Severe pain in the lower abdomen and no menstruation. Causes of pain in the lower abdomen and lack of menstruation. Anovulatory cycle: normal functioning of the body

Every woman experiences a situation when her lower abdomen hurts severely, but she doesn’t have her period. This situation can be frightening, because if the lower abdomen pulls, then this is a clear sign of premenstrual syndrome.

In the article, we will look at the reasons for the delay, the periods at which a delay in menstruation is considered normal, and also what to do if the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no menstruation.

Don't cancel your doctor

Pain is a sign of premenstrual syndrome. They arise because the amount of “pain-killing” hormones (serotonin) decreases sharply, and all the pain that accompanies bleeding is felt to the fullest.

To make sure that this is PMS pain, and not just pain in the lower intestines, we list other symptoms associated with this syndrome:

  • pain in the mammary glands and their enlargement;
  • temporary dizziness;
  • increased appetite and simultaneous nausea;
  • weight gain of 1-2 kg, i.e. the appearance of edema;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by “menstrual belly”;
  • a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile (37-37.5).

However, pain during PMS is normal. Doctors usually recommend taking painkillers, such as NO-SPA.

If painkillers do not help and the pain becomes unbearable, you should immediately consult a doctor. In the worst situation, they may discover cancer or rupture of the ovary. This entails the removal of the reproductive organ.

Understanding the causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Why does a woman's lower abdomen hurt if she doesn't have her period? Causes:

If the body is given excessive physical activity, the body turns on the “save” mode. Review your daily routine. Avoid going to the gym for a while and make your lifestyle more passive.

  • Low weight, lack of calories

These two factors are characteristic of a low percentage of body fat.
This indicator is individual for each woman. Some people can have their periods even with 12% body fat, while others can only get their periods with 25%. If you find these symptoms in yourself, then reconsider your views on nutrition. Add more foods with healthy fats (meat, flax or wheat germ oil, butter).

  • Hormonal imbalances

After 30-35 years, a woman’s body begins to slowly change, and her hormonal balance changes. The amount of estrogen increases, which leads to an imbalance in its alliance with progesterone. If there is no balance, then there will be a delay in menstruation.

  • Stress

As mentioned above, during stress the body turns on the “save” mode. Why is reproductive function disabled? Because menstruation is the most energy-consuming process. If they are there, it means “everything is fine and you can give birth,” that is, the body “understands” that you are able to feed your offspring.

If something is wrong, then the balance of hormones is disturbed due to the predominance of cortisol. As a result, the body “understands” that now is not the best time to give birth to a child.

  • Pregnancy

If your lower abdomen hurts for several days, but you don’t have your period, then you are most likely pregnant. During this period, a delay occurs as the egg, seeking release, unites with the sperm and attaches to the wall of the uterus, which is toned. It is because of the tone of the uterus that discomfort can occur.

It’s easy to check if you’re pregnant – just buy a pregnancy test. If it is negative and your period still does not come, re-test in 7-10 days.

  • Climate change

Moving to another city or even country causes climate change.
The human body is very dependent on the environment, because it tries to adapt to its influence. When the environment changes, the body’s biorhythms, including the menstrual cycle, are also subject to change. Over time, this function will be restored, you just need to wait a little.

Other, more serious causes of lower abdominal pain

Let's look at the more serious causes of pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

If pregnancy is detected, but the lower abdomen hurts greatly, then this is not the norm. It could be an ectopic pregnancy. To eliminate the risk of this severe malfunction in the female body, you must definitely consult a doctor.
It is worth noting that the symptoms accompanying an ectopic pregnancy will be: nausea, chills, bleeding, increased body temperature.

  • Diseases of the reproductive system (gynecological diseases)

These include: cystosis and polycystic disease, cancer, vulvitis, bartholinitis, etc.

  • Inflammatory processes of the abdominal organs

Such ailments include the following diagnoses: appendicitis, bloating, chronic constipation. 4. Diseases of the urinary excretory organs
Such diseases include: cystitis, kidney colitis, the presence of kidney stones, pyelonephritis (inflammatory process of kidney cells - nephrons). A characteristic symptom of diseases of this type is increased pain during bowel movements. In particularly advanced cases, blood appears in the urine, which, of course, should not be mistaken for menstrual flow.

  • Presence of intervertebral hernia

The vertebrae put pressure on the nerves coming from the spinal cord. Since these nerves innervate the lumbar and pelvic areas, they can be confused with premenstrual pain.

In any case, do not neglect going to the doctor! The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to undergo treatment.
The doctor has the right to require tests for both the ratio of hormones and the amount of blood components. You should not resist, as this will help to make a correct diagnosis and carry out appropriate treatment.

  • Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is a disease in which there is no menstruation for more than six months.

It is divided into two types: true and false.

During true amenorrhea, imbalances in hormones prevent the menstrual cycle from progressing completely. It is characterized by a decrease in the amount of sex hormones, which can be detected by taking hormonal tests.
True amenorrhea, in turn, is also divided into types:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. False amenorrhea

With primary, there is a complete absence of menstruation until the age of 14, or until the age of 16 (however, secondary sexual characteristics must be present).

With secondary amenorrhea, after a regular and established cycle, a woman suddenly loses her period. This phenomenon is rare, but requires medical intervention immediately.

During false amenorrhea, the structures of the genital organs are not subject to changes, but the release of secretions is difficult for some reason (most often due to an anatomical obstacle). For example, due to incorrect congenital structure of organs. The danger is that blood accumulates in the fallopian tubes, uterus, or vagina, which entails negative consequences.

If amenorrhea is suspected, then it is important to know the causes of this disease in order to confirm or exclude it. These include:

  1. pregnancy or its consequences;
  2. premature onset of menopause;
  3. presence of eating problems (anorexia or bulimia);
  4. incorrect formation of organs at the stage of embryonic growth;
  5. the presence of cysts in the ovary/or cancer.

Factors that also affect the menstrual cycle should not be excluded from the list:

  1. the presence of tumors in the brain (mainly the pituitary part);
  2. excess weight or rapid weight gain;
  3. an abundance of stress;
  4. diseases that were transmitted through sexual contact;
  5. taking hormone-containing drugs that disrupt the balance of hormones in the body.

What is the normal delay period?

The first thing to note is that the norms are different for each person.
If this was the first menstruation, i.e. in a teenage girl, then the cycle may be uneven, and the intervals between discharges can be up to 1.5-2 months.

If the menstrual cycle is disrupted in an adult woman who has had no problems with her cycle before, then hundreds of suspicions may arise. Some of the diseases are presented in the article above.

A separate group of women who experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle are women with amenorrhea. To examine this issue in more detail, we will take it to a separate topic.

How to get rid of pain

If the pain is not caused by other pathologies, namely as premenstrual syndrome, then you can reduce their number and reduce the likelihood of their occurrence if you follow the rules listed below:

  • Clearly distribute the load throughout the day. The absence of menstruation is a kind of “bell” that indicates overexertion and an abundance of stress. Reduce physical and mental stress, relax more often.
  • If you can’t refuse to go to the gym, then lighten the load, do a simplified version of the workout so as not to put the body into a state of stress and not force it to produce excessive amounts of cortisol, which upsets the balance of hormones.
  • Adjust your diet. Add more healthy fats, both saturated and unsaturated, to your diet. The body needs all of them. Contrary to public opinion, there is no need to be afraid of cholesterol. It is involved in the production of sex hormones, which is necessary for the female body.
  • Monitor vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is advisable to take a vitamin-mineral complex in the fall and spring, which will replenish the balance of essential substances during such difficult periods for the body.
  • Dress warmly to avoid colds in your genitals. Otherwise, long-term and expensive treatment will be required, which does not always bring results.

  • Lie on your left or right side (whichever is comfortable for you) in the fetal position, i.e. pull your knees towards your chest. 2. If changing position does not help, pour warm water into a heating pad and place it on your lower abdomen. It is important that the water is warm, not hot. Attention! It is strictly prohibited to use this method if cysts are found in the ovaries! Therefore, before using it, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.
  • Drink an infusion of anti-inflammatory herbs. These include: chamomile, linden, St. John's wort.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as NOSHPA tablets.

Delayed periods and prolongation of the menstrual cycle occur for natural and pathological reasons. Normally, the flow of menstrual fluid stops as pregnancy progresses. The woman will feel a nagging pain, as during menstruation, but no fluid will be released. This process is natural; all you need to do is take a pregnancy test and be examined by a doctor. Pathological processes in the reproductive organs lead to dangerous causes of delayed menstruation. If you have a negative pregnancy test, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

How to determine if your period is late

The menstrual cycle normally lasts 21-35 days. The absence of discharge for more than 5-7 days is a reason to consult a doctor. You need to do a pregnancy test at home. If the test is negative, the gynecologist prescribes hysteroscopy. This procedure allows you to examine the uterine cavity to determine pathologies.

A delay in menstruation is divided into three stages:

  1. 1. Menstruation is 5-7 days late from normal.
  2. 2. A disorder in which the menstrual cycle lengthens to 40-60 days. Fluid release occurs over 1-2 days.
  3. 3. Absence of menstruation for more than 6 months.

The standard delay in a healthy woman occurs no more than 2-3 days. A deviation is considered to be an extension of the cycle for a week or more. Women over 45 years old suffer from hormonal imbalances, which indicate the approach of menopause. The discharge will be scanty and the cycle will lengthen.

Lack of menstruation during pregnancy

One of the reasons for the delay is pregnancy. The test allows you to determine the presence in the urine of a hormone that is produced 7 days after conception. A negative result may be false or questionable. This happens if it is performed on the day of the expected menstruation. The appearance of a faint second line indicates that the test is positive. In such a situation, you should recheck the next day. It is advisable to buy another test. Early pregnancy can be confirmed using ultrasound and blood tests.

Symptoms during pregnancy:

  • temperature rise to 37 degrees;
  • the mammary glands enlarge or become rough;
  • change in color of the skin and mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • a woman has pain in her lower abdomen;
  • the perception of taste and smell changes;
  • drowsiness in the morning;
  • the woman feels sick and vomits.

Ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, a nagging pain is felt in the left or right side of the lower abdomen. This problem occurs in women who have congenital narrow fallopian tubes. In them, fertilization of the egg occurred, which did not have time to reach the uterine cavity. An ectopic pregnancy can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • cutting and pulling pain;
  • pale skin.

An ectopic pregnancy threatens to rupture the tubes. In this case, a sharp cutting pain is felt. The area of ​​the rupture is inflated under the skin. The skin turns pale and a bluish tint appears on the abdomen. A person can lose consciousness. Urgent medical attention is required.

Ectopic pregnancy

Other reasons for lack of menstruation

Abnormal curvature of the uterus

Often the menstrual cycle is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. But the absence of discharge with nagging pain indicates the presence of diseases.

Common pathologies in which menstruation is delayed:

  • Congenital curvature of the uterine body. At the age of 12-14 years, the first menstruation appears. The abnormal position of the uterus manifests itself from the first days of menstruation. The person feels a nagging pain. The temperature rises and the general condition of the body deteriorates. White discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the presence of purulent processes. The curvature of the uterus leads to the accumulation of secretions in its cavity. Menstruation becomes spotting. It has clots and is dark red in color.
  • Tumors and adhesions. In this situation, blood accumulation and absence of menstruation also occur. A woman needs to undergo examinations to determine the exact cause of the blockage of the lumen.
  • Atrophy of the mucous membranes due to hormonal imbalance. The epithelium does not separate from the uterus, so menstruation does not begin. This occurs in elderly women or after suffering from severe infectious diseases.

Less common reasons:

  • overwork;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • endometriosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • cystitis;
  • colitis.

What to do

It is prohibited to treat the absence of menstruation using folk remedies. Some pathologies can lead to infertility, so you should seek qualified help and advice from a hospital. You should take a pregnancy test several times. Moreover, they must be from different manufacturers so that the false result is reduced to zero.

Treatment for absence of menstruation:

  • Abnormalities in the position of the uterus are corrected through surgery. This must be done as quickly as possible to avoid problems conceiving a child in the future.
  • Adhesions of the intrauterine space are determined during hysteroscopy. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis using curettage. The top layer of the uterine lining is removed. There are no periods for one month after the procedure. Sometimes adhesions occur due to hysteroscopy. Then it must be done again.
  • Atrophy of the mucous membranes of the uterine cavity is treated with hormonal therapy. The gynecologist prescribes medications after examination. A woman's blood is taken and her estrogen levels are determined. After 2-4 weeks of therapy, the supply to the uterine mucosa returns to normal.
  • Varicose veins of the pelvic vessels lead to nagging pain in the lower abdomen. A woman’s lower back is constantly aching, but this is not evidence of an imminent period. Varicose veins expand to abnormally large sizes. There is a risk of rupture of the vessel, so surgical intervention is necessary.
  • The main reason for the development of cystitis is hypothermia of the pelvic area. The risk group includes people with a sedentary lifestyle. The disease appears in women who do not take care of genital hygiene. In acute cases of the disease, antispasmodics and antibiotics are prescribed. You should stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids.
  • If you have colitis, you should consult a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe a diet and the necessary treatment based on the symptoms of the disease. Antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs are used to treat the disease. If helminths are the cause of colitis, then antihelminthic drugs are prescribed.
  • Urolithiasis is treated in two ways. The first method is more gentle. It involves medication to get rid of kidney stones. Such drugs soften them, and the body removes them through the urinary canal. If a stone blocks the entrance to the kidney, surgical intervention is prescribed. In this case, you should get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of kidney loss.
  • Severe stress and overwork significantly affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. With constant nervous tension, it is necessary to change the environment and remove the irritant from your life. Sedatives will help calm you down. Together with them, it is advisable to take a course of vitamins B12, D, E. They have a beneficial effect on the tissues of the nervous system and help its recovery after stress.
  • After suffering a viral illness, you should add foods containing large amounts of vitamins to your diet. During this period, a woman needs plenty of fluids and rest. Stress and physical activity should be avoided whenever possible.

Many women, at least once, have encountered such a situation when their stomach hurts, but their periods, which were supposed to begin, did not. This kind of symptom cannot be ignored. It is necessary to determine whether these pains are pathological, or whether non-occurring menstruation is a sign of the onset of pregnancy.

In what cases can pain in the lower abdomen occur?

Quite often, especially in girls in adolescence, the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no menstruation. The reason for this may be the onset of ovulation. So about 20% of all women complain of pain at this very moment. After a certain period of time, with the establishment of a regular cycle, these pains disappear on their own. To speed up the process of establishing it, in some cases, a doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lack of menstruation are signs of pregnancy

When a woman has severe stomach pain for several days, but does not have her period, the first thought that comes to her is pregnancy. Fortunately, today there are many ways to establish this fact. The simplest and most accessible of them is a pregnancy test. No special conditions are required to carry it out.

If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen and does not have her period due to pregnancy, she should urgently seek medical help. In such a situation, this kind of pain may be due to increased. This condition can lead to early termination of pregnancy. That is why it is necessary to report pain to a gynecologist.

When you don’t have your period due to pregnancy, not only your stomach hurts, but also your chest. This is explained by hormonal changes in the body, and increased synthesis of the pregnancy hormone -.

Lack of menstruation is a consequence of pathology

We should not forget that the absence of menstruation and painful sensations can also be a sign of diseases of the reproductive system. For example, these kinds of symptoms may belong to a disease such as an ovarian cyst. This pathology is easily treatable through surgery.

Thus, it is very important to correctly determine the reason for the absence of menstruation. So, if a woman does not have her period, her stomach hurts and she feels nauseous, then most likely these signs indicate pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen appears as a sign of the onset of menstruation. But it happens that pain is felt, but menstruation does not occur. Then you should consult a doctor and get examined.

What causes pain in the lower abdomen without the onset of menstruation?

There are many reasons why your stomach hurts but you don’t have your period. First of all, a delay suggests a possible pregnancy. To refute or confirm the fact of pregnancy, at least three tests must be performed. If all three tests show a negative result, then you can move on to looking for other reasons why your stomach hurts and your periods are delayed. Conventionally, all potential causes can be divided into two groups: natural and pathological.

It often happens that the lower abdomen hurts during puberty. Delayed periods are also quite common in adolescence. As a rule, the menstrual cycle stabilizes within one to two years after the start of menstruation. But if the cycle has not established itself after the specified period, then this is a good reason for undergoing a thorough examination.

Ovulation as a reason

Every fifth woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen and does not have periods during ovulation. Pain of this kind usually begins about two weeks before menstruation begins. Pain that is aching in nature and occurs during ovulation is not considered a pathology. Gynecologists regard this phenomenon as a feature of the female body.


If the lower abdomen hurts, but there are no periods, then it is likely that fertilization of the egg has occurred and the woman is pregnant. In this case, abdominal pain indicates increased uterine tone. You should immediately conduct a test and if the prognosis is confirmed immediately, consult a doctor, since the uterus is in strong tone and there is a threat of pregnancy failure.

It happens that your stomach and back hurt, but... At the same time, the painful sensations become stronger and weaker. Although your stomach may just ache. In any case, if the pain is accompanied by general weakness, then you should immediately call an ambulance. It is quite possible that we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy and in this case you should not hesitate. Only surgical and urgent treatment will help here.

Acyclic pain

When the stomach hurts or not, that is, the pain is temporary and periodic, but there are no periods or I can only smear them. It's worth thinking about why this happens. Such pain can be acyclic and not always related to the monthly cycle.

This can cause pain due to the development of adhesions, endometriosis, varicose veins in the pelvis or stagnation of blood circulation. That is, pain in the abdominal area is not necessarily caused by gynecological problems. Inflammatory infections of the genitourinary system can also cause a delay in menstruation, as can the incorrect position of the IUD inside the uterus.


If your stomach hurts every month, and the pain is cramping in nature and covers the entire lower section, including the sacrum and lower back, then it is likely that this condition is caused by algomenorrhea. In addition to painful sensations, algomenorrhea is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • general malaise;
  • migraine.

Primary algomenorrhea can be completely natural. The most common cause of the secondary type is pathology, in particular endometriosis of the uterine mucosa. Secondary algomenorrhea is a constant, and in most cases, the main symptom of endometriosis, localized in different places.


If menstruation is spotty or completely absent for more than six months, then the doctor diagnoses a disorder of menstrual function -. This disease is not considered an independent painful condition; it is mainly a symptom of various disorders in the body - biological, genetic, psychological, and so on.

There is false amenorrhea, in which menstruation is absent, but the functionality of the uterus and ovaries is preserved. With true amenorrhea, there is no ovulation, which eliminates the possibility of fertilization.

In addition, secondary amenorrhea is also classified. The primary form is congenital in nature, the secondary form is considered as a severe violation of menstrual function, acquired as a result of strict diets and grueling physical training (found in professional athletes).

Secondary amenorrhea is usually treated with therapy aimed at eliminating the causes that caused it. If the factor that provoked menstrual irregularities is a sharp weight loss, intense physical activity, or an unhealthy lifestyle, then a change is required to restore functions.

If menstruation is absent or slightly smeared and this is due to the loss of ten or more kilograms of weight (this indicator is considered critical), then until the functionality of the reproductive system is completely normalized,
Preferably, birth control pills are prescribed that contain progestogen but do not contain estrogen.

In some cases, there is no need for hormonal therapy; it is enough to moderate physical activity, balance your diet, and take care of proper rest and sleep. It is also important to normalize the psychological situation, since the emotional state can also affect the monthly cycle.


Pain in the lower abdomen occurs as premenstrual syndrome, caused by pressure from the enlarged uterus on the bladder. But it happens that pain occurs, but there is no period. This condition is one of the signs of a gynecological disease, which serves as a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The pain can be short-term or long-lasting, sharp or aching. It should be understood that pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by various reasons, both quite natural and quite serious. Therefore, if you experience frequent pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by other symptoms: general malaise, nausea, and so on, it is worth undergoing an examination in order to begin treatment of the pathology in a timely manner.

It is worth noting that there are no special medications for restoring menstrual function. There are medications that stimulate the onset of menstruation, but their use is limited to inducing abortion. The use of such medications destabilizes the hormonal balance, which only complicates the problem in the future. If menstruation is delayed, it is first necessary to find out the cause of the disorder, since only eliminating the factor that provoked the pathology will help normalize the cycle.

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A woman's early onset of menstruation is determined by various symptoms. Many representatives of the fair sex begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen a few days before menstruation. The intensity of sensations is individual. However, with the onset of menstruation they disappear. Sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no period. Why is this happening? Should I worry?

Causes of abdominal pain as during menstruation in their absence

Shortly before menstruation, the uterus prepares to shed the extra layer of endometrium that has formed while preparing the body for fertilization. It spasms, blood flow to the pelvic organs is disrupted, and unpleasant sensations arise. There is no period when discomfort occurs due to natural or pathological processes.

Natural causes

The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones. Under the influence of various factors, the rate of production of progesterone and estrogen changes, so there may be a cycle shift. In this case, premenstrual symptoms begin, but the symptoms are not present in the due time. The stomach hurts like during menstruation, but it does not exist for the following reasons:

  • Excessive physical activity. Due to severe tension in the body, the speed of transmission of commands from the brain to other organs is disrupted. If a woman worked hard physically shortly before the start of the cycle, pain in the lower abdomen appears, but the regulation does not improve. Discomfort may increase if the abdominal area is subject to tension.
  • Stress and anxiety. A stressful situation also forces the brain to slow down the rate of reproductive processes. The uterus is preparing for the rejection of the endometrium, but the processes that facilitate the release of secretions are not activated.
  • Pregnancy. After fertilization of the egg, discomfort in the abdomen appears for some time, but menstruation does not come. Unpleasant sensations arise due to the fact that the embryo, when implanted into the uterus, slightly damages the uterine layer.
  • Lack of ovulation. Sometimes the ovaries do not produce an egg, so ovulation does not occur. This phenomenon is called the anovulatory cycle. This condition is normal for every woman. The number of anovulatory cycles increases with age. Despite the absence of a mature egg, menstruation occurs, but with a delay of about a week. However, all premenstrual symptoms persist.
  • Poor nutrition. The lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet negatively affects the formation of hormones and the contractility of the uterus. The stomach may hurt, but the discharge does not begin.
  • Change of climate, rhythm of life, moving. The body perceives new conditions as a threat. During the adaptation period, periods are delayed. However, when preparing for them, my lower abdomen still ache.
  • Age-related changes. After 45 years, the production of estrogen in the female body decreases. The following symptoms appear: pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, no menstruation.

Pathological processes

As a rule, if the lower abdomen hurts, but there is no regulation for natural reasons, the process returns to normal in the next cycle. However, when the pain is severe and the cycle does not return to normal, diseases of the reproductive system may develop.

The absence of menstruation with abdominal pain indicates the following pathologies:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. Disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system lead to the fact that the fertilized egg attaches itself outside the uterine cavity. There is no menstruation, but unpleasant symptoms appear. The pain during ectopic implantation is very severe.
  • Risk of miscarriage. If a pregnancy test shows a positive result, but your stomach hurts and feels tight, there is a risk of fetal rejection.
  • Hormonal imbalance. With a lack or excess of female sex hormones, menstruation is delayed or does not occur at all. In this case, discomfort manifests itself both at the beginning and in the middle of the cycle.
  • Inflammatory processes of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis). At the same time, unpleasant sensations accompany a woman on different days of the cycle - both before and after menstruation.
  • Inflammation of the genital organs. Pain and delayed menstruation are caused by endometritis, adnexitis, salpingitis, and infectious processes in the cervix and vagina. Discomfort is present regardless of cyclicity.
  • Appendicitis, gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Hernia in the lower part of the spine, inflammation or pinched nerve.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.

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Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if changes are observed in the menstrual cycle over several months. The doctor will assess the woman’s condition, prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, refer her to another specialist.

Urgent medical attention is needed if the following symptoms are present:

  • pain that does not allow you to lead a normal life;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs when moving;
  • intense bleeding from the vagina (the need to change the pad every 1–1.5 hours or more often);
  • the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • spotting on a day when there should not be menstruation, or during pregnancy (we recommend reading:);
  • sudden pain in the side;
  • fainting;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • pain when urinating and blood in the urine.

It is necessary to contact specialists regardless of the day of the cycle in which the symptoms appeared. The most dangerous bleeding is during pregnancy. The appearance of blood indicates an incipient miscarriage. You cannot hesitate when bleeding is accompanied by chills, vomiting and intense pain. These signs accompany an ectopic pregnancy. If you do not seek help, a woman may die from blood loss.

Treatment tactics

The principles of treating lower abdominal pain depend on their cause. If the lower abdomen hurts for natural reasons, special therapy is not needed. To restore the cycle, you need to improve your diet, reduce physical activity, and protect yourself from stress. To reduce painful symptoms, a single dose of No-shpa is allowed.

In case of pathological abnormalities, treatment tactics are determined depending on the disease. You cannot self-medicate. The doctor will determine what to do after making an accurate diagnosis. The type of drugs and dosage regimen are selected depending on the following factors:

  • severity of pathology;
  • patient's age;
  • presence of pregnancy;
  • accompanying manifestations.

Can there be no pain if menstruation has arrived?

When menstruation has arrived, the abdominal pain should subside. However, this symptom is individual for each woman. Sometimes pain remains during the first days of the monthly cycle.

Some representatives of the fair sex do not experience pain during menstruation. The absence of pain is not a pathology. If menstruation begins on time and is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, the woman is absolutely healthy. Anxiety should cause new unpleasant sensations to appear. To exclude pathology, you need to consult a doctor.