pregnant women

Calm down aching pain Ointments and gels with an anesthetic effect will help, such as: Kamistad, Kalgel, Dentinox, Cholisal. These drugs freeze the mucous membrane for a while, resulting in decreased painful sensations. Ointments are used to reduce pain during teething in infants.

However, in official instructions For the use of the drugs Kamistad, Kalgel and Dentinox, it is indicated that safety studies have not been conducted in pregnant women, so they should be used with caution and for a short period of time. Cholisal gel is approved for use by expectant mothers; in addition to its analgesic effect, it relieves inflammation and heals the mucous membrane.

Other ways to relieve pain

If a tooth suddenly hurts, applications to the affected area will help relieve the pain. Apply a cotton swab moistened by special means. These remedies will help slightly reduce pain when there is a hole in the tooth. If a tooth hurts under a filling, they will be ineffective. Suitable for these purposes:

When should you see a doctor?

But you should not refuse treatment, because an infection from the oral cavity can reach the unborn child through the blood.

If expectant mother teeth hurt, appeared increased sensitivity teeth, no matter what period it happened - in the first or 30 weeks - you should consult a dentist. If the doctor decides that treatment is undesirable at this stage, he will tell you what medications can be taken and when it is best to treat caries, pulpitis and other dental diseases.

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums

The best prevention of diseases of teeth and gums is complete care behind the oral cavity. Banal rules about brushing your teeth twice a day should not be forgotten when carrying a child. Be sure to visit the dentist at the beginning of pregnancy, even if there are no dental problems. Take special vitamins containing calcium. Eat well, rest and avoid stress. This will help not only maintain your health, but also the health of your unborn child.