Afobazole treats or simply relieves symptoms. Instructions for use. When is Afobazol prescribed?

Panic attacks are a modern disease. Psychotherapists say that there is no person who has not experienced this unpleasant condition at least once in his life. In addition, patients often develop conditions in which an anxiety disorder develops, and against the background of this disease, panic attacks become common. This condition causes severe discomfort to the patient and significantly reduces his standard of living. Many drugs are used to treat this disease, and one of the most popular and in demand is Afobazole. In the article we will look in detail at how Afobazol helps with panic attacks.

What is a "panic attack"?

A panic attack is an attack of severe anxiety accompanied by intense fear, combined with various autonomic symptoms.
Typically, a panic attack begins with an increase in anxiety, which becomes unbearable, and entails sweating of the hands, palpitations, a feeling of shortness of breath, confusion, and a feeling of the unreality of what is happening.

Some doctors call this condition vegetative-vascular dystonia, or vegetative crisis, but this disease is called “panic disorder” (episodic paroxysmal anxiety) and under this name is included in the ICD (international classification of diseases).
Panic attacks occur suddenly and are not limited to any specific situation or set of circumstances and are therefore unpredictable.

Causes of panic attacks

Panic attacks can occur for a number of reasons, and to understand this, it would be advisable to consult a psychotherapist.
In turn, we would like to add that panic attacks arise as a result of several factors: psychogenic, biological and physiogenic. Most often, panic attacks are caused by a combination of several provoking phenomena.
Psychogenic causes include conflict situations or traumatic events.
Biological factors are most often associated with hormonal changes in the body, taking hormonal drugs, as well as an increase in the concentration of sodium lactate in the blood serum.

Physiogenic causes are: alcohol intoxication, drug use, weather fluctuations, acclimatization, excessive sun exposure, physical stress.

Sudden anxiety attacks

It should be remembered that a feeling of unreasonable anxiety is not always considered a pathological mental state. Every person in his life has at least once experienced anxiety in a situation where he could not cope with some problem, or when he felt that life circumstances had reached a dead end. Usually, after such issues are resolved, the feeling of anxiety goes away. But there are conditions in which unreasonable fear appears regardless of external stimuli; it is not caused by any real problem, but arises on its own.

This condition requires treatment with medications and psychotherapy, because in the future, due to constant stress, the person’s nervous system is depleted, and this can lead to more serious consequences.

The Dangers of Panic Attacks

The danger of panic attacks is usually overestimated by the patient himself.
A person suffering from panic attacks tends to go deeper and deeper into his condition, thus leading himself to phobia or depression, which take much longer and more difficult to treat. In addition, against the background of constant nervous tension, chronic diseases can worsen, so panic attacks need to be treated.

How does Afobazol help stop panic attacks?

Afobazole has a pronounced neuroprotective effect; it helps to cope with severe anxiety, which provokes panic attacks. Gently accumulating in the body, Afobazole protects the receptors of nerve cells from overstrain, thereby enhancing the inhibitory effect, which will manifest itself in a more adequate reaction to psychogenic stimuli, rather than a panic attack.

Active ingredient of the drug Afobazol

The main component of the drug Afobazol is the substance Fabomotizol, which restores nerve cell receptors damaged due to excessive nervous stress and allows the human nervous system to work even under conditions of prolonged stress. Under conditions of ongoing stress, a person’s nervous system becomes exhausted and stops responding to inhibitory impulses, so a person constantly feels anxiety, which ultimately leads to panic attacks.

Afobazole reduces or eliminates feelings of anxiety, restlessness and tension without causing drowsiness. The drug combines anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effects, does not cause muscle weakness and does not have a negative effect on concentration and memory.

What is good about Afobazol?

Afobazole is good because it acts gently, gradually, effectively restoring the patient’s nervous system, and helps to effectively combat the manifestations of overexertion. Afobazole is also safe, well tolerated by patients, has few side effects and contraindications, and does not cause addiction, withdrawal syndrome or dependence.

Stressful situations await a person at every turn, and in order to put the nervous system in order, sometimes you have to resort to taking medications. Modern, popular sedatives include Afobazol. Feedback from doctors is that the drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause addiction after long-term therapy. The dosage is calculated individually in each case by the attending physician.

"Afobazol": general information

Anti-anxiety drugs are the general name for a group of medications that affect the central nervous system. Based on their origin, they are divided into plant and synthetic.

The ranks of selective anxiolytics have been supplemented by the drug Afobazol. The instructions indicate that there are no side effects characteristic of the group of benzodeazipine tranquilizers in this drug. It has an anti-anxiety, activating effect and has a positive effect on the general condition. By taking the drug, you don’t have to worry about the body’s addiction, memory impairment, or the occurrence of “withdrawal syndrome” after completing the course of treatment.

"Afobazol" is a medicinal (psychotropic) product produced in Russia. The anxiolytic has a number of advantages compared to some antidepressants and benzodiazepine tranquilizers. The scientists who developed the drug claim that there are no negative consequences that usually accompany treatment with sedatives. "Afobazole", the composition of which does not cause an inhibitory, muscle relaxant effect, does not form drug dependence.

Clinical studies of Afobazole have confirmed its effectiveness. Both women and men aged 18 to 60 years with neurotic disorders took part in the trial. The first results of improving the emotional state and reducing anxiety were recorded already 3-10 days after starting to take the drug.

After 6 weeks of therapy, almost all patients experienced partial or complete remission. The product is recognized as absolutely safe for use in any field of medicine. Despite the free sale in pharmacies, before use you should consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and prescribe a suitable treatment regimen.

Composition and release form

Today you can purchase a tablet form of the drug “Afobazol”. The composition of each tablet is 5 or 10 mg of the active substance fabomotizole hydrochloride (morpholinoethylthioethoxybenzimidazole). Additional components - potato starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, povidone.

How does the drug work?

The selective axolytic in the composition of the product allows you to prevent changes in membrane-dependent receptors. This, in turn, helps reduce the level of irritability, discomfort, anxiety, and fear. Thanks to the drug, sleep is normalized, a surge of vital energy appears, and physical condition is restored.

Symptoms of somatic disorders associated with the respiratory, cardiovascular, sensory, and digestive systems eventually cease to appear and bother the patient. The result of therapy should be assessed in the 4th week of treatment, when the maximum effect of the drug "Afobazol" is achieved. Reviews from doctors indicate stabilization of blood pressure levels (stress often causes hypertension) after taking the drug. Symptoms of autonomic disorder (increased heart rate, tremors, shortness of breath, chest pain) are also reduced.

The effect of the drug lasts for 2 weeks after the end of administration. The patient ceases to feel constant fear and concern. Attacks of muscle twitching and dizziness are blocked, and attention is improved. Compared to benzodiazepines, the therapeutic effect is less pronounced.

When is Afobazol prescribed?

The use of a sedative is especially important for people suffering from a constant feeling of uncertainty, suspiciousness, and violent emotional manifestations in response to negative life situations. As part of complex therapy, it is prescribed to patients with bronchial asthma, hypertension, chronic insomnia, and oncological pathologies.

Taking Afobazole is mandatory for the following problems:

  • neurasthenia and neuroses;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (autoimmune disease);
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen);
  • coding for alcohol addiction and smoking;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • anxiety;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis.

The drug can be used during periods of increased anxiety, for example before taking exams or when changing jobs. For each patient, an individual treatment regimen and dosage of the drug “Afobazol” are prescribed. Analogues of the drug contain other active ingredients, but have the most similar therapeutic effect. Only a specialist can select the optimal drug for therapy after first examining the patient.

How to take Afobazol?

The instructions for the medication are an important document that every patient should read before starting to use the drug. According to the annotation, the tablets are taken after meals. The optimal single dose is 10 mg. If necessary, the attending physician can adjust this value. Depending on the diagnosis, it varies both less and more. Drink a sedative 3 times a day at approximately the same interval of time. The maximum duration of use is 3 months, after which you need to take a break.

For a short course of treatment, you can purchase the drug in a cardboard package of 10 or 20 tablets. It is also available in cans of 50 and 100. This volume is best used if long-term therapy with Afobazol is necessary. The price starts from 280 rubles. and depends on the dosage of the active substance.

The results of using the product appear at different times. In some patients, an improvement in their emotional state is observed already on the third day of treatment, in others - a little later. The drug is well absorbed from the intestinal walls and is quickly eliminated from the body.

"Afobazol": contraindications

Despite the relative safety and non-toxicity of the components, the drug is still prohibited to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Children under 18 years of age should not take it without a doctor's prescription. Persons who have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in it should avoid using the drug.

Some patients note the appearance of drowsiness after taking the sedative Afobazol. Reviews from doctors confirm the appearance of such symptoms only in the case of an independent increase in the recommended daily dose. If you follow the specialist's instructions, the drug helps improve concentration. Therefore, it is approved for use when it is necessary to control mechanisms.

Side effects

The development of an allergic reaction is possible if the body is intolerant to lactose, which is part of the drug "Afobazol". Overdose is rare and manifests itself in the form of significant sedation. Due to the fact that the drug is quickly eliminated from the body, this condition usually goes away on its own. Sometimes caffeine (sodium benzoate) may need to be given subcutaneously.

At the beginning of therapy, an undesirable reaction to Afobazole may occur. Side effects such as nausea and vomiting disappear after discontinuation of the drug. If symptoms persist, you should seek medical help.

Is the drug compatible with alcohol?

This question interests almost everyone who takes a sedative. The light tranquilizer Afobazol and alcohol are quite compatible. The components of the drug do not enhance the narcotic effect of ethanol, but rather, on the contrary, suppress it. Therefore, you may not feel intoxicated from a small amount of high-proof drinks. In turn, alcohol does not have the best effect on the healing process and will reduce its effectiveness.

It is not advisable to take the anxiolytic Afobazol and alcohol at the same time. The drug is often used in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms, when it is difficult for the patient to tolerate quitting alcohol or nicotine. This remedy makes it easier to endure this period. It also helps relieve hangover syndrome by “launching” the work of the central nervous system.

Interaction with other drugs

If several sedatives are used simultaneously for treatment, the effect is not always stronger. It makes no sense to take Afobazol with mild sedative medications based on medicinal herbs.

Most often, it is enough to take only Afobazol. Compatibility with other tranquilizers or nootropics will manifest itself in the form of a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. Drugs used to treat epilepsy will be more powerful.

What to replace it with?

Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide selection of sedative drugs of both natural and synthetic origin. If necessary, you can choose a substitute for the drug “Afobazol”. Analogues will have other active ingredients in their composition, but the therapeutic effect will be identical. Medications that can relieve anxiety and confusion syndromes include:

  • "Diazepam";
  • "Adaptol"
  • "Phenazepam";
  • "Elinium";
  • "Amizil";
  • "Atarax";
  • "Tenoten";
  • "Persen";
  • "Mebix";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Tranquesipam";
  • "Neurofazol" (synonym for the drug "Afobazol").

Substitutes have a similar therapeutic effect, but they cannot be compared with the original remedy. The optimal remedy should be selected by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s diagnosis and the presence of individual intolerance to the components. It is quite difficult to cope with the manifestation of neurosis on your own, because drugs can only remove the symptoms of the disease, but not solve the cause of the problem.

What do patients and doctors say?

Various life circumstances always hit the nerves and provoke panic attacks, depression, and fear of the future. Not everyone can cope with depression and hysterics. For help in such situations, you should contact a neurologist. Many specialists prefer to prescribe the “mild” tranquilizer “Afobazol” to their patients. The drug received mostly positive reviews from doctors, although some consider this to be a placebo effect, despite the huge number of people for whom the anxiolytic returned good health and a stable emotional state. Patients suffering from a constant feeling of anxiety and prone to worry say that the remedy really helps and suppresses unpleasant symptoms if the case is not advanced.

Most patients who have used the drug note a rapid therapeutic effect literally from the first day of use. Panic attacks, which are often accompanied by tachycardia and spasms in the chest and throat, stop. A calm state allows you to correctly assess the situation and find ways to resolve problems.

Negative reviews are quite rare and are mainly associated with side effects. Some patients did not feel any changes in their psychological state for the better after taking Afobazol. An overdose of an anxiolytic is practically excluded if you fully comply with the neurologist’s instructions and do not exceed the dosage.

Should I take Persen instead of Afobazole?

"Persen" is a plant-based sedative. It contains mint leaves, lemon balm, and medicinal valerian root extract. Natural origin has a positive effect on symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and promotes normal sleep without attacks of daytime sleepiness. When choosing “Afobazol” or “Persen” for treatment, it should be taken into account that the effect of the first is milder compared to a synthetic anxiolytic.

A plant-based sedative can be used in pediatrics under the strict supervision of a physician. "Persen" improves attention, calms and helps cope with insomnia. Can be prescribed in complex therapy for vegetative-vascular dystonia, withdrawal syndrome of potent medications. As a preventative measure, it is recommended during periods of constant stressful situations.

A specialist must choose between two sedatives. In milder cases, it is sometimes sufficient to take a herbal sedative. If the situation requires “serious” medications, the patient is prescribed Afobazol. Contraindications to the use of “Persen” are high blood pressure, pregnancy, children under 3 years of age and individual intolerance to the components.

"Afobazol" or "Adaptol"?

The sedative "Adaptol" belongs to the group of anxiolytics and has the same therapeutic effect as "Afobazol". Use is indicated for neuroses, emotional instability, stress of various etiologies. Helps reduce cravings for nicotine and improves tolerability of antipsychotics.

Clinical trials have confirmed the positive effect of the drug on mental activity. "Adaptol" also improves reaction speed when controlling various mechanisms and does not cause drowsiness during the day. The active ingredient of the drug is mebicar (one capsule contains 300 mg). Does not cause dependence or addiction.

The product is prohibited for use by children under 10 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Side effects (dizziness, weakness) develop only when the recommended dose of Adaptol is significantly exceeded.

Many patients who first took Afobazol and then Adaptol noted that the sedative effect of the latter was weaker. Afobazole really has a pronounced anti-anxiety effect. He is able to cope with the symptoms of a panic attack, overcome feelings of fear and eliminate autonomic disorders (dry mouth, sudden dizziness). It makes sense to take the Latvian analogue only in mild cases, with minor neurological disorders.

Is it possible to replace Afobazol with Phenibut?

The drug "Phenibut" refers to nootropic medications derived from gamma-aminobutyric acid. Able to cope with tension, worry, anxiety. Promotes the activation of mental abilities and helps to concentrate. This occurs due to improved blood supply to brain tissue. The product is non-toxic and completely safe. It is eliminated from the body within 3 hours after administration. Despite some positive aspects of the drug, it is less well tolerated by patients and often causes undesirable consequences and addiction to the system, unlike Afobazole.

Price is of no small importance when choosing a drug, and Phenibut can easily be called an affordable medicine compared to the latest generation anxiolytic (cost is about 120 rubles). It is worth considering that during treatment with this sedative, it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. Phenibut and ethanol have the same effect and inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system. Quite often, the drugs Afobazol and Phenibut are prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism, when the patient suffers from memory impairment, loses interest in life, and experiences withdrawal symptoms.

Compared to Afobazol, the contraindications to the use of Phenibut are somewhat expanded. The drug, according to the instructions, is taken with caution for peptic ulcers and liver pathologies. Under strict medical supervision, a sedative is used in the treatment of children under 8 years of age. During pregnancy, the manufacturer advises against using the product, since there is no data on such studies. If there are symptoms of an overdose (drowsiness, vomiting, low blood pressure), it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach.

Afobazole is a domestic drug that has an anxiolytic effect and is used for anxiety conditions. incl. aggravated by somatic symptoms. The crazy rhythm of life in today's realities provokes a lot of health problems, one of which is anxiety disorders. To suppress such conditions, medicine can offer, for example, benzodiazepine tranquilizers or antidepressants. The problem is that these groups of drugs, in addition to their undeniable advantages, are also endowed with a number of disadvantages. A reasonable alternative for eliminating pathological anxiety may be the drug afobazole. Its use is not associated with adverse reactions characteristic of benzodiazepine tranquilizers - lethargy, drowsiness, muscle relaxation, impaired coordination of movement, which can worsen the quality of life. At the same time, afobazole has some advantages: low toxicity, the possibility of use in complex therapy without increasing the risk of adverse reactions, low risk of addiction and withdrawal syndrome. Thus, the drug, in its anxiolytic properties, practically corresponds to benzodiazepines and is suitable for long-term pharmacotherapy, because devoid of side effects typical of tranquilizers.

According to the mechanism of action, afobazole is a selective anxiolytic: the drug counteracts the development of membrane-dependent changes in gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter). It does not have a sedative effect (unless, of course, you exceed the recommended dose tens of times). The pharmacological effect of afobazole is a combination of anti-anxiety and light activating components.

Already on the 5-7th day of taking the drug, there is a decrease or complete elimination of anxiety, irritability, anxious premonitions, tearfulness, phobias, and inability to relax. Against this background, combined somatic symptoms begin to disappear: muscular, cardiovascular, sensory, respiratory and digestive manifestations of pathological anxiety. The peak effect of afobazole occurs at the end of the 4th week and persists for another 1-2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug.

Clinical trials of afobazole took place on the basis of Russian psychiatric clinics and confirmed its high therapeutic activity in patients with an asthenic personality type, prone to excessive suspiciousness, self-doubt, increased vulnerability, and exposure to stress. The drug demonstrated maximum effectiveness for manifestations of anxiety combined with psychovegetative disorders, incl. with pain syndrome: when taking it, headaches, pain in the abdomen and in the heart area, and spinal pain were relieved. Afobazole does not have a negative effect on cognitive functions (memory, attention); on the contrary, having a slight stimulating effect, it improves some psychophysiological indicators.

Afobazole is available in tablets. The recommended single dose of the drug is 10 mg. The frequency of administration is 3 times a day. The duration of drug therapy varies in the range of 2-4 weeks. According to indications, the doctor can increase the daily dose of afobazole to 60 mg and extend the course of treatment to 3 months.


Afobazole ® is a selective non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic. Acting on sigma-1 receptors in nerve cells of the brain, Afobazol ® stabilizes GABA/benzodiazepine receptors and restores their sensitivity to endogenous inhibitory mediators. Afobazole ® also increases the bioenergetic potential of nerve cells and protects them from damage (has a neuroprotective effect).

The effect of the drug is realized primarily as a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mild stimulating (activating) effects. Afobazole ® reduces or eliminates feelings of anxiety (preoccupation, apprehension, apprehension, irritability), tension (fearfulness, tearfulness, restlessness, inability to relax, insomnia, fear), somatic manifestations of anxiety (muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal -intestinal symptoms), autonomic disorders (dry mouth, sweating, dizziness), cognitive disorders (difficulty concentrating, impaired memory). The use of the drug is especially indicated in persons with predominantly asthenic personality traits in the form of anxious suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional lability, and a tendency to emotional stress reactions. The effect of the drug develops on days 5-7 of treatment. The maximum effect is achieved by the end of 4 weeks of treatment and persists after the end of treatment for an average of 1-2 weeks. Afobazole ® does not cause muscle weakness, drowsiness and does not have a negative effect on concentration and memory. When using it, drug dependence does not form and “withdrawal” syndrome does not develop.



After oral administration, Afobazole ® is well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax - 0.130+0.073 μg/ml; TC max - 0.85±0.13 h.


Afobazole ® undergoes a “first pass effect” through the liver; the main directions of metabolism are hydroxylation at the aromatic ring of the benzimidazole ring and oxidation at the morpholine fragment. Afobazole ® is intensively distributed throughout well-vascularized organs; it is characterized by rapid transfer from the central pool (blood plasma) to the peripheral (highly vascularized organs and tissues).


The half-life of Afobazole ® when taken orally is 0.82+0.54 hours. The short half-life is due to intensive biotransformation of the drug and rapid distribution from blood plasma to organs and tissues. The drug is excreted primarily in the form of metabolites and partially unchanged in urine and feces.
With long-term use it does not accumulate in the body.

Release form

Tablets are white or white with a creamy tint, flat-cylindrical, with a bevel.

Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, povidone, magnesium stearate.

20 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (5) - cardboard packs.
25 pcs. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
30 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
50 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
100 pieces. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.


Used internally after meals.

Optimal single doses - 10 mg; daily - 30 mg, divided into 3 doses during the day. The duration of the course of use of the drug is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, the daily dose of the drug can be increased to 60 mg, and the duration of treatment up to 3 months.


With significant overdose and intoxication, the development of sedation and increased drowsiness without manifestations of muscle relaxation is possible. As an emergency solution, caffeine 20% solution in 1.0 ml ampoules is used 2-3 times a day subcutaneously.


Afobazole ® does not interact with ethanol and does not affect the hypnotic effect of thiopental.

Enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine.

Causes an increase in the anxiolytic effect of diazepam.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible. Rarely - headache, which usually goes away on its own and does not require withdrawal


Afobazol ® is used in adults for anxiety conditions:

  • generalized anxiety disorders;
  • neurasthenia;
  • adaptation disorders.

In patients with various somatic diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • arrhythmias;
  • dermatological, oncological and other diseases.

During treatment:

  • sleep disorders associated with anxiety;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking.


  • individual intolerance to the drug.
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • children, age up to 18 years.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

Contraindicated for children under 18 years of age.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not have a negative effect on driving vehicles and performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Afobazole is classified as an anxiolytic, that is, a drug that combats anxiety disorders.

It successfully combats tearfulness, sleep disturbances caused by the inability to relax, constant and unreasonable expectations of bad developments, and some other symptoms.

On this page you will find all the information about Afobazol: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews from people who have already used Afobazol. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Tranquilizer (anxiolytic).

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Allowed for sale from pharmacies without a prescription. Before use, you should consult a specialist.


How much does Afobazol cost? The average price in pharmacies is 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

Afobazole is available in tablets. This is the only form of drug production. Blisters with tablets made of aluminum alloy and transparent plastic are placed in cardboard packages, as in the photo.

Each of them has:

  • the shape of a flat cylinder with a chamfer;
  • color – white or creamy.

The main active ingredient is morphodihydrochloride. Its amount depends on the dosage of the tablet - 5 or 10 mg. The auxiliary components that provide the structure are:

  • medium molecular weight povidone;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

Pharmacological effect

Afobazole is a sedative that reduces anxiety. The use of Afobazole does not lead to dependence on the drug, even with fairly long-term use. The drug does not have a negative effect on memory and concentration, and does not reduce muscle tone, which is confirmed by reviews of Afobazole. When taking Afobazole, no withdrawal syndrome is observed, that is, if the drug is abruptly stopped, the patient’s condition does not worsen.

Positive dynamics of the condition are observed 5-7 days after starting the drug. The maximum effect occurs after 3-4 weeks and lasts for another 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the metabolic state of the individual patient. Afobazole helps patients who are worried about suspiciousness, increased vulnerability, emotional instability, and lack of self-confidence. The good effect of using the drug is also proven by positive reviews.

This tranquilizer has a dual effect: it relieves anxiety and provides mild stimulation. Reducing anxiety and nervous tension leads to an improvement in both the mental and physical condition of the patient. The effect of the drug, aimed at reducing anxiety, allows you to eliminate the symptoms (muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal) that are present in somatic disorders. The frequency of autonomic disorders (sweating, dry mouth, dizziness) also decreases.

Indications for use

In general, indications for the use of Afobazole are any anxiety conditions in adults, such as:

  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • withdrawal syndrome during smoking cessation;
  • general anxiety disorder, adaptation disorder;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • somatic conditions, which can also be accompanied by anxiety and depression (oncopathology);
  • sleep disorders.

The drug is especially indicated for the treatment of people with predominantly asthenic individual traits, which are manifested by anxious suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence, vulnerability, emotional instability, and a tendency to stress. Afobazole is also prescribed quite often, making it possible to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of hormonal changes in the female body, which are often manifested by nervousness and anxiety, and vegetative disorders.

Is this a tranquilizer or not?

Yes, Afobazole belongs to the group of selective anxiolytics - tranquilizers. The drug has a mild effect and is not addictive. It differs from the more severe benzodiazepine non-selective tranquilizers in safety, while:

  • does not relax the body muscles;
  • does not impair attention and memory;
  • does not have withdrawal syndrome after completion of treatment.


  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • The drug is not used to treat patients under 18 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Afobazole is prescribed to adults orally after meals.

  • Usually take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 60 mg.

The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. If prescribed by a doctor, treatment can be extended to 3 months.

Side effects

As side effects, Afobazole can provoke various allergic reactions and headaches, which, as a rule, go away on their own, without requiring special treatment or discontinuation of the drug.

Some people note the appearance of pronounced sexual desire a few days after starting to take Afobazole. Doctors and scientists do not classify this effect as a side effect, but associate the appearance of libido with the relief of tension and anxiety.


If the recommended therapeutic dose of Afobazol tablets is significantly exceeded, an excessive sedative and hypnotic effect without muscle relaxation develops. In this case, a 20% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate, 1 ml 2-3 times a day, is used as an antidote.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or drive potentially dangerous mechanisms, so the answer to the question “Can Afobazol be taken while driving?” positive. It is also not prohibited for people employed in hazardous industries and people whose work requires attentiveness and accuracy of reactions to take the product.

Drug interactions

Afobazole has no effect on the depressive effect of ethyl alcohol and the hypnotic (hypnotic) effect of sodium thiopental (a drug for ultra-short-acting inhalation anesthesia).

Potentiates the antiepileptic effect of Carbamazepine and enhances the tranquilizing effect of Diazepam.

Alcohol compatibility

Afobazole and alcohol do not interact with each other. Therefore, if you took pills, and in the evening you will have a banquet or party where there will be alcohol, you don’t have to worry. You are allowed to drink a side of wine. But this does not mean that afobazole and alcohol, when used together, will act traditionally. There is no interaction only on the part of chemical reactions, but your individual reactivity of the body is unpredictable.

Afobazole and alcohol are compatible concepts when it comes to treating withdrawal symptoms. In this case, the drug is desirable and helps to significantly alleviate the person’s condition. The therapeutic dose for withdrawal syndrome is 10–20 mg per dose, but not more than 60 mg per day.

In other cases, the maximum daily dosage is 30 mg.


Reviews from patients and doctors about Afobazole are quite ambiguous, including both positive and negative. Some doctors talk about the lack of effectiveness of the drug and prefer benzodiazepines, which guarantee relief from anxiety in 100% of cases, but have a lot of severe side effects, causing drug addiction. Other experts believe that Afobazole has a sufficient therapeutic effect and works well for patients who do not have deep and severe anxiety disorders.

We have selected some people's reviews about the drug Afobazol:

  1. Irina . Half of my friends are on Afobazole, some drink during stress at work, some drink before vacation, some start having problems at home... it helps everyone a lot! I feel that I myself will soon join their Afobazol club)) otherwise my nerves are not of steel.
  2. Pauline . I took afobazole for panic attacks. It does not completely solve the problem (in addition to sedatives, you also need to work on your lifestyle in general, sometimes you need to consult a psychologist), but it helps to avoid attacks. My most acute period was in the summer. Heat, stuffiness, a lot of people - a panic attack immediately began, often leading to fainting. With afobazole, I successfully avoided such situations. After completing the entire course of treatment, the problem of PA no longer bothers me, but I still resort to afobazole when I feel that my nerves are already at their limit in order to avoid relapses.
  3. Hope. Afobazol helped me with overeating. Previously, in any stressful situation, I would sit with a cookie, or a sandwich, or a chocolate bar, a bun... in general, only food could calm me down and help put my thoughts in order. Of course, this “calm down” resulted in a tidy number of extra kilos. I realized that I urgently needed to do something about my habit; on the advice of a friend, I decided to take Afobazole (she lost weight on it, and the review was very tempting). I didn’t notice the changes right away, but after about a week I actually began to crave the refrigerator less. By the end of the course, I actually caught myself thinking that food now interests me only in moments of hunger. Well, it’s a shame that I didn’t come to my senses sooner, otherwise the excess would have been much smaller. Now goal number 2 is weight loss!)
  4. Varvara. I tried to quit smoking three times, but each time it broke me as if I hadn’t smoked cigarettes at all. Friends advised me to combine the refusal with a course of Afobazole. So I did. Actually a thing! It controls both my nerves and my appetite, it’s not addictive, and I have something to compare it to, without it it was really hard!
  5. Veronica. My mother constantly worries about her relatives. Words do not reassure, like everyone is fine. She says that everyone is telling her this just to divert attention, but in reality everything is bad. It was because of this suspiciousness and anxiety that she persuaded her to start drinking Afobazol. What a relief. Now the person lives normally and does not torment himself with obsessive thoughts out of the blue.
  6. Natalia . I took it as prescribed by the attending endocrinologist for the treatment of increased function of the thyroid gland and its nodes (there was a rather serious constant stress background). It helped very well in my case, in combination with treatment with thyroid medications.

Patients in most cases speak positively about Afobazole, noting that it helped them cope with difficult life situations, eliminating nervousness, panic attacks and constant breakdowns with others. Many say that taking the drug helped get rid of vulnerability and self-doubt, develop a calm attitude towards numerous problems and improved the quality of life.

Negative reviews about Afobazole are associated with two main factors - the ineffectiveness of the drug in a particular case and the development of side effects that were difficult to tolerate and forced to stop therapy. Thus, for some people, Afobazol did not normalize the condition and did not relieve anxiety so much that they felt comfortable, which naturally caused disappointment and negative feedback. In other people, Afobazole caused daytime sleepiness, which forced them to stop taking the drug due to the inability to continue working.


The most commonly used Afobazole analogues are as follows:

  1. Divaza– a drug included in the group of tranquilizers. When taken, the active component normalizes blood circulation in the brain, relieves tension and fatigue. It is taken during autonomic disorders, for disorders of brain activity that are caused by injuries, ischemic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and others. And also for increased anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and neuroinfections.
  2. Adaptol– this drug belongs to the group of anxiolytic-type drugs. This drug has a tranquilizing effect. When taken, it quickly relieves feelings of fear, tension, fatigue, and stress.
  3. Persen. This remedy has an antispasmodic and calming effect. It contains herbal ingredients that help relieve tension, anxiety and irritation. It can be taken during insomnia, because the drug facilitates the process of falling asleep and does not cause drowsiness.
  4. Tenoten is a drug belonging to the group of tranquilizers. Quickly relieves anxiety, stress, emotional tension, helps relieve headaches and eliminates sleep problems.
  5. Novopassit is a sedative-type sedative that consists of herbal components. The medicine has an effect on the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, fatigue, and stress. Also helps with headaches and sleep disorders.
  6. Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer. The drug has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic and central muscle relaxant effects on the body. It is used during psychoses, sleep disorders, neurotic and psychopathic conditions.
  7. Phenibut is a nootropic drug that is classified as a tranquilizer. Improves brain activity, increases blood circulation. When taken, the body's performance and mental activity increase, memory improves, stress, neuroses, and tensions disappear.
  8. Grandaxin– the drug belongs to tranquilizers, which belong to the group of benzodiazepines. Quickly relieves tension, fatigue, excitability, helps with headaches and insomnia. It is also taken for premenstrual syndrome, for myopathy, myasthenia gravis, neuroses, for alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and so on.
  9. Fenzitate is a tranquilizer that belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives. It is used for neuroses, severe fatigue, emotional stress, autonomic disorders, and sleep disorders.
  10. Mebicar– a medicine that is classified as a tranquilizer for daytime use. This drug reduces anxiety, tension, fatigue, and also has a mild sedative effect.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Which is better Afobazol or Tenoten?

What is better Tenoten or Afobazol? It depends on each specific situation and individual patient. In general, no specialist can give a definite answer. The undoubted advantage of Tenoten is the presence of the drug in a pediatric dosage. Tenoten can be used for some organic lesions of the central nervous system, including dyscirculation and trauma. Afobazole is not effective in these cases.

Tenoten, like any homeopathic remedy, begins to act gradually, a lasting effect occurs after a month's course and the duration of treatment with this medicine is long, preferably about 2 months. The maximum period for taking it is six months. It is not used for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.

After taking Afobazole, the effect occurs faster, and hangover syndrome can be treated. But it does not have a neuroprotective effect, and is not used after stroke. Therefore, it is impossible to definitively say Tenoten or Afobazole which is better without seeing the picture of the disease.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life – 3 years.