Maltese dog sizes. Maltese breed standard. FCI Maltese breed standard - Fédération Cynologique Internationale

Maltese dogs, or Maltese dogs as they are also called, belong to the category of the oldest dog breeds bred by man. For more than several centuries, the Maltese has not lost its popularity and remains a universal favorite in every home. This small and cheerful dog was created to love and be loved.

Devoted friend

This is an ideal companion that will accompany its owner everywhere. Despite the small size of the Maltese, the Maltese dog has strong personal qualities - loyalty, kindness and intelligence. Thanks to its playful disposition, the pet does not lose heart under any circumstances, lifting the mood of its owner. Despite its pampering, the little white doll or toy is very unpretentious and picky. However, the appearance of which attracts millions of glances requires complex and expensive care.

History of the breed

Scientists claim that these cute pets appeared in the 6th century. BC. Proof of such assumptions is an ancient Greek vase found during excavations, which is more than 2500 years old. It depicts a miniature dog that bears a striking resemblance to modern representatives of this breed.

The first mentions are found in ancient documents and primary sources, where the dogs were called Melitaie. They got this name from the ancient Greek (formerly Melitia). But it is impossible to say for sure about the Maltese origin of companion dogs. There is also a version about their Egyptian roots. There is evidence of this in the form of ancient written sources, where the Maltese is depicted in the everyday life of aristocrats. The Maltese dog most likely ended up in Malta only due to active trade between the countries of Europe and Africa.

Favorite of the Royals

It is an undeniable fact that these snow-white dogs were most valued in diplomatic and royal circles. They were more desirable than silk and precious stones. European countries first became acquainted with the cute Maltese thanks to Roman legionnaires and merchants, who brought everyone's favorites to Great Britain in 55 BC. Since then, the Maltese dog has been firmly rooted in the hearts of European aristocrats.

The Maltese is considered the oldest show breed, which has taken prizes for many years in a row. These incredibly beautiful dogs were first shown to the public in 1862 in London, and in 1877 in New York.

It was believed that the most purebred and beautiful representatives of this breed lived in France at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, the Queen of Scotland ordered dogs from this country. According to legend, a Maltese dog accompanied its owner until her death. After Mary was beheaded, a faithful Maltese was found under her skirt.

The Maltese was a favorite of Britain's Queen Victoria. In 1841, a gift of two dogs was intended for the royal person. During a sea voyage from the Philippines, their fur became very tangled and dirty, so the captain did not dare to present the gift, but gave them to his brother. Having experience in keeping mastiffs, the breeder concentrated his attention on a new object. Subsequently, he managed to form several generations of Maltese, which became the founders of the British, European and American gene pool of these sociable and cheerful dogs.

Despite its long and rich history, in the modern world the most beloved and desired breed continues to be the snow-white Maltese.

Maltese: character and care

The Maltese differs from other dog breeds in its high level of intelligence. Despite the low ability to learn and perceive commands, the Maltese has a good memory and excellent intelligence. A small and fluffy animal was created for love and performs a purely decorative function. Therefore, you should not overload your lapdog with excessive training.

The pet has good intuition and unmistakably senses the mood of its owner. Communication with a pet has a beneficial therapeutic and relaxing effect, since, in fact, the Maltese is the embodiment of goodness and positivity. Their behavior is based on soft and affectionate manners and an intelligent character.

Despite their small size, Maltese dogs are fearless and selfless. In case of the slightest threat, the animal will defend its owner to the last. This behavior is due to genetic predisposition and insane devotion to its owner. Any sudden or loud noise can provoke a defensive reaction and cause a loud and impressive bark from your cute Maltese.


The Maltese is cheerful and energetic. She is characterized by curiosity and a passion for adventure. At its core, he is a restless optimist who energizes everyone around him. The dog is very sociable. She even treats strangers, the owner’s guests and everyone who is positively minded with affection and kindness. He easily finds a common language with other animals in the house, regardless of their breed and size. Getting to know a cat usually goes smoothly, although sometimes the Maltese may become displeased.

Features of care

Wool is a distinctive feature that the Maltese breed has. The Maltese requires careful and daily care, which includes combing, washing and trimming. To do this, you will need several types of combs (with rare and frequent teeth), a rubber brush, special shampoos and rinses.

Combing must be done regularly. The most optimal regimen is every day. Particular attention should be paid to the groin area, since the hair in this area is thin and thick. You need to start combing from the chest, belly and paws, and you need to be as careful as possible, since the comb can damage the delicate skin of your pet. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to spray the wool with a special antistatic agent.

Haircuts should be carried out at least once every 10-14 weeks. It is better to entrust this to a professional groomer.

It is advisable to bathe the Maltese once every two weeks, but more frequent washing is allowed. Before bathing, the dog needs to be brushed. To perform water procedures, you need to purchase special products at a pet store. After washing, the Maltese should be blotted with a towel, but under no circumstances should it be rubbed. You can dry the wool using warm air. A hairdryer is ideal for these purposes.

It is recommended to trim the fur between the toes once every two weeks. This must be done carefully, since their paws are very tiny. After each meal, wash the fur near the mouth, otherwise it will lose its natural shade.

Ear control is equally important. It is necessary to clean the ears with cotton swabs. Periodically, you need to remove the hair that has grown in your ears with scissors. Maltese often suffer from a variety of eye diseases, so the eyes should be washed with special lotions and wiped with a napkin as often as possible.

You should brush your teeth every day using baby toothpaste or meat-flavored toothpaste for your Maltese.

Maltese: description of the dog breed

Maltese is a type. This is an ornamental animal that has no sporting inclinations and is difficult to train. The body length of the Maltese exceeds the height at the withers. The body has a narrow and elongated shape. The head, tail, paws and body are covered on all sides with long, thick and snow-white hair.

The weight of representatives of this elegant breed ranges from 2.9 to 4 kg. Height:

  • males - 20.3-25.5 cm;
  • females - 17.7-22.8 cm.

The only possible conditions of detention are living in an apartment. City apartments of any type and size are ideal for this unpretentious breed. Maltese do not need walking. For the toilet, you can purchase a special tray, which the Maltese dog can easily learn to use. Customer reviews characterize the Maltese as a devoted companion; it should be near the owner. Therefore, it is better to place the sleeping place in close proximity to your own.

Maltese need fresh air. Try to walk your pet more often and ventilate the apartment. Beware of drafts, as even a common cold can kill an animal. Keep your Maltese dog's sleeping area out of direct sunlight, and hide all wires and sharp objects.


Where to buy Maltese? The Maltese dog, the price of which depends on many factors, is now available to everyone. Before purchasing a puppy, you should choose a trusted kennel with good reviews. The cost of representatives of snow-white animals consists of aggregate data on exterior indicators, pedigree, breeding value and parental titles. The Maltese (Maltese) is a dog whose price varies from 25 to 60 thousand rubles.

There is no single Maltese breed standard in the world that determines the purity of the breed. There are 3 versions in total, and although they have a lot in common, there are still differences; for convenience, we have listed them in a table.

In Russia, the standard of the International Canine Club (FCI standard) has been adopted, and they are also judged according to the UK Kennel Club standard (KC standard) and the American Kennel Club standard (AKC standard).
In our opinion, the Maltese has 4 main characteristics in the description of the breed, according to which the judges form a certain impression of your dog:

  • Expression
  • Wool condition
  • Stand in profile
  • Movements

The expression consists of the correct proportions of the skull, the location of the eyes, their shape and color (eyes that are too close or too far away from the nose dramatically change the overall picture of the expression).

  • Characteristic

    FCI Maltese breed standard - Fédération Cynologique Internationale

    Maltese breed standard according to AKC - American Kennel Club

    KC Maltese breed standard - UK Kennel Club

    Height at withers

    Weight: 3-4 kg. Male: 21-25 cm, Females: 20-23 cm.

    Weight:< 3,18 кг, оптимально: 1,82 - 2,72 кг. Но качество и тип собаки ставятся выше, чем размеры.

    Height< 25,4 см.

    Scissor-shaped, full.

    Scissor or straight.

    Scissor-shaped, full.


    The edges of the eyes, lips, as well as the nose and paw pads are black; claws black or dark; darkly pigmented skin around the eyes; skin with dark pigment spots.

    The edges of the eyes, lips, nose and paw pads are black.

    The edges of the eyes, lips, as well as the nose and paw pads are black; darkly pigmented skin around the eyes.

    No undercoat. Dense, shiny, silky, falling in a continuous mass to the floor. Straight, without curls or waves.

    No undercoat. Straight, long and silky, falling almost to the ground. No curls or frizz.

    No undercoat. Straight, long and silky. No frizz or frizz.

    Pure white. A pale ivory shade is allowed. Not desirable, but limited shades of very pale orange are possible.

    Pure white. Slightly lemon or tan markings on the ears are acceptable.

    Pure white. Light lemon stains are allowed.

    Round, dark brown, with an attentive and intelligent expression.

    Dark and round. Planted close to each other.

    Dark brown, non-convex and oval.

    Length 6/11 (half) height at withers. Forehead protrusion - 90°.

    Proportional to the size of the dog. The protrusion of the forehead is moderate. The skull is slightly rounded at the top.

    The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the center of the skull.ˆ

    ˆNote: Stop - transition from forehead to muzzle. The center of the skull is the point between the front edges of the ears.

    Requirements for general appearance of the breed standard

    Maltese dogs have a small, elongated body. The coat is white and very long. The head is set proudly, and in terms of overall external indicators, such dogs look very elegant and aristocratic.

    • Proportions required for a pure breed.

    As a general approximation, the length of the body should be one third greater than the height at the withers (WRH). Accordingly, the length of the head should be half the total height of the withers. The back line is straight (down to the base of the tail). The withers are slightly raised. The croup is elongated and quite wide. The chest is spacious and its girth is 2/3 greater than the height measured at the withers. The height at the withers for males ranges from 21 to 25 cm, and for females from 20 to 23 cm (WRH). Weight ranges from 2.9 to 4 kg.

    • Requirements for the shape and proportions of the head.

    The main part of the skull is slightly longer than the muzzle and slightly wider than half the total length of the head. The shape of the skull is oval, with a flat top and weakly defined cheekbones. The frontal protrusion is pronounced, with an angle of 90 degrees.

    • Muzzle.

    The lips are quite thin, with the edges completely black, while the lower and upper lips are “matched” (the mucous membrane is not visible externally). The jaws are of a “normal” type with perfect closure (in purebred individuals, the lower jaw does not protrude forward and coincides with the upper jaw). The jaws have a scissor bite. The teeth are regular in shape and white in color.

    • Eyes.

    The eyes look somewhat large for a dog of this size and have a rounded cut, the color of the iris is dark brown, the edges of the eyelids are painted black. The whites of the eyes, when viewed from the front, are not visible. The eyelids fit fairly tightly to the eyeballs, while the eyes should not appear too bulging or sunken. The look is lively and attentive.

    They are triangular in shape, slightly raised and adjacent to the head. The seating position is high, with a wide base.

    Despite the abundance of hair, the neck should be clearly visible when viewed from behind. The profile of the top line of the neck is curved and its length is approximately half the height of the body at the withers (WRS). A purebred and healthy dog ​​has a straight neck and no noticeable skin folds.

    • Tail.

    It has a high rise, thicker at the base and thinner at the tip. The standard length corresponds to 68%-70% in relation to the height at the withers. In appearance, it forms an arch over the back and the tip of the tail, as a rule, reaches the croup in the area of ​​​​the hip bones. Some curvature of the tail in one direction or another is allowed.

    Requirements for limbs in the breed standard

    • Forelegs

    The legs are straight and fit well to the body. The texture is dry with pronounced bones and not too noticeable muscles. In length (measured from the pads of the paws to the elbow joint), the legs correspond to approximately 55% of the dog's height at the withers (WRH). The bones of the forearms do not have thickenings and move freely. The paws are round in shape with neat, tucked toes. The nails and paw pads are evenly colored black (the nails can be a little lighter, but should still be dark).

    • Hind limbs

    The bones are strong and pronounced. The legs are parallel. The muscles on the thighs are well developed. For the hock joints, the front angles correspond to 140 degrees. The characteristics of the hind paws completely coincide with the characteristics of the front paws.

    • Movement

    • The step is short with a quick rearrangement of limbs. The dog should move smoothly, evenly and without difficulty.

      • Coat

      The coat is shiny, dense, with a silky texture. The wool fibers are long and even, without creating the appearance of waves or individual curls. The fur falls in a continuous mass to the floor and looks like a heavy mantle, tightly fitting to the body. The hair is prevented from breaking into strands and curling into curls. Some curling and braiding are allowed only on the legs (for the front legs - from the paws to the elbow joint, and for the hind legs - from the paws to the knees). There is no undercoat.

      The hair on the head is also long, with the hair on the back of the nose flowing evenly into the hair that forms the beard, and the hair on the tuft flows into the hair growing on the surface of the ears.

      • Color

      Pure white, almost snow-white. Pale shades of ivory and faint orange tones are permitted, but they can give the impression of a dirty and unkempt coat and thus spoil the overall impression of a really good dog.

      The testicles should descend completely into the scrotum and appear normal.

      The most common defects in Maltese

      • Malocclusion;
      • Noticeable bulge on the bridge of the nose;
      • Non-compliance with standard dimensions and weight.

      Possible Reasons for Disqualifying a Maltese

      • Noticeable divergence (pronounced convergence) of the mutual proportions and outlines of the skull and muzzle;
      • Partial loss of pigmentation of the nose (or the nose has a uniform color, but different from black);
      • Absence of a tail (including if the tail is short);
      • Snack;
      • Eyes of different colors;
      • Depigmentation of the edges of the eyelids;
      • The presence of any color other than white (except for the permitted shades), as well as the presence of spots, regardless of their shape and size.

Lapdogs are very small dogs, usually no more than thirty cm. They are distinguished by long, thick, silky hair. They are often white in color. This breed is used only as decorative dogs. For hundreds of years, lapdogs have been ladies' favorites.

There are the following types of lapdogs: Bichon Frize, Havanese Bichon, Bolognese, Maltese, and Russian lapdog (colored).

A dog of this breed can be owned in families with children without any problems. A lap dog will keep the ladies company at a high-society event or on a walk in nature. They can become not only fun for you, but also a member of the family, brightening up your everyday life with their cheerful disposition and inexhaustible energy. People of any age can become happy owners of these furry friends and get a lot of positive emotions.

Bolonki have a round head. The skull is flat in shape. And the transition from the muzzle to the frontal zone is sharp. The nose is straight. The front part of the muzzle is almost square in shape. The nose is quite large and black in color. The eyes are large and round in shape. Has a black rim around the eyelids. The lapdog's ears are long, hanging on cartilage. They are set quite high.

Dogs of this breed have a square body. At the same time, the neck is dry. The chest is wide and the ribs are slightly convex. The back of dogs of this breed is straight, but the croup is quite wide and straight-shaped. The stomach is tucked. Dogs of this breed have rather short legs that are set parallel. The paws are oval in shape, with almost black pads and claws.

The tail of lapdogs is thrown quite strongly over the back. The fur is long. The color is delicate, snow-white. White with additional shades and spots are undesirable and not allowed.

History of the origin of the lapdog

The Maltese (Maltese dog) is perhaps the most popular breed of lap dog in the world. An ancient breed of dog, which was known in ancient times. I would like to note that figurines of these dogs dating back to the eighth century BC were found in Egyptian pyramid tombs. Since time immemorial, lap dogs have been considered a symbol of good wealth and prosperity in general. Today, debates are still ongoing about which country should be considered the homeland of these dogs. Three countries claim this right: China, Malta and the Philippines. The Maltese is an incredibly cheerful dog, distinguished by its particular sprightliness, love of life and agility, it is covered with long, flowing, straight, luxurious white hair, which goes well with black eyes and lip lobes. It is necessary to regularly care for your pet’s coat. Comb it with special brushes. The good news is that this breed of lapdogs is very hardy and unpretentious.

The Maltese is content with short walks. Long walks are also very acceptable. Having a special coat, the lapdog can only live in a house or apartment. The average life expectancy of this breed is fifteen years. The history of the Maltese dog in Russia most likely begins during the offensive of Napoleon's troops. After the Russian-French war, several dogs of this breed remained in Russia. And as a result, a small population of “French lapdogs” appeared. During that period, of course, crossings of lapdogs with local breeds took place, but the long hair with hair on the limbs and muzzle remained unchanged.

The basis of Russian colored lapdogs are mixed breeds of apsos, oriental shih tzus, poodles and Pekingese. Thus, a group of lapdogs with white wool was bred, which in 1997 were added to the Italian Bolognese breed, and colorful lapdogs, which were identified in a separate group, which was designated as the “Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka”.

The most popular colors of colored lapdogs are cream, black, brown, fawn. Much less common are tan, gray of varying color intensity and bright red color.

Breed standard for lapdogs

Since there are quite a few varieties of lapdogs, we will consider the most popular of them - the Russian lapdog. Due to their similarity, all lapdog breeds have very similar breed standards.

General appearance of the dog:

a strong, small, slightly stretched dog, of very harmonious build. Thanks to the abundant wool, it looks elegant.

Features of animal behavior:

agile, balanced and friendly.

Lapdog head:

medium size, proportional to the general build, the cranial part is rounded, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead is well defined. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull. The color of the tightly fitting lips and nose is black or to match the color.

Dog ears:

They are medium in size and hang on the ear cartilage. Set rather high, the tips of the ears lie close to the head.

Lapdog eyes:

medium size, roundish, dark, erect. The eyelids are dry and thin, black or matching color, tightly fitting.


white, small size. Has a scissor bite. Overshot and direct bite are allowed.


has an average length. She is dry and tall.


has a compact size. The withers are not too pronounced. Dogs of this breed have a very strong and muscular back. The loin is short but slightly arched. The rounded croup is slightly wide. The broad chest is moderately rather long. The stomach is slightly tucked.


of medium length, lying on the side or on the back, set high.


straight. They are parallel and have the correct shape. The angle of the shoulder-scapula joint is about one hundred degrees. Strong pasterns are almost vertical, and elbows are directed back. The paws are tightly knit, arched and slightly oval.

The hind and forelimbs are straight. The hind legs are set wider than the front legs. The angles of the articulations of the knee joints are well defined. The hock joints have the same characteristics as the stifles.


very light. Movement: free and smooth.


The dog's thick coat is quite long and shiny. It prevents the formation of a parting on the back. The undercoat is very well developed. It is also interesting that the muzzle has a well-developed beard and mustache.


can be any solid. Almost all dark colors are allowed. The exception is white color. Its presence in Russian lap dogs is not allowed. It is also very undesirable to have white spots on a dog’s toes. Any deviations from the described norms are considered separately depending on the frequency and degree of their severity.

Disqualifying defects are:

cryptorchidism, underbite, lack of necessary hair on the face or white markings that occupy more than twenty percent of the total coat.

Care and feeding of lap dogs

The lapdog is a typical indoor dog. She needs daily walks. And on top of that, the lapdog really doesn’t like to be left alone. Your pet's fur should be brushed daily. This is a very clean, and most importantly, non-shedding dog. You should bathe your lapdog no more than once every thirty days. For dogs participating in exhibitions, special coat preparation is desirable.

Caring for a Russian lapdog is much simpler and easier than other breeds. The animal's coat only needs to be washed periodically and professional cosmetics for dogs should be used. But you need to brush your lapdog several times a week to prevent the fur from getting tangled.

To the general regret of lovers of dwarf breeds, small sizes are sometimes associated with insufficient development of the tear ducts. And because of this, such dogs often have leaky eyes. The fluid that prevents the eyes from drying out often causes red spots on the dog's face. On a colored lap dog such smudges are almost invisible. White colored dogs are considered a manifestation of albinism, i.e. this tells us about the animal’s weakened immune system. Therefore, all foreign breeds of lapdogs, in any case, must have a black or dark nose. The presence of a dominant gene in a dog's pigmentation lets us know that the dog's health is fine.

A colored Russian lap dog may have a nose that is the same color as its overall body color. Colored lap dogs are completely unpretentious in food. According to the physiological condition and age of the animal, the owner will have to decide what kind of food to feed his pet.

If the lapdog is less than two months old, then feeding it with mother's milk or store-bought milk is sufficient. Then, be sure to switch the puppy to a more nutritious diet. It is very important to take into account the characteristics characteristic of this group of dogs. Up to four months of age, dogs experience incredibly intense things. During this growth period, feed your puppy at least six times a day. Plus, make sure that your lapdog always has clean, fresh water, this is especially important if the dog eats dry food.

After four months and up to six months, the puppy should be switched to three meals a day. This needs to be done gradually. One-year-old dogs and older, when physical development in dwarf breeds stops, the animal should be fed twice a day - in the morning and evening. If you feed your pet dry food, then do it following the clear recommendations on the packaging, and under no circumstances overfeed the animal. It is very important! Modern dry food contains the necessary substances, microelements and vitamins for the normal development of your lapdog, so there is no point in purchasing additional nutritional supplements.

If you are a supporter of only natural nutrition, then you should definitely include chicken and turkey meat in your lapdog’s diet. Beef and sea fish are also very healthy. These products should only be given cut into small pieces. Never feed your dog raw meat. Otherwise, there is a possibility of infection with worms, which can subsequently lead to various problems and diseases. For breakfast, prepare your pet a low-fat curd mixture with kefir. You can also cook buckwheat or rice porridge for your dog. If you wish, you can add vegetable oil to the porridge. Then your pet's coat will be smooth and silky. It is necessary to take into account that with natural nutrition it is necessary to saturate the animal’s food with certain minerals, which can be bought at any pet store. Supplement your dog's diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes you can pamper your pet. There are also special cookies for dogs that can be given to your lapdog periodically as a treat.

By getting this wonderful animal, you can get a true, loyal friend with whom you will not get bored. But at the same time, do not forget that you are obliged to monitor the health of your pet.

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka is a breed of small, decorative dogs of Russian selection, distinguished by a beautiful, silky coat of solid colors, not recognized by the FCI.

The creators of the breed managed to breed an excellent companion dog: kind, intelligent, affectionate, devoid of aggression and endlessly devoted to the owner.

History of the breed

The Tsvetnaya lapdog is a relatively young breed, the origin of which began in post-war Leningrad. At that time, small, cute dogs were brought to the city without any pedigree, the distinctive feature of which was a pleasant exterior and thick silky hair.

The dogs were crossed with the French lapdog, Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso, as a result of which, by culling white individuals, it was possible to obtain a completely new breed with spectacular, solid colors and a very elegant appearance.

The breed standard was created in 1964, and 2 years later it was approved by the VKS. At the end of the last century, the popularity of dogs was growing rapidly, clubs and nurseries were being created throughout the country, and despite the non-recognition of the FCI, Germans, Czechs and other representatives of neighboring countries were happy to buy colored lapdogs.

Description of the breed

The muzzle of a Russian colored lapdog.

The colored lapdog is a compact dog of almost square format with a neat, round head and abundant, silky hair that beautifully covers the entire body.

Body type

The dog's moderately wide body is stretched quite a bit, and the length of the body is 15% greater than the height at the withers. The topline is level and straight, the loin is short, the croup is round and muscular. The chest is oval, spacious, reaching the lower part to the elbows.

The front and hind legs are proportional to the body, level, with a moderately wide, parallel set. Pasterns and metatarsals are strong and vertical. The front legs are slightly larger than the hind legs, the toes are tightly packed, the claws and pads are dark. Dogs move easily and freely.

The high-set tail curls over the lower back, sometimes in the shape of a ring with the tip pressed to the back. From base to end it is densely covered with hair.

The height at the withers of individuals of both sexes is about 26 cm, and body weight varies between 3-4 kg. Height above 28 cm is a disqualifying defect.

Head and muzzle

The neck of the colored lapdog is slender and muscular, crowned with a rounded, convex head, in harmony with the general build of the dog. The expression of the muzzle is playful and very pretty.

The length of the muzzle is slightly more than a third of the length of the head. The cheekbones are slightly rounded, the bridge of the nose is straight, with a black or very dark, well-pigmented bridge. The teeth are white, even, with a scissor or level bite, although the standard allows progeny (underbite) without waste.

The eyes of the colored lap dog are round, dark brown, with a kind and cheerful look. The ears are triangular with rounded tips, hanging on strong cartilage.

Coat and color

The colored lapdog has a very rich and impressive coat: a long, silky “fur coat” covers the entire body of the dog with large curls or a light wave. The guard hair is dense and heavy, the undercoat is well developed. The absence of undercoat, as well as straight and fine hair, are considered obvious faults.

The color of a colored lapdog must be any solid color, with the exception of white; spotting is also unacceptable. White markings may appear on the toes and chest.

Russian colored lapdog: character traits

The popularity of the colored lapdog is explained simply: these dogs are created to decorate the life of their owners not only with their pretty appearance, but also to brighten up the life of a lonely person with selfless devotion and inexhaustible energy.

It doesn’t matter at what age the dog was adopted: both a very tiny puppy and a fully grown puppy adapt equally well to a new environment, quickly adapt to the family and become the best friends for any animals and children.

Despite their miniature format, colored lapdogs do not spend their entire lives on the couch; to maintain health, these active dogs need walks and active games.

Without serious genetic diseases, miniature pets live for at least 15 years, and with proper care, surrounded by love and care, they can live much longer.

Photos of Russian colored lapdog puppies

The photo shows a Russian colored lapdog puppy named Cossack (7 weeks old).

The Russian Tsvetnoy lapdog is a dog whose charming appearance is combined with a good-natured character; she looks like a nice toy, but inside she has a warm, kind heart. Naturally, these animals cannot leave anyone indifferent, and today the number of lovers of this breed is steadily increasing. What are the characteristics of such a pet and who is recommended to get a lapdog puppy?

Almost all breeds bred by Russian breeders are working dogs - hunting, service, and sled dogs. As for decorative species, this direction has practically not attracted the attention of professionals.

Nevertheless, interest in dwarf breeds arose after the Patriotic War, but very few miniature representatives were imported into the country. This further fueled interest in tiny pets, and, despite the scarcity of available individuals and their poor quality, work began on the formation of a new breed.

In 1951, the first offspring were obtained from 2 lap dogs - a white male Trifon, who came from Hungary, and a coffee girl Zhu-Zhu, this was the only black puppy. Then the blood of other decorative breeds was added - Maltese, Shih Tzu, Lhaso Apso, etc.

At the end of the 50s, it was possible to obtain the same type of livestock, which earned the status of a separate breed group. But, despite the emergence of the National Breed Club, the Russian colored lapdog did not receive international recognition.

Description of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka breed

The representative of the breed is a small, fluffy, compact dog with a square body. He has an amazing temperament and is very people oriented. The standard contains the following description of the Russian colored lapdog:

  1. Head small, proportional to the body, with a rounded forehead, the back of the head and brow ridges are not pronounced. The muzzle is shortened, neat, with a straight bridge of the nose and a small nose, pigmented black. In individuals with light fur, it may be brown in color.
  2. The lips fit tightly, the teeth are small, creating a correct “scissor” bite; the standard allows for a slight overbite or underbite, just so that there is no gap.
  3. Eyes round in shape, large, with brown irises and eyelids, pigmented to match the coat; convexity is not characteristic of them.
  4. Ears triangular, with rounded tips, located high. They hang down, adjacent to the cheekbones, are covered with long hair, and are a real decoration of the breed.
  5. Torso average, with lean muscles and high set. The body is square in shape, slightly stretched. The back is shortened, straight, and goes into a short lumbar region, slightly protruding.
  6. The croup is well muscled, round in shape, with a slight slope. The chest is oval, well developed. The belly line is slightly adjusted.
  7. The forelegs are slightly wider set than the hindquarters, with muscular thighs set at an angle and dry hocks.
  8. Paws oval, arched, medium-sized, the rear ones are smaller than the front ones. The pads are strong, like the claws, and darkly pigmented.
  9. Tail rolled into a ring, located high, covered along the entire length with abundant, long guard hair. The tip is placed behind the back.

Coat and colors

The coat of Russian lapdogs is thick and beautiful; according to the standard, it is desirable that it be wavy, but not curly. It consists of two layers - long guard hair and abundant, dense undercoat. The hair is not adjacent to the skin, fluffy, has a shine in appearance, and feels like silk to the touch.

Colors are not particularly limited; any shade except white is allowed. Rare are individuals with pure black and deep brown fur. It is very difficult for breeders to achieve offspring with this coloration, which makes them the most desirable. Light spots are allowed in the area of ​​the chest and limbs.


Once in the house, such a pet almost immediately becomes a favorite among almost all family members. These dogs really know how to win people over. They retain their puppy playfulness throughout their lives, making them ideal for families with children. But you should forget about peace - joint games will be very noisy and infectiously fun.

You should not think that a lapdog is an elegant, weak creature; the dog is capable of accompanying its owner during long walks, for this it has enough activity and endurance. In general, you can take your baby out into nature, jogging, or traveling. These animals tolerate transportation well and will be happy to be close to their family.

Russian colored lapdogs are highly intelligent; they pick up on people's moods and intuitively understand how to behave. Single people or elderly couples can get a puppy of this breed - the dog will become a wonderful friend - gentle and affectionate.

The dog becomes very attached to his family members and experiences separation acutely. Naturally, he loves his owner and household members and needs reciprocal feelings.

Some miniature dogs are not suitable for large, noisy families, but this is not the case with lapdogs. Such a pet will be happy to become part of such a community, especially since he loves communication, children, affection and is not averse to being in the center of events.

If you leave your pet alone for a long time, he will become sad and may even begin to harm - not out of malice, just to drown out the melancholy. Often, a long absence of communication leads to animal diseases of a psychosomatic nature.

Like other decorative pets designed to be companions, Russian lapdogs have a playful, gentle character and are friendly towards people. They are very attached to humans, but unobtrusive. If the owner is not in the mood for communication, the dog will calmly sit nearby, but will not bother or distract.

Education and training

Decorative dogs most often do not need special training, but the pet still needs to be raised - the dog must know its place in the family and be able to ask to go outside. The owner should allocate an area for resting, feeding and introduce the pet to them.

The lapdog cannot be called a quiet animal; the spirit of a protector often awakens in it, and it begins to bark at everything that seems dangerous to it or poses a threat. Therefore, the pet should be made to understand that barking without serious reasons is bad manners, as is damaging any property, be it wallpaper or the owner’s slippers.

Being alone, the dog can allow himself too much, causing a real mess. Such behavior should under no circumstances be encouraged, as it may become the norm. Of course, we are not talking about severe punishments with physical violence, but it would not be superfluous to convey a message in a strict tone. The lapdog is a smart animal; it will immediately understand its mistakes and will try not to relax in this way again.

How to care for a lapdog

Caring for a lapdog is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. The dog practically does not shed and does not have a specific dog smell, which can be attributed to the advantages of this breed. It is enough to comb the fur of such a pet once every 2-3 days. If you choose the right brush, the procedure will be a pleasant pastime for both the dog and the owner.

Bath your lapdog once every 2-3 weeks; if you do this more often, the condition of the coat and skin can worsen significantly. You should use special detergents suitable for this type of wool. Exhibition animals should additionally purchase conditioners, balms, waxes, etc.

Experts advise first wrapping your pet in a towel to remove excess moisture, and then drying it with a hairdryer. The fur of lapdogs creates very long bangs, which are recommended to be pulled back into a ponytail with an elastic band. This gives the pet’s appearance a certain chic, and allows owners to purchase various cute accessories for their four-legged friend.

The owner should pay special attention to the dog’s eyes - they must be regularly examined and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or antiseptic liquid. Don’t forget about the mandatory hygiene procedures that all dogs need:

  • cleaning the ears - use a cotton pad to remove dirt and excess wax;
  • teeth cleaning – carried out 2-3 times a week, using a special product and a brush;
  • trimming nails - use a nail clipper; it is enough to do this once every 1-2 months.

With proper care, the dog will be cheerful and healthy, infecting the owner with positivity.

Breed diseases

On average, representatives of the breed live 10-12 years. Considering that both pedigree dogs and mixed breeds were used to develop the breed, it is not surprising that Russian colored lapdogs are practically not susceptible to hereditary diseases and genetic disorders.

But, like other dogs, they can develop dangerous canine diseases such as canine distemper or rabies. Therefore, these small pets should be vaccinated against various viral and bacterial infections and the pet should undergo regular veterinary examinations.

Features of feeding

Good nutrition is the key to a long and healthy life, so this aspect should be given special attention. It doesn’t matter whether the owner chooses to feed natural food or commercial feed, the food must be nutritious and balanced. It is advisable to select a suitable dry diet from super or super-premium brands, always taking into account the age and size of the pet.

If the owner prepares a pet’s menu from natural products, then it is important to know that the main food for dogs is meat and offal; they make up up to 75% of the total portion. The rest consists of fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Lap dogs love quail eggs, but they are given no more than 2 times a week and no more than 2 pieces at a time.

Puppies are fed often - 5-6 times, gradually reducing the number of meals. For adult pets, it is enough to give food twice a day - in the morning and evening. After a meal, you should not immediately take your dog outside; it is important to give him 30-40 minutes to rest.

If their owners behave incorrectly, these cuties turn into masterful beggars. You cannot treat the dog from your table and warn guests that the dog with a plaintive, pleading look is not at all hungry. All lap dogs, including Russian Coloreds, should not be given foods containing chocolate, as it is a strong allergen.

Representatives of this breed are exclusively indoor pets, intended to live next to humans. You should not rely on the natural health of your pet and place its bed in a place with drafts or near the entrance doors.

The lap dogs are walked 2-3 times a day, and owners also have the opportunity to train their miniature friend to use the litter tray. But even if the dog relieves himself at home, you should not deprive him of walks - an important moment of socialization. He must waste his energy, communicate with his brothers and other people.

Photo of Russian colored lapdog

Video about the Russian colored lapdog

Where to buy a puppy

The Russian colored lapdog has a lot of positive qualities, but the breed is not very common, and if you want to buy such a pet, problems may arise. Nurseries engaged in breeding Russian colored lapdogs:

  • "Denlin", Moscow
  • "Elmirada", Moscow

It is best to seek help from a nursery that breeds this breed. You should be more careful - if a seller offers puppies of several dozen breeds, then most likely we are talking about a commercial enterprise interested solely in profit, and not in the quality of offspring.

The second option is a private breeder; preference should be given to experienced people who know all the nuances of the breed and have a good reputation. When purchasing a puppy at a poultry market or from a random seller, a person risks, at best, getting a mixed breed, and at worst, a sick animal with abnormalities.

It’s worth visiting the seller, personally assessing the living conditions of the animals, and looking at the baby’s parents. Professional breeders take seriously the culling of individuals unsuitable for mating, this increases the chances of obtaining healthy, strong offspring. If mom or dad has any defect, then in most cases it is passed on to the puppies.

A lapdog is not a guard, watchman or hunter, this dog is for the soul, so when choosing, you should be guided by your own feelings. Often the owner recognizes “his” pet at first sight. However, if the owner intends for the pet to have a subsequent exhibition career, it is very important that the dog meets the standard requirements and does not have even the slightest deviations. In this case, it is worth considering show-class individuals.

The cost of puppies varies significantly: for a baby without documents you will have to pay from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles; with a pedigree, the price can be much higher.

Nice, kind, funny - Russian colored lapdogs captivate at first sight. And the fact that the breed is rare makes it even more interesting. But it’s worth buying such a small dog just to love, groom and cherish him.